Gadsden State Community College Facilities Use Rental Agreement Policies, Procedures, And Requirements Table of Contents Section: 1. Policy Statement 2. Priority Order a. Campus Activities b. External Organizations 3. Fee Schedule 4. Facility Use Directory 5. General Lease Agreement 6. Generic Lease Application 7. Insurance Requirements for all External Organizations 8. Regulations for Use 9. Procedures for Use 10. Location Specific Requirements, Fees, and Policies * * These areas have specific lease agreements and procedures that must be followed in addition to the General Lease Agreement and the Generic Lease Application Section 1 Policy Statement Gadsden State Community College provides excellent indoor and outdoor facilities for the purpose of education and community functions. In keeping with the objective of being a community and educational development center, the College will make the facilities available to community groups and organizations whenever possible, within the context of the facility use policies and procedures. Non-College facility users will be charged fees appropriate to the facilities used and the type of organization making the request. The charges for multiple classrooms at the same time will depend on the number of rooms used and type of activity in which the room will be used. Costs for additional services (including but not limited to, security, custodial, HVAC, maintenance, grounds, computer technician, and audio-visual) will be assessed in addition to the facility usage fees as appropriate to the activity. The College reserves the right to determine which, if any, of the additional services and the costs incurred are appropriate. Organizations will be advised of total charges following review of the official Facilities Use Request Application. All required security services must be provided through the College’s Office of Safety and Security at the rate of $20.00 per hour per officer. For all events a minimum of one Security Guard shall be employed, additional guards may be required according to expected attendance or event. This service is mandatory for all events in which fees are assessed. Security will be required from time of entering facility until final clean-up is performed. This rate and all rental rates are subject to change. All evening rentals require security to be provided for a four hour minimum. Section 2 Priority Order 1. Campus Activities Space at the College will be available for College activities in the following order of priorities. Listed below are programs/activities which are exempt from providing insurance or paying a facilities use fee. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. College instructional programs Official College events College-sponsored educational activities* Actively chartered student clubs and organizations* College intramural activities* *Charges may be assessed for miscellaneous services 2. External Organizations Space will be made available to outside organizations when use does not conflict with scheduled College functions, events, or courses offered, and if the activity is consistent with the objectives and mission of the College. When a request to use College facilities is made the Coordinator for the requested area will have a member of the President’s Cabinet review and approve, or disapprove, each request. Section 3 Fee Schedule* FACILITY Auditoriums** Classrooms Computer Labs Conference Rooms Meeting Rooms Softball Fields Video Conference Rooms East Broad Auditorium Wallace Hall Theatre FACILITY CATEGORY A 1-5 hours $150 $125 $300 $200 $200 $200 $200 See attachment #3 See attachment #4 Monday - Friday Afternoon/Evening 2 Hour Minimum Softball Fields Weight Rooms $100 * ** 1-5 hours $125 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $275 $100 See See attachment #3 attachment #3 See See attachment attachment #4 #4 CATEGORY A See attachment #1 See attachment #2 Gymnasium 5-12 hours $250 $175 $425 $300 $300 $250 CATEGORY B 5-12 hours $150 $125 $175 $175 $150 $150 1-5 hours $50 $50 $50 N/C N/C N/C $150 $50 See See attachment #3 attachment #3 See See attachment attachment #4 #1 CATEGORY B Amount per hour Monday - Friday over Afternoon/Evening minimum 2 Hour Minimum See See attachment attachment #1 #1 See See attachment #2 attachment #2 $150 $200 CATEGORY C 5-12 hours CATEGORY C Amount per hour Monday - Friday over Afternoon/Evening minimum 2 Hour Minimum See See attachment #1 attachment #1 See See attachment #2 attachment #2 $250 N/C Fees do not include Security Officer(s) as required. East Broad Auditorium has area specific fees and requirements. Please see attachment #2. Categories and Classification A – Community/Public for-profit groups B – Community non-profit organizations * C - Educational institutions, organizations affiliated with schools D - Activities of official departments of service area government – local, state, federal, and Alabama College System officials (no fee assessed) * Tax exempt certificate must be presented at time of booking See attachment #3 See attachment #4 Amount per hour over minimum See attachment #1 See attachment #2 Section 4 Use Directory Facility Occupancy Auditorium: w/chairs non-seated Front Lawn 150 180 Coordinator Angela Ross Gina Martin Contact Number (256) 549-8643 (256) 549-8600 McClellan Center Facility Computer Lab Occupancy 29 Coordinator Kelly Haynes Contact Number (256) 549-8336 Wallace Drive Campus Facility Allen Hall: Computer Lab 200A Computer Lab 200B Bevill Hall Classrooms Browder Hall Auditorium Cafeterial w/tables Helderman Hall Auditorium Inzer Hall: Breezeway Small Auditorium Meadows Library: Room 111 Wallace Hall Auditorium Choral room Theatre room Safety and Security Occupancy 30 30 Varies 200 250 214 100 30 1239 Coordinator Sheila Lancaster Contact Number (256) 549-8359 Ginger Deru Shirley Colvin Cassandra Flippen Connie Meloun June Bearden or Terri Riddle Carolyn Jacobs June Bearden or Dr. Leslie Worthington Stewart Davis (256) 549-8278 (256) 549-8281 (256) 549-8388 (256) 549-8321 (256) 439-6803 (256) 549-8255 (256) 549-8333 (256) 549-8325 (256) 549-8279 (256) 549-8603 Section 5 General Lease Agreement This LEASE AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of GADSDEN STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE hereinafter referred to as “GSCC” and hereinafter referred to as “LESSEE”. 20 _, by and between For other good and valuable consideration, GSCC leases to LESSEE, and LESSEE does hereby lease from GSCC, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the premises, hereinafter referred to as the “leased premises”, located at , Gadsden, Anniston, or Cherokee, Alabama. The term of this lease shall be _, commencing at .m., on _, 20 , and ending at .m., on , 20_ . LESSEE agrees to pay GSCC as rent for the leased premises the sum of $ dollars, at any one of the locations of GSCC’s business office. LESSEE agrees that GSCC shall at all times, insofar as the leased premises are concerned, fully and promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of any government or lawful authority having jurisdiction of the leased premises. LESSEE agrees to permit no waste of the property but rather to take good care of the same and LESSEE further agrees that at the expiration of the rental term, the LESSEE will quit and surrender possession of the leased premises in as good condition as received by LESSEE, reasonable wear and tear expected. GSCC shall not be liable for any damage to or destruction of property of the LESSEE, on the leased premises, regardless of the cause of such damage or destruction. The LESSEE shall place LESSEE’S property on the leased premises at the sole risk of the LESSEE. LESSEE agrees to indemnify and hold GSCC harmless from any and all liabilities, damages, loss, costs and expenses arising out of third party law suits, claims of injury to persons or damage to property in connection with the activities held on the premises of GADSDEN STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. LESSEE understands and acknowledges that GSCC has no control over any activities held on the leased premises during the term of this LEASE AGREEMENT. LESSEE releases and discharges all claims against GSCC and hereby assumes full responsibility for any injuries, damages, or losses that LESSEE or invitees of LESSEE may incur in connection with said activities. LESSEE shall not assign this LEASE AGREEMENT without the prior written consent of GSCC. The applicant agrees not to sublet or transfer the rights or privileges under an approved lease to any other individual, group, or organization. LESSEE has fully and completely read this LEASE AGREEMENT and the policies and procedures stated in the GSCC Facilities Usage Policies and Procedures Manual, understands the terms and the consequences thereof, and hereby agrees to abide by the same. Dated this day of , 20 GADSDEN STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE: LESSEE: By: Name: Title: Address: . City: Home Phone: Work Phone: Witness: Signature: State: Zip: Section 6 Generic Lease Application All requests for the use of Gadsden State Community College facilities require the completion of this form returned to the Facilities Coordinator. Area(s) Requested: Campus: Room: Building Name: Date: Attendees/tickets expected: Admission/Registration Fee: Yes Beginning Time: Ending Time: Program or Activity: _ Sponsoring Group(s): Primary Individual Responsible: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Office Phone: Program Purpose: (Indicate topic and speaker, if applicable) Program Available to: (Mark all that apply) Faculty General Public Other □ Staff □ Students FOR OFF-CAMPUS GROUPS ONLY: (Check all applicable classifications) □ Non-Profit (Attach documentation) □ For-profit Literature Distribution No Yes □ If yes, attach copy Applicant: Campus Sponsor: Date: Date: APPROVED: _ Phone: Phone: Date: (President or President’s Designee (Facilities Coordinator) No Amount: $ Note: No structural modifications to rooms or facilities are permitted. A complete copy of the Gadsden State Community College Facilities Policies and Procedures Manual may be obtained upon request from the Facilities Coordinator. Original to: Coordinator Copies to: Campus Director – Supervisor of Maintenance – Director of Security – Requestor It is the official policy of the Alabama Department of Education and Gadsden State Community College that no person in Alabama shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, handicap, religion, creed, national origin, or age, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program activity or employment. Gadsden State Community College complies with nondiscriminatory regulations under Title IX and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Section 7 Insurance Requirements for all External Organizations All external organizations with the exception of Category “D” are required to submit proof of insurance at lessee expense as follows: Ø Commercial General Liability o Bodily Injury and Property Damage § Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 o Products Liability (if food will be served) § Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 Ø Automobile Liability Ø Limit of Liability --$1,000,000—this coverage should be included if vehicles of the sponsoring organization will be on College premises Ø Workers Compensation – Statutory Coverage in accordance with workers compensation laws of the State of Alabama for employees of the lessee working on the College premises Ø Gadsden State Community College and/or service are to be included as additional insured as respect to the activity covered by the certificate Insurance certificate must be provided when reservations are confirmed (upon payment of facilities use fee to the College Business Office and execution and delivery of lease). All insurance coverage must be written with insurance companies authorized to do business in the service area. All insurance certificates are subject to the approval of Gadsden State Community College. Additional Requirements for External Organizations Facility use fees shall be paid to the College Business Office upon execution and delivery of the lease. The full facility use fee and applicable paperwork must be received before reservation is confirmed. No use of facilities is permitted until the signed lease is executed by both parties. Category “B” groups (non-profit) must submit a copy of the Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter certifying their non-profit status. Any group wishing to cancel a Lease Agreement may do so but a charge of 25% of the total fee will be assessed if notice is given to the Facilities Coordinator within 2 weeks of the event. Any group not giving the proper notice will be charged the full amount of the lease. Section 8 Regulations for Use The following restrictions apply to all functions for College activities and external organizations. Ø Firearms and other implements commonly described as weapons within the context of Crimes Code of Alabama shall not be brought onto the campuses, with the exception of bona fide law enforcement personnel in performance of their duties. Ø Possession or use of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs of any kind shall not be permitted on the College premises. Any person under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs shall be denied the opportunity to participate in the activity or to be present on campus. Ø Gambling or other conduct detrimental to public or College interest shall not be permitted on College premises. Ø Parking is permitted only in the designated general parking lots. Disabled persons with a valid special permit, issued by the Department of Public Safety, may park in the designated special parking areas. Ø Serving of food or refreshments is permitted only in areas of the buildings designated for those purposes. Ø College officials or designated employees shall not be refused admittance to any function held on campus. Ø Permission to use facilities will in all cases be in compliance with applicable state and local laws governing the use of public buildings. Ø Signage, promotional, or advertising material used or distributed by any applicant requires prior approval of the College by cabinet or designee. Ø It is the official policy of the Alabama Department of Education and Gadsden State Community College that no person in Alabama shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, handicap, religion, creed, national origin, or age, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program activity or employment. Gadsden State Community College complies with nondiscriminatory regulations under Title IX and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Ø Facilities and equipment used must be left in a clean and orderly condition. Failure to do so will result in additional charges based on time required to return the facility or equipment to its proper condition. Ø Selling of goods or services or the solicitation for sale of goods or services is prohibited anywhere on campus, unless it is approved by the Dean of Financial and Administrative Services. Ø The organization requesting use of the facilities shall be charged $20.00 per hour for the College Security officer to be present. This rate is subject to change. The Security officer’s orders are official and must be obeyed. o Musical concerts or related functions, such as talent shows, rock and R&B concerts held in Wallace Hall or East Broad Auditorium must provide additional security personnel to secure two auditorium exits, the balcony, and the lobby area. Exceptions: school bands, symphony orchestras, and church/College choirs. Ø All organizations must adhere to College fire and safety codes and regulations. Ø All apparatus and equipment owned by the College shall be operated and/or supervised by College personnel Ø There shall be no alterations to existing facilities, or installation of equipment, signs, posters, or decorations on or about the College premises by any party without prior approval. Section 9 Procedures for Use All functions for College and external organizations must adhere to the following guidelines. Ø Requests for the use of College facilities should be made to the Facilities Coordinator/designee thirty (30) days in advance of the requested date in order for the request to be reviewed and arrangements for approved uses completed. However, more complex requests should be made up to several months in advance. The Facilities Coordinator/designee will attempt to accommodate simple requests received with less than 30 days notice. Ø In all cases, at least one person belonging to the organization requesting use of the facilities shall be identified in writing on the Facilities Use Request Application as the person responsible for the function, and shall be present for the full duration of the function. Noncompliance will result in denial of future requests. Ø In all cases, a designated College representative shall be in full charge of the facilities and shall be present for the full duration of the event. The College representative’s orders are official and must be obeyed. Ø Copies of signage, promotional, and advertising materials planned to be placed temporarily on the College premises must be attached to the Facilities Use Request Application. Ø Each organization will be advised of the total use charges by the Facilities Coordinator/designee. Ø All applicants will be limited to the use of those areas specified on the approved Facilities Use Request Application. An on-site inspection must be conducted by the designated person in charge and the designated College official. All discrepancies will be noted prior to the event date. Ø Rental will be based on a first-come, first-served basis. A signed and paid lease agreement constitutes priority. Ø The College reserves the right to cancel facility use, at its sole discretion, with or without cause. If cancellation is due to College safety or security, natural disaster, or other College issue, a refund will be provided. Ø No facilities will be available for rental Easter Day or Christmas Day. Sction 10 Location Specific Requirements Attached you will find documentation for Wallace Hall, Beck Field House, and East Broad Auditorium. These areas have specific guidelines that must be followed. The rules and procedures herein contained are to be understood and are binding with the rental of the specific areas. Please review these carefully. Your acceptance and application to this agreement serve as your acknowledgement of all rules and regulations. Attachment #1 - Beck Field House Attachment #2 - Softball Fields Attachment #3 - East Broad Auditorium Attachment #4 – Wallace Hall Attachment #5 – Cherokee County Arena Attachment #1 Gadsden State Community College BECK FIELD HOUSE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT GYMNASIUM RENTAL MANUAL Beck Field House aAthletic Department Phone: 256-549-8310 549-8479 Mailing Address: Beck Field House, GSCC P. O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 Physical Address: 1001 George Wallace Drive Gadsden, AL 35903 On behalf of Gadsden State Community College Interim President, Dr. Helen McAlpine, we would like to thank you for your interest in hosting an event on our campus. Beck Field House Athletic Department houses a collegiate size gymnasium as well as exercise and fitness rooms to serve the athletic and health and wellness needs of our students, faculty, staff, and the community. The College is located within a thirty-minute drive of over 350,000 potential patrons. The gymnasium is available for limited lease by the community as outlined in the following pages of this packet. We sincerely hope that your event is a great success. Please contact us should you have questions or comments regarding our facility. Please follow the steps below in order to secure the use of the gymnasium: 1. Thoroughly read each page of this packet and contact us should you have any questions. 2. Complete and sign the Lessee Agreement Form and Rental Information Form. Mail these two forms at least one week before your event to: Donice Snow Beck Field House Gadsden State Community College P. O. Box 227 Gadsden, Al 35903-0227 3. Contact Donice Snow at 256-549-8310 at least ten (10) days before your event to arrange for the set-up of special equipment or services. 4. Contact the Gadsden State Community College Safety and Security Office at 256-549-8628 at least ten (10) days prior to your event to arrange for event security, unless you have written approval from Dr. Jim Prucnal, Dean of Financial and Administrative Services that security will not be required. Returning these documents will streamline the event process and help to avoid difficulties. CONTACT INFORMATION Administrative Assistant in Beck Athletic & HPR Director GSCC Safety & Security Director Donice Snow Mike Cancilla Stewart Davis 256-549-8310 256-549-8311 256-549-8603 QUICK FACTS Fax: 256- Gymnasium 1. Collegiate size gym. Seating capacity: 1,200 2. Balls/equipment not provided for lease. 3. Suitable for basketball, volleyball, or cheerleading. 4. Scoreboards and PA system available. 5. Gymnastic/tumbling floor mats available. 6. Vinyl gym floor covering available. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 BECK FIELD HOUSE RENTAL POLICIES & REGULATIONS 1. Reservations for the gymnasium are to be made through the Administrative Assistant in Beck Field House: Phone (256) 549-8310. 2. Reservations are to be made at least fifteen days (15) days prior to the event. 3. Applicants must read and agree to abide by the attached Information and Rules for Beck Field House. 4. RESERVATIONS WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED UNTIL A LESSEE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED AND PAYMENT FOR THE RENTAL FEE HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE GSCC BUSINESS OFFICE. 5. The Lessee Agreement form should be completed, signed, and mailed to: Donice Snow Beck Field House Gadsden State Community College P. O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 6. CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO Gadsden State Community College and mailed to Business Office, Gadsden State Community College, P. O. Box 227, Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 at least five (5) College business days prior to the event. 7. In case of cancellation, a 75% REFUND will be made if the college is notified 72 hours prior to the event. 8. Gym Rentals: If use of the scoreboards and PA system are required for the event, the Lessee must contact a scoreboard operator and PA operator from the list provided by Donice Snow. Payment for these individuals is the responsibility of the Lessee and must be paid immediately upon arrival for the event. 9. The Lessee must contact the GSCC Safety and Security Office to schedule a security officer for the event. Payment for security is the responsibility of the Lessee and must be paid immediately upon arrival for the event. GSCC reserves the right to assign additional Security and Lifeguards at the expense of the Lessee. Rental Fees for the Gym: Class A: Commercial (For-Profit Organizations) Class B: 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organizations other than those affiliated with GSCC (MUST PROVIDE COPY OF 501(C)3 Form RETURNED WITH THIS FORM) Class C: Schools (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE K-12 INSTITUTIONS) and GSCC coaches Class A: Class B: Class C: 2 Hours $100 $50 $50 4 Hours $200 $75 $75 Each Additional Hour $50 $15 $15 The above rental fees include the use of the gym and one men’s and one women’s locker room. No other parts of the facility may be used without the express written consent of the Athletic Director. Weekly Rental Fees for the Gymnasium (Monday – Friday for 8 hours a day) Class A Weekly Rate: $1,000 Class B Weekly Rate: $500 Class C Weekly Rate: *$500 *GSCC Coaches or Instructors that are approved by the administration to conduct athletic or instructional camps for area youth will receive the Class C Weekly Rate. 3 INFORMATION AND RULES FOR BECK FIELD HOUSE General Information: Gymnasium Collegiate size gym. Seating capacity: 1,200 Balls/equipment not provided for lease. Suitable for basketball, volleyball, or cheerleading. Scoreboards and PA system available. Gymnastic/tumbling floor mats available. Vinyl gym floor covering available. General Rules: 1. No smoking or use of tobacco products will be allowed in Beck Field House. 2. No food or drinks will be allowed on playing surface of gym floor, in dressing rooms, or in pool area. 3. Defacing or removal of GSCC property will lead to immediate dismissal from the GSCC campus. Any damage to GSCC property during the leased period will require that the LESSEE pay for repair or replacement as necessary. 4. No person will be allowed to secure anything to the floors, walls, chairs, ceiling, doors, bleachers, and/or any other surface by use of nails, screws, bolts, staples, and any form of glue/adhesive, tape and/or anything else that might cause damage. Lessee will be responsible for all damages. 5. No “horseplay” or loitering will be tolerated in Beck Field House. 6. No one is allowed in the classrooms, locker rooms, offices, or any other part of the facility unless so stated in the Lessee Agreement. Gymnasium Rules 1. No street shoes allowed on playing surface of gym; tennis shoes only! 2. No balls other than basketballs or volleyballs to be used in the gym. 3. Earphones must be used with personal music devices. 4. No food or drink allowed on playing surface of gym. 5. No equipment other than basketballs or volleyballs may be used in the gymnasium without prior written approval from the Athletic Director. 4 LESSEE ADDRESS Street City State LESSEE AGREEMENT Beck Field House 1001 George Wallace Drive, Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 Phone: 256-549-8310 Fax: 256-549-8479 Zip RENTAL FEE FOR BECK FIELD HOUSE GYMNASIUM $_ This Lease Agreement is made and entered into this referred to as “LESSEE.” day of , by , hereinafter For other good and valuable consideration, GSCC leases to LESSEE, and LESSEE does hereby lease from GSCC subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the premises, hereinafter referred to as the “leased premises,” located at BECK FIELD HOUSE, located on the campus of GSCC, Gadsden, Alabama. The term of this lease shall be the following date(s) and hours . LESSEE agrees to pay GSCC for the rental of Beck Field House Gym and two locker rooms the sum of $ B. Allen Hall, on the George Wallace Drive Campus of GSCC. to the GSCC Business Office, located in James LESSEE agrees that GSCC shall at all times, insofar as the leased premises are concerned, fully and promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of any government or lawful authority having jurisdiction of the leased premises. LESSEE further agrees to abide by all safety rules and regulations stated in the Information and Rules Document, posted in Beck Field House or stated by security and/or the lifeguard on duty. LESSEE agrees to permit no waste of the property but rather to take good care of the same, and LESSEE further agrees that at the expiration of the rental term, the LESSEE will quit and surrender possession of Beck Field House Gym in as good condition as received by LESSEE. GSCC shall not be liable for any damage to or destruction of property of the LESSEE on the leased premises, regardless of the cause of such damage or destruction. The LESSEE shall place LESSEE’S property on the leased premises at the sole risk of the LESSEE. LESSEE agrees to indemnify and hold GSCC harmless from any and all liabilities, damages, loss, costs and expenses arising out of third-party law suits, claims of injury to persons or damage to property in connection with the activities held on the premises of Beck Field House Gym located on the campus of GSCC. LESSEE understands and acknowledges that GSCC has no control over any activities held on the leased premises during the term of this LEASE AGREEMENT. LESSEE releases and discharges all claims against GSCC and hereby assumes full responsibility for any injuries, damages, or losses that LESSEE or invitees of LESSEE may incur in connection with said activities. RULES AND REGULATIONS AGREEMENT I, the lessee have received, understand, acknowledge, and agree to abide by and follow each of the rules listed on the Beck Field House Information and Rules document for the complete duration of the lease term. I, the lessee, also agree to pay for any damages caused as a result of a violation of theses stated rules. I understand that a failure to comply with the Rules may result in the eviction of my event and possible denial of future booking requests. SECURITY PERSONNEL AGREEMENT I, the lessee have contacted the GSCC Safety & Security Office and have scheduled security for my I understand that Beck Field House Gym will not be available for use during my event if I have not scheduled security. I understand and acknowledge that if security personnel is not paid immediately on my arrival, that I, the lessee, all invitees, patrons, groups, or organizations associated with my lease or otherwise, will not be permitted use of Beck Field House Gym until pay is provided. RENTAL INFORMATION AGREEMENT I, the lessee have filled out the RENTAL INFORMATION FORM and understand that the facility will be available based solely on the times and dates I have provided. EQUIPMENT & SERVICE AGREEMENT I, the lessee understand what staff and equipment is provided with my rental fee. I understand that some equipment and services must be paid for in addition to my rental fee. I, the lessee, agree to pay for any fees for additional equipment or services requested for my event. I understand and acknowledge that if payment is not provided for equipment rental, personnel, and/or other services, that I, the lessee, all invitees, patrons, groups, organizations associated with my lease or otherwise, will not be permitted further use of Beck Field House until pay is provided. LESSEE AGREEMENT: I, THE LESSEE UNDERSTAND, ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO ALL INFORMATION LISTED ON THIS DOCUMENT AND I AGREE TO PAY FOR ALL FEES AND DAMAGES AS DETAILED ON THIS AND ALL AFOREMENTIONED DOCUMENTS. *** LESSEE SIGNATUE *** On _/ EVENT TITLE On / ATHLETIC/HPR DIRECTOR On / LESSEE NAME (PRINTED) ORGANIZATION NAME / / Through _/ / Beck Field House Athletic Department RENTAL INFORMATION FORM Phone: 256-549-8310 Fax: 256-549-8479 Mailing Address: Beck Field House, GSCC P. O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 Physical Address: 1001 George Wallace Drive Gadsden, AL 35903 Please print or type this form and fax or mail to: Donice Snow at the mailing address above. Forms must be received within one week of a verbal request to secure the reservation. Base Rental for Gym Includes: Gymnasium, Lobby (not concession stand), and two locker rooms Rental Fees (See page 2 for weekly rates) Class A: Commercial (For-Profit) Organizations Class B: 501(C))3 other than GSCC related groups (must provide copy of 501(C)3 Form returned with this form)) Class C: Schools (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE K-12 INSTITUTIONS) Pool or Gym: Class A: Class B: Class C: 2 Hours $100 $50 $50 4 Hours $200 $75 $75 Each Additional Hour $50 $15 $15 Classrooms (2 available) $25 $25 $25 Equipment & Services Fees A. Scoreboard/Clock Operator B. P/A System Operator C. Gymnastic/stunting Floor Mats D. Vinyl Gym Floor Cover *$15 per hour (2 hour minimum) Paid to individual—not the College *$15 per hour (2 hour minimum) Paid to individual—not the College $30 per event (7 available) $30 per event ORGANIZATION: 501(C)3 # (Non-profit only) CONTACT PERSON: NAME OF EVENT: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: ALT.PHONE: EMAIL: RENTAL CLASSIFICATION: Commercial Event Non-Profit 501c Organization School TYPE OF EVENT: (basketball game, volleyball game, cheerleading competition, swimming event, etc.) Briefly describe your event: RESERVATION IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL A LESSEE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED, PAYMENT IS RECEIVED, AND THIS FORM IS RETURNED. Please fill out the Booking Chart form as accurately as possible. This information will be used to reserve facilities for your event.; you are responsible for scheduling and paying any personnel required. You may book the Beck Field House Gymnasium for either 2 hours or 4 hours;; if additional hours are needed, add the appropriate additional fees per hour. Enough time must be allowed to remove all persons and property from the facility after your event. If any person or property associated with your event is in the facility past the designated closing time, the lessee will be billed for additional hours. Thank you for booking our facility. Please contact us should you have any questions. Is your event open to the public: NO YES Estimated audience size: Estimated participant size: Beck Field House facilities are available for booking during the following hours: Monday – Saturday from 8:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. and Sunday from 12:00 noon until 8:00 P.M. The facility will not be open for more than twelve hours (consecutively or otherwise) on any given day. 6 BOOKING CHART: Please fill out the chart below completely based on the number of hours and days you would like to book. Add the rental fees and equipment fees to obtain total fees due. Please call Donice Snow at 549-8311 should you have questions about completing this chart. Each numbered line (1-5) corresponds with the lower line of the same number. Day 1 2 3 4 5 Day & Dates of Use:: List all dates booked. Mon—MM/DD/YY) Access to facility requested at (XX:XX a.m./p.m.) Rental Fee per day (See page 6 for daily rates) Rental Length: (Total hours each day) Cardinal Room Rental $25.00 (per day) Classroom No. 140 Rental $25.00 (per day) + + + + + + + + + + = = = = = RENTAL FEE SUBTOTAL = Please fill out the form below with all needed services and rental equipment to be paid to GSCC. Add these costs to Rental Fee Subtotal for Total Fees Due. Additional Equipment & Services (as listed on page 6) Quantity Rate Facility vacated (lights out, locked up) by: (XX:XX a.m./p.m.) Event begins at: (XX:XX a.m./p.m. Day 1 2 3 4 5 Type of Activity: Basketball,, Swimming, Cheerleading, Volleyball (specify) PAYMENT NOTICE: LESSEE agrees to pay GSCC in the amount of TOTAL FEES DUE to the GSCC Business Office, located in James B. Allen Hall, on the George Wallace Drive Campus of GSCC. Payment must be received at least 5 College business days before your event to prevent cancellation. X X X X X SUBTOTAL: Cost = = = = = RENTAL FEES: EQUIPMENT & SERVICES: TOTAL FEES DUE: 7 Attachment #2 Gadsden State Community College GSCC ATHLETIC FIELDS ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT SOFTBALL FIELD RENTAL MANUAL Athletic Fields aAthletic Department Phone: 256-549-8310 549-8479 Mailing Address: Beck Field House, GSCC P. O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 1. Thoroughly read each page of this packet and contact us should you have any questions. 2. Complete and sign the Lessee Agreement Form and Rental Information Form. Mail these two forms at least one week before your event to: Donice Snow Beck Field House Gadsden State Community College P. O. Box 227 Gadsden, Al 35903-0227 3. Contact Donice Snow at 256-549-8310 at least ten (10) days before your event to arrange for the set-up of special equipment or services. 4. Contact the Gadsden State Community College Safety and Security Office at 256-549-8628 at least ten (10) days prior to your event to arrange for event security, unless you have written approval from Dr. Jim Prucnal, Dean of Financial and Administrative Services that security will not be required. Returning these documents will streamline the event process and help to avoid difficulties. CONTACT INFORMATION Donice Snow Michael Cancilla Stewart Davos 256-549-8310 256-549-8311 256-549-8603 QUICK FACTS Physical Address: 1001 George Wallace Drive Gadsden, AL 35903 On behalf of Gadsden State Community College Interim President, Dr. Helen McAlpine, we would like to thank you for your interest in hosting an event on our campus. The campus provides four regulation softball fields to serve our community. The College is located within a thirty-minute drive of over 350,000 potential patrons. The softball fields are available for limited lease by the community as outlined in the following pages of this packet. We sincerely hope that your event is a great success. Please contact us should you have questions or comments regarding our facility. Please follow the steps below in order to secure the use of the softball field/s: Administrative Assistant in Beck Athletic & HPR Director GSCC Safety & Security Director Fax: 256- Softball Fields 1. One collegiate regulation size softball field. 2. Three regulation size slow-pitch fields available. 3. Balls/equipment not provided for lease. 4. Scoreboards available. 5. Field lighting available. 6. Temporary fencing for one additional field available. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 ATHLETIC FIELDS RENTAL POLICIES & REGULATIONS 1. Reservations for the softball fields are to be made through the Administrative Assistant in Beck Field House: Phone (256) 549-8310. 2. Reservations are to be made at least fifteen days (15) days prior to the event. 3. Applicants must read and agree to abide by the attached Information and Rules for GSCC Athletic Fields. 4. RESERVATIONS WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED UNTIL A LESSEE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED AND PAYMENT FOR THE RENTAL FEE HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE GSCC BUSINESS OFFICE. 5. The Lessee Agreement form should be completed, signed, and mailed to: Donice Snow Beck Field House Gadsden State Community College P. O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 6. CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO Gadsden State Community College and mailed to Business Office, Gadsden State Community College, P. O. Box 227, Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 at least five (5) College business days prior to the event. 7. In case of cancellation, a 75% REFUND will be made if the college is notified 72 hours prior to the event. 8. Only softball related events will be allowed. In case of inclement weather, use of fields will be determined by GSCC. If use of the scoreboards/P.S. system is required for the event, the Lessee must select a scoreboard and/or P.A. system operator from the list provided by Donice Snow. Payment for these individuals is the responsibility of the Lessee. 9. The Lessee must contact the GSCC Safety and Security Office to schedule a security officer for the event unless the Lessee has obtained written approval from Dr. Jim Prucnal that security will not be necessary. Payment for security is the responsibility of the Lessee and must be paid immediately upon arrival for the event. GSCC reserves the right to assign additional Security at the expense of the Lessee. Rental Fees for the Softball Fields: Class A: Commercial (For-Profit Organizations) Class B: 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organizations other than those affiliated with GSCC (MUST PROVIDE COPY OF 501(C)3 Form RETURNED WITH THIS FORM) Class C: Schools (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE K-12 INSTITUTIONS) * and GSCC coaches Class A: Class B: Class C: 2 Hours $50 $25 $20 4 Hours $100 $40 $30 Day $200 $60 $50 *The fee will be eliminated for competition (approved by the administration) and only the required proper insurance coverage will be required. The rates will apply for approved instructional camps for area youth. Weekly Rental Fees for the Softball Fields (Monday – Friday) Class A Weekly Rate: $500 Class B Weekly Rate: $250 Class C Weekly Rate: **$250 **GSCC Coaches, Instructors and Schools (Public or Private K-12 Institutions) that are approved by the administration to conduct instructional camps for area youth will receive the Class C Weekly rate. **Softball field use by the City of Gadsden is covered under a separate contract agreement. 3 INFORMATION AND RULES FOR GSCC ATHLETIC FIELDS General Information: Softball Fields 1. One collegiate regulation size softball field. 2. Three regulation size slow-pitch fields available. 3. Balls/equipment not provided for lease. 4. Scoreboards available. 5. Field lighting available. 6. Temporary fencing for one additional field available. . General Rules: 1. No smoking or use of tobacco products will be allowed at GSCC Athletic Fields. 2. Defacing or removal of GSCC property will lead to immediate dismissal from the GSCC campus. Any damage to GSCC property during the leased period will require that the LESSEE pay for repair or replacement as necessary. 3. Outside grills of any kind are prohibited. 4. No one is allowed in the tower, equipment rooms, concession stand, offices, or any other part of the facility unless so stated in the Lessee Agreement. Athletic Field Rules 1. Softball related events only. 2. No hitting balls into fences. 3. No food or gum on fields. 4. Scoreboards and PA system must be handled professionally. 5. No fans or other electrical devices allowed. 6. No field maintenance without the consent of the GSCC head softball coaches. 7. Lessee is responsible for trash clean-up in dugouts and bleacher areas. 4 LESSEE ADDRESS LESSEE AGREEMENT GSCC Athletic Fields Phone: 256-549-8310 Street City 1001 George Wallace Drive, Gadsden, AL 35902-022 7 State Fax: 256-549-8479 Zip RENTAL FEE FOR GSCC ATHLETIC FIELDS SOFTBALL $ This Lease Agreement is made and entered into this referred to as “LESSEE.” day of , by , hereinafter For other good and valuable consideration, GSCC leases to LESSEE, and LESSEE does hereby lease from GSCC subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the premises, hereinafter referred to as the “leased premises,” located at GSCC ATHLETIC FIELDS, located on the campus of GSCC, Gadsden, Alabama. The term of this lease shall be the following date(s) LESSEE agrees to pay GSCC for the rental of Softball Fields the sum of $ Wallace Drive Campus of GSCC. and hours to . the GSCC Business Office, located in James B. Allen Hall, on the George LESSEE agrees that GSCC shall at all times, insofar as the leased premises are concerned, fully and promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of any government or lawful authority having jurisdiction of the leased premises. LESSEE further agrees to abide by all safety rules and regulations stated in the Information and Rules Document, posted at GSCC Athletic Fields or by security. LESSEE agrees to permit no waste of the property but rather to take good care of the same, and LESSEE further agrees that at the expiration of the rental term, the LESSEE will quit and surrender possession of GSCC Athletic Fields in as good condition as received by LESSEE. GSCC shall not be liable for any damage to or destruction of property of the LESSEE on the leased premises, regardless of the cause of such damage or destruction. The LESSEE shall place LESSEE’S property on the leased premises at the sole risk of the LESSEE. LESSEE agrees to indemnify and hold GSCC harmless from any and all liabilities, damages, loss, costs and expenses arising out of third-party law suits, claims of injury to persons or damage to property in connection with the activities held on the premises of GSCC Athletic Fields located on the campus of GSCC. LESSEE understands and acknowledges that GSCC has no control over any activities held on the leased premises during the term of this LEASE AGREEMENT. LESSEE releases and discharges all claims against GSCC and hereby assumes full responsibility for any injuries, damages, or losses that LESSEE or invitees of LESSEE may incur in connection with said activities. RULES AND REGULATIONS AGREEMENT I, the lessee have received, understand, acknowledge, and agree to abide by and follow each of the rules listed on the Athletic Fields Information and Rules document for the complete duration of the lease term. I, the lessee, also agree to pay for any damages caused as a result of a violation of theses stated rules. I understand that a failure to comply with the Rules may result in the eviction of my event and possible denial of future booking requests. SECURITY PERSONNEL AGREEMENT I, the lessee have contacted the GSCC Safety & Security Office and have scheduled security for my event unless I have a written agreement from Dr. Prucnal that security will not be necessary. I understand that the GSCC Athletic Fields will not be available for use during my event if I have not scheduled security. I understand and acknowledge that if security personnel is not paid immediately on my arrival, that I, the lessee, all invitees, patrons, groups, or organizations associated with my lease or otherwise, will not be permitted use of GSCC Athletic Fields until pay is provided. RENTAL INFORMATION AGREEMENT I, the lessee have filled out the RENTAL INFORMATION FORM and understand that the facility will be available based solely on the times and dates I have provided. EQUIPMENT & SERVICE AGREEMENT I, the lessee understand what staff and equipment is provided with my rental fee. I understand that some equipment and services must be paid for in addition to my rental fee. I, the lessee, agree to pay for any fees for additional equipment or services requested for my event. I understand and acknowledge that if payment is not provided for equipment rental, personnel, and/or other services, that I, the lessee, all invitees, patrons, groups, organizations associated with my lease or otherwise, will not be permitted further use of GSCC Athletic Fields until pay is provided. LESSEE AGREEMENT: I, THE LESSEE UNDERSTAND, ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO ALL INFORMATION LISTED ON THIS DOCUMENT AND I AGREE TO PAY FOR ALL FEES AND DAMAGES AS DETAILED ON THIS AND ALL AFOREMENTIONED DOCUMENTS. *** LESSEE SIGNATUE *** On _/ EVENT TITLE On / ATHLETIC/HPR DIRECTOR On / LESSEE NAME (PRINTED) ORGANIZATION NAME / Through / _/ _/ 5 GSCC Athletic Fields Athletic Department RENTAL INFORMATION FORM Phone: 256-549-8310 Fax: 256-549-8479 Mailing Address: Beck Field House, GSCC P. O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 Physical Address: 1001 George Wallace Drive Gadsden, AL 35903 Please print or type this form and fax or mail to: Donice Snow at the mailing address above. Forms must be received within one week of a verbal request to secure the reservation. Base Rental Per Field Includes: Softball Field (not concession stand), and restrooms Rental Fees (See page 2 for weekly rates) Class A: Commercial (For-Profit) Organizations Class B: 501(C)) 3 other than GSCC related groups (must provide copy of 501(C) 3 Form returned with this form)) Class C: Schools (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE K-12 INSTITUTIONS) Field 2 Hours 4 Hours Class A: $50 $100 Class B: $25 $40 Class C: $20 $30 Equipment and services fees (please see back page) ORGANIZATION: CONTACT PERSON: NAME OF EVENT: ADDRESS: RENTAL CLASSIFICATION: 501(C)3 # (Non-profit only) PHONE: Day $200 $60 $50 FAX: Commercial Event ALT.PHONE: Non-Profit 501c Organization EMAIL: School TYPE OF EVENT: (softball game) Briefly describe your event: RESERVATION IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL A LESSEE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED, PAYMENT IS RECEIVED, AND THIS FORM IS RETURNED. Please fill out the Booking Chart form as accurately as possible. This information will be used to reserve facilities for your event; you are responsible for scheduling and paying any personnel required. You may book the GSCC Athletic Fields for either 2 hours or 4 hours; if additional hours are needed, add the appropriate additional fees per hour. Enough time must be allowed to remove all persons and property from the facility after your event. If any person or property associated with your event is in the facility past the designated closing time, the lessee will be billed for additional hours. Thank you for booking our facility. Please contact us should you have any questions. Is your event open to the public: NO YES Estimated audience size: Estimated participant size: GSCC Athletic Fields are available for booking during the following hours: Monday – Saturday from 8:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. and Sunday from 12:00 noon until 8:00 P.M. 6 BOOKING CHART: Please fill out the chart below completely based on the number of hours and days you would like to book. Please call Donice Snow at 549-8311 should you have questions about completing this chart. Each numbered line (1-5) corresponds with the lower line of the same number. Day 1 2 3 4 5 Rental Fee per day (See page 6 for daily rates) Rental Length: (Total hours each day) + + + + + + + + + + = = = = = RENTAL FEE SUBTOTAL = Please fill out the form below with all needed services and rental equipment to be paid to GSCC. Add these costs to Rental Fee Subtotal for Total Fees Due. Additional Equipment & Services (as listed on page 6) Quantity Rate Facility vacated (lights out, locked up) by: (XX:XX a.m./p.m.) Event begins at: (XX:XX a.m./p.m. Access to facility requested at (XX:XX a.m./p.m.) Day 1 2 3 4 5 Type of Activity: Softball Day & Dates of Use:: List all dates booked. Mon—MM/DD/YY) PAYMENT NOTICE: LESSEE agrees to pay GSCC in the amount of TOTAL FEES DUE to the GSCC Business Office, located in James B. Allen Hall, on the George Wallace Drive Campus of GSCC. Payment must be received at least 5 College business days before your event to prevent cancellation. X X X X X SUBTOTAL: Cost = = = = = RENTAL FEES: EQUIPMENT & SERVICES: TOTAL FEES DUE: 7 Attachment #3 Gadsden State Community College GSCC EAST BROAD AUDITORIUM AUDITORIUM AUDITORIUM RENTAL MANUAL Attachment #3 EAST BROAD CAMPUS AUDITORIUM RENTAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. All reservations are to be made through the Technical Education Office, phone (256) 549-8643. Reservations are to be made at least fourteen (14) days prior to the event. Reservations will not be confirmed until lease is signed and rent paid. In case of cancellation, a 75% refund will be made if the college is notified 72 hours prior to the event. “Afternoon/Evening” rates are based on a five (5) hour maximum rental. “All Day and Evening” rates are based on a twelve (12) hour maximum rental. Any variations in these time periods must be arranged through the Office of Technical Education. ALL Evening rentals require mandatory security ($20.00 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours). Check must be made payable to the officer and is required at time of rental payment. Checks should be made payable to Gadsden State Community College and mailed to the Angela Ross, Administration Building, East Broad Campus, GSCC, P O Box 227, Gadsden, Alabama 35902-0227. Security for all events will be the responsibility of the lessee and must be approved by GSCC Chief of Security. GSCC reserves the right to assign additional security at the expense of Lessee when needed. No tape (of any kind), pins, staples, nails or other fastening devices may be used on structural surfaces in the lobby or Auditorium. GSCC is a smoke-free environment. No alcohol, drugs, etc. will be allowed on the premises at any time. No weapons of any kind will be allowed on the premises at any time. It is impossible to list all the costs that may arise when planning an event. Any additional costs will be determined when arrangements for an event are finalized with GSCC management. Rental rates listed below are for East Broad Auditorium only. All activities are restricted to this area. FEE SCHEDULE * BOOKING Afternoon (5 hours maximum) $225.00 per day Evening (5 hours maximum) $225.00 per day/$20 an hour mandatory GSCC Security/4 hour min. CLASS A EVENTS $200.00 per day Multiple Days (5 hours maximum) $250.00 per day All Day (12 hours maximum) Evening (12 hours maximum) $250.00 per day/$20 an hour mandatory GSCC Security/4 hour min. Multiple Days (12 hours maximum) $220.00 per day CLASS B EVENTS $150.00 per day $150.00 per day/$20 an hour mandatory GSCC Security/4 hour min. $125.00 per day $175.00 per day $175.00 per day/$20 an hour mandatory GSCC Security/4 hour min. $160.00 per day $100.00 per day Clean-up Fee: $75.00 Additional Information: Seated event Capacity 150 max Non-seated Event capacity 180 max Example of Events: Class A Events Commercial (for profit) events. Class B Events Non-profit organizations. (Must present tax exempt certificate.) Class C Events Public/Community events. (Excludes Commercial and Non-Profit Organizations) Class D Events Educational Institutions No charge No charge $125.00 per day/$20 an hour mandatory GSCC Security/4 hour min. * Additional/Optional fees: Setup Fee: $50.00 No charge $75.00 per day $100.00 per day/$20 an hour mandatory GSCC Security/4 hour min. $125.00 per day CLASS D EVENTS CLASS C EVENTS No charge No charge $115.00 per day No charge Attachment #3 . EAST BROAD CAMPUS AUDITORIUM/OUTSIDE CAMPUS RENTAL LEASE AGREEMENT This LEASE AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of between GADSDEN STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE hereinafter referred to as “GSCC” and _, 20 _, by and _ , hereinafter referred to as “LESSEE”. For other good and valuable consideration, GSCC leases to LESSEE, and LESSEE does hereby lease from GSCC, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter referred to as the “leased premises”, located , Gadsden, Alabama. The term of this lease shall be on LESSEE agrees to permit no waste of the property but rather to take good care of the same and LESSEE further agrees that at the expiration of the rental term, the LESSEE will quit and surrender possession of the leased premises in as good condition as received by LESSEE, reasonable wear and tear expected. GSCC shall not be liable for any damage to or destruction of property of the LESSEE on the leased premises, regardless of the cause of such damage or destruction. The LESSEE shall place LESSEE’S property on the leased premises at the sole risk of the LESSEE. LESSEE agree to indemnify and hold GSCC harmless from any and all liabilities, damages, loss costs and expenses arising out of third party law suits, claims of injury to persons or damage to property in connection with the activities held on the premises of GADSDEN STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. LESSEE understands and acknowledges that GSCC has no control over any activities held on the leased premises during the term of this LEASE AGREEMENT. LESSEE releases and discharges all claims against GSCC and hereby assumes full responsibility for any injuries, damages or losses that LESSEE or invitees of LESSEE may incur in connection with said activities. LESSEE shall not assign this LEASE AGREEMENT without the prior written consent of GSCC. LESSEE has fully and completely read this LEASE AGREEMENT and the policies and procedures on the back side of this Lease Agreement and understands the terms used herein, and the consequences thereof. Dated this day of , 20_ . LESSEE: GADSDEN STATE COMMUNITY COLLGE Name Address City , at such place as LESSEE agrees that GSCC shall at all times, insofar as the leased premises are concerned, fully and promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of any government or lawful authority having jurisdiction of the leased premises. commencing at , 20 (a.m. p.m.), LESSEE agrees to pay to GSCC as rent for the leased premises the sum of $ GSCC shall designate. _, (a.m., p.m.), on _, and ending at _, 20 . BY: Home Phone Work Phone Signature Witness State Zip Attachment #4 Gadsden State Community College GSCC WALLACE HALL AUDITORIUM AUDITORIUM RENTAL MANUAL Wallace Hall Fine Arts Center | | 256.549.8325 Mailing Address: Wallace Hall, GSCC P.O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 Physical Address: 1001 George Wallace Drive Gadsden, AL 35903 On behalf of Gadsden State Community College Interim President, Dr. Helen McAlpine, we would like to thank you for your interest in hosting an event on our campus. The Wallace Hall Fine Arts Center houses one of the largest theatre venues in Alabama and is within a thirty-minute drive of over 350,000 potential patrons. It is our hope that your event is a great success, and please contact us should you have any questions or comments regarding our facility. Please follow the steps below in order to secure the use of Wallace Hall Fine Arts Center. 1. Thoroughly read each page of this packet and contact us should you have any questions. 2. Complete and sign the Lessee Agreement Form and the Rental Information Form. Mail all these forms at least one week before your event to: June Bearden GSCC P.O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 3. Contact the Stage Manager at 256-549-8475 at least ten days (10) days before your event to arrange for set-up of equipment. 4. Contact the Gadsden State Community College Safety & Security Office (256-549-8614) at least 10 days prior to your event to arrange for event security, as this is a requirement for all events. 5. Rental fees must be paid in full in the GSCC Business Office, located in James B. Allen Hall, on the George Wallace Drive Campus of GSCC. Payment must be received at least 3 College Business Days before your event to prevent cancellation. Returning these documents in a timely fashion will streamline the event process and help to avoid difficulties. CONTACT INFORMATION Booking Manager Stage Manager Fine Arts Division Chair GSCC Safety & Security June Bearden Mario Gallardo Stewart Davis 256.549.8325 256.549.8475 256.549.8395 256.549.8603 Quick Facts: Capacity: 1,205 (827 downstairs/ 378 balcony), Stage Dimensions 40’ wide x 20’ high x 30’ deep Specific technical specifications are available upon request. [email protected] [email protected] RENTAL INFORMATION FORM Wallace Hall Fine Arts Center | | 256.549.8325 Mailing Address: Wallace Hall, GSCC P.O. Box 227 Gadsden, AL 35902-0227 Physical Address: 1001 George Wallace Drive Gadsden, AL 35903 Please complete both sides of this form (print or type) and fax or mail to the address above. Forms must be received within one week of a verbal request to secure a reservation. Base Rental Fee Includes: Base Rental Fee Does NOT Include: Basic Lighting (Amber Stage Wash) Basic Sound Equipment (Six wired microphones) 1 GSCC Stage Technician (Two are typically required) 6 Folding Tables Auditorium, Dressing Room, & Lobby Classroom Space Security Additional Technical Staff Wireless Microphones, Moving Lights, Projection Sys. Pianos (digital or otherwise) or additional rental hours Rental Fees Class A: Class B: Class C: Commercial (For-Profit) Organizations (INCLUDES ALL PERFORMING ARTS/DANCE SCHOOLS) 501c3 Non-Profit Organizations (MUST PROVIDE COPY OF 501c3 Form RETURNED WITH THIS FORM) Schools (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE K-12 INSTITUTIONS) 6 Hours 12 Hours $700 $550 $400 Class A: $550 Class B: $400 Class C: $250 Additional Hours $300 $250 $200 Classrooms (2 aval.) $25 $25 $25 Choral Room $25 $25 $25 Equipment & Services Fees A. Moving Light Package & Basic Programming (6 lights & 60 cues) $250 B. Wireless Handheld (9v alkaline batteries not provided) (6 available) $4.00 (per day) C. Wireless Lavalier (9v alkaline batteries not provided) (4 available) $4.00 (per day) Only eight (8) wireless microphones (of any type) may be used per event. D. Projection System with VCR or DVD $30.00 (per day) E. Spotlight (2 available) $15.00 (per day) F. Spotlight Operator $10.00 per hour (4 hour minimum) G. Stage Technician $10.00 per hour (6 hour minimum) H. Fly System Operator $10.00 per hour (4 hour minimum) ORGANIZATION: 501c # (Non-profit only) CONTACT PERSON: NAME OF EVENT: ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY: FAX: _ALT.PHONE STATE: _ZIP: EMAIL: RENTAL CLASSIFICATION: □Commercial Event □Non-Profit501c Organization □ School TYPE OF EVENT (musical concert, comedy, play, recital, lecture, etc.): Briefly describe your event: RESERVATION IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL A LESSEE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED, PAYMENT IS RECEIVED AND THIS FORM IS RETURNED. Please fill out the form (on back) as accurately as possible. We use this information to schedule staffing for your event and also to list it on our website to provide more exposure to your event. You may book Wallace Hall Fine Arts Center for six or twelve hours. Enough time must be allowed to remove all persons and property from the facility after your event. If any person or property associated with your event is in the facility past the designated closing time, the lessee will be billed for additional hours. Wallace Hall Staff are to be provided with 15 minute breaks every three (3) hours and 30 minute breaks every six (6) hours. During these breaks, all onstage activity must cease. Please contact us should you have any questions and thank you for booking our facility. Is your event open to the public? NO Do you want your event listed on our website? NO_ YES _YES Estimated audience size: If yes, what number should people call for more information? Please list event requirements and/or special needs (wheelchair lift, audio support, fly system, CD/cassette players, projection system, etc…): Wallace Hall is only available for booking during the following hours: Mondays – Thursdays from 8:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. Friday – Saturdays from 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 Midnight Sundays from 12:00 noon until 12:00 midnight The facility will not be open for more than twelve hours (consecutively or otherwise) in any given day. BOOKING CHART Please fill out this form completely based on the number of days you would like to book. Add up the rental fees, equipment fees & staff fees to obtain total fees due. Please contact the Booking Manager or Stage Manager should you have any questions about completing this form. Each numbered line (1-5) corresponds with lower line of the same number. Day 1 2 3 4 5 Day & Dates of Use*: List all dates booked. Include set-up/tear-down Dates (Mon – MM/DD/YY) Event ends* at: (XX:XX a.m./p.m.) Venue vacated* (lights out, locked up) by: (XX:XX a.m./p.m.) Rental Length (6 or 12 hours) Rental Fee A / B / C 6 hrs: $550 / $400 / $250 12 hrs: $700 / $550 / $400 Choral Room Rental $25.00 (per day) Large Classroom Rental $25.00 (per day) Small Classroom Rental $25.00 (per day) Total Rental Fees + + + = + + + = + + + = + + + = + + + = RENTAL FEE SUBTOTAL Please fill out this form with all needed services and rental equipment. Add up costs of all requested equipment and services and total. Additional Equipment & Services (as listed on front) Event begins* at: (XX:XX a.m./p.m.) Access to venue requested* at: (XX:XX a.m./p.m.) Day 1 2 3 4 5 Type of Activity: Set-up, Rehearsal, Tech, Recording, Performance, Reception, or other (specify) Quantity PAYMENT NOTICE: LESSEE agrees to pay GSCC in the amount of TOTAL FEES DUE to the GSCC Business Office, located in James B. Allen Hall, on the George Wallace Drive Campus of GSCC. Payment must be received at least 3 College Business Days before your event to prevent cancellation. Rate X= X= X= X= X= X= SUBTOTAL: Cost RENTAL FEES: EQUIPMENT & SERVICES: + TOTAL FEES DUE: = _ Attachment #5 Gadsden State Community College CHEROKEE CENTER ARENA AND KITCHEN RENTAL MANUAL 1|P a ge Revised 9/20/10 Gadsden State Community College Cherokee Center and Arena 801 Cedar Bluff Road, Building A Centre, AL 35960 (T) 256-927-8455 (F) 256-927-2768 Email: [email protected] LEASE AGREEMENT FORM THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered this day of _, 20 by and between Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce {CCCoC - Booking Manager} and Gadsden State Community College {GSCC - Owner}, hereinafter called LESSOR and hereinafter called LESSEE. The LESSOR, in consideration of all the terms, conditions and fees hereinafter expressed, hereby grants a Lease for the use of the GSCC Cherokee Center and Arena {the “premises”}. The term for the lease shall be for the following date(s) The LESSEE agrees to pay GSCC Business Office the sum of $ as rent for use of the facilities. . This Lease Agreement shall have no force and effect whatsoever unless and until it has been executed by the LESSOR and the LESSEE, and by its execution, LESSEE covenants and agrees that it will faithfully perform and abide by each and every term, condition, and limitation of this Lease Agreement, each of which shall be a condition subsequent to the continuance in effect of this Lease Agreement. LESSEE agrees that GSCC shall at all times, insofar as the leased premises are concerned, fully and promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the government or lawful authority, having jurisdiction of the leased premises. I, the LESSEE have received, understand, acknowledge and agree to abide by and follow the terms and conditions specified on this and all other Lease Usage Forms for the complete duration of the lease term. I understand that a failure to comply with the GSCC Cherokee Center and Arena Policies and Regulations may result in the eviction of my event and possible denial of future booking requests. LESSEE: CHEROKEE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Name Booking Manager Organization Date Event Title LESSOR: Signature Date GSCC Cherokee Date TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Booking Reservations. All bookings of Gadsden State Cherokee Center and Arena shall be handled by CCCoC Booking Manager (256) 927-8455. No use of facilities is permitted until the signed lease is executed by both parties. The LESSEE agrees not to sublet or transfer the rights or privileges under an approved lease to any other individual, group, or organization. Facility use fees shall be paid to the college business office within 10 business days of the event to prevent cancellation. The premises shall be leased on a first-come, first-serve basis. Initial 2. Conditions of Use. LESSEE agrees that activities during the lease term shall be limited to the purpose stated on the Lease Information Form and no other purpose whatsoever. The facility will be available based solely on the times provided. Enough time must be allowed to remove all persons and property from the facility after my event or LESSEE may be billed for additional hours. LESSEE agrees to permit no waste of the property but rather to take good care of the same. At expiration of the lease term, the LESSEE will quit and surrender possession of GSCC Cherokee Center in as good condition as received by LESSEE, reasonable wear and tear expected. College officials or designated employees shall not be refused admittance to any function held on premises. Initial 2|P a ge Revised 9/20/10 3. Signs and Decorations. No person will be allowed to secure anything to the floor, walls, chairs, ceiling, scoreboards and/or any other surface by use of nails, screws, bolts, staples, any form of glue/adhesive, tape and/or anything else that might cause damage. Nothing may be secured to the glass doors and windows without approval from the CCCoC Booking Manager. No decorations or signs are allowed on the building exterior or side walk. The Booking Manager must approve any scenery, backdrops, theatrical cloths, set-pieces, theatrical equipment, foggers, hazers, snow-machines, bubble machines and/or any other items to be attached to any rigging equipment in the facility. It is not the responsibility of GSCC/CCCoC staff to load-in, set-up, take-down any sets, props, and/or equipment brought into the facility by the LESSEE or otherwise. No construction or painting is allowed inside the arena other than that which is required to install previously constructed scenery, properties, or lighting equipment. Initial 4. Damages. LESSEE is financially responsible and agrees to pay for any damages to the premises caused as a result of a violation of stated policies and regulations. The LESSEE will pay for repair for all damages done to the arena floor during an event. Initial 5. Equipment and Facility Access. Before, during and after events, only GSCC Staff or designee, teams, team staff/sponsors and coaches are permitted on the arena floor and locker rooms. Parents, fans and guests must remain in the seating area or in the lobby. No person may be supported from any overhead rigging or support regardless of proposed use. No food and/or drink may be permitted on the arena floor without the permission of the Booking Manager. Initial 6. LESSEE’s Property. CCCoC and GSCC shall not be liable for any damage to or destruction or property of the LESSEE on the leased premises, regardless of the cause of such damage or destruction. The LESSEE shall place LESSEE’s property on the leased premises at the sole risk of the LESSEE. Initial 7. INDEMNITY and RELEASE OF LIABILITY. LESSEE agrees to indemnify and hold CCCoC and GSCC harmless from any and all liabilities, damages, loss costs and expenses arising out of third-party law suits, claims of injury to persons or damage to property in connection with the activities held on the premises of the Gadsden State Cherokee Campus. LESSEE understands and acknowledges that CCCoC and GSCC have no control over any activities held on the leased premises during the term of this LEASE AGREEMENT. LESSEE releases and discharges all claims against CCCoC and GSCC and herby assumes full responsibility for any injuries, damages or losses that LESSEE or invitees of LESSEE may incur in connection with said activities. Initial 8. LIABILITY INSURANCE. All external organizations with the exception of official departments of service area government, local, state, federal and Alabama Community College System officials are required to submit proof of insurance at LESSEE’s expense. Gadsden State Community College is to be included as additional insured as respect to the activity covered by the certificate. Insurance Certificate must be provided for reservations to be approved and confirmed (upon payment of facilities use fee to the College Business Office, execution, and delivery of lease). All insurance coverage must be written with insurance companies authorized to do business in the service areas. All insurance certificates are subject to the approval of Gadsden State Community College. Insurance requirements are as follows: Commercial General Liability: Bodily Injury and Property Damage - Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 Products Liability (if food will be served) - Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 Automobile Liability: Limit of Liability – $1,000.000 – this coverage should be included if vehicles of the sponsoring organization will be on premises. Workers Compensation: Statutory Coverage in accordance with workers compensation laws of the State of Alabama for employees of the LESSEE working on the premises. Initial 9. Equipment and Services. LESSEE understands what equipment is provided with lease and agrees that some equipment and services must be paid for in addition to lease fees. LESSEE agrees and acknowledges that if payment is not provided for equipment leased, personnel and/or other services that the LESSEE, all invitees, patrons, groups, and organizations associated with my lease or otherwise, will not be permitted further use of GSCC Cherokee Center and Arena. Initial 10. LESSEE Losses. GSCC/CCCoC will not be responsible for losses incurred by the LESSEE due to failure of systems operated by the College/Chamber, including but not limited to: lighting systems, sound systems, video systems, air-conditioning, heating, water and/or power. Initial 11. Cleaning of Facility. The LESSEE is responsible for cleaning the facility and equipment after an event in accordance with guidelines provided by the Booking Manager. The CCCoC will inspect the leased area after each event to ensure that it is cleaned to standard. If rooms do not meet inspection, LESSEE will be notified; if additional cleaning is required, LESSEE will be responsible for any and all fees incurred. Initial 12. Security. ANY USER OF THE ARENA MUST CONTACT AND USE GSCC SECURITY PERSONNEL FOR ALL EVENTS. If not properly scheduled with GSCC Security, the Cherokee Center and Arena will not be available for use. In the event GSCC 3|P a ge Revised 9/20/10 determines that security for an event is inadequate it may terminate the event or provide additional security at the cost of the LESSEE. GSCC reserves the right to terminate an event if public safety is comprised in any way. GSCC has authority over any event activity inside the premises. Security personnel must be paid immediately upon arrival to the facility or the LESSEE, patrons, groups, and organizations associated with the lease or otherwise will not be permitted use of the Cherokee Center and Arena until pay is provided. Initial 13. Kitchen Usage. A ServSafe® certified individual must be on-site for the complete rental period for any event requiring the use of the kitchen for food preparation. Kitchen-specific policies and procedures as well as cleaning guidelines are required for kitchen rentals. In addition, all renters must comply with ServeSafe® and Alabama Department of Public Health policies for food service. Initial 14. LESSEE/Attendee Conduct. All persons inside the facility must be properly attired with shoes and a shirt. Children are not to be allowed to run and play inside the facility at any time. No person will be allowed to throw any object or substance. Firearms or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited. Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are strictly prohibited. Any person under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs shall be denied the opportunity to participate in any event or to be present on the premises. No outside food or drink will be allowed. No smoking will be permitted in any areas of the facility. Initial 15. Cancellation Policy. Any group wishing to cancel a Lease Agreement may do so but a charge of 25% of the total fee will be assessed if notice is given to the Booking Manager within 2 weeks of the event. Any group not giving the proper notice will be charged the full amount of the lease. Initial 16. Non-Discrimination. The LESSEE agrees that there will be no discrimination in the use of this building regarding race, color, disability, sex, handicap, religion, creed, national origin, or age. Approximately 20 seats will be reserved by our staff on the ground floor of the arena for disabled persons. If these seats are not being used at ten (10) minutes before the event begins, they will be opened for use by others. Any seating reservations done by someone other than the Booking Manager will be removed. No exceptions will be made. Initial 17. Fire Codes & Safety: All Fire and safety codes are strictly observed and enforced. The maximum seating capacity of GSCC Cherokee Center Arena is 3,000. Tickets shall not be sold in excess of this number, nor shall additional seats be placed in the auditorium. No exhibit booths, tables, stands and/or lobby decorations may block any exit door or path of egress in the facility. No use of pyrotechnics, fireworks and/or any open flame will be permitted in any circumstances. LESSEEs are expected to maintain a safe working environment at all times. Initial 18. Severe Weather. In the event of severe weather, the Booking Manager will inform the public of emergency procedures. GSCC or the CCCoC may not be held responsible for delays, injuries and/or damages caused by severe weather, power outages and/or other utility/equipment/failures. Initial 19. Technical Requirements. Arena staff (or designee) controls the final equalization and volume of sound for any event, as well as temperature regulation for the facility. As needed, GSCC will close seats for sufficient access to technical areas and consoles. Initial 4|P a ge Revised 9/20/10 Gadsden State Community College Cherokee Center and Arena 801 Cedar Bluff Road, Building A Centre, AL 35960 (T) 256-927-8455 (F) 256-927-2768 Email: [email protected] LEASE REQUEST AND INFORMATION FORM Please complete both sides of this form (print or type) and fax or mail to the address above. Completed forms and required documents must be received and approved within 10 days of the event to secure a reservation. Lease Classification Commercial Non-Profit 501c Organization Government Participants/ Educational Liability Insurance Certificate Attached Yes please Post Event Cleanup Self-Clean Professional Cleaning Service No; explain Organization: Name of Event: Contact Person: Address: City: Fax: State: Zip: Alt Phone: Phone: Email: Type of Event: Briefly describe your event: Is your event open to the public? Yes Do you want your event listed on our website? Yes No Estimated audience size: No If yes, what number should people call for more information? Please list event requirements and/or special requirements: RESERVATION IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL LEASE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND RETURNED, APPROVED BY GSCC OFFICIAL, AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTS/PAYMENT RECEIVED 5|P a ge Revised 9/20/10 Booking Chart Please fill out this form completely based on the number of days you would like to book. Add up the lease fees, equipment fees, staff fees to obtain total fees due. Please contact the Booking Manager should you have any questions about completing this form. Each numbered line (1-5) corresponds with lower line of the same number. Day Type of Activity: Set-up, Rehearsal, Tech, Recording, Performance, Reception, etc (specify) Day & Date of Use: List all dates booked Include set-up/tear-down (Mon – MM/DD/YY) Event begins at: (XX:XX am/pm) Access to venue requested at: (XX:XX am/pm) Event ends at: (XX:XX am/pm) Venue vacated: lights out, locked up) by: (XX:XX am/pm) 1 2 3 4 5 Day Lease Length (Hours, Days) Arena Community Meeting Room(s) Kitchen Concessions Lease Fees 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = FEES to GSCC: Please fill out this section with all needed services (set-up, concessions), leased equipment, security, and sound/audiovisual staff requirements. Additional Equipment & Services Rate GSCC SECURITY Contact David Wilson 256-927-1803 Cost $20.00/hour/per 4 hour minimum required FEES Security: FEES for Audiovisual: FEES for Sound: FEES to CCCoC: to PAYMENT NOTICE: LESSEE agrees to pay GSCC in the amount of noted above to the Gadsden State Cherokee Business Office. Payment (check or money order payable to Gadsden State Community College) must be received at least 10 business days before your event to prevent cancellation. PLEASE NOTE: Payments for other service providers are the responsibility of the LESSEE and payment should be made directly to those providers. 6|P a ge Revised 9/20/10 Gadsden State Community College Cherokee Center and Arena 801 Cedar Bluff Road, Building A Centre, AL 35960 (T) 256-927-8455 (F) 256-927-2768 Email: [email protected] LEASE AND SERVICE FEES GSCC Cherokee Center and Arena is only available for booking during the following hours: • Mondays – Thursdays from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm • Friday and Saturdays from 8:00 am until 11:00 pm LEASE FEES: (Covers facility usage and requested services) Government Participants, Area Schools, Community/ Civic Groups Non-Cherokee Non-Profit (501c Status) Commercial/For Profit Business Payable to Cherokee Arena (includes arena, folding chairs, tables, sound system, ticket offices(s), dressing rooms, hospitality rooms, restrooms and lobby facilities; parking included as available) 1-6 hours 100.00/hour Per Day/Multiple Days 450.00/day 50.00 350.00/day N/A N/A GSCC GSCC Community Meeting Room (includes room, tables, folding chairs and access to restrooms; parking included as available) Room A (1-6 hours) Multiple Days Room B (1-6 hours) Multiple Days Room A&B (1-6 hours) Multiple Days 50.00/hour 200.00/day 50.00/hour 200.00/day 75.00/hour 300.00/day 25.00/hour 150.00/day 25.00/hour 150.00/day 50.00/hour 150.00/day N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GSCC GSCC GSCC GSCC GSCC GSCC Kitchen (includes use of cooking equipment, refrigerators, freezer, warming oven, commercial dishwasher, storage space, and access to ice machine; does not include cooking pans/pots, cleaning supplies, kitchen cloths) 1-6 hours 50.00/hour 25.00/hour Multiple Days 100.00/day 50.00/day N/A N/A GSCC GSCC $100 or 10% of Net $100 or 10% of Net CCCoC $15.00/hour/person $15.00/hour/person $20.00/hour/person $20.00/hour/person Other Services $100 or 10% of Net Concession Equipment Audio-Visual minimum 4 hours $15.00/hour/person Sound Ssytem minimum 4 hours Security minimum 4 hours; $20.00/hour/person Required for all events Set-Up Fee (Based on event Varies requirements; installation of flooring) Post Event Cleanup (Varies depending upon areas used) $200.00-1200.00 Professional Cleaning Service Self-Clean Varies Varies $200.00-1200.00 $200.00-1200.00 Assigned Personnel Security Personnel CCCoC Cleaning Service *** VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE*** LESSEES WILL BE BILLED $150.00 if any glitter, confetti, sparkle spray, hay, fake snow or other small confetti or glitter-like goods are used in an event. 7|P a ge Revised 9/20/10 Gadsden State Cherokee Center and Arena Event Cleanup Instructions If a lessee chooses to self-clean the facilities after an event, the lessee is responsible for the following: 1. Inspecting the leased area(s) prior to the event to identify any areas that have been left unclean or in disrepair. Report any findings to the booking manager prior to the event. Otherwise, the lessee shall be responsible for the cleanup and repair. 2. Cleaning the leased area(s) to standards specified on the cleaning checklist. Complete the check-list, sign, and return to the booking manager/drop box. Instructions: Cleaning supplies, equipment, and trash bags are located in the closet near the kitchen. Toilet paper and paper towel refills are on the top shelf. The key to the dispensers is hanging on the nail under the shelf. Return dispenser key after each use. Wash the mop after each use and hang to drip dry. • • • • • • • • • • • • Empty trash cans. o Place bags in rolling garbage bin and roll to back door of the arena. Transfer garbage bags to the dumpster. o Do NOT carry leaky bags across the floors. o Do NOT take trash cans/rolling garbage bin outside and roll across pavement (it marks up the wheels and in turn will mark up the facility floor). o Wash/dry trash cans if needed before relining. o Place clean bags in cans. Check the wall/floor area around trash can for splashes/stains. Clean/wipe as needed. Clean all restrooms: clean, disinfect, flush, and place sanitizer in the toilet bowl. Refill toilet tissue and paper towels as needed. Clean mirrors and sinks. Sweep all areas used during your event. Mop floors thoroughly. Remove all spills/stains. Remove all black shoe marks on floors. Wipe all counters, tables, arena seats. Reorder tables/chairs as needed. Clean showers, toilets, lockers, sinks, and benches in locker rooms. Kitchen/cooking equipment cleaned as directed: o Hobart Dishwasher o Ice Maker o Vulcan Griddle o Vulcan Food Warmer o Vulcan Electric Fryer (Oil must be removed from premises by renter/user) o Refrigerators o Freezer o Stove/Oven o Countertops, tables, and sinks cleaned and sanitized o Floors swept/mopped o Trash emptied o Trash cans relined 8|P a ge Revised 9/20/10 Cleaning Checklist (Lessee must complete and return this sheet to booking manager after the event) Cherokee Arena □ Trash emptied □ Trash cans relined □ Gym floors (mats) swept/mopped □ Concourse, stairs, areas under seats – swept and mopped □ Seats wiped/cleaned Concessions □ Trash emptied □ Trash cans relined □ Floors swept/mopped □ Counters and sink cleaned and sanitized □ Equipment used during event cleaned Restrooms □ Trash emptied □ Trash cans relined □ Floors swept/mopped □ Toilets cleaned, disinfected, flushed, and sanitizer placed in bowl □ Paper towels/tissue restocked as needed □ Mirrors cleaned Community/Hospitality Room(s) □ Trash emptied □ Trash cans relined □ Floors swept/mopped □ Tables and chairs cleaned/wiped □ Chairs reordered around tables/walls Kitchen Cooking equipment cleaned as directed: □ Hobart Dishwasher □ Ice Maker □ Vulcan Griddle □ Vulcan Food Warmer □ Vulcan Electric Fryer (Oil must be removed from premises by renter/user) □ Refrigerators □ Freezer □ Stove/Oven □ Countertops, tables, and sinks cleaned and sanitized □ Floors swept/mopped □ Trash emptied □ Trash cans relined Locker/Coaches Rooms □ Trash emptied □ Trash cans relined □ Floors swept/mopped □ Showers, toilets, dressing areas cleaned/sanitized □ Lockers checked for items left by players and cleaned if needed POST EVENT: All areas have been cleaned to standard and inspected. I understand that if the booking manager finds areas have not been cleaned to standard, my organization is responsible for cleanup within 24 hours of notification or payment of costs incurred to hire a professional cleaning service. Signature of Lessee: _ Date: Reviewed by Booking Manager: 9|P a ge Date: Revised 9/20/10
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