Adgangsbillet SecurityUser Expo 2015
Velkommen til SecurityUser Expo
den 22.–24. september 2015
i Bella Center, København
SecurityUser Expo 2015 – den store, nationale udstilling/messe, der
hvert andet år gennemføres i København. De mange udstillere viser
det sidste nye inden for videoovervågning, integrerede systemer,
IP og netværksløsninger, brandalarmer, tyverialarmer, adgangskontrol,
perimetersikring, biometriske løsninger, mekanisk sikring, låse, port­
telefoner, konsulentydelser m.v.
Konferencer og SecurityUser Banket arrangeres også under messe­
dagene. For mere info og tilmelding besøg
Åbningstider: 22.–23. september 09.00–16.30, 24. september 09.00–15.30.
Adresse: Bella Center (Hal Øst), Center Boulevard 5, 2300 København S.
Vejbeskrivelse til messen: Den finder du på
Arrangør: AR Media International AB i samarbejde med SikkerhedsBranchen.
Entré for besøgende: Forhåndsregistrér dig gratis på
og print din badge. Fagmesse. Børn under 16 år kun sammen med voksen.
Undgå kø ved indgangen!
Forhåndsregistrér dig på
Invitation fra
Den Danske Brancheforening for Sikkerhed og Sikring
Entrance Card SecurityUser Expo 2015
Welcome to SecurityUser Expo,
22th–24th September 2015
at Bella Center in Copenhagen
SecurityUser Expo 2015 – the big national exhibition/show that takes
place every second year in Copenhagen. The exhibitors show their latest
innovations covering Video Surveillance, Integrated Security Solutions,
IP and Network Solutions, Fire Alarms, Intruder Alarms, Access Control,
Perimeter Security, Biometric Solutions, Mechanical Solutions, Locks,
Door and Entry Phones, Security Advisory Services etc.
Conferences and the SecurityUser Banquet are also arranged during
the fair. For more info and to register visit
Opening hours: 22th–23rd Sept. 09.00–16.30, 24th Sept. 09.00–15.30.
Address: Bella Center (East Hall), Center Boulevard 5, 2300 København S, Denmark.
Getting to the fair: Directions can be found at
Organiser: AR Media International AB in cooperation with SikkerhedsBranchen.
Entry for visitors: Pre register for free entry on and
print your badge. Children under 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Avoid queue!
Pre register on
Invitation from
Exhibition Sponsor
Entrance Sponsor
In cooperation with
Den Danske Brancheforening for Sikkerhed og Sikring
Media partners