Journal of Combinatorial Optimization manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Algorithms for finding maximum transitive subtournaments ¨ Lasse Kiviluoto · Patric R. J. Osterg˚ ard · Vesa P. Vaskelainen Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract The problem of finding a maximum clique is a fundamental problem for undirected graphs, and it is natural to ask whether there are analogous computational problems for directed graphs. Such a problem is that of finding a maximum transitive subtournament in a directed graph. A tournament is an orientation of a complete graph; it is transitive if the occurrence of the arcs xy and yz implies the occurrence of xz. Searching for a maximum transitive subtournament in a directed graph D is equivalent to searching for a maximum induced acyclic subgraph in the complement of D, which in turn is computationally equivalent to searching for a minimum feedback vertex set in the complement of D. This paper discusses two backtrack algorithms and a Russian doll search algorithm for finding a maximum transitive subtournament, and reports experimental results of their performance. Keywords backtrack search · clique · directed acyclic graph · feedback vertex set · Russian doll search · transitive tournament 1 Introduction The maximum clique problem has attracted a lot of attention along the years; see (Bomze et al., 1999) for an extensive survey. A clique in a graph is a set of mutually adjacent vertices, and a maximum clique is a clique with the largest number of vertices. The following decision problem is NP-complete: Given an ¨ L. Kiviluoto was supported by the Academy of Finland, Grant No. 100500. P.R.J. Osterg˚ ard was supported in part by the Academy of Finland, Grants No. 107493, 110196, 130142, and 132122. V.P. Vaskelainen was supported by the Academy of Finland, Grant No. 107493 L. Kiviluoto Celtius Ltd, Pieni Roobertinkatu 11, 00130 Helsinki, Finland ¨ P. R. J. Osterg˚ ard · V. P. Vaskelainen Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, P.O. Box 13000, 00076 Aalto, Finland 2 ¨ L. Kiviluoto, P.R.J. Osterg˚ ard, V.P. Vaskelainen undirected graph G and an integer k as the input, determine whether there is a clique of size k in G. In any case, much effort has been put on developing algorithms for the maximum clique problem, which has many important applications in different fields such as bioinformatics (Butenko and Wilhelm, 2006), chemistry (Rhodes et al., 2003), and electrical engineering (Cong and Smith, 1993), just to mention a few examples. More applications can be found in (Bomze et al., 1999, Section 7) and (Pardalos and Xue, 1994). The maximum clique problem concerns undirected graphs; it is therefore natural to ask whether there are corresponding problems for directed graphs. For a directed graph, one may obviously look at the maximum clique problem for the underlying undirected graph or the undirected graph with an edge {u, w} if and only if both uw and wu are arcs in the original graph. Cliques of the latter type are called symmetric cliques. However, both of these cases reduce to the undirected case. In Section 2 we will use the problem of determining the capacity of communication channels to demonstrate one possible correspondence between certain computational problems in undirected and directed graphs. This leads to the problem of finding a maximum transitive subtournament in a directed graph, which is computationally equivalent to the problems of finding a maximum induced acyclic subgraph and a minimum feedback vertex set. Analogously, in the undirected case we have the maximum clique problem, which is computationally equivalent to the problems of finding a maximum independent set and a minimum vertex cover. Two backtrack search algorithms and a Russian doll search algorithm for the maximum transitive subtournament problem are discussed in Section 3. The performance of these algorithms is compared in computational experiments in Section 4. 2 Clique-Type Problems for Directed Graphs In this section, we consider the information-theoretic problem of determining the capacity of certain communication channels. The purpose of discussing this theory, which is well known (Alon, 1998; Gargano et al., 1992; K¨ orner et al., 2005; Sali and Simonyi, 1999), is threefold. First, it provides a way of deriving an analogue of cliques in directed graphs. Second, it provides evidence of the importance of algorithms for such clique-type problems in directed graphs. Finally, it shows that also other types of instances of these clique-type problems than those considered earlier are of practical interest. Moreover, for best possible practical performance, these instances require different algorithms than previous ones; the study of such algorithms is the main topic of this work. Consider an undirected graph G with one vertex for each input symbol of a discrete communication channel and an edge between two vertices if and only if the two symbols cannot lead to the same output symbol (due to channel errors). The graph G is known as the characteristic graph of the channel. ¯ the confusion graph of Alternatively, one may study the complement of G, G, the channel. Algorithms for finding maximum transitive subtournaments 3 The clique number of G = (V, E), denoted by ω(G), gives the largest set of symbols that can be used for error-free transmission of one symbol over the channel, and the corresponding amount of information is log2 ω(G). If information is transmitted in blocks of size n, then the information rate is log2 ω(Gn ) = log2 ω(Gn )1/n n bits per transmission, where the (co-normal) power graph Gn has the vertex set V n = {(u1 , u2 , . . . , un ) : ui ∈ V }, and (u1 , u2 , . . . , un ) and (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) are connected by an edge if and only if there is an i such that {ui , vi } ∈ E. The zero-error capacity (Shannon, 1956) of the channel is sup log2 ω(Gn )1/n n≥1 bits per transmission. When this problem is studied purely in the context of graphs, one ignores the logarithm and defines the zero-error capacity of G as sup ω(Gn )1/n . n≥1 Gargano et al. (1992) studied directed graphs in an analogous way. With D = (V, A) a directed graph, the (co-normal) power graph Dn has the vertex set V n = {(u1 , u2 , . . . , un ) : ui ∈ V }, and there is an arc from (u1 , u2 , . . . , un ) to (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) if and only if there is an i such that ui vi ∈ A. The (nonlogarithmic) Sperner capacity of D is then σ(D) := sup ωs (Dn )1/n , n≥1 where ωs (D) is the size of the maximum symmetric clique. A transitive tournament is a directed graph (V, A) with vertex set V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vm } and arc set A = {vi vj : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ m}. Given a directed graph D, a transitive subtournament, also known as a transitive clique, is a subgraph that is a transitive tournament. As with undirected graph, it is important to notice the difference between subgraphs and induced subgraphs. Indeed, for any arc in a transitive subtournament, the reverse arc could exist in D. The size of a maximum transitive subtournament in D is denoted by ωt (D). The importance of ωt (D) in the study of Sperner capacity is that (Gargano et al., 1992; Sali and Simonyi, 1999) σ(D) = sup ωt (Dn )1/n n≥1 and as obviously ωs (D) ≤ ωt (D), determination of the size of a maximum transitive subtournament rather than that of a maximum symmetric clique for small powers of D may—and often does—lead to better lower bounds on σ(D). Concrete instances for the problem of determining the size of a maximum transitive subtournament can be found, for example, in (K¨orner et al., 2005). 4 ¨ L. Kiviluoto, P.R.J. Osterg˚ ard, V.P. Vaskelainen We shall now briefly look at some analogies with the undirected case. The following decision problem is NP-complete (Karp, 1972; Garey and Johnson, 1979): Given a directed graph D and an integer k as the input, determine whether there is a transitive subtournament of size k in D. A clique in an undirected graph G corresponds to an independent set in ¯ but can something similar be said in the directed case? An answer to this G, question is provided by the following known graph-theoretic result. Proposition 1 The vertex set of a transitive subtournament in D is the vertex ¯ and vice versa. set of an acyclic induced subgraph in D, Proof In D = (V, A), consider a vertex set V ′ ⊆ V of a transitive subtournament, justified by the ordering v1 , v2 , . . . , vm of the vertices in V ′ . In the ¯ = (V, A), ¯ there are then no arcs vi vj with 1 ≤ i < j ≤ m, so complement D vm , vm−1 , . . . , v1 forms a topological ordering with this particular order (from the smallest to the largest element). Finally, we use the well-known fact that a directed graph has a topological ordering if and only if it is acyclic (Bang¯ induced Jensen and Gutin, 2001, Section 1.4) to see that the subgraph of D ′ by V is acyclic. This completes the proof as we have equivalences in all steps. If S is an independent set in an undirected graph G = (V, E), then S ′ = V \S is a vertex cover of G. For directed graphs we have the following analogy: If S induces an acyclic graph, then S ′ = V \S covers—that is, contains a vertex of—every cycle of G and is called a feedback vertex set. Finally, we would like to point out that various aspects of clique-type problems, for example, considering weighted graphs, carries over naturally to the problems for directed graphs discussed here. A final example: The chromatic number of an undirected graph is the smallest number of independent sets that partition the vertex set, whereas the dichromatic number (NeumannLara, 1982) of a directed graph is the smallest number of acyclic induced subgraphs that partition the vertex set. 3 Algorithms Bearing in mind the analogy between the discussed problems for undirected and directed graphs, there is an interesting contrast in the established research directions for algorithms for these types of graphs. Namely, for undirected graphs a majority of the computational studies have focused on cliques and independent sets—rather than on vertex covers—whereas for directed graphs most studies have been on feedback vertex sets—rather than on transitive subtournaments and induced acyclic subgraphs. We shall now argue that the main reason for this can be traced to the types of instances for which the research community have needed the algorithms. Many algorithms for solving these problems are based on some kind of backtrack search, whereby the size of a solution essentially gives the depth of Algorithms for finding maximum transitive subtournaments 5 the search tree. Although the size of the search tree is crucial for the time consumption rather than the depth of the tree, there is an obvious correlation between these. Consequently, whenever there is a choice between searching for a certain type of set or its complement—like with the two versions of the problems here—the approximate sizes of the sets give a hint for a proper choice. For directed graphs, it appears that the work on algorithms has been motivated by instances whose feedback vertex sets are relatively small, that is, the graphs are almost acyclic. For the instances considered later and those motivated by the discussion in Section 2, on the other hand, the feedback vertex sets (in the complement) are very big (for example, for the instances in Section 4 the largest size of a solution would be close to 190). The current work opens up the study of practical algorithms for such instances, and will hopefully inspire further work in the area. Due to the lack of old algorithms to compare the results with, several algorithms will be presented starting from basic ones similar to the seminal algorithm by Carraghan and Pardalos (1990) for finding a maximum clique in an undirected graph. Only a handful of papers have been published on algorithms for the aforementioned problems for directed graphs. (Note that algorithms can be studied and compared in two ways: via theoretical bounds and via their practical performance. We consider algorithm within the latter framework.) The literature is indeed biased toward the case of feedback vertex sets (Berghammer and Fronk, 2006; Chakradhar et al., 1995; Lin and Jou, 2000; Lloyd and Soffa, 1988; Orenstein et al., 1995; Smith, Jr., and Walford, 1975). Funke and Reinelt (1996) consider induced acyclic subgraphs, but they concentrate on a variant of the problem where arcs have weights and the aim is to maximize the total arc weight of the induced graph. We shall here present three algorithms for finding a maximum transitive subtournament: two backtrack algorithms and a Russian doll search algorithm. The similarities between these and the algorithms published in (Carraghan ¨ and Pardalos, 1990) and (Osterg˚ ard, 2002) are not incidental. The order of the vertices of the input graph has a (sometimes even significant) impact on the computation times of these algorithms; this issue is discussed further in the Section 4. We start with a basic backtrack algorithm, Algorithm 1, that builds up a transitive subtournament so that if vertex v is added on level i—this information is saved in the variable ai —then there must be an arc vw to add vertex w on level j whenever j > i. The set of vertices w such that there is an arc vw is denoted by Γ + (v). The parameters U and s of the procedure basic1(U, s) stand for the set of remaining vertex candidates and the size of the current transitive subtournament, respectively. The algorithm is invoked with basic1(V, 0), where V is the set of all vertices, and the initial value of the global variable record is 0. Algorithm 1 builds up a transitive subtournament in the order of its vertices, starting from the vertex that has all other vertices of the subtournament as successors. Obviously, one could instead proceed in the opposite direction, 6 ¨ L. Kiviluoto, P.R.J. Osterg˚ ard, V.P. Vaskelainen Algorithm 1 First Backtrack Algorithm procedure basic1(U : set, s: integer) 1: if |U | = 0 then 2: if s > record then 3: record ← s 4: Save the current solution a1 , a2 , . . . , as 5: end if 6: return 7: end if 8: for i ← 1, 2, . . . , |U | do 9: U ′ ← U ∩ Γ + (ui ); The elements of U are denoted by u1 , u2 , . . .. 10: if s + 1 + |U ′ | > record then 11: as+1 ← ui 12: basic1(U ′ , s + 1) 13: end if 14: end for end procedure starting from the vertex that has all other vertices of the subtournament as predecessors; it is easily seen that in the case of random directed graphs, these two approaches lead the same estimated performance. Although updating the set of vertex candidates in line 9 of Algorithm 1 is a rather straightforward operation, careful implementation of this step does have some impact on the overall performance as it lies in the core of the algorithm. A thorough consideration of such core steps of backtrack algorithms was carried out by Thiel et al. (1987); Lam et al. (1988) in their work on proving nonexistence of projective planes of order 10; in fact, they gave reasons for algorithms to act differently on different levels of the search tree (the levels being split into three regions). One drawback of Algorithm 1 is that having considered a certain vertex, chosen in line 8, we cannot remove it from U since it can also be considered at later stages when building up the transitive tournament. The next two algorithms to be considered do not have this drawback; on the other hand, in these algorithms we do need a test that determines whether an induced subgraph contains a transitive tournament. Actually, because of this test, we consider the complementary graph instead and build up induced acyclic subgraphs (Proposition 1); throughout the rest of this section, the maximum induced acyclic subgraph setting is therefore assumed. The next algorithms to be considered build up an induced acyclic subgraph, adding the vertices in the order they occur in the directed graph D. Maintaining a set of vertices that do not introduce cycles when added to a solution set is a much more complicated operation than the update operation for Algorithm 1. Consequently, as there is not one obvious way of carrying out this operation, care has to be taken in the evaluation of algorithms to distinguish between the impact of this core part of the algorithm from the impact of the overall algorithm. For each vertex to be added to a partial solution—which induces an acyclic subgraph—one may simply test whether the vertices in the extended partial Algorithms for finding maximum transitive subtournaments 7 solution also would induce an acyclic subgraph; this can be done by breadthfirst search (BFS) or depth-first search (DFS) in time O(|V |+|A|). However, it is computationally less expensive to maintain a set U of vertices that, together with the partial solution, do not form induced cycles. Updating U after adding a vertex to the solution set is a nontrivial operation. We shall now elaborate briefly on this operation. When a vertex v is added to the solution set B, we can delete a vertex u ∈ U whenever there exist vertices v ′ , v ′′ ∈ B such that there is a path from v ′ through v to v ′′ in B, and arcs v ′′ u and uv ′ in the original graph D. The latter information can be precalculated into a table that for each triple u, v ′ , v ′′ of vertices tells whether there are arcs v ′′ u and uv ′ . With Θ(|V |3 ) bits for this table, Θ(|V |2 ) bits for each u, the question can be answered in constant time. On the other hand, by finding—with BFS or DFS—all vertices V ′ in B from which there is a directed path to v (v itself is in this set) as well as all vertices V ′′ to which there is a directed path from v (v is also in this set), we get the desired pairs (v ′ , v ′′ ) ∈ (V ′ , V ′′ ). The auxiliary table fits into the available memory for the instances considered in Section 4. Anyway, other data structures can be utilized should the space requirement be an issue, trading speed for memory. To test (v ′ , v ′′ ) ∈ (V ′ , V ′′ ) against the information about paths v ′′ uv ′ , there are two possibilities. If the number of pairs (v ′ , v ′′ ) ∈ (V ′ , V ′′ ) is large, then one may form a string with Θ(|V |2 ) bits and 1s for each pair occurring; this string can be immediately tested against the precalculated strings of the same length. On the other hand, with very few pairs, it is faster to test each pair separately. In the current work we used only the latter approach. Note also that when a certain pair has been tested, then it need not be tested among descendants in the search tree; this information is maintained in the search tree. With the above described method, we consider Algorithm 2, which is a backtrack algorithm, and Algorithm 3, which a Russian doll search algorithm. In Algorithm 3, we handle the easy case of cycles of length 2 in a direct way through T (v), v ∈ V , which denotes the set of vertices w ∈ V for which not both vw and wv are arcs. Algorithm 2 is invoked with basic2(V, 0). The global variable record has initial value 0. The function reduce takes care of reducing the set of candidate vertices in U after a new vertex is added to the solution. The other variables and parameters are as in Algorithm 1. A major difference between Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 (as well as Algorithm 3) is that we search for (ordered) tuples of vertices in the former and sets of vertices in the latter. When we search for sets, we may remove a vertex from further consideration after the inclusion of the vertex in a solution has been examined (line 14 in Algorithm 2). Algorithm 3 is a Russian doll search algorithm. A Russian doll search algorithm (Verfaillie et al., 1996) can in general terms be described as an algorithm for solving a problem with n variables through n subproblems, where the first subproblem includes just the nth variable, the ith subproblem the last 8 ¨ L. Kiviluoto, P.R.J. Osterg˚ ard, V.P. Vaskelainen i variables, and where the solutions of the subproblems are used for pruning in later subproblems. A general treatment of Russian doll search algorithms can be found in (Dechter, 2003, Section 13.2.2). Russian doll search has been ¨ applied to the maximum clique problem in (Osterg˚ ard, 2002). In Algorithm 3, which is invoked with russiandoll, the definition Si = {vi , vi+1 , . . . , vn } gives the vertex sets of the subproblems. The size of a maximum induced acyclic subgraph in the subgraph induced by Si is saved in the array c[i]. Note that c[i − 1] = c[i] or c[i − 1] = c[i] + 1. If a solution corresponding to the latter equality is found then a subproblem has obviously been solved; the variable found makes immediate interruption possible. The feature of Russian doll search to use solutions of subproblems for later pruning is implemented in line 14 of Algorithm 3. The other variables and parameters are as in Algorithms 1 and 2. Algorithm 2 Second Backtrack Algorithm procedure basic2(U : set, s: integer) 1: if |U | = 0 then 2: if s > record then 3: record ← s 4: Save the current solution a1 , a2 , . . . , as 5: end if 6: return 7: end if 8: while U 6= ∅ do 9: if s + |U | ≤ record then 10: return 11: end if 12: i ← min{j : vj ∈ U } 13: as+1 ← vi 14: U ← U \ {vi } 15: U ′ ← reduce(U, a1 , . . . , as+1 ) 16: basic2(U ′ , s + 1) 17: end while end procedure 4 Computational Results In this section we use computational experiments to compare Algorithms 1, 2, and 3. Indeed, these algorithms were designed with the aim of optimizing practical performance, and belong to a class of algorithms less amenable to a formal performance analysis (McGeoch, 2007). Recall that we are dealing with an optimization version of an NP-complete problem. The algorithms were implemented in C++ and evaluated using random graphs. Random graphs were chosen for two reasons. First, random graphs are easily generated, which simplifies the process of comparing future results to that of the current study. Second, random graphs can be generated with Algorithms for finding maximum transitive subtournaments 9 Algorithm 3 Russian Doll Search Algorithm procedure rds(U : set, s: integer) 1: if |U | = 0 then 2: if s > record then 3: record ← s 4: Save the current solution a1 , a2 , . . . , as 5: found ← true 6: end if 7: return 8: end if 9: while U 6= ∅ do 10: if s + |U | ≤ record then 11: return 12: end if 13: i ← min{j : vj ∈ U } 14: if s + c[i] ≤ record then 15: return 16: end if 17: as+1 ← vi 18: U ← U \ {vi } 19: U ′ ← reduce(U, a1 , . . . , as+1 ) 20: rds(U ′ , s + 1) 21: if found = true then 22: return 23: end if 24: end while end procedure procedure russiandoll 25: record ← 0 26: for i = n, n − 1, . . . , 1 do 27: found ← false 28: rds(Si ∩ T (vi ), 1) 29: c[i] = record 30: end for end procedure different arc probabilities. The arc probability is the probability that there is an arc for any given ordered pair of vertices of the graph. For example, if the arc probability is p, then the probability that there is no arc in either direction between two given vertices is (1−p)(1−p). Random graphs are also commonly used for testing clique algorithms. Here, graphs with 40 to 200 vertices were generated with different arc probabilities. It is important to note that for Algorithm 1 we consider such a random graph D, but for Algorithms 2 and 3 we consider its complement ¯ Algorithms for finding minimum feedback vertex sets have generally been D. evaluated using the ISCAS’89 benchmark graphs (Chakradhar et al., 1995; Lin and Jou, 2000; Orenstein et al., 1995). Similar graphs, with respect to the number of arcs, are obtained by the current model with 0.98 ≤ p ≤ 0.999 and thereby form a specific type of graphs as for arc density. One detail that has been omitted so far is the impact of vertex orderings on the performance of the algorithms. For clique algorithms, the importance of this detail was recognized in the work by Carraghan and Pardalos (1990). It 10 ¨ L. Kiviluoto, P.R.J. Osterg˚ ard, V.P. Vaskelainen is therefore no surprise that the choice of ordering turns out to have a crucial impact also for the type of algorithms considered in the current study. Vertex orderings for clique-type problems are heuristics, many of which tend to order the vertices (in increasing or decreasing order) according to how likely they are to occur in a maximum solution. The best orders are not always intuitive and some experimentation is generally needed to find a good heuristic (for the graphs considered). Basic orderings considered here are those based on the vertex degrees in the underlying undirected graph (U), the outdegrees of the vertices in the directed graph (O), and the indegrees of the vertices in the directed graph (I). The vertices can be ordered ascending (ր ) or descending (ց ). Also the case with no reordering is considered (NONE). ¯ it seems reasonable that a large number of Thinking in the terms of D, pairs v ′ , v ′′ such that there are arcs v ′′ u and uv ′ make it less likely for u to be in a maximum induced acyclic subgraph (recall that this is related to the number of elements in the table used in Algorithms 2 and 3). Therefore we also consider the ordering (P) given by the product of the indegree and the outdegree of the vertices in the complementary graph. Russian doll search algorithms tend to perform well when the elements of an optimal solution are spread out evenly over the set of all elements. For undirected graphs and the maximum clique problem, this is achieved by coloring the vertices and grouping the vertices that belong to each color class. ¯ we may get a similar Also in the case of induced acyclic subgraphs of D, ordering (C) by grouping the vertices into symmetric cliques; in other words, these groups are independent sets of the underlying graph of D. Since the heuristic is only relevant for Russian doll search algorithms and not for basic backtrack search, it was only carried out for Algorithm 3. To compare the different orderings, we utilized the average ranks ranking method (Brazdil and Soares, 2000). For each parameter pair (n, p) in {(50, 0.5), (50, 0.6), (50, 0.7), (50, 0.8), (50, 0.9), (100, 0.5), (100, 0.6), (100, 0.7), (200, 0.3), (200, 0.4), (200, 0.5), (500, 0.2), (500, 0.3), (1000, 0.1), (1000, 0.2)}, five instances were generated and tested with each ordering. Orderings were given a rank number, starting from 1, with respect to their performance, and the average of all runs was calculated for each ordering. The results are shown in Table 1. The best ordering for each algorithm is in bold and used in the computations leading to Table 2. In Table 2, we show the average time for 10 random graphs of each parameter set, except for the instances when Algorithm 1 took longer than 500000 seconds, where the results are based on a single run. Empty entries indicate that the algorithm did not finish in 850000 seconds. The last two columns A1/A3 and A2/A3 give the ratio of the average computational times. Once again, recall that for Algorithms 2 and 3 the computations are carried out on the complementary graph. These times are in CPU seconds for a 2.93-GHz PC with Linux operating system. Also the average size of a solution is given. Figure 1 illustrates the performance of Algorithm 1 relative to Algorithm 3 based on the values from Table 2. Some additional entries have been added for small instances, where the running times are a fraction of a second. Algorithms for finding maximum transitive subtournaments 11 Table 1 Ranking of permutations Ordering Uր Uց Oր Oց Iր Iց Pր Pց Cր Cց NONE A1 A2 A3 5.73 4.20 6.41 3.67 4.69 4.91 6.06 4.29 1.56 7.97 3.25 6.52 3.27 6.48 2.27 8.65 5.04 5.03 2.89 8.15 4.28 7.37 4.13 8.36 3.95 8.93 4.85 5.97 7.11 Table 2 Evaluation of the algorithms |V | p A1/A3 A2/A3 40 40 40 40 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 15.6 20.2 28.0 35.0 0.16 22.8 843000 0.05 0.25 0.18 0.01 0.03 0.16 0.09 0.02 6.5 145 9400000 2.1 1.6 2.0 0.7 80 80 80 80 80 80 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.85 0.9 11.6 15.0 19.8 27.0 33.0 43.0 0.12 1.65 106 233000 0.47 2.89 52.7 3270 12400 62900 0.25 1.87 25.9 2020 5610 9920 0.5 0.9 4.1 116 1.8 1.5 2.0 1.6 2.2 6.3 120 120 120 120 120 120 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 0.8 10.1 13.0 16.7 22.3 26.0 31.0 0.10 1.51 58.8 9160 527000 0.60 5.61 112 3680 47400 847000 0.40 3.46 66.3 2080 24000 587000 0.2 0.4 0.9 4.4 22.0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.4 160 160 160 160 160 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.7 11.0 14.0 18.0 20.6 24.0 0.55 10.4 688 17600 640000 3.44 35.5 995 16600 149000 2.04 22.2 626 9940 103000 0.3 0.5 1.1 1.8 6.2 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 200 200 200 200 200 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.65 9.0 11.6 14.6 19.0 21.9 0.15 2.14 75.6 8480 209000 1.22 13.7 276 13600 150000 0.79 7.70 189 8470 74300 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.0 2.8 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.6 2.0 max size A1 A2 A3 Table 2 and Figure 1 show that the algorithm for finding maximum transitive subtournaments (Algorithm 1) is faster than the ones for finding maximum induced acyclic subgraphs in the complement (Algorithms 2 and 3) for solutions of size smaller than 15–20. The Russian doll search approach for finding maximum induced acyclic subgraphs (Algorithm 3) is faster than Algorithm 2, except for instances whose running times are a fraction of a second. Moreover, 12 ¨ L. Kiviluoto, P.R.J. Osterg˚ ard, V.P. Vaskelainen Fig. 1 Performance of A1 relative to A3 Algorithm 3 is the overall fastest for the densest graphs considered in this work. The range for which Algorithm 1 is applicable is smaller than that for Algorithm 3, which in practice can handle instances with solution size greater than 30. Although the density of the ISCAS’89 benchmark graphs is the worst possible for the current algorithms—and no additional graph reduction techniques were employed—each ISCAS’89 graph with fewer than 100 vertices could be processed within a few milliseconds. As Algorithm 3 resembles the maximum clique algorithm presented in ¨ (Osterg˚ ard, 2002), it is natural to ask whether ideas from other maximum clique algorithms could be implemented in algorithms for finding maximum transitive subtournaments. However, most clique algorithms utilize various types of colorings, and it is not clear how to carry over this concept (as for efficient computing) to directed graphs. Notice that in a related work on algorithms for finding maximum independent sets in hypergraphs, Russian doll search turned out to be orders of magnitude faster than integer linear programming with a state-of-the-art op¨ timization tool (Osterg˚ ard and Vaskelainen, 2011). We conclude this paper with the remark that the considered algorithms have been applied to instances of the applications discussed in Section 2; an exhaustive determination of the Sperner capacity of small directed graphs has been carried out in (Kiviluoto et al., 2009). 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