SEDGEMOOR AUCTION CENTRE Serving the South West’s Farmers SATURDAY STORE STOCK MARKET 6 Day Standstill in Operation SATURDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2014 TOTAL STORE STOCK: 5828 HEAD Please telephone the market office to advise of your intention to consign stock. Those stock will then be advertised on, under our pre-entered stock lists. For market reports and entry forms go to GREENSLADE TAYLOR HUNT REPORT A lively calf trade to £480 for a Charolais bull, £350 for a Blue heifer and £190 for a Friesian bull Next Saturday 8th November North Petherton Carnival The road will be closed from 5.30pm until 11pm. Full Report Available On For quick and easy access to market reports and sale updates on your smart phone, Follow 112 DAIRY CATTLE Commencing 11am Prompt Auctioneer: Derek Biss Please Note New Start Time Tel: Office 01278 410250, Mobile 07850 932555 Another full entry of dairy cows and followers saw a packed ringside, despite the latest round of atrocious milk price cuts. The topic of the day had the effect of deflating the trade from last week’s high levels. Overall the trade still remained good and at a level fair to both purchasers and sellers. Top of the day was a “Cloverfields” bred heifer from Messrs FG Summerhayes & Son that realised £2040. Others to £1900 Mr R Webb; £1830 Mr NC Taylor; £1810 x 2 Messrs R & M Trott and Messrs J & H Snook; £1800 x 2 Mr M Powell. Cross bred heifers to £1400 Mr NC Taylor. British Friesian heifers to £1620 and £1480 Messrs AJ Clapp & Partners. TYPE Min Max Ave 1st Quality Heifers £1700 £2040 £1845 2ndQuality Heifers £1060 £1680 £1410 1st Quality Cows £1410 £1700 £1580 2nd Quality Cows £1150 £1170 £1160 979 STORE CATTLE, SUCKLERS & STIRKS 654 STORE CATTLE Commencing 10.00am - Gates Open 6am DEDICATED RING FOR FEEDING CATTLE OVER 400KG Auctioneers: Neil Biffen Tel: Office 01458 250000 Mobile 07702 133053 Robert Venner Tel: Office 01278 410278 Mobile 07889 006503 Fieldsman: Adam Hayes Mobile 07889 064309 For Saturday 8th November 2014:- 60 day PMT date: 2nd September 2014 (count day after injection as 1 and day of sale as 60). A much reduced entry of 654 stores, part of 979 with the stirks and sucklers as we enter November and appear to have broken the back of the numbers for this Autumn. Quality very mixed but the best still in great demand. Top was £1285 for a well grown lean Charolais steer (23m & FA) from Mr BC Knapp, Pilning, who also sold an 18m Limousin steer at £1135. Other Charolais steers at £1250 (26m & FA) well fleshed and from Messrs LF & JM Heywood, Loxbeare; £1135 (20m) exceptionally shapely and lean from Mr JG Warfield, Limington; £1095 (26m & FA) well grown from Mr AC Heal, Redlynch; £1075 (21m) Messrs HJ Cox & Son, Burtle and £1035 (27m) from Mr GC Hutchings, Ilfracombe. Blue steers rose to £1280 (24/25m & FA) for lean types from Messrs LG Heal & Son, Westonzoyland. Others £1140 (25m) Mr MJ Peters, Mark; £1070 (23/24m & FA) Mr D Kendall, Shaftesbury and £1005 (19/21m) from Mr PM Churches, Wedmore. Limousin steers topped at £1275 (25/26m & FA) for quality red types from Messrs R Jones & Son, Dulverton. Others £1140 (27m) Messrs LF & JM Heywood again; £1130 (24m) Mr JP Tolley, Northay, who sold others (22m) at £1085; £1085 (29m & 29d & FA) Messrs WC & WR Martin, Penzance; £1055 (19m) Mr MJ Peters again and £1020 (26m) Mr ED & Mrs RL Pike, Stockland. Simmental steers rose to £1170 (26m & FA) from Messrs LG Heal & Son again. Others £1140 (25m & FA) Messrs R Jones & Son again. Well grown and presented Blondes (18m & FA) from Mr C & Mrs A Williams, Bampton, sold well at £1065. NATIVE STEERS in great demand to £1270 for a well fleshed Angus (22m & FA) from Messrs LF & JM Heywood again who sold others at £1085 (24/25m). Other Angus £1165 (25/26m) Mr RJ Elliott, Bristol and £1080 (29m & FA) Messrs CG & C Vigar, Curry Rivel. Hereford steers peaked at £1230 (26m & FA) from Mr P Brock, Clevedon. A tremendous run of organic Hereford steers from Mr C & Mrs S Mayor, Chew Stoke met voracious demand at £1200 for all 22 (22/26m & FA). Others £1140 (26m & FA) Messrs R Jones & Son again. DAIRY STEERS peaked at £1140 for a Fleckvieh (26m) and a Holstein (25m) from Messrs R Jones & Son again. Other really well grown Holsteins at £950, £875 and £830 (23/26m & FA) from Mr ES Triggol, Chedzoy and £885 (26m & FA) from Messrs LG Heal & Son again. HEIFERS topped at £1170 for well fleshed 23/26m and FA organic Herefords from Mr C & Mrs Mayor again. Native heifers being generally more fleshed in keen demand at £1090 (25/26m & FA) Messrs LF & JM Heywood again; £1020 (23/28m & FA) Mr FWJ Parris, Yarcombe, who sold others 24m at £1000. Continental heifers peaked at £1135 for a very shapely Charolais (17m) from Mr C & Mrs A Williams again, who sold another similar, also 17m at £1102. Other Charolais at £1005 (26m & FA) Mr AC Heal again and £960 (20/22m & FA) Messrs J & A Moon, Baltonsborough. Blue heifers at £1045 (27m & FA) Messrs LG Heal & Son again; £995 (25m) Mr MJ Peters, Mark and £970 (25m & FA) Messrs IJ & SA Bell & Son, Cossington. YOUNG STORES peaked at £960 for a 13m Charolais steer from Mr E Goodfellow, Netherbury. Others to £950 (15m) for a Limousin steer from North Dairy Farm Ltd, Pulham. Steers Max £1285 Ave £799 Heifers Max £1170 Ave £756 Breed Steers Others Heifers Others Charolais Limousin Simmental B/Blue Hereford Angus South Devon Devon Blonde Friesian £1285 £1275 £1170 £1280 £1230 £1270 £870 £925 £1065 £1140 £1250 £1140 £1140 £1140 £1200 £1165 £785 £925 £950 £1135 £910 £880 £1045 £1170 £1090 £840 £825 £800 £825 £1102 £900 £860 £945 £1065 £1020 £800 £775 - 10 SUCKLER COWS, CALVES & STOCK BULLS Weekly Sales Commencing 10.00am Ring 2 Auctioneer: Neil Biffen Tel: Office 01458 250000, Mobile 07702 133053 Small entry sold to £950.00 for a Hereford cow (09.10) and her Angus heifer calf (01.04.14) from Mr BW Fisher. 506 NON-EXPORT CALVES Commencing 10.00am Auctioneers: Charles Clark Tel: Office 01460 238383 Mobile: 07850 691561 Andy Clements Tel: Office 01278 410250 Mobile: 07769 904704 th Saturday 8 November Special Monthly Catalogued Sale of 150 Suckler Cows, Calves, Heifers & Bulls To commence 12.30pm Ring 1 Comprising: 58 Pedigree & Non Pedigree Continental Bred Cows & Calves 79 Pedigree & Non Pedigree Native Bred Cows & Calves 13 Bulls 315 STIRKS & BUSK CALVES Commencing 11.00am DEDICATED RING FOR REARING CATTLE UP TO 400KG Auctioneers: Will Handel Tel: Office 01404 46222, Mobile: 07894 616167 Martyn Venner Tel: 01278 425555 Mobile: 07813 697012 Pre movement test required for Saturday 8th November 2014 if born on or before the 27th September 2014 A respectable entry of excellent quality sold to a good trade when averages for both steers and heifers were up on the week. Some plainer types met a little resistance as some buyers become more selective. Top price of £970 for a Limousin steer from Mr IC Churchill, who also sold others at £870. Other Limousins to £835 (9m) from White House Farm who sold others at £730 (7m) and £695 (7m) £785 (9m) £700 (9m) and £690 (6m) from Messrs RJ & SR Bunn; £770 x 5 (8m) from Messrs M & H Gill who also sold another at £765 (8m). £750 (11m) from Mr C George and £695 (8m) from Messrs E & IW Studley. Charolais to £895 (8m) from Mr SM Harvey who also sold others at £805 (8m) x2; £770 (8m) x3; £755 x4 (7m) and £750 (8m). Other Charolais to £750 (14m) from Mr B Williams; £750 from Mr C George and £770 and £700 x4 (8m) from Mr B Hoyles. The best show of bulls seen for a while when Charolais rose to £890 (7m) £800 (7m) and £765 (7m) x2 from Mrs NA Mcinerney. Limousins from Mr J Sherwin to £720 (6m) and £690 (6m). Heifers to £800 (12m) from White House Farm for a Limousin who also sold others at £665 (9m) and £610 (7m). Other Limousins to £790 from Mr IC Churchill, £700 x4 from Ferryside Farm; £642 x2 (10m) £620 (8m) £610 (7m) x3, £595 x2 (7m) from Messrs E & IW Studley; £640 from Mr A Westcott; £632 x4 (7m) from Messrs RJ & SR Bunn; who also sold others at £625 x3 (6m) £600 (6m) and £590 (7m). British Blues to £785 from Mr DW Lockyer. Charolais to £715 (6m) from Messrs KJ & LC Popham when others sold at £650 (11m) from Ferryside Farm; £650 x4 (9m) from Mr SM Harvey; £650 (11m) from Mr G Fisher and £630 x3 (8m) from Mr C Chilcott. Many thanks to all Vendors and particularly those who pre-booked with 50% of the entry entered prior to sale. Please can Vendors make every effort to pre-book by email [email protected] or by phone 01278 410278. Buyers do look at our website pre-entered stock page. Steers Max £970 Ave £583 Heifers Max £800 Ave £504 Breed Charolais Limousin Simmental B/Blue Hereford Angus Devon Blonde Friesian Steers Others Heifers Others £895 £970 £640 £665 £515 £700 - £890 £870 £595 £475 £680 - £715 £800 £575 £785 £290 £470 £622 £660 £790 £530 £700 £220 £450 - £485 £420 - - For Saturday 8th November 2014 Calves born on or before 27th September 2014 will require a pre-movement test. PEDIGREE REGISTERED NATIVE SIRES When registering Angus, Hereford, Devon and Beef Shorthorn calves with Pedigree sires. MAY WE ASK all vendors please request that the sire eartag number is printed on the front of the passport by BCMS. Handwritten sire details on passports are no longer sufficient for purchasers. Sires must be REGISTERED pedigree. White Tagged Calves Buyers, look out for white tagged calves. These calves will have been tested for BVD. Check available results on Vendors, any calves having tested as a PI or as having BVD are not allowed into Sedgemoor. (370) Beef Breeds – not able to be exported from market Charolais Bulls to £480. Blue heifers to £350. An increased entry of mixed quality beef calves met a lively trade particularly for the medium calves which attracted many new buyers. At the top end quality was harder to find but a superb Charolais bull from Messrs DJ & SE Bristol sold well at £480. Blues to £435 Messrs CJ & JC Pine; £425 Mr R Angell and £398 Messrs MC Clothier Partnership. Limousins to £398 Messrs RJ & SJ Dare and also Mr BJ Phelps. Other continental bulls £378 and £372 and the best £320-£370. Medium bulls £250-£320, stronger than of late. Smaller bulls from £180. The Blue heifers sparkled to £350 Messrs Boyes also £350 Mr MW Giles, Sturminster. Others £340, £332 and £329. Many of the best heifers £250-£300 and medium heifers looking strong at £220-£260. Plainer heifers from £120-£180. An extremely keen trade for the native breeds saw Hereford bulls rise to £325 Messrs DWC & MA Brunt. Others £315 and £302 and heifers to a near record £300 Messrs BS & SG Kingston. Others £290, £282 and £270. Angus bulls remain firm to £300 Mr ES Triggol, also £295 (x2) £294 and £292 and heifers £240 Mr CD Griffin, £225 and £220. An excellent entry – thanks to all Vendors. Breed Type No Max Vendor Other Price Blue Bull 52 £435 Messrs CJ & JC £425 Pine Hfr 56 £350 Mr BM Boyes £340 Charolais Bull 13 £480 Hfr 10 £308 Limousin Bull 12 £398 Hfr 21 Simmental Bull 8 Hfr Hereford Angus Devon Saler £350 £306 Messrs DJ & SE Bristol Messrs SM & DM Turner Messrs RJ & SJ Dare/ Mr BJ Phelps Mr AS Morgan £372 Mr AW Ponting £334 14 £312 £308 Bull 27 £325 Hfr 21 £378 Bull 58 £395 Messrs HT & ME Quick Messrs DWC & MA Brunt Messrs R & EJ Phillips Mr RA Plowright Hfr 52 £240 Mr CD Griffin £225 Bull 1 £185 Hfr 1 £52 Bull 5 £222 Hfr 2 £75 Messrs RG Frost & Son Messrs MS & NM Hebditch Messrs RS Chapman & Son Messrs RS Chapman & Son £300 £358 £278 £315 £300 £300 £202 £70 (136) Friesians – not able to be exported from market Please ensure, if you bring in slaughter calves, that you have completed a Food Chain Information Form, as incorporated into the entry forms. Thank you. A larger entry found a very solid trade when all black and white calves were keenly contested. British Friesians rose to £190 Mr T Burden. Others £170 Messrs FG, C & E Tucker; £158 Messrs JD & SA Fear & Sons. Others £152, £142 and £128. Many good Friesians £80-£120. Holstein Friesians to £220 Messrs AW Frampton & Son (12 weeks). Others £192 Mr JB Clist; £188 Twose Farms; £140 Messrs DJ & J Burrough; £130 Mr ES Triggol. Again decent calves were £70 plus when many mediums sold at £40£70 and plainer types £20-£40. 3989 SHEEP Commencing 10:00am Auctioneers: Richard Webber Tel: Office 01769 574500 Mobile 07740 881180 Paul Ashton Tel: Office 01278 410250, Mobile 07866 673857 Tom Mellor Tel: Office 01278 410250 Mobile 07929 649195 PLEASE NOTE: All sheep are required to be entered with a Food Chain Information Declaration, which will be part of our entry form. This applies equally to store lambs, breeding and grazing ewes and couples. A copy is available on or from the market office. SHEEP MUST ALSO BE CORRECTLY TAGGED. PLEASE REFER TO OUR ENTRY FORM. Use of Loading Bays May we please kindly encourage vendors to unload their stock and leave them on the loading bay, in the inner bay if necessary and move their vehicle off the bays BEFORE moving the sheep to the pens. In this way we will hopefully enable the smooth operation of the loading bays for all. Store Lambs (3225) Another very large entry of 3225 store lambs sold to a very competitive and if anything, slightly stronger trade. Top price went to Mr P Miles who achieved £76.50 (x2). Others to £66 from Messrs RG & J Richards; £65.50 from Messrs AR & SB Wyatt and Mr GM Veysey; £64 from Messrs FJ Hayes & Sons, Mr WC Fewings, Messrs PJ & LA Veysey, Messrs C & A Williams and Mr GR Legg. Mediums ranged £55-£65 and very small nearly all £25 plus. Overall average £56.20. 242 PIGS Commencing 11.00am Auctioneer: Paul Trolley Tel: Office 01278 410250 Auctioneer: Will Wallis Tel: 01935 415300 Mobile: 07525 671644 ***PIGS MUST BE PRE-BOOKED*** Please Note - The Next Pig Market is 15th November Fat Pigs (94) Trade nationally is easing and the trade for 2nd quality has eased, although the best again sold very well. Regular consignments from Mr C Chilcott and Messrs LE Miller & Son keenly sought. Other good types from Mr CW Gibbins, Mr J Baker, Mr M Burke, Mr N Richards and Peckmoor Farm. Lights to £112, mediums to £124 and heavies to £145. Store Pigs (106) Decent entry with nice types from Mr CG Stanbury, Mr C White, Mr TW Gibbs, Mr D Hutchings and Mr J Collings. 6 w/o to £32, 8 w/o to £38 and 10 w/o to £40. Strong feeders to £78. Cull Sows (14) Trade continues to ease. Best to £170 Messrs P & T Reakes and £161 Peckmoor Farm, Boars (6) Best to £180 Mr C Bax. Breeding Pigs (9 + 3) Larger entry of mixed quality. Pure Pietrain boar to £210 from Mr R Smith. For Sale 12 White Gilts ready to go to the boar bred by Mr Chris Chilcott. Please contact Paul Trolley on 01278 410250 ***Please Note*** When completing your pig movement licence under 4. FCI declaration the box alongside Production System must be completed with either “indoor reared” or “outdoor reared” as this information is required. Ram Lambs Monday 24th November 2014 Ram lambs sold as store lambs are to be declared. Those not declared and found post sale will attract a 25% deduction in price. South West Winter Fair Grazing Ewes & Rams (669) A smaller entry of 669 grazing ewes and rams which again lacked the quality types sold to a firmer trade. Top price of £107.50 was achieved by Messrs AV & SC Stanbury of Launceston. Others to £103.50 from Messrs K & T Pavey; £99 from Mr MT Jackson; £96.50 from Mr FWJ Parris; £92 from Mr L Habberfield; £89.50 from Messrs RS Chapman & Son. Mediums ranged £50-£75, plain £40-£50 and boners nearly all £25 plus. Overall average £57.35. 2015 Sheep Tagging Requirements Please note next year we will only sell ewes which have an electronic tag. To avoid having to re-tag pre 2010 born ewes with a set of double tags (one electronic) please sell them this AUTUMN. Breeding Ewes (44) A very small entry of 44 breeding ewes with few quality pens forward sold to £71 for older Texel cross ewes from Mr RC Notley. Stock Rams (51) Another large number of stock rams forward sold to a more selective trade when less bidders were in attendance. Suffolks to £250 for a ram lamb from Mr A England who achieved the same price for a Charollais shearling. Texel shearlings to £230 from Mr P Carnell. Large entry expected for next weeks catalogued sale. Vendors are advised to ensure their 2013/14 born lambs, sold at foot, as orphans or as store lambs, have at least a single electronic flock tag. This will enable Purchasers to upgrade ewe lambs if required and facilitate subsequent on movements for all, thereby ensuring maximum buyer support. Any breeding sheep born in 2010 or later will require double tags, one being Electronic, with both displaying flock and full individual number. Please note from 2015 all sheep require two tags, one of which must be electronic. at Sedgemoor Auction Centre “A Day Not To Be Missed” th The 8 Annual Christmas Show & Sale of Cattle, Lambs, Pigs, Lamb Carcases & Dressed Poultry Do not miss the biggest & best Christmas Show in the South West, when some of the best Haltered Cattle in the Country will be on show. also The South West Sausage & new for 2014 Mince Pie Competitions Numerous Trade Stands Free public entry to the Fair For further information please contact Adam Hayes or Louise Boyer at the Market Office on 01278 410278 FORTHCOMING SALES NOVEMBER th Saturday 8 th Saturday 8 th POULTRY 12 Noon Auctioneer: Andrew Clements Tel Office 01278 410250 Auctioneer: Rob Baker Tel Office 01278 765588 Please Note – The Next Poultry Sale is on 22nd November Saturday 15 th Tuesday 18 Thursday 20 FODDER Commencing 1:00pm Auctioneer: Tom Mellor Tel: Office 01278 410250 Mobile 07929 649195 Andy Clements Tel: Office 01278 410250, Mobile 07769 904704 Please Note – The Next Fodder Sale is on Saturday 22nd November Henry Brice Tel: Office 01278 782326 Saturday 22 th nd nd Saturday 22 th Monday 24 Monthly Seasonal Catalogued Sale of In Lamb Ewes & Ewe Lambs 12 Noon & Monthly Catalogued Sale of MV Accredited Rams & Ewes & Non MV Rams 12 Noon Monthly Catalogued Sale of Suckler Cows 12.30pm Ring 1 Fortnightly Sale of Pigs 11am Special Collective Dairy Sale of Freshly Calved Cows, Heifers, Youngstock & Bulls 11am Ring 1 Collective Machinery Sale 10.30am Collective Catalogued Sale of Purebred Poultry 12 Noon Collective Sale of Fodder 1pm South West Winter Fair Forthcoming Livestock Sale Sedgemoor Auction Centre North Petherton, Somerset, TA6 6DF (M5, Junction 24) Tuesday 18th November 2014 at 11.00am prompt The November Collective Dairy Sale of 180 DAIRY CATTLE 40 Freshly Calved Cows & Heifers from Leading South West Breeders To include the Dispersal Sale of 107 Holstein Friesian Dairy Cows & Heifers from EAS Reeves & Sons (Removed from Cote Farm, Warminster, Wiltshire for convenience of sale), 5 Bulls Forthcoming Deadstock Sale At Sedgemoor Auction Centre, North Petherton, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 6DF THURSDAY 20th NOVEMBER at 10.30am th (Items to be delivered Wednesday 19 November between 9:30am-4:30pm) WANTED TRACTORS, MACHINERY, HORTICULTURAL EQUIPMENT ETC (300+ anticipated lots to include misc. items) Sale to include Dispersal of: FIELD MARSHALL Series 3A (1951); LEYLAND 285 (1975); FORDSON SUPER MAJOR; 2x NUFFIELD Tractors. All Tractors are restoration projects from a non-VAT registered deceased Estate. For Catalogues Tel: 01278 410250, e-mail: [email protected], website: Collective Fodder Auction To be held at Sedgemoor Auction Centre Saturday 22nd November 2014 at 1:00pm Entry forms available for Hay, Silage and Straw All enquiries to Tom Mellor (01278) 410250 Antiques Valuations Here! At Sedgemoor Auction Centre Saturdays 10am – 12 Noon 22nd November & 20th December On the date above we will be offering free verbal valuations and receiving goods for our forthcoming Monthly Antique, Collectors and Sporting Sales Auction Announcement Greenslade Taylor Hunt are commencing monthly auctions at Sedgemoor Auction Centre, Junction 24 Antique, modern furniture & effects, house clearances 20th November at 11am Call us now for further information on how to enter goods Tel. 01278 410250 or 01823 332525 Goods accepted day prior to sale 9am to 4pm Invitation to Farmers and Landowners th Yarcombe Jubilee Village Hall at 7.30 pm on 8 December 2014 Beviss & Beckingsale are delighted to invite you to a presentation for Farmers and Landowners, in conjunction with Greenslade Taylor Hunt, Land Agents and Moore Scarrott, Accountants. The presentation will cover the following topics : Post Death Disputes over Farm Property – Beviss & Beckingsale; Current Farming Issues – Greenslade Taylor Hunt; and Taxes & Property – Moore Scarrott. After the Seminar there will be a Q & A session followed by refreshments. We very much hope you can join us. Booking: This event is free to attend but spaces are limited. th To reserve your place at this seminar please RSVP by 24 November 2014 by completing this form. Alternatively, please contact Karen-Lee Watts at Law Chambers, The Manor House, High Street, Honiton, Devon EX14 1DJ. Email :[email protected] Telephone : 01404 548050 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Seminar for Farmers and Landowners Please reserve me……. Place(s) at the seminar for Farmers and Landowners at Yarcombe Jubilee Village Hall on the 8 December 2014. Name(s)……………………………………….. Email……………………………………………. ………………………………………………… Are there any topics you would like to see Address………………………………………... covered in future events?...................................... …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………… Tel No…………………………………………. th
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