Autonomic nervous system and genetic effects in hypertension / Endovascular procedures in peripheral arteries I 662 | Cardiac autonomic dysfunction predicts mortality In left ventricular hypertrophy D.R. Wallbridge, S.C. Mclaughlin, S.M. Cobbe, P.W. Macfartane, A.R. Lorlmer, F.Q. Dunn \ S.D. Pringle 2 . Departments of Cardiology, Royal Infirmary-, Stobrtill Hospital, Glasgow; NineweBs Hospital, Dundee Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) Is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality including sudden death, but the precise underlying mechanisms remain uncertain. Our aim was to Identify parameters predicting mortality dunng prospective long-term follow-up of 90 hypertensive patients (mean age 57 yre) with ECG LVH and strain. Methods: Detailed baseline investigation included ecnocarrJography, 24 hour ambulatory ECG monitoring, thallium sdntJgraphy, and coronary angiography. Deaths were automatically notified by the Registrar General. Results: During a mean follow-up of 5.3 years, 31 deaths occurred, of which 19 were cardiac. In univariate analysis, mortality was associated with high resting heart rate, the absence of betablocker (BB) therapy, reduced heart rate variability (SDNN), and increased age, but notnon sustained VT. By proportional hazards analysis, Increasing age and reduced heart rate variability predicted allcause and cardiac mortality; and the absence of betablocker therapy predicted all-cause mortality (see contour plots). When coronary angiography had been undertaken (n = 35), significant coronary artery disease was strongly predictive of subsequent mortality. Syr nsvlvaj (no BB twapy) 80 1t0 80 100 120 140 SDNN (ITU) 160 In conclusion, impairment of cardiac autonomic function is associated with increased mortality In hypertensive LVH, and treatment with a betablocker appears to afford protection. I 664 I Sympathetic nerve hyperactivfty followed by hyperinsulinaemia Is the potent determinant factor on the onset of hypertension K. Masuo, H. Mikami. T. Oglhara. DepL of Geriatric Medicine, Osaka University Medical School, Suita, Japan To evaluate the relations among the onset of hypertension (HT), sympathetic nerve activity and hyperinsulinemia, we conducted this longitudinal study for 10 yre. Young, non-obese, age- and body mass index (BMI) matched,. Japanese 1064 normotenstve (NT) and 283 borderline hypertensive (BHT) men were measured BMI, blood pressure (BP), pulse rate, fasting plasma insulin (INS) and norepinephrtne (NOR), total cholesterol (Teh), and triglyceride (TG) levels In supine position every year for 10 yrs wtthout any medications (At entry period: 42 ± 3, 41 ± 2 yre, 22.8 ± 1.2, 22.9 ± 1.0 kg/m 2 , respectively). At year 10, 43 (4%) NT (NE) and 93 (33%) BHT (BE) developed to established HT (EHT), and 53 (5%) NT (NB) developed to BHT without BMI Increasing. As a positive family history of HT (FH+) was defined as at least one parent was HT, FH+ was recognized In 124 (12%) of NT and 156 (55%) of BHT, and all of NB, NE and BE had FH+. At entry period, supine NOR in NB, NE and BE were significantly greater (P < 0.05) than those in NN and BB, who remained in NT or BHT at year 10, but fasting INS were significantly greater (P < 0.05) only In BE than BB, not In NB nor NE compared to those In NN (BE > BB > NE > NB > NN, NOR; 460 > 410 > 400 > 390 > 310 pg/rnl, INS; 17 > 12 > 9 = 9 > 7 fiU/mi). In addition, Teh and TG at entry period did not differ among 5 groups, but those at year 10 were greater in BE > NE > NB > BB > NN as well as INS. These result demonstrate that sympathetic nerve hyperacttvlty followed by hyperinsulinemia and positive family history of HT are the potent determinant factors on the onset or progression of hypertension. ENDOVASCULAR PROCEDURES IN PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 670 Renal arterial stenting with the Palmaz stent A 6-year single-center experience M. Henry, M. Amor, J.M. Porte, I. Henry, G. Ethevenot, O. Tricoche, B. Mentre UCCI, Polydlnlque Essey-les-Nancy, France 663 Different behavior of skin and muscle sympathetic nerve traffic in obese subjects A. Lanfranchi, G. Seravalle, S. Vaflati, C. Turri, M. Colombo, A. Brunani, F. Cavagnini, G. Grassl, G. Martcia. Catt di Medidna Intema, Osp. S. Gerardo, Monza, Univ. of Milan, Centro di Fisiotogia Cllnica e Ipertensione, Osp. Maggiore; Centro Auxoiogico ttaliano, Milan, Italy We have recently reported that in obese normotenstve subjects muscle sympathetic nerve traffic Is markedly Increased and that this Increase is accompanied, and possibly caused, by a baroreflex Impairment rt Is unknown, however, whether the sympathetic activation occurring In obesity is limited to vascular districts under baroreceptor control or includes vascular areas not regulated by baroreflex mechanisms. In 12 obese normotenstve subjects (O, age: 39.0 ± 3.1 yre; body mass Index: 37.8 ± 1.1 kg/m 2 , mean ±SEM)and in 10 age-matched lean controls (C, body mass index: 25.2 ± 1 . 1 kg/m2) we measured mean arterial pressure (MAP, Flnapres), heart rate (HR, EKG), muscle (MSNA) and skin (SSNA) sympathetic nerve activities (microneurography at a peroneal nerve). MSNA and SSNA were recorded over a period of 30 mln each, with the subject supine and resting In a semidark and thermoneutral room. The two recording periods were separated by a 10 mln interval and the recording sequence was randomized. SSNA provided an example erf sympathetic nerve traffic modulated by thermal and emotional but not by baroreflex mechanisms. MAP was similar in O and in C (98.6 ± 2.6 and 94.7 ± 4.0 mmHg, respectively) and this was the case also for HR (76.3 ± 3.7 and 72.3 ± 3.2 b/min). As expected, MSNA was markedly and significantly (p < 0.01) greater in O than C (4Z2 ± 2.8 vs 23.9 ± 1.6bs/mln). In contrast, SSNA was similar In O and C (14.4 ± 1.4 vs 16.3 ± 2.2 bs/mln), the ratio of MSNA to SSNA being significantly greater In O than in C (3.3 ± 0.4 vs 1.8 ± 02 p < 0.01). Furthermore, the SSNA responses to an arousal stimulus CM not differ between the two groups. These results provide the first direct evidence that, In contrast to MSNA, SSNA is not enhanced In obese normotensh/e subjects and that In obesity sympathetic activation is not generalized. It can be speculated that the MSNA Increase observed in obesity depends on a baroreflex impairment and Is therefore Dmited to districts under baroreflex control. Purpose: To evaluate the role of percutaneous stenting In the treatment of renal artery lesions after failure of a previous balloon angioplasty. Materials and Methods. Balloon expandable Palmaz stems were placed In 85 renal arteries of 77 patients suffering from hypertension resistant to therapy (77) and renal dysfunction (10) with atheromatous (73) or fibromuscular (3), or Takayasu (1) diseases, 8 patients had bilateral lesions, 2 a solitary kidney. Indteations: ostial lesions (49), restenoses (23), unsatisfactory balloon angioplasty results (28). Mean lesions length: 11.3 cm ± 1.1 (5-20). 11 patients were treated by Rotabtator9. Results: Immediate technical success: 100%. Mean lesions diameter after stenting: 6.25 ± 02 mm 2 major complications, 1 acute thrombosis cured by fibrtnolysis, 1 arterial rupture requiring surgery. 6 months' angiographic follow-up performed In all eligible patients (67) showing restenosis In 9 patients (13.4%) successfully treated by a new angioplasty. Clinical results: systolic blood pressure (mm/Hg): baseline: 171, post-stent 140, (p < 0.001); dlastolic blood pressure (mm/Hg): baseline: 93, post-stent 80, (p < 0.001); creatinin (mg/I): baseline: 14.3, post-stent 15.1, (p: n.s.); BUN (g/1): baseline: 0.48, poststent 0.5, (p: n.s.); number of drugs/patient baseline: 2.7, post-stent 1.3, (p < 0 02). HTA; cured: 13/67 (19%), Improved: 40/67 (60%), unchanged: 14/67 (21%). Renal dysfunction: improved: 2/10 (20%), unchanged: 8/10 (80%). At 6 years: PI: 69%, Pll: 90%. Conclusion: Renal artery stenting, is safe and effective, and is an alternative to surgicalrevascuJartzation,especially in ostial lesions. Our experience shows a reduction In the restenoses rate, as compared to conventional angioplasty. Downloaded from by guest on November 7, 2014 100 120 140 SDNN <ra) 6 yr wnrivd [BB tfMnpy) 113 114 Endovascular procedures in peripheral arteries I 671 | Laser-assisted recanallzation of pelvic artery occlusions combined with Implantation of self-expanding endoprostheses G. Blamino, J.C. Ragg, D. Sctieinert, J. StaJke. Clinical-lnterventional Angiotogy, Vlrchow-Klinikum, Humbokft University, Berlin, Germany Recanalizing long pelvic artery occlusions, additional stent Implantation may be required. Flexible, fabnc-covered stents could help to achieve a smooth surface and reduce restenoas within a stented area. In 70 patients (26 f, 44 m, mean age 62 ± 14 yrs.) with long iliac artery occlusions (length: 5-18 cm, mean: 9.8 cm) undergoing Exclmer laser assisted (ELA) recanalization a complementary stent implamatlon was considered necessary (relevant dissections and/or residual stenosis > 50%). In all cases newly developed self-expanding nltlnol stents, covered by an ultrathln polyester fabric (EndoPro I, MINTEC, EP) were implanted (n =• 78). Evaluation of primary results and a 6 month follow-up were performed by angtography, Intravascular ultrasound doppler and/or transcutaneous colour-coded ultrasound doppler (CCUD). The delivery of EP was successful in 75 of 78 procedures (96.1%). In 68/70 cases (97.1%) the vessel lumen could be nearly normalized by EP implantation (> 80% of native diameter in the stented area). Using an intravasctrlar doppler system (FloMap, Cardkxnetrics; 12 MHz, 0.018") regular peak flow velocities (< 120 cm/s) could be postinterventionally evidenclated within the stented segments. In 56 patients (80%) there was a rise in body temperature to 38.5 ± 0.7 ° C for 1-5 d after Implantation, furthermore signs of Inflammatory perivascular reaction in CCUD (n = 13) and magnetic tomography imaging (n = 10). Other complications related to EP implantation were not observed. Within 6 months follow-up, reocclusion of the treated segments occurred in 3/70 patients (4.3%). In 2 cases the vessel could again be recanalized using ELA and local rt-PA lysis. All other cases (n = 67) were without relevant restenosls according to CCUD (n = 67), angiography (n = 32) and intravascular doppler (n = 30). 672 Relation between lesion characteristics and vascular damage after balloon angloplasty assessed with Intravascular ultrasound A. van der Lugt, E J . Gussenhoven, G. Pasterkamp, J. Teertstra, J A Tal, T. Sfjjnen, H. Pieterman. Erasmus University Rotterdam and the ICIN, The Netherlands Purpose' to study the Influence of lesion characteristics and balloon size on the presence of vascular damage after balloon angJoplasty (PTA) of the superficial femoral artery with Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Methods: 122 patients were studied with IVUS. Ultrasound Images (n = 1019) obtained before PTA with 1 cm interval along the treated segment were analyzed for lesion topography (concentric versos eccentric),tesJ»oeomposition (hard versus soft), stenosis versus occlusion and free lumen area (FLA). The corresponding IVUS images obtained after PTA were analyzed for vascular damage (dissection, media rupture). Balloon ratio was calculated as balloon area divided by the FLA seen before PTA. Results: univariate analysis showed that both lesion topography and baHoon ratio were signiflcantty related to vascular damage. Concentric lesions, 50% dissection and 16% media rupture versus eccentric lesions, 42% dissection and 1 1 % media rupture, respectively. Balloon ratio < 2, 3 1 % dissection and 6% media rupture, balloon ratio > 2, 56% dissection and 17% media rupture, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that stenotic lesion and balloon ratio were independent variables of dissection and that lesion topography and balloon ratio were independent variables of media rupture. Conclusion: balloon ratio is the most important independent variable of vascular damage seen with IVUS after PTA. 673 Role of transcutaneous echo evaluation of lower limb artery intra-vascular stents M. Ctccone, D. Di Noia, O. Rossi, M. Campagna, A. Gagikxie, P. Rizzon. /nstfftrfe of Cardiology, Ban University, Italy High definition transcutaneous vascular echography (HOE) is considered the gold standard In the evaluation of me vascular layers. It is an important tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of peripheral vascular diseases, hi peripheral vessels intravascular stents (S) are frequently used in percutaneous transluminal lower limb artery angioplasty procedures. In monitoring Intravascular stent dysfunction Intravascular-echo is considered the optimal technique, but Is expensive, Invasive and relativery safe. The aim of this study was to evaluate the variability and reproducibifity of HDE in the quantitative characterisation of Intravascular lower limb artery S. 60 pts (56 male, 4 female), mean age 62 ± 7 yrs who underwent percutaneous translumlnal lower limb artery angioptasty Level n A B C Ifiac Femoral Popftsal 22 31 14 22 ± 0.5 1.6 ± 0 . 6 1.2 ± 0 . 4 3.7 ± 0.8 2.7 ± 0.9 2.3 ± 0.4 22 ± 0 8 1.6 ± 0.4 1 1 ± 0.4 vartabffity studies: A B C Intreobserver var Interobseiver var. ReproducWity 2 70% r 0.985' 2.95% r 0.981* 2 80% r 0.984* 3.30% r 0.994* 4 53% r 0.996* 3.75% r 0 997* 2.35% r 0.998* 3.94% r 0.996* 3.10% r 0.998* N=37,*P< 0.001 Conclusions: High definition transcutaneous vascular echography is a useful tool In the quantitative detection of femoral and popliteal intravascular S. However, evaluation at the lilac artery level needs further improvement I 674 | Conservative treatment of latrogenlc vascular complications from Invasive procedures: techniques and results M. Galll, A. PolitJ, S. Zerbonl. Catheterizatlon Laboratory, S. Anna Hospital, 22100 Como, Italy Background: Vascular complications (VC) dunng cardiovascular catheterizatlon represent the most common complication of this procedure. Incidence ranges between 0.6% to 1.6%. Treatment of clinically significant VC has been tradltionaBy surgical. Percutaneous transcatheter techniques as angioplasty and stent implantation or mechanical compression are alternative non surgical approaches. In this study we have evaluated the usefulness and the applicability of this conservative approach and devices In the treatment of VC. Patients and Methods: The study population consisted of 19 patients treated for VC at our Institution (0.8% of 2270 consecutive cardiovascular catheterizatjons). Demographic, clinical informations and technical details are shown in the table: Pz/Sex Symptoms 4 M, 2 F Acute rest pain 2 M.1 F 1 M,1 F 2M 1M 3M, 2F 1F VC Ocdusrve dissection lac a. Ctaudlcatlo Sub ocdus. dissection Sac a. Acute rest pain OcctusKr. thrombus femoral a. Nona A-V femoralfemoral fistula Thigh ctaudtation Dissection succtaviana. Painful pulsatile False aneurysm mass femomJa. Painful putsatle False aneurysm mass femoral a. Treatment Device PTA + Stent Palmaz stent PTA + Stent Memotherm stem Tromboiei + PTA Endoptotesl Crag stent PTA + Stem Palmaz stent External compression Closure Feme-stop Spring cols Results: immediate technical success was achieved and clinical Improvement also measured in aU cases. In patients treated with Palmaz stent for tatrogenic arterial dissection an average of 2.1 stents ware used (most frequent lesion was longer than 4 cm). In longer dissections we have used Memotherm stent External mechanical compression (on average 30-40 min) was successful even in patients receiving continuous anticoagulatton therapy. In 1 case the A-V fistula was closed with Crag stem, in the second patient, after the failure of Implantation, a surgical closure was performed. At trie angtographic or echo doppler control (mean 6 + - 2 months) no artery occlusion or restenosls was observed. None of 19 pz required further therapy for recurrence of symptoms on clinical follow-up obtained up to 18 months. Conclusion: Our e^wrience in the treatment of CV with a conservative strategy confirms the feasibility of this operative option. The excellent early and long term clinical and angtographfc results support the efficacy of this technical approach. Downloaded from by guest on November 7, 2014 In conclusion, following laser-assisted recanalization of long pelvic artery occlusions, the Implantation of EndoPro I is a safe and effective technique to optimize the results. According to this Initial expenence, the short-term restenosls rate seems to be low. procedures and single or muttiple S implantations at the following levels were studied: Iliac (29), femoral (31), popliteal (14). In all patients we performed HDE according to the protocol: a) echo-characterisation of intravascular S (hypokinetic, hyperechogenic vascular segment) and echo-color Doppler velocity flow analysis; b) measurement of the total arterial wall thickness proximal (A) and distal (C) to S (B). Intra and interobserver variabilities and reproduclbility were assessed in 37 vascular segments and calculated as the ratio between standard error of Y estimate and Y mean value percent of A, B and C. Results. a) complete echo-Ooppler characterisation of intravascular lower limb artery S was obtained in 76% (22) of the Iliac and 100% of femoral and popliteal S; b) measurement of the global arterial wall thickness: Endovascular procedures in peripheral arteries / Vascular remodelling: experimental and clinical studies 115 [ 6 7 5 Percutaneous stenting of abdominal aortic aneurysms with and without coil Implantation In a swine model I 6 8 2 | Is geometric remodelling after arterial injury in the normal rabbit time-dependent? C.E. Ruiz, H.P. Zhang, A.I. Butt, P. Whfflaker. Lome Unda University Medical Center, Loma Unda; White Memorial Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA C. Le Feuvre, O. Tahlll, L Maillard, C. Quettier, L J . Fetdman, P.G. Steg. Faculty X, Bichat, Paris, France We surgically created abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) using autotogus fascia in 18 prigs (24 ± 4 kg). The animals were assigned to 3 groups: 9 controls, 5 treated with stent, and 4 wtth a stent and coil combination. The stem was a self-expandable, uncovered mesh prosthesis. The colls were 5 cm in length and 5 mm In diameter. We implanted the stent or the stent + coil (1-10 coils) 2-3 days after the initial surgery. Prior to deployment, an aortogram was performed to ensure the aneurysm size was > 100% of the diameter of the aorta After deployment, a second aortogram revealed a decreased flow of contrast into the cavity of the aneurysms. Follow-up aortograms showed either no evidence of residual aneurysm cavity or markedly decreased size in pigs who had angtographic follow-up. Importantly, all arterial branches covered by the stent maintained full patency. Autopsy revealed no aneurysm expansion. The gross and hlstologic results are shown below: This study aimed to assess the time course and the relative contribution of arterial remodeling and Intimal hyperplasia to luminal loss after arterial Injury In the rabbit lilac Injury was induced by balloon overstretch. Animals were sacrificed 3 (n = 4), 7 (n = 4), 14 (n = 4), 21 (n = 4) or 28 (n = 8) days after arterial injury. Lumen, internal (I EL) and external elastic laminae (EEL) areas were measured using morphometric analysis at the smallest luminal area from the angioplasty site (S) and the largest luminal area from the adjacent nonangioplastled segments (R). Vascular remodeling (R IEL - S IEL) and Intimal hyperplasia (S IEL - S lumen) were normalized by R lumen. This remodeling Index was stable over time and very variable. Remodeling was usually negative and responsible for 67 ± 93% of the lumen area stenosis (100% at day 3 following injury, 69% at day 28). Remodeling was negatively related to the index of Intimal hyperplasia (r = 0.72, p < 0.0001) and positively related to the lumen area stenosis (r = 0.96, p < 0.0001). Plg# Device F/U Gross and histo4oglc findings of AAA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 stent stent stem stent stent stent-I-cot •tent + col stent -t-cofl stent+ coH 8 days 4wks 6wks 3 mos 6moe 12hre 4wks 3 mos 6 mos njpture, no evidence of new coQagen production thick wail, organized thrombus, no new cotagen thick wall, new immature colagen thin Immature coflagen thick wal with thick, mature aligned colagen (died from anesthesia complcatkxi) thick mature aligned collagen thick wall with highly algned mature collagen AAA non-existent, replaced by flbrosts VASCULAR REMODELLING: EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL STUDIES 681 Extracellular matrix: a target for remodelling associated with restenosls after experimental angioplasty in New Zealand white rabbits Antolne Lafont Fredrick Cornhill, Eric Durand, Carlos Morelra, Franpoise Vilde, Michel Desnos, Claude Guerot Faculty Necker, Paris, France; The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA We and others have shown that post-angioplasty restenosis is more related to constrictJve remodeling than neolntimal hyperplasia. We therefore examined the alteration of extracellular matrix (ECM) associated with restenosis after experimental angioplasty In rabbits. Lesions were induced by air-drying and cholesterol-supplemented diet. Four weeks later, angioplasty was performed. Angtographic, histdogic, and morphometrtc evaluation were conducted 4 weeks after angioplasty. The difference between the Intima + media area of the reference and lesion srtes normalized by the corresponding area at the reference site offered an index of hyperpiasia The hlstologic extent of late residual stenosis was defined as the difference between the lumen areas of reference and lesion sites normalized by the lumen area of the reference site. ECM density was quantified by a color computerized program in the intima, media, and adventitla. Initial gain in the minimum lumlnal anglographic diameter (MLD) was 0.51 ± 0.29 mm after angioplasty. Loss In MLD by 4 weeks was 0.90 ± 0.56 mm. Hypeiptasia did not correlate with restenosis. ECM density correlated at the lesion site wfth the extent of late residual stenosis in the neofntima (r = 0.49; p = 0.04) and especially media (r = 0.60; p = 0.005), but not adventWa (r = 0.19; p = 0.45). ECM density (fid not correlate wfth the Index of hyperplasia at the three layers. Nor dkj ECM density correlate with both hyperplasia and residual stenosis In non dilated atherosclerotic lesions. Restenotic lesions are thus associated with an increased distribution of ECM in the neointima and especially the media in this model. ECM remodeling represents a new target for restenosis. I 6 8 3 I Redox processes markedly affect early vascular remodelling after Injury In rabbits: evidence for distinct sequential mediators of the remodelling process Francisco R.M. Laurindo, Peter C Tufolo, Marcel Uberman, Mariano Janlszewski, Protasio L da Luz. Heart Institute, University of SSo Paulo, Brazil To assess the role of redox processes in vascular remodeling after angioplasty, sequential changes in arteriographlc caliber were analyzed at 7 and 28 days after balloon injury of right iliac arteries in intact control rabbits (n = 11) and in those given the anttoxkJants N-acetylcysteme (NAC, 220 mg/kg/day, n = 9) or allopurinol (ALO, 25 mg/kg/day, n = 9) for the 28-day period. In this model, at 7 days after injury, there is negligible intimal thickening, so that fixed vascular lumen (VL) changes reflect remodeling. In controls, balloon Inflation Induced 42 ± 4 [SE]% VL distenuon; by day 7, VL cafiber was reduced to 16 ± 4% above contralateral normal artery and was unchanged by acetytcholine or isosorbide mononitrate. In contrast, after similar balloon injury, such VL loss at day 7 was totally prevented by NAC or ALO, wtth respective VL calibers of 56 ± 6 and 40 ± 6% above normal (p < 0.0005 vs. control). These data suggest that, earty after balloon Injury, there is a significant loss in caliber mediated by redox-dependent vascular remodeling. The anticoddant effect however, had a poor final impact on the 28Ol-day arteriogram, which showed similar, vasodilator-insensitive, VL calibers with NAC or ALO vs. controls (respectively 20 ± 3, 31 ± 4 a n d 3 3 ± 3% below normal, p = NS). Thus, VL loss between days 7 and 28 was 1.5-fold greater with NAC and ALO (p < 0.01 vs. control). This accentuated VL loss was unaffected by drug withdrawal at day 7, as assessed In other rabbits. Also, such VL toss was not explained by increase of the neointlma (which grows between days 7 and 28), since neolntimal thickening was similar among groups (on average 5 1 % of wall area) and did not correlate wtth Individual VL toss; this Is consistent wtth an eflect of increased remodeling between days 7 and 28. Thus, the early VL-preserving effect of antioxIdantB was later buffered by enhanced free radical-independent remodeSng. These data are consistent with different sequential mediators of the remodeling process. Downloaded from by guest on November 7, 2014 In pigs treated with stent alone, mature collagen was not seen until 6 months. In contrast, mature collagen was seen much earlier In coil treated aneurysms. All 9 controls died after surgery (3-43 days) and 7 died from rupture versus only one In treated pigs (p = 0.02). We conclude that the uncovered stent and stentcoil placement may effectivety prevent aneurysm rupture, while maintaining arterial patency. The aneurysm lumen was gradually replaced by collagen and we speculate that this healing process was enhanced by the addition of coils. Conclusion: In this model, luminal loss is mostly due to artenal remodeling rather than intimal hyperplasia. The importance of remodeling is not related to the delay following arterial Injury, and is very variable. There is an inverse relationship between constrictive remodeling and intimal hyperplasia.
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