Ocean University of Sri Lanka STUDENT HANDBOOK B.Sc. Marine Engineering 15, Crow Island, Mattakkuliya Colombo 15 Sri Lanka This Guide Book will provideonly guidance to applicants and students. It does not constitute a contract, eitherexpressed or implied, and is subject to change at the discretion of the University without notice. Web: www.ocu.lk Tele: Office: -0114346979. 0713548059(week days only) Degree Programme :B.Sc. in Marine Engineering(Special) Object Duration :This degree programme is designed to provide thestudent with comprehensive knowledge of MarineEngineering and to award a degree of international standard. : 4 years Study mode Medium : Full time : English Teaching Methodology : Lectures, Practical Sessions, Industrial Training, Field Visits, Seminars, Workshops Evaluation Methodology :Continuous assessment,Evaluation tests, Closed book examinations :Colombo 15.Mattakkuliya. Location Subjects Offered 1st Semester 2nd Semester Course Unit Mathematics I Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry Engineering Drawing I Work shop Technology Introduction to Computer Science Applied Thermo dynamics I English 3rd Semester Course Unit Basic Electronics Mechanics of Machines Fluid Mechanics Manufacturing Technology Principles of Naval Architecture Strength of Materials Marine Industrial Engineering I 4th Semester Course Unit Applied Thermodynamics II Boat Building Technology Marine Internal Combustion Engines I Engineering Hydraulics Industrial Economics Machine Design Welding & Fabrication Technology Course Unit Mathematics II Computer Applications I Properties of Materials Engineering Drawing II Workshop Practice Principle o f Electricity Engineering Mechanics Computer Applications II English 5thSemester Course Unit Industrial Management Hull Engineering Marine Auxiliary Machines I Marine Internal Combustion Engines II Probability & Statistics Ship Stability 6th Semester Code Industrial training Course Unit 7th Semester Course Unit Numerical Methods in Mathematics Industrial Hydraulics & Pneumatics Marine Auxiliary Machines II Marine Industrial Engineering II Ship Resistance and Propellers Electrical Machines Shipboard Electricals and Simulation 8th Semester Course Unit Remote Sensing Project & Dissertation Marine Control Systems & Instrumentations Marine Resource Management Refrigeration and Ari conditioning Maritime Safety and Maritime Law 3. Entry Requirements To be admitted to the degree programmes, thecandidates should satisfy the entry requirements of theUniversity as set out below. 3.2. Marine Engineering I. Three passes in Physical Science at G.C.E. A/Lor Foreign A/L II. Relevant NVQ qualifications at level 5 or above IV. Graduate ship of a relevant a professional body or V. Any other equivalent qualifications recognized by theUniversity. 4. Course Fee Fee Application fee Registration fee Science deposit (refundable) Library deposit (refundable) Course fee * Rs. 500.00 1500.00 2000.00 3000.00 500,000.00 *The course fee is payable in eight installments(62,500x8=500,000.00) each due at thebeginning of the semester to be followed. 4.4. Note: The students will have to bear the cost of accommodation/ lodging (if needed), travelling, books, stationery etc. in addition to the fees stated above. 5.2. Registration Students selected for admission are required to registerfor their at the Student AffairsDivision of the University by submitting relevantdocuments. Each student will be issued with a Student Identity Card and a StudentRecord Book on completion of registration. On completion of each Semester, students are required toregister for the next semester at least two (02) weeksbefore the commencement of the next Semester by fillingthe necessary form and paying the fees due for the newsemester and settling all arrears in payment, if any. Thestudents are required to ensure that all payments madeare duly endorsed in the Student Record Book. Students,who do not register two weeks before the start of asemester, will not be eligible to follow the Semester. 5.4. Custody of Identity Cards and Student RecordBooks. Students are expected to keep their Identity Cards andStudent Record Books in safe custody and treat them asconfidential documents. The students are also expected to carry their Identity Cards when they are in theUniversity premises and a student shall produce his/herIdentity Card when required by an authorized officer ofthe University. Loss of Identity Cards and StudentRecord Books is viewed very seriously, and the studentwill be required to pay a sum of Rs. 500/= for the re-issue either document in the event of loss. 5.5. Surrender of Identity Cards and Student RecordBooks Students are obliged to surrender both the Identity Card and the Student Record Book on completion of thecourse to the Examination Division, prior to applying fortheir Degree Certificates. Students who fail to surrenderthe documents will not be eligible to obtain their DegreeCertificate. 6. Examination & Evaluation The performance of a student will, in each subject, beassessed, based on assignments, continuous evaluationtests and closed book examinations. Examinations areheld at the end of each semester, and students arerequired to have with them both their Identity Card andthe Student Record Book during the examination.The marks awarded for assignments, continuousevaluation and the end of semester examination will betaken into account in computing the final grade for eachsubject. A minimum of 45% at the end semesterexamination, where applicable, and an SGPA of 2.0 arerequired in all subjects to pass the semester. Those whodo not fulfill this requirement may sit repeatexaminations, where offered, in the relevant course unitsto pass the semester. A student who is unable to fulfill therequirement at a repeat examination may sit theexamination with the next batch of students. The students should decide on the subject/subjects inwhich they wish to repeat an examination based on the following (a) The maximum GP obtainable for a repeatedsubject is a C+ (b) A minimum of 45% has to be secured at theexamination in all subjects and an SGPA of 2.0attained to pass the semester. 6.1. Eligibility Requirements to Sit End of SemesterExamination To be eligible to sit an end of semester examination inany subject, a student should fulfill the minimumattendance requirement of 80% at lectures, practical lasses, fieldwork and assignments. Failure to fulfill the above requirement in any CourseUnit will disqualify a student from sitting theexamination in that Course Unit; and the student may sitthe examination at the end of the next semester, subjectto fulfillment of the eligibility requirement. It should be noted that an examination sat at a subsequent semester will be treated as repeat examination in the Course Unit concerned.The student so sitting will thus be required to pay the repeatexamination fee of Rs.500/= for each examinationpaper/Course Unit. 6.2. Minimum Number of Credits per Semester. A course unit is a subject module with a credit value. Acredit is a time-based quantitative measure used in calculating the grade point average.To complete theparticular semester, a student is required to complete a minimum total of 15 credits comprising all compulsory core course units and electives (whereapplicable). Credit allocation for lectures and tutorials: 15 contact hours = 1 credit Credit allocation for practical work and assignments,30 hours of laboratory work = 1 credit Credit assignment for training programmes and Projects are individually determined based on the work content for each activity. 6.3. Registration for Examinations Students who are eligible to register for the end semester examination are required to register at Examination Division at least two weeks before the examinations commence and have their registration duly endorsed in the Student Record Book. Students who need to sit a repeat examination arerequired to re-register at the Examination Division afterpaying the repeat examination fee and are have theirregistration duly endorsed in the Student Record Book. Students who fail to register at least two weeks before the examination will not be eligible to sit the examination. 6.4. Grade & grade point average Letter grades based on the grade point system and thecorresponding percentage marks are given in the tablebelow and will be used to indicate performance in eachcourse unit. *Marks (%) ≥85 80 – 84 75 – 79 70 – 74 65 – 69 60 – 64 55 – 59 50 – 54 45 – 49 40 – 44 < 40 Grade point (GP) A +4.2 A 4.0 A3.7 B+ 3.3 B 3.0 B2.7 C +2.3 C 2.0 C1.7 D 1.3 F 0 Remarks Superior performance Excellent Very good Good Encouraging Moderately good Satisfactory Moderately satisfactory Pass Conditional pass Fail *Value is worked out as weighted average of marks for End-of Semester Examination and Continuous Assessment, as relevant. 6.5. Calculation of Grade Point Averages 6.5.1. Semester Grade point Average (SGPA). The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is calculated at the end of each semester using the formula below: SGPA = (∑Ci x Gi)/∑ Ci Where Ci is the number of credits for the ith Course Unitin a given semester andGiis the grade point earned for that Course Unit.If a student has followed Course Units of total worthmore than 15 credits in a semester, the SGPA iscalculated based on all compulsory Course Units comprising thehighest scoring elective or electives that will take thetotal credits to 15 for that semester. 6.5.2. Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA). The Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) is calculatedfor the entire degree programme or for a specific part ofthe programmeusing the formula below: OGPA = (∑CixGi) /∑Ci Where Ci is the number of credits for the ith Course Unit andGiis the grade point earned for that Course Unit.If a student has followed Course Units of total worthmore than the minimum prescribed for qualification for a degree,the OGPA iscalculated based on all compulsory Course Units andthe fewest number of Course Units comprising thehighest scoring elective or electives that will take thetotal credits to the minimum prescribed. 6.6. Improvement of Grades. A student who obtains a grade below C+ in any CourseUnit may re-sit the examination for that Course Unitduring the following academic year for the purpose ofimproving his/her grade, subject to a ceiling of C+. 6.7. Maximum Number of Attempts for End of SemesterExaminations The number times that a student is permitted to sit anEnd Semester examination shall not exceed three. 6.8. Period for Completion of Degree The maximum permitted period for completion of the B.Sc. in Marine Engineering degreeprogramme is seven years, unless the student hasobtained prior written approval of the Senate toextend the period. A student may make a request for suchextension through the course coordinator, with sufficientdocumentary evidence in support of the need of or suchextension. 6.9. Absence from Examinations, Examination Offencesand Punishments Absence for Examinations and Examination Of fences aredealt with, as per Examination Bylaws approved by the Senate of the University. 6.10. Updating of the Student Record Book Students are required to regularly update their StudentRecord Books on completion of each Semester. 8. Research Projects Students following the Special Degree Programmein Marine Engineering is required to undertake a Research Project the Eighth Semester under the supervision of a member of the academic staff. On completion of the project, thestudents are required to submit a comprehensive projectreport followed by an oral presentation. The grade awarded for the Research Project will be based on the quality and content of both the report and thepresentation. 9. Eligibility and Award of the Degree A minimum total of 120 credits should be completedwith a minimum OGPA of 2.0 for the award of theB.Sc.in Marine Engineering. 9.2.1. Scheme of Award To be awarded the Degree, the Student should have completed all the compulsory course modules including specialization / training / project work. To obtain adegree with a class the students should complete thecredits required within a specified period as given below. Degree Programme Marine Engineering Duration 5 years 9.2.2. Classes The award of classes is subject to the fulfillment of all thegraduation requirements within four or five academicyears as relevant. The Overall Grade Point Average as shown below will be used in the determination of theclass awarded. Class First Class Second Class (Upper Division) Second Class (Lower Division) Pass OGPA Required OGPA ≥ 3.7 3.30 ≤ OGPA < 3.7 2.70 ≤ OGPA < 3.3 2.00 ≤ OGPA< 2.70 Under exceptional circumstances, a student who satisfies the OGPA but takes longer than four or five academic years, as relevant, to fulfill the course requirements maybe deemed to be eligible for the award of B.Sc. Marine Engineering withClass Honors by the Governing Council on therecommendation of the Senate. 9.2.3. Academic Concession A student who has missed an end-of-semesterexamination due to an illness or other compelling reasonmay appeal with supporting documents to the Dean/Academic Head for an Academic Concession within one weekfrom the date of an examination 9.3. Effective Date of Award of Degree The effective date of award of degree shall be the date ofthe last day of the final examination. In the case ofstudents repeating examinations, the effective date shallbe the date of the last repeated End of Semesterexamination. 11. Losses and Damages Students who cause loss or damage to moveable or Immovable property of the University will be severely dealt with. The cost of any such loss or damage will be recovered, by the University from the student or students responsible, as applicable. Failure to make payment for damages will disqualify such student or students, as applicable, from being awarded the degree and/or obtaining the Degree Certificate.
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