Cultural Transformation

Cultural Transformation
and the Participatory Agenda
International conference
The University of Southern Denmark and Brandts
October 2-3, 2015
Friday, October 2
09.30-10.00 Registration
10.00-10.15 Welcome
Dean Simon Torp
Director Anne Scott Sørensen
10.15-11.00 Presentation of the research project CULT (Velux Foundation)
Professor and director Anne Scott Sørensen
Post doc. Hjørdis Brandrup Kortbek
Post doc. Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz
Post doc. Mette Thobo-Carlsen
Capitalising Culture, Measuring Tastes, Performing Participation
Research Professor in Social and Cultural Theory Tony Bennett
Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney, AU.
12.15-13.15 Lunch
13.15-15.15 Panel and Workshops
Panel: Participating researchers - practices, positions and processes
Chair: Associate professor Camilla Møhring Reestorff, Aarhus University.
Opponent: Curator Ingrid Vatne, Museum Vestfyn.
Associate professor Ida Krøgholt, Aarhus University:
“The creative process of partnership development”.
Associate professor Dorthe Refslund Christensen and associate professor
Louise Ejgod Hansen, Aarhus University:
“Exploring untrodden paths. Researchers as partners in a development project”.
Associate professor Carsten Stage, Aarhus University:
“Being assembled: participatory investigations of citizen participation”.
Workshop 1: Participation strategies in digital networks
Facilitator: Professor Kirsten Drotner, University of Southern Denmark Associate professor Inka Salovara, University of Aarhus, DK:
”Participation as Assemblage. Affects and politics in digital networks”.
Associate professor Bjarki Valtysson, University of Copenhagen, DK:
“Staging the user. A critique of cultural policies of participation”.
Post.doc Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, University of Copenhagen, DK:
“Structures of participation in mass-digitized cultural-heritage archives”.
Workshop 2: Participation in cultural communication projects
Facilitator: Associate professor, Anne Klara Bom, SDU, DK
Associate professor Søren Friis Møller, Copenhagen Business School, DK:
”On the inreach implications of outreach”.
Public Industrial PhD fellow Ditte Vilstrup Holm, The Danish Agency for Culture, Copenhagen Business School, DK:
“Learning from Istedgade. A participatory urban art project”.
Associate professor Dennis Day, University of Southern Denmark Curator Lise Kapper, Odense City Museums, DK:
“The Paradoxes of Empowerment – Participatory Practices within the Museum Organization”.
Coffee / transit to Brandts
Thinking the ‘New Normal’ in Post-occupy and Post-banking Crisis Times
Professor Nina Möntmann, Head of The Department of Art Theory and the History of Ideas, The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, S.
17.15-18.00 Exhibition at Brandts
Head of education an public relations: Leslie Anne Schmidt, Brandts, DK
Reception at Brandts
Alderman Jane Jegind, City of Odense
Saturday, October 3
09.00-10.15: Part, Partition, Participation. The Imperative of Participation in Machinic Capitalism
Philosopher and professor Gerald Raunig, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste and co-editor of at the eipcp (European
Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies), CH.
10.15-10.45 10.45-12.45 Coffee
Workshop 3: Participatory aesth-ethics
Facilitator: Curator Camilla Jalving, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, DK
M.A. in Political and Economic Philosophy Dögg Sigmarsdottir & M.A. in Social Anthropology, Mithra Akhbari, The Feminist Peace Organisation, CH:
“Negotiating Citizenship. An example from Switzerland”.
PhD fellow Irene Capolmi, Aarhus University/Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, DK:
“’Contemporary aesth-ethics’ The ethical turn in 21st century art institutions”.
Associate professor Birgit Eriksson, University of Aarhus, DK:
“New connectivities. Everyday participation among young (prod)users of art and culture”.
Workshop 4: Cultural participation in the art institution
Facilitator: Curator Amalie Kristine Frederiksen, ‘Råderum’,
Mobile office for contemporary art, DK.
Head of education and public relations Leslie Ann Schmidt, Brandts, educator Mathias Rude, Brandts, coordinator Louise Russo, CAVE, DK:
“From a project culture to long-term partnerships. Connecting Art and Vocational education (CAVE)”.
PhD fellow Sigurd Nielsen, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, N:
”On the same turf? Local museums and global responsibilities”.
MSSc Researcher Jutta Virolainen, Foundation for Cultural Policy Research, FIN: “Cultural participation. A conceptual analysis”.
Post doc: Theis Vallø Madsen, Faaborg Museum, DK
”Reactiving art archives”
13.45-15.00 This time it’s personal: Proportion and Participation in the age of the multiple
Professor and Director Celia Lury, Centre for Interdisciplinary
Methodologies, University of Warwick, UK.
Registration, lunch and coffee are outside O100 at The University of Southern Denmark.
There will be transportation from The University of Southern Denmark to Brandts.