FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 1 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 MICHIGAN CHAPTER OF THE YEAR - 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Region D and Michigan District Staff Region D Directors Lee & Kay Tieche [email protected] Region D COY Gary & Carol Meyerholtz 55697-01 MI District Directors Bob & Kim Scott 989.429.9144 Asst. District Directors Dennis & Gayle Jisa 248.627.6320 MI District COY Gary & Carol Williams—Chapter J ____________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Directors Asst. Chapter Directors Asst. Chapter Directors Treasurer Chapter Educators Newsletter Editor Patches & Pins Couple of the Year Member Enhancement Sunshine Lady Restaurant Coordinator Activities Coordinator Road Captain Road Captain Road Captain Road Captain Road Captain Road Captain Road Captain Road Captain Chapter 50/50 Wing News Reporter Chapter F-2 Staff Larry Kephart & Wanda Booth Don & Connie Smith Harold & Pat Brown Ed Leininger Bill & Linda Diffin Ralph Rheingans, Jr. Dr. Ben Benjamin & Lonnie Don & Connie Smith Pat Brown Linda Diffin Laura Miller Wanda Booth Ed Ford Ken Miller Terry Hipkins Ralph Rheingans, Jr. Ed Leininger Dave Hornak Dave King Don Smith Carol Muschiana Frank Beaven 810.348.3702 810.265.3605 810.845.2121 810.686.8747 810.397.1813 989.277.2500 810.614.2050 810.265.3605 810.845.2121 810.397.1813 810.653.1362 810.569.2906 810.569.0499 810.240.9042 810.444.3126 989.277.2500 810.686.8747 248.793.3360 810.250.0194 810.265.3605 810.569.5900 810.919.5545 F2 Mission Statement It is the mission of Gold Wing Road Riders Association Michigan Chapter F-2 and its officers to promote GWRRA and reflect positive attitudes; to be good listeners to all Chapter F-2 members as they voice their opinions and choices of ideas with fun activities; to offer education and training to gain knowledge through the promotion of safety; to give participants a family and friends atmosphere; to ensure that every chapter member is treated with respect, dignity, and equality; and to serve foremost under the guidelines of the GWRRA policies. We will be committed to accomplish whatever is needed so that Chapter F-2 will have a consistent positive experience throughout their membership with the Gold Wing Road Riders Association. Monthly Gatherings are the 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at the VFW Hall in Davison, Michigan. FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 2 Larry's Lines of Learning THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU Well November is here and with it comes THANKSGIVING, and every year I find I have more to be thankful for. As long as I can remember I have been the father of 3 beautiful daughters who have given me 6 wonderful grandchildren and 3 years ago I was blessed with twin great - granddaughters. Now on November 29th Wanda will become my wife and I will become dad - granddad -and great grandfather to another wonderful family. I truly never expected to see my 71st birthday, let alone enlarge my family, but I am looking forward to this new episode in a very fun packed life. Then there is my GWRRA family and I am so thankful for every one of you. A lot of weeks I see more of this family than I do of my immediate family. I look forward to the days when we can meet someplace for breakfast and then ride all day only to come home and start thinking about where we are going to ride to tomorrow. We have our Thursday night dinner ride every week where we get together to visit and share a meal. These are one of the highlights of every week and I look forward to all the different places Laura finds for us to dine. Don has echoed my exact feelings numerous times when he says that F-2 is the best chapter in Michigan. I have felt that way for 24 years. We just had an anniversary party and I felt it was one of the best ones we ever had. There were 69 people there and 7 chapters were represented. You must feel the same about F-2 because when we asked for help to decorate the hall there were 23 people who showed up. And there is no way to thank those members who pay the same to get in as everyone else and then volunteer to work the games or the kitchen so that everyone else has a great evening. And when it is done for the night and I see half the chapter rolling up their sleeves to help clean up it makes me feel very thankful to be the leader of such a great 2nd family. I am thankful for our great newsletter that Ralph puts out and all the extra work it takes the members who get out and line up all our wonderful sponsors. Be sure and frequent their places of business and tell them we appreciate their support. I am thankful for all of you who take the time to take the rider education classes that Bill has set up for us that we will be safer riders as well as the First Aid and CPR to help in an emergency. Most all I have to say that I am thankful to Wanda for just being there to let me vent a little when it seems to be too much. If you know me very well you know that GWRRA has been a very big part of my life for over 26 years and when it doesn't seem to be going in the direction I think it should I sometimes become hard to live with and that’s when Dear Sweet Wanda comes to my rescue. Everyone should have that special person in their life that listens and says your right or you’re wrong but mostly that it's going to be all right. I hope you all have a fantastic THANKSGIVING with your 1st family and take just a minute to be thankful for that 2nd family as well. On a lighter note no matter how thankful we are just remembering it isn't a good day if you happen to be a TURKEY! Likeable Larry & Wonderful Wanda F2 Chapter Directors FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 3 DANDY DON’S NOVEMBER NOTES Chapter F-2 is one of the best chapters within our great state of Michigan. Our chapter has done many, many things, including visiting other chapters, hosting rider Ed classes, hosting CPR classes and just recently having our 24th anniversary party with GWRRA. What a great party - thanks to everyone who helped, put it together to the clean up afterwards. THANK YOU CHAPTER F-2 once again. We were once again quite busy during the month of October. On October 4th several of our members went up to Midland for Chapter V's anniversary party. We all enjoyed ourselves and most of us won a prize or two. Then on October 11th, we drove up to West Branch and attended Chapter Y's anniversary party. They too put on a good feed and we got to see some friends that we have not seen in a while. Now you say, what is next for Chapter F-2? What are we up to now?? Keep reading and you will see what's up our sleeves next. How about we load up a few members and go capture both the Michigan Traveling Plaque and the Region D Traveling Plaque?? I’m up for it - so let’s go do this. Let me know if you would like to go with us. We need five (5) members to capture the Region D plaque but only need four (4) to capture our Michigan Traveling Plaque. Who wants to go?? As Larry mentioned in his article that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, Connie and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. We hope that you are able to spend time with your family or friends. Congratulations to Larry & Wanda as they tie the knot this year. Please keep in mind that your chapter is behind you all the way on this one boss. We love you both so very much and hope nothing but the BEST for both of you. Congratulations once again from Chapter F-2. It won't be much longer and most of our chapter will be going South for the winter. We want to wish all those traveling to be safe and we look forward to seeing everyone next spring. So, because we don't know what tomorrow may bring, be sure to tell your love ones, that you love them. Till Next Time, DANDY DON from Outstate Oxford and Connie Too! F2 Assistant Chapter Directors F2 Couple of the Year– 2014 _______________________________________________________________________________________ WINNERS AT THE OCTOBER F-2 GATHERING It Pays to Attend Quarter Drop Ralph Rheingans, Jr. F2 Pride Jim Bassett 50/50 Chris Bassett, Linda Diffin Look for your GW Number—You may be a Winner too! FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 4 RIDER EDUCATION Do You Ride with the Right Attitude? When you decide to take your motorcycle out for a ride, what are you thinking about? Where is your attention? Are you thinking about the things you will be doing when you get to work? Is your mind playing with the words you could have said, or should have said, in the debate with your boss or your spouse earlier in the day? In short, where is your head at when you saddle up? Each and every time you throw a leg over your motorcycle it matters what you are thinking about. Whether you are simply commuting to work on your motorcycle to reduce fuel costs, or you are heading out on a week-long vacation on two-wheels, your mental attitude plays a big role in how safe you will be on the road, and how much you will enjoy the ride. Riding a motorcycle is an activity that is 80% to 90% mental while the rest is physical. When you are thinking about the job on your way to work, or going over the list of errands you need to complete, or just letting your mind drift as you idle down to the end of your driveway, your level of safety is reduced. You need to shift your attitude and focus only on the ride to insure an incident free trip. So how do you make the shift from thinking about daily issues to the ride at hand? Establish a routine that you will go through before every ride. Start by evaluating the condition of your motorcycle as you walk up to it. Do a mental T-CLOCS. Look at the tires as you approach (inflated, tread, visible damage). Are there any oily or wet spots on the ground under your bike (where did it come from, is it safe to ride)? And try to be conservative when you answer these questions to yourself. Keep your eyes open for anything amiss. Then, if everything looks okay, gear up. (Of course, you should do a physical T-CLOCS regularly, too, especially before starting a long ride!) Next step, finish donning your protective outer layer. Most of us put on our gear in the same sequence every time. Long pants and boots are usually put on in the house. Out at the bike, your jacket, helmet, eye protection, and gloves complete the process. Consider the weather and make sure you have packed any other gear you may need before the ride is over. Put the key in the ignition and start the bike. While the engine warms, check the fuel level. Determine how far you will be able to go before you need to stop for a fill-up. Do you know the route you plan to take? Do you have all the necessary information with you to get you where you want to go? Good. With those aspects considered, you are ready to focus on the journey. Now, when you shift your bike into gear, shift your brain into “active rider mode” because nothing else matters now except your safety. All your thoughts should be about the ride you are beginning. Your eyes should be active and scanning your surroundings - aggressively! Look for potential hazards that might cause you to change your speed (by braking or accelerating), to change direction (by swerving or turning), or to communicate to other road users. A wave of the hand, a flash of your high beams, or a toot of your horn tells others that you are there. Make sure they are aware of you. All the while your mind should be translating the inputs from your eyes and ears into pictures of things that might happen next. Evaluate in your mind what your response would be to each of the possibilities. When a hazard comes up, keep your options open until you have to choose one – the best one – the one that lets you avoid the hazard safely and without any drama. This is riding with the right attitude - the attitude that your job is to ride safely until you park your bike and remove the key from the ignition. Develop a routine like this for yourself and every ride you take will be a safer and more pleasing ride. Ride Smart & Be Safe! Bruce & Melissa Thayer Former MI Asst. District Rider Educators Bill & Linda Diffin F-2 Rider Educators FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Chapter F-2 Appreciation Dinner September 25, 2014 - Little Caesars in Davison Chapter Director Larry Kephart Awards Certificates of Appreciation to Road Captains for Great Work in 2014 And the Chapter enjoyed lots of salad and pizza! Page 5 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 6 CHAPTER F2 PERSON OF THE YEAR FOR 2014 Laura Miller Laura is our restaurant coordinator and she goes above and beyond to make sure the reservations have been made for our chapter. Laura makes contact with each restaurant on a weekly basis. Laura is a self-starter type of lady. Whenever our chapter has a pot luck dinner or a chapter party, Laura is always the first person to help out wherever she can. Laura is married to Ken Miller, who also is a big help in our chapter. Both are Life Members of GWRRA and both are real assets to our chapter. Laura Miller is Chapter F-2 “Person of the Year” for 2014. ___________________________________________________________________ Bill and Linda Diffin Recognized by Region D For Contributions to Chapters F-2 and K-2 for Michigan Rider Education. ————————————————————————————————————————————— F-2 Members Attend Going Away Party for Preacher Ted Milian—Moving to Arizona FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Chapter F-2 2014 Anniversary Halloween Party Page 7 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Chapter F-2 2014 Anniversary Halloween Party Page 8 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 9 November Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Chapter A Anniversary Party 2 9 3 4 Chapter F-2 Gathering at 6:30pm Chapter F Gathering Michigan Chrome Shop in Richmond at 7:00pm 10 11 5 12 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 13 Hank Guillett Birthday 20 14 15 Louie King Birthday Dave Dell Birthday 21 22 28 29 Sophia's Restaurant in Grand Blanc at Sheila Newton 5:30pm Birthday Dawn Jordan Birthday 27 8 Fall Officers Meeting Bay Valley Resort in Bay City at 9:00am Louie's on Davison Rd in Lapeer at 5:30pm 16 Chapter F-2 Staff Meeting 7 Starlight Coney Island on Center Rd at Davison Rd at 5:30pm Bob Dennis Birthday Chapter Q-2 Gathering - Gilligans restaurant in Cass City at 9:00am 6 HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2014 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 10 December Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 13 19 20 Chapter F-2 Gathering 6:30pm Chapter F Gathering Michigan Chrome Shop in Richmond at Linda Diffin Birthday 7:00pm 7 8 Sandie Dell Birthday 14 9 Grandma's Recipe on Richfield Rd at 5:30pm George Garrow Birthday 10 Wanda Booth Birthday 15 16 17 Char Williams Birthday 21 22 11 Chapter F-2 Christmas Party in Lapeer at Ben & Bill Spencer Birthday Lonnie’s Club House Bob & Emma Dennis Anniversary 18 Leo's Coney Island on Steve Williams Miller Rd in Flint at Birthday 5:30pm Steve & Char Williams Anniversary 23 24 25 MERRY CHRISTMAS 28 Patricia Dexter Birthday 29 30 26 27 Durand Benjamin Birthday 31 Ben & Lonnie Anniversary Happy New Year 2014 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Support Our Sponsors —They Support Us The Best on Earth LAPEER HONDA Phone (810)245-0400 Motorcycles, ATV’s Fax (810) 245-0282 Scooters, PWC’s M/Thu 10-8 Power Equipment T/W/F 10-6 895 S. Main St. Sat. 10-5 Lapeer, MI 48446 www.lapeerhonda.net Page 11 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Support Our Sponsors —They Support Us Page 12 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 13 Support Our Sponsors —They Support Us _________________________________________________________________________________________ Quality and Value Since 1959 21 Locations Near You Little Caesars Pizza has been proudly serving delicious products for over 50 years. We only use the finest ingredients. Our dough is made fresh each day, and our cheese is freshly shredded. Our world famous pizza sauce contains a secret blend of spices that our customers love. FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Support Our Sponsors —They Support Us Page 14 FLAG CITY WINGS November 2014 Page 15 Hello, my name is Dan Eickhoff and this is my 1997 Honda Gold Wing GL1500 Aspencade. My wife Julie (of 17 years) and I enjoy getting out for a nice ride whenever our busy schedules allow it. We have 2 children Megan 15 and Ethan 12 that are very busy with school sports and travel softball and baseball. Our daughter Megan plays softball for Clio high school along with travel softball for the Genesee county Gatorcats, on top of being very active in student council and chess. This season will be my 5th season coaching Ethan with travel baseball and we are heading to Cooperstown NY this coming July for a once in a lifetime tournament. He is also involved in wrestling and football at Clio as well. I have been in the automobile business since 1995 and am proud to say I have helped over 3600 customers with getting a new vehicle. I am teamed up with Simms Chevrolet in Clio and we are excited to say that we have award winning vehicles that are sure to make any one proud to own. Simms Chevrolet and I are proud to support your Gold Wing chapter. Your business is VERY IMPORTANT to us here at Simms Chevrolet and we guarantee that your best deal starts right here with me. You can call me or just stop by and we can talk about Gold Wing’s or if you are thinking of a new or used vehicle I will get to work for you. We are easily located just east of I-75 in Clio on Vienna (M-57). My direct number is 810-964-6827. Don’t hesitate to call or text me with any questions you may have. I am looking forward to meeting you and if you see a dark green Gold Wing around the area just give a wave, good chances it is me. Dan Eickhoff 810-964-6827 [email protected] 4220 W. Vienna Road, Clio, MI 48420 Sales: (866) 560-9491 Service:(866) 630-5711 Parts: (810)686-1700
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