Young Members Group 2014 Conference Sponsors Young Members Group Annual Conference 1 November 2014 Grand Connaught Rooms, 61-65 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5DA Since its relaunch in 2010, the YMG has held very successful Conferences in Ireland, Dubai and Istanbul which have attracted delegates from over 25 countries around the world. This year’s programme is innovative as it offers practical, interactive workshops as well a Debate. Experienced practitioners from across the professional spectrum are acting as mentors to young members who will prepare and present all the sessions. Sessions include: n The Opening Address: ‘How to build an international arbitration practice – my experience’ by Judith Gill QC of Allen & Overy. n Choice of workshops: n arbitration or mediation or construction adjudication; and n cross examination or civil law procedures in arbitration. n Debate: ‘London is best for international dispute resolution’. Presentation teams include: Segun Aderibigbe, Nissi Barau, Matthew Brown, Yvonne Czajkowski, John Delaney, Sergejs Dilveka, Artem Doudko, Jonathan Egerton-Peters, Asel Elhousen, Ahmed El Kordy, Christopher Harris, Shobana Iyer; Abikoye Oluwatosin; Amanda Lee, Wasif Majeed, Dipti Patel; Per Radelov; Shannan Rajan; Harald Sippel, Anna-Marie Tamminen; Paul Whittle; Mentors include: Andrew Burr, Mair Coombes Davies, Nigel Davies, Artem Doudko, James Golden, Christopher Harris, Christine LecuyerThieffry, Christina Lockwood, Donny McKinnon, Corrado Mora, Rowan Planterose, Tara Sallar, John Tackaberry QC, Christophe von Krause Welcome Reception: There will be a drinks Reception at the House of Lords at 19:00 – 21:00 hrs on 31 October 2014. Presentation Skills Workshop: An half-day workshop will be provided by the European Branch in various Central London locations. This is an extract of the Branch’s Train the Trainer Workshop which is held over 2 days. Places are limited to 8 per venue. Further details will be sent with confirmation of registration for the Conference. Attendance is only available to Conference delegates and is free of charge. For full details of this Conference please visit: Programme 31 OCTOBER 2014 19:00 – 21:00 Welcome Reception at the House of Lords, Westminster - ticket required 1 NOVEMBER 2014 09:00 Registration and refreshments 09:30 Opening Arran Dowling Hussey & Mandy Aylen 09:45 Keynote Address Judith Gill QC Practical Skills Workshops 1Arbitration Mentors: John Tackaberry QC & Rowan Planterose 2Mediation 10:15 Mentors: Christina Lockwood & Corrado Mora 3 Statutory construction adjudication(AA 1996) Mentors: Nigel Davies, Mair Coombes Davies, James Golden & Donnie McKinnon Team 1: Matthew Brown, Ahmed El Kordy, Amanda Lee, Wasif Majeed, Harald Sippel Team 2: Abikoye Oluwatosin, Shannon Rajan, Paul Whittle Team 3: Nissi Barau, John Delaney, Assel El Houssan, Dipti Patel 11:30 Refreshment break Workshop 1: Cross examination in an arbitration Counsel: Christopher Harris and Artem Doudko Arbitrator: Mandy Aylen 12:00 Workshop 2: Civil law procedures in arbitration Per Radelov, Anna Marie Tamminen 13:15 Lunch Debate: 14:30 ‘London is best for international commercial dispute resolution.’ Chair: Annemarie Grosshans Mentors: For the motion: Andrew Burr, Tara Saller Against the motion: Christophe von Krause and Christine Lecuyer-Thieffry For: Yvonne Czajkowski; Jonathan Egerton-Peters, Shobana Iyer Against: Sergejs Dilevka, Segun Aderibigbe 15:45 Refreshment break 16:15 Open Discussion Panel to be announced 17:00 Closing remarks Michael Stephens (President, CIArb) 17:15 End of Conference Booking Information A payment must be received before the event date. If payment is not received, delegates may be asked to guarantee payment with a personal credit card on the day. Provisional bookings cannot be accepted. Booking Terms & Conditions Confirmation of your booking, together with joining instructions and host city information, will be issued to all delegates. CIArb is not responsible for the non-arrival of confirmation documents: if you have not received anything within two weeks of the event please contact [email protected]. Written cancellations received by the Events Team two weeks prior to the event will incur a cancellation fee of 40% of the total due. We regret that we cannot give refunds for cancel- lations received after this date, although substitute delegates are very welcome if notified in writing prior to the event. CIArb reserves the right to refuse entry. CIArb reserves the right to cancel the event and to change the venue and content of the programme at any time. Enquiries: [email protected] Chartered Institute of Arbitrators T: +44 (0)20 7421 7468 E: [email protected] 12 Bloomsbury Square, London, WC1A 2LP, UK F: +44 (0)20 7404 4023 W: Young Members Group Annual Conference 2014 BOOKING FORM You may register on-line: Or by completing this form and returning it to: Mrs Sue McLaughlin, CIArb, 12 Bloomsbury Square, London, WC1A 2LP, UK E: [email protected] F: +44 (0)207 404 4023 To apply Payment by credit card On-Line at:, or By email to: complete form below and email it to: [email protected] Bank transfer in any currency Email completed form and copy of bank transfer documentation to: [email protected] Please ensure that you include the reference: YMG and your name on the documentation so that payment can be identified. Fees Fees per person (inclusive of VAT) Reception, Conference and River Cruise Dinner Conference only House of Lords Reception only River cruise dinner (guest of delegate) Before 13 September from 14th September £240 £228 £156 £180 £60 £60 £72 £72 * * * * * * * * Workshops Please indicate which workshops you wish to paticipate in Workshop 1 (please select one) Workshop 2 (please select one) Payment Arbitration Cross examination techniques * * Construction Adjudication Civil law procedures *Mediation * * Please tick one of the following options: Cheque: I attach a cheque for £ * Credit card: Please deduct * £ from my credit card No: / Expiry date: / CVV: Name on card: (last 3 digits on reverse of card) Signature: Bank transfer: I have made payment into the following Bank Account and attach a copy of the bank transaction. * Bank Name & Address: HSBC Bank, 31 Holborn, London ECIN 2HR England. Account Number:31288784 Sort Code: 40 05 03 IBAN Number:GB38MIDL40050331288784 Branch Identifier Code: MIDLGB2115N Account Name: The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Accommodation A group package rate has been negotiated with the Holborn Grange Hotel which is 5 minutes walk away from the New Connaught Rooms for 2 nights from 31 October: Double Superior £159 plus VAT Twin Superior £159 plus VAT Twin Executive £187 plus VAT * * * All rates are per room per night and include continental breakfast. To book: go to and use promotion code: 311014C You must book by 1 October to receive these rates. Bookings received after this date may be at a higher rate. For information of other hotels in the area, you may wish to look on-line. One of many websites available is Visas At the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth office, we do not provide letters in support of visa applications. However, we will, on request, provide a letter confirming that you have booked and paid for the conference etc. Please email: [email protected] when you receive confirmation of your registration and she will send you the letter which you may submit with your application to the Visa Section of the Embassy/Consulate. Data Protection CIArb is committed to protecting your privacy and with your permission, we would like to send you news and special offers. Your details may be used by CIArb to keep you informed of our offers, products and services. If you do not wish to receive any relevant communication from CIArb please tick here: * If you are happy to receive offers from carefully selected third parties tick here: * E: [email protected] T: +44 (0)207 421 7468 F: +44 (0)207 404 4023 W:
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