Meet your new neighbours Working at a science park is quite unlike anything else. And you are in luck, because right now we have space available at our accessible science park in scenic Hørsholm. KOGLE ALLÉ 4 OG 6, HØRSHOLM Laboratory and office premises Serious about Innovation THE AREA – KOGLE ALLÉ 4 & 6 THE AREA Scion DTU Science and Technology Park contains Denmark’s largest biotech cluster. KOGLE ALLÉ 6 Built in 2002 and awarded an architecture prize. The building has two laboratory wings, linked by an administration/office wing. The area comprises a mix of small and large companies, which all work with research and development on high-tech products. The building is referred to colloquially as the ’Cedar building’. The glass and wood-clad facades blend into the natural surroundings. As a tenant at Kogle Allé, you will be a neighbour to companies like Chr. Hansen, ALK, Roche, Bavarian Nordic, Medtronic, Gubra, Express2ion, Particle Analytical, Bioneer, and Parasite Technologies. Both buildings were built as laboratory buildings, and consideration has been given to access for receiving goods. THE PROPERTIES The combined property consists of two separate but connected buildings, Kogle Allé 4 and 6. The property has a total of 8,715 m2 of floor space, allocated to laboratories, offices, store rooms, a canteen, and utility rooms – 2,489 m2 at Kogle Allé 4 and 6,226 m2 at Kogle Allé 6. The buildings are connected via a covered walkway and an underground pedestrian tunnel. KOGLE ALLÉ 4 Renovated inside and out in 2002. The building has four floors – two containing offices and laboratories, a top floor with offices, and a basement containing utility and store rooms. The buildings can be leased together or separately. The property currently houses the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability. FACILITIES • Central cooling system • Ventilation system • Solvent storage area • Central bottle depot for gases OVERVIEW MAP SHOWING EXPANSION OPTION Expansion Possible expansion An extra wing can be added to the three existing wings, as shown on the drawing , enabling the addition of approx. 2,000 m2. Kogle Allé 5 Total floor space: Kogle Allé 4 Kogle Allé 6 Expansion option Total floor space Kogle Allé 6 2,489 m2 6,226 m2 2,000 m2 10,715 m2 Kogle Allé 4 DATO 2013.04.25 THUJAHUSET OG CEDERHUSET TEGNET AF CFH PROSPEKT MÅL 1:250 TEGN. NR. PROSPEKT BBR nr.: Emne: 14 Vej: KOGLE ALLÉ 4 EKSTERIOR INTERI0R LEASE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SERVICE CHARGES The property’s share of the service charges for property taxes, snow clearing and ground keeping, insurance, and property service is DKK 225 per m2. HEATING AND WATER Based on consumption. Paid on acount, DKK 145 per m . ELECTRICITY Paid directly to the utility company. Office FURNISHINGS The premises will be taken over redecorated and ready for the tenant to move in, as agreed. TAKEOVER CONDITION The premises will be taken over redecorated. TAKEOVER DATE 1 January 2017 or as agreed. SECURITY OF TENURE As agreed. Kogle Allé 4 M2 Annual rent Annual rent 820 m2 1,150 943,150 Laboratories 1,223 m2 2,800 3,425,436 Store rooms 446 m2 500 222,840 2 Total 4,591,426 2,489 m2 NOTICE OF TERMINATION 12 months, by either party. M2 Årlig leje kr. pr. m2 Årlig leje kr. i alt Office 2,479 m2 1,150 2,850,505 Outdoor cleaning and maintenance is the responsibility of the lessor, and the cost is included in the service charges. Laboratories 3,168 m2 2,800 8,870,680 The leased premises must be handed over in the same condition as they were taken over. Store rooms 427 m2 500 213,360 Utilities etc. 152 m2 500 76,235 DEPOSIT 6 months, cash. RENT ADJUSTMENT In line with the net consumer price index, but at least 2.5 %. MAINTENANCE Inside, the lessee. Outside, the lessor. CLEANING HANDOVER Kogle Allé 6 Total 6,226 m 12,010,780 LAYOUT – KOGLE ALLÉ 4 CURRENT LAYOUT The ground floor is shown here. The first floor has similar layout. 1.A.09 1.A.01 1.A.19 1.A.07 1.A.04 1.A.26 1.A.23 1.A.11 1.D.23 1000 1.E.01 1.E.23 1.E.02 1.F.06 1.F.07 1.F.22 SKAKT 1.F.09 1.F.19 1.F.14 1.F.23 SKAKT 1.F.17 = LABORATORY 1.H.06 1.F.01 1.I.01 1.H.11 1.H.09 1.F.02 1.I.06 = OFFICE, KITCHEN, STORE ROOM AND ACCESS WAYS 1.F.13 1.F.16 1.F.24 1H22 SKAKT 1.H.14 1.I.17 1.I.07 1.J.02 1.I.22 1.I.23 1.J.15 1.J.06 1.J.23 1.J.19 1.L.25 1.L.01 1.L.05 1.L.14 1.L.23 Scion DTU Science and Technology Park Venlighedsvej 10, 2970 Hørsholm LAYOUT – KOGLE ALLÉ 6 CURRENT LAYOUT The ground floor is shown here. = LABORATORY = OFFICE, KITCHEN, STORE ROOM AND ACCESS WAYS LOCATION LOCATION The infrastructure is ideal with a location close to the motorway and fast bus connections to Copenhagen. Buses run through science park with a stop directly in front of the building. DESCRIPTION • 100 hectares of scenic surroundings. • Denmark’s largest biotech cluster. • Collaboration with 200 companies at the science park’s three sites in Hørsholm, Lyngby, and Copenhagen. • 80 companies located in Scion DTU, Hørsholm. • Over 3,500 knowledge employees already work here. SCION DTU OFFERS SCION DTU OFFERS • Close ties to DTU • Contact with the knowledge you need • Contact with the skills you need • Networking activities • Clusters within your industry • High-tech facilities • Open Inspiration—networking events • An international environment • Incubation—business development • Breakfast events • A dynamic research and development environment COMPANIES IN SCION DTU MEET YOUR NEW NEIGHBORS Working in Scion DTU Science and Technology Park is not like work elsewhere. 62% experienced growth. 53% launching new products. 54% collaborate with DTU, and 67% believe that Scion DTU contributes positively to their growth. We are a collection of knowledge-intensive enterprises, where a part is hardware-focused, as the facilities are perfect for it. All that you can be a part of. DINE NABOER: 25 % BIOTECH 17 % ICT 3 % MONEY 10 % ADVISOR 45 % HARDWARE GET MORE THAN JUST SPACE SØHUSET CONFERENCE CENTRE • State-of-the-art conference centre • Meeting rooms for 6-88 people • Auditorium for up to 300 people • Fitness centre • Free meeting rooms for science park tenants • A beautiful natural setting • Perfect for formal and informal meetings Serious about Innovation CONTACT Steen Kjelstrup Cathrine Güntelberg Frederik Nielsen Leasing Manager Leasing Coordinator Service Technician +45 2063 1736 Mobil +45 2028 5620 +45 2245 2337 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] As an international science park, with roots in the university environment, Scion DTU helps innovative people and companies grow. We create the ideal environment by providing access to buildings, services, advice, and professional networks. With over 180,000 m2 of floor space in Hørsholm, Lyngby and the COBIS science park in Copenhagen, Scion DTU works with 200 knowledge-intensive companies. Venlighedsvej 10 | DK-2970 Hørsholm | | 45864100 | Serious about Innovation
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