Announcements November 9, 2014

Beaverbrook Lunch
St Philip will provide a Christmas for Beaverbrook students on Dec 16. Please contact
Janice or Warrenne if you would like to help
Pentecost 23
READINGS: Judges 4: 1—7; Psalm 123; 1
Thessalonians 5: 1—11; Matthew 25:
Sunday, Nov 16, 2014
9.00 am St Andrew
9.00 am St Mary
11.00 am St James
11.00 am St Philip
Our new web site is
St Andrew 856 7057
St James 382 7725
St Mary
St Philip 389 9424
Psalm from BAS Readings are taken from
NRSV courtesy of,
The Rev’d Roderick Black & The Rev’d Douglas Painter,
The Blacks’ - 851-1690; The Vicarage - 388-1683;
Central E-Mail - [email protected]
or [email protected] or [email protected]
Announcements November 9, 2014
Mid-Week Service
Morning Prayer - THURSDAY
mornings at St. Andrew’s,
9:00am. All welcome.
Video Night will resume Nov 12, 7.00
pm at St Andrew
Book Club will continue Nov 11, 7.00
pm at the the Alston’s 295 Highfield St
Book is Cory ten Boom’s ‘The Hiding
Bible Study: Continues at 1.30 pm
on Nov 13 at St Philip in the choir
room. If interested please contact
David at [email protected]
or phone 870-1113
St James
A card party will be held on
Nov 12 beginning at noon
APSM Christmas Bazaars—
see other page for St Mary
St Andrew
Christmas Bazaar will be held Nov 15
between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm. There
will also be a chowder lunch and silent auction. All Donations welcome
St Philip
Christmas Bazaar will be held
Nov 15 between 9.00 am and 1.00
pm. There will also be a chowder
lunch cost is $5.00 All Donations
St James
Christmas Bazaar will be held Nov
29 between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm.
There will also be lunch of beef or
vegetable soup for $5.00 and a silent auction. For info call 854-5499
Silent Auction
St Philip will be holding a Silent Auction on Sat Nov 29 in the hall. Viewing at 7.00 pm—auction begins at
8.00 pm. Wine and cheese will be
served, lots of items and also a door
prize and a raffle. Tickets are $10 and
can be purchased from Alan Taylor or
call him at 854-0314 to reserve a ticket.
Anglican House and 10,000 Villages are closing Dec 31. Most
jewellery, kitchen and table
ware is now25% off. Most
books, CD’s, DVD’s, cards and
giftware are also 25% off
St Mary
Christmas Bazaar will be held
Nov 29 between 9.00 am and
Noon at the Legion Hall, around
the corner from the church
Christmas Fellowship
St Philips will host a lunch Christmas
Day for those who have no family locally to share a meal and fellowship. A
small planning group is needed and
ideally will contain at least 1 member
of each Parish Please contact Mary
Jane at 382 6003, Janice at 860 7171 or
leave a message at 389 9424
St James
On Sat Nov 15 there will be a musical evening at St James. Programme
will include classical guitar, baroque
music, hymn sing and choir and
starts at 7.00 pm, freewill offering
Service Notices
Our joint APSM service on Nov 30 will be at
St Philips and will begin at 11.00 am—note
the time. At the service both daughters of Andrew and Mandy Painter will be baptized
Lessons and Carols
This years service will be held on Dec 7 at St
George Moncton beginning at 4.00 pm. Our
Bishop David Edwards has accepted an invitation to attend and read the last lesson.
Choristers interested in singing should attend
as many of the practices as possible. Practices will be at St George on the following Saturdays at 10.00 am: Nov 22, 29 and Dec 6. A
final fun through will take place at 2.00 pm
on the day of the service.
Barb Haire will be ordained as a Vocational Deacon on Nov 30 at St
George Anglican Church Moncton.
Service is at 4.00 pm Choir practice
for a Deanery choir will follow the
practice for Lessons and Carols
St Andrew
If you still need a 2015 calendar please
contact Donna Colpitts just a few left at a
cost of $6.00
St Philips
Messy Church continues Nov 21 at 6.00
pm—all youth in APSM are welcome.
Operation Christmas Child
All APSM parishes will be participating
in this worthwhile ministry. Please collect your shoe boxes and instructions
and return them to your church by Nov
16 when they will be blessed before they
are sent on their way
Clergy Vacations
Please note that Fr Douglas will be
on vacation Nov 10 until Nov 20.
Please respect his time and contact
Fr Rod or your wardens or administrator.
Prayers of the People
Response: Leader: O God of peace
People: We will remember them
In our world church community we pray for Rt
Rev Nicholas of Bermuda, Bishop Michael of the
Council of the North, Fred our Primate, Percy our
Metropolitan, David our Bishop, Cathy his Executive Assistant, Brent our Archdeacon, Claude, William, George and Harold our retired bishops,
Bishop Matthias and our Companion Diocese of
Ho, Bishop Larry and our Linked Diocese of Yukon,
Rev William and the Parish of St Stephen; Douglas and Rod our priests, Parish of St James Moncton, Barb our Diaconate Postulant and David our
Diaconate Aspirant
The Seniors Information Centre has set a
FREE Event Calendar. The events will be
shown Online and published in the quarterly
PrimeTime Magazine. Check it out at If you would
like more info, e-mail [email protected] or call Rhea Gallant at Seneiors Information Centre 855-1121