Same-different and A-not A tests with sensR Christine Borgen Linander A huge thank to a former colleague of mine Rune H B Christensen. DTU Compute Section for Statistics Technical University of Denmark [email protected] August 20th 2015 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 1 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Outline Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 2 / 23 Same-different protocol Outline Same-Different and the Degree-of-Difference tests 2 products — 2 confusable stimuli: A Chocolate bar (standard) 1 B Chocolate bar with less saturated fat Same-different protocol Setting: 2 The A-not A protocol 3 Measures of sensitivity 4 The A-not A with sureness protocol One pair of samples evaluated at each trial Question: Are the samples the same or different? Stimuli: Same stimuli pairs: AA and BB Different stimuli pairs: AB and BA Same-Different test: © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 3 / 23 Same Different © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Degree-of-Difference test: Same 2 3 4 Different Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 4 / 23 Same-different protocol Same-different protocol Characteristics of the DOD test Giving answers — τ criteria and the decision rule Same-Different: A B τ An unspecified test (like Triangle, Duo-Trio, Tetrad) A Intensity Intensity B Only 2 samples compared at each trial |B − A| > τ |B − A| < τ → → ”different” ”same” τ Easily understood test (by consumers) (O’Mahony and Rousseau, 2002) No prior knowledge of products required (unlike A-not A) Degree of difference: Response bias (like A-not A) 4 3 A 2 1 2 3 B 4 Intensity τ1 Rating scale: τ2 1 2 3 4 τ3 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 5 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different protocol 0.5 0.4 0.4 A B Same-different example different − τ3 same − τ2 − τ1 τ1 AA, BB τ2 different τ3 0.3 0.2 0.2 σ2 = 2 0.1 0.1 AB, BA 0.0 0.0 0 6 / 23 Difference distributions 0.5 0.3 Sensometrics Summer School Same-different protocol Thurstonian model for the DOD test Thurstonian distributions: Same-different and A-not A tests δ 0 Examples in R — difference and similarity assessments. Sample δ Probability of answer in the j th category: Same Different P (”j ”|Same-pair) = fs (τ ) Response “Same” “Different” 8 5 4 9 Total 13 13 P (”j ”|Different-pair) = fd (τ , δ) Maximum likelihood estimation of parameters: likelihood ∼ fs (τ ) + fd (τ , δ) © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 7 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 8 / 23 The A-not A protocol The A-not A protocol The A-not A protocol Example: the A-not A test Example data: Situation: Sample 2 products: A and B (“not A”) A Not-A Assessors are familiarized with A samples (and sometimes B samples as well) Assessors are served one sample — either A or B Response “A” “Not-A” 26 29 14 41 Total 55 55 Null hypothesis, H0 : products are similar Alternative hypothesis, HA : products are different Question: Is the sample an A or a not A sample? Known as the “yes-no” method in Signal Detection Theory (Macmillan and Creelman, 2005) Problem: There are many tests to choose from. What is the p-value? Can we reject H0 ? © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 9 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) The A-not A protocol Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 10 / 23 The A-not A protocol Estimation of d 0 with sensR 0.4 The Thurstonian model for the A-not A test Not A A 0.2 > library(sensR) > AnotA(26, 55, 14, 55) Call: 0.1 Density 0.3 Estimation of d 0 with sensR: AnotA(x1 = 26, n1 = 55, x2 = 14, n2 = 55) 0.0 Results for the A-Not A test: 0 θ Estimate Std. Error Lower Upper P-value d-prime 0.591838 0.2492597 0.1032979 1.080378 0.01431559 d' Psychological continuuum d 0 : Sensory difference θ: Decision threshold © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 11 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 12 / 23 The A-not A protocol The A-not A protocol Likelihood confidence intervals for A-not A tests Similarity testing > (ana <- AnotA(26, 55, 14, 55)) Results for the A-Not A test: Aim: Prove that products are identical Prove that products are identical Establish similarity within a similarity bound at some α-level Estimate Std. Error Lower Upper P-value d-prime 0.591838 0.2492597 0.1032979 1.080378 0.01431559 How: Interchange the roles of the hypotheses: Standard normal based confidence intervals: CI95% = d 0 ± 1.96se(d 0 ) Example: H0 : d 0 is larger than 1 HA : d 0 is less than 1 Call: AnotA(x1 = 26, n1 = 55, x2 = 14, n2 = 55) Improved likelihood based confidence intervals: > confint(ana) 2.5 % 97.5 % threshold -0.4007727 0.2627993 0.1063875 1.0842269 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Huge practical challenge: How to choose the similarity bound? Sensometrics Summer School 13 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) The A-not A protocol Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 14 / 23 Measures of sensitivity Similarity testing with d 0 for A-not A tests Discrimination measures in equal-variance models Use d 0 for similarity testing: d 0 = (µ2 − µ1 )/σ is the (relative) distance between normal distributions Hypotheses: H0 : d 0 is larger than 1 HA : d 0 is less than 1 λ = 2Φ(−d 0 /2) is the distribution overlap (0 < λ ≤ 1) √ Sensitivity, S = P (x1 < x2 ) = Φ(d 0 / 2) is the probability that a random sample from the low-intensity distribution has a lower intensity than a random sample from the high-intensity distribution p-value = P (Z < (d 0 − d00 )/se(d 0 )|H0 ): > > > > ## The Wald statistic: statistic <- (0.592 - 1)/ 0.249 ## Compute p-value: pnorm(statistic, lower.tail=TRUE) overlap 1.0 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.01 0.0 0.25 0.51 0.77 1.05 1.35 1.68 2.07 2.56 3.29 3.92 5.15 AUC 0.5 0.60 0.69 0.78 0.85 0.91 0.95 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 [1] 0.05065307 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 15 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 16 / 23 Measures of sensitivity The A-not A with sureness protocol The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve Basics of the A-not A with sureness protocol Answers are given on a ’sureness’ scale with J categories What is a ROC curve? A visual description of the discriminative ability The model assumes J − 1 thresholds are adopted by the assessors A central concept in Signal Detection Theory (A plot of False positive ratio ∼ True positive ratio (alt. Hit rate ∼ False-alarm Rate) Multinomial response: several ordered response categories Many parameters: Thresholds, θj and effect, δ The real number of interest — the area under the ROC curve, AUC: √ S = AUC = Φ(d 0 / 2) Table: Soup data Product Reference Test Examples in R © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 17 / 23 Sure 134 101 ’Reference’ Not Sure Guess 162 66 101 51 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) The A-not A with sureness protocol ’Not Reference’ Guess Not Sure Sure 41 122 222 57 157 653 Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 18 / 23 The A-not A with sureness protocol NOT A A : σ1 = 1 NOT A : σ2 = 1.3 θ1 θ2 δ σ 0 Psychological continuum 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 A Unequal variances model 0.4 0.4 Thurstonian model for the A-not A with sureness protocol θ3 δ σk 0 Psychological continuum Multiple thresholds (θ) parameters. © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 19 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 20 / 23 The A-not A with sureness protocol The A-not A with sureness protocol An unequal-variance model in practice Cumulative link models for A-not A with sureness δ Reference products N(0, 1) Christensen showed that the A-not A protocol (with and without sureness) is a version of a cumulative link model: θj − δ(prodi ) P (Si ≤ θj ) = Φ σ(prodi ) Test products N(δ, σ22) where σ is the ratio of scales (std. dev). θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 θ5 This provides (optimal) ML estimates of the parameters, standard errors etc. Sensory intensity Product Reference Test Sure 132 96 ’Reference’ Not Sure Guess 161 65 99 50 profile likelihood confidence intervals available with confint. ’Not Reference’ Guess Not Sure Sure 41 121 219 57 156 650 > fm1 <- clm(sureness ~ prod, data=my_data, link="probit") > summary(fm1) ## print d-prime etc. > confint(fm1) ## likelihood confidence interval for d-prime Table: Discrimination of packet soup (Christensen, Cleaver and Brockhoff, 2011) © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 21 / 23 The A-not A with sureness protocol Discrimination measures in unequal-variance models d 0 = (µ2 − µ1 )/σ (no change) Distribution overlap: use the overlap function. p Sensitivity: S = Φ(d 0 / 1 + σ22 ) where σ2 is the scale ratio of the high-intensity distribution relative to the low-intensity distribution. All measureas are ’equivalent’ in the equal-variance model, but not so in the unequal-variance model. In the unequal-variance model d 0 can be a poor measure of discrimination. © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 23 / 23 © Christine Borgen Linander (DTU) Same-different and A-not A tests Sensometrics Summer School 22 / 23
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