Publikationsliste Hans von der Maase 1. von der Maase H & Sveinsson Th: Kombineret stråle- og kemoterapi som postoperativ behandling af cancer mammae. Ugeskr Læg 140:1676-1678, 1978. 2. von der Maase H: Strålekombinationer ved kombineret stråle- og kemoterapi af cancer mammae. Ugeskr Læg. 3. Sveinsson Th, von der Maase H & Svendsen K: Cancer coli sigmoidei behandlet med kombineret stråle- og kemoterapi. Ugeskr Læg 140:2368-2369, 1978. 4. von der Maase H & Sveinsson Th: Stråle- og/eller cytostatisk behandling af kolorektal cancer. Ugeskr Læg 140:2360-2363, 1978. 5. Schultz HP, Arends J & Barlebo H et al.: DATECA-projektet. Det danske testiscancerprojekt. Ugeskr Læg 140:2563-2566, 1978. 6. Rasmussen SL, von der Maase H & Hansen MR: Værdien af mammografi som rutinemæssig undersøgelse efter mastektomi. Ugeskr Læg 141:2889-2890, 1979. 7. von der Maase H: Radio- and chemotherapy follow-up using fine needle biopsies. In: Ultrasonically guided puncture technique, pp. 109-112. Editors H.H. Holm & J.K. Kristensen, Munksgaard, København, 1980. 8. Rørth M, Hansen M, Hansen HH & von der Maase H: Kombinationskemoterapi af dissemineret nonseminomatøs testiscancer. Ugeskr Læg 142:2691-2693, 1980. 9. Jacobsen GK, Henriksen OB & von der Maase H: Carcinoma in situ of testicular tissue adjacent to malignant germ cell tumors: A study of 105 cases. Cancer 47:2660-2662, 1981. 10. Berthelsen, JG, Skakkebæk NE, von der Maase H, Sørensen BL & Mogensen P: Serum testosterone, LH, and FSH in patients with testicular cancer before and after radio- and chemotherapy. Br Med J 285:1683-1686, 1982. 11. von der Maase H, Magnusson K & Sveinsson Th: Combined irradiation and three-drug chemotherapy in inoperable colorectal carcinoma. Acta Radiol Oncol 21:369-372, 1982. 12. Schultz HP, Arends J, Barlebo H et al.: The Danish Testicular Carcinoma Study. Danish Medical Bulletin 30:1-3, 1983. 13. von der Maase H & Overgaard J: Microcolony survival assay for jejunal crypt cells exposed to radiation alone and combined with cancer chemotherapeutic agents – methodical problems. Int J Radiat Biol 43:45-56, 1983. 1 14. Berthelsen JG, Engelholm SA, von der Maase H & Rørth M: Serum testosterone, LH, and FSH in patients with testicular cancer before and after radio- and chemotherapy. Scand J Urol Nephrol 17:287-290, 1983. 15. von der Maase H: Interactions of radiation and 5-fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide or methotrexate in intestinal crypt cells. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 10:77-86, 1984. 16. von der Maase H, Gammelgaard J, Dragsted J & Bording L: Abdominal ultrasonic scanning versus lymphangiography in testicular cancer. Scand J Urol Nephrol 18:177-179, 1984. 17. von der Maase H: Interactions of radiation and 5-fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide or methotrexate in intestinal crypt cells. Br J Cancer 49:779-786, 1984. 18. von der Maase H: Effect of cancer chemotherapeutic drugs on the radiation-induced skin reactions in mouse feet. Br J Radiol 57:697-707, 1984. 19. Jacobsen GK, Barlebo H, Olsen J et al.: Testicular germ cell tumours in Denmark 1976-1980. Pathology of 1058 consecutive cases. Acta Radiol Oncol 23:239-247, 1984. 20. Schultz HP, Arends J, Barlebo H et al.: Testicular carcinoma in Denmark 1976-1980. Stage and selected clinical parameters at presentation. Acta Radiol Oncol 23:255-261, 1984. 21. von der Maase H, Engelholm SA, Rørth M et al.: Non-seminomatous testicular germ cell tumours in Denmark 1976-1980. Results of treatment. Acta Radiol Oncol 23:255-261, 1984. 22. Schultz HP, von der Maase H, Rørth M et al.: Testicular seminoma in Denmark 1976-1980. Results of treatment. Acta Radiol Oncol 23:263-270, 1984. 23. Væth M, Schultz HP, von der Maase H et al.: Prognostic factors in carcinoma of the testis. The Danish Testicular Carcinoma Study Group. Acta Radiol Oncol 23:271-285, 1984. 24. Nørgaard-Petersen B, Schultz HP, Arends J et al.: Tumour markers in testicular germ cell tumours. A 5-years’ experience from the Danish Testicular Carcinoma Study Group (1976-1980). Acta Radiol Oncol 23:287-294, 1984. 25. Rørth M, von der Maase H, Sandberg Nielsen E et al.: Non-seminomatous germ cell testicular cancer. Preliminary analysis of ongoing trials in DATECA and future aspects. Acta Radiol Oncol 23:295-304, 1984. 26. Sparsø BH, von der Maase H, Kristensen D et al.: Complications following postoperative combined radiation and chemotherapy in adenocarcinoma of the rectum and rectosigmoid. A randomized trial that failed. Cancer 54:2363-2366, 1984. 27. Schultz HP, Rørth M, von der Maase H, Sandberg E & Pedersen M: The Danish Testicular Carcinoma Study. Results from recent clinical trials in non-seminomatous tumours. Acta Urol Belg 53:362-376, 1985. 28. von der Maase H & Overgaard J: Interactions of radiation and cancer chemotherapeutic drugs in a C3H mouse mammary carcinoma. Acta Radiol Oncol 24:181-187, 1985. 2 29. von der Maase H, Berthelsen JG, Jacobsen CK et al.: Carcinoma-in-situ of testis eradicated by chemotherapy. Lancet i:98, 1985. 30. von der Maase H: Interactions of drugs and radiation in haemopoietic tissue assessed by lethality of mice after whole-body irradiation. Int J Radiat Biol 48:371-380, 1985. 31. Overgaard J, von der Maase H & Overgaard M: A randomized study comparing two high-dose per fraction radiation schedules in recurrent or metastatic malignant melanoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 11:1837-1839, 1985. 32. Rørth M, von der Maase H, Nielsen ES, Schultz H & Pedersen M: Treatment of non-seminomatous testicular germ cell tumors in Denmark 1979. Prog Clin Biol Res 203:539-551, 1985. 33. Overgaard J, Overgaard M, Vejby Hansen P & von der Maase H: Some factors of importance in the radiation treatment of malignant melanoma. Radiother Oncol 5:183-192, 1986. 34. von der Maase H, Overgaard J & Vaeth M: Effect of cancer chemotherapeutic drugs on radiationinduced lung damage in mice. Radiother Oncol 5:245-257, 1986. 35. von der Maase H, Giwercman A & Skakkebæk NE: Radiation treatment of carcinoma-in-situ testis. Lancet i:624-625, 1986. 36. von der Maase H: Experimental studies on interactions of radiation and cancer chemotherapeutic drugs in normal tissues and a solid tumour. Radiother Oncol 7:47-68, 1986. 37. Andersson M, Daugaard S, von der Maase H & Mouridsen HT: Doxorubicin versus Mitomycin C versus Doxorubicin plus Mitomycin C in advanced breast cancer: A randomized study. Cancer Treatment Reports 80:1181-1186, 1986. 38. von der Maase H, Rørth M, Walbom-Jørgensen S et al.: Carcinoma in situ of contralateral testis in patients with testicular germ cell cancer: study of 27 cases in 500 patients. Br Med J 293:1398-1401, 1986. 39. Overgaard J, Matsui M, Lindegaard JC et al.: Relationship between tumor growth delay and modification on local control probability of various treatments given as an adjuvant to irradiation. In: Use of rodent tumors in experimental cancer therapy. Editor: R.F. Callman, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 128-132, 1987. 40. Giwercman A, Berthelsen JG, Müller J, von der Maase H & Skakkebæk NE: Screening for carcinoma-in-situ of the testis. Int J Androl 10:173-180, 1987. 41. von der Maase H, Giwercman A, Müller J & Skakkebæk NE: Management of carcinoma-in-situ of the testis. Int J Androl 10:209-220, 1987. 42. Rørth M, von der Maase H, Nielsen ES, Pedersen M & Schultz HP: Orchiectomy alone versus orchiectomy plus radiotherapy in stage I non-seminomatous testicular cancer. A randomized study by the Danish Testicular Carcinoma Study Group. Int J Androl 10:225-262, 1987. 43. Daugaard G, von der Maase H, Olsen J, Rørth M & Skakkebæl NE: Carcinoma-in-situ testis in patients with assumed extragonadal germ cell tumours. Lancet ii: 528-530, 1987. 3 44. von der Maase H: Experimental studies on interactions of radiation and cancer chemotherapeutic drugs in normal tissues and a solid tumour (thesis). København, eget forlag, 1987. 45. Havsteen H, von der Maase H, Strøjer I & Rasmussen F: Cisplatin as a first-line treatment in T2 and T3 bladder carcinoma. Cancer Treatment Reports 71:1285-1287, 1987. 46. Nielsen OS, von der Maase H & Overgaard J: Effect of combined 5-fluorouracil and radiation on murine haematopoietic tissue. Radiother Oncol 13:245-152, 1988. 47. von der Maase H, Meinecke B & Skakkebæk NE: Residual carcinoma-in-situ of contralateral testis after chemotherapy. Lancet i:477-478, 1988. 48. Skakkebæk NE, Berthelsen JG, Müller J, Giwercman A, von der Maase H & Rørth M: Carcinoma in situ testis. Ugeskr Læg 37:2154-2157, 1988. 49. Skakkebæk NE, Berthelsen JG, von der Maase H, Rørth M & Osterlind A: Prevention of bilateral testicular cancer: significance of detection and treatment of carcinoma in situ. Prog Clin Biol Res 303:779-789, 1989. 50. Bentzen SM, Overgaard J, Thames HD, Overgaard M, Vejby Hansen P, von der Maase H & Meder J: Clinical radiobiology of malignant melanoma. Radiother Oncol 16:169-182, 1989. 51. Brincker H, Jakobsen A, Kjær M, von der Maase H & Rose C: Undervisningsprogram i cancersygdomme. Ugeskr Læg 151:3265-3267, 1989. 52. Iversen P, Bak M, Juul N, Laursen F, von der Maase H: Ultrasonically guided 125iodine seed implantation with external radiation in management of localized prostatic carcinoma. Urology 34:181186, 1989. 53. Negrier S, Philip T, Stoter G et al.: Interleukin-2 with or without LAK cells in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. A report of a European multicenter study. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 25, suppl. 3:21-28, 1989. 54. Jacobsen GK, Rørth M, Østerlind K, von der Maase H et al.: Histopathological features in stage I non-seminomatous testicular germ cell tumours correlated to relapse. Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand 98:377-382, 1990. 55. Hansen SW, Berthelsen JG & von der Maase H: Long-term fertility and Leydig cell function in patients treated for germ cell cancer with cisplatin, vinblastine, and bleomycin versus surveillance. J Clin Oncol 8:1695-1698, 1990. 56. Geertsen PF, Hermann GG, Claësson H, Kenneth S, Zeuthen J & von der Maase H: Interleukin-2 baseret immunterapi af kræftsygdomme. Ugeskr Læg 152:3513-3518, 1990. 57. von der Maase H: Experimental drug-radiation interactions in critical normal tissues. In: Antitumor drug-radiation interactions. Editors: Bridget T. Hill & Angela S. Bellamy, CRC, Press, Florida, pp. 191-205, 1990. 58. von der Maase H: Extragonadale germinative tumorer (leder). Ugeskr Læg 152:2219-2220, 1990. 4 59. Rørth M, Jacobsen GK, von der Maase H et al.: Surveillance alone versus radiotherapy after orchiectomy for clinical stage I non-seminomatous testicular cancer. J Clin Oncol 9:1543-1548, 1991. 60. Skakkebæk NE, Giwercman A, von der Maase H: Carcinoma-in-situ of the testis and its management. In: Urological Oncology: Dilemmas and Developments. Editors: A.R. Alderson, R.T.D. Oliver, I.W.F. Hanham, and H.J.G. Bloom, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, pp. 283-288, 1991. 61. Damgaard-Pedersen K & von der Maase H: Ultrasound and ultrasound guided biopsy in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal metastases in testicular cancer. Correlation to CT and lymphography. Acta Chir Scand Urol Nephrol, suppl. 137:139-144, 1991. 62. Giwercman A, von der Maase H, Berthelsen JG et al.: Localized irradition of testes with carcinomain-situ: effect on Leydig cell function and eradication of malignant germ cells in 20 patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 73:596-603, 1991. 63. von der Maase H: Diagnosis and management of carcinoma in situ of the testis. In: Testicular cancer. Editor: Alan Horwich, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 319-330, 1991. 64. Hermann GG, Geertsen PF, von der Maase H & Zeuthen J: Interleukin-2 dose, monocytes and CD25+ lymphocyte counts as predictors of clinical response to Interleukin-2 therapy in patients with renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Immunol Immunother 34:111-114, 1991. 65. von der Maase H, Geertsen PF, Thatcher N et al.: Recombinant Interleukin-2 in metastatic renal cell carcinoma – a European multicentre phase-II study. Eur J Cancer 27:1583-1589, 1991. 66. Hippe E, Jønsson V, von der Maase H et al.: Homeostatic response criteria for cancer therapy. Eur J Cancer 27:1715-1716, 1991. 67. Hermann GG, Geertsen PF, von der Maase H et al.: Recombinant Interleukin-2 and LAK cell treatment of advanced bladder cancer: Clinical results and immunological effects. Cancer Res 52:726-733, 1992. 68. Geertsen PF & von der Maase H: Cancer testis. Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning 70:165-171, 1992. 69. Geertsen PF, Herman GG, von der Maase H, Steven K: Treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma by continuous intravenous infusion of recombinant Interleukin-2 – a single center phase II study. J Clin Oncol 10:753-759, 1992. 70. Drzewiecki KT & von der Maase H: Malignt melanom i huden. Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning 70:735-740, 1992. 71. Lundbeck F & von der Maase H: Blæretumorer: Forekomst, diagnostik og behandling. Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning 70:447-454, 1992. 72. Daugaard G, Rørth M, von der Maase H, Skakkebæk NE: Management of extragonadal germ cell tumors and the significance of bilateral testicular biopsies. Ann Oncol 3:283-289, 1992. 5 73. von der Maase H, Østerlind A, Drzewiecki KT et al.: Melanoma malignum cutis i Danmark. Ugeskr Læg 154:1949-1943, 1992. 74. Carl J, Christensen TB & von der Maase H: Cisplatinum dose dependent response in germ cell cancer evaluated by tumour marker modelling. Acta Oncol 31:749-753, 1992. 75. Geertsen PF, Sengeløv L, Larsen SK, von der Maase H: A phase II study of cisplatin plus methotrexate with folinic acid rescue in metastatic or locally recurrent transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium. Eur J Cancer 3:347-350, 1993. 76. von der Maase H: Forskningen og det kliniske arbejde. Ugeskr Læg 155:914-916, 1993. 77. Giwercman A, von der Maase H, Skakkebæk NE: Epidemiological and clinical aspects of carcinoma in situ of the testis. Eur Urol 23:104-114, 1993. 78. von der Maase H: Clinical aspects of carcinoma in situ of the testis: Concluding remarks. Eur Urol 23:251-252, 1993. 79. Sengeløv L, Kamby C & von der Maase H: Systematisk kemoterapi ved blærecancer. Ugeskr Læg 155:1363-1368, 1993. 80. Palmer PA, Atzpodien J, Philip T, Negrier S, Kirschner H, von der Maase H, Geertsen P, Evers P, Loriaux E, Oskam R, Roest G, Vinke J & Franks CR: A comparison of 2 modes of administration of recombinant interleukin-2: continuous intravenous infusion alone versus subcutaneous administration plus interferon alpha in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Cancer biother 8:123-136, 1993. 81. Giwercman A, von der Maase H, Rørth M & Skakkebæk NE: Semen quality in testicular tumour and CIS in the contralateral testis. Lancet 341:384-385, 1993. 82. Overgaard M, Bertelsen K, Dalmark M, Gadeberg CC, von der Maase H, Overgaard J & Sell A: A randomised feasibility study evaluating the effect of radiotherapy alone or combined with 5fluorouracil in the treatment of locally recurrent or inoperable colorectal carcinoma. Acta Oncol 32:547-553, 1993. 83. von der Maase H: Behandling af testis cancer. Medicus 7:3-7, 1993. 84. von der Maase H, Specht L, Jacobsen GK, Jakobsen A, Madsen EL, Pedersen M, Rørth M & Schultz H: Surveillance following orchidectomy for stage I seminoma of the testis. Eur J Cancer 29A:1931-1934, 1993. 85. Jones M, Philip T, Palmer P, von der Maase H, Vinke J, Elson P, Franks CR & Selby P: The impact of Interleukin-2 on survival in renal cancer: a multivariate analysis. Cancer Biother 8:275-288, 1993. 86. von der Maase H: Complications of combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Semin Radiat Oncol 4:81-94, 1994. 87. Sengeløv L, Kamby C, Schou G & von der Maase H: Prognostic factors and significance of chemotherapy in patients with recurrent or metastatic transitional cell cancer of the urinary tract. Cancer 74:123-133, 1994. 6 88. Giwercman A, von der Maase H, Rørth M & Skakkebæk NE: Current concepts of radiation treatment of carcinoma-in-situ of the testis. World J Urol 12:125-130, 1994. 89. Jacobsen GK, von der Maase H, Specht L, Jakobsen A, Madsen EL, Pedersen M, Rørth M & Schultz H: Histopathological features in stage I seminoma treated with orchidectomy only. J Urol Pathol 3:85-94, 1995. 90. Lindegaard JC, Studstrup HN, Nielsen OS, von der Maase H: Behandling af peniscancer. Ugeskr Læg 157:1660-1664, 1995. 91. Sengeløv L, Nielsen OS, Kamby C & von der Maase H: Platinum analogue combination chemotherapy: cisplatin, carboplatin, and methotrexate in patients with metastatic urothelial tract tumors. A phase II trial with evaluation of prognostic factors. Cancer 76:1797-1803, 1995. 92. Lorentzen T, Sengeløv L, Nolsøe CP, Khattar SC, Karstrup S & von der Maase H: Ultrasonically guided insertion of a peritoneogastric shunt in patients with malignant ascites. Acta Radiol 36:481484, 1995. 93. Sengeløv L, Nielsen OS, Kamby C & von der Maase H: Systemic mitomycin-C as second line treatment for metastatic urothelial cancer. Acta Oncol 34:978-979, 1995. 94. Lindegaard JC, Nielsen OS, Lundbeck FA, Mamsen A, Studstrup HN & von der Maase: A retrospective analysis of 82 cases of cancer of the penis. Br J Urol 77:883-890, 1996. 95. Sengeløv L, Kamby C & von der Maase H: Pattern of metastases in relation to characteristics of primary tumor and treatment in patients with disseminated urothelial carcinoma. J Urol 155:111-114, 1996. 96. von der Maase H: Diagnosis and management of carcinoma in situ of the testis. In: Testicular Cancer. Investigation and Management. Chapman and Hall, London. Editor: Horwich A, pp. 319-330, 1996. 97. von der Maase H: Phase II study of gemcitabine and cisplatin in advanced metastatic bladder cancer. A preliminary report. Recent Clinical Advances with Gemzar 3:47-51, 1996. 98. Krarup T, Nielsen K, Wolf H et al.: Urinblæretumorer. Ugeskr Læg 159, suppl. 1:1-14, 1997. 99. Sengeløv L, Klintorp S, Havsteen H, Kamby C, Hansen SL & von der Maase H: Treatment outcome following radiotherapy in elderly patients with bladder cancer. Radiother Oncol 44:53-58, 1997. 100. Andersen LJ, Sengeløv L, Kamby C & von der Maase H: Cisplatin, metotrexate and mitoxantrone in patients with metastatic or advanced urothelial cancer. Acta Oncol 37:110-112, 1998. 101. Christensen TB, Daugaard H, Geertsen PF & von der Maase H: Effect of chemotherapy on carcinoma in situ of the testis. Ann Oncol 9:1-4, 1998. 102. Geertsen PF, von der Maase H, Olsen NV, Fogh-Andersen N, Nielsen SL & Leyssacs PP: Renal haemodynamics, sodium and water reabsorption during continuous intravenous infusion of recombinant interleukin-2. Clin Sci 95:73-81, 1998. 7 103. Iversen P, Rasmussen F, Mogensen P, Lundbeck F, Poulsen J, Rossen JU, Skaarup P, Brasso K, Svanholm H & von der Maase H: Prostatacancer. Ugeskr Læg, suppl. 4:1-32, 1999. 104. Christensen TB, Marqversen J, Engbaek F, Berger P, Bacher T & von der Maase H: Validation of 125I-HCG as a marker for elimination of hCG after in vivo injection in humans. Br J Cancer 80:15821587, 1999. 105. Christensen TB, Engbaek F, Marqversen J, Nielsen SL, Kamby C & von der Maase H: 125I-HCG as an elimination marker in the evaluation of hCG decline during chemotherapy in patients with testicular cancer. Br J Cancer 80:1577-1581, 1999. 106. Ehrnrooth E, von der Maase H, Sørensen BS, Poulsen JH & Horsman MR: The ability of hypoxia to modify the gene expression of thymidylate synthase in tumour cells in vivo. Int J Radiat Oncol 75:885-891, 1999. 107. Aboagye-Mathiesen G, Ebbesen P, von der Maase H & Celis JE: Interferon gamma regulates a unique set of proteins in fresh human bladder transitional cell carcinomas. Electrophoresis 20:344348, 1999. 108. Sengeløv L, von der Maase H, Kamby C, Jensen LI, Rasmussen F, Horn T, Nielsen SL & Steven K: Assessment of patients with metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary tract. J Urol 162:343-346, 1999. 109. Sengeløv L & von der Maase H: Radiotherapy in bladder cancer. Radiother Oncol 52:1-14, 1999. 110. von der Maase H: Non-kirurgisk behandling af kræft ved årtusindskiftet. Ugeskr Læg 161:6157, 1999. 111. von der Maase H & Høyer M: Ekstracerebral stereotaktisk strålebehandling. Et nyt behandlingsprincip. Ugeskr Læg 161:2957, 1999. 112. von der Maase H, Andersen L, Crinó L, Weinknecht S & Dogliotti L: Weekly gemcitabine and cisplatin combination therapy in patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium: a phase II clinical trial. Ann Oncol 10:1461-1465, 1999. 113. Schmidt H, Geertsen PF, Fode K, Rytter C, Bastholt L & von der Maase H: Subcutaneous Interleukin-2 and alfa-Interferon plus cisplatin with and without prophylactic Cimetidine in 87 patients with metastatic malignant melanoma: A phase II study. Melanoma Res 10:66-77, 2000. 114. Ehrnrooth E, Sørensen BS, Meldgaard P, Poulsen JH & von der Maase H: A new quantitative RT PCR assay for thymidylate synthase mRNA in blood leukocytes applied to cancer patients and healthy controls. Clin Chim Acta 290:129-144, 2000. 115. Ehrnrooth E, Poulsen JH, Sørensen BS, Sørensen B & von der Maase H: Changes in thymidylate synthase mRNA in blood leukocytes after bolus infusion of 5-fluorouracil. Acta Oncol 1:53-57, 2000. 116. von der Maase H: Gemcitabine in locally advanced and/or metastatic bladder cancer. Crit Rev in Oncology/haematology 34:175-184, 2000. 8 117. von der Maase H: Gemcitabine and cisplatin in locally advanced and/or metastatic bladder cancer. Eur J Cancer 36:13-16, 2000. 118. Sørensen BS, Schmidt H, von der Maase H, Straten PT & Nexø E: Quantification of melanoma cellspecific MART-1 mRNA in peripheral blood by a calibrated competitive reverse transcription-PCR. Clin Chem 46:1923-1928, 2000. 119. von der Maase H, Hansen SW, Roberts JT, Dogliotti L, Oliver T, Moore MJ, Bodrogi I, Albers P, Knuth A, Stockamp K, Kerbrat P, Sanchez Rovira P, Wersall P, Cleall SP, Roychowdhury DF, Tomlin I, Visseren-Grul CM & Conte PF: Gemcitabine and cisplatin versus MVAC in advanced or metastatic bladder cancer: Results of a large randomised multinational multicenter, phase III study. J Clin Oncol 18:3068-3077, 2000. 120. Primdahl H, von der Maase H, Christensen M, Wolf H & Ørntoft TF: Allelic deletions of cell growth regulators during progression of bladder cancer. Cancer Res 60:6623-6629, 2000. 121. Sengeløv L, Kamby C, Geertsen P, Andersen LJ & von der Maase H: Predictive factors of response to cisplatin-based chemotherapy and the relation of response for survival in patients with metastatic urothelial cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 46:357-364, 2000. 122. Sengeløv L, Christensen M, von der Maase H, Horn T, Marcussen N, Kamby C & Ørntoft T: Loss of heterozygosity at 1p, 8p, 10p, 13q, and 17p in advanced urothelial cancer and lack of relation to chemotherapy response and outcome. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 123:109-113, 2000. 123. von der Maase H & Hayden AM: Gemcitabine and Cisplatin for advanced, metastatic bladder cancer. J Clin Oncol 19:1229-1231, 2001. 124. von der Maase H: Do we have a new standard of treatment for patients with seminoma stage II and stage IIB? Radiother Oncol 59:1-3, 2001. 125. von der Maase H: Gemcitabine in advanced bladder cancer. Semin Oncol 28, suppl. 7:11-4, 2001. 126. de Wit R, Roberts JT, Wilkinson PM, de Mulder PH, Mead GM, Fossa SD, Cook P, De Prijck L, Stenning S & Collette L: Equivalence of three or four cycles of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin chemotherapy and of a 3- or 5-day schedule in good-prognosis germ cell cancer: a randomized study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Genitourinary Tract Cancer Cooperation Group and the Medical Research Council. J Clin Oncol 19:1629-1640, 2001. 127. Sengeløv L, Kamby C & von der Maase H: Metastatic urothelial cancer: evaluation of prognostic factors and change in prognosis during the last twenty years. Eur Urol 39:634-642, 2001. 128. von Eyben FE, Madsen FL, Blaabjerg O, Petersen PH, von der Maase H, Jacobsen GK & Rørth M: Serum lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme1 and relapse in patients with non-seminomatous testicular germ cell tumors clinical stage I. Acta Oncol 40:536-540, 2001. 129. von der Maase H: Gemcitabine-containing regimens in bladder cancer. A new standard of care. Semin Oncol 28, suppl. 10:1-3, 2001. 9 130. von der Maase H: Combined effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In: The Oxford Textbook of Oncology, University Press, Oxford. Editors: Souhami SL, Tannock I, Hohenberger P, Horiot J-C, pp. 490-509, 2001. 131. Primdahl H, Wikman FP, von der Maase H, Zhou X-g, Wolf H & Ørntoft T: Allelic imbalances in human bladder cancer: genome-wide detection with high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays. 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