Tyreeanna United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church
Season after Pentecost
November 9, 2014
(We turn our attention to God’s Presence)
 Song of Praise
Welcome and Greetings
Announcements (Birthdays/Anniversaries)
 Call to Worship
This Is the Day
This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord hath made, that the Lord hath made,
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice,
And be glad in it, and be glad in it.
This is the day that the Lord hath made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day, this is the day that the Lord hath made.
 Morning Prayer
A Guide to prayer
Lord Jesus, you alone are the resurrection and the life;
those who believe in you will never die.
Come to us and speak new life upon all our dyings.
Look upon us as we stand at the thresholds of our
entombing experiences, unable to see or move
because of the grave clothes which bind us.
Set us free. In your name we pray. Amen.
 Gloria Patri
Time with our Youth
I am only one, but I am one.
I can't do everything, but
I can do something.
And what I can do, I ought to do.
And what I ought to do, by the
Grace of God, I shall do.
~ Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)
Call to Prayer:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace
Celebrations and Concerns
Silent Prayer --- Pastoral Prayer --- Lord’s Prayer
Offertory Prayer:
 Offertory and Doxology
 Hymn
To God Be the Glory
Special Music
Acts 2:1-4
Birth of the Church
 Hymn
Take My Life, and Let It Be
The Altar is always open for meditation and prayer
 The Sending Forth
Choral Response
Three-fold Amen
 The Scattering in Service
 Stand as you are able
I do not ask to walk smooth paths
Nor bear an easy load,
I pray for strength and fortitude
To climb the rock-strewn road.
Give me such courage I can scale
The hardest peaks alone,
And transform every stumbling block
Into a stepping-stone.
~ Gail Brook Burket
As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is a mere flattery
or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope
begins to be a strength. Like all the Christian virtues, it is as
unreasonable as it is indispensable.
~ G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
Tyreeanna United Methodist Church
Richmond Area Bishop
Young Jin Cho
District Superintendent
Larry E. Davies
James W. Martin
Lay Leader Bonnie Crews
Music Director
Sharon Crist-Austin
November 9, 2014
Our Military Personnel to be remembered:
Seth Necessary – Stateside
Joey Dixon – Stateside
Danny Brook, Jr. – Stateside
Isaiah Farris – Stateside
Aaron Hall – Stateside
Bryson Kirby – Grmy
John Seamster – Stateside
Jonathan Campbell – Stateside
Michael Bliss – Stateside
Corey Smith – Stateside
Patrick Carpenter – Stateside
Scott Falwell – Stateside
Corey Evans – Stateside
Frankie Jennings – Stateside
David Johnson – Japan
Scott Miles – Stateside
Micah Gehman – Stateside
Matthew Bono – Stateside
Casey Farris – Stateside
Tony Allen – Stateside
Amanda Shay Heiser (F) – @Homeport Mallory Showalter (F) – Stateside
Michael Slemensky – Stateside
Forest Clark – Stateside
David Solich – Afgn
Chris Purdue – Stateside
Jason Cook – Afgn
Jason Dunbar – Stateside
Dave Hull – Afgn
Jess Hull - Stateside
Assisted Living:
Gladys McCrary Oakwood Manor
Bedford, VA
Polly Templeton Runk & Pratt
Lynchburg, VA
Margie Bailey
Heritage Green
Lynchburg, VA
Schedule of Events:
Tue 10:00 AM - Bible Study – James – Beth Moore Study
Tue 6:30 PM - Choir Practice
Sun Nov 16 noon Thanksgiving Luncheon - CovDsh
Tyreeanna Online:
Birthdays: Nov: (3) Dixie Austin; (7) Bettie Bomar;
(17) Buddy Drinkard; (18) Wanda Womack; (22) Wilma Phelps;
(26) Lula Marshall; (28) Bonnie Wade; (29) Bobby Dudley;
Anniversaries: Nov: none listed
Hope humbly then; with trembling pinions soar;
Wait the great teacher death, and God adore.
What future bliss he gives not thee to know,
But gives that hope to be thy blessing now,
Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never is, but always to be blessed.
~ Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
November 9, 2014
A Treasury of Bible Illustrations
Quickverse 2011
Draper's book of Quotations for the Christian World
QV 2011
The United Methodist Hymnal, 1989