Office of Graduate Medical Education GME CONNECTION Volume 2, Issue 8 October, 2014 A Newsletter for the GME Community From the DIO What role do residents and fellows play on our health care teams? Are they integral members of the care model, or are they providers who supplement the team in the interests of their own learning? The new accreditation standards for our programs raise the expectation that these physiciansin-training will be central to the care of patients and also directly involved in institutional efforts around quality, patient safety, and error reporting. These are areas in which it is difficult to engage the professional staff, let alone trainees. Competing with these expectations are regulatory requirements that are serving to marginalize our learners. Influences like duty hour restrictions, higher standards for attending physician documentation, and requirements for attending DEA numbers on e-prescriptions all serve to diminish the role and responsibility of our trainees. Is the pendulum swinging too far from autonomy to supervision, creating an environment in which it is difficult to train our learners to do what they must learn to do? As we engage in debate about the roles trainees play in specific situations, we all must continue to advocate for an appropriate level of responsibility and engagement for our residents and fellows. Appropriate for patient care, but also appropriate for their education and for their transition to independent practice. ACGME Update 2015 ACGME Annual Educational Conference Call for Abstracts The ACGME is pleased to announce the 2015 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, to be held in San Diego, California at the Manchester Grand Hyatt February 26-March 1, 2015. The ACGME invites abstract submissions for poster presentations at the conference. All abstracts must be submitted by November 14, 2014 at 5:00 PM CST to be considered. Submission details can be viewed at acgmeweb/tabid/197/MeetingsandConferences/ AnnualEducationalConference/CallforAbstracts.aspx. Call for Exhibits For the second time, the ACGME welcomes exhibitors to participate in this year's conference. Information about the Call for Exhibits is available at tabid/426/MeetingsandConferences/ AnnualEducationalConference/CallforExhibitors.aspx. The ACGME welcomes vendors that market educational tools, software, and patient management solutions, as well as pub- Inside This Issue From the DIO Page 1 ACGME Update Page 1 GMEC Page 1 Resident Leadership Council (RLC) Page 2 MMCGME Services Page 2 U of M News Page 2 NRMP Update Page 2 GME News Page 3 Events Page 7 GME Calendar and Contacts Page 8 lishers and non-profit organizations. The deadline to submit applications is January 3, 2015. The 2015 Exhibitor Application is available at fuseaction=rex.login&event_id=8&live_view=Yes. Milestones News The Milestones by Reporting Date document has been updated to include links to all posted Milestone sets: (http:// MilestonesByReportingDate.pdf). Email questions to the Milestones Department: [email protected]. GMEC GMEC meeting agendas, materials, and detailed minutes are available on the GMEC Google Drive site: New Programs Approved Acute Pain and Regional Anesthesiology Fellowship Clinical Molecular Genetics Fellowship Neurocritical Care Fellowship Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management Fellowship GMEC Materials Transitioned from Moodle to Google Drive To ease access to GMEC meeting agendas, attachments and minutes, the GMEC Moodle site is being transitioned to Google Drive. 2014/2015 GMEC meeting materials will be available on Google Drive, with an archive of past materials maintained on the GMEC Moodle site: http:// 1 Welcome New GMEC Members! 2014/2015 RLC Chairs Named Welcome to the following incoming GMEC Members who recently assumed this role: Michael Aylward MD – Program Director, MedicinePediatrics Michael Cullen PhD – Director of Evaluation for GME Barbara Gold MD – University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Gordon Fisher – Education Manager, Department of Medicine Lindsey Kraus – Program Coordinator, Pediatric Fellowships Jessica Kuehn-Hajder MD – Program Director, Diagnostic Radiology Derek Leroux Smith MD – Resident Member, Psychiatry Kristin Mascotti MD – Quality/Patient Safety Representative Anne Pereira MD – Assistant Dean for Clinical Education Hannah Qualls MD – Resident Member, Otolaryngology Mark Rosenberg MD – Vice-Dean for Medical Education Nathan Sit MD – Resident Member, Neurology Ezgi Tiryaki MD – Minneapolis VA Health Care System Marc Weber MD – Program Director, Medicine Fellowships Lora Wichser MD – Resident Member, Psychiatry Three residents have been elected Co-Chairs for the 2014/2015 academic year. We appreciate their willingness to serve, and we look forward to working with them in the year ahead. Tyler Ketterl – Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Eric Nitz – Internal Medicine Hannah Qualls – Otolaryngology Thank You to Outgoing GMEC Members! We would like to acknowledge the following GMEC Members who have recently stepped down and thank them for their contributions to Graduate Medical Education: Holly Boyer MD – Undergraduate Medical Education James Breitenbucher MD – University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Julie Cole – Education Manager, Department of Medicine Linda Burns MD – Program Director, Medicine Fellowships Faith Courchane – Program Coordinator, Otolaryngology Kent Crossley MD – Minneapolis VA Health Care System Tim Emory MD – Program Director, Diagnostic Radiology Sheiphali Gandhi MD – Resident Member, Internal Medicine Mojca Konia MD – Program Director, Anesthesiology Adam Rizvi MD – Resident Member, Neurology Resident Leadership Council (RLC) RLC meeting agendas, materials, and detailed minutes are available on the RLC Google Drive site: RLC Meeting Materials Transitioned from Moodle to Google Drive To ease access to RLC meeting agendas, attachments and minutes, the RLC Moodle site is being transitioned to Google Drive. 2014/2015 RLC meeting materials will be available on Google Drive, with an archive of past materials maintained on the RLC Moodle site: Thank You to Outgoing RLC Chairs! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing RLC Co-Chairs for their service during the 2013/2014 academic year. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Sheiphali Gandhi – Internal Medicine Adam Rizvi – Neurology MMCGME Services The latest news, announcements and information is available at http:// Contact Troy Taubenheim with questions ([email protected]). New Innovations Training Opportunity MMCGME Services will be hosting a New Innovations trainer to train Program Coordinators, Department/GME Staff, Education Managers and Program Directors on updates to RMS on October 28 and 29, 2014. Areas of focus include: NEW Evaluation Reports, Milestones Management and Time Off Management. Click on your RMS Home Page for detailed information and a schedule of training topics. GME Funding Disaster Planning Exercise Results The MMCGME Board will host a presentation and discussion on GME Funding Disaster Planning Exercise Results. MMCGME -community hospitals and University departments participated in a funding disaster planning exercise last spring, and the MMCGME Joint Administrative Oversight Committee members will discuss the results of this exercise on October 29, 2014 from 7:00-9:00 AM at Coffman Memorial Union's Campus Club. The University Clinical Sciences Council Members and their designees are invited to attend. U of M News Board of Regents—New Programs Approved Acute Pain and Regional Anesthesiology Fellowship Integrated Orthopaedic Surgery/Neurological Surgery Clinical Molecular Genetics Fellowship Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship Pediatric Neuroradiology Fellowship NRMP Update NRMP Liaison Change We have transitioned the role of NRMP liaison within the GME Office to Tanya Madson. Please contact Tanya ([email protected] or 612-626-4959) with quota changes, name updates, and other interactions with NRMP requiring our support. She will also be issuing any necessary communications from our office to you. 2 Thanks to Lori Payne for her work with NRMP over the last several years. We will continue to make use of her experience in this area within the GME Office. 2015 Main Match The 2015 Main Match is currently underway. Reminders: January 2015 - The Match Week event timeline/ information will be sent to all Main Match programs. January 31, 2015 - Quota Change Deadline. As this date is a Saturday, requests for quota changes must be communicated to Dr. Andrews and Tanya Madson by Wednesday, January 28th by 3:00 PM (CST). You will be asked to fill out a form providing justification for your change, Completion of this form is required before your request will be accepted. February 25, 2015 - Rank Order Lists must be certified by 8:00 PM (CST). Ensure your rank order lists are certified prior to the deadline. NRMP’s R3 system is likely to have a high amount of traffic near the 8:00 PM deadline, and technical issues may ensue. GME News 2015/2016 Resident/Fellow Stipend Rates, Contract, Benefit Premiums The 2015/2016 resident and fellow stipend rates, contract and benefit premiums will be voted on during the November 25, 2014 GMEC meeting. Once approved, all will be posted to the GME website. AIR Survey Completed Data submission for the Annual Institutional Review (AIR) survey is now closed and we are happy to report that the completion rate for this important survey was extremely high. We would like to personally thank the many people who played a part in completing these surveys, including all Program Coordinators, Program Directors, members of Program Evaluation Committees, and others. At this point, all programs should have received PDF copies of their completed surveys (please let Dr. Michael Cullen know if you did not receive yours). We hope that these completed surveys will be a useful guide for program improvement, and in preparation for self-study visits. Centrally, we have begun the effort to aggregate all of this data into a central database. This database will allow us to identify, in some detail, institutional-level trends in resident performance, graduate performance, faculty development and program quality. In the near future, there will be opportunities to discuss how this data, and the trends identified, can best be used to improve the clinical learning environment of both trainees and faculty. As always, we welcome your ideas and engagement in this discussion. As is the case with any new effort to collect data, there have been some challenges along the way. We have been keeping track of your suggestions for improving the data collection process, and will use them to improve the process next year. In the near future, we will also hold a debriefing session to discuss some of these opportunities with you. Once again, thank you for your efforts in completing this important survey. Betsy Wehrwein Receives Coordinator Excellence Award Betsy Wehrwein is the recipient of the 2014 University of Minnesota GME Program Coordinator Excellence Award. Ms. Wehrwein has been the Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Coordinator since 2008. This prestigious award was presented to Ms. Wehrwein at GME Grand Rounds on Tuesday June 10, 2014. We appreciate Ms. Wehrwein’s dedication to operational excellence and her accomplishments broadening the reach of her program both locally and nationally. Please join us in congratulating Ms. Wehrwein on this tremendous achievement. Ebola and GME The Ebola epidemic in West Africa presents a rapidly evolving public health situation. Following the infection of two health care workers in Texas, there has been much energy devoted to preparedness to care for cases should they present in Minnesota. Information about these efforts is made available from the Center for Disease Control, the Minnesota Department of Health and University of Minnesota Physicians. Links to this information are provided on the GME website Bulletin Board ( Updates will be posted here as well. GME Evaluation Resources GME office has a number of evaluation resources available via the GME shared Google Drive: tab=mo#folders/0BxnVt9wW9x0meE5JM1MwWUlxOHM. Some of the broad topics touched on include: ACGME Conference Materials; Annual Institutional Review (AIR); Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER); Curriculum Development; Faculty Development; Faculty Evaluation; Institutional and Common Core Requirements; Next Accreditation System; Program Evaluation; Resident and Fellow Selection; Resident and Fellow Evaluation (Milestone); Resident and Fellow Evaluation (Non-Milestone); Resident and Fellow Development and Remediation; Self-study Visits. These resources are a work-in-progress; we will continue to update them periodically. If your program has any documents related to these issues that it would be willing to share with 3 the broader GME community, please feel free to upload them to the appropriate folder. Alternatively, we would be happy to upload them on your behalf. Thank you for your help making these resources as useful as possible to our GME community. GME Orientation—Thank You to Volunteers! GME Administration would like to thank everyone who volunteered to help on June 17th and July 2nd to make our New Resident/Fellow Orientation sessions a success. It is due to your hard work and willingness to assist that the days went smoothly, and we greatly appreciate your assistance. Many thanks to the following: Sacha Brueggemann, Pediatric Dentistry Pat Bulgerin, Neurology Valerie Cole, Pediatrics Carly Dolan, Neurology Kelly Grahek, Rheumatology Lindsey Kraus, Pediatrics Jenny McDaniel, Pathology Betsy Wehrwein, Orthopaedic Surgery Lisa Wichman, Nephrology June Grand Rounds Video Link On June 10, 2014, Dr. David Goodman presented an excellent talk entitled, "Improving the Physician Workforce through Graduate Medical Education Reform". Because of the venue where it was hosted, we were able to video record the event, available at Full/e270c1a437c142d99cffb6576c592bcd21. When viewing, enlarge the window by clicking on the icon at the upper right of the video and you will be able to see the slides. New Program Coordinator Orientation GME Program Coordinators play a vital role in managing their program(s) and trainee(s). GME Administration recognizes the Coordinator as an important partner, as do Program Directors and other stakeholders. To offer Coordinators a supportive onboarding experience that provides them with the information, tools, and resources necessary to being successful in their position, GME Administration has established bimonthly New Program Coordinator Orientation Sessions. The purpose of this orientation is to introduce new Program Coordinators, Assistant Program Coordinators, etc. to the role they play in relation to central GME, provide them with information about the ACGME and NAS, help them understand their role in the onboarding/advancing of trainees, and other relevant topics. This session is meant to supplement the orientation provided by the department/program. Education Managers and Department Administrators are supportive of these sessions. GME Administration expects that all new Coordinators will attend this session within the first two to three months of employment. GME staff may also schedule 1:1 meetings with new coordinators to discuss complex topics (i.e. program agreements, onboarding checklist requirements, visa management, etc.). Additional information: Who: All new Program Coordinators, Assistant Program Coordinators, and any other program staff who may benefit; What: GME Orientation for New Program Coordinators; Where: B-646 Mayo (unless otherwise specified); When: Second Tuesday of every-other month, from 11:00 AM-2:00 PM (immediately following the Coordinator meeting - lunch will be served); Note: The bi-monthly orientation session may be canceled based upon need. For additional information please see the "Coordinator Onboarding and Orientation Resources" web page under "Program Coordinator Resources" on the GME website ( programresources/CoordinatorNewCoordinatorToolkitforSuccess/home.html). Onboarding/Advancing Update The GME office facilitated its first year of centralized onboarding for new and advancing trainees for AY 2014-2015. Residents and fellows starting new programs in 2014 have successfully completed on-boarding requirements and advancing residents and fellows have completed advancement requirements. The centralization of trainee transitions has led to visibility in many areas that can be improved. The GME office is in the midst of several process-improvement projects (influenced in part by program coordinator and resident/ fellow survey results regarding onboarding/advancing for AY 14-15) which will lead to a smoother resident and fellow transition process for the trainees themselves, programs, and other UMN stakeholders for AY 2015-2016. If you have any questions regarding transition requirements for trainees, contact Tanya Madson: [email protected], 612-626-4959. Resident/Fellow Parking During Gopher and Viking Football Home Games University faculty and staff recently received an announcement from Parking and Transportation Services regarding how their personal contracts will be managed during Gopher and Viking Football home games this fall. That announcement does NOT apply to residents/fellows. Parking arrangements for resident/fellow contracts are being managed differently: Resident/Fellow Parking in the OAK STREET and WASHINGTON AVENUE RAMPS on Gopher and Viking Football Game Days: Washington Avenue Ramp: Residents/fellows who have a contract (their own or through their department) in the Washington Avenue Ramp are NOT able to park in the Washington Avenue Ramp during home Gopher and Viking football home games. The relocation facility for the Washington Avenue Ramp is the East River Road Garage on game day for work purposes ONLY. 4 Oak Street Ramp Contracts Purchased through University Parking Services: Residents and fellows who have a contract (their own or through their department) for the Oak Street Ramp that was purchased through University Parking Services ARE able to park in the Oak Street Ramp during home Gopher and Viking football games for work purposes ONLY. They need to enter the ramp at the Oak Street entrance so they can use the card readers to enter. University identification and keycard are required for access. Parking and Transportation Services will remind and advise parking attendants and traffic control staff that there are legitimate parking contracts FOR THE RESIDENTS AND FELLOWS at Oak Street Ramp on football game days. Residents and fellows who encounter problems with parking access on game days should call 612-626PARK (or ask the attendant to call 612-626-PARK) and they will be helped. Use the name VICKI NELSON, stating that she has approved an exemption for residents and fellows to have access to their contract spaces in the Oak Street ramp. Oak Street Ramp Contracts Purchased through UMMC/ Fairview Parking Office: Oak Street Ramp parking contracts that were purchased through the UMMC/Fairview Parking Office(individual and departmental) are being relocated to the UMMC Patient/Visitor Ramp on game days for work purposes ONLY, per arrangements made between the University and the Fairview Parking Director, Jeff Karr. Resident/Fellow Parking in the UMMC PATIENT/VISITOR RAMP (University Campus) on Gopher and Viking Football Game Days: Parking space is limited in the UMMC Patient/Visitor Ramp (University campus) and must be available to patients and visitors. After providing a $25 deposit for a parking card, residents and fellows are permitted to park in the UMMC Patient/Visitor Ramp on the University campus on Gopher and Viking Football game days for work purposes ONLY. Parking Department personnel will be monitoring the entrance. Video surveillance is in place and violators will be charged for their parking. Residents and fellows are required to use their UMMC identification badge, programmed with parking access, to enter and exit the ramp. Contact Mira Jurich with questions ([email protected]). If you plan to attend a Gopher or Viking football game, you may purchase a pre-paid parking coupon for a reduced rate of $10, during regular business hours prior to game day, from the UMMC parking office (Mayo B-340 or Riverside East Building MB218). This parking coupon is valid in the Patient/Visitor Ramp on the East Bank campus. The coupons are available on a limited basis. No employee discount will be available at the gate on game day. If you do not have the pre-paid coupon, you will be charged the General Public parking rate of $20-$40. Date & Time Game Info Sun. 11/2/14, 12:00 PM Minnesota Vikings vs. Washington Sat. 11/8/14, time TBA Minnesota Gophers vs. Iowa Sat. 11/15/14, time TBA Minnesota Gophers vs. Ohio State Sun. 11/23/14, 12:00 PM Minnesota Vikings vs. Green Bay Sun. 11/30/14, 12:00 PM Minnesota Vikings vs. Carolina Sun. 12/7/14, 12:00 PM Minnesota Vikings vs. New York Jets Sun. 12/28/14, 12:00 PM Minnesota Vikings vs. Chicago Resident Leadership Academy Established We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Resident Leadership Academy (RLA) at the University of Minnesota. This is an off-shoot of the UMMS-sponsored leadership program for physicians (the Emerging Physician Leadership Program, or EPLP). The aims of the program are to: Teach skills relevant to organizational leadership to a promising group of residents; Engage this group of residents in institutional goals and priorities, where they can play a significant contributing role; Invest in the development of trainees who have the potential to be future leaders at this institution beyond their residency training. The program is one year in length. It meets for one day each month from September 2014-July 2015 (without a session in December) for a total of ten seminars. The curriculum is casebased with quality improvement initiatives as a guiding theme. We also devote time during each session to the exploration of leadership principles with the executive leadership of University of Minnesota Health and its community partners. Seasonal Influenza Immunization ALL RESIDENTS AND FELLOWS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A FLU SHOT AND REPORT ON THEIR VACCINATION STATUS BY NOVEMBER 1, 2014. Our affiliated hospitals (e.g., Regions Hospital, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Medical Center) require seasonal flu vaccines for all providers. Consistent with these policies as well as those governing immunization status of AHC trainees working in clinical areas, we require all trainees in our GME programs to document seasonal influenza vaccination or a valid medical contraindication. You can obtain an influenza vaccine free of charge through these methods (click on links for more information): Boynton Health Service Clinic: public-health/flu.htm; Affiliated Hospital Clinics: d/1cfVAgu1FR4qxnzryCSqdFiYdQq8K3pKGEXw4oFaOEMQ /edit?pli=1#heading=h.kxwyj6xxjx7r. 5 The VA Medical Center, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, Park Nicollet Medical Center, and Hennepin County Medical Center all offer influenza vaccines to all who work there including residents and fellows. In addition to receiving a flu vaccine, you must also report that you have done so. This allows us to attest to the immunization status of trainees to affiliates. You will be receiving an RMS checklist step to complete. The step contains a link to a VERY SHORT survey to complete AFTER you have received your flu shot OR if you have a medical contraindication to the flu shot. Process: Get your flu shot Log-in to RMS and view the 14/15 UMN GME Fall Requirements checklist. RMS Log-in Information New-Innovation (RMS) Website: Institution Login: mmcgme *Contact Tanya Madson at [email protected] if you have forgotten your password or if you have issues accessing the Influenza Shot Survey. View the “14/15 UMN GME Influenza Vaccination Confirmation” RMS checklist step. (This must be completed by ALL trainees, including those with medical contraindications.) Access the Survey within the RMS checklist step via the link provided. Once you have submitted your survey, check the box next to the RMS step to mark as complete. All influenza vaccinations MUST be completed by November 1, 2014. You will receive RMS reminders during the next few weeks. Last year, over 99% of our trainees documented their status and over 98% of our trainees were vaccinated. It was a remarkably successful effort that I hope we will duplicate this year. Let me know if you have questions. I appreciate your efforts to comply with this important health and patient safety initiative. John S Andrews MD Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education / Designated Institution Official (DIO) Ph: 612-625-7634; Email: [email protected] Welcome! Welcome to the following incoming Program Directors who recently assumed this role: David Anderson MD – Vascular Neurology Michelle Dolan MD – Clinical Molecular Genetics Megan Clinton MD – Pediatric Anesthesiology Kristen Hook MD – Pediatric Dermatology Jacob Hutchins MD – Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine Jessica Kuehn-Hajder MD – Diagnostic Radiology Michael Lee MD – Ophthalmology Cindy Martin MD – Advanced Heart Failure Brian McClune MD – Hematology/Oncology Robert Morgan MD – Integrated Orthopaedic Surgery/ Neurological Surgery David Nascene MD – Pediatric Neuroradiology Kathryn Nixdorf MD – Pain Medicine Megan Nolan MD – Anesthesiology Heather Pett-Taylor MD – Family Medicine, Duluth Rwoof Reshi MD – Neurocritical Care Michael Rosenberg MD – Vascular and Interventional Radiology Anthony Santiago MD – Neurology Allison Shiffern MD – Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Benjamin Spilseth MD – Thoracoabdominal Imaging Sophia Yohe MD – Molecular Genetic Pathology Welcome to the following incoming Program Coordinators and Education Managers who recently assumed this role: Mischelle Berglund – Integrated Orthopaedic Surgery/ Neurological Surgery Pam Coppa – Infectious Disease Fellowship; Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Kate Dean – Family Medicine, Duluth Gordon Fisher – Department of Medicine Karen Grabau – Nephrology Tracy Hollom – Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Duane Orlovski – Internal Medicine EmmaLee Pallai - Hematology and Medical Oncology; Hematology Research Amy Palmer – Internal Medicine Tammy Pederson – Family Medicine, Methodist Trisha Pederson – Obstetrics and Gynecology Melissa Stevens – Family Medicine and Community Health Thank You! We would like to acknowledge the following Program Directors who have recently stepped down and thank them for their contributions to Graduate Medical Education: Miles Belgrade MD – Pain Medicine Linda Burns MD – Hematology/Oncology Michelle Dolan MD – Molecular Genetic Pathology Tim Emory MD – Diagnostic Radiology Gary Francis MD – Advanced Heart Failure Mojca Konia MD – Anesthesiology Charles Dietz MD – Vascular and Interventional Radiology Robert Taylor MD – Vascular Neurology Ezgi Tiryaki MD – Neurology Kevin Walker MD – Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Martha Wright MD – Ophthalmology We would like to acknowledge the following Program Coordinators and Education Managers who have recently stepped down and thank them for their contributions to Graduate Medical Education: 6 Jo Belvedere – Infectious Disease; Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Michael Boland – Internal Medicine Keith Carlson – Family Medicine and Community Health Nicole Castro – Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Julie Cole – Department of Medicine Julie Lonetto – Family Medicine, Duluth Brenda Mueller - Family Medicine, Methodist Erin Mustonen – Internal Medicine Tammy Pederson – Obstetrics and Gynecology Trisha Pederson – Pediatric Radiology; Vascular and Interventional Radiology Amy Lillibridge Sadowski – Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Zhac Rahkonen – Hematology and Medical Oncology; Hematology Research Lisa Wichman – Nephrology Events Diversity as a Vital Component of Health Systems Change Please join us at the DOM/GME Grand Rounds and Dean's Forum on Enhancing Diversity & Inclusion at the Medical School on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 12:15 PM in the Mayo Auditorium. Marc A. Nivet, EdD, MBA, Chief Diversity Officer for the Association of American Medical Colleges will present "Diversity as a Vital Component of Health Systems Change”. Light refreshments will be served. Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion in the Medical School An important discussion about diversity in our Medical School will take place on Thursday, October 30, 2014, from 4:30-6:30 PM. in Mayo Auditorium (Reception: 4:30 PM; Program: 5:006:00 PM). The keynote speaker will be Marc A. Nivet, EdD, MBA, Chief Diversity Officer for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The event will include a special presentation by the Hippocrates Café, directed by Jon Hallberg MD, Family Medicine and Community Health. This event aims to advance and cultivate our diversity goals. Faculty, staff, students, residents and fellows are strongly encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be served. Information is available at u=d957cd042601ddafab53779a8&id=0ec84f8da9&e=807cac0 233. 7 GME CALENDAR and CONTACTS EVENTS GMEC Meeting (4th Tuesday of Every Month) Resident Leadership Council Meeting (4th Tuesday of Every Month) DOM/GME Grand Rounds and Dean's Forum on Enhancing Diversity & Inclusion at the Medical School: Diversity as a Vital Component of Health Systems Change - Marc A Nivet, EdD, MBA, Chief Diversity Officer for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion in the Medical School - Marc A Nivet, EdD, MBA, Chief Diversity Officer for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) New Resident/Fellow Orientation DATE October 28, 2014 October 28, 2014 TIME 3:30 – 5:30 PM 5:30 – 6:30 PM LOCATON B646 Mayo B646 Mayo October 30, 2014 12:15-1:15 PM Mayo Auditorium October 30, 2014 Reception: 4:30 PM Program: 5:00-6:00 PM Mayo Auditorium June 17 and July 1, 2015 TBA TBA SUBMISSION DEADLINES FOR GMEC & RLC AGENDA ITEMS MEETING DATE October 28, 2014 November 25, 2014 SUBMISSION DEADLINE October 21, 2014 November 18, 2014 December Meeting CANCELED January 27, 2015 NA January 20, 2015 The GME Meetings and Events Google Calendar is available on the GME website via the left navigation bar. It can also be selected in your list of Google calendars. The calendar is updated in real time and captures all important meetings in GME Administration. Graduate Medical Education Administration University of Minnesota Medical School 420 Delaware Street S.E., MMC 293 Minneapolis, MN 55455 Fax: 612-624-1050 Name Title John Andrews MD Michael Cullen PhD Carol Sundberg Erica King Tanya Madson Carla Nelson Lori Payne Rebecca French Brittany Marcus-Blank Scott Slattery PhD Office Associate Dean for GME / DIO Director of Evaluation Director of Operations Visa & Education Projects Manager / Program Accreditation Specialist Resident/Fellow Affairs Specialist Administrative Coordinator / Assistant to Associate Dean / GMEC & RLC Coordinator Compliance Manager / Program Accreditation Specialist Student Worker Evaluation Intern Director of Learner Development Phone Email G254-13 Mayo G254-10 Mayo G254-2 Mayo G254-7 Mayo 612-626-4009 612-626-1129 612-626-3317 612-624-9641 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] G254-8 Mayo G254 Mayo 612-626-4959 612-625-7634 [email protected] [email protected] G254-7 Mayo G254-8 Mayo G254-7 Mayo B609 Mayo 612-626-3479 612-626-2877 612-626-7295 612-626-7196 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Please email Carla Nelson ([email protected]) with suggestions or contributions to our newsletter Archived issues of the GME Connection are available on the GME website: Follow us on Twitter @UMNGME
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