Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church, Fr. Ogie Rosalinas, SOLT-Pastor Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran The House of the Lord is my contentment! November 9, 2014 Thank you, ALL Veterans for your commitment, service, contribution and sacrifice to our national security. God Bless all those who are currently serving and carrying out their duties and those who died having served in wartime and peacetime. I am your God and will take care of you until you are old and your hair is gray. I made you and will care for you; I will give you help and rescue you. Isaiah 46:4 Upcoming and Ongoing events in our Parish & in our Diocese BIBLE STUDY EVERY MONDAY EVENING IN THE ANNEX The bible study focus is “Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom” and will include 20 sessions showing how Christ’s kingdom on earth carries out his work in the world. Every Monday from 6:30pm–8:30pm in the Annex. The next class date is Monday, November 10th 2014. Bring your friends, family and bibles! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th TOTUS TUUS “Totally Yours” was the apostolic motto of Pope John Paul II, now known as St. John Paul the Great and on next Wednesday, November 5th 2014 the second teaching in a series focusing on the Act of Consecration to Jesus through Mary (Totus Tuus) will be offered in the Annex. If you desire a closer relationship with our Blessed Mother Mary, then please come and learn more about this Act of Consecration. The teachings will continue every Wednesday evening from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) It’s not too late to enroll!! If you are an adult and you want to get married through the Catholic Church but have not yet been baptized, or if you need your 1st Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of Confirmation then RCIA is for you. Please attend the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass and listen for Deacon Rojas’ announcement for RCIA. There is no cost to register. PRO LIFE MASS Please come and celebrate the Mass in honor of the gift of Life. Join us as we pray for an end to the evil of abortion. Saturday, November 15th at 7:30 a.m. ST. JOSEPH ADORERS MASS All Eucharistic Adorers are invited to attend the 10:00am Mass on every 3rd Sunday of the month. Join us on Sunday, November 16th for the next Mass. We ask that you pray for an increase in devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Call the office for more information on how you can give back to the Lord one hour of your busy life. Eucharistic Adoration is open to everyone. THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR ALL FALL FESTIVAL VOLUNTEERS. Please join us on Thursday, November 20th beginning with Mass at 6:00 pm followed immediately by a Pot Luck Thanksgiving Dinner in the Annex. The parish will furnish roasted turkeys and you may bring a covered dish to feed 10. Please call the parish office for more information at 8827912. St. Joseph Prayer Group meets every Thursday! 7:oo pm –annex Rosalinda Herrera, COOR. “ Building a Community of Disciples Towards a New Evangelization!” WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS for the repose of the souls of...and in thanksgiving for Sunday November 9th 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 8am †Ascencion Castañeda by Candelario Rodriguez †Roberto Silvas, Jr. & †Edward Silvas by Joseph Douglas 10am †Victor & †Jesusa Garza by Leonor Garcia †Isabel & †Maria Martinez by Santos Martinez 12pm †Tomas A. & †Anita G. Herrera by Angie G. Herrera †Fr. Joe Lawless, MSF by Dora S. Salinas Monday November 10th 6am †Pedro Nava de parte de su esposa Alicia Nava Misa en accion de gracias para la salud de Alicia Nava Tuesday November 11th 6pm †David S. Salinas, by Dora S. Salinas †Fr. Joe Lawless, MSF BY Dora S. Salinas †Lazaro & †Juanita P. Nava & Deceased Members of Family Mass of Thanksgiving to Divine Mercy by Rosalinda Herrera Wednesday November 12th 6am Members of the Parish Thursday November 13th 6pm—Healing Mass †Julia Leveck by Family †Maria Juarez by 6 a.m. Choir Mass of Thanksgiving to St. Anthony Padua de parte Eloisa Morlett Mass of Thanksgiving to St. Jude by Rosalinda Herrera Mass of Thanksgiving to Holy Trinity & Holy Family by Rosalinda Herrera Friday November 14th 6am Members of the Parish Saturday November 15th 6pm Vigil †Raymundo Segovia Birthday by Family †Ignacio & Brigida Chavez by Family †Roland Chavez by Family Sunday November 16th 2014 8am †Ascencion Castañeda by San Juanita Treviño †Richard Cox by Mary Cox 10am †Roberto Melve, Sr. by Maria Melve Mendiola †Angel & Carmen Aranda by Family 12pm †Tomas A. & Anita G. Herrera by Angie G. Hererra †Willie Herrera by Angie Herrera †Trinidad Sirio by Family Divine Mercy Chaplet 3pm Friday in the Adoration Chapel Jesus I Trust in You! Jesus I Trust in You! Jesus I Trust in You! November 9, 2014 Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran The House of the Lord is my contentment! Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. The Basilica of St. John Lateran is the cathedral of Rome. This is not St. Peter's, but it is the Pope's cathedral. Also called the Church of Holy Savior or the Church of St. John Baptist, it was the baptism church of ancient Rome. It was built in the time of Constantine and was consecrated by Pope Sylvester in 324. This feast became a universal celebration in honor of the basilica called "the mother and mistress of all churches of Rome and the world" (omnium urbis et orbis ecclesiarum mater et caput) as a sign of love for and union with the See of Peter. www.catholicculture.org Scripture Readings Monday St. Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church Ti: 1:1-9 Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday St. Martin of Tours, Bishop Ti 2:1-14 Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr Ti 3:1-7 Lk 17:11-19 Thursday St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Phlm 7-20 Lk 17:20-25 Friday 2 Jn 4-9 Lk 17:26-37 Saturday Vigil/33rd Sunday Prv 31:19-31 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 May the souls Please Pray for… Teresa Garcia, David Villarreal, Elena Oralia, Joey Soto, Anna Culpepper, Gracie Chavez, Martin of all the faithful Sanchez, Angie Tanguma, Carrie Ross, Lisa Vacca, Teofilo departed, Guerrero IV, Lorenzo Otero, Delores Torres, Alejandro through the mercy of God, Guerrero, Elda Gonzalez, Jeremiah R. Sanchez, Josiah R. Sanchez, Angelita Chavez, Willie Castillo, Joseph Jasso, Aurora Botello, Yolanda Ortiz, Fred Leveck, Maria Elena rest in peace. Garza, Maria Hernandez, Joey Soto, Nelda Alvarez, Elvira Amen. Villarreal, Yolanda Martinez, Fr. Ralph Jones, Maria Luisa Perez, Emma Mungia, Roxanne Aldrighetti, Consuelo Romano, and all who have asked for our prayers. Please call the office with an update for names on the Prayer List. Names will be removed after two weeks if no update has been provided. Thank you. Collection - Week Ending November 4, 2014 Envelopes: $2,586.00 Loose: $1,856.42 Total: $4,442.47 + 2nd Collection: $465.04 $4,907.51 .
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