Exam Schedule for Master’s Degree Programme at Pharma School Winter 2014/2015 block 1 & 2 incl. re-examination The exam schedule covers compulsory and elective courses offered at PharmaSchool with written examination for the following programs: MSc in Pharmaci 2010, MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2010 (cand.scient.pharm.), MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2009, BSc and MSc in Medicinal Chemistry and MSc in Environmental Chemistry and Health 2014 Courses offered in block 1 Ordinary exam Examination results Blok 1, C Principles and Practice of Bioanalysis Onsdag d. 5. november 2- hours PBV Onsdag d. 19. 2014 kl. 9-11 Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase november 2014 7,5 ECTS, external censur SFKKA9021E Blok 1, C In-vitro Techniques in Biochemistry and Pharmacology Onsdag d. 5. november Onsdag d. 19. 2- hours PBV 2014 kl. 9-11 november 2014 Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase 7,5 ECTS, censur SFKKB9091E Blok1, A (compulsary) Pharmacotherapy Torsdag d. 6. november 3- hours PBV Torsdag d. 20. 2014 kl. 9-12 Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase november 2014 7,5 ECTS, censur SFAKB0031E Blok 1, A (compulsary) Torsdag d. 6. november Torsdag d. 20. Principles of Pharmacology 2014 kl. 9-12 november 2014 3- hours PBV Re-examination 14. april 2015 kl. 9-11 2./3. february 2015 Oral ekxam (NEW) Mandag d. 22. december 2014 kl. 9-12 (jf. undtagelse i Fællesdel) 15. april 2015 kl. 9-12 Examination results 28/4 2015 28/4 2015 12/1 2015 29/4 2015 Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase 7,5 ECTS, ekstern censur SLVKB0351E Blok 1, B (compulsary) Toxicology 2- hour PBV Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase 7,5 ECTS, ekstern censur SFAKA0011E Blok 1, B Toxicology & Ecotoxicology 2- hour PBV Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase 7,5 ECTS, 7-trins external censur STFKA0001E Blok 1, B (compulsary) * Medicinal & Biostructural Chemistry 3- hour PBV Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase 7,5 ECTS, 7-trins ekstern censur SFAKM0011E Blok 1, A Advances in Medicinal Chemistry Research Oral exam SLVKM0381E Blok 1, B (compulsary) Drug Discovery and Development Oral exam SLVKB0391E Blok 1, B Molecular Pharmacology Fredag d. 7. november 2014 kl. 9-11 Fredag d. 7. november 2014 kl. 9-12 Fredag d. 7. november 2014, Kl. 13-15 kl. 1316 Fredag d. 21. november 2014 16. april 2015 kl. 9-11 Fredag d. 21. november 2014 16. april 2015 kl. 9-11 Fredag d. 21. november 2014 17. april 2015 kl. 9-12* Mandag d. 3. – fredag d. 7. november 2014 uge 16 2015 Mandag d. 3. – fredag d. 7. november 2014 uge 16 2015 Mandag d. 3. – fredag d. 7. november 2014 uge 16 2015 30/4 2015 30/4 2015 4/5 2015 Oral exam SFKKIL001E Blok 1, B Pharmaceutical Marketing Oral exam SFKKB9061U Courses offered in block 2 Blok: 2, A Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments 4- hour PBV Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase 7,5 ECTS, ekstern censur SFKKA9041E Blok: 2, A (compulsary) Lægemiddelpolitik, -økonomi og -etik 6- hours writen exam, eksamensmateriale er tilgængeligt 24 timer før eksamensstart. Bestået/ikke bestået, intern censur Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase 7,5 ECTS, ekstern censur SFAKB0021E Blok 2, B Applied Drug Metabolism 2- hour PBV Some aids allowed 7,5 ECTS, 7-trins m ekstern censur SFKKA9011E Blok: 2,B (compulsary) Medicinal & Biostructural Chemistry uge 16 2015 Mandag d. 3. – fredag d. 7. november 2014 Torsdag d. 22. januar 2015 kl. 9-13 Torsdag d. 5. februar 2015 13. april 2015 kl. 9-13 Torsdag d. 5. februar 2015 13. april 2015 kl. 9-15 Fredag d. 23. januar 2015 kl. 9-11 Cancelled Fredag d. 6. februar 2015 17. april 2015 kl. 9-11 Fredag d. 23. januar 2015, Kl. 14-17 Fredag d. 6. februar 2015 17. april 2015 kl. 9-12* Torsdag d. 22. januar 2015 kl. 9-15 27/4 2015 27/4 2015 4/5 2015 4/5 2015 3-hour PBV Aids allowed: look at the coursedatabase 7,5 ECTS, 7-trins ekstern censur SFAKM0011E Blok 2, A/C (compulsary) Pharmaceutics and Drug Development Oral exam SLVKA0331E Blok 2, C (compulsary) Structural and Computational Medicinal Chemistry Oral exam SFKKM9011E Mandag d. 19. – fredag d. 23. januar 2015 Mandag d. 19. – fredag d. 23. januar 2015 PBV= Peter Bangs Vej 36 (skriftlig PC- eksamen) uge 16 2015 uge 16 2015
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