1 The Trade Council Russia Activity Plan 2015 This folder provides an overview of all the different activities and possibilities the Trade Council Russia offers in 2015. In the folder you will find invitations to fairs, market visits, sector clubs and much more. We are always ready to answer the questions you might have concerning the activities, so don’t hesitate to contact us Royal Danish Embassy in Moscow Phone: +7 (495) 642 68 00 E-mail: [email protected] Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg Phone: +7 (812) 703 3900 E-mail: [email protected] 2 Content THE AMBASSADORS INTRODUCTION 3 HOW CAN THE TRADE COUNCIL HELP YOU? Part 1 Get to know the Market of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other CIS countries Part 2 Events Part 3 Part 3 – Setting the right framework for Danish businesses in Russia 4 4 6 7 TRADE COUNCIL 2015 ACTIVITY PLAN 8 HEALTHCARE SECTOR IN RUSSIA Health Network Russia 2015 Invitations 10 15 26 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES Invitations 30 33 MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY The Technology Club Russia Mining Fact Finding Trip to Russia and Kazakhstan Invitations 43 46 50 56 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Danish Alliance For Dairy Production In Russia Invitations 62 65 72 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT The Energy & Environment Club Russia The Oil & Gas Club Russia Russia-Danish “Smart-City” Seminar Invitations 76 81 85 89 91 3 THE AMBASSADORS INTRODUCTION Russia is the potentially biggest near-market that Denmark has. Over the last years Denmark has been exporting for about 12 billion DKK per year. The final result for year 2014 will be different and based on the numbers currently available, the export will amount to just under 10 billion DKK. Considering the Russian ban on food import from Europe, which hit Danish exporters hard, this is an interesting figure. Why were we were not hit harder? The answer is that Danish exports to and investments in Russia is far more diversified – you find Danish companies engaged in all sectors. The current difficult political climate has not changed this fundamentally. And there is no need to shy away from the Russian market, if you are careful and have a well-thought through strategy. When discussing the “how” with Danish companies who have been on the Russian market for some years, they point to the fact that Russia has always been a challenging market. It has its peaks and its lows, but so far it has come back every time. Their lessons learned points can be summarised in “3 P’s”. Presence – If you want to have Russia as a market, you need to be here when it goes up and when it goes down. Some Danish companies expand when the market is down. The square meters in the shopping centres are cheaper and the local governments more eager to welcome you in local projects. It pays off in the long run - they remember those who stay! Patience – Things takes time in Russia. Few starts out with a big and great success on the Russian market. A key factor to achieving success is to know the right people.. A key role for me and my colleagues at the Embassy is to open all the right doors for you to help you establishing relationships with the right people and getting a solid foothold faster. Companies, who have been here for more than 20 years, still use our services to meet the right level of decision makers and buyers. Persistent – The companies who have something to offer that is relevant for the Russian market and who stay, will find that there is money in Russia. Currently the Russian government are implementing an anti-crisis plan that include major infrastructure projects and support for the Russian industry. Another major focus is on increasing the internal Russian food production. This is a big task where all steps from “field to table” needs to be improved. This is a huge opportunity for Denmark and Danish companies. Denmark has been through this process many years ago and we have the know-how and machinery that will create real value for the Russian counterparts. Starting to work with Russia will always be a big task, and this is no less true today. The current political environment should, however, not prevent Danish companies from taking advantage of the opportunities that do exist. That would be an opportunity lost. This is where I hope you will let the Danish Trade Council Russia (The Commercial Department at the Embassy in Moscow and the General Consulate in St. Petersburg) help you, get the right understanding of the market, get the right contacts, all in the aim to get the contracts and the sales! We are also covering Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and will be able to assist your access to these markets as well. I and my colleagues at the Embassy and the General Consulate stand ready to guide and advice you also on the political framework. I hope to see you in Russia. We are looking forward to assisting you in achieving success. H.E. Thomas Winkler Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to the Russian Federation 4 HOW CAN THE TRACE COUNCIL HELP YOU? Area of specialisation: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. We understand that time is money. We are here to help you save time on the Russian market and to get your products sold faster. Part 1 – Get to know the Market of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other CIS countries 1. Free of Charge Service A Free of Charge Service is a great way to quickly get a general overview about the available possibilities for your company within the Russian market. It could include a personal consultation about export, general overview for a company’s strategy in the market or any other support within one consultancy hour. 2. Market survey The market survey helps the company define a strategy or decide whether to enter the Russian market. In correlation with The Trade Council the project will be defined very clearly in order to fully understand what your company expects from the survey and the kind of decisions the survey should lead to. A market survey could include information about: The accessibility to the market 5 The size of the market and different segments The product’s or service’s fit to the market Identification of distribution channels, the competitive environment, prize levels, and legislation. SWOT analysis of the market entry Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) – New opportunities? The activities of the Trade Council Russia not only cover Russia but also most of the CIS countries; Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Belarus. The potential for cooperation between Danish companies and these countries within many sectors, including technology and energy sector, is getting more and more attractive due to the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), which was launched on 1st January 2015. The Customs Union and the Common Economic Space between Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Armenia represent two elements of the most ambitious regional integration projects launched in the post-Soviet space since 1991. Kyrgyzstan has recently become a member, while Tadzhikistan has shown interest in joining the EEU as well. The Eurasian Economic Union aims to create a single economic space of more than 170 million people and a gross domestic product of around USD 3 trillion. One of the main objectives for the EEU is to create a common energy market, and Trade Council Russia will closely monitor the development and possible opportunities for Danish companies in this connection. 3. Market visit The Market Visit Programme is a service provided by The Trade Council to Danish small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The Market Visit Programme targets a group of companies with mutual interest that are looking for new market opportunities. This program is perfect for companies who wish to get a personal insight in the current trends and opportunities on the Russian market. The Market Visit could include: A meeting program for visiting potential partners and private and public institutions Participation in conferences, exhibitions etc. Field visits to relevant projects, retail outlets or other branch related localities 4. Marketing campaign The Trade Council can help you become visible on the Russian market. A marketing campaign is ideal for newcomers to the market and those who need help in order to achieve their marketing goals. We will use our experience and knowledge about the Russian market to help your company becoming more visible. A marketing campaign could include the following activities: Spreading the information about your company in written/online sources of information Series of publications in the right sources of information (magazines, newspapers, blogs) Press-event and launch at the Embassy LinkedIn, FB publication on Trade Council’s internet resources 6 5. Partner Search A Russian partner helps the Danish company to market its product and services on the selected market. The Trade Council has extensive knowledge about many sectors, the business environment, and business culture and will do everything to help you to find a suitable partner. Together we will identify your specific needs and approach to the market and use our network, technical skills, and solid experience in partner search to set up meetings with relevant candidates. The Trade Council can support you with translation, transportation and advice on your meetings with the potential partners. 6. Participation in exhibitions The Trade Council arranges turnkey national exhibition stand, which will guarantee your company presence on the Russian market and bring you close to the Russian customers. 7. Vitus The Vitus programme helps Danish SMEs to enter new markets through a fast and effective kickstart. The aim is for ten chosen Danish SME’s to quickly realize their export potential. This is done through an intense collaborative partnership between the companies and a commercial adviser on the Russian market. The goal for the program is that each participant achieves an export success within the 12 months that the program last. 8. Export start The Export Start Programme has existed since 2001 and is a government service provided by the Trade Council to Danish SMEs. This programme is applicable to any kind of Trade Council service within the amount of 50-100 consultancy hours and could be used for a partner search, market entry assistance etc. The programme targets companies with a proven export related business plan which are looking for ways to expand their businesses on the Russian market. Part 2 – events 1. Reception/Dinner at the Ambassador residence This is a unique chance for your company to host an event in the attractive surroundings of the Ambassador residence which is an old and charming Russian mansion in the absolute centre of Moscow. The setting is perfect for meeting potential partners or Russian officials and the Ambassador’s presence will contribute to attract the right the Russian attendants. We are always flexible and will ensure that the event meets your specific needs. 2. VIP events at the embassy/residence The embassy may be a great alternative venue for hosting all kinds of other events. We can help you arrange catwalks, publicity events, media events etc. 3. Round tables We can arrange round table discussions with high-ranking Russian officials to discuss legal issues or other matters which requires the attention of the Russian authorities. The involvement of the embassy can ascertain the seriousness of the matter at hand. 7 Part 3 – Setting the right framework for Danish businesses in Russia 1. Negotiations support The embassy may assist your company with translation, counselling and guidance. We can assist you as a company to know what to expect from a meeting with a potential client/distributor and help you to understand what exactly is being said to try and avoid potential misunderstandings. 2. Conflict resolution support The Trade Council may use our experience in conflict resolution to assist you in resolving a given conflict. We may facilitate a restart of a dialog with the right people and within the right structural framework. 3. Company registration support The Trade Council can help you with the general framework of the registration process. We can assist with contact to legal support and offer incubator services. 4. Product certification support The Trade Council may assist you with an overview of the procedure and facilitate a liaison with a certification agency. We have knowledge about which product has mandatory registration and which has voluntary registration. Peter Mygind Rasmussen Minister Counsellor, head of the commercial department Email [email protected] Keep yourself updated with the newest activities and market developments on the market - follow the Trade Council in Russia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eksportr-det-rusland-the-trade-council-of-denmarkrussia?trk=nmp_rec_act_company_name 8 TRADE COUNCIL 2015 ACTIVITY PLAN Date: Event: Sector: Road Alliance Machinery & Technology TBA Park Alliance next step Energy & Environment 23-24 “Smart-City” Seminar Energy & Environment 26-28 Fashion Week Russia 2015 Creative Industries 19-23 Mining Event Russia Machinery & Technology 22-24 Rehab Market Visit Health Airport Alliance Machinery & Technology Dairy Alliance Food and Agriculture 13-15 Healthcare market visit Health 20-22 Rooms Moscow Creative Industries 25-29 Metalworking exhibition Machinery & Technology Lifestyle Days Creative Industries Road Alliance Machinery & Technology 3-5 Building Market Visit Machinery & Technology 1-5 Oil Refinery Market Visit, Russia Energy & Environment 8-12 Dairy and Field promotion Food and Agriculture 23-25 Russian Delegations to DK Health 23-26 Oil & Gas Market Visit Machinery & Technology 14-16 Kaz Fashion Fair Creative Industries 24-28 Poultry Industry/Market Visit Energy & Environment 26-28 Flowers IPM Food and Agriculture March: April: May: June: August: 9 September: St. Petersburg Fashion Week Creative Industries (Autumn) Chicken Promotion Food and Agriculture 2-4 CPM Collection Première Creative Industries 2-5 Kaz Build Creative Industries 8-10 Flowers Expo Food and Agriculture 14-18 Oil Refineries Market visit, Kazakhstan Energy & Environment 16-18 Kaz Met Machinery & Technology Dairy Alliance Food and Agriculture Airport Alliance Machinery & Technology October TBA E&E Tatarstan Market Visit Energy & Environment 21-23 Interfood Siberia 2015 Food and Agriculture 27-29 AgroExpoSiberia 2015 Food and Agriculture 27-29 Power Kazakhstan/Market Visit Machinery & Technology Park Strategic Alliance Energy & Environment 9-12 Market Visit in connection with fair Zdravookhranenie Health 24-27 Danish joint stand at YugAgro 2015 ABC meeting Food and Agriculture 24-27 Woodex Machinery & Technology 24-28 Market Visit Mebel Exhibition Creative Industries Fair Healthcare, Market Visit Health October: November: December: 9-12 10 Healthcare sector in Russia 11 HEALTHCARE SECTOR IN RUSSIA The Russian Healthcare market is a market in growth. The lack of efficient tools and equipment with a growing elder burden is a development that Denmark and the Danish system know very well. Here the Danish companies are in the forefront of developing innovative and efficient solutions. However the structure of the market is challenging and the financial situation is adding to the challenge. Even with these challenges there are Danish companies on the market working hard and earning money. The Russian healthcare system is divided into national, regional, and municipal levels. The national government controls the budget, policy, and registration of technologies, while regional and municipal governments have control over their facilities and budgets. The national government collects taxes and distributes funds to the regional and municipal levels through Mandatory Health Insurance funds. This covers about two-thirds of the cost of procedures. To make up the difference, Russian citizens also have access to voluntary health insurance and private medical care. This system continues to evolve. In 2010, the government implemented the Strategy 2020 initiative to attract investment, create jobs, produce safe and effective products, and reduce the country's dependence on foreign healthcare products to a maximum of 50% by 2020 (Source: http://medtechinsider.com/archives/25933). In January 2013, the government approved a national healthcare development plan for the 2013-2020 period. The programme consists of 11 initiatives that focus on several areas including preventive care, health & wellbeing of mothers & babies, and medical rehabilitation/physiotherapy. The government's national Health project aims to improve healthcare standards. Since the project's implementation, numerous medical facilities have been upgraded. Medical devices The Russian medical device market is expected to contract by a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 2.9 % over the 2013-2018 period, due to the weakening of the ruble. Russia was one of the fastest growing markets in the region for many years, but current economic situation is expected to change in 2015, which will adversely affect medical device market growth, as less money is made available for healthcare. Additionally, imports may fall as the currency devaluation has made foreign products very expensive. In 2013, the Russian medical device market was estimated at USD 6,716.9mn, or USD 47 per capita. This market size is comparable to Canada; in per capita terms, the market is similar to Croatia. The 2008-2013 CAGR was estimated at 0.3%, but the market is expected to contract by a CAGR of 2.9% over the 2013-2018 period, to USD 5,785.2mn, or USD 41 per capita by 2018. Over 70% of the medical device market is supplied by imports. Russia imported medical devices valued at USD 4,848.9mn in 2013; this represented a fall of 21.8% compared with 2012 and a 2008-2013 CAGR of 1.1%. Imports have grown every year since 2003, with the exception of 2009 and 2013. In the 12 months to September 2014, Russian medical device imports decreased by 26.1%, to USD 4,525.5mn. Rehabilitation equipment According to a market research of rehabilitation services conducted by Synopsis medical research centre in 2012, about 12% of the population of Russian Federation suffer from chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The growing number of such patients increase the demand for rehabilitation services. Rehabilitation centres located in Leningrad and Moscow regions (including recently started projects) seem to be more interesting target group. Nowadays both individual and corporate investors are interested in this sector. During the last two years a number of new projects of rehabilitation centres were initiated both in Moscow and Saint Petersburg One can also notice that a range of services is growing and a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation is being implemented. 12 Most popular rehabilitation equipment: - training simulators (cardiovascular‐, bike‐ and bodysimulators for the different groups of muscles and joints) Equipment for water treatment (Charcot’s douche, multifunctional medical baths etc.) walking aids equipment for the massage and manual therapy - Rehabilitation equipment may also be acquired by rehabilitation clinics located in resort areas (Krasnodar region, the Caucasus etc.) The introduction of new methods of rehabilitation seems to be not so complicated as introduction of new diagnostic and treatment technologies. Home care rehabilitation equipment is also in demand. Both exercise therapy and physiotherapy are very popular methods of medical rehabilitation since the Soviet times. Nearly all public and private clinics are equipped with basic physiotherapy equipment. Both public and private sectors are mainly equipped with Russian made physiotherapeutic technique. Nowadays Russian manufactures produce more than 100 types and 15000 positions of different physiotherapeutic devices. Their lifetime is 10‐15 years, but there are a lot of 20‐25 year old devices still in use. On the one hand, this is an evidence of high quality of domestic production; on the other hand, the time has come to replace those old devices with new and modern ones. International standards for rehabilitation services have changed, patients demands have diversified and increased, and there is a clear demand in Russia for new physiotherapy equipment. However, it is necessary to say that the situation in private healthcare sector is not so crucial and an average lifetime of physiotherapy equipment in use is only 7 years. Besides healthcare institutions, potential clients to buy physiotherapy equipment are nursery schools, private secondary schools and sanatoriums. Russian manufacturers of this equipment are far beyond their western competitors both in design and fficiency of their products, but it is hard to compete with them on price. Thus a foreign supplier of physiotherapy equipment, who is interested in Russian market, should carefully examine the market situation and clearly draw out its competitive advantages in comparison to local competitors. The leading importers of physiotherapy equipment come from the Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Japan and Germany. Orthopaedic devices & prosthesis are among most popular devices imported to Russia. (Source: FINPRO consulting) 13 Pharma The pharmaceutical industry in Russia has been witnessing strong growth over the last couple of years, with the alimentary/metabolism segment leading the market. The industry grew by 17.5% in 2009 and is expected to reach a value of $10.7 billion by the year 2014. The Russian pharmaceutical market accounts for just 3.6% of the European pharmaceutical industry in terms of value. Despite global economic downturn Russian pharmaceutical market remains strong and continues to attract foreign companies. With sales of medicinal products exponentially rising over the last 10 years, both large and midsize Pharma are actively expanding its presence in the Russian market. The forecast for the next 10 years suggest a robust growth of pharmaceutical sales. (www.cromospharma.com) At present time Russian pharmaceutical and medical device market is hugely dependent on outside import. There is a difference of allocation of the state resources, when it comes to medical equipment, which is mostly state funded and pharmaceuticals, mostly a retail market. Medical equipment and pharmaceuticals (public sector accounts for around a quarter of Russia’s pharmaceuticals market) are procured for use in the public sector via electronic tenders, organized in accordance with the recently revised general state procurement legislation. However, in early February 2015 in the framework of the anti-crisis plan and import replacement measures the Russian government restricted state purchases of certain imported medical equipment and goods. Also, the ministry of industry and trade just came up with a proposal to restrict admission to tenders of imported pharmaceuticals, if there are two or more proposals to deliver similar pharmaceuticals from domestic producers. The Russian pharmaceutical market ranks second in volume terms after the foodstuff market and is one of the most dynamic and promising specialized markets. The Russian pharmaceutical market ranks among the top ten pharmaceutical markets in the world. In 2011, Russia was 8th in the world. The value of the Russian pharmaceutical market was 28.1 billion USD in end-user prices, which is a 12% increase compared with 2010. (Source: DSM Group). The volume of the market for pharmaceuticals in pharmacy procurement prices decreased by 6,8% in November 2014 in comparison with October 2014 and totalled up to 44,7 bln RUR. The average price of a pharmaceutical package increased for 2,9% and ran at 130,4 RUR in November 2014. From the beginning of 2014 the inflation rate for pharmaceuticals at the pharmacy shops of the country totalled at +8,5% in RUR and -21,1% in US dollars. The market structure of pharmaceuticals did not change radically in November 2014 in comparison with the same period in 2013. The reduction of quantity of pharmaceuticals with the price range of 50-150 RUR per package continued in 2014 (from 20,3% in November 2013 to 17,6% in November 2014), pharmaceuticals of the lowest price segment (i.e. cheaper than 50 RUR per package) saw reduction of the market share from 7,3% to 6,7%. And pharmaceuticals with price tag of 500 RUR per package shared 28,4% of the market in November 2014 which is 2,1% more than in November 2013. At the end of November 2014 г. 55% of pharmaceuticals sold were of domestic origin (in physical terms) however due to their low price in comparison with the imported pharmaceuticals in terms of value they show 24% of sales. The commercial segment of the market at the end of November 2014 was presented by prescription products at 51% and for OTC drugs at 49%. (Source: http://www.dsm.ru/about/news/100/). What can the Trade Council do for You? Trade Council Russia can assist you in finding reliable Russian business partners, locating potential partners, searching for enterprises which meet specific requirements and select the most compatible. Trade Council Russia can be of help by providing all necessary contacts, organize meetings and negotiations with representatives of Russian companies. We offer market visits to Russia and Kazakhstan which might be of interest to newcomers to our markets. Please refer to the following pages for more information. 14 Join the Healthcare Network Russia The Healthcare Network Russia is an initiative launched by the Trade Council, promotes interests of Danish companies working within healthcare and social protection sectors. Please find more details on the next page. Svetlana Chernova Commercial Attaché Head of the Healthcare sector advisory team E-mail [email protected] 15 HEALTH NETWORK RUSSIA 2015 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 INVITATION Markedsbesøg - Rusland Sektor: Sundhed & Rehab udstyr Integration. Life. Society. Moskva 22-24 April 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 27 Leder du efter flere salgsmuligheder? Har du overvejet Rusland? Kom på markedsbesøg til Moskva d. 22-24. april og få et indblik i det russiske marked! På tæt hold vil du få indsigt i det russiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Rusland. Du vil blive bragt tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved et besøg til Ruslands store messe indenfor rehab udstyr og teknologi, hvor du vil få mulighed for B2B møder med de deltagende virksomheder. For mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: www.integration-russia.com For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Ruslands nuværende forretningsmiljø- og kultur. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Rusland. Fakta om marked: Der er over 13 millioner handicappede mennesker i Rusland. Interessen er steget på grund af Paraolympics i Sochi i 2014. Moskva har som mål at blive ”barrier-free” by i 2020. Om messen: Det er Ruslands største rehab udstyr– og teknologi messe. 150 virksomheder deltager bla. fra Tyskland, Litauen, US, Taiwan, Polen og Slovenien. Det er over 2700 besøgende fra Rusland og CIS. Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det russiske marked! Foreløbigt program Besøg på den 5. Messe for rehab udstyr og teknologi. Møder med potentielle kunder og partnere på det russiske marked. Rundbordssamtale med bl.a. repræsentanter fra de russiske myndigheder er en unik mulighed for at drøfte problemstillinger og nye muligheder for din virksomhed. Briefing om den politiske, økonomiske samt juridiske situation i Rusland og hvad det betyder for din virksomhed. Reception med myndigheder samt potentielle kunder/partnere hos den danske ambassadør. Møde med medlemmer af Healthcare Network Russia. Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden d.1 marts Kontaktinformation: Svetlana Chernova, Head of the Healthcare Sector Advisory Team E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2014timeprisen er 945 kr.). Hvis du deltager i markedsbesøget, vil du uden ekstra omkostninger få en unik mulighed for at blive medlem af Healthcare Network Russia i 6 måneder (JuliDecember 2015). Normalprisen for årligt medlemskab er 20.000 kr. 28 INVITATION Medical market visit to Kazakhstan Sector: Healthcare 22nd Kazakhstan International Healthcare Exhibition Almaty 13-15 May 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 29 Are you looking for growth opportunities? Have you been considering Kazakhstan as a potential market? Come to Almaty on 13-15th of May and get to know medical market of Kazakhstan Participation will help your company to get knowledge of the market and identify specific opportunities for growth. At the same time exhibition is a good way to meet potential partners, customers and get a projects through the B2B meetings. In order to find more information about KIHE exhibition, please follow the link: www.kihe.kz/en In order to get a better understanding of the market, its opportunities and challenges, you will be able to participate in presentations of business culture of the country. Facts about the market: 80 % of medical institutions of Kazakhstan are owned by the government. The country aims to be among top-30 world developed countries by 2030, paying special attention towards healthcare sector development For the last 10 years expenditure on healthcare sector increased by 5 times About exhibition: KIHE was held in Almaty for 21 times More than 300 companies from 26 participating countries The co-organiser of the project is Global Healthcare Council (GHTC) Tentative program You get to visit of the 22nd Kazakhstan International Healthcare Exhibition You meet partners potential customers and Round table with representatives of authorities in Kazakhstan is a unique chance to for at discuss issues and specific opportunities for your company Briefing on political, economic and legal matters and how is it relevant for your company Reception with representatives of healthcare sector and potential customers/partners Meeting with members of Healthcare Network Russia Despite the rapid growth of market in size, it still strongly depends on the import of medical equipment, which makes up 90 % of its total capacity. Deadline for expressing of the preliminary interest is the 1st of March Contact information: Svetlana Chernova, Head of the Healthcare Sector Advisory Team E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 08 Participation fee: Medical market visit costs 11.812,50 DKK. Every company pays 25 hours (11.812,50 DKK with subsidy). Participating in market visit, your company will get an additional membership free of charge of the Healthcare Network Russia for 6 months (July-December 2015). The normal price is normally 20.000 DKK per year. 30 Creative industries 31 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES CIS region offers a wide range of opportunities for Danish companies. In 2015 Trade Council focuses its attention primarily on Russia and Kazakhstan. Opportunities in Russia Consumer Goods Russia's retail sector has over the last years been expanding due to the rising interest in foreign brands, population growth (especially in urban areas and big cities), aspirational purchasing, easier access to credit and the development of a modern retail infrastructure. Increasing amounts of foreign direct investment have allowed retailers to make significant expansions. Today the Russian market is facing troubled times with the fall of the rouble and a limitation of the spending power of the middle class. However this also spells a move by the consumers from luxury brands to more affordable luxury, a strong point for Danish design well known for its quality and design. Fashion Russians are all about fashion and fashion brands, and the market is growing steadily. With nearly all the major players in the fashion industry present on the Russian market, the Russian retail sector is the fastest growing and dynamic sector in the Russian economy. Women’s clothing and kid's fashion are the two major markets in Russia. Kids are the princes and princesses of the family and they are dressed accordingly. This trend has been widespread in Denmark and the result is many smaller brands and collections. The Russian retail sector is aware of that and is hunting for suitable brands for its market. Danish fashion companies exploring the Russian market should be aware that it is a professional and highly competitive market. Products should be of high quality and collections should be unique, preferably with a wide size range. Promotion is a required investment; promotion materials need to be of a very high quality and deliveries must be punctual. Jewellery Russians traditionally love jewellery, especially gold, the symbol of wealth and prosperity. The Russian jewellery market is one of the most rapidly developing markets in the world. In recent years, it has grown between 20 to 30 percent. Jewellery falls under the growing market for luxury goods in Russia. Euromonitor forecasts a 4.6% growth in volume terms and 6.7% growth in value terms for the period 2012-2017. The dynamic development of the Russian market has made it attractive for foreign companies. The consumer group within this sector is large and can be pared into two groups. The first group is characterised by buying mostly mass-produced goods. These consumers with medium income and traditional preferences usually trust Russian-manufactured jewellery. The other group of consumers that is interesting for the Danish companies comprises people whose incomes are large enough to appreciate not only the metal the jewellery is made of, but also its brand, design and exclusiveness. This group usually prefers foreign-made jewellery. This shows why brand reputation and craftsmanship are crucial. The best-selling jewellery types are rings, neckwear and earrings. Danish design The Russian market is ready to get acquainted with affordable luxury design and other top Danish design brands. The market for luxury goods with an explicit focus on design and quality is a rising market in Russia. Especially the market for design accessories is very lucrative. The Russian market requires an 32 open and innovative approach to the preference of the Russian consumer which typically differs significantly from Scandinavian preferences. Retail opportunities Walking the streets of one of Russia’s larger cities makes it obvious how Russians make an effort of showing off their different luxury goods. It is a competitive market with opportunities for new brands and retailers. Russian purchases via the internet were in 2014 made by 18-20 million people according to estimates and the number of internet shoppers will increase rapidly every year. One of the key features of further internet retailing development in Russia will be social. The retailers will in their turn embrace more retail formats, from convenience stores to mobile application orders via smartphone and tablets. Opportunities in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan being the 9th biggest country in the world and the 2nd largest CIS member offers a wide range of opportunities for Danish companies. Kazakhstan remains a politically and economically stable country with a sustainably growing GDP rate (US$ 217 billion – 2014). The country is entering a development boom phase which is a weighty reason for Danish companies to focus on this market. Kazakh mentality is alike Russian one and in this respect market features in creative industries sector look similar to the Russian ones that were described previously. What Can Trade Council Do For You? Trade Council Russia may assist you by finding reliable Russian business partners, locating other potential partners, searching for enterprises which meet specific requirements and select the most compatible. Trade Council Russia provides all necessary contacts; organize meetings and negotiations with representatives of Russian companies. We may provide updated and useful market information, which will help gaining a competitive edge on your target markets. Furthermore, Trade Council Russia may carry out market investigations based on specific requirements. Please contact us by e-mail [email protected] or tel. +7 (495) 6426800 for further information on services provided. Trade Council Russia offers a wide range of opportunities for your company in 2015 such as Market Visits to Russia/Kazakhstan. Please refer to the following pages for more information Olga Limanova Commercial Adviser E-mail [email protected] 33 INVITATION Markedsbesøg - Rusland Sektor: Mode Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia 2015 Moskva 26-28. marts 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 34 Leder du efter flere salgsmuligheder? Har du overvejet Rusland? Kom på markedsbesøg til Moskva den 26-28. marts og få et indblik i det russiske marked På tæt hold vil du få indsigt i det russiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Rusland. Du vil blive bragt tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Ruslands største fashion week – MercedesBenz Fashion Week Russia 2015, hvor du vil få mulighed for at se de nyeste fashion trends på det russiske marked. For mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: http://mercedesbenzfashionweek.ru/en/ For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Ruslands nuværende forretningsmiljø- og kultur. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Rusland Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia 2015 Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det russiske marked Efterfølgende press-release i russiske medier Briefing om fremtidige muligheder samt nuværende trends i Rusland og CIS Rundvisning i de store russiske shopping centre Reception med kunder samt potentielle partnere hos den danske ambassadør Fakta om markedet Den russiske middelklasse er særdeles aktiv og stærkt voksende. Udenlandske virksomheder som opererer i Rusland er enige om, at middelklassen er den vigtigste gruppe i Rusland Rusland er et hurtigt udviklende marked indenfor mode og tilbehørs branchen Vesten har stor indflydelse på russernes smag indenfor design og stil i hjemmet Interessen for skandinavisk stil og mode er steget indenfor de sidste år Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det russiske marked! Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 26. februar2015. Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2014timeprise n er 945 kr.). 35 INVITATION Markedsbesøg - Rusland Sektor: Interior Design & Lifestyle The Russian Interior Show – Rooms Moscow 2015 Moskva 20-22. maj 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 36 Leder du efter flere salgsmuligheder? Har du overvejet Rusland? Fakta om marked Kom på markedsbesøg til Moskva den 2022. maj og få et indblik i det russiske marked Du vil på tæt hold få indsigt i det russiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Rusland. Du vil komme tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Ruslands største messe indenfor interiørdesign og dekorationer – The Russian Interior Show – Rooms Moscow 2015, hvor du vil få mulighed for b2b-møder med de deltagende virksomheder. Den russiske middelklasse er særdeles aktiv og stærkt voksende. Udenlandske virksomheder som opererer i Rusland er enige om, at middelklassen er den vigtigste gruppe i Rusland Rusland er et hurtigt udviklende marked idenfor design & lifestyle produkter Vesten har stor indflydelse på russernes smag indenfor design og stil i hjemmet Interessen i skandinaviske indretning er steget de sidste 10 år Om messen For mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: www.room-moscow.com For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Ruslands nuværende forretningsmiljø- og kultur. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Rusland. Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på The Russian Interior Show ROOMS MOSCOW Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det russiske marked Assistance med oversættelse i løbende af messen Efterfølgende press-release i russiske medier Briefing om fremtidige muligheder samt nuværende trends i Rusland og CIS Rundvisning i de store russiske shopping centre Reception med kunder samt potentielle partnere hos den danske ambassadør Rooms Moscow er nøgleplatformen for alle interiør virksomheder fra Rusland og CIS Messen tiltrækker internationale arkitekter, professionelle virksomheder og interiør designerer Der var over 21,542 besøgende i 2014 Messen bestod af 17 deltagende lande i 2014 Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det russiske marked! Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 22. marts. Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2015-timeprisen er 945 kr.). 37 INVITATION Markedsbesøg - Kasakhstan Sektor: Mode Kaz Fashion Fair 2015 Almaty 14.-16. august 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 38 Leder du efter flere salgsmuligheder? Har du overvejet Kasakhstan? Kom på markedsbesøg til Moskva den 14.16 august og få et indblik i det kasakhiske marked Du vil på tæt hold få indsigt i det kasakhiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Kasakhstan. Du vil komme tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Kasakhstans største messe indenfor mode – Kaz Fashion Fair 2015, hvor du vil få mulighed for b2b møder med de deltagende virksomheder. For mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: http://www.kazfashionfair.com/ For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Kasakhstans nuværende forretningsmiljø- og kultur. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Kasakhstan. Fakta om marked Den kasakhiske middelklasse vokser og får flere og flere penge imellem hænderne Målt i landmasse er Kasakhstan verdens 9. største land Kasakhstan blev i 2014 udnævnt af Verdensbanken til at være verdens 50. nemmeste land at gøre forretning i I 2014 opnåede Kasakhstan en GDP vækst på 6.5% Almaty er landets største by og fungerer som økonomisk, kulturel -og uddannelsescentrum for hele Kasakhstan Der er planlagt mere end 100 projekter med et total budget på 45 milliard USD i Kasakhstan Om messen Kaz Fashion Fair, er Centralasiens største modemesse. Der var over 6 000 besøgende i 2014 KAZ FASHION er den bedste messe til at møde potentielle kunder ansigt til ansigt og få en indsigt i hvilken smag og stil man har i Kasakhstan På Kaz Fashion Fair finder du kvindemode, herremode, ung mode, børnetøj, strik, lædertøj, pelse, lingeri, badetøj samt tilbehør Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det kasakhiske marked! Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på Kaz Fashion Fair 2015 Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det kasakhiske marked Assistance med oversættelse i løbende af messen Efterfølgende press-release i kasakhiske medier Briefing om fremtidige muligheder samt nuværende trends i Kasakhstan og CIS Rundvisning i de store kasakhiske shopping centre Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 15. maj 2015 Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2014-timeprisen er 945 kr.). 39 INVITATION Markedsbesøg - Rusland Sektor: Mode CPM Collection Première Moscow 2015 Moskva 02-04. september 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 40 Leder du efter flere salgsmuligheder? Har du overvejet Rusland? Kom på markedsbesøg til Moskva den 0204. september og få et indblik i det russiske marked På tæt hold vil du få indsigt i det russiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Rusland. Du vil blive bragt tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Ruslands største messe indenfor mode – CPM Collection Première Moscow 2015, hvor du vil få mulighed for b2b møder med de deltagende virksomheder. For mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: www.cpm-moscow.com/ For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Ruslands nuværende forretningsmiljø- og kultur. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Rusland. Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på CPM Collection Première Moscow 2015 Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det russiske marked Assistance med oversættelse i løbende af messen Efterfølgende press-release i russiske medier Briefing om fremtidige muligheder samt nuværende trends i Rusland og CIS Rundvisning i de store russiske shopping centre Reception med kunder samt potentielle partnere hos den danske ambassadør Fakta om markedet Den russiske middelklasse er særdeles aktiv og stærkt voksende. Udenlandske virksomheder som opererer i Rusland er enige om, at middelklassen er den vigtigste gruppe i Rusland Rusland er et hurtigt udviklende marked indenfor mode og tilbehørs branchen Vesten har stor indflydelse på russernes smag indenfor design og stil i hjemmet Interessen for skandinavisk stil og mode er steget indenfor de sidste år Om messen CPM Collection Première Moscow er Østeuropas største modemesse. Der var over 18 500 besøgende i 2014. 1,400 kollektioner fra 34 lande blev I 2014 præsenteret på CPM. På CPM finder du kvindemode, herremode, ung mode, børnetøj, strik, lædertøj, pelse, lingeri, badetøj samt tilbehør. Der er stor fokus på CPM i pressen og over 300 internationale journalister samt 8 TV hold vil være tilstede. Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det russiske marked! Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 20. juni 2015. Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2014-timeprisen er 945 kr.). 41 INVITATION Markedsbesøg – Kasakhstan Sektor: Interior Design and LifeStyle Building & Interiors Exhibition – KazBuild Almaty 2-5. September 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 42 Har du overvejet Kasakhstan som marked? Kom på markedsbesøg til Almaty den 02.05. september og få et indblik i det kasakhiske marked Du vil på tæt hold få indsigt i det kasakhiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Kasakhstan. Du vil komme tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Kasakhstan største messe indenfor interiørdesign og dekorationer – KazBuild 2015, hvor du vil få mulighed for b2bmøder med de deltagende virksomheder. For mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: http://www.kazbuild.kz/en/ Fakta om marked Den kasakhiske middelklasse vokser og får flere og flere penge imellem hænderne Målt i landmasse er Kasakhstan verdens 9. største land Kasakhstan blev i 2014 udnævnt af Verdensbanken til at være verdens 50. nemmeste land at gøre forretning i I 2014 opnåede Kasakhstan en GDP vækst på 6.5% Almaty er landets største by og fungerer som økonomisk, kulturel -og uddannelsescentrum for hele Kasakhstan Der er planlagt mere end 100 projekter med et total budget på 45 milliard USD i Kasakhstan Om messen For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Kasakhstan nuværende forretningsmiljø- og kultur. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Kasakhstan. Central asiens største messe indenfor sektoren Messen tiltrækker internationale arkitekter og interiør designerer Der var over 7,000 besøgende i 2014 Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det kasakhiske marked! Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på Building, Interiors, Fenestration, Ceramics & Stone Exhibition - KazBuild Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det kasakhiske marked Assistance med oversættelse i løbende af messen Efterfølgende press-release i kasakhiske medier Introduktion til den kasakhiske middel klasse og forbruger profil Rundvisning i de store kasakhiske shopping centre Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 2. juni. Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2015-timeprisen er 945 kr 43 Machinery and Technology 44 MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY The machinery and technology sector in Russia provides significant export and joint venture possibilities for Danish companies. Despite recent economic challenges, including ruble devaluation, Russia is still a very large market for production and construction machinery, ICT solutions (both hardware and software), and consumer electronics. Russia’s total capital expenditures in January-November 2014 amounted to RUB 11 trillion (EUR 146 billion at current exchange rates), while imports of machinery, equipment and transportation vehicles during this period were worth EUR 110 billion. In the short- and medium-term significant state investments in infrastructure projects and newly adopted ‘import replacement’ programs will be the main drivers behind strong demand for foreign equipment and knowhow. In the longer term, Russia has good chances to improve economic performance, while additional exciting market opportunities will arise from the transformation of the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan) into the Eurasian Economic Union. Machinery – new and old Russia’s manufacturing sector is a mix of production facilities dating back to the Soviet Union times and modern production plants built during the last two decades and based mostly on foreign technologies. Older plants often require complete re-design and all-new equipment to continue operations, while newer facilities need continuous upgrades to remain competitive. Construction of new manufacturing plants, warehousing and distribution facilities is also regularly started even despite current foggy perspectives of the country’s economy. And foreign suppliers are often the only source of state-of-the-art production technologies, machinery and solutions for all these projects. Among specific segments where Danish machinery and expertise is especially in high demand there are food production, metalworking, wood processing, and several others. It should be noted that penetration of the Russian market requires physical presence in the country with own sales offices and/or sales representatives or via a solid partnership with a strong local distributor. Infrastructure – from airports to stadiums Federal ‘focused’ capital spending program amounts to RUB 1.02 trillion in 2015, RUB 900 billion in 2016, and RUB 916 billion in 2017 (more than EUR 120 billion annually). The focus is on all types of transportation infrastructure (airports, highways, seaports, and railways), as well as on cultural, educational, and sports facilities (stadiums for the FIFA World Cup, museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg, federal universities in major cities, etc.). Interesting opportunities for foreign suppliers of machinery and technology arise in connection to public private partnerships with international participation taking over highway construction and management. Special attention of the Russian government to expansion and modernization of airports and railroads in large Russian cities could also generate demand for solutions and machinery from Danish vendors. ICT and consumer electronics The ICT sector in Russia is well developed and diversified. Demand for ICT systems from all the sectors of the economy and also the public sector continues to be very strong. Danish companies developing niche software and hardware solutions can play a significant role. However, in most cases entering and building presence on the Russian market for ICT solutions in many cases will require developing partner relations with a well-established Russian systems integrator. 45 Most promising opportunities can be found with the hardware segment, where Russian domestic ICT industry is traditionally not very strong while Danish companies have strong expertise especially in niche products, as well as in such segments as data hosting and SaaS. High-end consumer electronics is another market of significant interest for Danish companies. Russia’s well-to-do and ultra-rich households are eager to purchase expensive high-quality and designer products and represent a welcome public for new state-of-the-art product offerings. In total, Russians spent RUB 1.47 trillion (EUR 19.6 billion) on consumer electronics, appliances and gadgets in 2014. Join the Technology Club The Technology Club, an initiative launched by the Trade Council, promotes Danish interests on the Russian market for machinery and technologies. Below you will find our invitation to join the Club. The Club assists Danish companies in following developments in the Russian technology and industrial sectors, assists them in establishing contacts to potential partners and authorities, and contributes to maintaining strong relations with existing Russian clients and stakeholders. Planned activities for the Machinery & Technology sector in 2015 Mining fact-finding trip to Russia and Kazakhstan. A trip that will take place on 19th-23th April 2015, and have the purpose of introducing Danish suppliers to the Russian and Kazakh mining industries and to facilitate an easier access to the markets. Construction Equipment & Technologies. Russia’s largest exhibition for technology and construction equipment. 8th Central Asian International Metallurgy, Metal-Working and Machinery Construction Exhibition KazMet. The largest exhibition for metal work and machinery construction on the Kazakh and Central Asian market. Power Expo Kazakhstan. An exhibition specializing in energy and power solutions. For more information please contact our Sector Expert. Marina Piotrovskaya [email protected] 46 47 The Technology Club, Russia The Technology Club of Russia is a relaunch initiative established by the Danish Trade Council in 2012. One of the main ideas of the Club is the need for specific knowledge and information concerning the technology sector, which is currently the biggest contributor to Danish export. The Technology Club aims to enable Danish companies to follow current developments in the Russian technology and industry sector through newsletters summarizing important developments within the following sectors: machinery, cleantech, telecommunication, IT, nano- and biotechnologies. The Danish Trade Council have been active in Russia for many years and as a result developed strong relations and networks with city-administrations and regions across Russia. In cooperation with them the Council arranges relevant trips and conference packages for our members in both Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of the country. The Technology Club facilitates meetings and seminars on the highest levels as well as establishing contact between companies thus representing Danish interests in Russia – paving easier access to the Russian technology and industry sector through the Trade Councils network in Russia. As a member of the Technology Club you will benefit from these networks providing access to decision-makers and key players on the Russian Market. The Trade Council offers a membership in The Technology Club for 9.000 DKK. A membership includes: • 4 newsletters annually on important developments in the following sectors: machinery, cleantech, telecommunication, IT, nano- and biotechnologies; • Information on activities (roundtables, joint exhibition stands, trips, and other events, relevant for the technology sector and organized by the Technology Club; • 5 hours of counselling from a consultant of the Trade Council (worth 5×945 DKK) or organization of meetings with relevant Russian companies and end users. Advantages for your company: • • • • • Necessary information on general rules and traditions of doing business on the Russian market; Important and up-to-date information on the development in technology industry of Russia; Opportunities to expand business and network in Russia; Special price on promotion trips; Important counselling on urgent matters. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Technology Club, please fill in the entry form below. Should you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Marina Piotrovskaya either directly by telephone: + 7 812 703 3900 or by e-mail: [email protected] Best regards, Marina Piotrovskaya Sector Expert - Technology 48 Entry form I confirm my participation in the Technology Club, Russia Yes • No • Basic Fee 9.000,00 DKK annually Yes • No • Extra contact persons: 49 50 MINING FACTFINDING TRIP TO RUSSIA AND KAZAKHSTAN 51 MINING FACTFINDING TRIP TO RUSSIA AND KAZAKHSTAN, 19 – 23 April 2015 BRIEF FACTS ON MINING IN RUSSIA Russia is rich in all kinds of mineral deposits from aluminium to gold and it is the source of a significant share of the world’s raw minerals production. The country’s exploration potential is difficult to assess, but there are valid reasons for believing that the known deposits are just a fraction of those to be discovered. Business Monitor International forecast the value of the Russian mining sector to grow to USD 259 billion by 2015, even with the global slowdown in demand. Unlike the oil and gas industry, the country’s metals and mining sector is Russia’s largest private industry. The estimated monetary value of the Russian mineral reserves is USD 29 trillion and according to estimates from 2012 the level of production of the mining and metallurgical industries in Russia was around USD 130 billion. Extractive industries taken together constitute 33% of Russia’s GDP and account for 60% of federal budget revenues, and Russian commodities account for up to 80% of exports. So the mining industry is clearly one of the most important industries in the Russian economy. Russia has the world’s largest reserves of iron ore – approximately 56 billion tons, and at the present Russia produces more than 100 million tons of marketable iron ores per year, which makes it the fifth largest producer in the world. Russia is also a very strong player in the coal industry, and is currently ranked second in the world in terms of percentage of world reserves. SUEK, KRU, SDS and Mechel account for about 65% of Russia’s coal exports. The long term prospects of the coal mining sector are positive due to Asia’s continued reliance on coal to cover rising electricity needs. As a result the Russian government plans to spend USD 120 billion between 2012 and 2030 on developing the country's coal reserves, alongside major investments into logistics and engineering capacities. The metals industry is highly concentrated – a few top companies account for about 60% of total revenue. (Severstal, Evraz, Norilsk Nickel, Rusal and Mechel). In recent years, the Russian diamond mining industry has also become an important source of income. According to a report from 2013, Russia is now the world’s leading diamond supplier, accounting for about 22% of the global diamond supply. In 2013 approximately 20.000 mineral deposits had been explored and only about one third of them are currently being developed and mined, so the Russian mining industry still has great untapped potential. Despite the fact that Russia has massive quantities of unexplored and unproved reserves – its potential is hampered by the fact that 30 – 70% of those reserves are not exploitable in the current economic condition. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that the Russian mining industry is mostly using mining methods and technology that dates from the Soviet period. In order to compete on the global stage, the priority for the Russian mining industry and responsible government institutions in the next decade will be to modernize the operations, increase productivity, invest in new technology and build the infrastructure required to bring new projects and raise the efficiency of production, as well as to create a more stable climate to support the investment into the sector. The other trend that will shape the development of the industry will be increased globalization and internationalization of the key players, with western companies entering Russia and the Russian mining champions focusing more on the West. There are plenty of opportunities for international companies especially services and equipment suppliers, mining companies interested in exploring investment opportunities in Russia, particularly in precious metals, as well as representatives of capital markets and banking industry. Additional information: http://www.minexrussia.com/2014/outlook/ http://gold.1prime.biz/ - a compilation of mining related articles about Russia 52 MINING FACTFINDING TRIP TO RUSSIA AND KAZAKHSTAN, 19 – 23 April 2015 BRIEF FACTS ON MINING IN KAZAKHSTAN Kazakhstan is extremely rich in minerals and has the potential to overtake many of the leading mineral economies, but foreign capital and technology is needed in order to utilise these vast resources. The country is currently ranked 6th in the world in terms of its amount of mineral resources, and the mineral resource base has an estimated net worth of USD 46 trillion according to government reports. Kazakhstan accounts for 30% of the global reserves of chromite and 25% of manganese ores. Iron ores as well as reserves of copper, lead, and zinc range from 10 to 13%, respectively, of the world reserves. Kazakhstan is also an important source of uranium. In 2009 it became the world’s leading uranium producer, and by 2013 Kazakhstan accounted for 38% of the world production. The Kazakh government is committed to increase uranium exports and aims to supply 30% of the world fuel fabrication market by the end of 2015. Coal remains one of the core industries for Kazakhstan, employing around 40,000 people only in the mineral-rich province of Karaganda, which yielded more than 17 million tons of coal in the first 7 months of 2013. New deposits Zhalyn and Kumyskuduk are being developed now. Karagandagiproshakht Institute has prepared a package plan of development of the mining industry in Karaganda until 2020. Copper production is also a bright spot in the country, given aggressive expansion plans by London-based miner Kazakhmys and giant Rio Tinto's commitment to invest USD 100 million in exploring northern Kazakhstan for copper. Consequently, mining is by far the most important industry in Kazakhstan, also when it comes to export. In 2012 Kazakhstan had exports valued at USD 88 billion, and exports of mineral products accounted for 78% of total exports. But the unutilised mining potential in Kazakhstan is still great. At the moment 99 different minerals have been discovered, 70 of those are being explored, and so far 60 of the minerals are being recovered. Kazakhstan's mining industry value is set to soar in the next years, reaching USD 29.5 billion by 2017, slightly down from previous forecasts, due mainly to the recent overall decline in commodity prices, says a newly-published report by Business Monitor international. Growth will be led almost exclusively by the coal, gold and copper sectors, which together account for the majority of the value of the Central Asian nation's mining industry. Since 2011 the Kazakh government has taken significant measures to support the expansion plans of the country’s largest mining companies, and it is expected that the volume of investments into the industry will amount to USD 12 billion by 2015. The Government of Kazakhstan began to privatize state mining companies in 1994. By July 1998, virtually the entire sector had been privatized. The government is working to improve the sectoral outlook by stiffening legal codes - the mechanism for granting exploration licenses has been simplified, but implementation work remains. The procedure for obtaining environmental permits is also being streamlined. Most Kazakhstani mining equipment needs replacement or repair, and environmental and technological upgrades. A number of foreign mining businesses have made substantial investments in Kazakhstan in uranium, beryllium, coal, and gold. RWE NUKEM (USA), for example, handles mined uranium and markets it to other countries, and as legal codes become more conducive to foreign investment, all of the mining majors are likely to become more heavily invested in Kazakhstan in the next ten years, and market entry in later years could become a much more expensive proposition. Part of the forecasted mining boom is already becoming evident. A study published by PwC shows that the nation was second on the list of major merger and acquisitions in 2013, with Kazak billionaires, along with the Republic of Kazakhstan, representing the second and third largest transactions during the period involving a USD 4.6 billion stake in Eurasian Natural Resources Corp (ENRC). Additional information: http://www.uskba.net/about_mining.htm Kazakhstan announces new mining laws to encourage international investment (May 2014) Kazakhstan allocates $950 million to exploration program (May 2014) 53 >>>> Join us for the Mining Factfinding Trip to Russia and Kazakhstan, 19 – 23 April 2015 Heidi Ravn, Sector Manager Danish Mining Technology Group in cooperation with the Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg is pleased to invite you to participate in a factfinding trip to Russia and Kazakhstan with focus on the mining industry. Phone +45 2421 8988 [email protected] The factfinding trip will include visits to Moscow in Russia, and Astana and Almaty in Kazakhstan. Contact: Danish Mining Technology Group The purpose of this trip is to introduce Danish suppliers to the Russian and Kazakh mining industries and to facilitate an easier access to the markets by including: B2B meetings with key players and potential partners Meetings and round table discussions with relevant authorities Visit to the Mining World Russia Exhibition Networking with both local partners as well as Danish companies with shared interests www.dk-mining.dk Further introductions to the mining markets in both countries are attached, but this is why the following cities are included in the program: Moscow: Mines in Russia are scattered around the country, but the headquarters of the most important mining companies are located in Moscow, because it is the centre of power. Also the world-renowned mining exhibition Mining World will take place in Moscow. Astana: Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan, and hence it is where all the decision-making bodies are situated. It is also the home of one of the country’s most important mining companies and the influential professional organisation Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises. Almaty: In terms of mining Almaty is also a very important city in Kazakhstan as it is home to two of the country’s leading mining companies. >> 54 >>> PROGRAM DRAFT Sunday 19 April MOSCOW, RUSSIA Departure from Denmark Check-in hotel Briefing program and introductory meeting Monday 20 April MOSCOW, RUSSIA Round table meeting with Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Meetings with buyers and management from Russian mining companies including individual company presentations. Reception at the Royal Danish Embassy Suggested mining companies: EVRAZ (steel), Mechel Mining (coal, iron ore, and steel), Metalloinvest (HBI, iron ore, and steel), Norilsk Nickel (nickel, copper, palladium, and platinum), SUEK (coal), KRU (coal), KTK (coal) and SDS (coal) Other potential meetings can be with OEMs (e.g. OMZ) and distributors within the mining industry Tuesday 21 April MOSCOW, RUSSIA Visit to Mining World Russia Exhibition The biggest mining show in Russia – approx. 4500 visitors and 320 exhibitors from 30 countries Meetings with selected exhibitors and individual time to visit the exhibition Departure to Astana, Kazakhstan Wednesday 22 April ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN Round table meeting with Ministry of Investment and Development Meeting with ENRC - comprises a group of mining and smelter companies (aluminium, iron, chrome) Meeting with Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises Departure to Almaty (approx. 21.30 h) Thursday 23 April ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN Meeting with potential distributors, OEM producer, or service companies Joint meeting with selected mining companies Meetings with buyers and management from key Kazakh mining companies including individual company presentations Suggested companies: Frontier Mining Ltd. and KAZ Minerals PLC (copper) and/or OEM companies Debriefing and departure to Denmark Note: The above mentioned companies are merely suggestions, the final program will be confirmed and adjusted based upon the interests and inputs from the participating companies. >> 55 >>> >> PRICE: DKK 19,995 per company excl. VAT, travelling expenses, meals and accommodation. Estimated price without subsidy: DKK 24,995 per company excl. VAT, travelling expenses, meals and accommodation. Max. 2 persons per company registration. The price is subject to subsidy from the Trade Council of Denmark. To execute the event a minimum of 8 companies are required. We reserve the right to cancel the event in case if not fulfilled, but in case of fewer registrations or if we do not receive a subsidy we will assess the situation together with the registered participants at the time, and make any necessary adjustments to price/program. BINDING REGISTRATION Binding registration by emailing directly to [email protected] ORGANISERS The delegation visit is organised by the Danish Mining Technology Group in close cooperation with the Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg. For further information please contact: Danish Mining Technology Group Ms. Heidi Ravn Business Sector Manager Email: [email protected] Phone +45 2421 8988 MOSCOW ASTAN A ALMAT Y Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg Ms. Marina L. Piotrovskaya Sector Expert Technology and Machinery Email: [email protected] Phone: +7 (921) 904 50 65 56 INVITATION Markedsbesøg - Rusland Sektor: Maskineri Construction Equipment & Technologies 2015 Moskva 3-5. juni 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 57 Leder du efter flere salgsmuligheder? Har du overvejet Rusland? Kom på markedsbesøg i Moskva 3-5. juni og få et indblik i det russiske marked Du vil på tæt hold få indsigt i det russiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Rusland. Du vil komme tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Ruslands største messe indenfor konstruktionsudstyr og teknologi– Construction Equipment & Technologies Fair hvor du vil få mulighed for b2b-møder med de deltagende virksomheder. For mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: http://ctt-expo.ru/en/ For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Ruslands nuværende forretnings -og kulturmiljø. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Rusland. Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på Construction Equipment & Technologies Fair. Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det russiske marked. Assistance med oversættelse i løbende af messen. Efterfølgende press-release i russiske medier. Briefing om fremtidige muligheder samt nuværende trends i Rusland og CIS. Rundvisning i store russiske byggemarkeder. Reception med kunder samt potentielle partnere hos den danske ambassadør. Fakta om markedet På trods af nye økonomiske udfordringer, er der stor mulighed for eksport og joint ventures til Rusland indenfor maskineri –og teknologisektoren. Indenfor maskineri –og teknologisektoren importerede Rusland for 110 milliarder EUR fra januar til november sidste år. Udenlandske leverandører tilbyder ofte den eneste mulighed for state-of-theart produktionsteknologi, maskineri samt højteknologiske løsninger. Om messen Construction Equipment & Technologies Fair er nøgleplatformen for alle konstruktionsvirksomheder fra Rusland og CIS. Messen finder sted for den 16. gang i Moskva. Sidste år var der 36 833 besøgende fra 67 lande. Messen omfatter 1003 virksomheder fra 37 lande. Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det russiske marked! Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 22. marts. Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2015-timeprisen er 945 kr.). 58 INVITATION Markedsbesøg - Kasakhstan Sektor: Maskineri 8th Central Asian International Metallurgy, Metal-Working and Machinery Construction Exhibition KazMet Almaty 16-18. september 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 59 Har du overvejet Kasakhstan som marked? Kom på markedsbesøg til Almaty den 1618. september og få et indblik i det kasakhiske marked Du vil på tæt hold få indsigt i det kasakhiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Kasakhstan. Du vil blive komme tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Kasakhstan største messe indenfor metalarbejde og maskinkonstruktion - KazMet-2015, hvor du vil få mulighed for b2b-møder med de deltagende virksomheder. For mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: http://www.kazmetexpo.kz/en/ Fakta om marked Den kasakhiske middelklasse vokser og får flere og flere penge imellem hænderne Kasakhstan er verdens 9. største land målt i landmasse Kasakhstan blev i 2014 af Verdensbanken, udnævnt til verdens 50. nemmeste land at gøre forretning i I 2014 opnåede Kasakhstan en GDP vækst på 6.5% Almaty er landets største by og fungerer som økonomisk, kulturel -og uddannelsescentrum for hele Kasakhstan Der er planlagt mere end 100 projekter med et total budget på 45 milliard USD i Kasakhstan Om messen For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om det nuværende forretnings -og kulturmiljø i Kasakhstan. Vi vil ligeledes se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Kasakhstan. Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på Metallurgy, Metal-Working and Machinery Construction Exhibition KazBuild Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det kasakhiske marked Assistance med oversættelse i løbende af messen Efterfølgende press-release i kasakhiske medier Rundvisning i store kasakhiske byggemarkeder KazMet afholdes for 8. gang I 2014 var der omkring 300 udstillinger fra 28 lande Der er stor repræsentation af kasakhiske virksomheder på messen Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det kasakhiske marked! Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 16. juni. Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2015-timeprisen er 945 kr.). 60 INVITATION Markedsbesøg - Kasakhstan Sektor: Energi og Maskineri Power Expo Kazakhstan - 2015 Almaty 27-29. oktober 2015 Eksportrådet Den danske ambassade i Moskva 61 Har du overvejet Kasakhstan som marked? Kom på markedsbesøg til Almaty den 1618. september og få et indblik i det kasakhiske marked Du vil på tæt hold få indsigt i det kasakhiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Kasakhstan. Du vil komme tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Kasakhstan største messe indenfor energisektoren – Power Expo Kazakhstan, hvor du vil få mulighed for b2bmøder med de deltagende virksomheder. Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på den store messe - Power Expo Kazakhstan 2015. Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det kasakhiske marked. Assistance med oversættelse i løbet af messen. Efterfølgende press-release i kasakhiske medier. Fakta om markedet Få mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: http://www.powerexpo.kz/en/ For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Kasakhstans nuværende forretningsmiljø- og kultur. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Kasakhstan. Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det kasakhiske marked! Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 27. august. Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser E-mail: [email protected] Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2015-timeprisen er 945 kr.). Den kasakhiske middelklasse vokser og får flere og flere penge imellem hænderne Kasakhstan er verdens 9. største land målt i landmasse. Kasakhstan blev i 2014 af Verdensbanken, udnævnt til verdens 50. nemmeste land at gøre forretning i. I 2014 opnåede Kasakhstan en GDP vækst på 6.5% Almaty er landets største by og fungerer som økonomisk, kulturel -og uddannelsescentrum for hele Kasakhstan Der er planlagt mere end 100 projekter med et total budget på 45 milliard USD i Kasakhstan. Om messen Power Expo Kazakhstan er blevet afholdt årligt siden 2001 og består af en stor messe samt et forum for interiører med speciale i strøm og energi. I 2014 var der 150 udstillinger from eksempelvis Kasakhstan, Ukraine, Rusland, Østrig, Kina, Tjekkiet, Finland, Litauen, Serbien, Polen, Iran og Tyskland. Power Expo Kazakhstan blev i 2012 certificeret som et ”UFI approved event” af den internationale organisation Global Association of the Exhibition Industy (UFI). 62 Food and Agriculture 63 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE For a variety of reasons, there have over the years been disruptions - of shorter or longer duration - in trade in agricultural products between EU-countries and Russia. While this is a recurring challenge, it has also been clear that there are significant market opportunities for trade in food and agricultural commodities. Many Danish exporters have recognized this and show the necessary focus and persistence to benefit from these opportunities. The food and agricultural sector in the Russian Federation is furthermore facing high national expectations to expand production to be able to cover a larger part of domestic consumption. At federal and local level, efforts are taking shape to provide the frameworks necessary (including public funding) to realize this objective. Substantial investments are needed across the board in order to improve production efficiency. This can represent significant opportunities for Danish companies that specialize in quality and modern production methods. Russian agriculture Russia has the world's fifth largest agricultural area, second only to the United States, Australia, Brazil and China. 13% of Russia's 200 million hectares land is used for agriculture. However, Russia remains heavily dependent on food imports. Today agricultural production takes place in former farming communities - now called agro holdings - and from small family-owned holdings. As part of its ambition to diversify the Russian economy, the Russian government in 2012 introduced a 7 year plan for modernisation “Agriculture policy 2013-2020” with a list of ambitious targets: • • • • • • • • Increased self-sufficiency by 2020 Increased agricultural production by 39% Increased production of food, beverages and tobacco by 60% Average annual growth in investment in agriculture of 8.8% Expansion of cultivated area by 10.3 mn acres Increased productivity by 70% compared with 2009 Increased profits in agriculture by 25% Increasing agricultural wage levels up to 95% of the average wage in Russia Recently, the ambition of the government to increase national production has received further priority and new targets and support measures are being considered. Danish investments Investment opportunities in the Russian agriculture follow the traditional pattern with regard to animal production with poultry and pork sectors offering quick return. Dairy, beef cattle and manufacturing sectors are forecast to grow in the coming years. Danish operators have made substantial investments in Russia within pig production, dairy, seeds, and processed food products. Because of Russia's stated policy of development of local production, the Danish companies can get a favourable position through investments or by establishing partnerships with Russian companies. Danish exports Exports within the agricultural, food and fisheries sector - including machinery and equipment for the sector – generally make up more than 1/3 of total Danish exports to Russia, thus contributing significantly to the Danish trade surplus in Russia. Under market based conditions before the most recent trade disruptions, exports of pork meat, including by-products, have alone accounted for around DKK 1.5 billion annually. Because of strong Danish competences which match the Russian requirements, the Danish agriculture and food industry has great export potential across the value chain in Russian food production. The export potential is supported by rising affluence and increasing demand for products which Danish companies can supply directly to retailers or as raw material for further processing. The development in the Russian food sector and gradual professionalization of the retail sector provide Danish companies with opportunities to be stable suppliers of high quality foods. Furthermore, there are good opportunities for Danish companies as suppliers within agroindustry. 64 Organic foods Sales of organic foods in Russia have increased steadily in recent years. Organic foods are still a niche in Russia where primary customers are young, educated people from the upper middle class, typically families with children, in the metropolises of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The main challenge with expanding sales of organic products in Russia is the absence of rules concerning the definition and labelling. Food consumption and packaged food market For a number of years, Russia's largest mass grocery retailers have been among the world's fastest growing. With a population of more than 140 million, Russia is Europe's biggest consumer market. The retail market has achieved dynamic growth over the past few years as disposable incomes have increased, the expanding middle class follows Western patterns of consumption and the level of consumer credit possibilities have risen. Export barriers In general, foreign companies operating in the Russian market should be prepared to face a number of challenges in terms of bureaucracy, opaque investment conditions, mixing of public and private stakeholders' interests, diverging practices in different regions, as well as technical barriers to trade. It is therefore essential for Danish companies to find Russian partners who can manage the internal process, especially in the early stages after entering the Russian market. What can the Trade Council do for You? Trade Council Russia can assist you in finding reliable Russian business partners, locating potential partners, searching for enterprises which meet specific requirements and select the most compatible. Trade Council Russia can be of help by providing all necessary contacts, organize meetings and negotiations with representatives of Russian companies. We can provide updated and useful market information, which will help you gain a competitive edge on your target markets. Furthermore, Trade Council Russia can carry out market investigations based on specific requirements. In the following pages you will find a summary of some of the concrete initiatives that TC Russia is lining up in this sector for this year. For those interested, more details on these initiatives will be made available. We should add that other activities also can and will be considered, so please don’t hesitate to contact us . Patrick Sondergaard Marina Mityanina Minister Counsellor Senior Commercial Counsellor Email [email protected] Email [email protected] 65 DANISH ALLIANCE FOR DAIRY PRODUCTION IN RUSSIA You have great opportunities for penetrating the Russian dairy production market 66 Why should you come to Russia? Russia has a great potential as an agricultural country. 10% of all croplands in the world are situated in Russia. In 2013 Russia produced 30,5 thousand ton of milk. In 2013 the Russian government started a state programme for development of the agricultural sector in Russia. The programme runs till 2020. It covers all the spheres of agriculture, but mostly focusing on livestock industry and dairy sector. The Trade Council Russia would like to invite you for an opportunity to be involved in the modernisation of Russian agriculture and in the modernisation of the dairy sector in particular. In coalition with other Danish companies you will enter the market together and contribute each with your own prime expertise and approach and with Russian counterparts would act as market intermediaries. DO YOU WANT TO HAVE ACCESS TO LARGE AGRICULTURAL PROJECTS IN RUSSIA? NEW PROJECT SALES OPPORTUNITIES The Trade Council Russia hereby invites you to be one among 3-6 Danish companies, supplying complementary products and systems within the dairy sector. Your company will have the opportunity to participate in the project, which aims at making the first sales within this period or straight after. By participating in the alliance you will get access to potential partners in a developing market. You will be provided with a project manager who will be responsible for the smooth project roll out and necessary coordination and guidance throughout the lifetime of the project. You will get the following features by participating in “DANISH ALLIANCE OF DAIRY PRODUCTION IN RUSSIA”: Experience a low-cost entry investment to a market with endless possibilities Planned meetings and events with Regional Administrations, top management of biggest farms and dairies setting up the right relations for your company Clear project plan with defined goals and success criteria We will provide you with a project manager throughout the lifetime of the project We are able to secure 50% financial support for TC Russia consultancy hours – with only 9.450 DKK per company per phase (calculated for 5 companies) Cooperation with financial advisor from EKF for possibilities on project financing The project manager will be providing you with needed support We are aiming at your first sale during the lifetime of the project or just after. Join the business alliance project, as one of your great opportunities in 2015. This project provides new chances and possibilities to expand into a market which will grow in the future. 67 Should you want to take part in this initiative we ask you to contact Irina Polevaya at [email protected]. The deadline for joining the first phase of the alliance is March 6th, 2015. It is possible to join the alliance at other steps. For a more elaborate description of the project and the costs involved, please read the following section. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW OF AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA State Programme for Agriculture 2013-2020 In 2012, the Russian Government adopted the State Programme for Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Commodities Markets in 2013-2020 aimed at development of agriculture of Russia and gaining food independence of the state. The development of the livestock industry and dairy sector in particular will remain the top priority for the Ministry of Agriculture. Another priority of the programme is technical and technological modernisation of machinery and equipment. Overall budget of the State Programme till 2020 is 34,977 bln Euro (1 525 bln RUR – exchange rate as per October 2013). The state programme is financed from the federal and regional budgets. The budget for the sub-programme “Development of cattle breeding and processing cattle breeding production” is 11,382 bln Euro (496,255 bln RUR). The budget for the sub-programme “Technical and technological modernisation and innovative development”, which is aimed at stimulating agriculture producers to buy high technology machines and equipment, is 658,5 mln Euro (28,71 bln RUR). On February 17, 2015 the Prime-minister signed a decree according to which 500 mln Euro (35,7 bln RUR – exchange rate as per February 2015) will be spent for co-financing loans and decrease rates for the sectors of cattle breeding and crop production. The state programme for agriculture was revised and 2,6 bln Euro (185 bln RUR – exchange rate as per February 2015) will be spent for the programme in 2015. Existing Danish Experience The Trade Council Russia has extensive experience in developing and running Strategic Alliance projects for Danish companies. Recently realised projects were Road Construction Alliance and City Parks Renovation Alliance. At the moment TC Russia is working on Airport Renovation Alliance. The Danish Embassy in Russia has great experience in setting up agricultural projects in different regions of the Russian Federation and assisting in their implementation. This gives us a unique contact base with the Russian agricultural authorities and business circles. Through the local network of industry contacts, access to public authorities, we can assist you in your way to success. THE PROJECT - FORMING A COALITION A coalition will be formed by a number of Danish companies (from 3 to 6) on the basis of a binding document between the involved parties. The coalition should be seen as a collaborative force of enterprises, which increases possibilities for winner on the projects. 68 You are invited to participate in the following project in the coming 15 months, where a representative of the Trade Council Russia will act as your Project Manager and provide the support required. Project process As soon as you express interest in the programme, we will advise you on the application process for the Strategic Business Alliances Programme. After that we will invite you to participate in a combined visit to Moscow and Belgorod Regions and Krasnodar Kray during spring 2015. We will introduce you to the local decision makers within state authorities, top management of farms and dairies and give you an opportunity to present your product. At this point you will have good idea of the demand of expertise in Russia and of which projects you want to be engaged in. In the next phase of the programme we will arrange personal sales meetings with companies of your interest and initiate the collaboration on dairy projects. Form a coalition of Danish companies with assistance from Trade Council Russia Trip to Russia to meet with decision makers and EKF Follow up on the leads from the meetings in Russia Desk sales and preparation of quotations THE PROJECT ROLL OUT- PROJECT TIMELINE December 2014 – March 2015 The first part of the process will be to form the Danish coalition with companies complementing each other. The coalition will be formed in assistance with the Trade Council Russia and 3-6 companies are expected to participate. April 2015 The coalition will visit Moscow and Belgorod Regions and Krasnodar Kray and conduct meetings with representatives of authorities and top management of farms and dairy plants. During the visit the Danish alliance will present the Danish expertise and competitive advantages of related products and services. The coalition will get financial advice from the Danish Export Credit Fund on how the projects can be financed. May 2015 The project manager of the Trade Council Russia and sales manager of your company will follow up on the leads from the meetings and identify potential projects. June 2015 1. Assistance in the desk sales, 2. A follow up towards the Russian parties 69 3. A preparation of quotations for the chosen projects. The following section is the approach we recommend you to take: Phase 1 1. You will have a meeting with local authorities in Moscow and Belgorod Regions and Krasnodar Kray (Ministries of Agriculture) and top management of major farms and diaries during which you will have an opportunity to present your product and company to relevant stakeholders and gather information on relevant projects. 2. You will participate in round tables in Moscow, Belgorod and Krasnodar for representatives of state authorities, top management of farms and dairies to build a better relationship with the interested Russian companies. 3. You will get a brief description of relevant projects and opportunities based on current conditions of farms and dairies made by the Trade Council Russia; that will give you and relevant top managements a possibility to develop detailed plan and integrated level of cooperation for these projects. 4. Following the meetings and the round table, you will visit the relevant farms and dairies. Phase 2 1. You will get an opportunity to talk to EKF (Eksport Kredit Fund) regarding financial scheme for every feasible project in order to get the best financial opportunities for the project development. 2. Together with the Trade Council Russia you will make the first follow-up on every project to make sure that the projects are running according to schedule. 3. You will get the assistance of the Trade Council Russia in organizing additional meetings with relevant counterparts and potential customers. 4. You will get general advisory on conducting business matters on the identified projects from TC Russia. Phase 3 1. Together, we will analyse the achieved results. The possible further development includes: a. Depending on the results, you will visit other Russian regions with big potential for dairy production development where we have established cooperation on the regional level – Bashkortostan or Tatarstan. During the visit you will meet relevant stakeholders (state authorities, top management of farms and dairies) through round tables. i. Following the round tables, visits to the farms and dairies. ii. You will get a brief description of current conditions of farms and dairies made by the Trade Council Russia; this will give you and relevant top management a possibility to develop a detailed plan and an integrated level of cooperation for these projects. b. Depending on the results, we will organise a business trip to Denmark for relevant management of reconstructed/built farms and dairies in Russia – in order to 70 showcase the system, the equipment, or operating capabilities of your product or service in real life. i. Programme for the visit will include a round table / a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presentation of your company product, a real life example of your product/service. Phase 4 1. You will get an opportunity to talk to EKF regarding financial scheme for every feasible project in order to get the best financial opportunities for the project development. 2. Together with the Trade Council Russia you will make the in the first follow-up on every project to make sure that the projects are running according to schedule. 3. You will get the assistance of the Trade Council Russia in organizing additional meetings with relevant counterparts and potential customers, advising on approaching your counterparts, providing general advisory on conducting business matters on the identified projects 4. You will get a general advisory on conducting business matters on the identified projects from the Trade Council Russia. 71 WHY SHOULD YOUR COMPANY PARTICIPATE? TC Russia offers you the following services within the programme: Coordinated and cost-efficient sales effort Low entry and exit barriers/costs Professional local set-up with necessary infrastructure to support your business development; Access to market intelligence and key decision-makers through the Trade Council’s network; Ongoing advice and assistance from experienced export advisors targeted your companies’ business needs. Administrative support with company registration, customer support, etc. GET 50% FINANCIAL SUPPORT By participating in the programme you get access to applying for the Strategic Business Alliances Programme. In effect this gives the coalition a possibility of achieving a maximum of 4 times by 100 hours in 4 steps (in total 400 hours). These hours will be split evenly between 5 companies resulting in DKK 9.450 per company per step. By applying as a coalition of companies to the Foreign Ministry’s BRIC-fund pool, we are able to secure 50% funding venture for an amount up to DKK 374.000 (400 hours x DKK 945). This provides excellent start-up opportunities for the coalition of supplying companies, as this will strengthen and help the imitation phase of the project. No of companies Price per company per 1 step 3 companies DKK 15.750- 4 companies DKK 11.813- 5 companies DKK 9.450- Contact details Should you want to take part in this initiative we ask you to contact Irina Polevaya at [email protected] – The deadline for joining the first phase of the alliance is March 6th, 2015. It is possible to join the alliance at other steps. Sincerely yours, Irina Polevaya Commercial Adviser (Agriculture Team) 72 INVITATION Flowers IPM 2015 Moscow, Russia August 26th – 28th, 2015 The Trade Council Danish Embassy in Moscow 73 It is with great pleasure that the Trade Council, Russia hereby invites you to participate at the Danish national stand at Flowers IPM 2015 in Moscow, Russia http://www.flowers-expo.org/en/ The International Exhibition of flowers, plants, equipment and materials for ornamental gardening, landscaping and flower business will take place on August 26th – 298th, 2015 in Pavilion 75 in the AllRussian Exhibition Centre (VVC), Moscow. You will get an opportunity to participate in the biggest flower exhibition in Russia and to present you products to more than 25 000 visitors* at the area of 17 500 sq.m of exhibition space*, with other 400 companies* from 29 participating countries*. Join 20 years of Success! *facts about Flowers IPM 2014 Flowers IPM 2015 is the right place to be Supported by IPM Essen, Flowers IPM 2015 is one of the two most relevant exhibitions in the flower and plants business in Russia. The exhibition is traditionally visited by top managers of wholesale companies, garden centres, landscape companies and flower salons from Moscow and Russian regions, as well as CIS countries and is the best place to meet new customers and establish new contacts in order to develop your business in Russia. Traditionally Flowers IPM hosts over 20 national stands and is recognised as a great opportunity for business development by Italian, Belgian, German, Dutch, Polish and other plants and flowers growers. The business programme includes seminars and shows for wholesalers and big supermarket chains, involved in flower and plant business. Danish companies were represented at Flowers IPM in 2010 and 2012-2014 at joint national stands which were considered as very successful experience by all the exhibitors. This year our aim is to ensure Danish presence at Flowers IPM in Moscow and to support Danish companies’ efforts in strengthening their positions on the Russian market. You will be at the right exhibition that will provide an excellent opportunity to promote your company and your products, as well as expand your presence in the Russian market. You are offered a special exhibition package with the following advantages Meeting facilities at a joint Danish national stand with an excellent front location right near the entrance to the Pavilion which offers a better possibility for attracting potential customers than most Danish companies could achieve on their own. A turnkey exhibit in an attractive pavilion frame where you can present your company and products. The Danish stand will have partly open lay-out, giving your guests a very inviting and spacious impression of the area and at the same time providing each company with their own space. Targeted advertising campaign before the exhibition. We will distribute information letters and invitations to visit the Danish stand to Russian distribution and wholesale companies, supermarkets, garden centers, landscape design companies and florists. Thus we will increase the likelihood of potential clients visiting your company. Support before and during fair. A representative from the Danish Embassy will assist with booking hotel, visa support documents, and will also be present on the stand during the fair assisting with directing guests and in negotiations with Russian clients. The Danish Ambassador in Russia will attend the exhibition and visit the Danish stand. 74 Participation requirements We offer you a turnkey stand participation for the price of 26.000.- DKK. The price is based on a 96 sqm. island stand and participation of 7 exhibitors. Each company has an area of approximately 10 sqm. without direct dividing walls to all sides. Participation in the event is eligible for a subsidy application with the Trade Council. Please note, that we are offering exhibition space at the joint Danish stand on a first-come firstserved basis. Deadline for application is the 15 th of April, 2015. The Trade Council service package includes: Coordination of joint stand, including stand design, decoration and individual consultancy; Targeted advertising of the joint Danish stand aimed at attracting potential clients; Coordination of services provided by the exhibition organisers, including exhibition catalogue; Support during exhibition; Assistance with hotel booking and visa support service Additional services (not included in the package) Reception Residence at the Ambassador’s On one of the evenings of the Flowers IPM exhibition it is planned to host a dinner in the residence of the Danish Ambassador in Russia. This is an excellent opportunity for you to tie a great bond with your partners and clients in an informal networking atmosphere. Each company can participate representatives and 2-3 guests. with 2-3 The price for participation at the reception dinner in the Ambassador’s Residence is 2,500.DKK per company and is based on participation of 9 companies in the event. Sincerely yours, The Trade Council Danish Embassy in Moscow 9, Prechistensky Pereulok Moscow, 119034 Tel.: + 7 495 642 6800 Fax: +7 495 775 0193 Irina Polevaya Tel.: + 7 495 642 68 04 Cell: + 7 926 641 63 51 [email protected] 75 BINDING REGISTRATION FORM We hereby register for participation in the joint Danish stand at Flowers IPM 2015 as follows: ____ Stand participation at the Danish stand – 10 sq. m., 26 000.- DKK. NB! The stand must have 7 exhibitors. Total stand space is 96 sqm. Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ NB!! Participation can not be made dependant of special placement and design, e.g. corner exhibit and multiple externally facing sides of the exhibit. Company Name ................................................................................................................................ Address ............................................................................................................................................. Postal Code/City. ............................................................................................................................. Telephone ......................................................................................................................................... Dir. Telephone .................................................................................................................................. Fax ..................................................................................................................................................... Web .................................................................................................................................................. E-mail ............................................................................................................................................ Contact person ................................................................................................................................. Date & Signature ............................................................................................................................. NB: Please return to the Danish Embassy in Moscow Attn.: Irina Polevaya, e-mail [email protected], fax no. +7 495 775 01 93 Deadline for application is April 15th, 2015 76 Energy and Environment 77 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT The energy sector is at the core of the Russian economy and the main source of foreign currency revenues for the country. Russia is increasing the focus on environmental protection and energy efficiency. These issues are well known in Denmark and Danish industries have over the last 30 years worked hard on finding innovative and efficient solutions. These solutions now have a major market potential in Russia. Below you can read more about the specific areas within the energy and environment sector. A market with high potential The need for high-tech environmental-friendly solutions for Russia’s natural resource industry sectors provides good opportunities for Danish companies because of the strong and unique Danish competences in these areas, including management skills and high-tech machinery and technology. Likewise the country’s problem with supplying clean water to all citizens makes this a market with high potential for Danish companies. As part of a dedicated effort to support Danish commercial interests in the sector and further develop the strong engagement by Danish companies, the Trade Council Russia has established two clubs – the Energy & Environment Club and the Oil & Gas Club. Read more about the benefits and advantages of membership in the annexes to this chapter. Energy – resources and challenges Russian natural resources, which contain 32% of the world’s natural gas reserves, 13% of the oil reserves, and approximately 30% of the coal reserves, have, as a consequence of the quantity, a substantial impact on the global energy market. Russia is one of the countries that spend the most money on subsidizing fossil fuels, primarily natural gas. Of the 605 billion cubic meters of natural gas that Russia produces annually, 414 billion cubic meters satisfy the huge domestic consumption. The amount would be significantly 78 lower if Russian consumers, industry, and power stations had to pay the same prices as in the EU. In addition it would release considerable amounts of natural gas for export. As a key economic sector, the energy sector is strongly interrelated with the Russian overall economic performance. The government of the Russian Federation is undertaking efforts to carry out a reform aiming at sector modernization, raising efficiency, and creating conditions for fair competition in the sector, which has always been strongly monopolized. This leaves an opening for Danish companies, which will be able to participate with knowhow and new technology. At present the falling oil prices and international sanctions are limiting the government’s ability to improve the sector and discouraging much needed private investment. However, as soon as the situation improves, the planned – and necessary – improvements are expected to get back on track quickly. Among the critical issues for the development of the Russian energy sector as a whole there are poor management skills, worn-out equipment and machinery, and insufficient utilization of modern production technologies. More than half of the coal mining equipment, around 30% of the gas pumping units, more than half of the equipment in oil production, and more than 30% of the equipment in gas production is outdated and worn out. Most of the oil pipelines have already been in use for 20 to 30 years, and more than half of the nuclear power plants demand urgent improvement in accordance with modern safety requirements. This situation creates an obstacle for introduction of new efficient technologies and protracts the process of the sector’s transformation. Meanwhile, it presents huge opportunities for Danish companies to participate in energy infrastructure upgrade and expansion projects. Environment – protection and improvements In recent years, more emphasis has been put on environmental protection in Russia, and energy saving is one of the major priorities for the energy and utility sector’s development. Given the high level of equipment deterioration, the focus is on sector re-equipment using energy efficient technologies. One of the tools for energy saving strategy implementation is the state program of the Russian Federation, Energy efficiency and development of energy sector, valid from 2013 to 2020. The program covers diversified issues dealing with development of the oil and gas sector, the coal industry, production of electricity, and development and usage of renewable energy. For the purposes of energy saving and minimizing the environmental impact the program envisages replacing outdated equipment, rehabilitation and introduction of new facilities based on efficient technologies. Construction – upgrading and urbanisation Usage of energy efficient technologies and equipment in the building and construction sector has significant potential due to the fact that the Russian market for construction has been growing rapidly for several years. The Russian private housing market is currently slowing down, but not coming to a halt. The reasons for the slowing, but continuous, growth are numerous; old and worn-out buildings need repairs, families living in one room are moving into individual apartments, and urbanization in Russia because of migration are all factors supporting continued construction of private housing. 79 Water utilities sector One fourth of the world’s fresh surface and underground water is located in Russia. Still, low quality water is one of the major water resource problems in territories with a high density of population. The water utilities sector is one of the largest industries in Russia serving the entire Russian population. There are over 25,000 municipalities in Russia, and virtually all have a local water utility. Russia has an incredibly large and extensive water supply network. Despite poor investments during and just after the Soviet era, Russia has seen a large amount of new investment in recent years – a trend that is expected to continue. However it is estimated that only 28% of the Russian waste water is treated in accordance with existing regulations, while the rest is discharged improperly treated into lakes, rivers and seas. This endangers the fresh water supply over time and Russia is therefore very interested in solutions based on BAT (Best Available Technology) legislation. To mitigate this critical problem the Russian government has launched the so-called clean water program that came into effect in 2011 and is due to run until 2017. The main objectives of the program are to replace obsolete equipment, improve water quality and increase the efficiency of the entire sector. Join the Energy & Environment Club The Energy & Environment Club, an initiative launched by the Trade Council, promotes Danish interests on the Russian – and EEU – market. Below you will find our invitation to join the club. The club helps Danish companies in following developments within the Russian energy and environment sectors, assists in establishing contacts to potential partners and authorities, and contributes to maintaining strong relations with existing Russian clients and stakeholders. Join the Oil & Gas Club The Oil & Gas Club, an initiative launched by the Trade Council, promotes Danish interests on the Russian – and EEU – market. Below you will find our invitation to join the club. The club helps Danish companies in following developments in the Russian oil and gas sector, assists them in establishing contacts to potential partners and authorities, and contributes to maintaining strong relations with existing Russian clients and stakeholders. Planned activities for the Energy & Environment and Oil & Gas sectors in 2015 Joint Export drive to Tatarstan, 23rd-25th March. A joint event headed by the Danish Ambassador to Russia. The drive will focus on energy and environment as well as technology, agriculture and healthcare. Russian-Danish Smart City Seminar, which will take place on 24th-25th March in Moscow. The seminar will focus on developing the concept Smart City in water & wastewater, environmentally friendly solutions, energy savings and district heating solutions in residential and industrial areas. Russian Market Visit, 23rd-26th June in Moscow. This event includes a visit to Russia’s major trade fair within oil and gas – the 13th biennial Moscow International Oil & Gas Exhibition (MIOGE), where you will have the opportunity for B2B-meetings with the participating companies as well as briefings and meetings with the relevant Russian ministries. Oil Refinery Market Visits to Russia and Kazakhstan in June and September. The meeting programs will consist of a series of meetings with oil refineries interested in improving their production facilities. 80 Power Expo Kazakhstan, which will take place 27th-29th October 2015. This exhibition will focus on energy issues, including wind power. For more information, see the following pages with invitations, and please do not hesitate to contact our sector experts. Thorbjørn Lykke Lindmark Consul General, [email protected] 81 THE ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT CLUB RUSSIA The Energy & Environment Club Russia 82 The Energy & Environment Club was established in 2007 by the Trade Council Russia in order to enable Danish companies to follow current developments in the Russian energy and environment sector through newsletters summarizing important developments. The Trade Council, an integrated part of the Danish Foreign Service, has been active in Russia for many years and as a result developed strong relations and networks with city-administrations and regions across Russia. In cooperation with these partners the Trade Council arranges relevant trips and offers conference packages for our members in both Moscow, St. Petersburg and other parts of the Russian Federation, Belarus and the five Central Asian Republics. The Energy & Environment Club facilitates meetings and seminars on the highest level as well as establishing contact between companies thus representing Danish interests in Russia – paving easier access to the Russian energy sector through the Trade Council’s network in Russia. As a member of the Energy & Environment Club you will benefit from this network providing access to decision-makers and key players on the Russian market. 83 The Trade Council offers The Trade Council offers an annual membership in the Energy & Environment Club at the cost of DKK 9,000 A membership in the Energy & Environment Club includes: • Individual counselling from the advisors from Trade Council Russia (5 hours of each DKK 945, in total a value of DKK 4,725); • Regular newsletters; • Information on activities (roundtables, joint exhibition stands, trips, and other events) relevant for the energy and environment sector and organized by the Energy & Environment Club; • Meetings/roundtables with relevant decision-makers; • Participation in the visits of the Trade Council to relevant regions for identification of possible projects (special price for the members). Advantages for your company: • Necessary information on general rules and traditions of doing business on the Russian market; • Important and up-to-date information on the development within the energy and environment sector of Russia; • Opportunities to expand business and network in Russia; • Special price on promotion trips; • Qualified counselling on urgent matters. 84 Members of the Energy & Environment Club If you are interested in becoming a member of the Energy & Environment Club or should you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Thorbjørn Lindmark Phone: +7 812 703 3900 Email: [email protected] Best regards, Thorbjørn Lindmark Consul General Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg 85 INVITATION THE OIL & GAS CLUB RUSSIA 86 The Oil & Gas Club is an initiative from 2011 established by the Trade Council Russia. The aim of the Club is to provide Danish companies with specific knowledge and information concerning the oil and gas sector, which is the largest contributor to the Russian economy, thus keeping you updated with the current development on the Russian market. You will be invited to participate in different trips to relevant places. The Oil & Gas Club facilitates meetings and seminars on the political level as well as establishing contact between companies representing Danish interests in Russia – paving easier access to the Russian oil and gas sector through the Trade Council’s network throughout Russia, Belarus, and the five Central Asian Republics. As a member of the Oil & Gas Club you will benefit from these networks providing access to potential partners and decision-makers. 87 The Trade Council offers an annual membership in the Oil & Gas Club at the cost of DKK 3,000 As a member you get: 2 hours of counselling from a consultant from the Trade Council (2 hours of each DKK 945, in total value of DKK 1,890); Regular newsletters on important developments in the following sectors: exploration and production; refining and marketing; transportation and exports; Information on activities (roundtables, joint exhibition stands, trips, and other events) organized by the Trade Council. Advantages for your company: Important information on the development in the oil and gas industry Opportunities to expand business and network through the RussianNorwegian cooperation Qualified counselling on urgent matters 88 Best regards Thorbjørn Lindmark Consul General Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg If you are interested in becoming a member of the Oil & Gas Club or should you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Thorbjørn Lindmark Phone: +7 812 703 3900 Email: [email protected] 89 Join us for the RUSSIAN-DANISH “SMART CITY” SEMINAR in Moscow on March 23-24, 2015 The Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg is pleased to invite you to participate in the Russian-Danish Smart city seminar in Moscow on March 23-24, 2015. The seminar will be held in the framework of St. Petersburg Initiative that was launched by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia. Its aim is to improve the environment in the Baltic Region. Last year The Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg and the Federal State Institution Information-Analytical Centre for Development of Water Sector as part of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia signed an agreement on cooperation within the framework of St. Petersburg Initiative. A part of this agreement is to hold a Russian-Danish seminar that will focus on developing the concept “Smart City”: Water & wastewater Environmentally friendly solutions Energy savings District Heating solutions in residential and industrial areas Use of best available technologies The Danish participants are invited to take part in the whole event on March 23-24. 90 The event will consist of: 1. The seminar itself where all Danish companies will be able to make presentations about their products and technologies for the Russian participating companies such as Vodokanals, district heating companies, etc. Preliminary scheduling: March 24, 9.00-12.00 2. A plenary session with the speeches from the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the Russian Federation providing updates on the new legislation and other relevant sector information in terms of the current situation. Preliminary scheduling: March 24, 13.00-17.00 3. Continuation of the plenary session on March 25. The seminar itself where all Danish companies will be able to make presentations about their products and technologies for the Russian participating companies such as Vodokanals, district heating companies, etc. The gain from the seminar will be on how the concept “Smart City” with the use of Danish technologies can be implemented and financed in Russia, and an overview of new legislation in the abovementioned sectors together with financial possibilities for development of new projects. Among participants in St. Petersburg Initiative are: Russian Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment Russian Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector Danish companies from relevant sectors Russian companies from relevant sectors Russian and Danish financial institutions (EKF, etc.) 1 or 2 Danish companies will have an opportunity to make speeches during the plenary session as well. Please, inform us beforehand if you are interested in this. NB! If there are any particular Russian participants/companies you have special interest in inviting to the seminar, please provide us with their names and contact details. Participation fee: For the members of the Energy and Environment club we offer a special price of 2.000 DKK. For non-members the price is 5.500 DKK. Deadline for registration is February 20, 2015! Please reply to Kamila Gimadutsanova Email: [email protected] Phone: +7 (921) 904 50 63 A more detailed program will be sent to you in the weeks up to the seminar. 91 RUSSIAN MARKET VISIT Oil & Gas: Upstream – Downstream – Midstream Contact: The Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg Are you looking for more opportunities within the Oil and Gas sector? Have you considered Russia? Thorbjørn Lindmark Join us for the market visit to Moscow 23 - 26 June, 2015 and get acquainted with the Russian market! Phone +7 (812) 703 3900 E-mail: [email protected] You will gain insight into the Russian market and identify specific opportunities for your company in Russia. You will be brought close to potential partners, customers and projects, including a visit to Russia's major trade fair in oil and gas - the 13th biennial Moscow International Oil & Gas (MIOGE) Exhibition, where you will have the opportunity for B2B meetings with the participating companies. For more information click here In the framework of the MIOGE Exhibition you will also have the opportunity to get B2B meetings with OMZ - a huge Russia-based international heavy industry and manufacturing conglomerate, interested in setting up cooperation with Danish companies. For more information click here 92 A Unique opportunity to get acquainted with the Russian market! In order to provide you with a deeper knowledge we will make presentations on Russia's current Oil & Gas market situation, business culture, and arrange meetings with relevant Russian authorities. We will also look at the opportunities and challenges for your company in terms of sales to Russia. The preliminary programme for the market visit will consist of the following elements Participation at the MIOGE Exhibition B2B meetings with OMZ Meetings and round-table discussions with the Russian Ministry of Energy Meetings and round-table discussions with the Russian Ministry of Natural resources and Environment Briefing about political, economic and legal situation in Russia and what it can mean for your company Reception with the authorities and potential clients/partners at the residence of the Ambassador OMZ is currently looking for strong collaborative partners in the oil and gas industry to join them in addressing the Russian and other CIS markets. A potential partnership with OMZ will consist of the following: Joint launching products in Upstream, Midstream, Downstream in Russia/CIS Selection of product for joint launch in Russian/ CIS market Assessment and confirmation of market Joint development of mutually beneficial business case and routeto-market Joint launch of product partly located at OMZ 93 Participation fee A market visit costs only DKK 11,813. By participating in the market visit each company gets 25 consultancy hours. Moreover, you also get a subsidy of 50 percent of the normal price per hour (in 2015 the price per hour is 945 DKK). If you choose to participate in the market visit, you will get an exceptional opportunity to become a member of the Oil and Gas Club for one year (2015) free of charge. The normal annual membership fee is DKK 2,500. Invitation to the Oil and Gas Club is attached. For more information, please contact: Thorbjørn Lindmark (email: [email protected]) 94 INVITATION Contact: Thorbjørn Lindmark Tlf.: +7 812 703 3900 E-mail: [email protected] Oil Refinery Market Visits Russia, June 1-5, 2015 Kazakhstan, September 14-18, 2015 Are you looking for growth opportunities? Have you been considering Russia and Kazakhstan as potential markets? Join us in Russia on June 1-5 and in Kazakhstan September 7-11 and get a better understanding of the market potential of the 3rd largest oil refinery market in the world. The meeting programme will consist of a series of meetings with oil refineries interested in improving their production facilities. This will help your company to identify specific opportunities for development. In order to get a better understanding of the market, its opportunities and challenges, you will be able to participate in presentations of the business culture in the country. Furthermore, you will get a chance to visit industry specific exhibitions in both countries, which will give you a deeper understanding of the market. You will also have the opportunity to meet with potential partners and customers through B2B meetings. Please contact us no later than March 1, 2015, if you are interested in participating! Kind regards, Thorbjørn Lindmark 95 Facts about the market 68 Oil refineries in Russia, 3 in Kazakstan 30 New Oil refineries in project or construction stage 300 million tons annual refining 71% depth of refining Russia is the third largest player in the world in terms of refining capacity The average depth of oil refining stimulates majority of the refineries to invest heavily in modernisation The production facilities are bound to grow by 50% in the next few years. Tentative program Meetings with oil refineries looking for facilities improvement Visit two International Oil & Gas Exhibitions with focus on refinery Meet potential customers and partners Roundtable discussions with representatives from relevant authorities in Russia and Kazakhstan. This is an unique chance to discuss issues and specific opportunities for your company Briefing on political, economic and legal matters Reception with representatives from the Oil & Gas refinery sector and potential customers and partners For more information on possible exhibitions, please follow the links: Oil. Gas. Geology: 03-05.06.2015 in Tomsk Oil extracting. Oil processing. Chemistry: 09-11.9.2015 in Samara 96 Participation fee The price of the oil refinery market visit will be DKK 11,813 per visit. The price is subject to subsidy from the Trade Council of Denmark. For more information, please contact: Thorbjørn Lindmark E-mail: [email protected] 97 RUSSIAN MARKET VISIT Further Development of Poultry industry Contact: The Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg Marina Piotrovskaya Phone +7 (812) 703 3900 E-mail: [email protected] Are you looking for more opportunities within the agriculture sector? Have you considered Russia? Russia is an economy in transit and is still in the process of developing a favorable business environment. The Russian market is very perspective, because Russia seeks to achieve almost full import substitution in food production. The poultry sector is one of few which can realistically achieve this goal. Accordingly, the poultry industry is one of the most high-potential spheres. Furthermore there is The state program of agricultural development and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials, and food 2013-2020. The state subsidies of agriculture is around RUB 165 billion (approx. EUR 2.2 billion) Join us for this Market Visit to Moscow 24th to 28th August 2015 and get acquainted with the Russian poultry market! You will gain insight into the Russian market and identify specific opportunities for your company in Russia. You will be brought close to potential partners, customers and projects, including a visit the largest exhibition in Russia for small-scale farming achievements demonstration AGRORUS, where you will have the opportunity for B2B meetings with participating companies. For more information click here Please contact us before June 20, 2015! Kind regards Marina Piotrovskaya 98 Preliminary programme In order to provide you with a deeper knowledge we will make presentations on Russia’s current agriculture sector situation, business culture, and arrange meetings with relevant Russian authorities. We will also look at the opportunities and challenges for your company in terms of sales to Russia. For further development of the poultry sector the competitiveness of the industry should be increased. Development of innovative solutions in the field of genetics and selection of all types of poultry, introduction of new techniques and technological methods of deep processing of poultry meat and eggs, in order to expand the range of products, as well as an increase in the share of domestic poultry products on world markets. The preliminary programme for the market visit will consist of the following elements Meetings with committee on Agriculture and Fisheries of the Leningrad Oblast. B2B meetings with poultry factories Visiting the AGRORUS exhibition Briefing about the political, economic and legal situation in Russia and what it can mean for your company Reception with the authorities and potential clients/partners Participation fee A market visit costs only DKK 11,813. By participating in the market visit each company gets 25 consultancy hours. Moreover, you also get a subsidy of 50 percent of the normal price per hour (in 2015 the price per hour is 945 DKK). For more information, please contact: Marina Piotrovskaya (email: [email protected]) 99 INVITATION Power Expo Kazakhstan - 2015 Almaty 27-29. Oktober 2015 100 Har du overvejet som marked? Kasakhstan Kom på markedsbesøg til Almaty den 16-18. september og få et indblik i det kasakhiske marked Du vil på tæt hold få indsigt i det kasakhiske marked og få identificeret konkrete muligheder for din virksomhed i Kasakhstan. Du vil komme tæt på potentielle partnere, kunder og projekter, bl.a. ved at besøge Kasakhstan største messe indenfor energisektoren – Power Expo Kazakhstan, hvor du vil få mulighed for b2b-møder med de deltagende virksomheder. Få mere information om messen på deres hjemmeside: http://www.powerexpo.kz/en/ For at få et dybere kendskab til markedet vil der være præsentationer om Kasakhstans nuværende forretningsmiljøog kultur. Vi vil også se på hvilke muligheder samt udfordringer, der er for netop din virksomhed med henblik på salg til Kasakhstan. Unik mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med det kasakhiske marked! Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog inden onsdag den 27. august. Foreløbigt program Deltagelse på den store messe - Power Expo Kazakhstan 2015. Møde med potentielle kunder og partnere på det kasakhiske marked. Assistance med oversættelse i løbet af messen. Efterfølgende press-release i kasakhiske medier. Fakta om markedet Den kasakhiske middelklasse vokser og får flere og flere penge imellem hænderne Kasakhstan er verdens 9. største land målt i landmasse. Kasakhstan blev i 2014 af Verdensbanken, udnævnt til verdens 50. nemmeste land at gøre forretning i. I 2014 opnåede Kasakhstan en GDP vækst på 6.5% Almaty er landets største by og fungerer som økonomisk, kulturel -og uddannelsescentrum for hele Kasakhstan Der er planlagt mere end 100 projekter med et total budget på 45 milliard USD i Kasakhstan. Kontaktinformation: Olga Limanova, Commercial Adviser Om messen E-mail: [email protected] Power Expo Kazakhstan er blevet afholdt årligt siden 2001 og består af en stor messe samt et forum for interiører med speciale i strøm og energi. Tlf.: +7 495 642 68 00 ext.230 Deltagelsesgebyr Et markedsbesøg koster kun 11.812,50 kr. Ved et markedsbesøg køber hver deltagende virksomhed 25 timer. Der ydes et tilskud på 50 procent af den ordinære timepris (2015-timeprisen er 945 kr.). I 2014 var der 150 udstillinger from eksempelvis Kasakhstan, Ukraine, Rusland, Østrig, Kina, Tjekkiet, Finland, Litauen, Serbien, Polen, Iran og Tyskland. Power Expo Kazakhstan blev i 2012 certificeret som et ”UFI approved event” af den internationale organisation Global Association of the Exhibition Industy (UFI). 101
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