Curriculum Vitae _____________________________________________________________________ Mette K. Zebis, MSc, PhD Jens Jessens Vej 2, 2th DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark Phone: (+45) 30291943 E-mail: [email protected] Born: 2 July 1969 Employment _________________________________________________________________________________ Current position Assistant professor, Metropolitan University College 2014- Previous employments Senior researcher, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre-Amager Maternity leave Post Doc at Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark Post Doc at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment Researcher at the Gait Analysis Laboratory, Hvidovre Hospital PhD Student at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2012 - 2014 2011 - 2012 2010 - 2012 2007 - 2010 2006 - 2007 2003 - 2006 Education/Degrees _________________________________________________________________________________ PhD, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen MSc in Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen Bachelor in Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen 2007 2002 2002 Teaching activities _________________________________________________________________________________ Invited lecturer at Master and PhD courses 1-2 times per year, 2010 International PhD graduate program: “Basic and Clinical Research in Musculo-Skeletal and Oral Sciences Annual Symposium” International PhD course, SDU: “Physical activity in leisure time and at work” International PhD course, SDU: “Assessment and evaluation of human muscle, nervous system and tendonaponeurosis function in sports science, clinical science and aging” Master in Physical Therapy, SDU: “Analyses of movement and muscle function - in relation to sports injuries Master and Fitness, SDU. Lecturer at Metropolitan University College, 2014 Modul 14 – Quantitative research methods Modul 14 – Statistics Modul 14 – Bachelor supervision Modul 12 – Pre Bachelor education 1 Project supervisor for 48 students (graduation year in parenthesis) Through the last five years (2010-2014) I have supervised bachelor students, master students, and one PhD student to completion. Currently, I am supervising one ongoing PhD student, two master students and six bachelor students. Bachelor students (39) Fysioterapeutuddannelsen, Metropolitan University College Maria Højland Petersen (2010), Tanja Lærke Jensen (2010), Tine Cederkvist Viskær (2010), Nadja Ørbæk (2010), Jonas Søgaard Madsen (2010), Pernille Darly (2011), Anne-Cathrine Jakobsen (2011), Bjørn Gliese (2011), Rasmus Skov Sørensen (2011), Michelle Barner Bærentzen (2011), Rikke Bülow Mindegaard Christensen (2011), Charlotte Kock Kristensen (2011), Caroline Holmedal (2014), Oda Sterten (2014), Stine Myre Røsnes (2014), Charlotte Arberg (2014), Ditte Flyvbjerg (2014), Isa-Nora Carlsen (2014), Silje Vindheim Jørgensen (2014), Michaela Andersen (2014), Anne Kjersgaard Jensen (2014). Fysioterapeutuddannelsen, VIA University College Campus Holstebro Andreas Myhre Sjurseth (2011), Stian Westby (2011), Frank Bjerre-Poulsen (2011), Kim André Urtegård (2011) Fysioterapeutuddannelsen, University College Lillebælt Ulrik Laursen (2014), Maria Jørgensen (2014), Anne-Mette Olsen (2014) Fysioterapeutuddannelsen, University College Sjælland Ulrik Larsen (2014), Otto Linnet (2014) Fysioterapeutuddannelsen, VIA University College Aarhus Søren V. Bitsch (2014), Kathja Rasmusen (2014) Institute of Exercise and Sports Sciences, University of Copenhagen Camilla Stensgaard Andersson (2010), Simone Mari Lopez Micheelsen (2010), Ida Laurent Nielsen (2011), Jan Andersson (2011), Jakob Vinther (2011), Mille Juul Jensen (2012) Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Marie Emily Merry (2012) Master students (7) Institute of Exercise and Sports Sciences, University of Copenhagen Mikkel Brandt Petersen (2011) Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Peter Sergio Larsen (2012) Cand. Scient. Physical Therapy, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Bjørn Gliese (2013), Rasmus Skov Sørensen (2013), Rikke Bülow Mindegaard Christensen (2013) Master in Sports Physiotherapy, Department for Health, University of Bath Connie Linnebjerg (ongoing) Master in Sport and Exercise Medicine, Cardiff Metropolitan University Nicolai Bruun-Sørensen (ongoing) PhD students (2) National Research Centre for the Working Environment & SDU: Christoffer Højnicke Andersen (completed 2012, project title ‘Effect of different training regimes on musculoskeletal pain in neck and shoulder’). Copenhagen University Hospital, Amager-Hvidovre: Hanne Bloch Lauridsen (ongoing 2014-2017, project title ‘Functional and biomechanical evaluation of two ACL grafts – RCT study’). Other relevant academic activities _________________________________________________________________________________ PhD opponent Silje Stensrud (PhD defense April 2013, project title ‘Knee function and exercise in middle-aged patients with degenerative meniscus tears’). Agnethe Nilstad (PhD defense June 2014, project title ‘"Injuries and risk factors in elite female football – Implications for screening and prevention"). 2 Member of the Censor Corps – The Exercise Physiology education (AU, AAU, SDU, KU) Censor at 3 master thesis defenses (2014) Leader of research groups _________________________________________________________________________________ Leader for groups of 3 to 10 employees involved in the research projects listed below. This also includes projectplanning, administration of grants, quarterly reporting to grant providers, and steering committee work. ‘Screening og forebyggelse af forreste korsbåndsskader og udvikling af tidlig slidgigt blandt kvindelige idrætsudøvere’ 2010 – 2014 ‘Projekt Pigefodbold 2012’ 2011 – 2013 ‘Workplace adjusted intelligent physical exercise for prevention and treatment of neck/shoulder pain (VIMS)’ 2007 – 2010 Funding (main applicant) _________________________________________________________________________________ The Team Denmark Elite Sports Association (Screening og forebyggelse af forreste korsbåndsskader og udvikling af tidlig slidgigt blandt kvindelige idrætsudøvere, Dkr. 498.000) 2012 The Danish Rheumatism Association (Gigtforeningen) (Udvikling af en træningsmodel til forebyggelse af forreste korsbåndsskade, Dkr. 281.000) 2010 The Danish Ministry of Culture Committee for Sports Research (Screening og forebyggelse af forreste korsbåndsskader og udvikling af tidlig slidgigt blandt kvindelige idrætsudøvere, Dkr. 310.000) 2009 The Team Denmark Elite Sports Association (Screening og forebyggelse af forreste korsbåndsskader og udvikling af tidlig slidgigt blandt kvindelige idrætsudøvere, Dkr. 255.000) 2009 FIFA (Neuromuscular training and strength training effect on risk factors for ACL injuries in female elite soccer players, Dkr. 224.000) 2006 Board memberships and committees _________________________________________________________________________________ Scientific board for Danish Sports Medicine Congress (DIMS) Council for the Danish Handball Federation (DHF) Council for DGI (DGI) Council for the English Institute of Sport (EIS) Member of the Medical Committee, Danish Football Association (DBU) Scientific board for ‘Vidensråd for Forebyggelse, Sundhedsstyrelsen’ Scientific board for ‘Ministry of Employment’ 201420132013201320122013 2008 Reviewer for journals _________________________________________________________________________________ BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders British Journal of Sports Medicine (BMJ Group) Clinical Biomechanics European Journal of Applied Physiology 3 International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance Journal of Biomechanics Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology Journal of Sports Science Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports Sports Medicine Sports Health International research collaboration _________________________________________________________________________________ English Institute of Sport (research and practice of specific exercises used in prevention of sports injuries). Contact Lead of Strength & Conditioning Coach, Chris Mcleod, [email protected] Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre (prevention of injuries in female sports). Contact Associate Professor Grethe Myklebust, PhD, [email protected] National collaborators – Research institutes _________________________________________________________________________________ Several national research partners as documented by the list of publications. Closest national research partners during the past five years: Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre-Amager, Gait Laboratory, contact: Senior Researcher Jesper Bencke Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre-Amager, Arthroscopic Centre Amager, contact: Senior Researcher Kristian Thorborg Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre-Amager, Arthroscopic Centre Amager, contact: Associate Professor, Chief surgeon Per Hölmich National Research Center for the Working Environment, contact: Prof. Lars Andersen Panum Institute, Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, Division of Biomechanics, University of Copenhagen, contact: Ass. Prof. Tine Alkjær Eriksen Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Research - Copenhagen (PMR-C), Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen contact: Senior Researcher Thomas Bandholm IOC Research Centre for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health, Institute of Sports Medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital, contact: Prof. Michael Kjær University of Copenhagen, Institute of Exercise and Sports Sciences, contact: Ass. Prof. Peter Krustrup University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, contact: Prof. Per Aagaard Aarhus University, Section of Sport Science, contact: PhD student Merete Møller Publications _________________________________________________________________________________ Original articles with peer-review: 48 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Andersen LL , Zebis MK. Process evaluation of workplace interventions with physical exercise to reduce musculoskeletal disorders. International Journal of Rheumatology in press. Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Andersen CH, Bandholm T, Thorborg K, Zebis MK, Andersen LL. Evaluation of elastic bands for lower extremity resistance training in adults with and without musculo-skeletal pain. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2014 October;24(5):e353-e359. Roos E, Sogaard K, Zebis MK, Hartvigsen J. [In Process Citation]. Ugeskr Laeger 2014 March 3;176(5). Clausen MB, Zebis MK, Moller M, Krustrup P, Holmich P, Wedderkopp N, Andersen LL, Christensen KB, Thorborg K. High injury incidence in adolescent female soccer. Am J Sports Med 2014 October;42(10):2487-94. Brandt M, Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Jay K, Colado JC, Wang Y, Zebis MK, Andersen LL. Association between Neck/Shoulder Pain and Trapezius Muscle Tenderness in Office Workers. Pain Res Treat 2014;2014:352735. Zebis MK, Andersen CH, Sundstrup E, Pedersen MT, Sjogaard G, Andersen LL. Time-wise change in neck pain in response to rehabilitation with specific resistance training: implications for exercise prescription. PLoS One 2014;9(4):e93867. Gram B, Andersen C, Zebis MK, Bredahl T, Pedersen MT, Mortensen OS, Jensen RH, Andersen LL, Sjogaard G. Effect of training supervision on effectiveness of strength training for reducing neck/shoulder pain and headache in office workers: cluster randomized controlled trial. Biomed Res Int 2014;2014:693013. Lidegaard M, Jensen RB, Andersen CH, Zebis MK, Colado JC, Wang Y, Heilskov-Hansen T, Andersen LL. Effect of brief daily resistance training on occupational neck/shoulder muscle activity in office workers with chronic pain: randomized controlled trial. Biomed Res Int 2013;2013:262386. 4 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Jakobsen MD, Sundstrup E, Andersen CH, Persson R, Zebis MK, Andersen LL. Effectiveness of hamstring knee rehabilitation exercise performed in training machine vs. elastic resistance: electromyography evaluation study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2014 April;93(4):320-7. Pedersen MT, Andersen CH, Zebis MK, Sjogaard G, Andersen LL. Implementation of specific strength training among industrial laboratory technicians: long-term effects on back, neck and upper extremity pain. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2013;14:287. Andersen CH, Andersen LL, Zebis MK, Sjogaard G. Effect of scapular function training on chronic pain in the neck/shoulder region: a randomized controlled trial. J Occup Rehabil 2014 June;24(2):316-24. Jay K, Schraefel M, Andersen CH, Ebbesen FS, Christiansen DH, Skotte J, Zebis MK, Andersen LL. Effect of brief daily resistance training on rapid force development in painful neck and shoulder muscles: randomized controlled trial. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 2013 September;33(5):386-92. Sjogaard G, Zebis MK, Kiilerich K, Saltin B, Pilegaard H. Exercise training and work task induced metabolic and stressrelated mRNA and protein responses in myalgic muscles. Biomed Res Int 2013;2013:984523. Andersen CH, Andersen LL, Pedersen MT, Mortensen P, Karstad K, Mortensen OS, Zebis MK, Sjogaard G. Dose-response of strengthening exercise for treatment of severe neck pain in women. J Strength Cond Res 2013 December;27(12):3322-8. Jakobsen MD, Sundstrup E, Andersen CH, Bandholm T, Thorborg K, Zebis MK, Andersen LL. Muscle activity during kneeextension strengthening exercise performed with elastic tubing and isotonic resistance. Int J Sports Phys Ther 2012 December;7(6):606-16. Mortensen P, Larsen AI, Zebis MK, Pedersen MT, Sjogaard G, Andersen LL. Lasting effects of workplace strength training for neck/shoulder/arm pain among laboratory technicians: natural experiment with 3-year follow-up. Biomed Res Int 2014;2014:845851. Roessler KK, Rugulies R, Bilberg R, Andersen LL, Zebis MK, Sjogaard G. Does work-site physical activity improve selfreported psychosocial workplace factors and job satisfaction? A randomized controlled intervention study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2013 November;86(8):861-4. Andersen LL, Andersen CH, Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Mortensen OS, Zebis MK. Central adaptation of pain perception in response to rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain: randomized controlled trial. Pain Physician 2012 September;15(5):385-94. Bencke J, Curtis D, Krogshede C, Jensen LK, Bandholm T, Zebis MK. Biomechanical evaluation of the side-cutting manoeuvre associated with ACL injury in young female handball players. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2013 August;21(8):1876-81. Jensen J, Holmich P, Bandholm T, Zebis MK, Andersen LL, Thorborg K. Eccentric strengthening effect of hip-adductor training with elastic bands in soccer players: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Sports Med 2014 February;48(4):332-8. Andersen CH, Andersen LL, Gram B, Pedersen MT, Mortensen OS, Zebis MK, Sjogaard G. Influence of frequency and duration of strength training for effective management of neck and shoulder pain: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Sports Med 2012 November;46(14):1004-10. Zebis MK, Skotte J, Andersen CH, Mortensen P, Petersen HH, Viskaer TC, Jensen TL, Bencke J, Andersen LL. Kettlebell swing targets semitendinosus and supine leg curl targets biceps femoris: an EMG study with rehabilitation implications. Br J Sports Med 2013 December;47(18):1192-8. Bradley PS, Bendiksen M, Dellal A, Mohr M, Wilkie A, Datson N, Orntoft C, Zebis M, Gomez-Diaz A, Bangsbo J, Krustrup P. The application of the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance level 2 test to elite female soccer populations. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2014 February;24(1):43-54. Pedersen MM, Zebis MK, Langberg H, Poulsen OM, Mortensen OS, Jensen JN, Sjogaard G, Bredahl T, Andersen LL. Influence of self-efficacy on compliance to workplace exercise. Int J Behav Med 2013 September;20(3):365-70. Andersen LL, Jakobsen MD, Pedersen MT, Mortensen OS, Sjogaard G, Zebis MK. Effect of specific resistance training on forearm pain and work disability in industrial technicians: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2012;2(1):e000412. Andersen CH, Zebis MK, Saervoll C, Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Sjogaard G, Andersen LL. Scapular muscle activity from selected strengthening exercises performed at low and high intensities. J Strength Cond Res 2012 September;26(9):2408-16. Jakobsen MD, Sundstrup E, Andersen CH, Zebis MK, Mortensen P, Andersen LL. Evaluation of muscle activity during a standardized shoulder resistance training bout in novice individuals. J Strength Cond Res 2012 September;26(9):2515-22. Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Andersen CH, Zebis MK, Mortensen OS, Andersen LL. Muscle activation strategies during strength training with heavy loading vs. repetitions to failure. J Strength Cond Res 2012 July;26(7):1897-903. Zebis MK, Andersen LL, Pedersen MT, Mortensen P, Andersen CH, Pedersen MM, Boysen M, Roessler KK, Hannerz H, Mortensen OS, Sjogaard G. Implementation of neck/shoulder exercises for pain relief among industrial workers: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2011;12:205. Andersen LL, Hansen K, Mortensen OS, Zebis MK. Prevalence and anatomical location of muscle tenderness in adults with nonspecific neck/shoulder pain. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2011;12:169. Zebis MK, Andersen LL, Ellingsgaard H, Aagaard P. Rapid hamstring/quadriceps force capacity in male vs. female elite soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 2011 July;25(7):1989-93. Andersen LL, Mortensen OS, Zebis MK, Jensen RH, Poulsen OM. Effect of brief daily exercise on headache among adults-secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Scand J Work Environ Health 2011 November;37(6):547-50. Andersen CH, Andersen LL, Mortensen OS, Zebis MK, Sjogaard G. Protocol for shoulder function training reducing musculoskeletal pain in shoulder and neck: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2011;12:14. Andersen LL, Saervoll CA, Mortensen OS, Poulsen OM, Hannerz H, Zebis MK. Effectiveness of small daily amounts of progressive resistance training for frequent neck/shoulder pain: randomised controlled trial. Pain 2011 February;152(2):440-6. Bencke J, Zebis MK. The influence of gender on neuromuscular pre-activity during side-cutting. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2011 April;21(2):371-5. Jay K, Frisch D, Hansen K, Zebis MK, Andersen CH, Mortensen OS, Andersen LL. Kettlebell training for musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health: a randomized controlled trial. Scand J Work Environ Health 2011 May;37(3):196-203. 5 37. Andersen LL, Zebis MK, Pedersen MT, Roessler KK, Andersen CH, Pedersen MM, Feveile H, Mortensen OS, Sjogaard G. Protocol for work place adjusted intelligent physical exercise reducing musculoskeletal pain in shoulder and neck (VIMS): a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2010;11:173. 38. Zebis MK, Bencke J, Andersen LL, Alkjaer T, Suetta C, Mortensen P, Kjaer M, Aagaard P. Acute fatigue impairs neuromuscular activity of anterior cruciate ligament-agonist muscles in female team handball players. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2011 December;21(6):833-40. 39. Andersen LL, Andersen CH, Mortensen OS, Poulsen OM, Bjornlund IB, Zebis MK. Muscle activation and perceived loading during rehabilitation exercises: comparison of dumbbells and elastic resistance. Phys Ther 2010 April;90(4):538-49. 40. Krustrup P, Zebis M, Jensen JM, Mohr M. Game-induced fatigue patterns in elite female soccer. J Strength Cond Res 2010 February;24(2):437-41. 41. Andersen LL, Andersen JL, Zebis MK, Aagaard P. Early and late rate of force development: differential adaptive responses to resistance training? Scand J Med Sci Sports 2010 February;20(1):e162-e169. 42. Zebis MK, Andersen LL, Bencke J, Kjaer M, Aagaard P. Identification of athletes at future risk of anterior cruciate ligament ruptures by neuromuscular screening. Am J Sports Med 2009 October;37(10):1967-73. 43. Andersen LL, Andersen CH, Zebis MK, Nielsen PK, Sogaard K, Sjogaard G. Effect of physical training on function of chronically painful muscles: a randomized controlled trial. J Appl Physiol (1985 ) 2008 December;105(6):1796-801. 44. Zebis MK, Bencke J, Andersen LL, Dossing S, Alkjaer T, Magnusson SP, Kjaer M, Aagaard P. The effects of neuromuscular training on knee joint motor control during sidecutting in female elite soccer and handball players. Clin J Sport Med 2008 July;18(4):329-37. 45. Holtermann A, Roeleveld K, Mork PJ, Gronlund C, Karlsson JS, Andersen LL, Olsen HB, Zebis MK, Sjogaard G, Sogaard K. Selective activation of neuromuscular compartments within the human trapezius muscle. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2009 October;19(5):896-902. 46. Andersen LL, Kjaer M, Andersen CH, Hansen PB, Zebis MK, Hansen K, Sjogaard G. Muscle activation during selected strength exercises in women with chronic neck muscle pain. Phys Ther 2008 June;88(6):703-11. 47. Bandholm T, Boysen L, Haugaard S, Zebis MK, Bencke J. Foot medial longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing and gait in subjects with medial tibial stress syndrome. J Foot Ankle Surg 2008 March;47(2):89-95. 48. Andersen LL, Tufekovic G, Zebis MK, Crameri RM, Verlaan G, Kjaer M, Suetta C, Magnusson P, Aagaard P. The effect of resistance training combined with timed ingestion of protein on muscle fiber size and muscle strength. Metabolism 2005 February;54(2):151-6. Publications in Danish (6 selected) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Roos EM, Bliddal H, Christensen R, Hartvigsen J, Mølgaard K, Søgaard K, Zebis MK Forebyggelse af skader og sygdomme i muskler og led – 2013 Petersen MH, Jensen TL, Viskær TC, Zebis MK Neuromuskulær aktivitet i hasemusklerne under udvalgte træningsøvelser til forebyggelse af forreste korsbåndskader hos kvindelige eliteidrætsudøvere Fag og Forskning, juni 2010. Webadresse: Zebis MK Ny Forskning forudser korsbåndsskader Spillernyt, december 2009 Zebis MK Optimal neuromuskulær aktivitet i den mediale hasemuskel (m. semitendinosus) synes vigtig i forebyggelsen af korsbåndsskader blandt kvindelige elitehåndbold- og fodboldspillere Dansk Sportsmedicin, november 2008 Mortensen OS, Andersen JH, Ektor-Andersen J, Eriksen HR, Fallentin N, Frost P, Haahr JP, Labriola M & Zebis MK Hvidbog om sygefravær og tilbagevenden til arbejde ved muskel- og skeletbesvær NFA 2008 Zebis MK Skader i idræt kan forebygges Fysioterapeuten, september 2007 Conference abstracts + 50 abstracts at international and national conferences 6
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