Satellite Meeting in Copenhagen Shiftwork, wellbeing and health – knowledge and experience 8 June 2015 – 9.00 to 16.30 In many jobs in various sectors services are requested and provided around the clock, e.g. health and elder care, transportation and the industry. Working outside ordinary working hours or in shifts is therefore a necessity all over the world. This form of employment has implications for the well-being and health of the employed, but what do we really know about how to reduce the negative consequences; and how do we implement this knowledge in our companies? That is the theme of this one-day seminar where we present the current knowledge from researchers, in combination with the experiences from various companies on how to reduce the negative consequences of shiftwork. The main focus are on fatigue and risk management; influence on own working hours; light and how to arrange shiftwork schedules. The one-day seminar is targeted occupational health professionals, companies and other stakeholders with an interest in shiftwork. The one-day seminar is a satellite meeting connected to The 22nd International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time. The seminar is conducted in collaboration between CO-industri (The Central Organisation of Industrial Employees in Denmark – representing industrial trade unions), DI (representing industrial employers) and The National Research Center for the Working Environment. Fee: Participation in the seminar is free to participants of The 22nd International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time in Elsinore. The price for others is 110 Euro. Last signup: 15 May 2015 Place: DI - Confederation of Danish Industry, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18, 1787 Copenhagen V Registration: one-day-seminar/ 8.30 R E GI STE R AND C OFFE E R E GI STE R AT THE R E C E PT ION ON A R R IVA L 9.00 Welcome ceremony / Jesper Madsen, Director, Metal and Machinery Industry Service Centre – Confederation of Danish Industries, Denmark Challenges related to shiftwork 9.10 Shiftwork and health – an introduction / senior researcher Johnni Hansen, Danish Cancer Society, Denmark 9.55 Shiftwork, fatigue and risk management / Dr. Stephen Popkin, US Department of Transportation Volpe Center, USA 10.40 C OFFE E BR E AK 11.00 Implementation of better work-schedules / Dr. Johannes Gärtner, Ximes, Austria 11.45 Working with fatigue management in shiftwork – a practical perspective on work-schedules / Susanne Elbæk Knudsen, HR Manager, Tempur / Dan-Foam ApS, Denmark 12.15 LUNC H Solutions related to shiftwork 13.00 Is influence on own working hours a solution to the challenges of shiftwork – results from the research / Associate professor, Göran Kecklund, Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University, Sweden 13.45 Working with work-schedules – a practical perspective / Brian Blaabjerg Rasmussen, Superintendent, Copenhagen Police, Denmark 14.15 C OFFE E BR E AK 14.30 Is light a solution to the challenges of shiftwork - results from the research / Associate Professor Arne Lowden, Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University, Sweden 15.15 Light and night-work in the health care sector / Researcher Jakob Markvart, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark 15.45 Implementation of free health assessments for night workers – the Danish model / Jørn Larsen, Head of dept. for Workers involvement, CO-industri, Denmark 16.15 Reflections / Jesper Madsen, Director, Metal and Machinery Industry Service Centre – Confederation of Danish Industries, Denmark 16.30 Departure from Copenhagen to Elsinore by bus from DI Participants of the conference only. Sign up for this transport is required in the morning.
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