NEWSLETTER ISSUE 13 HIGHLIGHTS SADC gears toward launching their Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation Project EAC held the first regional consultation on an AU Model Law on Regulation and Harmonization of Medical Products NEPAD Agency designates Regional Centres of Regulatory Excellence (RCOREs) for better regulatory capacity development in Africa The NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency designated in May 2014 fi rst regional RCOREs with the aim of increasing regulatory capacity development in Africa. RCOREs are institutions or partnership of institutions with specific regulatory science expertise as well as training capacities. As an initiative of the NEPAD African Regulatory Harmonisation (AMRH) programme, the designation of RCOREs was inclusive, participatory and followed clear and transparent procedures. Undertaking consultations with key stakeholders and experts prior to the launch of the process was a very starting point in order to get constructive comments, views and advices. The selection process started with the call for applications of expression of interests in October 2013; which was followed by the assessment of applications received. Approval and selection was based on eligibility criteria which were stated in the call for bid and expression of interests. Upcoming Events To be designated as an RCORE, the following issues were taken into consideration: regulatory capability, training capacity, governance and management system, and infrastructure. AMRH towards implementing a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (ME&L) Framework and Impact Assessment Tool The regulatory capacity entails the technical leadership and capability to accomplish its assigned mission in at last one category of regulatory functions identified in an outstanding manner. The training capacity implies that an RCORE must have adequate technical personnel to undertake the regulatory functions and/ or training in one of the identified category. NEPAD Agency AMRH Programme efforts in Regulatory Curriculum Development and Fellowship Programmes On the other hand, the governance and management system implies that the institution or partners of institutions constituting an RCORE must have an approved governance structure with proven governance and support structures. The infrastructure side means that the institution or partner of institutions must have required resources (fi nancial, administrative, and physical) to perform its mandate or functions. A total of ten (10) RECOREs were designated and are scattered on the African continent. The WHO Collaborating Centre for Advocacy and Training in Pharmacovigilanance located in the University of Ghana Medical School and the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) of Kenya were designated as RECOREs in Pharmacovigilance. The Kilimanjaro School of Pharmacy; St. Luke’s Foundation in Tanzania and the Centre for Drug Discovery, Development and Production (University of Ibadan) in Nigeria were designated as RCOREs in training in core regulatory functions. The WHO Collaborating Centre for the Quality Assurance of Medicines (NWU - Potchefto next page ISSUE 13 PAGE 2 from page 1 stroom Campus) in South Africa was designated as an RCORE in Quality Assurance and Quality Control of medicines. The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) was designated for medicine registration and evaluation, Quality Assurance/Quality Control and clinical trials oversight. On the other hand, the National Drug Authority (NDA) in Uganda was designated as an RCORE in licencing of the manufacture, import, export, distribution and; inspection and surveillance of manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and dispensers of medicines. The General Directorate of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratories together with the University of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso were designated as an RCORE in clinical trials oversight. The Ghana- ian Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) was designated for medicine evaluation and registration and clinical trials oversight; and the Tanzania Food and Drug Authority (TFDA) in partnership with the School of Pharmacy Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) were designated as an RCORE in medicine evaluation and registration. The role of RCOREs in the advancement of the public health sector in Africa is very crucial. The main reason laying at the foundation of RCOREs are mainly regulatory capacity challenges that African Regulatory Authorities and the pharmaceutical industry were facing. RCOREs will therefore have a greater role to play by producing a competent regulatory workforce. As an effective medicines regulation requires a regulatory science expertise, RCOREs will develop a critical mass of regulatory expertise in different categories mainly through the provision of academic and technical training in regulatory science. Skills enhancement through handson training, twinning and exchange programmes among National Regulatory Authorities (NMRAs); and practical training though placement in pharmaceutical industry and/ or NMRAs are other methods RCOREs will use to deliver their mandate and functions. The process of designation of RCOREs would not have been successful without the support of the AMRH partners and stakeholders. A continued and committed partnership with NMRAs and the African Union member States and external partners will lead to the success of the RCOREs and to further initiatives directed towards the strengthening of the public health on the African Continent. SADC gears toward launching their Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation Project Meeting participants group photo Mr Godfrey Kadewele (Malawi), Mr Joseph Mthetwa (SADC Secretariat) and Mr Hitti Sillo (Tanzania) having a brief chat during a break Mrs Chimwemwe Chamdimba, NEPAD Senior Programme Officer presenting the process undertaken in developing the SADC-MRH Project Following the February 2014 the consultation meeting of African Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation (AMRH) Partners namely NEPAD Agency, World Health Organisation and the World Bank with SADC Secretariat and SADC TROIKA Member States, the SADC Heads of National Medicines Regulatory Authorities (NMRAs) met in Gaborone, Botswana from 1618 June 2014. This meeting aimed to fi nalise the draft project framework and work plan as well as terms of reference (TORs) for the Project Steering Committee and Technical Working Groups (TWGs) in preparation for submission to SADC Policy organs for approval. to next page Mauritius and Mozambique representatives ISSUE 13 from page 2 The SADC-Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (MRH) Project will help to improve Public Health by achieving rapid and sustainable access to quality, safe and affordable essential medicines through a harmonised registration mechanism. This will lead to the reduction of the time taken to register essential medicines for the treatment of diseases. Mr Josepth Mthetwa, SADC Senior Programme Officer for Health and Pharmaceuticals said that the success of this project, will not be dependent on the SADC Secretariat but rather the SADC Member States and the Member States reaffi rmed their commitment to launch and commence with the implementation of the project. The meeting noted that although the SADC-MRH project proposal was validated by the NMRAs, Industry and AMRH Partners in 2011, some of the activities that were planned then, are currently being implemented even before the SADC-MRH project is officially launched in November 2014. The activities being carried out include such by Member States include updating the technical guidelines for registration of medicines and fi nalising the common technical document (CTD) format through the support of Southern African Regional Programme on Access to Medicines and Diagnostics (SARPAM). The project will be managed by the Project Steering Committee and their overall objective will be to ensure implementation of agreed harmonised requirements for registration of medicines, that an integrated Information Management system is in place and is being shared, a certified Quality Management System in all member states and to provide a framework for mutual recognition of regulatory decision emitted by other member states. The outcome of this meeting laid the foundation for initial steps in the implementation of the SADCMRH project which will be officially endorsed by the Council of Ministers in November 2014. PAGE 3 AMRH towards implementing a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (ME&L) Framework and Impact Assessment Tool AMRH and EAC-MRH discussing the ME&L framework A M&E Framework and Impact Assessment Tool was developed within the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation (AMRH) for appropriate tracking of the progress of implementation of the program in Africa, and evaluating impact made by the programme. For a successful implementation of AMRH, there is a need for an effective Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ME&L) system that will enable collection, analysis and reporting of relevant data to support informed policy processes. Monitoring and Evaluation have been documented as a key tool for the success of development programmes and projects. Monitoring and evaluation are important for two main reasons. The fi rst reason is that they enable learning and development. Monitoring and evaluating help organisations and programs/projects to assess how well they are doing and help to do better. It is about asking what has happened and why – what is and what is not working. Evaluation is used to learn more about an organisation and programme’s activities, and then using what has been learnt. The second reason is accountability. An organisation, a programme or project has to show others that it is effective. It is obvious that donors and other sponsors want to know whether a programme or a project has spent its money in the right way. In other words, monitoring and evaluation provide proof of what has been achieved. AMRH have therefore developed a ME&L framework to be implemented initially in EAC partner states. It should be reminded that AMRH works in partnership with RECs; and East African Community is leading in implementing MRH. The ME&L will therefore enable AMRH and EAC to communicate results of the various regulatory interventions. It will also help the programme to assess whether funds allocated to it are producing the intended results and that the programme is being implemented as planned. To operationalize that framework, a tool for collection was developed. It comprises key indicators which were drawn from the programme. The data collection tool will be sent out to National Medicines Regulatory Officers who will be in charge of collecting data at the country level and to the EAC Secretariat which will provide information related to regional activities. Data collected in 2010 prior to the launch of implementation of AMRH will be used as baseline data. AMRH held discussions with EAC Secretariat about that ME&L framework in (May) and June 2014. Prominently, a training workshop of NMROs on how they will be collecting data was held in Bujumbura, Burundi in August 2014. The implementation of the AMRH ME&L is promising and it is hoped that it will generate intended results and hence implementation of AMRH will be successful and sustainable. ISSUE 13 PAGE 4 NEPAD Agency AMRH Programme efforts in Regulatory Curriculum Development and Fellowship Programmes The AMRH Programme convened the second meeting of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on Regulatory Capacity Development (RCD) sub-committee on Curriculum Development and Fellowship Programme in Cape Town on 1-2 September 2014. The main objective of the AMRH TWG RCD Sub-Committee on Curriculum Development & Fellowship Programme is to provide technical advice to NEPAD Agency AMRH Programme, TWG Regulatory Capacity Development and the AMRH Advisory Committee on areas for intervention in regulatory curriculum development in order to strengthen medicines regulatory capacities and systems in Africa. The specific objectives of TWG RCD Sub-Committee on Curriculum Development & Fellowship Programme are: • To facilitate research and knowledge management on regulatory science curricula in Africa • To facilitate regulatory science curricula reforms in keeping with new developments in the regulatory affairs field • To establish collaborative partnerships in regulatory science curricula development between National Medicines Regulatory Authorities (NMRAs), academia and industry • Advance the discipline of regulatory science in support of the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) initiative • To bridge the regulatory divide between the developed and developing countries through coordination of twining programmes among NMRAs in collaboration with academic institutions • To review qualifications and certification schemes for regulatory training programmes in Africa at different levels: diploma, graduate and post-graduate and short-term courses on offer; and • Review a strategy for curricula development and Fellowship programmes. TWG-RCD Subcommittee CD&FP Meeting Participants: Seated: L-R: Ms. Gugu Mahlangu (MCAZ, Zimbabwe), Ms. Margareth Ndomondo-Sigonda (NEPAD, South Africa) Standing: L-R: Prof. Henry Leng (MCC/UWC, South Africa), Ms. Nthabiseng Legodi (NEPAD, South Africa), Mr. Paul Tanui (NEPAD, South Africa), Prof. Alex Dodoo (WHO Collaborating Centre for Advocacy and Training in Pharmacovigilance, Ghana) The meeting considered the following: • Reviewed the progress on CD&FP March 2014 Action Plan. The March Action Plan mandated the subcommittee to develop harmonized and standardized Regulatory Science Curricula for Regional Centres of Regulatory Excellence (RCOREs); standardize operations, designate and administer RCOREs; and to develop well defined procedures for administering NEPAD Regulatory Science Fellowship Programme. • Reviewed the Draft Guide for Regional Centres of Regulatory Excellence (RCOREs) • Reviewed the Draft Guide for Africa Medicines Regulatory Professionals Fellowship Programme • Reviewed the Body of Knowledge for the Africa Medicines Regulatory Professionals Fellowship Programme The outcome and draft documents developed by the sub-committee will be discussed and approved by the Technical Working Group (TWG) Regulatory Capacity Development (RCD) and the AMRH Advisory Committee. ISSUE 13 PAGE 5 EAC held the first regional consultation on an AU Model Law on Regulation and Harmonization of Medical Products The High Table shortly before opening of the consultations The East African Community (EAC) opened a series of consultations on a Model Law intended to regulate and harmonise medical products in Africa before that the Law is promulgated by the African Union. That consultation was held in the Tanzanian Capital City, Dar es Salaam on 31st July, 2014. The consultation was promising and was attended by very important and high level delegates from the EAC member counties, pharmaceutical industry, civil society, AMRH international partners and stakeholders (The World Bank, WHO, U.S. Pharmacopeia), the African Union Commission (AUC), the Pan African Parliament (PAP), and NEPAD Agency. All delegates who attended the consultation showed interest in the Model Law, constructively contributed to the process; and promised continued support and commitment towards the fi nalisation of the Law. The Model Law on medical products regulation and harmonisation will serve as a blueprint to African countries to establish (for those who do not have or revise their policy and legal framework on regulation of medical products. The Model Law will also serve as a framework for harmonisation of the legal systems with other African countries in order to increase efficiency and reduce costs in regu- lations of pharmaceutical products. When giving his opening remarks, Professor Aggrey Ambali, Head and Advisor of the NEPAD Science and Technology Innovations Hub emphasised that the majority of Africa Countries do not have or have weak and inappropriate legal framework to regulate medical products; and therefore reminded participants the importance of the Law. In addition, a WHO-AFRO report states development of comprehensive legal basis is a condition sine qua non for countries to have better regulation of medical products. The consultation meeting had three main objectives. The fi rst objective was to increase public awareness of the AU Model Law on regulation and harmonisation of medical products. The second objective was to elicit comments on the contents of the model law; and the third was to generate stakeholder buy-in in the Model Law development and implementation. NEPAD Agency will hold consultations on the same Model Law in other remaining Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to make sure that the process is inclusive and all member countries provide comments. Next targeted regions for consultations on the Model Law are West Africa, Central Africa, Northern Africa, and Southern Africa. Consultations on the Model Law on regulation and harmonisation of medical product constitute one among key steps required. The initial undertaking was the elaboration of zero draft Model Law after holding consultations meetings with experts and other identified key persons and institutions. Consultations meetings were held between February and April 2012 and were aimed at analysing existing medicines legislations and regulatory harmonisations guidelines; and to undertake optional analysis to analyse different practical options available. The second step was the validation of the draft Model Law through a workshop of experts. A Technical Working Group (TWG) composed of experts from all RECs including legal experts and regulators, PAP, AUC, NEPAD Agency, WHO, and UNAIDs was made and has been holding meetings since August 2013. The draft of Model Law was also examined three times by the Pan African Parliament Committee on Health Labour and Social Affairs (CHLSA) in August and September 2013; and in March 2014. The actual consultation meetings are part of a third step which is the meeting of governments and legal experts to get comments which have to be incorporated in the draft of the Model Law by the TWIG. After regional consultations, holding meetings with Mrs. Margaret N.Sigonda having a word with Mr Hiiti B. Sillo, D.G. of the Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) and Dr Fred Siyoi, Deputy Registrar of Kenya Pharmacy and Poisons Board. ISSUE 13 PAGE 6 from page 5 AU Ministers of health, Ministers of Justice/Attorneys, and submission of the Model Law to AU Policy Organs will follow before domestication by AU Member States. AMRH seeks to improve public health by increasing access to good quality, safe and effective medicines. The Model Law on regulation and harmonization of medical products is a key endeavour to the realization of that end. Group Photo of all Participants with the Guest of Honour UPCOMING EVENTS November 2014: USP-CePAT Biennial Awards in Global Health & Advisory Group Meeting - Accra, Ghana, 8-9 November AMRH Stakeholders Consultation meeting on Model Law on Medical Products Regulation and Harmonization in Africa - Harare, Zimbabwe, 18-19 November Meeting of the Task Force for establishment of African Medicines Agency - 25-26 November African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) 3rd African Regulatory Forum on Medical Diagnosis December: Launch of the 2nd Programme of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnerships (EDCTP2) - Cape Town, South Africa 1-3 December ISSUE 13 PAGE 7 &DOOLQJIRU\RXUYDOXHG2SLQLRQVDQG)HHGEDFN«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