SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook IB Diploma Programme Subject Selection Booklet For 2013 – 2015 SHANGHAI UNITED INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL -1- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook IB Learner Profile IB learners strive to be: Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions. Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others. Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience. Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs. Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development. International Baccalaureate Organization 2006 -2- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Dear Grade 10 Students and Parents/Guardians, You are facing an important decision because your education has reached a turning point. Congratulations on your accomplishments to date. This booklet describes the two major options you need to consider – to undertake the full IB Diploma or to work to obtain IB Courses. Some of you may decide that neither option is for you, but it is important that you make an informed decision so I encourage you to read on. The International Baccalaureate is known and respected throughout the world as a passport to higher education. However, the IB Diploma is more than an academic qualification; through its various components students develop the knowledge, skills and confidence that not only prepares them for university, but also serves to mold their character. In this regard, it is a worthwhile qualification in its own right. But, like most worthwhile things, the full IB Diploma is not easily achieved. On average, only 37% of all IB students obtain IB Diploma each year. It is a demanding and rigorous program of study that is not necessarily for all students. Students who may not be ready to take on the demands of the full IB Diploma can instead choose to work towards IB Courses. Course students have more flexibility with their courses and levels, which allows them to tailor a program to suit their individual strengths and future plans. By the end of Grade 10, you should have a fair assessment of your own capabilities, strengths and interests. It is best to take on the program that is at the limit, but not beyond your potential. There is no advantage in taking on the high demands of the full IB Diploma program if you are not 100% committed to the program objectives. In the absence of personal motivation, the Diploma program can lead to high levels of stress and reduced academic performance. By focusing on your strengths, and making the right program choice, you can ensure that the next two years are spent in a challenging, and rewarding educational experience, with opportunity for clear success in the final achievement. Until now, your academic program has been largely chosen for you; this may be the first time where the decision rests on your shoulders. It is important that you realistically assess your abilities and work ethic along with your future educational objectives so that the choice you make is one you can commit to for the next two years. We look forward to working with you. Kevin Chu – DP Coordinator [email protected] -3- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Welcome to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is an advanced 2-year course of study designed to prepare students for university and life. The IB Diploma Programme founders recognized a need to create a University preparatory curriculum with high standards which would be recognized around the world. Since its inception in 1968, the IB Programme has grown to include over 3,459 schools in 143 countries. The IB Programme is more than just a curriculum, it is also a teaching and educational philosophy designed to inspire students to think beyond the factual recall of information. The spectrum of IB classes is designed to teach students to think critically, to appreciate the importance of seeing events or knowledge claims from different perspectives, to understand strengths and weaknesses of what students or others claim to “know,” to understand and explore ethical controversies inherently relevant to what they learn, and to be able to apply what they learn in meaningful ways to the “real world”. While the Diploma Programme is not designed exclusively for the elite or gifted academic student, the decision to pursue several IB diploma courses or the full IB diploma is most appropriate for those students who are highly motivated, open-minded, and highly responsible. The IB Diploma Programme is much more, however, than a series of academic subjects. Its unique additional features of CAS, Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge ensure that students are opened up to their community responsibilities, are encouraged to develop their research skills and become independent analytical thinkers. Eligibility for acceptance into Grade 11: All previous educational backgrounds will be considered for students entering the Diploma Programme but a student needs to have achieved a high level in their educational background to ensure they commence the Diploma Programme with a strong academic foundation. For students who have followed the IGCSE programme, we require a minimum of five passes (A* through C) and a minimum of a grade ‘C’ to enter a standard level course and ‘B’ to enter a higher level course. For students who have followed the Pre DP programme, we require a minimum of five subjects with 4 points or above and a minimum of a grade '4' to enter a standard level course and '5' to enter a higher level course. Students who do not meet these minimum requirements will need to re-take their IGCSE examinations or to repeat G10 Pre DP. This may result in formal acceptance into Grade 11 the following academic year. Grade 11 and Grade 12 at SUIS is a place where hard work and high academic standards go hand-inhand with a strong emphasis on the development of holistic education in a creative and supportive environment. Our students are the strength of the Secondary School. This booklet assists students in making decisions about what subjects to select for the IB Diploma Programme. -4- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook IB OPTIONS FOR STUDENTS AT SUIS OPTION 1: Students officially register with the IB for one or more IB Diploma Programme (DP) courses, including the option to study the IB Core components. These students will be referred to as “IB Course Students” Students take IB DP exams in the subjects that they officially register in at the end of the two year programme. Students will be required to perform 150 hours of Creativity, Action and Service (CAS). Students receive an official IBO Diploma Programme (DP) Course Results transcript indicating their performance in the IB course(s) that they completed. OPTION 2: Students accepted into the Diploma Programme will register with the IB to undertake six (6) subjects along with the three (3) compulsory Core components. These students will be considered “IB Diploma Programme Candidates.” Students take IB exams in six subjects (three at HL and three at SL), complete TOK, an EE, and meet all IB CAS requirements (150 hours). Students receive an official IBO Diploma transcript “The Diploma of the International Baccalaureate” and their “Diploma Programme (DP) Results” indicating their performance in the IB DP courses that they completed. Option 1: IB Course Students Students who want to earn official recognition for the IB classes but who have decided not to, or are not eligible to access the full IB Diploma Programme can undertake IB courses as IB Course Students. Diploma Programme Courses can be taken at either the Higher or Standard Level. IB Course students can choose to take only Standard Level classes. In regards to the Diploma Programme Core Elements: IB Courses students will be required to perform 150 hours of Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) at SUIS and may choose to undertake the Extended Essay (EE), and/or the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course if they are interested in study within these areas, but they are not compulsory courses for the IB Course Students. Like the full-Diploma students, IB Course students can have the official grades earned in their subjects sent to Universities directly from the IBO. The IB DP courses at SUIS are taught over a two-year period and IB DP examinations are undertaken in May in the second year of the programme (Grade 12). Option 2: IB Diploma Candidates Students who pursue the full IB Diploma Programme must study six subjects: three at higher level and three at standard level. The IB DP courses at SUIS are taught over a two-year period and IB examinations are undertaken in May in the second year of the programme (Grade 12). Other required components of the full IB Diploma Programme include CAS, Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay, all of which must be successfully completed. -5- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook The Diploma Programme The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year curriculum, primarily aimed at students aged 16 to 19. It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world's leading universities. More information about the Diploma Programme can be found on the IBO public website at -6- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook IB Diploma Programme Core 1. CAS Requirement – CAS is an acronym for “Creativity, Action and Service.” A total of 150 hours, ideally divided evenly between the three components, is required for completion of the full IB Diploma Programme. SUIS also expects students to undertake CAS in the first term of Grade 12, regardless if the 150 hour requirement has already been met in Grade 11. Diploma Programme candidates are required to keep a CAS journal and CAS reflection throughout the programme and to submit a short CAS essay towards the end of their two year programme. 2. Theory of Knowledge – Theory of Knowledge (TOK) interweaves all the IB subject areas, distinguishes between how knowledge is acquired in each area, and explores the difference between truth and belief. The course emphasizes a great deal of critical thinking, personal reflection and stresses the importance of seeing events from multiple perspectives. TOK does not have a formal IB examination, but candidates will undertake an oral presentation that will be internally assess and externally moderated as well as submitting a final TOK essay that is sent to an external examiner for marking. 3. Extended Essay – The Extended Essay (EE) is a required analytic paper of 4000 words. The EE is intended to promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity. It provides students with an opportunity to engage in personal research in a topic of their own choice (chosen from the list of approved Diploma Programme subjects), under the guidance of a supervisor (a teacher in the school). The final submission of the EE is sent to an external examiner for marking. The Structure of the IB Diploma Programme at SUIS Full Diploma Programme candidates must complete the “core” requirements of the Programme: the Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and CAS. The core elements are not compulsory for the IB Course students. Diploma candidates must take six subjects chosen from group one to six. One subject must be selected from each of the groups 1 to 5. The sixth subject can be selected from Group 6 or from groups 1 to 4. Three of these subjects must be chosen at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL). IB Course students may choose to study all subjects at a Standard Level if they wish. The list below shows the IB subjects that are offered at SUIS. Group 1 Studies in Language and Literature Chinese A: Literature – HL/SL Chinese A: Language & Literature – HL/SL English A: Literature – HL/SL Group 2 Language Acquisition English B – HL/SL German Ab Initio- SL Only Mandarin B – HL/SL Mandarin Ab Initio- SL Only -7- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 3 Individuals and Societies Business and Management – HL/SL Economics – HL/SL Geography – HL/SL History – HL/SL ITGS – HL/SL Psychology – SL Only Group 4 Experimental Sciences Biology – HL/SL Chemistry – HL/SL Physics – HL/SL Group 5 Mathematics & Computer Science Math HL Math SL Math Studies – SL Only Group 6 The Arts Music – HL/SL Visual Arts – HL/SL OR An additional subject from group 1, 2, 3 or 4 IMPORTANT: Some courses may not be opened due to insufficient student enrolment (minimum 6 students). In addition, it is not always possible to accommodate all course preferences due to scheduling conflicts. Distinctions between Standard Level and Higher Level Subjects Whether a student pursues the full IB Diploma Programme or IB Courses, students will usually have a certain amount of choice about whether they take each subject at Higher Level or Standard Level. The exact difference in terms of content, standards, and requirements of subject taken at the SL or HL varies between subjects in the IB DP curriculum. In some subjects, HL and SL vary substantially in degree of difficulty and material covered. However, for most IB DP subjects, the levels differ primarily in the amount of material covered rather than degree of difficulty. Standard Level courses require approximately 150 class hours while Higher Level courses require approximately 240 class hours. In practice, standard level students have additional in-class study time, cover fewer units, or have fewer demands in regard to their internal assessment. Students who pursue any course at Higher Level should do so because they have a particular aptitude or high-level of motivation in this subject. In making the final decision about the level of courses, students need to balance carefully their interests and abilities with their projected university entrance requirements. -8- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Internal Assessment (IA) vs External Assessment (May 2015 Exams) 1) Internal Assessment (20-30% of the Total Grade): The IB DP curriculum requires that students complete a major “project” in each IB class they take. Such projects are formally called an Internal Assessment (IA) because they are assessed “internally” by the subject teachers. Regardless of the type of project, students are asked to apply the knowledge and skills they are learning in the class to this assignment. To ensure consistency, IA projects are also “moderated”. This means that while the individual teacher is responsible for grading and assessing the students’ work, the IBO randomly requests samples of this work to be examined by IB examiners who check to see that teachers are applying the grading criteria correctly and consistently. The moderation process is an important part of maintaining consistency, fairness, high standards, and accountability in the IB Diploma Programme. The IA requirement also serves to lessen the relative impact of the examination at the end of the course. Students who are not necessarily good test-takers may excel at the IA project, thereby balance any unexpectedly low exam results. 2) External Assessment (70 to 80% of the Total Grade): In May of the second year of the IB Diploma Programme, students will undertake IB DP examinations. IB DP examinations are comprehensive; they are usually based on two years worth of teaching materials. Therefore, they require a great deal of revision and preparation by the student. These exams are created by the IBO and sent by courier to each IBO school. The examinations themselves are “externally assessed” (graded) by trained examiners throughout the world based upon published grading criteria and mark schemes. Results for IB Diploma Students The maximum score possible for those students pursuing the full IB Diploma is 45, representing up to 7 points in each of the six required courses (42 points) plus 3 possible bonus points for Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay components. A full Diploma candidate taking six examinations must reach a total of 24 points, or an average grade of four in each of their classes. To a certain extent, a high grade in one subject can balance a poor grade in another (e.g., a 5 in English can offset a 3 in Mathematics). Be aware that there are ten situations that can keep candidates from receiving the diploma. Full Diploma students will not receive their Diploma if: • they receive fewer than 24 points • there is a grade 1 awarded in any subject and level • there are four or more grades of 3 or below • they do not complete their CAS requirement, TOK requirements, or Extended Essay • • • • • • a score of “2” in any HL subject two or more “2” grades in any SL subject less than 12 total points in their HL subjects fewer than 9 total points in their SL subjects an “E” in either the Theory of Knowledge or Extended Essay The candidate has found guilty of malpractice by the IBO -9- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Theory of Knowledge & Extended Essay Bonus Points Award of Diploma points: the EE contributes to the overall diploma score through the award of points in conjunction with TOK. A maximum of three bonus points are awarded according to the student’s combined performance in both the EE and TOK. Both the EE and TOK are measured against published assessment criteria. According to the quality of the work, and based on the application of these assessment criteria, a student’s performance in each of the EE and TOK will fall into one of the following five bands: A = Work of an excellent standard B = Work of a good standard C = Work of a satisfactory standard D = Work of a mediocre standard E = Work of an elementary standard The total number of points awarded is determined by the combination of the performance levels achieved by the student in both the EE and TOK according to the following matrix. A student who fails to submit an extended essay will be awarded N for the extended essay, will score no points, and will not be awarded a diploma. Performance in both the extended essay and theory of knowledge of an elementary standard is a failing condition for the award of the diploma. * From 2010 onwards, 28 points overall will be required to be eligible for the diploma if a student attains an “E” grade in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge. As previously, a grade “A” in one of the requirements earns an extra point even if the other is a grade “E”. Attaining a grade “E” in both the extended essay and theory of knowledge continues to represent an automatic failure. -10- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook SUBJECT INFORMATION IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME -11- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature HL/SL) - Chinese Prerequisites: HoD's recommendation is required IGCSE First Language C for SL; B or above for HL Pre DP First Language 4 for SL; 5 or above for HL This course is intended for native or near native speakers. Students who achieve Grades C to A* in First Language courses are suitable for this course. Course Description: Language A: language and literature course develops skills of textual analysis. A study of the formal structures of a text is combined with an exploration of the way the use of formal elements and our understanding of their meaning is affected by reading practices that are culturally defined. The course is flexible. Teachers have the opportunity to construct it to reflect the interests and concerns relevant to their students. Language A: language and literature looks more openly at the method of inquiry embodied in critical literacy and is directed towards understanding the constructed nature of meanings generated by language and the web of relationships they share with the social world. In addition, Language A: language and literature allows the exploration of a wide variety of non-literary texts. Course Content: Part 1 Language in cultural context Texts are chosen from a variety of sources, genres and media Part 2 Language and mass communication Texts are chosen from a variety of sources, genres and media Part 3 Literature—texts and contexts SL Two literary works, one of which is a work in translation HL Three literary works, one of which is a work in translation Part 4 Literature—critical study SL Two literary works HL Three literary works Assessment: External assessment SL/HL 70% Paper 1 Textual analysis 25% SL 1 hour 30 minutes: analysis of one of two unseen texts HL 2 hours: comparative analysis of two unseen texts Paper 2 Literary essay 25% SL 1 hour 30 minutes HL 2 hours Written assignment Coursework 20% SL One creative response, 800–1,000 words HL Two coursework tasks: one creative response and one critical response, each 800–1,000 words Internal assessment SL/HL 30% Oral commentary SL/HL 15 minutes: literary commentary 15% SL/HL Group or class oral; individually assessed 15% Teacher to speak to: Ms Yang Hu -12- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Language A: Literature HL/SL – Chinese, English or other Languages Prerequisites: HoD's recommendation is required IGCSE First Language C for SL; B or above for HL IGCSE Literature C for SL; B or above for HL Pre DP First Language 4 for SL; 5 or above for HL This course is intended for native or near native speakers. Students who achieve Grades C to A* in First Language courses are suitable for this course. Course Description: Language A: literature develops understanding of the techniques involved in literary criticism and promotes the ability to form independent literary judgments. It is a flexible course that allows students to choose literary works from a prescribed book list and to construct a course that suits their particular needs and interests. Course Content: Part 1 Works in translation SL A literary study of two works in translation HL A literary study of three works in translation Part 2 Detailed study SL Close study and analysis of two works, each of a different genre HL Close study and analysis of three works, each of a different genre Part 3 Literary genres SL Literary study of three works of the same literary genre HL Literary study of four works of the same literary genre Part 4 Options SL Three works are chosen for Option 1 HL Three works are chosen for Option 1 Assessment: External assessment SL/HL 70% Paper 1 Guided Literary analysis 20% SL 1 hour 30 minutes HL 2 hours Paper 2 Literary essay 25% SL 1 hour 30 minutes HL 2 hours Written assignment Coursework 25% SL/HL 1,200–1,500 words Oral assessment SL/HL 30% Oral commentary: SL/HL 10/20 minutes literary commentary 15% Oral presentation SL/HL 10–15 minutes: individual presentation 15% Teachers to speak to: Mr Kevin Dumble for English, Ms Yang Hu for Chinese, Mr Kevin Chu for all other Languages. Group 2: Language Acquisition -13- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 2: Ab initio SL subject only – German, Mandarin or other Languages The language Ab initio course is designed for students with little or no prior experience of the language they wish to study. The aims of group 2 are to: 1. Develop students’ intercultural understanding 2. Enable students to understand and use the language they have studied in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes 3. Encourage, through the study of texts and through social interaction, an awareness and appreciation of the different perspectives of people from other cultures 4. Develop students’ awareness of the role of language in relation to other areas of knowledge 5. Develop students’ awareness of the relationship between the languages and cultures with which they are familiar 6. Provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use of an additional language 7. Provide the opportunity for enjoyment, creativity and intellectual stimulation through knowledge of an additional language. Content: It is organized around three themes and a series of 20 topics · Individual and society (Personal details, appearance and character-Daily routines-Education-Food and drinkPhysical health-Relationships-Shopping) · Leisure and work (Employment-Entertainment-Holidays-Media-Transport-Technology-Sport) · Urban and rural environment (Environmental concerns-Global issues-Neighbourhood-Physical GeographyTown and Services-Weather) Assessment: External assessment 70% Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skills 25% Text-handling exercises on four (five HL) written texts, based on the core. Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): Written productive skills 25% One writing exercise of 250–400 words from a choice of five, based on the options. HL: response of 150-250 words to a stimulus text, based on the core. Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skills 20% Inter textual reading followed by a written exercise of 300–400 words plus a 100-word rationale, based on the core. HL: creative writing of 500-600 words plus a 150 word rationale, based on one of the literary texts read. Internal assessment 30% Internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB. Individual oral: 20% Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10-minute (maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher. Interactive oral activity 10% Based on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher. Teachers to speak to: Mr Kevin Dumble for German, Ms Yang Hu for Mandarin and Mr Kevin Chu for other Languages. -14- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 2: Language B HL/SL – English B, Mandarin B Prerequisites: HoD's recommendation for HL is required IGCSE English C for SL; B or above for HL IGCSE Literature B or above for HL Pre DP English 4 for SL; 5 or above for HL Language B, SL and HL are language acquisition courses for students with some background in the target language. Standard and Higher levels are differentiated by the recommended teaching hours, the depth of syllabus coverage, the study of Literature at HL, the level of difficulty and the demands of assessment and the assessment criteria. The aims of group 2 are to: 1. Develop students’ intercultural understanding 2. Enable students to understand and use the language they have studied in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes 3. Encourage, through the study of texts and through social interaction, an awareness and appreciation of the different perspectives of people from other cultures 4. Develop students’ awareness of the role of language in relation to other areas of knowledge 5. Develop students’ awareness of the relationship between the languages and cultures with which they are familiar 6. Provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use of an additional language 7. Provide the opportunity for enjoyment, creativity and intellectual stimulation through knowledge of an additional language. Content: The core, which is common to both SL and HL, consists of three topics (Social relationships, Communication and Media, Global issues) and is a required area of study. In addition, teachers select two options from a choice of five (Health, Customs and Traditions, Leisure, Cultural diversity, Science and Technology). At HL, two works of literature are studied. Assessment: External assessment 70% Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skills 25% Text-handling exercises on four (five HL) written texts, based on the core. Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): Written productive skills 25% One writing exercise of 250–400 words from a choice of five, based on the options. HL: response of 150-250 words to a stimulus text, based on the core. Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skills 20% Inter textual reading followed by a written exercise of 300–400 words plus a 100-word rationale HL: creative writing of 500-600 words plus a 150 word rationale, based on one of the literary texts read. Internal assessment 30% Internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB. Individual oral: 20% Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10-minute (maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher. Interactive oral activity 10% Based on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher. Teachers to speak to: Mr Kevin Dumble for English, Ms Yang Hu for Mandarin -15- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 3 Individuals and Societies Group 3: Business and Management HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE Business Studies C for SL; B or above for HL Pre DP Business Studies 4 for SL; 5 or above for HL Course Description: The course examines business-decision making processes in marketing, production, human resource management and finance and how these decisions have an impact and are affected by internal and external environments. It studies the way individuals and groups interact in an organization and how resources are transformed within an international perspective. Course Content: The aims of this course focus on the development of critical, analytical thinking in the context of a dynamic business environment. HL and SL core Topic 1: Business organization and environment Topic 2: Human resources Topic 3: Accounts and finance Topic 4: Marketing Topic 5: Operations management Topic 6: Business strategy (HL only) The business strategy topic is intended to provide a framework and overview for the students to think in an integrated way about the future strategy of a business or businesses. These skills are particularly relevant when examining the case study and when researching for, and writing, the internal assessment components. The purpose of the business strategy topic is not to add extra content to the Business and Management course, but to collect together business ideas, concepts and techniques, which will develop the skills that allow an informed decision to be made about the future direction of an organization. The type of thinking encouraged by this approach will provide a bridge between the Diploma Programme Business and Management course and higher education or employment. Assessment Outline for both HL and SL: HL Assessment External assessment 75 % Two written papers: Paper 1(40%): Based on a 2000 word case study issued in advance. Paper 2 (35%): Structured questions based on stimulus material quantitative & qualitative elements. Internal assessment 25 % Research Project: Report that addresses an issue facing an organization or analyses a decision to be made by an organization. (Maximum 2,000 words) SL Assessment External assessment 75 % Two written papers: Paper 1(35%): Based on a 2000 word case study issued in advance. Paper 2 (40%): Structured questions based on stimulus material quantitative & qualitative elements. Internal assessment 25 % · Written commentary: Written commentary based on three to five supporting documents about a real issue or problem facing a particular organization. (Maximum 1,500 words) Teacher to speak to: Mr Morten Wincent -16- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 3: Economics HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE English C for SL; B or above for HL Pre DP English 4 for SL; 5 or above for HL The economics course requires no specific prior learning. No particular background knowledge in terms of specific subjects studied for national or international qualifications is expected or required. The specific skills of the economics course are developed within the context of the course itself. The ability to understand and explain abstract concepts and the ability to write in a logically structured manner are distinct advantages in this subject. English language proficiency is required. Course Description: Economics is a dynamic social science, the study of which is essentially about dealing with scarcity, resource allocation and the methods and processes by which choices are made in the satisfaction of human wants. As a social science, Economics uses scientific methodologies that include quantitative and qualitative elements. Economic theories are not to be studied in a vacuum; rather, they are to be applied to real-world issues. Prominent among these issues are fluctuations in economic activity, international trade, economic development and environmental sustainability, which will be covered mostly in Sections 3 and 4 of the course. The ethical dimensions involved in the application of economic theories and policies permeate throughout the Economics course, as students are required to consider and reflect on human needs, goals and values. The course encourages students to develop international perspectives, fosters a concern for global issues, and raises students’ awareness of their own responsibilities at a local, national and international level. Course Content: Section 1: Microeconomics (studies economic variables affecting individuals, firms and markets) Section 2: Macroeconomics (studies economic variables affecting countries, governments and societies) Section 3: International Economics Section 4: Development Economics All of these are studied by both SL and HL students, though the Higher Level option will study these in greater depth and incorporates the application of mathematical concepts in the social sciences. Assessment Outline for both HL and SL: External Assessment SL: 80% Two written papers: Paper 1 (40%): answer two out of four extended-response questions principally focusing on Sections 1 and 2 of the course. Paper 2 (40%): answer two out of four extended data response questions principally focusing on Sections 3 and 4 of the course. External Assessment HL: 80% Three written papers: · Paper 1 (30%): answer two out of four extended-response questions principally focusing on Sections 1 and 2 of the course. · Paper 2 (30%): answer two out of four extended data response questions principally focusing on Sections 3 and 4 of the course. · Paper 3 (20%): answer two out of three questions. The focus of the questions is on the syllabus content from sections 1 to 4, including the HL extension material and topics studied at HL only. Internal Assessment (20%): Both SL and HL economics students produce a portfolio of three commentaries based on articles from published news media. Each article must be based on a different section of the syllabus (microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics and development economics). Teacher to speak to: Mr Kevin Chu -17- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 3: Geography HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE Geography & English C for SL; B or above for HL PreDP Geography & English 4 for SL; 5 or above for HL Course Description: Geography acts as a bridge between the social and natural sciences. Geography provides a framework for students to understand their place in, and their impact on, an increasingly complex and changing world. Geography in the Diploma Programme challenges students to look at the world around them and consider their place in it. Students are introduced to both the physical and human aspects of geographical study through the use of global and local case studies. Fieldwork and local visits are an essential part of the course and will involve a residential field course in Grade 11. Course Content: The course is divided into Themes. SL students must do the compulsory Core Themes and then two Optional Themes. HL students take the Compulsory Core Themes, three Optional Themes and then a Higher Level Extension Paper. Both HL and SL also undertake a fieldwork report of 2,500 words. · Compulsory Core Themes: Population in Transition, Disparities in Wealth and Development, Patterns in Environmental Quality and Sustainability, Patterns in Resource Consumption. · Optional Themes for SL: Freshwater – Issues and Conflicts, Oceans and their Coastal Environments. · Optional Themes for HL – 3 must be studied: Freshwater – Issues and Conflicts, Oceans and their Coastal Environments, The Geography of Food and Health are the current units we deliver here at SUIS. · Higher Level Extension Paper – 7 compulsory topics: Measuring Global Interactions, Changing Space – the shrinking world; Economic interactions and flows, Environmental Change, Sociocultural Exchanges, Political Outcomes, and Global Interactions at the local level. Assessment: Standard Level External assessment 75% Two written papers: Paper 1 (40%): Section A: Students answer all short-answer questions. Some include data. (45 marks) Section B: Students answer one extended response question (15 marks) Paper 2 (35%): Students answer two structured questions based on stimulus material, each selected from a different Optional theme. Internal assessment 25% Fieldwork leading to one written report of 2500 words. The fieldwork should be hypothesis-based and related to a theme in the syllabus. Higher Level External assessment 80% Three written papers: Paper 1 (25%): Section A: Students answer all short-answer questions. Some include data. (45 marks) Section B: Students answer one extended response question (15 marks) Paper 2 (35%): Students answer three structured questions based on stimulus material, each selected from a different Optional theme. Paper 3 (20%): Higher Level Extension – students answer one of three essay questions. Internal assessment 20% Fieldwork leading to one written report of 2500 words. The fieldwork should be hypothesis-based and related to a theme in the syllabus Teacher to speak to: Mr Richard Riches -18- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 3: History HL/SL Prerequisites: Previous studies of IGCSE History is required. IGCSE English First Language C, IGCSE History C for SL IGCSE English First Language B, IGCSE History B for HL Course Description: History in the IBDP offers a unique international perspective to turning points of the 20th century. History helps students to understand the political and economic forces that have shaped the world as we know it and provides an ‘inside look’ into the decision making of world leaders. Through the study of historical sources and visits to historical sites students can ‘relive’ the past and become more aware of the forces that have shaped their own identity and understanding. History is much more than learning about the past; it helps to develop critical thinking, debating and public speaking skills that are useful for careers in Journalism, Politics, International Relations and Law. In this way studying History is really about building your future. Course Content: The course comprises six units. HL students study all six units and SL students three units. We currently offer: Peacemaking, peacekeeping – international relations 1918 – 36 (HL and SL) Origins and development of single party states (HL and SL) The Cold War (HL and SL) History of the Americas: The Great Depression and the Americas 1929 – 39 (HL) History of the Americas: The Cold War (HL) History of the Americas Into the 21st century 1980 – 2000 (HL) Assessment Outline for both HL and SL: HL Assessment External assessment 80 % Three written papers: Paper 1(20%): a document-based paper set on prescribed subjects drawn from the 20th century world history topics. Paper 2 (25%): an essay-based paper on the 20th century world history topics. Paper 3 (35%): essay paper based on the regional options; answer three out of 25 questions. Internal assessment 20 % Historical investigation (coursework) SL Assessment External assessment 75 % Two written papers: Paper 1(30%): a document-based paper set on prescribed subjects drawn from the 20th century world history topics. Paper 2 (45%): an essay-based paper on the 20th century world history topics. Internal assessment 25 % Historical investigation (coursework) Teacher to speak to: Mr Richard Riches -19- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 3: Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE ICT C for SL and B or above for HL Pre DP ICT 4 for SL and 5 or above for HL Both HL and SL candidates should be proficient in the use of Database, Spreadsheet, Desktop Publishing, Digital Imaging and related multimedia software. Course Description: How can bands make money in the file-sharing era? Are computers shrinking or growing? Will Mandarin replace English to become the Internet lingua franca by 2020? With one CCTV camera per five citizens, is UK fast becoming an Orwellian state? Who should be responsible for the growing mountains of e-waste? Can you lie with pixels? Will goal line technology take the drama out of football? Should teachers and students be friends on Facebook? The ITGS course is the study and evaluation of the impact of Information Technology (IT) systems on individuals and society. It explores the advantages and disadvantages of the use of digitized information at the local and global level. Course Content: ITGS topics are studied holistically from three perspectives. Firstly you will be required to understand the underlying technology, and this could include learning practical software skills as well as abstract theory concepts. A topic could be looked at from social or ethical issues such as privacy, security, copyright and reliability. Lastly, the starting point of a unit could be an area of impact. For example, the use of and effect of information technology on health and medicine. Topics here include robotic surgery, insulin nano-robots, patient records, medical information and advice on the Internet, game addiction, e-waste, safe use of IT equipment, and more. Assessment: Higher Level External assessment 80% Three written papers: · Paper 1 (35%): Four structured questions. · Paper 2 (20%): Four questions based on an unseen news article · Paper 3 (25%): Four questions based on a case study already covered in lessons. Internal assessment 20 % One Project: · An IT solution to a problem set in a social context. Standard Level External assessment 70% Two written papers: · Paper 1 (40%): Three structured questions. · Paper 2 (30%): Four questions based on an unseen news article Internal assessment 30% One Project: · An IT solution to a problem set in a social context. Teacher to speak to: Mr John Erwin -20- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 3: Psychology SL Prerequisites: No prior study of Psychology is required. However, an interest in human behaviour and an appetite for thought provoking psychological information is important. A good Psychology student is a critical thinker who is willing to ask questions, questions assumptions, evaluates evidence and tolerates a degree of uncertainty. Psychology is also a subject that uses its terminology in a specific manner and you will be expected to show this in your essays. English language proficiency is recommended. IGCSE English C or above. Course Description: Psychology is defined as ‘the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes’. One of the goals of the IB Psychology course is to provide students with an opportunity to acquire a better understanding of how the human mind works and how this affects behaviour. Therefore Psychology has an important role to play in understanding modern society, other people and oneself. Psychology is also a subject that examines cultural differences which is particularly important in an international programme. Content of the course includes a study of psychologists and their theories as well as the most recent research findings across the various fields of the discipline. Students will also explore experimental design, methodology and ethics. They will learn to design a simple experimental study as well as to interpret their findings. Course Content: The Psychology syllabus contains four main parts. The first part is concerned with the core levels of analysis, the second part with the options, the third part with research methodology and finally all students have to carry out an experimental study. The course examines three core levels of analysis: biological, cognitive and sociocultural influences, thereby adopting an integrative approach to studying human behaviour. Topics such as memory, language and dysfunctional behaviour. will be explored within the context of the levels of analysis. The options include abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, health psychology, psychology of human relationships and sport psychology. Students are required to design and report on an experimental research investigation. A primary emphasis of the course is utilizing appropriate research to support points made in essays and class discussions. Assessment Component for Standard Level Weighting External assessment (3 hours) 75% Paper 1 (2 hours) 50% Section A: Three compulsory questions on part 1 of the syllabus. Section B: Three questions on part 1 of the syllabus. Students choose one question to answer in essay form (46 marks). Paper 2 (1 hour) 25% Fifteen questions on part 2 of the syllabus. Students choose one question to answer in essay form (22 marks). Internal assessment 25% A report of a simple experimental study conducted by the student Teacher to speak to: Mr Kevin Chu -21- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 4 Experimental Sciences Group 4: Biology HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE Science C for SL and B or above for HL, IGCSE English B or above. Pre DP Science 4 for SL and 5 or above for HL, Pre DP English 5 or above. It is recommended that only students who have successfully completed an IGCSE Coordinated Science B or above study Biology at Higher level. Many students who have not done IGCSE Coordinated Science cope well studying the course at Standard level. However, their approach to study, characterized by the specific IB learner profile attributes—inquirers, thinkers and communicators—will need to be significant. English language proficiency is recommended. Course Description: · How do large molecules such as glucose travel through cell membranes? · Why does a mammalian heart continue to beat when removed from the body? · How exactly is light energy used to convert CO 2 and H2O to sugar? · How does DNA actually provide the ‘genetic code’? These are just some questions which IGCSE leaves unanswered. Fortunately, IB Biology at either Higher or Standard level, will help to answer these questions and countless others that you might have asked yourself during IGCSE Biology. Biology literally means "the study of life". Biology is such a broad field, covering the minute workings of chemical nanomachines inside our cells, to broad scale concepts such as ecosystems and global climate change. Biologists study the intimate details of the human brain, the composition of our genes, and the functioning of our major body systems. In Biology you will study not only the science of living organisms but also develop a broad understanding of the overarching principles of the subject. These principles are found in the four basic concepts that run through the course. The first concept is concerned with how the structures present in living organisms are intimately integrated to their function. The second is the concept of evolution which is viewed as the major driving force behind diversity. The third concept explains that a dynamic equilibrium is essential for the continuity of life at both ends of the biological scale, from the smallest bacterium to the ecosystems in which we live. The last concept focuses on the idea that whilst many molecules, processes and structures are common to many organisms, these organisms are nevertheless of such a mindblowing diversity as to make their direct comparison almost impossible to begin. GROUP 4 science project: All experimental science students must complete a Group 4 project that is scheduled at the end of Grade 11, after the end of year examinations. The location for the trip in 2014 has yet to be confirmed. Course Content: A variety of topics building on those studied at IGCSE are studied at Standard and Higher Level. Units studied include: Cells, Biological Molecules, Genetics, Human Health and Physiology, Ecology and Evolution, Respiration and Photosynthesis, Plant Science and Nucleic Acids. Options (of which 2 must be taken) include Diet and Human Nutrition, Physiology of Exercise, Evolution, Cells and Energy, Ecology and Conservation, Microbes and Neurobiology. Assessment: Higher Level External assessment 76% Three written papers: · Paper 1 (20%): multiple choice questions · Paper 2 (36%): data-based and extended-response questions · Paper 3 (20%): short-answer questions in each of the two options studied Internal assessment 24% Practical investigations (60 hours) which are assessed using 5 assessment criteria: · Design · Data collection and processing · Conclusion and evaluation · Manipulative skills · Personal skills -22- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Standard level External assessment 76% Three written papers: · Paper 1 (20%): multiple choice questions · Paper 2 (32%): data-based and extended-response questions · Paper 3 (24%): short-answer questions in each of the two options studied Internal assessment 24% Practical investigations (40 hours) which are assessed using 5 assessment criteria: · Design · Data collection and processing · Conclusion and evaluation · Manipulative skills · Personal skills Teacher to speak to: Mr Paul Layton Group 4: Chemistry HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE Science C for SL and B or above for HL Pre DP Science 4 for SL and 5 or above for HL It is recommended that only students who have successfully completed an IGCSE Coordinated Science study IB Chemistry at Higher level. Many students who have not done IGCSE Coordinated Science cope well studying the IB course at Standard level. However, their approach to study, characterized by the specific IB learner profile attributes—inquirers, thinkers and communicators—will need to be significant. Course Description: In Chemistry, students will through academic study and investigational skills, study materials, their properties and the conversion of these materials through a variety of reactions. Chemistry is considered the central science as chemistry principles are the fundamentals in understanding both the physical environment in which we live and all biological systems. Although Chemistry is a subject worthy of its own study, it is often a prerequisite for many other science courses in higher education; it is essential for those who wish to study medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, molecular biology etc. GROUP 4 science project: All experimental science students must complete a Group 4 project that is scheduled at the end of Grade 11, after the end of year examinations. The location for the trip in 2014 has yet to be confirmed. Course Content: Core and Additional Higher Level: a variety of themes are covered, including atomic theory, bonding and structure, the periodic table, acid and bases and oxidation-reduction behaviour, energetics, equilibrium, kinetics and organic chemistry. Options include human biochemistry, environmental chemistry, fuels and energy, modern analytical chemistry, food chemistry and further organic chemistry. Assessment: Higher Level External assessment 76% Three written papers: · Paper 1 (20%): multiple choice questions · Paper 2 (36%): data-based and extended-response questions · Paper 3 (20%): short-answer questions in each of the two options studied -23- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Internal assessment 24% Practical investigations (60 hours) which are assessed using 5 assessment criteria: · Design · Data collection and processing · Conclusion and evaluation · Manipulative skills · Personal skills Standard level External assessment 76% Three written papers: · Paper 1 (20%): multiple choice questions · Paper 2 (32%): data-based and extended-response questions · Paper 3 (24%): short-answer questions in each of the two options studied Internal assessment 24% Practical investigations (40 hours) which are assessed using 5 assessment criteria: · Design · Data collection and processing · Conclusion and evaluation · Manipulative skills · Personal skills Teacher to speak to: Mr Paul Layton Group 4: Physics HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE Science C for SL and B or above for HL, IGCSE Maths B or above. Pre DP Science 4 for SL and 5 or above for HL, Pre DP Maths 5 or above. It is recommended that only students who have successfully completed an IGCSE Coordinated Science with a grade B or higher study IB Physics at Higher level. Many students who have not done IGCSE Coordinated Science cope well studying the IB course at Standard level. However, their approach to study, characterized by the specific IB learner profile attributes—inquirers, thinkers and communicators—will need to be significant. Mathematics competency is recommended. Course Description: Physics is a subject of enormous breadth. In Physics, students will seek explanations to the universe itself. A study that will take you from the very smallest particles to the vast distances between galaxies. It gives basic explanations of how stars evolve, the planets move and also the wave-particle dual nature of subatomic particles. Physics enables us to alter our surroundings – to build bridges, launch satellites and make delicate instruments for microsurgery. It has given us the internet and advances in sports equipment and medical imaging. It may also provide the answers to the big issues facing the world in the 21st century, such as the shortage of world energy resources and climate change. Human history can be shown through the new discoveries and development of ideas in Physics; from Aristotle, Galileo and Newton to Rutherford and Einstein. At the time, some of these ideas seemed extraordinary but soon became accepted. For example, Newton’s law of universal gravitation describes and predicts the motion of heavenly bodies, but was developed further by Einstein’s theory of relativity. Physics can be described as having two aspects. First, it is a body of information containing the rules that govern the universe we live in and help us appreciate our surroundings. Secondly, Physics provides the tools for many human activities – those of engineers, astronomers, software designers and medical researchers – that allow us to alter and construct the material world to suit our needs and to pursue our wish to discover the unknown. -24- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook GROUP 4 science project: All science students must complete a Group 4 science project that is scheduled at the end of Grade 11, after the end of year examinations. The location for the trip in 2014 has yet to be confirmed. Course Content: Physics deals with the nature and structure of matter and tries to provide order in the universe around us. The Physics course is divided up into the following areas: measurement, mechanics, thermal physics, waves, electromagnetism, gravitational and electrostatic fields, energy resources and climate change, atomic physics and radioactivity, quantum and nuclear physics. Options topics include: astrophysics, communications, electromagnetic waves, relativity, medical physics and particle physics. Higher Level External assessment 76% Three written papers: · Paper 1 (20%): multiple choice questions · Paper 2 (36%): data-based and extended-response questions · Paper 3 (20%): short-answer questions in each of the two options studied Internal assessment 24% Practical investigations (60 hours) which are assessed using 5 assessment criteria: · Design · Data collection and processing · Conclusion and evaluation · Manipulative skills · Personal skills Standard level External assessment 76% Three written papers: · Paper 1 (20%): multiple choice questions · Paper 2 (32%): data-based and extended-response questions · Paper 3 (24%): short-answer questions in each of the two options studied Internal assessment 24% Practical investigations (40 hours) which are assessed using 5 assessment criteria: · Design · Data collection and processing · Conclusion and evaluation · Manipulative skills · Personal skills Teacher to speak to: Mr Paul Layton -25- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 5 Mathematics and Computer Science Group 5: Mathematical Studies Standard Level Prerequisites: IGCSE Mathematics C Pre DP Mathematics 4 This course is accessible to students with almost any mathematical background. Students with a grade C at IGCSE (or equivalent) should be able to cope in this course. Course Description: It caters for students with varied backgrounds and abilities. More specifically, it is designed to build confidence and encourage an appreciation of mathematics in students who do not anticipate a need for mathematics in their future studies. Students taking this course need to be already equipped with fundamental skills and a rudimentary knowledge of basic processes. Course Content: The 150 hours Mathematical Studies Standard Level course is divided into 8 topics (130 hours): Introduction to the graphic display calculator, Number and Algebra, Sets, Logic and Probability, Functions, Geometry and Trigonometry, Statistics, Introductory differential calculus, and Financial mathematics. 20 hours are devoted to the internal assessment where students are required to produce a project Assessment Outline: Paper 1: 1 hour 30 minutes 40% - Short response questions Paper 2: 1 hour 30 minutes 40% - Structured response questions Project 20% Teacher to speak to: Dr Paul Chipman Group 5: Mathematics Standard Level Prerequisites: IGCSE Mathematics B or above Pre DP Mathematics 5 or above Students who have studied IGCSE should have or be expecting to get at least a grade B and be reasonably confident. Course Description: The course focuses on introducing important mathematical concepts through the development of mathematical techniques. The intention is to introduce students to these concepts in a comprehensible and coherent way, rather than insisting on mathematical rigour. Students should, wherever possible, apply the mathematical knowledge they have acquired to solve realistic problems set in an appropriate context. Course Content: The 150 hour Standard Level Course is divided into two sections. The core section (140 hours) consists of seven topics: Algebra, Functions and Equations, Circular functions and Trigonometry, Matrices, Vectors, Statistics and Probability, and Calculus. The second component of the course is the portfolio (10 hours); at the end of the course students submit a portfolio consisting of an investigation and a modelling task they have completed during the course. -26- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Assessment Outline: Paper 1 (NO Calculator) 1 hour 30 minutes, 40% Paper 2 (Calculator) 1 hour 30 minutes, 40% Portfolio 20% Paper 1 and 2 both consist of short answer and longer questions from the topics on the syllabus. The only difference between the papers is that no calculators are permitted for paper 1. Teacher to speak to: Dr Paul Chipman Group 5: Mathematics Higher level Prerequisites: HoD's recommendation for HL is required IGCSE Mathematics A or above; Additional Mathematics B or above is recommended. Pre DP Mathematics 6 or above Students who have studied IGCSE should have or be expecting to obtain a grade A (or A*); be confident and have a good level of mathematical knowledge. Course Description: “This course is a demanding one, requiring students to study a broad range of mathematical topics through a number of different approaches and to varying degrees of depth. This course deals with abstract mathematics and students need a good insight in mathematical concepts. Students wishing to study mathematics in a less rigorous environment should therefore opt for one of the standard level courses, mathematics SL or mathematical studies SL.” From the IB syllabus document. Course Content: The 240 hour Higher Level Course is divided into three sections. The core section (190 hours) consists of seven topics: Algebra, Functions and Equations, Circular functions and Trigonometry, Matrices, Vectors, Statistics and Probability, and Calculus. The core section includes all the Mathematics Standard Level course topics and in most sections extends that knowledge considerably further. In addition to the core, students study one option (40hours); this is selected by the teacher. The final component of the course is the portfolio (10 hours); at the end of the course students submit a portfolio consisting of an investigation and a modelling task they have completed during the course. Assessment Outline: Paper 1 (NO Calculator) 2 hours 30% Paper 2 (Calculator) 2 hours 30% Paper 3 (Option) 1 hour 20% Portfolio 20% Paper 1 and 2 both consist of short answer and longer questions from the core topics on the syllabus. The only difference between the papers is that no calculators are permitted for paper 1. Paper 3 tests mainly the option, but knowledge of the core topics is also needed to answer the questions. Teacher to speak to: Dr Paul Chipman Graphic Display Calculators In any IB diploma examination where a calculator is permitted, the calculator is expected to be a graphical display calculator (GDC). In group 5 it is also a syllabus requirement that all students have a graphical display calculator throughout the two year course and that they will use these and other ICT to assist with their internal assessments. Please contact the teachers for possible models and makes. For examinations IBO has strict regulations regarding calculators. In particular Graphical Display Calculators have considerable storage space and candidates must ensure there is no data, program or application stored on their calculator that is not specifically approved by the IBO. -27- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 6: The Arts Group 6: Music HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE Music C for SL; B or above for HL Pre DP Music 4 for SL; 5 or above for HL The Diploma Programme Music course is designed to offer students the opportunity to build on prior experience in music while encouraging a broad approach to the subject and developing new skills, techniques and ideas. While prior music experience is not mandatory at SL, it is recommended. At HL it is very strongly recommended. Candidates must be willing to undertake lessons on an instrument of their choice. Course Description: Throughout the course the students will: 1) Be provided with the opportunity to explore and enjoy the diversity of music throughout the world. 2) Encouraged to develop perceptual skills through diverse musical experiences. You will learn to recognize, speculate, analyst, identify and hypothesize in relation to music. 3) Develop your knowledge creatively through composition and performance. Course Content: The aims of the Music course at HL and SL are to develop: · Musical perception and analysis. You will study musical genres and styles identifying key elements of music. You will study and analyze a prescribed piece of music. You will write a musical links investigation (MI) about two contrasting musical cultures. · Composition (HL ONLY). You will submit 3 compositions with a written statement indicating the processes involved in the creation. · Performance. You will record a variety of public performances in a group or solo. Assessment: Higher Level External assessment 50 % · Listening paper (30%): one question on the prescribed work and four questions on other works · Musical investigation (20%): a written media script of 2000 words investigating relationship between two musical genres Internal assessment 50% · Solo performance: one or more solo recitals 25% · Composition: three contrasting compositions 25% Standard Level External assessment 50 % Listening paper (30%): one question on the prescribed work and four questions on other works · Musical investigation (20%): a written media script of 2000 words investigating relationship between two musical genres Internal assessment 50% Options: · Solo performance: one or more solo recitals OR · Group performance: presentation of two public performances Teacher to speak to: Mr Nick Aggs -28- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Group 6: Visual Arts HL/SL Prerequisites: IGCSE Art and Design C for SL; B or above for HL Pre DP Art 4 for SL; 5 or above for HL It is the recommendation that only students who have successfully completed the IGCSE course B or above study Visual Art at Higher level. Course Description: The aims of the visual arts course at HL and SL are to enable students to: · Investigate past, present and emerging forms of visual arts and engage in producing, appreciating and evaluating these · Develop an understanding of visual arts from a local, national and international perspective · Build confidence in responding visually and creatively to personal and cultural experiences · Develop skills in, and sensitivity to, the creation of works that reflect active and individual involvement · Take responsibility for the direction of their learning through the acquisition of effective working practices Course Content: HL STUDENTS Will be required to complete: · 18 pieces of studio work (final pieces) · Investigation workbooks of which 30 pages will be selected and submitted for marking · Present your work in a final exhibition. Submit a video of this to be assessed. SL STUDENTS Will be required to complete: · 12 pieces of studio work (final pieces) · Investigation workbooks of which 20 pages will be selected and submitted for marking · Present your work in a final exhibition. Submit a video of this to be assessed Assessment: Option A Higher Level or Standard Level External assessment 60% Studio Work: The student prepares a selection of his or her studio work in the form of an exhibition. The student is interviewed by their teacher about their work. The video is then sent to the IBO to be marked. Internal assessment 40% Investigation: The student presents selected pages of his or her investigation workbooks that have been produced during the course. This selection is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IBO at the end of the course. Option B Higher Level or Standard Level Internal assessment 40% Studio Work: The student presents a selection of his or her studio work. This selection is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IBO at the end of the course. External assessment 60% Investigation: The student presents selected pages of his or her investigation workbooks that have been produced during the course. The student is interviewed by their teacher about their work. The video is then sent to the IBO to be marked. Teacher to speak to: Ms Kay Brand -29- SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook 请选择并于 3 月 18 日(周一)前将调查表交给班主任。 您可以在下列学校所提供的学科中()选择 6 门学科 (3 门为 HL ,3 门为 SL) Subject Higher Level (HL) Group 1 语言 A:中文学 语言 A:英文学 Group 2 英文 B 德语 Ab initio (初学者) 中文 B 中文 Ab initio (初学者) 工商管理 经济学 地理 历史 信息技术在全球社会 心理学 生物学 化学 物理学 数学 数学研究 SL only SL only Group 3 SL only Group 4 Group 5 SL only Group 6 音乐 视觉艺术 学生姓名: 家长签名: 重要提示:有些课程可能无法开,由于学生人数不足(至少 6 名学生)。 -30- Standard Level (SL) SUIS Gubei 2013 – 2015 IBDP Handbook Please fill in this form and return it to your form tutor by Monday 18th 2013 Please select 6 subjects (1 from each group) that you would allow your child to study for September 2013. Please indicate with a tick (): 3 Higher Level (HL) and 3 Standard Level (SL). Subject Higher Level (HL) Group 1 Standard Level (SL) Chinese A: Literature English A: Literature Group 2 English B German Ab initio (Beginner) Mandarin B Mandarin Ab initio (Beginner) Business and Management Economics Geography History Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) Psychology SL only SL only Group 3 SL only Group 4 Biology Chemistry Physics Group 5 Mathematics Mathematical Studies SL only Group 6 Music Visual Arts Your child’s name: Parent’s Signature: IMPORTANT: Some courses may not be opened due to insufficient student enrolment (minimum 6 students). In addition, it is not always possible to accommodate all course preferences for all candidates due to scheduling conflicts. -31-
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