Cascading Style Sheets Controlling the Display Of Web Content PHPuse XHTML Why style sheets Javascript Separate structure from presentation HTML files less complex CGI HTML One style sheet for an entire Java site keeps the styling consistent perl across different pages CSS Different users can have different style sheets XML Can have different style sheets for different media (print vs. screen e.g.) PHP CSS Style Sheets XHTML Style sheetsJavascript are used to specify the CGIdocument. presentation style of a web HTML Java Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a perl language for specifying presentation style CSS XML Overseen by W3C PHP Components of CSS XHTML Javascript Style declarations property : value HTML CGI Selectors determine Java which properties are perl assigned to different HTML elements CSS XML Inheritance and cascading rules control what properties affect child elements PHPStyle Rule XHTML selector Javascript { property1 : valueCGI 1; HTML property2 : value Java2; perl… CSS propertyn :XML valuen } h1 {font-size: large; color : #009 } PHP do XHTML Where the rules go? Javascript Separate file (with .css extension) Use <link> element toCGI attach style sheet to HTML html file Java <link rel="stylesheet" perl type="text/css" CSS XML href="myStyle.css" /> In a <style type="text/css> element in the <head> of the HTML document PHP Attached Style Sheet XHTML Javascriptin style.css CGI … HTML Java h2 { font-size: perl CSS XML <html><head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head><body> <h2>… </h2> <h2>… </h2> </body></html> … 150% } PHP Style XHTML Element <html><head>Javascript <style type="text/css">CGI body { font-size: HTML small } Java h1 {font-size: large; color: #009 } perl </style> CSS </head><body> XML <h2>… </h2> </body></html> PHP Selectors XHTML Javascript list of tag names Element: comma-separated CGI can use * to select all elements HTML Class: tag.classname to select all elements Java with class=classname perl CSS Attribute: tag[attr] or XML tag[attr="value"] to select elements with a particular attribute or attribute value PHP More XHTML selectors Javascript Id : #idName to select elements with particularHTML id attribute CGI Contextual: a img Java perl Pseudoclass: :link :active CSS XML :visited :hover Pseudoelement: p:first-letter p:first-line PHPProperties XHTML background -Javascript color, image (with position and repeat) CGI HTML text - color, background color, spacing, alignment, decoration, Java indentation perl borders - color, style, width CSS font - size, style XML margins and padding - each side independently if desired lists - markers PHP Border, Margin, Padding XHTML Javascript Block boxes CGI HTML Java perl CSS Inline boxes XML PHP Sources XHTML Web Design Javascript and Programming by Paul S. Wang CGI Java perl W3 Schools CSS XML and Sanda S. Katila HTML Wikipedia Complete CSS Guide (online version) utorial/index.html PHP favicons XHTML Make a custom icon that shows up in the title Javascript bar of the browser and in the bookmark list. CGI HTML acceptable formats: gif, png, the windows ico Java Put it in your public_html directory perl CSS Add link element(s) to the head element XML <link rel="shortcut icon" Create a 16x16 bit image file href="images/lwp.ico" type="image/xicon" /> <link rel="icon" href="images/lwp.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> HowPHP to make an ico image XHTML Javascript Create a 16x16 image that you can open CGI with gimp (or create it in gimp if you HTML know how) Java perl From gimp, do save as with a .ppm CSS XML extension do ppmtowinicon -output image.ico image.ppm
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