Outline The left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism Thomas Konstandin, KTH, Stockholm Akhmedov, Blennow, H¨ allgren, T.K., Ohlsson, hep-ph/0612194, JHEP, 04:022, 2007. Outline Outline 1 Introduction and Motivation Seesaw mechanism Leptogenesis 2 Left-right Symmetric Models Left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism Leptogenesis Stability 3 Conclusions Conclusions Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Seesaw mechanism Mass generation by the seesaw mechanism Neutrino masses are limited by cosmological bounds to be X mνi . 1 eV. i If this mass is only due to the Higgs mechanism, the corresponding Yukawa coupling would be y= mν ∼ 10−12 . v Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Seesaw mechanism Seesaw mechanism This issue can be elegantly resolved by adding a Majorana mass term for the right-handed neutrino to the Lagrangian 1 L 3 νR mN (νR )c + 2 h.c. what leads to the following mass matrix 0 mD νL (νL )c νR T m mD (νR )c N and after block diagonalization in leading order (mN mD ) T −mD m1 mD 0 ν c N . ν N Nc 0 mN Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Seesaw mechanism Seesaw mechanism The smallness of the neutrino masses in the type I seesaw mν = −mD 1 T m mN D can be explained by a large (GUT) scale mN ∼ 1014 GeV, mν ∼ 1 eV, mD ∼ 100 GeV. Additionally, since the Majorana mass term is lepton number violating and CP-violating, this mechanism provides the possibility to explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) via leptogenesis. Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Sakharov conditions The seesaw mechanism provides all prerequisites to produce a baryon asymmetry When the temperature of the Universe drops below the mass of the right-handed neutrinos, the neutrinos become over-abundant and decay out-of-equilibrium This decay is lepton number violating (mN 6= 0) ∗) This decay is CP-violating (mN 6= mN The sphaleron process converts the lepton asymmetry into a baryon asymmetry Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Leptogenesis The baryon-to-photon ratio, ηB = (6.1 ± 0.2) × 10−10 , can in leading order be parametrized as ηB = 3 × 10−2 ηN where η denotes the efficiency factor of the decays of the lightest right-handed neutrino and N the CP asymmetry in its decays into leptons and Higgs particles N = Γ(N1 → l H) − Γ(N1 → ¯l H ∗ ) . Γ(N1 → l H) + Γ(N1 → ¯l H ∗ ) Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Decay asymmetry Fukugita, Yanagida, ’86 The L and CP violating part of the decay rate results from a cross term between the tree level decay amplitude and the following loop diagrams Lh Lh Hu j νR νR1 (a) j νR νR1 Lf Hu Hu Hu Lf (b) and can in the limit mN1 mN2 be written N = † ∗) ] 3mN1 Im[(mD mν mD 11 . † 2 16πv (mD mD )11 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Leptogenesis Decay asymmetry Davidson, Ibarra, ’02 In the type I seesaw model, the decay asymmetry fulfills the Davidson-Ibarra-bound p q 2 | 3mN1 |∆matm 2 | ≈ 0.05 eV. N < , |∆matm 16πv 2 This leads to the fact that for viable leptogenesis, N ∼ 10−7 , a lower bound on the mass of the lightest right-handed is given by mN1 & 108 GeV for typical efficiency factors of η . 1. Besides, this bound is not easily saturated. Conclusions Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Gravitino bound in SUSY models Moroi, Murayama, Yamaguchi, ’93 Kawasaki, Kohri, Moroi, ’05 In supersymmetric models, the decay of the gravitino into the LSP poses constraints on the reheating temperature (dark matter over-abundance, BBN constraints). Depending on the parameters of the mSUGRA model this bound lies in the range TR . 107 GeV toTR . 1010 GeV ↔ mN1 > 108 GeV. Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Hierarchies in Yukawa couplings and tuning Motivated by GUT models, one expects a similar hierarchical structure for the Yukawa coupling of the neutrino as found for the other fermions yup ∼ yν , ydown ∼ yl Since the neutrino mass matrix has only a mild hierarchy (at least between the two largest elements) and mν = −mD 1 T m mN D the Majorana mass mN needs to have the doubled hierarchy of mD . Hence, hierarchical neutrino Yukawa couplings seem to be unnatural in the seesaw framework. Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Open questions in the seesaw mechanism Hierarchy in the neutrino Yukawa coupling A hierarchy in the Yukawa couplings, as expected from GUT models requires the doubled hierarchy in the Majorana mass term, what is an unnatural situation. Gravitino bound In supersymmetric models, thermal leptogenesis requires rather high reheating temperatures, that can lead to over-closure of the Universe with gravitinos. Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism Mass generation by the seesaw mechanism The left-right symmetric framework is based on the gauge group SU(2)L × SU(2)R × SU(3)color × U(1)B−L and contains the following (color singlet) Higgs fields 0 Φ =v Φ(2, 2, 0) 0 ∆ = vL ∆L (3, 1, −2) L0 ∆ R = vR ∆R (1, 3, 2) By spontaneous symmetry breaking, the neutral components of the Higgs fields obtain vacuum expectation values ¯α ΦLβ + f αβ LT L ⊃ f αβ RαT C iτ2 ∆R Rβ + y αβ R α C iτ2 ∆L Lβ + h.c.. Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism Mass generation by the seesaw mechanism T and the The left-right symmetry imposes in this case mD = mD seesaw relation reads 1 vL − mD mD = mνII + mνI . mν = mN vR mN Strategy: Use mD = mup motivated by GUTs/prejudice. The remaining parameters of the model are then: The lightest neutrinos mass m0 The hierarchy (normal/inverted) of the light neutrinos Five Majorana phases (three more than in pure type I) The ratio vR /vL This seesaw relation is invertible for given mν and mD and leads to 2n solutions for mN in the case of n flavors (with same low energy phenomenology). Akhemdov, Frigerio, ’05 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism Small vR /vL In the one-flavor case the solution has a two-fold ambiguity s mν vR mν2 vR 2 2 vR mN = ± + mD 2 vL 4 vL vL cancellation: |mI | ≈ |mII | |mν |, domination: mI ≈ mν or mII ≈ mν mν vvRL 14 10 mN [GeV] 12 10 2 mD mν 10 10 8 mD 10 q vR vL vR vL 6 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 ≈ 20 2 4mD mν2 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 26 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism Inversion formula In the three-flavor case, the solutions can be given in closed form what requires to find the roots of a quartic equation. Analogously to the one-flavor case, the solution in the three-flavor case have a eight-fold ambiguity (y = yup ). 18 0.75 10 mN 3 mN 2 mN 16 10 0.5 1 12 ui 10 i mN [GeV] 14 10 10 10 0.25 8 10 6 10 4 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 26 10 28 10 0 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 26 10 Pure type II ’+ + +’: Gravitino problem for vR /vL > 1021 . 28 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism Pure type I The pure type I solution (’− − −’) shows a large spread in the right-handed masses and a strong suppression of mixing angles. 16 10 mN 3 mN 2 mN 14 12 10 -3 4×10 ui 1 10 8 2×10 10 i mN [GeV] 10 -3 10 6 10 4 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 26 10 0 14 10 16 10 Leptogenesis possible? Fine-tuning needed? 18 10 20 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 26 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism Mixed solution In addition there are six mixed cases. 16 0.6 10 mN 3 mN 2 mN 14 12 10 0.4 1 ui 10 10 i mN [GeV] 10 8 0.2 10 6 10 4 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 26 10 0 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 ’− − +’: Gravitino bound eventually fulfilled. Leptogenesis possible? Stability for vR /vL > 1018 ? 26 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Decay asymmetry Hambye, Senjanovic, ’03 Antusch, King, ’04 The L and CP violating part of the decay rate results from a cross term between the tree level decay amplitude and the following loop diagrams Lh Lh Hu j νR νR1 (a) j νR νR1 Lf Hu Hu Hu (b) ∆ νR1 Lf Hu Hu Lh (c) and the Higgs triplet leads to an additional contribution. Lf Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Leptogenesis Antusch, King, ’04 In the limit mN1 mN2 , m∆ the asymmetry can be written N 1 = † ∗) ] 3mN1 Im[(mD (mνI + mνII )mD 11 . † 2 16πv (m mD )11 D Due to the modified seesaw formula, the DI-bound is avoided, but leads to the slightly weaker bound N 1 . 3mN1 mν,max 16πv 2 and hence mN1 & 3 × 107 GeV. This bound is only slightly better than in the pure type I case, but easier to saturate due to additional Majorana phases. Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Additional Majorana phases ¨ llgren, T.K., Ohlsson, ’06 Akhmedov, Blennow, Ha For example, in the one-flavor case, the relative phase κ between mD and mν cannot be removed and can even lead to leptogenesis for the type II dominated solution. N = 3 mν mN sin(4κ) , 16π v 2 ηB = 1.7 × 10−6 eV 2 mν mN sin(4κ). |mD |2 v 2 Thus, it is possible to saturate the Antusch/King bound and to reproduce the observed baryon asymmetry e.g. with the values (κ = π/8) |y | = 10−4 , m0 = 0.1 eV , vR = 1.7 × 1020 . vL Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Leptogenesis Leptogenesis The same mechanism is operative in the two-flavor case in the limit 2 4 mD,1 m02 2 4 mD,2 vR , vL m02 for the two solutions of type ’±+’ as long as the second eigenvalue of the Yukawa coupling y2 > 5 × 10−4 . 16 0.6 10 mN 3 mN 2 mN 14 12 0.4 1 ui 10 10 i mN [GeV] 10 10 8 0.2 10 6 10 4 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 26 10 0 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 22 10 10 vR/vL 24 10 26 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Leptogenesis Leptogenesis 10 10 ηB -7 10 10 -8 -9 -10 10 10 κ = π/4 κ = π/8 -6 10 10 -5 -11 -12 10 18 10 19 vR/vL 10 20 10 21 The numerical evaluation for the three-flavor case gives for the solution ’− − +’ ( m0 = 0.1 eV, y = yu ). Leptogenesis is generally viable for the four solutions of type ’± ± +’. Conclusions Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Stability Stability measure ¨ llgren, T.K., Ohlsson, ’06 Akhmedov, Blennow, Ha To quantify tuning we use the following stability measure v 1/3 u X det mN u 12 ∂ml 2 t . Q= det mν ∂Mk k,l=1 where ml and Mk determine the light and heavy neutrino mass matrices according to X X mN = (Mk + iMk+N )Tk , mν = (mk + imk+N )Tk , k k and Tk , k ∈ [1, 6], form a normalized basis of the complex symmetric 3 × 3 matrices. Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Conclusions Summary The qualitative analysis mostly depends on the fact the y = yup has a large hierarchy. 7 10 (++-) (-+-) (+--) (---) (+-+) (--+) (-++) (+++) 6 10 5 10 4 Q 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 10 10 vR/vL 22 24 10 26 10 28 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Conclusions Summary The qualitative analysis mostly depends on the fact the y = yup has a large hierarchy. 7 10 (++-) (-+-) (+--) (---) (+-+) (--+) (-++) (+++) 6 10 5 10 4 Q 10 stability, leptogenesis 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 10 10 vR/vL ’± ± −’: Unstable, no leptogenesis 22 24 10 26 10 28 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Conclusions Summary The qualitative analysis mostly depends on the fact the y = yup has a large hierarchy. 7 10 (++-) (-+-) (+--) (---) (+-+) (--+) (-++) (+++) 6 10 5 10 4 stability Q 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 10 10 vR/vL ’± − +’, vR /vL 1023 : Unstable 22 24 10 26 10 28 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Conclusions Summary The qualitative analysis mostly depends on the fact the y = yup has a large hierarchy. 7 10 (++-) (-+-) (+--) (---) (+-+) (--+) (-++) (+++) 6 10 5 10 4 Q 10 3 10 2 10 gravitinos 1 10 0 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 10 10 vR/vL 22 24 10 26 10 28 10 ’± + +’, vR /vL 1023 : Gravitino bound violated Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Conclusions Summary The qualitative analysis mostly depends on the fact the y = yup has a large hierarchy. 7 10 (++-) (-+-) (+--) (---) (+-+) (--+) (-++) (+++) 6 10 5 10 4 Q 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 14 10 16 10 18 10 20 10 10 vR/vL 22 24 10 26 10 ’± ± +’, 1016 vR /vL 1023 : Sweet spot 28 10 Introduction Left-right Symmetric Models Conclusions Conclusions Conclusion In case of hierarchical Yukawa coupling for the neutrinos, the left-right symmetric type I+II framework constitutes a model that compared to the pure type I framework has the following properties: GUT embedding A large hierarchy in the neutrino Yukawa coupling is naturally implemented. The required tuning is reduced from Q ∼ 105 to Q ∼ 102 . SUSY embedding - Gravitino bound The lower bound on the lightest right-handed neutrino mass is slightly relaxed from mN1 > 5 × 108 GeV to mN1 > 1 × 108 and the Antusch/King bound can be easily saturated using the additional Majorana phases.
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