Holy Angels Parish 64 Cooper Street · Woodbury, NJ 08096 Phone: 856856-845845-0123 • Fax: 856856-845845-7409 Office Hours: 9:00A.M. - 4:00P.M. Monday - Friday Web: www.holyangelsnj.org Email: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/HolyAngelsParish Most Holy Redeemer Church St. Matthew Church th 1219 Delsea Drive Westville Grove, NJ 08093 4 & Monument Avenue National Park, NJ 08063 St. Patrick Church Worship Center 86 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 96 Green Avenue Woodbury, NJ 08096 Holy Trinity Regional School 1215 Delsea Drive Westville Grove, NJ 08093 856-848-6826 Ministry Center Feast November of 2, All 2014 Activities Center 1210 Hessian Avenue West Deptford, NJ 08093 8 Green Avenue Woodbury, NJ 08096 Family Faith Formation 211 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 856-845-1660 Souls Mass Schedule Weekday Saturday 6:45AM St. Patrick Church 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 7:00AM St Matthew Church (M,T,TH,F) 4:00PM Worship Center 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 5:30PM St. Matthew Church Holy Day Vigil 7:00PM St. Patrick Church Sacrament of Reconciliation Mon-Fri 9:30A.M.—St. Patrick Church Saturday 3:30P.M.—Worship Ctr. · 5:00P.M.—St. Matthew Church Also by appointment. Please call the parish office. Anointing of Sick -Saturdays 5:00P.M.—Worship Ctr.; 6:30P.M.—St. Matthew Church Communion Calls For sick or homebound, please call the parish office. Blessed Sacrament Adoration Monday, 7:00PM St. Patrick Church Sunday 7:30AM 9:00AM 9:30AM 10:00AM St. Patrick Church 10:30AM Most Holy Redeemer Church St Matthew Church 11:30AM Worship Center Worship Center 6:00PM Worship Center St Patrick Church Holy Day 6:45AM St. Patrick Church 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 12:10PM St. Patrick Church Rev. Monsignor Joseph V. Di Mauro, Pastor Rev. Thomas S. Capperella, Parochial Vicar Rev. Robert J. Kantz, Parochial Vicar Rev. Hugh J. Bradley, Part-Time Parochial Vicar Rev. Alfred Onyutha, Hospital Chaplain Deacon Philip E. Giordano Deacon Vincent Latini Deacon William J. Rumaker, Sr. † PARISH MINISTRIES † The monthly calendar is available at the doors of the Churches/Worship Center and on our website: www.holyangelsnj.org LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: Fr. Bradley & Fr. Capperella, Moderators Altar Linen Committee Altar Servers: Arts & Environment Barbara Worrell Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Ministers to the sick Lectors Music Ministry Sacristan Ushers: Eileen Turco 845-3076 Joanne Brown 845-0123 [email protected] Mary Jane Smith 848-6373 848-7205 [email protected] Barbara Gallagher 848-6385 [email protected] David Misilewich, OFS 251-9086 [email protected] Craig Gallagher 848-6385 [email protected] Michael Plunkett 853-0019 Mark Chapman 845-0123 Katrina Homola 845-8564 4:45PM 6:45PM 7:00PM Faith Formation Classes Gr. 2-6—FFF Choir Practice—St. Patrick Church Grief Support—Ministry Ctr. 7:00PM All Souls Remembrance Mass —Worship Center 848-4575 845-0123 845-6944 889-5730 9:30AM 10:30am 6:30PM 7:00PM Coffee Klatch—St. Patrick Lower Church America Catholic History —FFF Media Room Karate—Activities Ctr. Holy Hour For Vocations — St. Patrick Church 853-8115 845-5404 11:00AM 1st Friday School Mass— MHR Church Jerry Washko 845-6944 [email protected] Family Faith Formation Irene Clark, C.R.E. 845-1660 [email protected] Administrative Secretary Sara Weiss Safe Environment Coord Jeannie McParland RCIA/Adult Education Sue & Joe Krause 848-4575 PASTORAL CARE/SERVICE 845-0274 848-2938 845-4182 848-7744 845-0123 384-1090 848-4212 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES Pat Wirbick 304-8201 [email protected] Anne Maria Sanders 374-2261 [email protected] Jennifer Liberto 374-2261 [email protected] Desiree Wirbick 304-8202 [email protected] Sports Program Performing Arts Young Adults KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council #1994 Council #11713 Joe Olimpo 430-9875 [email protected] Leon Sumoski 845-8418 [email protected] PARISH STAFF Ministry Coordinator MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 7:00PM 7:00PM Adult Scripture Study Sr. Youth Group Faith Formation Classes Grades 2-6—Worship Ctr. RCIA — Ministry Ctr. Faith Formation Classes Grades 2-6—Worship Ctr. Baptisms—Worship Ctr. Christmas Play Rehearsal—Activities Ctr. Faith Formation Class 8th Gr..—Worship Ctr. BINGO—HTRS Gym Renew Prayer Group—FFF Karate—Activities Ctr. Parish Intramural Basketball and Cheerleading—Activities Ctr. Benediction/Adoration—St. Patrick Church K of C Mtg.—Ministry Ctr. LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION: Fr. Kantz, Moderator Catholic Welcome Home Sue & Joe Krause Coffee Klatch Mary Tracey & Ann Hink Ecumenical Ministry Jerry Washko Grief Support Judi Humphreys [email protected] Hospitality Committee Cindy Trovato Marriage Preparation Deacon Phil Giordano [email protected] Parish Health Sue Scully [email protected] Prayer Line/Cards/ Pat Parchinski [email protected] Respect Life/Prayer Group Anne Connor [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul John McIntyre Vocations Deacon Vincent Latini Welcome Committee Margaret Curran Rita Deluzio SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 8:15AM 10:00AM 10:30AM 12:30PM 1:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Joanne Brown 845-0123 ext.115 [email protected] Parish Bookkeeper Delores Frey 845-0123 ext.101 [email protected] Parish Facilities Mgr Rob Curtis 845-0123 [email protected] Part Time Office Assistant Ann Smalfus 845-0123 ext.103 [email protected] Parish Secretary Kathi Roswell 845-0123 ext.106 [email protected] 1:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Dismissal 12:30PM ART CLUB will not meet—November 3rd & 10th Class resumes Monday, November 17th 11:00AM-1:00PM in the Ministry Center LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS If you are in need of a low- gluten host when receiving Communion, please arrive earlier for Mass and speak to the priest of that Mass to make your request. Be sure to come up in his line, and signal that you requested the low gluten host. FLOWERS and SANCTUARY CANDLE To honor loved ones with altar flower bouquets or to reserve the weekly sanctuary candle, please contact Mary Jane Smith at 848-6373. Arrangements should be made in advance to make sure that the week is available. BAPTISMS Preparation Program for new & expectant parents held monthly on the 2ND Monday of the month at 7:00PM in the Worship Center. It is mandatory for both parents. Baptisms are held most Sundays. Please call the Parish Office, Mondays and Tuesdays, to register for class and to schedule a Baptism. MARRIAGES Must be arranged at least 1 year in advance. Engaged couples should reserve the Church prior to scheduling the reception. Please call the Parish Office to register. RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program that prepares adults to be received into the Catholic Church. Persons who complete the program receive the sacraments of Baptism (if not yet baptized), First Eucharist, and Confirmation. The program starts after Labor Day and continues through the following spring. The program is also available for Catholics who have never received the sacraments of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. For information, please call Sue & Joe Krause at 856-848-4575. PRAYER LINE: Please call Pat Parchinski to add someone to the Parish Prayer Line or to receive a get well card. 8482938. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT SUBMISSIONS The Deadline for receiving information is Monday by noon for the following weekend. Please email: [email protected] TO ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN Please call Bob Arnold at John Patrick Publishing: 800-333-3166 ext. 146, or cell: 856-840-5582. Page 2—635 † MASS INTENTIONS † SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 PURGATORIAL INTENTIONS—9:00AM-STP Sr. Mary Stephen Reynolds, John P. Tracey, Boris Maksymuk, Marquerite Talarico-Aragno, Leonard & Rose Talarico & Family, Peter & Margaret Samartino & Family, Miles & McCann Families, Carmine & Mary Penza, Paul LaBarca, Joseph W. Wilson, Elizabeth Seiberlich, Helen Cerkez, Dcn. Paul Parchinski, Concetta North, Dorothy F. Riley, Louis & Emily Ambrose, Joseph Piarullli, Julie Talandron, Helen Peterson, Lois Collins, David Dougherty, Jean Dickson, Joseph M. North, John Tumulty, Leonard Piontkowski, Louis & Margaret Morrison, Madeline Kraczyk MULTIPLE INTENTIONS 4:00PM-WC Molly Moore 5:30PM-STM r/b Ed & Marie Moore Laura Belber r/b The Caputi Family Robert Bennett r/b Michael & Catherine Aimino Joseph Blaston r/b Anthony & Betty Tarquinto Thomas E. Russo r/b Family Mary Zappa r/b Family James & Patricia Keegan r/b Marion Keegan Intentions of Eileen & Frank Turco in celebration of their 24th Anniversary SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 7:30AM-STP Edward & Joseph, Jr. Eisenhardt r/b Jean Eisenhardt 9:00AM-STM Patrick Fitzgerald r/b wife, Sadie 9:30AM-WC Dec’d Members of The Harry & Angela Musumeci Family r/b Family 10:00AM-STP Joseph & Philomena Fenuto r/b daughter, Janet Robinson 10:30AM-MHR Gerard J. Blessing r/b Sean & Ruby Rattle 11:30AM-WC William E. Roswell, Sr. r/b Dcn. Phil & Barbara Giordano 6:00PM-WC Edwin Coia r/b Joe Sacchet MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 6:45AM-STP Lila & Elmer Holmes r/b Family 7:00AM-STM Intentions of Frank & Eileen Turco in celebration of their 24th Wedding Anniv. r/b The Lodge Family 9:00AM-STP Mary Jane Brown r/b Richard Gilligan & Family TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 6:45AM-STP Alfred Vacca r/b Reed & Suzanne Merinuk & Family 7:00AM-STM Rose Maiese r/b Gail Connelly 9:00AM-STP Alberta Rizzuto r/b Michael & Harriet Seidman WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 6:45AM-STP People of the Parish 9:00AM-STP June Headley r/b Rita Barrett 7:00PM-WC ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 6:45AM-STP Eileen Fitzgerald r/b Marie & Rick Keuler 7:00AM-STM Patrick Short r/b his mother, Dale 9:00AM-STP David Stein r/b Denise Ambrose FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 6:45AM-STP Frank Solis r/b Family 7:00AM-STM Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00AM-STP Ralph Quidone r/b Ed & Beth Barry SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 9:00AM-STP Soon Khalounge r/b Sean & Ruby Rattle 4:00PM-WC Jim & Philomena Conroy r/b Tony & Margaret Brannigan 5:30PM-STM Joseph Roseleur r/b Dcn. Phil & Barbara Giordano † HEALING PRAYERS † Patti Alexander, Heather Beasley, Pat Belfori, Austin Bombaro, Hugh Bradley, Jr., Jim Castor, Mary Chuba, Joan C. Connelly, Stephanie Connelly, Grace A. Cooney, Richard Dupras, Marie Duran, Christopher Eckmeyer Jr., Rosemarie Edl, Bert Edzenga, Joey Fiorentino, Ed Friedrich, Ted Gamble, Giavanna Gatti, Gail Gillono, Dcn. Phil Giordano, Jacob Goldsmith, Barbara Haas, Patricia Harry, Lia Hart, Maureen Hastings, Maryann Hoppe, Joe Houdart, Eleanor Houser, Susan Hughes, Alle Izzo, Agnes Janik, Robert Johnson, Rev. Robert Kantz, Richard Klinge, Ray Kozej, Josephine Lanzilotti, Eileen Lloret, Carrie Lounsberry, Joe McGehrin, Terence McGehrin, Elizabeth McHenry, John McKeown, Midge McMullen, A. J. Mee, Sr. Jean Merrell, Sr. St. Michele-I.H.M, Nancy Middlebusher, Jennifer Misilewich, Billy Mower, Jr., Lucille Nelson, Mary Nichols, Angel O’Leary, Martin Passeri, Joe Polk, Ryley Powell, Kathryn Powis, Paul Putt, Ruby Rattle, Donna Raymond, Christina Ruggerio, Marie Rumaker, Donna Rupp, Beth Sanders, Kevin Santoro, Michael Savage, Carol Schorn, Molly Sholders, Arnold Slater, Paul S. Smith, Sr., Kevin Stewart, Cheryl Weiss-Strobino, Rose Sumoski, Donna Tessmer, Elizabeth Thomas, Geraldine Tierney, Sue Villari, Kristian Young, Ginny Wasdick, Mackenzie Grace West, Kathleen Wilson, Pat Winter, Marge Wolford, Nathan Worrell, Brigie Wynne, Virginia “Ginny” Zizas Mason Ernest Lucarini Chase Clinton Petrongolo Piper Fallyn Whyte Please continue to pray for ALL of our Troops BANNS OF MARRIAGE III: Daniel Fletcher & Jessica Savidge II: Gaspare Carollo & Katherine Winter I: Peter McHugh & Melissa Fox CANDLE & FLOWERS St. Patrick Church SANCTUARY CANDLE In Loving Memory of JIM & PHILOMENA CONROY donated by Tony & Margaret Brannigan ALTAR FLOWERS Main Altar In Loving Memory of JOHN & CATHERINE TRACEY donated by Mary Tracey Sacred Heart In Loving Memory of THOMAS & ALICE BRANNIGAN donated by Tony & Margaret Brannigan Blessed Mother In Loving Memory of JIM & PHILOMENA CONROY donated by Tony & Margaret Brannigan Please pray for the repose of the souls of RICHARD G. GOOD, JR. , ELEANOR M. HOUSER MARGARET F. RODGERS, RUTH STANISKI May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Page 3—635 † PARISH COMMUNITY † HOLY HOURS TO PRAY FOR VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD & RELIGIOUS LIFE The Office of Vocations has scheduled Holy Hours for Vocations called First Thursdays throughout our diocese. Every month, a different deanery will host a Holy Hour to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. HOLY HOUR Thursday, November 6th Holy Angels Parish—Saint Patrick Church 7:00PM “Pray…pray…pray to the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” Please come – your presence and your prayers are most important to this cause as we all work together in the work of vocations. PARISH MINISTRY FAIR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH Holy Trinity School Gym 9:00 – 11:30A.M. At Knights of Columbus Breakfast Enjoy a Delicious Breakfast: Adults $7, Children $3 Come find your place to serve! THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKET CAMPAIGN Conducted by the St. Vincent DePaul Society of Holy Angels Parish 2014 continued to be very difficult for many people in our area. Unemployment, cuts in aid, and rising prices continue to impact a large number of families who cannot afford to put food on their tables each day. As is the tradition in our Parish, our Thanksgiving Food Basket Campaign, enables us to share our many blessings with those less fortunate. We anticipate a large increase in requests this year and would like to accommodate all who need our help. There are 2 ways you can help: *Make a cash donation or write a check and place it in the poor boxes at each worship site, or mark your envelope “Thanksgiving Food Basket” and place it in the weekend collection. Every $60 collected fills one Thanksgiving basket for a family of four *Donate Thanksgiving Dinner Staples: Stuffing mix, cranberries, canned vegetables, canned sweet potatoes, coffee, etc. Place them in a bag clearly marked “Thanksgiving Food Basket” and leave in the designated spot in each Worship Site. NOTE: If you would like to donate a turkey, DO NOT leave it in Church or Worship Center. Please call St. Vincent de Paul 856-848-7744, leave a message and arrangements will be made for a pick up. Please have all donations in by WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19th Baskets will be delivered on Saturday, November 22nd “When I was hungry, you gave me food.” Will you please share your blessings with those less fortunate this Thanksgiving season? A CALL FOR ALTAR SERVERS Altar Servers Training for boys and girls grades 4 thru 8 begins Sunday, November 23rd after the 10:30 Mass at Most Holy Redeemer Church. If your child is interested, please call or e-mail Deacon Vince at 609-932-5170, [email protected]—be sure to include child’s name and grade as well as a contact phone number and email address. Sign-ups are also being taken at the Ministry Fair on Sunday, November 9th, 8:30-11:30AM during the K of C Breakfast. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY Join us at our next meeting: Tuesday, November 11th at 7:00PM in the Ministry Ctr SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH Holy Trinity School Gym 8:30AM—12:00NOON Adults $7, Children $3 Prepared by Knights of Columbus Father Charles J. McColgan Council #11713 Interested in becoming a Knight? Join up and receive a free family breakfast! Contact: Leon at 856-845-8418 or [email protected] THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th 4:30 – 6:00PM—Worship Center Must be Gloucester County Resident SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH STEWARDS RECEIVE MORE THAN THEY GIVE “Those who trust in him shall understand truth, and the faithful shall abide with him in love. Because grace and mercy are with his holy ones, and his care is with the elect.” - - Wisdom 3:9 Here’s the ironic thing about people who are generous. Those that give freely and cheerfully do not do it to be rewarded. They do it to show their love for God and their neighbors. Yet, because of their generosity, they typically are given more than they gave away! THIS WEEKEND’S SECOND COLLECTION Repair, Maintenance & Utilities 9:00AM—12NOON—HTRS Gym Blood Pressure—one of the most important health screenings to have High Blood Pressure—no symptoms. High Blood Pressure—can’t be detected without being measured High Blood Pressure—greatly increases risk of heart disease & stroke Get checked today! This month’s HEALTH TIP More than 34 million unpaid caregivers provide care to someone age 18 and older who is ill or has a disability and p r o vi d e a n es t i ma t e d 9 0 % of l ong- t er m care. Approximately 21% of households in the U.S. are impacted by care giving responsibilities. Stop by the Health and Wellness Ministry's Blood Pressure Screening table for information about CARING FOR CAREGIVERS!! Page 4—635 † SCHOOL NEWS † † LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION † November 2nd & 16th Religious Ed & Catholic School Students 8th Grade Sacrament Prep 6:00PM Mass & Mtg. November 4th—No Classes November 9th: 1st Grade Parent/Child Mtg after 9:30AM Mass November 16th: Home School meeting after 9:30 Mass November 9th & 23rd: 7th Grade will meet RECONCILIATION RETREAT Saturday, November 15th 10:00AM-12:00PM Family Faith Formation Building Second grade and children preparing to receive the sacrament need to attend with parent. November 30th—No classes FFF SHOE BOX SERVICE PROJECTS due by November 9th PLEASE notify our office with any changes to addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses. . . . .SCHOOL EVENTS . . . . REGISTRATIONS FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR ARE STILL ACCEPTED! November 7th -First Friday Liturgy Mass 11:00AM 2nd Grade Communion Class will portray their Patron Saint November 9th - School Liturgy 10:30AM MHR Church November 12th -Parent teacher conferences 4:00-7:00PM November 13th -Parent teacher conferences 4:00-7:00PM November 14th - SCHOOL CLOSED DESIGNERS FALL DESIGNER BAG BINGO! Saturday, November 15th Doors open 5:00PM 7:00PM DESIGNER BAG BINGO featuring bags from Michael Kors, Coach, and Henri Bendel!!! Tickets are now on sale! $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Hurry!!!! This event sells out fast! 2015 CALENDAR JACKPOT LOTTERY! Choose your lucky number and donate $25 per calendar for a chance to be a winner for the entire year! It makes a great gift! WORLD YOUTH DAY—JULY 2016 INFORMATIONAL MEETING SUNDAY, November 2nd · 7:00PM Holy Angels Worship Center APPLE iPAD MINI RAFFLE World Youth Day is not just a day or an experience, but an ongoing pilgrimage of faith for young people. These special days and celebrations are meant to rejuvenate and reinvigorate the spiritual life of you ng adults along their pilgrim journey, which ultimately leads to Christ Jesus! Please join Bishop Sullivan and the Dioceses of Camden, Metuchen and Trenton as we share the awesome itinerary planned for the diocesan groups and information on Poland, Krakow and the amazing saints we will encounter there, including JP II. For more information, or to RSVP [email protected] or 856-583-6122 The mission of Holy Trinity Regional School is to strengthen academic excellence of all students through teaching, living and proclaiming Catholic values with justice, respect and compassion. contact This group is for pilgrims who will be at least 18 at the time of travel. RENEW PRAYER GROUP Interested in reflections on the upcoming Sunday Mass readings? If so, please join us on Mondays, 1:30—2:30PM in the Family Faith Formation Center. No cost is involved. We simply pray for the intentions written in our book, read the following Sunday's Mass readings and then go over reflections on them: https://emmausjourney.org/reflecting. For more information, please contact Anne Connor [email protected] or 856-265-1926. All proceeds donated to the HTRS 8th Grade Graduation Fund! Tickets $5 each. To purchase tickets, Call Diane DiRenzo 610-547-5464. BINGO EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT! Come one, come all for a most enjoyable evening! Doors open 5:00PM · Games begin 7:00PM Admission: $1.00 Books: $1.00 each to play Exciting new "WIZARD OF OZ" GAMES AS WELL AS AN ARRAY OF NEW PRIZES! Progressive jackpot is over $1,400! For more information, on all school activities, please contact Michelle DiCapua, Marketing Coordinator, at 856-848-6826 or email: [email protected]. PARISH CHRISTMAS PLAY “Back to the Manger” Rehearsals 1:00-4:00PM Holy Angels Activities Center Two performances: Saturday, December 13th at 2:00PM and 6:45PM Holy Angels Activities Center For more information contact Jennifer Liberto [email protected] 856-374-2261 Page 5—635 † AROUND THE DIOCESE † Bishop Sullivan to speak at the next Catholic Business Network Meeting November 14th · 7:30AM – Woodcrest Country Club 300 E. Evesham Rd. · Cherry Hill, NJ Everyone is welcome. For more information: email [email protected] or call 856-562-1891 $20 accepted at the door to cover the cost of breakfast. CHILD ASSAULT PREVENTION (CAP) SESSIONS CAP Phase 1 Thurs., Nov. 6th 7:00PM, Divine Mercy, Vineland, Convent Basement Tues., Nov. 11th 7:00PM, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Marmora Wed., Nov. 12th 7:00PM, St. Teresa Regional School, Runnemede Thur., Nov. 13th 7:00PM, Assumption School, Galloway, Cafeteria CAP Phase 2 – Bullying Prevention Wed., Nov. 19th 7:00PM, St. Vincent de Paul, Mays Landing, Church CAP Phase 3 – Cyber Empowerment Tues., Nov. 4th 7:00PM, St. Joseph the Worker, Haddon Twp. Tues., Nov. 11th 7:00PM, Guardian Angels School, Paulsboro Site To attend a class, please call the CAP registration line in the Office of Child and Youth Protection at 856-583-6165 or email [email protected] to register. Please register at least five days before the session you would like to attend. CAP schedule, location, phone numbers/directions may be found on the diocesan website @ www.camdendiocese.org In case of inclement weather, please call the location directly. DIOCESE OF CAMDEN SOUTH JERSEY WOMEN’S CURSILLO October 31-November 2 (Thursday evening—Sunday afternoon) A team of religious and lay persons live as a small Christian community for three days. The focus is to develop a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ and a better understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit. For more information, please call Deacon Joe and Dorathy Garozzo 856-467-0792. INFANT JESUS PARISH WESTERN NIGHT November 8th 6:00-10:00PM St Margaret’s School Gym 773 Third Street · Woodbury Heights Enjoy an adult night out! Country fun, featuring music, dancing, basket raffles, prizes AND try your luck at riding the Mechanical Bull!! All proceeds benefit Infant Jesus Parish. Tickets: $35 each or $60 couple. Available at Infant Jesus Rectory-call 856-848-0047. THEOLOGY ON TAP What’s Love Got to Do With It? Tuesday, November 11th 7:00-9:00PM Tir Na Nog (formerly Dubh Linn Square) 482 E. Evesham Rd. · Cherry Hill Topic: Covenantal Love & Marriage Guest Presenter: Fr. Robert Sinatra Fr. Sinatra is a priest of the Diocese of Camden who has a passion for God, sports, and music. He is currently the Newman House Chaplain at Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ and an adjutant judicial vicar with the Tribunal for the Diocese of Camden. Theology on Tap is a speaker and discussion series for women and men in their 20s and 30s, married and single. No cost to attend. Participants are welcome to purchase food and beverages. For more info: 856-583-6122, [email protected], or join “Theology on Tap – South Jersey” on Facebook or follow “Theology on Tap SJ” on Twitter. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE FOR OUR DECEASED BISHOPS, PRIESTS AND DEACONS Tuesday, November 4th · 12:05 PM Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 642 Market Street, Camden 2014 ENGAGED ENCOUNTER 2014: November 7-9 2015: Feb. 13-15; Jun. 12-14; Aug. 7-9; Nov. 6-8 Pope John Paul II Retreat Ctr. · Vineland Weekend begins promptly at 8:00PM Friday and closes by 3:00PM Sunday All meals/ accommodations included in reservation fee. Visit the Diocesan website for more information: www.camdendiocese.org/index.php/workshops78/engagedencounter; email: [email protected] call 856-583-6132. When registering for Engaged Encounter you will be registered for the weekend, including lodging and meals, for the fee of $395. The online payment of your registration fee confirms your place in the program. Please save the receipt. Choose carefully as there is a $25 rescheduling/cancellation fee to cover administrative expenses. IHM DISCERNMENT RETREAT th th November 14 —16 Friday 6:00PM - Sunday 1:00PM Villa Maria House of Studies Young women (18-35) are invited to join us for this retreat , focusing on the IHM Charism, the importance of listening to God's call and discovering the many ways that God speaks to us. Time included for personal and communal prayer as well as the opportunity to interact with the Sisters in Formation. Call 610-889-1553 or email: [email protected] CATHOLIC TV NETWORK The Catholic TV Network is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our area and the entire nation. To help, simply visit GetCatholicTV.com as an easy way to petition your cable or satellite provide. If you are unable to access the internet, please follow up with a postcard or letter to your provider. WOMEN’S DISCERNMENT GROUP “Give your servant… an understanding heart……” Are you seeking to know what God has in mind for your life? If you are a single, Catholic woman, 17-35 years of age, who wonders if God is calling you to vowed life in our Church, consider meeting monthly with other like-minded women exploring this possibility. We meet monthly to pray, share questions, and to learn more about the elements of religious life. Come join us at the Franciscan Sisters’ Mother Mary Joseph Micarelli Center of Hospitality, 1215 Kresson Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ. Discernment group meets on the first Monday of each month, from 7:00-9:00PM as follows: 2014: November 3rd Prayer Sr. Joann Burzichelli, RSM December 1st Spiritual Direction Sr. Bonnie McMenamin, SSJ 2015: January 5th The Call to Holiness Barbara Salapek, SFO February 2nd Community Life Sr. Michele DeGregorio, FMIJ March 2nd The Vows Sr. Rose Mulligan, IHM May 4th Family Sr. Mary Ann Gecina, MPF June 1st What Are Your Needs? Sr. Mary McGarrity, IHM For further information or to RSVP, please call 856-848-6049 or email [email protected]. Sponsored by Office of the Delegate for Women Religious-Diocese of Camden Page 6—635
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