NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF CLASS ACTION TO: All persons from whom Urban Outfitters, Inc. or Anthropologie, Inc. requested and recorded ZIP codes in conjunction with an in-store credit card purchase transaction in California from February 15, 2010 through February 10, 2011 (the “Class”). IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THIS CLASS OF PERSONS, YOU SHOULD READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY BECAUSE IT WILL AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS. The Court has certified this lawsuit known as Dremak, et al. v. Urban Outfitters, Inc., et al., Case No. 37-201100085814-CU-BT-CTL, as a class action. This notice informs you of your rights and options and the deadlines by which you must act. If you are a member of the Class of persons as described above, you have to decide whether to stay in the Class and be bound by the results of the lawsuit, or ask to be excluded by the Court and keep your right to separately sue Urban Outfitters or Anthropologie. The judgment in this lawsuit, whether favorable or not, will bind all Class members who do not request exclusion by December 18, 2014. WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUT? The Court has certified this lawsuit as a class action. The lawsuit claims that defendants Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie (“Defendants”) violated California Civil Code § 1747.08 by requesting and recording ZIP Codes from customers during credit card purchase transactions at retail stores located in California. Defendants deny allegations of wrongdoing and deny that any Class member is entitled to any relief. The Court has not determined whether the Class or Defendants are right. There is no money available now and no guarantee that there will be. The lawyers for the Class will have to prove their claims at trial. A trial has been set for April 3, 2015. The Court has appointed Blood Hurst & O’Reardon, LLP and Stonebarger Law as Class Counsel to represent you and the other Class members, and designated Andrew Dremak, Donna Motta, and Anne Nicolucci as Class Representatives. YOUR OPTIONS IN THIS LAWSUIT 1. STAY IN THIS LAWSUIT. If you want to remain a Class member and stay in this lawsuit, you do not have to do anything at this time. By doing nothing, your claims will be resolved in this lawsuit. You cannot separately sue any of the Defendants. The judgment, rulings and orders in this case, whether favorable or unfavorable, will be binding upon you. However, if any money or benefits are awarded after trial or settlement, you will be notified about how to obtain your share. If you do not request exclusion, you may enter an appearance through your own counsel, but are not required to do so. If you retain separate counsel, you will be responsible for the fees and expenses of your attorney. 2. ASK TO BE EXCLUDED. You have a right to exclude yourself from the Class. If you exclude yourself, your claims against the Defendants will not be resolved in this lawsuit and you will retain your right to separately pursue your claims at your own cost. However, if any money or benefits are awarded in this class action, you won’t share in those. To ask to be excluded, you must send a letter postmarked by December 18, 2014, to Dremak v. Urban Outfitters Class Action, c/o Dahl Administration, P.O. Box 3614, Minneapolis, MN 55403-0614. The letter must state that you want to be excluded from Dremak v. Urban Outfitters, Inc., and include your full name, address, and telephone number. Please be sure to sign the letter. GETTING MORE INFORMATION You may examine and copy the filed documents and orders in this case during regular business hours at the offices of the Clerk of the Court, San Diego Superior Court, 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, California 92101. Certain other documents and information are also available at,, and You can also contact Class Counsel by letter or email at the following addresses: Urban Outfitters Class Action, Blood Hurst & O’Reardon, 701 B Street, Suite 1700, San Diego, CA 92101 or [email protected]. You can also call Class Counsel at 619338-1100. PLEASE DO NOT ADDRESS ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS LAWSUIT TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT, THE JUDGE, COUNSEL FOR URBAN OUTFITTERS AND ANTHROPOLOGIE, OR TO ANY URBAN OUTFITTERS OR ANTHROPOLOGIE AGENT OR EMPLOYEE. They are not permitted to answer your questions. DATED: November 3, 2014 /s/ The Honorable Joel M. Pressman JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO
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