From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 1995 86: 4050-4053 Molecular basis for the recently described hereditary hyperferritinemia- cataract syndrome: a mutation in the iron-responsive element of ferritin L-subunit gene (the "Verona mutation") [see comments] D Girelli, R Corrocher, L Bisceglia, O Olivieri, L De Franceschi, L Zelante and P Gasparini Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. RAPID COMMUNICATION Molecular Basis for the Recently Described Hereditary HyperferritinemiaCataract Syndrome: A Mutation in the Iron-Responsive Element of Ferritin L-Subunit Gene (the “Verona Mutation”) By Domenico Girelli, Roberto Corrocher, Luigi Bisceglia, Oliviero Olivieri, Lucia De Franceschi, Leopoldo Zelante, and Paolo Gasparini Recently, we described anew genetic disorder(the “hereditary hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome”) clinically characterized by the combination of elevated serum ferritin and congenital bilateral nuclear cataract, both cotransmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. In affected subjects, hyperferritinemia (ranging from 950 to 2,259 pg/L) is typically not related to iron overload. Differently from subjects with hereditary hemochromatosis, they have normal to low levels of serum iron and percent of transferrin saturation and absence of iron overload in parenchymal organs. When unnecessary phlebotomies are performed, they rapidly develop iron-deficient anemia, with persistently elevated levels of serum ferritin. By RNA-single-strand conformation polymorphism screeningof the L-subunitferritin geneon chromosome 19, we were able to identify in affected subjects a mutation in the 5’ untranslated region. This mutation involvesthe five [CAGUGI of the iron-responsive element nucleotides sequence (IRE), which is critical for the posttranscriptional regulation of ferritin synthesis bymeans of IRE-bindingprotein(IRE-BP). Thus. it is very likely to provide the molecular basis for the iron-insensitive upregulation of ferritin synthesis in affected subjects. 0 1995 by The American Societyof Hematology. F body iron status. Hereditary hemochromatosis, a parenchymaliron overload caused by excess iron absorption, has long been considered the only genetic disorder with elevated serum femtin.’ Recently, we have described a new genetic disorder characterized by a combination of high serum ferritin not related to iron overload and congenital bilateral nuclear cataract, which is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait.8 Since serum ferritin was determined in our patients using antibodies against the L-subunit, we suspected that the L-subunit gene on chromosome 19 (in the region 19q13.3 19qter) might be involved. Moreover, the recent assignment to chromosome 19q13.4 of MP19, one of the most abundant proteins of lens fiber cell which is likely tobe involved in cataractogenesis,’ prompted us to actively search in this region of the human genome the gene responsible for the “hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome.” We searched for mutations on genomic DNA using the RNA-single-strand conformation polymorphism (RNA-SSCP) technique,”.” focusing our attention first on ferritin L gene. In this report we describe a mutation in the 5’ UTR of the gene for the ferritin L-subunit on chromosome 19q, which is likely to provide the molecular basis for the upregulation of ferritin synthesis in subjects affected by the “hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome.” ERRITIN is an ubiquitous iron storage protein present in every cell of nearly all organisms. It is a multimer shell composed of 24 heavy (H, Mr 21,000) and light (L, Mr 19,000) subunits, surrounding a cavity that can accommodateup to 4,500 iron atoms in a readily available but nontoxic form.’ The human genes for the H and L femtin subunits have been assigned to chromosome 1 1 and 19, respectively.’ Iron availability finely regulates ferritin synthesis at the translational level by means of the so-called ironresponsive element binding protein (IRE-BP).3 In scarcity of iron, this cytosolic 90,000 Mr protein binds to an IRE situated on the S’-untranslatedregion (S’ UTR) of the ferritin mRNA, thus inhibiting the initiation of the translation process. Alternatively, an excess of iron lowers the affinity of the IRE-BP for the IRE stem-loop in ferritin mRNA, enabling efficient translation (Fig 1). In absence of conditions such as cancer and inflammation, which can also modulate femtin expression at transcriptional level by iron-independent, cytokine-mediated the above-mentioned mechanismis prominent, and represents perhaps the best understood example of posttranscriptional gene regulation in complex eukaryotes.?Ferritin is also present in thecirculation, representing a by-product of intracellular ferritin synthesis.‘ Serum ferritin levels generally reflect the size of iron stores, providing a reliable marker for clinical evaluation of From the Institute of Medical Pathology, Chairof Internal Medicine, University of Verona, and Service of Medical Genetics, CSS Hospital, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Ituly. Submitted July 31, 1995; accepted September 20, 1995. Supported by grants from the Ministry of the University and Technological Research 60% (to R.C.) and, in part, by the Ministry of Health (to P.C.). Address reprint requests to Roberto Corrocher, MD, Institute of Medical Pathology, Chair of Internal Medicine, Policlinico Borgo Roma, 37134 Verona, Italy. The publication costsof this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/9.5/86/ 1-0046$3.00/0 4050 - SUBJECTS AND METHODS Subjects. A detailed description of subjects affected by the “hyperfemtinemia-cataract syndrome” has been previously reported.RBriefly, they have congenital bilateral nuclear cataract and serum ferritin ranging from 950 to 2,259 pg/L. Differently from hereditary hemochromatosis patients, they have normal to low serum iron and transferrin saturation, and no evidence of parenchymal iron overload, as assessed by liver and bone marrowbiopsy. When unnecessary phlebotomies are performed, they rapidly develop iron-deficient anemia (reversed by adequate iron therapy), with persistently elevated levels of serum ferritin. Further differences with respect to hereditary hemochromatosis are represented by the autosomal dominant transmission and the lack of relation with HLA. One of the two families previously described was immediately available for the genetic study. It was composed of 6 individuals, 3 affected Blood, Vol 86, No 1 1 (December l ) , 1995:pp 4050-4053 From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. THE VERONA MUTATION IRE-BP IRE-BP CL" bind bind mRNA mRNA slcm-loop Tramlation inhibited Translalion pmccedr M N ND Fig 1. Iron-mediated regulation of ferritin at translational level. (father and 2 children). and 3 not affected (mother and the 2 other children). A m / d i f i c d o u Nf ,gcwonric DNA. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral hlood lymphocytes according to stantlard protocols. DNA amplitication by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed according to standard protocols byincorporating the T7 phage promoter sequence into one o f the PCR primers. In this manner.the amplified product canheprocessed by RNA-SSCP technique. Five different pairs o f primers were designed on the genomic structure offerritin L-subunit gene (HSAFLI 2 and HSAFL34 EMRL sequences). The sequences of the primers. their location. and the size of the amplified products are reported i n Table I . Scwrch , f i ~ rnew m t t r d o n s . The search for new mutation was performed by RNA-SSCP technology, according to protocols previously described."'.'' After PCR reaction. transcription was performed with I O U of T7 RNA polymerase in a tinal volunw o f I O pL containing I O mmol/L dithiothreitol ( D I T ) . 40 mmol/L Tris p H 7.5. 6 mmol/L MgCI?. 2 mmol/L spermidine. I O mmol/L NaCI. 5 nmol/L o f each ribonucleoside. I O U o f Rnasin. and 0 . 2 mL o f S35 UTP. Two microliters o f transcribed RNA was mixed with 48 pL o f 95% formamide. 20 mmollL EDTA. 0.05% hromophenol blue. and 0.05% xylene cyanol. The mixture was heated at95°C for 6 minutes and then chilled on ice for I O minutes. An aliquot o f 4.4 pL was then loaded onto a 6.5% nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. Electrophoresis was performed at 30 W constant power for 13 hours. Table 1. Description of Primers Used in This Study Fragment Size 5'UTR 287 Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 Exon 4 Primers F-TCCTTGCCACCGCAGATTG R-TTGGCAAGAAGGAGCTAACI 208 F-ATCTCCTGCTTCTGGGA R-GCAGCTGGAGGAAATTAG* 221 F-CTCCCGCTAACCATTGT R-CTGGGAGATGTAGTCCAT' 275 F-AGGTITAGTTCTATGTGCC R-AGGTGTGAATGAGGCTCTG' F-TTAATCTGCCAACTGGCTGC 319 R-AAGCTGCCTATTGGCTGGAl The sequence of the primers are 5' to 3'. The asterisks indicate the primers to whomthe l 7 tail bas been added to carry out RNA-SSCP assays. Themodified primerused to test the presence of the mutation creating an artificial Dde I restriction site was: CGGATGTGTTCGTCACTCA. This reverse primer was combined in the PCR reaction with the F primer of the 5'UTR. Abbreviations: F, forward; R, reverse. Fig 2. (Top) DNA automatic sequence showing, in one affected the presenceof an ambiguity l*) corresponding to a patient (M), nucleotidechange G to C; the sequence of onenormal control (NI is also reported. (Bottom) Demonstration of the mutated sequence in the affected patient by restriction-generationPCR using a modified primer to create a Dde I artificial restriction site. In the presence of the mutation, an additional band of 157 bp is present. After electrophoresis, the pel was dried and suh.jected to autoradiography for I2 hours. Samples showing an electrophoretically altered mobility were then sequenced o n an automatic sequencer (Applied Biosystem 373A). according to manufacturer's protocols. RESULTS The S'UTR plus the four exons of ferritin L gene have been screened for the presence of nucleotide alterations. An electrophoretically abnormal bandwas detected in the affected members of the family analyzing the fragment corresponding to the S'UTR of the gene. Sequence analysis alC substitution at nucleotide lowed us toidentify a G position 147 of theferritin L gene sequence (EMBL sequence name HSAFL12) (Fig 2, top). The mutation could be easily analyzed byPCRand agarose gel electrophoresis using a modified primer which introduces two base substitutions adjacent to the mutation site and create an artificial D& I restriction site," as shown on Fig 2 (bottom). - DISCUSSION The main feature of therecentlydescribed"hereditary hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome" appears to bean excess of ferritin synthesis that is independent of the body iron stores. For example. if a mistaken diagnosis of hereditary hemochromatosis is made in affected subjects. they rapidly develop iron deficiency anemia in response to phlebotomies, whereas serum ferritin levels remain substantially elevated.x This prompted us to focus our attention firstonferritin L gene. RNA-SSCP technology is an accurate and sensitive method able to detect almost a l l kinds of nucleotide alterations present in a given DNA fragment."'." It allowed us to detect in affected subjects a nucleotide alteration in the S'UTR of the ferritin L gene. This mutation (named the From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 4052 GlRELLl ET AL *C @J A-U A-U C-G U-A Fig 3. Particular of the IRE in the S’UTR of ferritin mRNA. *, Mutation detected in subjects affected by the “hereditary hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome.” The G to C mutation involves one of the five highly conserved nucleotidesthat characterize the CAGUG loop saquence of IRE. - “Verona mutation”) is a G Csubstitutioninthe third residue of the 5-base sequence (CAGUG) that characterizes the loop structure of the IRE (Fig 3). The IRES are stemloop structures of approximately 28 nucleotides, which are both necessary and sufficient for iron-mediatedregulation offerritin biosynthesis’jand highly conservedduring the evolution; in particular, the CAGUG sequence of the loop is present in allthe ferritin mRNAsexamined inverteb r a t e ~ . ’IRE-RP ~ is the cytoplasmic proteinthatmaintain cellular iron homeostasis by coordinating the translation of ferritin and transferrin receptor mRNAs. There is strong evidence that IRE-BP recognizes the IRE as a sequencdstructure motif,15 leading to inhibition of ferritin translation, except when iron is abundant. Extensive in vitro studies using synthetic IRE-analogue oligonucleotides have tested the effects of specific site-directed mutations either in the loop or in the upper stem.’.’’ These mutational data suggested that the integrity of the CAGUG sequence in the loop as well as the basepairing along the upper stem are critical for the IRWIRE-BP high-affinity interaction. Also, a single-basedeletion in the loop abolished the iron-mediated translational regulationintransfectedcells.I3 More recently, 28 altered IRES with single-basemutations (substitution or deletion)in the loop or in the upper stem weretested for interaction with the IRE-BP, all resulting in a substantially decreased binding.“ It is noteworthy that this study includedthe evaluC single-base ationofa synthetic IRE-RNA with aG substitution in thethird residue of the CAGUG loop sequence,whichwas identical tothespontaneous mutation detected by us. Competition experiments showed that this IRE-mutant interacted with the IRE-BPwith a 28-fold lower affinitythan didthenative RNA.16 This bulk of in vitro observations strongly supportsfor the importance of the spontaneous G Cmutation we detectedinsubjects affected by the “hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome.” By altering the IRE/IRE-BP interaction, the Verona mutation is expected to determinethe lack of attenuationofferritin mRNA translation, leading ultimately to iron-insensitive, uncontrolled ferritin synthesis. In this way, the “hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome”appearstobe aunique human - - model providing insight into the in vivo regulation of iron homeostasis. At present, we do not have aclear-cutexplanation for the presence of bilateral cataract in subjects affected by the genetic disorder of the iron metabolism here described. Hereditary cataract is genotypically and phenotypically heterogeneous, and couldbe caused by either dysfunction of genes coding for lens-specific proteins or by alteration of the environment of the lens.I7 Recently, a membrane protein (MP19) of lens fiber cell hasbeen assigned to chromosome 19ql3.4,‘ near the L-ferritin gene. However, it is difficult to see how a point mutation in the L-ferritin gene can lead to abnormal expression of thenearby MP19 gene.Similarly, it seems unlikely that the simultaneous presence of cataract and hyperferritinemia may be caused by a cosegregation of a mutated allele in each of the two genes lying in close vicinity. On the other hand, it is of interest to note that several lines of evidence argue in favour of a role of iron-related mechanisms in cataracts formation. First, iron-catalyzed reactions have been implicated in causing lens oxidative damagesimilar to that seen in cataractogenesis,” and lensepithelial cells have been shown capable of active ferritin synthesis, especially in response to oxidative damage.I9 Second, ocular siderosis caused by retention of an iron-containing intraocular foreign body is frequently followed by cataract formation.’“ Third,cataracts havebeenreported in patients with iron overload, especially when treated with the iron chelator deferroxamine.”.*? Thus, it seems reasonable to speculate that the inappropriate production of ferritin may be directly responsible for cataract formation in individuals affected by this disorder of iron metabolism. Whether this hypothesis is true and the molecular mechanism(s) by which the disorder of ferritin synthesis may favor per se lens opacity remain to be determined. REFERENCES I . 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