BOARD MEMBERS Sharyn Hill, Penni Lamprey and Mel Robinson COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Ald Kris e Johnson WMCH Board of Management meeƟng Are you passionate about your local community? Why not consider becoming a member and/or a volunteer or board member and help to make a difference. Mee ngs held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30pm. Enquiries welcome. West Moonah Community House VOLUNTEERS Volunteer Program Coordinator – Barbara Hobbs Playgroup Coordinator– Veneta Metzenthin & Lee Mundy Community Aid—Maureen Carter Page 20 130 Springfield Avenue West Moonah TAS 7009 CHAIRMAN – Lorraine Bailey VICE CHAIRMAN – Veneta Metzenthin TREASURER – Pam Bridgen SECRETARY– Maureen Carter PUBLIC OFFICER - Joel Stafford Phone: 03 6273 2362 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT COMMUNITY HOUSE STAFF Manager – Mel Knuckey Assistant Manager—Kaye Marskell Office Manager – Kim Smith Children’s Services Coordinator – Tanya Castle-Philips Preschool Aide – Emma Swain Shed Coordinator—Patrick Hiller Community Garden Coordinator – Stuart Ga Opening Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm E-mail: [email protected] Website: November NewsleƩer A Note from the Manager Another busy month ahead. Be sure to come along and support our Girls Night In event on Friday 7th November with all funds raised going towards breast cancer research. We are thrilled to announce we have been successful in receiving an infrastructure upgrade which is due to be finalized by June 2015, we are excited to be ge ng a new kitchen and another mul purpose room to enable us to offer more ac vi es. Don’t forget we are star ng to look at programs for next year so feel free to come in and see us if you have some sugges ons. Cheers Mel Christmas Raffle is now happening Purchse tickets for $2 each or 3 for $5 To win a fabulous hamper filled with goodies. Drawn on 9th December At the Christmas Lunch Page 2 We are looking at holding some school holiday activities in January 2015. Please talk to us at the house to express an interest and make a suggestion as to what would interest your little ones. Page 3 What’s on in November Mondays 9am—2:30pm West Moonah Community Preschool 9:30am—10:30am Heart FoundaƟon Walking Group Gathers at the Community House each week before se ng off. 11.15am—12.15pm Go Movement Light exercise class. $2 dona on Tuesdays 9am - 11am Volunteer Program Coordinator available The volunteer program provides a service to the frail, aged and disabled. If you would like to access this service or join our team of volunteers, please phone us on 6273 2362 11am - 11.40am Dance Classes Dancing for children 5 and under. See poster in this newsle er. 11am - 2pm EaƟng with Friends: 11th November Maureen takes a group of people out to lunch...where?’s a mystery. 9am – 2.30pm West Moonah Community Preschool 3.30pm - 5pm The MAC Van A free program encouraging children to par cipate in fun sports and games. Held in the park across from the West Moonah Community House in Springfield Ave. 7pm Astrology—Fact or FicƟon (11th November) This is a FREE debate, discussion, fun, informa ve evening about astrology; is it factual or fanciful? 6.30pm - 9pm ConstrucƟng a Gingerbread House See poster in this newsle er The West Moonah Community Shed is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to 12.30pm Page 4 AstrologyFact or Fiction? Come along and enjoy a discussion. Argue! Debate! Have fun! Become more informed, and settle those nagging questions about this interesting topic. IS ASTROLOGY ALL RUBBISH? All of POPULAR astrology is certainly rubbish. That includes Sun-sign predictions in newspapers, and the assumption that people's character should always fit with their Sun-sign descriptions. Popular astrology is trivial entertainment which was created to sell newspapers, and has the same relationship to true astrology as table soccer (foosball) has to real soccer. But perhaps REAL astrology (which is less well-known) has value. IS THERE ANY SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR ASTROLOGY? Most people would be surprised to learn that there have been hundreds of scientific papers on astrology, and that the subject is hotly debated by scientists. Hans Eysenck – the famous psychologist - wrote, “The case [for astrology] is already stronger than that for almost any area of research in psychology”. IF MY PERSONALITY IS NOTHING LIKE MY SUN-SIGN DESCRIPTION, DOESN'T THAT SHOW ASTROLOGY IS RUBBISH? The notion that everybody has to be like their Sun-sign description is not what REAL astrology claims. People recognise that not all Frenchmen are great lovers or great cooks, and not all Australians like beer and are mad about sports. In ordinary life we recognise that such national characterisations are only general indicators or stereotypes, and that some people are in fact the exact opposite of these national stereotypes. The sun sign characteristics are nothing more than a base-line tendency which are often (or generally) swamped by other astrological factors which are easily identified by an astrologer. What’s on in November Wednesdays 9am—2:30pm West Moonah Community Preschool 3:45– 5:15pm Yoga Class Teaching gentle postures, breathing and relaxa on. Cost: $10 per class. For more informa on contact Angela Tamayo (Satyananda yoga accredited teacher) on 0427231776 6.30pm - 9pm CraŌ Thursdays 9.30am - 10.30am Cross Training Free childcare. $60 for 6 weeks. 9.30am - 12.30pm Miracle Babies 13th & 27th November 1:30pm - 3pm CHAPS CHAPS is a Bubs and Mums group run through Child Health Associa on. Fridays 9.30am – 12pm LiƩle Diggers Friday Playgroup Families with children of all ages invited to par cipate in a variety of ac vi es. Cost: Members $2 per child or $4 per family. Non-members $3 per child or $5 per family. ASTROLOGY SAYS THERE ARE ONLY 12 KINDS OF PEOPLE, SO IT CANNOT BE TRUE REAL astrology does not say there are only 12 kinds of people. This is only POPULAR astrology rubbish. Foosball is not soccer, and popular astrological urban myths are not astrology. At the very least, people are a combination of the 12 Sun-signs, 12 Moon signs and 12 Rising signs: 12 x 12 x 12 = 1728: At an absolute minimum, there could be said to be 1728 “basic” astrological personality types – not 12. But we should go past even these 1728 merely general indicators and learn that in fact everyone's astrology has additional unique elements. Each person's astrology is as unique as they are. Saturdays ASTROLOGY HAS NO SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION, SO IT MUST BE RUBBISH Astrology DOES have a scientific explanation. Dr Percy Seymour, Principal Lecturer in Astronomy at the University of Plymouth, England, has published a theory that the influence is due to the effect of the interaction of magnetic fields and the Sun on the baby's brain in the womb just before birth. His speciality in astrophysics is the magnetic fields of the planets of the solar system. 1pm - 3pm Q: SHOULD WE “BELIEVE” IN ASTROLOGY? A: Definitely not! Believe nothing! “If you wish to strive for peace of soul and pleasure, then believe; if you wish to be a devotee of truth, then enquire” (Nietzsche) “Galileo's opinion of the theory that tides are caused by the moon was terse and definite: 'Astrological nonsense.' What seems such an obvious connection was hotly denied by men who ought to have been well qualified to judge. We must be cautious of too-easy scepticism as well as too-easy belief.” - Dr. H J Eysenck, Astrology : Science or Superstition? Page 163, “The Moon” 9.30am—11.30am Saturday Playgroup (first Saturday of the month) 1st November; Families with children of all ages invited to par cipate in a variety of ac vi es. Cost: Members $2 per child or $4 per family. Non-members $3 per child or $5 per family. Archery: 1st November Gerrard St Reserve (bookings essen al) 10am - 11am Circus: 22nd November at West Moonah Community House. 10am - noon Outrigger Canoe: 29th November Montrose Bay (bookings essen al) Page 6 Children’s Services News Preschool - we are taking enrolments for 2015 now. This term we are focusing on: As we are moving to the end of the years the older children in the group are taking on more responsibility within the preschool and lots of practice at becoming masterful with developing their: * skills, * co-ordination, * listening, * concentration * confidence * respecting our environment, and our friends by listening and taking care of them * following through and strengthening confidence Dairy Dates Christmas Concert and afternoon tea change of date: Wednesday 10th December, at 12.30 pm. Concert will commence at 12.30 followed by a Sausage Sizzle and snacks. Volunteer Celebration: 4th December at 11-12am Here at the house. Learning and Development reports circulated to all families at the concert along with the Art Folios End of term our last day will be Wednesday 10th December. We are happy to discuss any aspect of the program and enquiries are welcome at any time. Please do not hesitate to contact Tanya. Tanya is available Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. West Moonah Community Garden We have bags of compost for sale. $5.00 per bag Plots available for community members for a small fee of $30 per year. If you’re interested in joining our garden community, please give us a call on 62732362 or email [email protected] Playgroup Picture Mohamed and Misha (A Dinosaur in the making) Friday Playgroup Well November already and only 6 more playgroups until we break for Christmas. The children will be busy making and creating Christmas masterpieces. Throw in some science making a volcano and cooking and gardening taking a sunflower home it will be a full and fun packed activities. Finishing off on Dec 12th with a break up Christmas party. Page 7 Miracle Babies Foundation Supporting premature and sick newborns and their families in hospital. We meet once a fortnight at the West Moonah Community House from 9.30am to 12.30pm for a chat, a cuppa and some play time with our miracle babies. November dates: 13th and 27th November. Touch base with us on our Facebook page. Page 8 Become a member of the West Moonah Community House Membership is open to any organisation or person who: Application for Renewal or New Membership Name: ______________________________ Address:____________________________ • Is over the age of 18 years. • Is residing in Tasmania • Is in agreement with the aims and ideals of the Association. .___________________________________ • Is not an employee of the Telephone:._________________________ Community House. • Is aware of the needs of the E-mail:_____________________________ community. Becoming a member of the West Moonah Community House enables you to participate in classes at a ‘members only’ rate. As a member you are also eligible to become a board member and have a say in what happens in your community house. Signature:.__________________________ Date:_______________________________ Financial Member nominating the above ___________________________________ Speak to a staff member for more information. Seconded by:_______________________ Membership is only $5.00 for the year. West Moonah Community House Return application form to: 130 Springfield Avenue West Moonah TAS 7009 Page 9 Other services at WMCH Fax and Photocopying Room Hire Available for use at a minimal cost, Monday to Friday. Our main room is available for hire 7 days per week subject to availability. We provide an affordable hourly rate. Contact our office for further informa on. Internet Computer and internet available for use, FREE of charge! Available Monday to Friday. Community Pantry The Food Pantry is available to anyone in the community who may be experiencing hardship. Our pantry is open from Monday to Thursday. Feel free to call in and speak to our friendly staff about accessing some food. Nils (No Interest Loan Scheme) Provide families and individuals on low incomes with the opportunity to apply for a loan to purchase essen al items, without the burden of interest charges or fees. For further informa on call 1300 301 650 or phone 62732362 to make an appointment. West Moonah Community Shed Open for Business and is welcoming new members Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9am—12.30pm Come along and enjoy sharing and learning skills in a safe, social and supportive environment. Contact Patrick on 0409 419911. Page 11 Page 10
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