Steno Diabetes Center Atención integral para la diabetes Ulla Bjerre-Christensen MD,Ph.D Head of Education, Steno Diabetes Center Diabetes Care in Denmark Secondary care (Steno and hospital): All type 1, Complicated type 2 Shared : Unknown number Primary care (GP): 85 % Type 2, Few type 1 Steno Diabetes Center- founded 1932 To improve clinical care of patients and to understand diabetes Steno Concepts on Integrated Care Based upon organisation of care Competency sliding Optimizing care through improvement in clinical quality Involvement of users – people with diabetes Interprofessional collaboration with the patient in the center. Research Health Promotion Research Research in Patient Education and Prevention Business Support IT, Finance, HR, Communication / PR Clinic Complications, Epidemiology, Metabolomics, Clinical Research Unit Education Healthcare professionals in DK and international, REACH, STAR In total approximately 5,700 patients • 3,450 with type 1 diabetes • 2,200 with type 2 diabetes: more complicated • 150 with other types of diabetes Organisation of Diabetes Care Focus Areas and Documentation Innovation of Diabetes Care Delivery Clinical Quality Data Morbidity and Mortality Patient Satisfaction Innovation of Diabetes Care Steno Clinic Innovating Diabetes Care Delivery Steno Clinic Creating a value adding even flow Ambulatory Day Hospital Specialist Ambulatory Eye screening Pump Clinic Pregnancy Clinic Day Hospital Telephone service Patient Care Adolescent Clinic Foot Clinic Home visit service Type 2 Clinic Food Lab Competency Sliding and Interprofessional learning Trainee Programme for Nurses at SDC Runs for two years Structured programme covering different areas of patient care at Steno - both theoretical and practical Provide the nurse with specialized individual competencies Insulin adjustment Individual consultations Eye screening Ends up with a diploma examination Steno Clinic Special attention to special needs Eye Clinic Steno Clinic Eye Clinic Steno Clinic Special attention to special needs Three podiatrists Orthopedic consultant weekly Assessments of risk patients Orthopedic foot ware Treatment of ulcers Observation, examination, and education Steno Clinic Special attention to special needs Steno Clinic Improvements based on common agreements NCQA: National Committee for Quality Assurance Steno Clinic Improvements based on common agreements NCQA: National Committee for Quality Assurance Steno Clinic Improvements based on common agreements Type 2 Share of patients with: HbA1c > 75 mmol/mol HbA1c < 53 mmol/mol HbA1c < 64 mmol/mol BT > 140/90 BT < 130/80 Eyes screened-yearly Smoking status LDL chol > 3,3 LDL chol < 2,6 Nephropathy exams Feet exams Goals 2014 ≤ 15% > 30% > 65% ≤ 10% > 25% > 60% > 85% ≤ 35% > 80% > 85% > 80% Mar 2014 17,1 26,9 58,8 7,9 28,4 70,8 95,7 12,3 70,5 97,5 87,1 June 2014 17,8 27,7 59,4 7,2 29,9 70,6 94,7 12,4 70,5 97 86,7 Sep 2014 16,3 27,5 60,3 6,2 35,4 67,7 94,3 10,8 73,5 96,4 85,0 Dec 2014 15,9 27,6 59,9 6,2 33,3 69,9 96,5 9,9 76,1 97,0 87,5 Mar 2015 15,2 27,2 60,0 6,9 31,5 72,3 96,6 8,2 77,2 96,8 88,6 June 2015 14,4 27,4 61,2 6,6 30,8 73,5 97,4 7,9 77,0 96,4 86,3 Steno Clinic Improvements based on common agreements From: MTRD (Martin Ridderstråle) Sent: 30. august 2015 16:11 Kære alle, ugens tal! Til læge: 349 patienter (type 1: 207; type 2: 132): 52 type 1 patienter (25% ) og 37 type 2 patienter (28% ) en HbA1c under 53 mmol/mol. 32 type 1 patienter (15% ) og 22 type 2 patienter (17% ) en HbA1c over 75 mmol/mol. Der er 53 type 1 patienter over 40 år med LDL > 2,6 mmol/l (74% <2.6 eller ikke aktuelle for behandling ). Der er 33 type 2 patienter med LDL > 2,6 mmol/l (75% <2.6 ). Der er 2 type 1 patienter med blodtryk over 140/85 som ikke er i antihypertensiv behandling og 4 type 2 patienter med blodtryk over 140/85 som ikke er i antihypertensiv behandling. ABC kontrol (<53 + <2.6 + <140/<85): Der er vi denne uge på 19% for T1D og 14% for T2D . Der er 5 T1D patienter (2% ) og 7 T2D patienter (5% ) som helt mangler ABC-kontrol. Torsdag den her uge er der midtvejsbesøg fra IKAS (dvs for vores akkreditering), men jeg tror næppe I vil møde dem ude i klinikken. Mvh, Martin Steno Clinic Optimizing care A for HbA1c <53 mmol/mol (<7%) B for Blood pressure <140/<85 mm Hg C for LDL-Cholesterol <2.6 mmol/liter Goal attainment (%) Steno Clinic B C A ABC Non-ABC Goal attainment (%) Steno Clinic B C A ABC Non-ABC Steno Clinic: long-term outcomes Reduction in Diabetes Morbidities T1 diabetes T2 diabetes Cardiovascular Disease - 12 % - 30 % Major amputations -70 % - 82 % Severe retinopathy - 18 % -34 % Ostri C, la Cour M, Lund-Andersen H. Acta Ophthalmol. 2013 Aug 3 Costs of complications: The Helsinki Study 60000 55057 DKK 50000 42432 40000 30000 Without complications With Complications 24x 20000 12x 10000 2259 3644 0 Excess cost of Type 2 diabetes Excess cost of Type 1 diabetes Steno Clinic Patient Satisfaction Steno Clinic Patient Satisfaction Steno Clinic Patient Satisfaction Education of Health care professionals • Since 2000 trained > 13.500 in diabetes in more than 40 countries Practical Diabetology International Teambased interprofessional patient centered care Steno Diabetes Center faculty (doctors/nurses/pyschologist/ dietitians) Organisation of care/clinical updates Diabetes teams (e.g. doctors/nurses/dietitians) Steno Diabetes Center 3-day course Novo Nordisk Fonden Lectures/workshops/group Logistical support- NN affiliates work/experiential learning Practical Diabetology International Teambased interprofessional patient centered care Steno Diabetes Center faculty (doctors/nurses/pyschologist/ dietitians) Organisation of care/clinical updates Diabetes teams (e.g. doctors/nurses/dietitians) Steno Diabetes Center 3-day course Novo Nordisk Fonden Lectures/workshops/group Logistical support- NN affiliates work/experiential learning Practical Diabetology International Teambased interprofessional patient centered care Steno Diabetes Center faculty (doctors/nurses/pyschologist/ dietitians) Organisation of care/clinical updates Diabetes teams (e.g. doctors/nurses/dietitians) Steno Diabetes Center 3-day course Novo Nordisk Fonden Lectures/workshops/group Logistical support- NN affiliates work/experiential learning Practical Diabetology International Teambased interprofessional patient centered care Steno Diabetes Center faculty (doctors/nurses/pyschologist/ dietitians) Organisation of care/clinical updates Diabetes teams (e.g. doctors/nurses/dietitians) Steno Diabetes Center 3-day course Novo Nordisk Fonden Lectures/workshops/group Logistical support- NN affiliates work/experiential learning Steno Concepts on Integrated Care Based upon organisation of care Competency sliding Optimizing care through improvement in clinical quality Involvement of users – people with diabetes Close collaboration across all areas of Steno Thank you for your attention
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