Posterwalk 1 Formiddag kl. 09.35-10.35 Guide: Britt Mortthorst Tavle 1 Tavle 2 Tavle 3 Tavle 4 Tavle 5 Tavle 6 Tavle 7 Tavle 8 Guide: Per Bech Tavle 9 Tavle 10 Tavle 11 Tavle 12 Tavle 13 Tavle 14 Guide: Mette Ødegaard Nielsen Tavle 15 Tavle 16 Tavle 17 Tavle 18 Tavle 19 Tavle 20 Tavle 21 Tavle 22 Gruppe 1: Selvmord, Tvang og overdødelighed Sandra Melanie Meier: Increased mortality among persons with obsessivecompulsive disorder: a total population study Charlotte Mühlmann: Web-based self-help therapy for people at risk of suicide: a randomized trial Anne Ranning: Patterns of Living Arrangements during Childhood for Children of Parents with Serious Psychiatric Disorders Katrine Schepelern Johansen: Forebyggelse af bæltefikseringer I forhold til patienter med en dobbeltdiagnose Trine Madsen: Trajectories of suicidal ideation in patients with first episode psychosis - The OPUS trial Britt Mortthorst: Pack size restriction of Paracetamol in Europe Svetlana Bangsmann: Den sociale mening med selvmord – en kvalitativ undersøgelse af selvmord blandt ældre psykiatriske patienter August G. Wang: Holdning til assisteret selvmord og eutanasi Gruppe 2: Recovery Ursula Brinck-Claussen Can treatment according to the Collabri model for collaborative care reduce symptoms for patients with depression or generalized anxiety? Nadja Kehler Curth The effect of the Collabri-model for collaborative care for panic disorder and social phobia Elsebeth Holten Møller Holistisk Assessment- et led i patientens personlige recoveryproces Nina Timmerby: Psykiatrisk Forskningsenhed, Psykiatrisk Center Nordsjælland, Dyrehavevej 48, 3400 Hillerød Per Bech: En kort Rasch-accepteret PANSS-skala til måling af skizofreni, herunder recovery. Anna Kristine Waldemar: Recovery-orienteret praksis på psykiatriske sengeafsnit Gruppe 3: Skizofreni og psykose Lea Klærke :Tracking the impact of cognitive and structural brain changes on functional outcome: a 10-16 year schizophrenia study Simon Anhøj: Functional Connectivity and Correlations with Psychopathology in Antipsychotic-Naïve First-Episode Schizophrenia Patients Jayachandra MR: Micro-structural White Matter Alterations in First-episode Antipsychotic-naive Schizophrenia Patients Stine Mai Nielsen: Abuse of Alcohol and Illicit Substances and Risk of Developing Schizophrenia: A nationwide population based register study Sara Bergh: Predictors and longitudinal course of cognitive functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorders, 10 years after baseline: The OPUS study Kasper Jessen: A longitudinal study of cortical thickness and surface in antipsychotic-naive first-episode schizophrenia patients: The impact of neurochemical disturbances and cognitive deficits Louise K. Høffding: The Danish Cytogenetic Central Register: Population-based survival analysis of mental disorders among carriers of chromosomal abnormalities Louise K. Høffding: Identification of Rare High-Risk Copy Number Variants affecting the Dopamine Transporter Gene in Mental Disorders Posterwalk 1 Formiddag kl. 09.35-10.35 Tavle 23 Tavle 24 Guide: Jessica Lohmann Carsson Tavle 25 Tavle 26 Tavle 27 Tavle 28 Tavle 29 Tavle 30 Tavle 31 Tavle 32 Guide Carsten Hjorthøj Tavle 33 Tavle 34 Tavle 35 Tavle 36 Tavle 37 Tavle 38 Medbringer selv Tavle Christian Legind: Cerebral blood flow in the thalamus as a potential biological marker for schizophrenia: a twin study Kirsten Borup Bojesen: Improving treatment of patients with schizophrenia – glutamate as a marker for choice of treatment Gruppe 4: Psykoterapi Sebastian Simonsen: Personality disorders: Can we capture different levels of pathology? Maja Sticker Nordbrandt: Treatment of traumatised refugees: the effect of Basic Body Awareness Therapy versus mixed physical activity as add-on treatment – A Randomised Controlled Trial Morten Fenger: Internet based self-help therapy versus no intervention for persons with anxiety disorders: A randomised feasibility study Morten Hvenegaard: Rumination-focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy vs. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Depression (RuCoD-trial): a randomized controlled superiority trial Louise Birkedal Glenthøj: The focus trial: An RCT evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive remediation for patienas at ultra-high risk for psychosis Nina Tejs Jørring: E-mails som integreret redskab i familieterapeutisk behandling Lucas Rundblad: Perceived sexual difficulties in patients with heart disease: a cross sectional study Thea Winther Sørensen: Seksuel dysfunktion hos kvinder med bipolar affektiv sindslidelse Gruppe 5: Diagnostik og læringsforløb Signe Lund Skammeritz: Transcultural psychiatric assessment and treatment of migrants in Denmark Laura Glahder Lindberg: The encounter between clinicians and migrant patients in the outpatient mental health services in Denmark Pernille Pinderup Jeppesen: Evaluation of a training program in dual diagnosis treatment for mental health professionals Maja Bruhn: The Extent and Impact of Post-migration Stressors during Treatment of Traumatised Refugees Liv Os Stølan: Drømme & muligheder. Retspsykiatriske patienters oplevelser af retspsykiatriske behandlingsforløb Jessica Justinussen and Camilla Dall: Investigating the Role of M4 receptors in Impulsivity, Decision-making and Compulsivity Eva Hundrup: How to continuously monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of clinical decisionmaking in a new psychiatric setting
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