Program Monday September 14 th 13.00 – 16.00 Arrival at Sinatur Hotel Storebælt, Nyborg (DK) 16.00 – 16.15 Welcome (Pernille B.L. Hansen) Chair: Jo De Mey 16.15– 17.15 Keynote lecture / 2nd Tudor Griffith lecture Hiroaki Shimokawa (Sendai, Japan): Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations in health and disease. Crucial roles of endothelium-derived reactive oxygen species / endotheliumdependent hyperpolarization. 37 18.00 – 19.00 Reception at Nyborg Castle 19.30 Dinner at Hotel Storebælt Tuesday September 15th 7.00 – 8.30 Mounting of posters (on display during the entire meeting) Chairs: Cor de Wit and Ulf Simonsen 8.30 Christian Aalkjær (Aarhus, DK): EDH and vasomotion. 1 9.00 Kim Dora (Oxford, GB): EDH and conducted vasodilation. 14 9.30 Shigeo Godo et al. (Sendai, Japan): Excessive Endothelium-Derived Nitric Oxide Impairs Cardiovascular Homeostasis by Suppressing Endothelium-dependent HyperpolarizationMediated Relaxation in Mice. 17 9.45 Hatice Yorulmaz et al. (Marmara, Turkey): Protective effect of simvastatin on trace minerals in intestinal tissue during early phase of sepsis. 48 10.00 Ulf Simonsen et al. (Aarhus, DK): Genetic deficit of KCa3.1 channels protects against pulmonary circulatory collapse induced by TRPV4 channel activation. 39 10.15 Thomas Leurgans et al. (Odense, DK): Effects of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide in resistance arteries from cardiovascular disease patients depend on vasoconstrictor conditions. 26, 27* 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break and poster viewing EDH2015 Fyn, Denmark, Sept. 14 – 17 Page 1 (10-08-2015) Chairs: Kim Dora and Brant Isakson 11.00 Pernille B.L. Hansen (Odense, DK): T-type calcium channels and endothelial function. 24 11.30 Cor de Wit (Lübeck, D): EDH, are gap junctions and connexins the answer? 46 12.00 Maria Bloksgaard et al. (Odense, DK): Microarchitecture of the internal elastic lamina (IEL) in human resistance arteries from different vascular beds. 4* 12.15 Kasper Møller Rasmussen et al. (Copenhagen, DK): Influence of K+-channels and gap junctions on endothelium derived hyperpolarization-induced renal vasodilation in rats. 30 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Chairs: Ingrid Fleming and Niels Henrik Holstein Rathlou 13.30 Christoffer Garland (Oxford, GB): EDH and evolving recognition of a role for endothelial signaling microdomains. 16 14.00 Brant Isakson (Charlottesville, USA): Contact-dependency for EDH. 22 14.30 Hiroki Saito et al. (Sendai, Japan): Important roles of endothelial caveolin-1/eNOS complex in maintaining microvascular homeostasis through EDH-mediated mechanism. 35 14.45 Elise Røge Hedegaard et al. (Aarhus, DK): Involvement of K channels and calciumindependent mechanisms in hydrogen sulfide relaxation of rat mesenteric small arteries. 34 15.00 Rainer Windler and Cor de Wit (Lübeck, D): The coronary murine vascular bed relies on NO and prostaglandins during reactive hyperemia and ACh induced dilation. 45 15.15 Sarah Brøgger Kristiansen et al. (Copenhagen, DK): Calcium signaling in coronary artery after reperfusion damage in rat model of acute myocardial infarct. 7 15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break and poster viewing Chairs: Christoffer Garland and Christian Aalkjær 16.00 Jenny Nystrøm (Gothenburg, S): The role of the glomerular endothelium in kidney function. 31 16.30 Niels Henrik Holstein-Rathlou (Copenhagen, DK): Vascular conducted responses and regulation of kidney blood flow. 17.00 J. Christian Brasen et al. (Copenhagen, DK): Endothelial derived hyperpolarization in renal interlobar arteries. 6 17.15 Kasper Bostlund Assersen et al. (Odense, DK): Exaggerated natriuresis in essential hypertension is not due to Increase in Renal Medullary Blood Flow. 5* 18.30 Dinner at Hotel Storebælt EDH2015 Fyn, Denmark, Sept. 14 – 17 Page 2 (10-08-2015) 20.00 Guided poster tours Wednesday September 16th Chairs: Bill Campbell and Jo De Mey 8.30 Susan Leung (Hong Kong, PRC): EDH: age, gender and high blood pressure. Does it matter? 25 9.00 Anne-Sofie Grell et al. (Copenhagen, DK): Cerebrovascular responses in spontaneously hypertensive rats after ischemic stroke. 18 9.15 Kristina Lyngsø et al. (Odense, DK): Chronic aldosterone exposure inhibits nitric oxidedependent dilatation in human and mouse intracerebral arterioles. 28* 9.30 Cheng-Ming Tsao et al. (Taipei, Taiwan): Modulating effects of perivascular adipose tissue in mesenteric artery of spontaneously hypertensive rat. 44 9.45 Atlanta Elie et al. (Odense, DK): Human pericardial adipose tissue can contract and relax pericardial resistance arteries. 15* 10.00 Katrine Dueholm Nissen et al. (Odense, DK): Adiponectin mimetic causes full relaxation in pericardial resistance arteries from cardiac and vascular disease patients independent of NO production. 13* 10.15 Chin-Chen Wu et al. (Taipei, Taiwan): Hydrogen Sulfide and Perivascular Adipose Tissue Regulate Resistant Mesenteric Arterial Tone in Endotoxaemic Rats. 47 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break and poster viewing Chairs: Lars Edvinsson and Huang Yu 11.00 Bill Campbell (Milwaukee, USA): EETs, from EDHFs to anti-hypertensive drugs. 8 11.30 Kristian Agmund Haanes et al. (Glostrup, DK): Different roles for P2Y2 and P2Y6 receptors in large and smaller coronary arteries. 19* 11.45 Simon Comerma et al. (Aarhus, DK): Effects of an opener of small and intermediate calcium-activated K+ channels NS309 on cardiac rhythm and erectile function in rats. 10 12.00 Stine Spray et al. (Glostrup, DK): Increased ET-1 reactivity of intraparenchymal arterioles after transient global cerebral ischemia in rat - new mechanistic insights into the development of delayed cerebral hypoperfusion. 40* 12.15 Lei Zhao et al. (Hong Kong, China): Enhanced autophagy ameliorates endothelial dysfunction in diabetic mice. 50 EDH2015 Fyn, Denmark, Sept. 14 – 17 Page 3 (10-08-2015) 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Chairs: Boye Jensen, in collaboration with the Danish Hypertension Society 13.30 Ebbe Boedtkjer (Aarhus, DK): Transport and sensing of HCO3- and H+ modify endothelial function, blood pressure and metabolic autoregulation. 49 13.55 Jesper Nørgaard Bech (Aarhus, DK): Effects of systemic NO-inhibition on renal hemodynamics and sodium excretion in healthy subjects and in patients with disturbed sodium-water balance due to hypertension, renal disease, heart disease or liver disease. 3 14.20 Rozh Husain Al-Mashhadi (Aarhus, DK): In vivo high resolution isotropic 3D MRI of coronary atherosclerosis in hypertensive hypercholesterolemic minipigs. 2 14.45 Jane Stubbe et al. (Odense, DK): The water channel AQP1 is associated with human atherosclerotic vascular lesions and attenuates vascular injury in murine models of atherosclerosis independent of blood pressure. 42 15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break and poster viewing Chairs: Chris Triggle, in collaboration with the Danish Hypertension Society 15.30 Carmine Cardillo (Rome, I): Hyperpolarization and vascular function in cardiovascular risk conditions. 9 16.00 Nanna Borup Johansen (Copenhagen, DK): Dysglycaemia and arterial stiffness. 23 16.20 Simon Comerma-Steffensen et al. (Aarhus, DK): Role of SK3 channels in erectile function in mice. 11* 16.35 Aino Siltari et al. (Helsinki, FIN): Effects of bioactive tripeptides on vascular effects of bradykinin in young and old SHRs. 38* 16.50 Stefan Mortensen (Odense, DK): The effect of lifelong physical activity on vascular function and blood flow in the ageing human leg. 29 17.30 To the busses 18.00 Reception, dinner etc. at Broholm Castle Thursday September 17th Chairs: Carmine Cardillo and Pernille Hansen 8.30 Jo De Mey (Odense, DK): Endothelin-1 mediates and promotes patient pericardial resistance artery relaxing responses to insulin. 12 9.00 Chris Triggle (Qatar). Metformin, more than just an oral anti-hyperglycaemic drug. 43 EDH2015 Fyn, Denmark, Sept. 14 – 17 Page 4 (10-08-2015) 9.30 Holger Schneider et al. (Munich, D): AMPK relaxes vascular smooth muscle of resistance arteries by dual action on BKCa channels and SERCA. 36 9.45 Nelson Orie et al. (Qatar): Reduced EDH but not NO per se is responsible for attenuated microvascular endothelium-dependent relaxation to Ach in morbid obesity. 32 10.00 Jiong Hu et al. (Frankfurt, D): Pharmacologic inhibition of the soluble epoxide hydrolase attenuates diabetic retinopathy in Ins2 Akita mice. 20 10.15 Wei Ning Hu et al. (Hong Kong, PRC): Bone morphogenic protein-4-induced up-regulation of platelet-derived growth factor AA impairs endothelial function. 21* 10.30 Janina Steck et al. (Frankfurt, D): Inhibition of eNOS phosphorylation on tyrosine656 in mice protects from atherosclerotic plaque formation. 41 10.45 Aneta Radziwon-Balicka et al. (Glostrup, DK): A novel multicolor flow-cytometry application for detection of different tissue cell types. 33 11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break and poster viewing Chair: Paul M. Vanhoutte 11.30 – 12.00 Young investigator awards 12.00 – 12.30 Michel Feletou (Suresnes, F): EDH quo vadis? Highlights of EDH2015. 12.30 Box lunch and departure *Participants in young investigators’ competition. EDH2015 Fyn, Denmark, Sept. 14 – 17 Page 5 (10-08-2015)
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