Knockevin Special School Permanent Job-Share Teacher - Special Educational Needs

Knockevin Special School
Racecource Hill, Downpatrick
BT30 6PU
Permanent Job-Share Teacher Special Educational Needs
(Week 1 – Mon & Tues, Week 2 – Mon, Tues & Wed)
(Post available immediately)
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The School
Knockevin special School is a controlled co-educational school for pupils and
students with severe learning difficulties. It is situated on the outskirts of
Downpatrick with a catchment area extending to Ballynahinch, Crossgar, Saintfield,
Ballygowan, Ardglass, Killyleagh, Newcastle and Dundrum.
The main aim of the school is to provide a supportive educational environment
where pupils feel secure, at their ease and thrive both educationally, socially and
spiritually, achieving their maximum level of independence in preparation for life
when they leave school.
Pupil enrolment for the 2012 – 2013 school year is 95 pupils with ages ranging from
3 – 19 years. Each pupil has a statement of Special Educational Needs and these
annually reviewed with both parents and staff contributing.
Admission Arrangements
The South Eastern Education and Library Board make arrangements for pupils to
enrol at Knockevin Special School. The parent’s role in the school is very important.
For this reason the family is invited to visit the school prior to admission. If a pupil is
transferring from another school, staff at Knockevin will liaise with staff from the
child’s previous school. Parents will have opportunities to review their child’s
progress on an ongoing basis throughout the school year.
School Organisation
The school is presently organised in four departments, Infant, Junior, Senior and
Transition, accommodated in ten classrooms. Pupils with additional specialist
needs, e.g. Physical and sensory difficulties, significant behavioural difficulties are
integrated as far as is appropriate. There is however specialist provision for pupils
with significant physical difficulties in Class 8. Classes are age banded 2 – 3 years
and have generally around 8 pupils but this varies depending on the individual needs
of the pupils. All pupils with the exception of the School Leavers Group wear a
school uniform. The colour and styles have been chosen with comfort and
availability in mind.
The Curriculum
The school aims to provide a broad balanced and relevant curriculum for all pupils,
which takes account of individual educational needs. This is largely delivered
through the learning areas of the revised NI Curriculum with an emphasis placed on
the development of personal and social development throughout the school. The
themes of the revised NI Curriculum are incorporated as appropriate. The delivery
of individual programmes is largely through these general learning areas and much
work is achieved through a thematic cross curricular approach which is widely used
throughout the school and includes the development of ICT skills and thinking skills
and capabilities at various levels. Pupils in the infant school and in Class 8 use the
schools hydrotherapy pool. Links with other schools are also encouraged.
These include local primary, Secondary and Grammar Schools and other Special
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The programme designed specifically for older students in the Transition 14 – 19
years old groups takes account of the need for a change of emphasis towards a
more functional curriculum with a strong vocational element in terms of learning for
life and work. A range of OCR modules are taken each year by students and these
are moderated externally. There is recognition that in preparing students for post
school placement liaising with outside agencies is crucial to effective transition
arrangements. These include SERC where students take part in link courses.
Knockevin is an interdenominational school with strong community support.
Religious Education is an integral part of the curriculum. A specific and crosscurricular approach is effectively used and this are of the curriculum is timetabled
with assembly each Friday morning.
Homework Policy
It is the policy of Knockevin Special School that homework’s both formal and
informal are given to pupils who will benefit from them and will be able to cope with
the demands which homework can bring both to them and their families. Homework
should reinforce work covered in school, extend the young persons learning
experience and give parents an insight into their child’s school programme. Parents
are encouraged to share these after school learning experiences with their children
and staff will liaise with them as to how best to achieve the most from homework
time. Parents are asked to sign their child’s homework. For pupils in receipt of
homework, staff will discuss the frequency and type of homework with parents
during parent/teacher interviews at the beginning of the school year.
Extra Curricular Activities
The school is keen to promote and develop the individual interests and capabilities
of all pupils. Throughout the school year opportunities are created which broadens
pupils experiences through and beyond general curriculum learning areas.
There continues to be a keen interest in sports including football, swimming, horseriding and outdoor athletics, in Music, in New Age Kurling and Boccia, in the
environment, in the Arts and Drama, School productions have also played a key role
in the development of Art, Music and Drama both at competitive and promotional
levels. Older pupils also have the opportunity to take part in residential visits.
Pastoral Care, Child Protection, Drugs Policy and School Discipline Policy
The schools pastoral care, child protection, drugs and school discipline policies are
considered important and reflect the caring ethos of the school and the dedication of
all staff in nurturing the special needs of each pupil.
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Parental Involvement
The school recognised the valuable contribution parents make to the education of
their children. It is the policy of the school to encourage parental participation in a
positive and mutually supportive way. A range of opportunities are incorporated into
the yearly school planner which, affords parents the opportunity to meet with staff to
discuss pupils progress and planning.
The school motto ‘Together we can achieve more’ emphasises the importance of
good relationships in promoting the aims of the school by all involved in the
education of our young people.
The school enjoys positive relationships with
parents, South Eastern Trust, Paramedic staff, Social Workers and other agencies
working with the school.
Board of Governors
Knockevin is fortunate in the high calibre of staff in all areas of the school. There is
a strong commitment, which is evident in every aspect of school life. The Board of
Governors is extremely supportive of the work of the school and is highly regarded
by the Principal and staff generally. They work tirelessly for the good of the pupils
and the promotion of the work of the school.
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Main duties and Responsibilities
Planning and preparing courses and lessons;
Teaching, according to their educational needs, the pupils assigned
to him/her, including the setting and marking of work to be carried out by
the pupils in school and elsewhere;
Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and
attainment of pupils.
Promoting the general progress and well-being of individual pupils and of
any class or group of pupils assigned to him/her;
Providing advice and guidance to pupils on educational and social matters
and on their further education and future careers including information
about sources of more expert advice on specific questions, making relevant
records and reports;
Making records of and reports on the personal and social needs of pupils
except in instances where to do so might be regarded as compromising a
teacher’s own position;
Communicating and consulting with the parents of pupils;
Communicating and co-operating with such persons or bodies outside the
school as may be approved by the employing authority and the Board of
Participating in meetings arranged for any of the purposes described
Providing or contributing to oral and written assessments, reports and
references relating to individual pupils and groups of pupils except in
instances where to do so might be regarded as compromising a teacher’s
own position.
Staff Development/Professional Development
Participating, if required, in any scheme of staff development and
performance review;
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Reviewing from time to time his/her methods of teaching and
programmes of work;
Participating in arrangements for his/her further training and
professional development as a teacher.
Advising and co-operating with the Principal and other teachers (or any one
or more of them) on the preparation and development of courses of study,
teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of teaching and
assessment and pastoral arrangements.
Discipline/Health and Safety
Maintaining good order and discipline among pupils in accordance with
the policies of the employing authority and safeguarding their health and
safety both when they are authorised to be on the school premises and
when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere.
Participating in meetings at the school which relate to the curriculum for
the school or the administration or organisation of the school, including
pastoral arrangements.
Public Examinations
Participating in arrangements for preparing pupils for public
examinations and in assessing pupils for the purposes of such
examinations; recording and reporting such assessments; and
participating in arrangements for pupils’ presentation for and
supervision during such examination.
Review and Development of Management
Contributing to the selection for appointment and professional
development of other teachers, including the induction and
assessment of probationary teachers;
Co-ordinating or managing the work of other teachers;
Taking such part as may be required of him/her in the review,
development and management of activities relating to the
curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the school.
7.2 a)
Participating in administrative and organisational tasks related to
such duties as described above, including the management or
supervision of persons providing support for the teachers in the
school and the ordering and allocation of equipment and
Subject to the provisions of Article 22 of the Order, attending
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Registering the attendance of pupils and supervising pupils, whether
these duties are to be performed before, during or after school
Number of days/Hours of work
A full-time teacher, other than a teacher employed in a
residential establishment, shall be available for work on 195
days in any year of which not more than 190 days should
involve teaching children in a classroom situation;
A teacher, other than a teacher employed in a residential
establishment, shall be available to perform such duties at such
times and such places as may reasonably be specified by the
Principal, or where he/she is employed by a Board on terms under
which he/she is not assigned to any one school by the Board or the
Principal of any school in which he/she may for the time being be
required to work as a teacher, for 1,265 hours in any year exclusive
of time spent off school premises in preparing and marking lessons
and time spent travelling to and from the place of work;
A teacher may not be required to teach as distinct from supervise
children in a classroom situation for more than 25 hours in any week
in a primary or special school and 23.5 hours in any week in a
secondary school;
Unless employed under a separate contract as a mid-day
supervisor, a teacher shall not be required to undertake mid-day
Staff cover
Supervising and teaching any pupils whose teacher is not available
provided that:
In schools with an average daily enrolment greater than 222 pupils a
teacher other than a supply teacher shall not be required to provide
such cover after the second day on which a teacher is absent or
otherwise not available or from the first day if the fact that the
teacher would be absent or otherwise not available for a period
exceeding 2 days was known to and agreed by the employing
authority in advance;
In schools with an average daily enrolment of 222 pupils or less a
teacher other than a supply teacher shall not be required to provide
such cover after the first day on which a teacher is absent or
otherwise not available for more than 1 day was known to and
agreed by the employing authority in advance;
In schools with a complement of 1, 2 or 3 teachers and in nursery
units in primary schools, a teacher other than a supply teacher shall,
notwithstanding heads (a) and (b), not be required to provide such
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Conditions of Service
The conditions of service for this post will be in accordance with the Regulations of
the Department of Education for Northern Ireland.
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Permanent Job-Share Teacher – Special Educational Needs
(Week 1 – Mon & Tues, Week 2 – Mon, Tues & Wed)
(Post available immediately)
This post attracts Special Educational Needs Allowance 1. A second Special
Educational Needs Allowance may be awarded where it is considered that the
teacher’s experience and/or qualifications enhance the value of the work he/she
undertakes with special educational needs pupils.
1) Hold a teaching qualification
which meets the requirements for
recognition to teach in grant
aided schools and be registered
with the GTCNI by the agreed
date of taking up duty.
2) Have experience in a paid
capacity of teaching children with
severe learning difficulties.
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 Have a minimum of 1
year’s experience in a
paid capacity of teaching
children with severe
learning difficulties within
the last 4 years as at the
closing date for receipt
of completed
 Have a minimum of 3
months’ experience in a
paid capacity of teaching
children with severe
learning difficulties at
Key Stage 3 level within
the last 4 years as at the
closing date for receipt
of completed
 Have experience of
assisting with and/or
developing a subject
area of the curriculum.
 Knowledge of Northern Ireland
 Sound knowledge of all aspects of
curriculum delivery to pupils;
 Organisational skills;
 Interpersonal skills;
 Communication skills;
 Leadership skills;
 Knowledge of child protection
 Ability to work as a member of a
 Confidentiality;
 Ability to use initiative;
 Ability to deal appropriately with
pupils and parents;
 Committed to raising pupil
 Ability to motivate self and others;
 Enthusiasm;
 Flexible.
Willingness to organise and
participate in extracurricular activities.
The criteria may be enhanced
If you have been appointed for a post that involves ‘regulated activity’ under the
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007, the Board will be required to undertake
an Enhanced Disclosure of Criminal Background. Please note that you WILL be
expected to meet the cost of an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate, which is currently
£30. Details of how to make payment will be sent to you at the pre-employment
Further details in relation to legislative requirements can be accessed on or
Please note that the post availability indicates how long a post will be vacant at the time of
going to press and does not necessarily indicate the commencement date of any contract.
Temporary contracts may subject to extension or may be reduced for any valid reason
unless otherwise indicated. Certain circumstances may arise where the successful
candidate will not be employed for the full period of availability e.g. Due to incomplete preemployment checks at the commencing availability date.
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Where a post is available for a full 12 month period and due to unforeseen circumstances
it is not possible for the successful candidate to commence their contract at the availability
date stated, the period of employment will be reduced and the teacher will be paid on the
hourly rate for teachers.
Temporary teachers employed for less than a 12 month period will be paid on the hourly
rate for teachers.
This appointment will be subject to satisfactory references being received. One reference
should be from a person who is able to comment on your suitability to work with
children/young people in an educational setting. The Board will seek references from
present/previous employers for posts involving ‘*regulated activity’.
It is essential that you fully describe in the application form how you meet the
criteria sought. Please provide detailed information against each requirement,
providing dates and ensuring that where requirements are time bounded (e.g. 1
year within the last 5 years) you provide detail and dates that fully satisfy the
requirement. It is not appropriate to simply list the various posts that you have
held. Assumptions will not be made from the title of your post.
Canvassing will disqualify
Posts involving work in educational institutions are subject to the provisions of the
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007
Please complete and return your Application Form and Equal Opportunities
Questionnaire by post/hand delivering to the Equal Opportunities Unit, South
Eastern Education and Library Board, Grahamsbridge Road, Dundonald, BT16
2HS no later than 12.00 noon on the closing date for completed applications.
Faxed, e-mailed or late application forms will not be accepted.
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