CURRICULUM VITAE - Herlev Hospital

Date of Birth:
Marital status:
Daniel H. Madsen
Married, two children
Current Position:
Junior Group Leader
Center for Cancer Immune Therapy (CCIT)
Herlev Hospital
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D., The Finsen Laboratory, Rigshopitalet / University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark
Additional research training during a 7-month visit to the laboratory of Ph.D. Thomas Bugge
(Proteases and Tissue Remodeling Section, NIDCR, NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA
M.Sc., Biochemistry, The Finsen Laboratory, Rigshopitalet / University of Copenhagen,
Faculty of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark
B.Sc., Biochemistry, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark
6-month research project (B.Sc. project) as an Erasmus Student, University of Barcelona,
Faculty of Biology, Genetic Department, Barcelona, Spain
Employment History:
2015-present Junior Group Leader, CCIT, Herlev Hospital
2015-present Postdoctoral fellow, Biotech Research and Innovation Centre, University of Copenhagen
Staff Scientist, Proteases and Tissue Remodeling Section, Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Branch,
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Postdoctoral fellow, Proteases and Tissue Remodeling Section, Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer
Branch, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Ph.D. student / Research Associate Scientist, The Finsen Laboratory, Rigshospitalet,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Research Associate Scientist at the Finsen Laboratory, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark,
2007 & 2010 Total of 6-months of paternity leave
Invited Oral Presentations:
Invited Speaker, 2015 Gordon Research Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Newry, ME,
USA, August 2-7
Selected speaker, The Biennial Meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology,
Cleveland, OH, USA, October 12-15
Invited speaker, 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Plasminogen Activation and
Extracellular Proteolysis, Ventura, CA, USA, February 9-14
Selected speaker, 2013 ASCB annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, December 14-18
Invited speaker, The Finsen Laboratory / Biotech Research and Innovation Center (BRIC)
Seminar, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 19
Invited speaker, 2012 Gordon Research Conference on Proteolytic Enzymes & Their Inhibitors,
Lucca, Italy, June 17-22
Invited speaker, Extracellular Matrix and Skeletal Biology Data Club, NIDCR, NIH, Bethesda,
MD, USA, May 22
Selected speaker, 2012 Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar on Plasminogen Activation &
Extracellular Proteolysis, Ventura, CA, USA, February 11-12
Selected speaker, 23rd annual meeting of the Danish Association for Cancer Research,
Charlottenlund, Denmark, May 7
Selected speaker, The Biennial Meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology, San
Diego, CA, USA, December 7-10
Selected speaker, The “FYF Seminar and Poster Competition”, Rigshospitalet, Denmark, May 4
Selected speaker, Xth International Workshop on Molecular & Cellular Biology of Plasminogen
Activation, Potomac, MD, April 9-13
Honors and Awards:
Work published in J. Cell Biol. highlighted in JCB podcast interview
Work published in J. Cell Biol. highlighted in JCB podcast interview
Session co-chair at the ASBMB meeting on Membrane-Anchored Serine Proteases, Potomac,
MD, USA, September 19-22
Discussion Leader, 2012 Gordon-Merck Research Seminar on Proteolytic Enzymes & Their
Inhibitors, Lucca, Italy, June 16-17
Discussion Leader, 2012 Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar on Plasminogen Activation &
Extracellular Proteolysis, Ventura, CA, USA, February 11-12
2011 & 2007 Faculty of 1000 recommendation of the research papers Madsen et al., J Pathol. 2012: 227(1),
94-105 and Madsen et al., J Biol. Chem. 2007: 282, 27037-27045.
Award for “Best Oral Presentation” at the 23rd annual meeting of the Danish Association for
Cancer Research, Charlottenlund, Denmark, May 7
Organizer, 2010 Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar on Plasminogen Activation & Extracellular
Proteolysis, Ventura, CA, USA, February 13-14
Ad-hoc Reviewer:
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Journal of Biological Chemistry
PLoS One
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis
Supervision of Students:
Daily supervision of two research fellows enrolled in the Postbac IRTA program at the National
Institutes of Health
Daily supervision of a research fellow enrolled in the Postbac IRTA program at the National
Institutes of Health
Daily supervision of a research fellow enrolled in the Postbac IRTA program at the National
Institutes of Health
Daily supervision of a Master’s project Student at the Finsen Laboratory, Rigshospitalet
Grant from The Danish Cancer Society
Grant from Region Hovedstadens forskningsfond
2-year Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commision
2-year postdoc stipend from the Lundbeck Foundation. Working place, The National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Travel grant from the Harboe Foundation
Travel grant from Fabrikant Einar Willumsen Foundation
3-year Ph.D. stipend from Rigshopitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. Working place, The Finsen
Laboratory, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Travel grant from the Danish Cancer Society
Travel grant from Dagmar Marshalls Foundation
Travel grant from the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences
6-month Research Assistant Scientist grant from the Danish Foundation for Cancer Research
Scholar-ship grant from the Danish Cancer Society
Madsen, D.H., and Bugge, T.H. (2015). The source of matrix-degrading enzymes in human cancer: Problems of
research reproducibility and possible solutions. J. Cell Biol. 209 (2), 195-198.
Madsen, D.H., Szabo, R, Molinolo, A.H., Bugge, T.H. (2014). TMPRSS13 deficiency impairs stratum corneum
formation and epidermal barrier acquisition. Biochem. J. 461(3), 487-95.
Jürgensen, H.J., Johansson, K.B., Madsen, D.H., Porse, A., Melander, M.C., Nielsen, C., Sørensen, K.R.,
Bugge, T.H., Behrendt, N., Engelholm, L.H. (2014). Complex Determinants in Specific Members of the
Mannose Receptor Family Govern Collagen Endocytosis. J. Biol. Chem. 289, 7935-47.
Madsen, D.H. and Bugge, T.H. (2013). Imaging collagen degradation in vivo highlights a key role of M2polarized macrophages in extracellular matrix degradation. OncoImmunology. 2(12):e27127.
*Madsen, D.H., *Leonard, D., Masedunskas, A., Moyer, A., Jürgensen, H.J., Peters, D.E., Amornphimoltham,
P., Selvaraj, A., Yamada, S., Brenner, D.A., Burgdorf, S., Engelholm, L.H., Behrendt, N., Holmbeck, K.,
Weigert, R., Bugge, T.H. (2013). M2-like macrophages are responsible for collagen degradation through a
mannose receptor-mediated pathway. J. Cell Biol. 202 (6), 951-966.
Madsen, D.H., Jürgensen, H.J., Ingvarsen, S., Melander, M.C, Albrechtsen, R., Hald, A., Holmbeck, K., Bugge,
T.H., Behrendt, N., Engelholm, L.H. (2013). Differential actions of the endocytic collagen receptor
uPARAP/Endo180 and the collagenase MMP-2 in bone homeostasis. PLoS One. 8(8), e7126.
*Ingvarsen, S., *Porse, A., Erpicum, C., Maertens, L., Jürgensen, H.J., Madsen, D.H., Melander, M.C.,
Gardsvoll, H., Høyer-Hansen, G., Noel, A., Holmbeck, K., Engelholm, L.H., Behrendt, N. (2013). Targeting a
single function of the multifunctional matrix metalloprotease MT1-MMP. Impact on lymphangiogenesis. J.
Biol. Chem. 288, 10195-10204.
Lund, I.K., Rasch, M.G., Ingvarsen, S., Pass, J., Madsen, D.H., Engelholm, L.H., Behrendt, N., Høyer-Hansen,
G. (2012). Inhibitory Monoclonal Antibodies against Mouse Proteases Raised in Gene-Deficient Mice Block
Proteolytic Functions in vivo. Front. Pharmacol. 3:122.
Madsen, D.H., Jürgensen, H.J., Ingvarsen, S., Melander, M.C., Vainer, B., Egerod, K.L., Hald, A., Rønø, B.,
Madsen, C.A., Bugge, T.H., Engelholm, L.H., Behrendt, N. (2012). Endocytic collagen degradation: A novel
mechanism involved in the protection against liver fibrosis. J. Pathol. 227(1), 94-105.
Jürgensen, H.J., Madsen, D.H., Ingvarsen, S., Melander, M.C., Gardsvoll, H., Patthy, L., Engelholm, L.H.,
Behrendt, N. (2011). A novel functional role of collagen glycosylation: Interaction with the endocytic receptor
uPARAP/Endo180. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 32736-32748.
Madsen, D.H., Ingvarsen, S., Jürgensen, H.J., Melander, M., Moyer, A., Honoré, C., Madsen, C.A., Garred, P.,
Bugge, T.H., Behrendt, N., Engelholm, L.H. (2011). The nonphagocytic route of collagen uptake: A distinct
degradation pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 26996-27010.
Engelholm, L.H., Ingvarsen, S., Jürgensen, H.J., Hillig, T., Madsen, D.H., Nielsen, B.S., Behrendt, N. (2009).
The collagen receptor uPARAP/Endo180. Front. Biosci. 14, 2103-2114.
Ingvarsen, S., Madsen, D.H., Hillig, T., Lund, L.R., Holmbeck, K., Behrendt, N., Engelholm, L.H. (2008).
Dimerization of endogenous MT1-MMP is a regulatory step in the activation of the 72-kDa gelatinase MMP-2
on fibroblasts and fibrosarcoma cells. Biol. Chem. 389, 943-953.
Hillig, T., Engelholm, L.H., Ingvarsen, S., Madsen, D.H., Gardsvoll, H., Larsen, J.K., Ploug, M., Dano, K.,
Kjoller, L., Behrendt, N. (2008). A composite role of vitronectin and urokinase in the modulation of cell
morphology upon expression of the urokinase receptor. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 15217-15223.
Madsen, D.H., Engelholm, L.H., Ingvarsen, S., Hillig, T., Wagenaar-Miller, R.A., Kjoller, L., Gardsvoll, H.,
Hoyer-Hansen, G., Holmbeck, K., Bugge, T.H., Behrendt N. (2007). Extracellular collagenases and the
endocytic receptor, urokinase plasminogen activator receptor-associated protein/Endo180, cooperate in
fibroblast-mediated collagen degradation. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 27037-27045.
Sulek, J., Wagenaar-Miller, R.A., Shireman, J., Molinolo, A., Madsen, D.H., Engelholm, L.H., Behrendt, N.,
Bugge, T.H. (2007). Increased Expression of the Collagen Internalization Receptor uPARAP/Endo180 in the
Stroma of Head and Neck Cancer. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 55, 347-53.
*Authors contributed equally