Dear new students
In this brochure you will find the most important information regarding your Orientation Week
(25th of August- 29th of August). The brochure contains:
- A programme for your Orientation Week as BA Minor (tilvalg), International
Communication in English (ICE) and BA students
- Information about the parties and gatherings during the Orientation Week
- Information about exchange and student counselling
- A map showing where you will meet us the first day
- Links for our own webpage and other useful webpages.
We will be your head tutors and along with all the other amazing tutors we look forward to
welcoming you to the Department of English.
Orientation Week is our way of introducing you to the study of English at Aarhus University (AU),
your fellow students, your seminar group, the university campus, and student life in Aarhus. The
programme for the week is full of fun events, team building exercises, and informative
presentations from English’s wonderful teachers and student organisations.
If you are a BA Minor or ICE student, please note the special programme we have created in order for
you to be able to only attend the parts of the programme that are useful to you.
The tutor group is here to help you and will be happy to answer all of your questions during the
first week, the first semester, and even the first year (and beyond)! If there is anything you want to
know that you cannot find the answer to in this program, in Journey to the Center of the World –
A Guide to the Department of English, or on the AU website, feel free to contact us via our e-mail
address [email protected] or on our phones (at a decent time of day).
We can’t wait to meet you! Hugsies from
Anne Sophie Meyer Alice Sahinkuye
Astrid Harboe
Peter Milo
Silas Holm
Tlf: 28 43 50 37
Tlf: 42 39 93 30
Tlf: 28 45 69 96
Tlf: 29 60 13 69
Tlf: 20 26 47 24
Mandag d. 24. August
Kl. 09.00: Registration begins in Nobelsalen (build. 1485 – room 123)
Kl. 10.00: Chair, Department of English, Jody Pennington, welcomes new students
Kl. 10.30: Premiere of Tutor Film
Kl. 10.45: Students will be split into teams for an orientation race
Kl. 11.00: LUNCH BREAK
Kl. 11.30: Orientation Race – meet up in teams in Nobelsalen
Kl. 14.00-15.00: Assembly in Nobelsalen and meet your Seminar Group
Kl. 19.00: Chill out at Old Irish Pub, Kannikegade 10
*Tirsdag den 25. August
Kl. 10.00: Presentations from Studenterhus Århus, Studenterråd, Dansk Magisterforening, Studenterpræsten,
Au Career, UFU/SN and Organisationer v. Engelsk in Nobelsalen (buil. 1485 – room 123)
Kl. 12.30: Studievejledning
Kl. 13.00-15.00: Seminar Groups
Kl. 18.00 Dinner and party at Stakladen, Studenterhus Århus, Nordre Ringgade 3 (IMPORTANT: You need to
sign up for the party by the 19th of August - See the information on page 5)
* Only BA students meet this day. However, the party in the evening is for BA-minor and ICE students as
well as BA students.
Onsdag den 26. August
Kl. 10.00: Breakfast with your Seminar Group
Kl. 13.00-15.00: Brain Box 1 and Film Screening in build. 1343- room 275
*Torsdag den 27. August
Kl. 09.00: Brain Box 1 continued & 2 in Nobelsalen (build. 1485 – room 123)
Kl. 10.40: Break
Kl. 11.00: Brain Box 3
Kl. 12.10: LUNCH BREAK
Kl. 12.40: Aaannnd the winner is… !
Kl. 13.00-15.00: Chill out in Esperanto (build. 1484 – room 134)
*Separate program for ICE and BA Minor
Kl. 11.00-12.00: Meet your teachers + student council (build. 1451 – room 219) (ICE)
Kl. 13.00-13.30: Studievejledning in Nobelsalen (build. 1485 – room 123) (BA Minor)
Kl. 13.00-15.00: Chill out in Esperanto (build. 1484 – room 134) (ICE + BA Minor)
*Fredag den 28. August
Kl. 09.00: Exchange Box w. Ann Carroll-Bøgh and students abroad in Nobelsalen (build. 1485 – room 123)
Kl. 10.00-12.00: Library and IT introductions in Seminar Groups
Kl. 12.00-12.30: Finished for the day in Nobelsalen (build. 1485 – room 123)
* Only BA students meet this day. However, the party in the evening is for BA-minor and ICE students as
well as BA students.
Kl. 20.00-02.00: Friday ‘God Save the Queen’ theme party build. 1482 – room 149
Foto: Jesper Rais / AU Kommunikation
Information about the party on Tuesday, August 25th
Tuesday evening in the RUS-week at 18.00 there will be a big party at Stakladen (Studenterhus Århus, Nordre
Ringgade 3). Both BA students and BA Minor/ICE are invited to dinner and a following party. Since we need
to order the food in advance, we need to know if you are coming to the party by the 19th of August. You sign
up by transferring 125 kr. for dinner and writing your full name in the commentary of the transaction. The
money should be transferred to the following account:
Reg.: 1551
Konto: 10614074
If you do not eat chicken, please write VEGETAR in the commentary field of the transaction as well as your
full name. If you have been accepted to English Studies after the 19th of August and wish to join dinner, please
send us an e-mail as soon as possible, then we might be able to figure something out
([email protected]).
Information about the party on Friday, August 28th
As a part of the Orientation Week we, the head tutors and tutors, will throw you a big welcome party with the
theme “God Save the Queen”. As this is a dress up party, we will all be there in our interpretation of kings and
queens. It can range from Freddy Mercury impersonations to whomever you wish to see on the Iron Throne.
Think out of the box and come as Caesar, the Lion King or King Lear, only your imagination is the limit! We
will serve drinks and beer at student-friendly prices (please bring change!) and open the floor for all your
amazing dance moves. At the end of the party, we will coronate the best dressed King and Queen, so be
creative! The party will start at 20:00 and it will take place in Klub.Ling in Nobel (Jens Chr. Skous Vej). Take
the chance and dress up as Prince Harry’s future wife – or one of the less fortunate wives of Henry the VIII –
and explore your inner royalty
Anglia’s “RUS” Reception for new students at the Department of English on September 9
We a t Anglia look forward to welcoming you to the Department of English at our RUS reception. You will
see in your course schedules that there is a reception for all the new students at the Department of
English (BA, BA Minor, and International Communication in English). All students are expected to
attend the reception which is on September 9th. H e r e you will meet the staff of the
D e p a r t m e n t o f English while hanging out with your fellow students. They will tell you about
their research as well as a little something about themselves and you will have the opportunity
to get to know them on a more personal level.
From Friday the 9th to Sunday the 11th of October the legendary English RUS-tur will take place, and
everybody is invited: BA-students as well as Tilvalg and ICE. We have planned an exciting weekend with
activities during the day and parties in the evening!
On Saturday we have organised an orientation race, and for this you will be required to wear a costume fitting
to the theme TIME TRAVEL. Whether this is going back or forward depends only on you !
The busses will leave from Nobelparken at 15.00 Friday and return to Nobelparken at 13.00 Sunday.
The cost of this amazing trip is 300 kr. and this amount has to be paid before the 3rd of September. Please
transfer the money to:
Reg.: 1551
Konto: 10614074
It is very important that you write your full name in the commentary field. If you are a vegetarian, please add
”VEGETAR” after your full name.
Remember to bring:
Sheets for a mattress and a sleeping bag
TIME TRAVEL costume for Saturday
Cash for the bar (preferably coins)
Warm and practical clothes
Studying Abroad
Studying Abroad is an integral part of the fourth semester of your English BA programme. You can choose
between English partner universities within Europe, primarily in England, Ireland and Wales or overseas at
locations such as Canada, USA, Australia or New Zealand. Going on exchange means that you do not have to
pay tuition fee and there will also be grants available to help support travel expenses to you host university.
English has a large number of incoming exchange students each semester, many of whom may be attending
the same classes as you so feel free to chat with them about their home campuses. You can also volunteer to
be a Buddy for some of these students at a later stage during your studies. Information meetings about study
abroad for the 2016 semester will already take place during October and November this year so you will have
lots of time to prepare…and pack. Here are some useful links while you wait.
Grib chancen…rejs ud!
Ann Carroll Bøgh, International Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]
Hvad kan du bruge studievejledningen til?
Studievejledningen er et tilbud til dig. Et tilbud om rådgivning, vejledning og støtte til afklaring af
spørgsmål og situationer.
Det primære formål er at vejlede dig som studerende om forhold, der relaterer til dit studieforløb i
bredeste forstand. Det kan vedrøre studiemæssige spørgsmål som f.eks. eksamen,
studieplanlægning, udlandsophold, dispensationer m.m. samt spørgsmål af mere personlig
Intet er for småt, og intet er for stort for studievejledningen, og der er principielt ingen grænser for,
hvilke spørgsmål man kan bringe op i vejledningen. Selvfølgelig er der områder og spørgsmål, som
studievejledningen ikke kan eller skal hjælpe dig med, men vi kan som regel hjælpe dig med at finde
ud af, hvor du i så fald skal gå hen.
Studievejledningens væsentligste principper:
− Du bestemmer, hvad der er vigtigt for dig at tale med os om.
− Vi er her for dig. Brug os som en naturlig del af dit studieforløb.
− Studievejledningen er ofte hjælp til selvhjælp.
− Studievejlederne har tavshedspligt.
− Afbryd ikke dit studie, før du har talt med en studievejleder.
− Vi er ikke de eneste, der kan vejlede dig, men vi er de eneste, der er ansat udelukkende
med det formål.
I studievejledningen afholder vi jævnligt årgangsmøder om studievalg, udlandsophold,
jobbevidsthed, karrierevalg og meget mere. Vi opfordrer altid til, at I deltager i vores arrangementer,
da der gives viden, der er vigtig for jeres uddannelse.
På 1. semester vil der være følgende arrangementer, som I allerede nu gerne må notere jer:
Førsteårsmøde: At være universitetsstuderende (september)
Oplæg som skal klæde dig som ny studerende på til universitetslivet. Du vil få en introduktion til
studieordning, studiestruktur, regler, eksamens- og undervisningstilmelding, studieportalen mm.
Studiegruppefacilitering (september)
Workshop om det gode studiegruppearbejde for nye BA-studerende
Infomøde om udveksling (oktober)
Information om udveksling, regler, administrative procedurer og muligheder
Hold altid øje med vores opslag om arrangementer på SLK Studenterforum.
Se venligst: http://studerende.au.dk/studier/fagportaler/arts/kontakt/studievejledere/slk/
Send os en mail på [email protected] – husk at skrive dit årskortnummer og hvilke fag
du studerer i emnefeltet. Jo flere informationer vi får af dig om din studiesituation, jo bedre kan vi
vejlede dig.
All the info needed for your start at
AU’s webpage for the School of
Communication and Culture (SCC).
AU’s webpage for students at Arts.
Almost everything you need to know
as a student to make a good start on
your education. Check this webpage
once a week.
All the buildings on campus The AU
Find app for your smartphone
Apply for SU here
Look and sign up for dormitories in
Change your address, apply for rent
subsidy, and more
Search for your books and check out
the prices.
Important dates
24-28 August
9 September
Orientation Week
“RUS” Reception with the teachers
9-11 October
Hyttetur with your tutors
21 O c t o b e r
Pub-crawl with your tutors
Getting to Jens Chr.Skous Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C: Rejseplanen