Next generation image analysis for immunohistochemistry quantitation Ben Vainer Department of Pathology, Rigshospitalet University of Copenhagen Medical Center ” Men are only so good as their technical developments allows them to be. George Orwell Visiopharm’s User Group Meeting 2015 Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Inter-laboratory variation Eight North American and European laboratories. “At a hypothetical 13.5% cutoff, there are 32.3% cases that Laboratory D would call high Ki67 but Laboratory B would call low Ki67.” ”Our data suggest that even if a common Ki67 cutoff is agreed upon, lack of interlaboratory reproducibility in Ki67 measurements represents a major obstacle to confident use of Ki67 for clinical decisions.” 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Intralaboratory variation Same 50 breast cancer cases (two 1 mm-cores from each) assessed on three consequtive days. Numerical differences. 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Three pathologists, using their own scoring method Interval < 2 months 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Manual counting Image analysis Eyeballing Laboratory variation - Ki67 in breast cancer 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Andre metoder Hot spots Vyberg & Røge, NordiQC Overall estimate Hvor tælles? Rigshospitalet, Københavns Universitet Explanations…? Counting method Experience Vyberg & Røge, NordiQC 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen How can we improve the assessment? 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen A: Same pathologist, 2 weeks interval B: Digital assessment, 2 weeks interval Visiopharms software 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Neuroendocrine tumours in the gastrointestinal tract Cutoff-values in neuroendocrine tumours • G1: <2 mitoses per HPF and Ki67 2% • G2: 2-20 mitoses per HPF and/or Ki67 2.1-20% • G3: >20 mitoses per HPF and/or Ki67>20% • Mitosis count in 50 HPF (2 mm2) • Ki67 proliferation index in hot spots (500-2000 cells) ENETS Consensus Guidelines. Neuroendocrinology 2012; 95. 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Digital photos ImmunoRatio software Original proliferation indices (PI): From pathology reports Re-assessment PI: One ”qualified” pathologist 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen 22 cases from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Eyeball-estimate (EE) Manual counting (MC) of 2000 cells (!) Digital image analysis (Aperio’s QIA-algorithm) Manual selection of hot-spots Manuel exclusion of stained non-tumour cells 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen HER2-CONNECT in breast cancer Breast Cancer Res Treat 2012; 132: 41-9. 99.5 % konkordans med FISH 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen The Rigshospitalet study Holten-Rossing H, Talman MLM, Kristensson M, Vainer B: Optimizing HER2 assessment in breast cancer application of automated image analysis. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2015 • 462 breast cancer samples • TMA with automated dearraying • Zeiss Axio Scan Z.1 • Visiopharm’s cloud-based software 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Results HER2 IHC assessment Classification Image Analysis 0/1+ 2+ 3+ Total Manual reading 673 68 0 41 0 18 673 127 0 741 0 41 104 122 104 904 90.5% 0.741 0/1+ 2+ 3+ Total Agreement Cohen´s kappa HER2 FISH assessment Classification Image Analysis Negative Equivocal Amplification Total Manual Reading Negative Equivocal Amplification 738 0 3 40 0 1 14 0 108 792 0 112 Total 741 41 122 904 93.6% 0.758 Agreement Cohen´s kappa 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Results HER2 IHC assessment Classificatio n Manual 0/1+ reading 2+ 3+ Total Agreement Cohen´s kappa Image Analysis 0/1+ 2+ 3+ Total 673 68 0 741 0 18 104 122 673 127 104 904 90.5% 0.741 Amplification Total 0 41 0 41 HER2 FISH assessment Image Analysis Classification Negative Equivocal Manual Reading Negative Inconclusive Amplification 738 0 3 40 0 1 14 0 108 792 0 112 Total 741 41 122 904 93.6% 0.758 Agreement Cohen´s kappa 67% reduced need for reflex testing (FISH) 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Results HER2 IHC assessment Classificatio n Manual 0/1+ reading 2+ 3+ Total Agreement Cohen´s kappa Image Analysis 0/1+ 2+ 3+ Total 673 68 0 741 0 18 104 122 673 127 104 904 90.5% 0.741 Amplification Total 0 41 0 41 HER2 FISH assessment Image Analysis Classification Negative Equivocal Manual Reading Negative Equivocal Amplification 738 0 3 40 0 1 14 0 108 792 0 112 Total 741 41 122 904 93.6% 0.758 Agreement Cohen´s kappa 67% reduceret behov for reflex-testing (FISH) When adjusting the build-in cutoff to optimal values: Equivocal: 1.4% Reduced need for FISH: 90% 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Other applications • Ki67 proliferation index in other tumour types • PHH3 as a substitute for mitoses count • Other diagnostic, prognostic or predictive markers • Unambiguous staining / cell marking • ”Translation” to clinically relevant information 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Malignant melanoma 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen HPV-positive orophangyal cancer 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Using automated image analysis to prognosticate HPV+ oropharyngeal carcinomas Virtual double staining with serial sections of CK5 and marker of interest (Visiopharm) • Ki67 • PHH3 • PD-L1 (T-cell modulator) Hani Channir, Rigshospitalet, UCPH Ki67 CK5 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Challenges Visiopharm’s User Group Meeting 2015 Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Selection of invasive areas in breast cancer – automated elimination of DCIS Torben Steiniche, Aarhus 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Virtual double staining 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Alignment and analysis Ki67 CK Analysis: Identification of positive/negative cells. Exclusion of CKnegative cells. Michael Grunkin, Visiopharm 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Example: Ki67 in breast cancer Ki67 Visiopharm (Novartis Cambridge) 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Automated detection of hot spots (Visiopharm) Heatmaps 8/20 = 40% Positive cells 4/4 = 100% Visually more dense…! Negative cells Thomas Ebstrup, Visiopharm 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Digital hot spot-detektion – example (Visiopharm) Ki67 Negative heatmap CK Positive heatmap Index-heatmap 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen Next generation immunoassessment - Why? • Minimal inter- and intraobserver variation • Same result every time • Likelyhood for a given treatment is identical for all patients • Increased patient safety • • • • Correct and exact algorithms Stable laboratory work-up Possibly adjustment of treatment protocols Integration with existing reporting systems and databases 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen ” When the winds of change blows, some people build walls, while others build windmills. Chinese proverb 2nd NordiQC Conference on Applied Immunohistochemistry Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen
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