NATIONS UN防 UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVE BOARD EB2/1 23 August 1948 SECOND SESSION ORIGINAL: DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION 16 - 26 July 1948 . P a l a i s des Nations, Geneva The Executive Board held its first session, consisting of nine meetings, at the Palais des Nations, between 16 and 26 ,July, 1948. The following members attended : AUSTRALIA Dr* G.M. REDSHAW BRAZIL Dr. G. H. de PAULA. SOUZA BYELORUSSIAN SSR Dr. N. EVSTAFIEV • CEÏLON Dr. S, F. GHELLAPPAH CHINA Dr. w. W. YUNG EGYPT Sir Aly SHOUSHA, Pasha FRANCE • Prof. J. PARISOT INDIA Lt._-Col. C. MANI IRAN Dr. M. H. HAFEZI MEXICO Dr. J. ZOZAÏA NETHERLANDS Dr.. c. van den BERG NORWAY Dr. K. EVANG POLAND . . Dr. B. KOZUSZNIK UNION ÔF SOUTH AFRICA Dr. Л. J. van der SRJY USSR Dr, N»A. VINOGRADOV UNITED KINGDOM Dr» M. MACKENZIE UNITED STATES. OF MERICA Dr. H. van Zile HIDE ïtJGOSUVIA Dr. Л. ST/iMP/iR ENGLISH L Election of Officers * ‘;‘“ ‘' < The President of the Assembly served provisdanally as ‘.. . . Chairman of the Executive Board' during-, the first two meetings* At its third meeting, the Board elected as its Chairman Sir Aly Te^Tfik Shousha, Pasha, M.D*' (Egypt)•- • Dr- Karl Evang (Norway) and Di*. W#Wè lung (China) were elected Vice-Chairman at the fourth meeting. 2. Provisional Rules of .Procedure of the Executive Board The Beard provisionally adopted tha draft provisional rules of procedure at its second meeting, and appointed the following working group to consider these rules: Chairman, Dr. Mani; members, Dr. Farisot, Dr. van den Berg, Dr. van,der Spuy, Dr. van Zile Hyde and Dr. Vinogradov. At its ninth meeting the Board adopted, with amendments, the Rules of Procedure (Annex 1) as modified by the working group (ED/5 Rev*2) a . .、 ... ..,...,.. The Board noted at its seventh meeting that the proposal by the United Kingdom residing the term of office of the Chairman (A/75) was withdrawn,, since this matter vras covered by the revised 2 Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board (SE/5* Rev,2) 3* * Nomination of the Dire сtor-Goneral At its second meeting^ the Board agreed by 18 votes to nil to nominate Dr. Brock Chisholm for the post of Director-General of the Organization and to propose his appointment by the Health Assembly, 3 in accordance with Article 31 of the Constitution* 4* Contract of the Director—Goneral This matter was referred to a working party at the first meeting; at its second meeting, the Board approved the draft contract of the Dire с t or-rGe ner al (EB/2 Rcv,2: A/79) as finally amended by the Assembly EB/Min,l pages 2-7j EE^Íin»? pages 4-5Í ED/kinà 9 pages 4 - 9 2 EB^in,7. pages 3 - 4 3 EB/kin.2 page 5 (Annex 2)4* 5. Regional Organisation for South-East Asia The Board was directed by the Health Assembly to establish regional organizations in the several areas as soon as the consent of the majority of the Member States in each area had been obtained (A/47, pages 4供5)* Accordingly, at its second meeting, the Board noted the statement by the chief delegates of Burma, Ceylon, India and Siam that their Governments had agreed to join, the regional organization for South^East^ with headquarters in India, and the statement by the delegate of India that this regional organization woiild be located in the city of Mysore (EB/4. Annex 3)5% 6* Pan American Sanitary Organization The Board established at its fourth meeting a working party, consisting of Dr, de Paula Souza, Dr. Evstafiev, Dr. van den Berg, Dr, Marii, Dr» Zozaya and Dr. van Zile to consider the modification of Article 9 of the draft WHO/PASO Agreement. At its fifth meeting the Board reconstituted the working party^ appointing Dr* Timmeraían У (as alternate for Dr. van den Berg) ancj Dr. Evang; Dr. Soper, Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, attended the meeting of this second irking party as an observerè The working party was instructed to discuss the whole draft Agreement with PASO and to prepare a draft working arrangement* Its report (EB/16), sotting forth amendments to the draft Agreement between WHO and PASO, was adopted by the Board at its sixth meeting (Annex 4)The Board noted the state/ient by Dr. Tiimnerman, Chairman of the working party, that the draft Agreement was considered by the working party as a basis for negotiation and not as a final step in the integration of PASO with WHO* 4 5 Щ Д а п Д , page 7 and EB/tóiru 2 pages 2-4 EB/Uin,2 page. 5 At the same neeting the Board decided to re-appoint the Negotiating Committee, consisting of Dr. de Paula Souza, Dr» Zozaya and Dr» van * Zile Ifyde, which had served under the Interim Commissionà It agreed to draw the attention of the Negotiating Committee to views expressed by Dr# Evang and Dr. van Zile Ifyde regarding paragraphs 2 and 4 of the . * 6 7 draft Agreement (EB/iiiru6 pages 8-9) 3 * ¥ 7s Office International d ^ g i é n e Publique The Health Assembly directed the Board to maintain the present liaison with OIHP iwith a view eventually to the transfer of the assets and liabilities of OIHP to WHO on the termination of the Rome Agreement of 1907 (A/63)» Accordingly^ at its sixth meeting,the Board requested the Director-General to report progrce-5 on the matter at the next session (EB/\íin*6 page 12) • Exceypt from ЕВДИпфО pageti 8肩9 : "Dr# EVANG said he interpreted paragraph 2 as implying that fuil integration had not yet been accomplished and thát in fact no regional office in the full sense of the term yet existed• ‘ Paragraph 4, on the other hand, implied that a regiona,l organization existed^ He thought it deairable, therefore, for the two paragraphs to be brought into conformity by the insertion of the words "subject to the provisions of paragraph 2" after "assume" in line 2 of paragraph 4* With regard to the question of finance, it seemed obvious that WHO could not'finance operations in countries which viqtq not members of the organization^ !t Dr# van Zile HIDE, in connexion with Dr,Evang1 s final remark, thought that as a matter of principle WHO would not wish to liïhit assistance to any country^ whether or not a meiriber, if an emergency aros®* He pointed out that the Interim Commission had in the past provided assistance to nonHiienber countries and cited as an example the aid given to the Lebanon for the procurement of supplies of vaccine during the recent outbreak of cholera in Egypt* "Dr* MANI considered that there was no financial implications in the two * paragraphs and hoped that the text as drafted of paragraph 4 would be accepted% "Dr» van Zile HIDE suggested that the Negotiating Committee should consider thê substitution of the word "be" for "serve" in line 2 of paragraph 2è u It was decided to accept paragraph 4 as drafted and to draw the attention Of the Negotiating Committee to the views expressed in the dis eras 5ion Z у • • é п EB/ilim4 pages 5-6; EB/iliru 5 pagos 3-6; and ЕВ/ЬШьб pages 7 - 10. 8. Administrative Office for Europe __•• I II !•• 14 I I . » I I. •• " i l . The proposal of the delegation of Czechoslovakia for the establishment of a temporary special administrative office for Europe (EB/lój Annex 5), with an amplification of this proposal which the delegate of Czechoslovakia presented verbally, by invitation, to the Board, was considered by the Board at its ninth meeting. The Board agreed to the statement made by the Chairman on this subject, ?iiich was as follows : V The Director-General is prepared to implement the Health Assembly resolution (A/47 page 3) by proper machinery^ with the establishment not later than 1 January 1949 of an administrative office for Europeд subsequent to a meeting of the representatives of the governments concerned• Certain countries such as France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Yugoslavia厂 not mentioned in the Czechoslovak proposal, would also bè represented, (EB/Min.9 pages 10-17). Associate Members The Health Assembly referrod to the Board for consideration the question of the privileges and immunities of the Associate Members under the Joint Convention of Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Agencies» The Board at its seventh meeting requested the Dire с tor-General 、to prepare a memorandum on this subject, for distribution to all members in order to permit full consideration before the next session (EB/Min.7 page 4). 10• . Provisional Appointment Regulations for Expert Committees The Board considered at its fifth and sixth meetings the draft provisional regulations for the appointment of expert committees (ЕВДЗ) and adopted these regulations with amendments at its sixth meetirg (Annex 6)®, 8 EB/j/iin.5 pages 7-9 and ЕВ/Жп.6 pages 3-6. 11 « Appointment of Expert Committees After considering at its seventh and ninth meetings the working paper prepared by the Secretariat on the establishment of expert committees (EB/2L), the Board approved that document, with the modifications proposed in regard to membership. The decisions of the Board concerning the several expert bodies are set forth below# (a) Establishment of Expert Committees• It was decided to limit the establishment of expert committees, initially, to nuclear committee s ^ leaving eventual membership to be decided at a later • stage. (EB/Min.9, page 17). The Board recommended the establishment of nuclear committees as fellows: (i) The Expert Committee on Malaria of the World Health Organization: Initial nucleus, five members. (EB/21j EB/Min.7, pages 8-9 and EB/Min.9, page 17). (ii) The Expert Committee on Tuberculosis of the World Health Organization: Initial nucleus five members, of -whom one should be an expert on antibiotics; (ЕЗ/21, ЕВ/Шл.7^ pages 1 0 1 2 , and EB/Min.9, page 17). (iii) The Expert Committee on Venereal Infections of the World Health Organization; Initial nucleus, five members (EB/21, EB/Min.7^ page 6, and EB/Min,9, page 17). (iv) The Expert Committee on Maternal and Child Health of the World Health Organization: Initial nucleus, four members. (EB/Min.7, pages 9-10)• (V) The Expert Committee on International Epidemiology and Quarantine of the World Health Organization (•with subsection on Quarantine) : Ten member s • (EB/21, EB/Min.9, pages 18-20). (vi) The Expert Committee on Health Statistics of the World Health Organization: A nucleus of three members and a panel cf additional members• (EB/21, EB/Min.9, page 17)• (vii) The Expert Committee on Biological Standardization of the World Health Organization: Initial nucleus of five members plus temporary sub-conimittees on specialized subjects» (EB/21)• 、 , (viii) (ix) The Expert Committee on Habit-forming Drugs of the World Health Organization: Initial nucleus of six members (EB/21, EB/Min.9, page 17). (x) The Expert Committee on Insecticides of the World Health Organization: Nucleus of three members plus a panel of specialized mëmbers (ЕВ/Жп. 9 pages 18 and 19). (xi) (b) The Expert Committee on the Unification of Pharmacopoeias of the World Health Organizations Initial nucleus of seven members 〈ËB/21, ЕВ/Min 9, page 17). Joint Expert Committee with FAO on Nutrition: Authorisation was given for the appointment of three WHO experts (ЕВ/Min. 9 pagè 18). Maintenance of WHO• 1С Expert Committees as Ad Hoc Coimnitteeg# In order to meet current needs of the Secretariat, the Board, decided that the following committees of the Interim Commission should be considered as ad hoc committees wit il the nuclear committees are established: (i) to meet before the second session of the Executive Board: WHO.1С Expert Committee on Tuberoilasis8: "• to meet 30 September> Paris, four members^ to advise UNICEF and to consider in detail the WHO 1949 programme. (ЕВ/21). Committee on BCG : may be called before . — 1 November at request of UNICEF (at its expense^) six members: to consider the Joint WHO/UNICEF - BCG programme (ЕЗ/21), о 7 It was agreed that the Interim Commission Export Committee on Tuberculosis, including the sub-committcos on BCG and Streptomycin should be regarded as an ad hoc committee until the following session of the Board (EB/Mn. 7 page 12) • • Ш0>1С Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases: to meet as soon as possible ; four members, to advise UNICEF and to consider in detail the 1949 .programme ;and the revision of the Brussels Agreement. (ЕВ/21) • WHO>IC Expert Committee on the Unification of Pharmacopoeias: To meet at the end of October: seven members. To prepare the publication of the international pharmacopoeia (EB/2L ) . ТШО.1С Export Committee on Habit-forndng Drugs: To meet as soon as possible; five members, to consider the habit-foriiiing character of amidone, metopon, valbine, etc., as requested by certain governments. (EB/2L). Joint OIHP/WHO Study Groups o n : . . . . Cholera, Smallpox, Plague, Typhus and Trachoma• To meet in October,. Paris, at the expense of OIHP» To advise the Expert Committee on International Epidemiology and Quarantine (EB/21). (ii) for consultation, until the new committees are fully constituted5 Expert Committee on Malaria: six mombers, plus throe co-opted members j to give advice on details of field programîiîc of WHO and on the emergency field malaria programme of ÎCEF in the Far East (EB/21 and EB/Mift, 9 , page 17) Yellow Fever Panel, to advise the Expert Committee on International Epidomiology and Quarantine (EB/21)* (с) Panels of Corresponding Members> Regulation 15 of the ^Regulations and Rulee of 'Procedure for Expert Committees and their Sub-Committees* (Д/70) provides for corresponding members as follows : Regulation 1$ The Coiranittee and its secretariat may obtain the assistance of specialists from various countries as "corresponding m e m b e r s T o this end, the specialists shall c.oranunicat<3 information on scientific research and its practical application within their own special field. On the request of a regional organization, their services may be made available to euch organization. They shall not be invited, to attend the meetings of the committee, but if they wish tó attend' such meetings as observers and at their о ш exg^oew, the chairnjan of the committee may authorize th^m to áó ab. The regulations governing tiie; appointment of conkittee members, their terra of office and its renewal (Regulations 2, 3 and 7) shall also apply to corresponding members. These regulations irere adopted by tiie Assembly on 22 July . As regards the appointment of expert committees and subconsnittees, Regulation 5 of the Provisional Appointment Regulations • . .. » .»• * ' for Expert Committees and their Sub-corrmittees (EB/13) specified . ‘ . • • • . •. . • . • ... • how the appointment, of coiresponding members may be made • This regulation was adopted without any alteration by thp. Executive Board at its sixth meeting (EB/13, EB/Min/5, p.7 and EB/Min/6, pages 2-6)• 12• “ Terms of Reference of the /.xpert Committee on International Epidemiology and Quarantine as regards the Administration of • tne International Sanitary Conventions. • ~ The Board considered, at its ninth шееtiilg^ thè recommendations of the Director-General on this subject (EB/22, see Annex 7) and adopted the following resolution: The Executive Board authorizes the DirectorGeneral, in cases of emergency, to bring officially to the notice of the fexpert Committee on International Epidemiology and Quarantine any request made by a government, party* to one of the. International Sanitary Conventions^ concerning difficulties #iich may arise with one or several other governments, also parties to the same conventions, with regard to their interpretation and application, with a view to studying the case and to reporting on it to the Executive Board for its consideration and appropriate action• ^ 13* Joint Committees In accordance with the instructions given by the Health Assembly upon the recommendation of the Committee on Relations (A/49 page 3)> the Board at its sixth meeting agreed to adopt the following policy: The Director-General is empcmered, in such cases of emergency as the Executive Board may determine, to entor into agreements vrlth the Directors-General of other interne.tional organizations for the establishment of, or participation in, Joint committees.9 14. Report of the Second Session of the Expert Comittee on Malaria Q f 励 Л The Board at its seventh meeting considered the above report on malaria (WíO.IC/205 pagos 43-48), as amended by the Committee on Prograinme (A/50 page 2), and approved the recommendations of the Committee on Malaria on the following topics: (a) WHO malaria policyд as stated in pages 43-46 of TO0.IC/205 ¡ (b) Agriculture and malaria: provision for co-operation with FAO on the selection of areas fcr malaria control (page 46); (c) Insecticides, as amended by the Committee on Programme (pages 46-47); (d) Chemotherapoutics in malaria control (page 47); (e) Research (pages 47-48) j (f) Vote of thanks to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau J 15. 0 Report of Second Segsion of the Expert Committee on Tuberculosis ofТОЮ,1С• The Board considered, at its seventh meeting, tho above report (ШЮ.1С/199) and approved the recommendations of the Committee on Tuberculosis of tho Interim Conunission on the following matters: (a) Recruitmcrrt and training of professional personnel, (b) Provisions of physical facilities, supplies and equipmentj (c) PPG and BCG; 10 11 EB/Min.6 page 12. SB/Mn.7 page 12. t • (d) Research; (e) Co-operation mth other organizations ; (i) UNICEF: The Board noted that the Joint Committee on Health Policy of UNIGEF/TOO had been formed to direct such co-operation 5 (ii) ILO and ECOSOC: Recommendation on the examination of migrants for tuberculosis; (f) Dissemination of health information.^ 16. Bejel. The Board noted the request of the delegation of Iraq that provision should bo made for field studies on bejel (A/Prog/27). The Board referred this item to the Expert Committee on Venereal Infections. (EB/Min.7 page 13). 17- Appointmcnt of a Standing Committee on Administration and Finance > The Board was instructed by the Health Assembly ffto establish a Standing Committee on Administration and Finance, whose terms of reference shall include, among other things, responsibility for examining in detail budget estimates proposed to be submitted by the Executive Board to the Health Assembly, and for reporting thereon to the Executive Board," (A/87 page 1 ) . Accordingly, at its sixth meeting, the Board decided to constitute itself a Standing Committee on Administration and Finance. It was understood that it could set up working parties on the more complicated financial questions, yiiich would report back to the committee, and 12 that the committee would, as a matter of form, report back to the Board. 18. Provisional Staff Rules of the World Health Organization At its fifth meeting, the Board apneinted a working party consisting of Dr. Redshaw (Chairman), Dr• Hafezi and Dr. Borzenstein to consider the provisional Staff Rules. At its eighth and ninth meetings the Board discussed the report of tho working party (EB/20, Annex 8) and at its ninth mooting, adopted the provisional Staff Rules^ of tho World Health 12 EB/Min.7 page 13. ” ЕВ/Min,6 pages 6 and 7 . I 4 The Staff Rule з have been amended to give effect to the decision of the Board and hav beon reproduced as document EB/ll Rev,2# EB2/L page 12 Organization as amended, subject tc the comments made by the working party in its report (Annex 9•严 争 Conditions Concerning Transfer of Interim Commission Staff to WHO. The Board, at its seventh meeting, considered the note prepared by the Secretariat on this subject (EB/12). Upon the recommendation of the working party on staff rules, the Board adopted the following resolution, subject to any later decision on expatriation allowances in connexion with Staff Rule No•480: The Executive Board hereby resolves that staff members of the Interim Commission transferred to the Organization shall be eligible as of the date of their appointment to receive the following allowances as authorized by and subject to the provisions of the Provisional Staff Rules: installation grant, expatriation allowance and transportation of household goods, to the extent that staff members have not yet received such allowances from the Interim Commission, With respect to the expatriation allowance, no payment shall be made retroactively for any period of service with the Interim Commission; eligibility for this allowance will commence upon appointaient -with the Organization, and payments shall be made for the period specified in the Provisional Staff R u l e s ” 20. Currency of Contributions to X94B Budget and Advances to Working Capital Fund. The Board considered, at its seventh meeting a note by the Secretariat (EB/17, Annex 10), on this subject. Upon the recommendation of the • Director»»General, the Board adopted the following resolution: The Executive Board, having in view the provisions of Regulation 19 of the Financial Regulations, and having reviewed the approved budget of the Organization for 1948, agrees with the opinion of the Dire сtor-Gener al that annual contributions and advances to the working capital fund, as foreseen in the 1948 Budget, should be accepted only in United States dollars or Swiss francs,1^ 21. Unallocated Field Service (UNRRA) Funds for 1948> In January 1948 the Field Services Sub-Committee of the Committee on Administration and Finance of the Interim Commission deferred until later in the year the allocation of the Field Services contingency fund (approximately ^100,000) for 1948. ^ EB/Min,5 page 9 3 EB/Min.7 page 2/ ЕВ/Мп.8 pages 2-12, EB/Min,9 pages 16 EB/Min,7 page 2. 17 EB/MLn.7 page 3. The Board, acting as the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance, appointed at its ninth meeting a working party composed of Dr. Stampar, Dr. Evstafiev, Dr. Evang, Dr. van Zile Hyde, Dr. van den Berg, and Dr. lung, to meet in Geneva two days before the second session of the Board, in order to consider the allocation of these funds 22. Communication from the Philippine Delegation JLt its .seventh meeting, the Board took note of a letter addressed by the Philippine delegation to the Chairman of the Assembly, which requested the establishment of a regional office of the Western Pacific area in the Philippines, stated that particular health problems due to war devastation required emergency measures, and asked what assistance could be given by ТЯНО. The Board noted also that the Chinese delegation had requested the establishment of 孕 regional office in China. Iri view of the fact that no regional office can be established •without the consent of a majority of the Members of the area concerned, the Boprd agreed to the proposal of the Director-General to send a sanitary engineer to the Philippines and to prepare a brief report on the situation, for submission to the Board at a later session•仏 23. Relations with FAQ a. Agreement, At its sixth meeting, the Board instructed the Director-General to implement the re solution adopted by the Health Assembly (A/49 page 2 and Corr ,1) b. Technique for Co-operation, . The Board adopted at its sixth meeting the re commendation of the Interim Commission, which proposed the following technique for co-operation -with FAO. (i) The meeting cf the b'AO Standing Advisory Coiranittee on Nutrition to be held in 1948 should receive greater representation from "WHO. iS ЕВ/Жп.9 page 21. !9 EB/Min.7 pages 4 and 5. • 20 EB/Min.6 page 11. 21 The Board approved the appointment of three "WHO members on the Joint Advisory Committee on Nutrition of FAO/WHO, see page 6. . (ii) The first meeting of the small FAO Standing Advisory Committee en P.urd Welfare ^ to be held in 1948, should include a member nominated by Ш О , ^ (iii) Inter-secretariat arrangements should be made as soon as possible after tho first Health Assembly mth a view . to -the functioning of joint expert advisory committees •with the minimum of delay. (iv) The question of semi-permanent or permanent joint secretaries to implement these responsibilities should be left in abeyance until further experience has been gained• It was agreed that the machinery suggested by the Interim Commission TOuld function until the next session of the Board, when the question •would be revie-wed^ together with the proposal of the United Kingdom delegation (A/Rel/24). 2 2 24. Agreement with ILO At its sixth meeting, the Board instructed the Direсtor-General to implement the resolution adopted by the Health Assembly (A/48 page 2) 23. Relations with UNESCO a. Agreement, At its sixth meeting) the Board instructed the Director-General to jjnplement the resolution adopted by the Health Assembly (A/49 pago 1) b• 9 24 International Conference on High Altitude Research Stations• The Health Assembly referred to the Beard the re commendation of the Inteгш Commission that WHO accede to the request, addressed to the Interim Commission by the Director-General of UNESCO^ to be represented at the forthcoming International Conference on High Altitude Research Stations, 从 No budgetary provision was made and no specific authorization was given for the appointment of a,YfflO member on this committee in 194S. 23 EB/Min.6 pages 10-11• • 24 EB/Mine6 page 11. 25 EB/Min.6 page 12. and that WHO commit the necessary funds (S/8 Add.l and A/49 page 2 ) . The Board, at its fourth meeting^ approved this proposal and referred it to the Director-General for necessary a c t i o n » c. Pilot Project on Fundamental Education in Haiti, The Health Assembly referred to the Board the recommendation of the Committee on Relations that TOO appoint an expert to carry out a p r e l i m i n a r y survey lasting approximate?/ two months, of the situation in the Marbial valley (Haiti) from the point of view of health and sanitation. This appointment would be made with the understanding that the survey would lead to the preparation of a detailed working plan and budget for the development of health education mthin a'community fundamental education programme, (A/Rel/7 page 2 and A/49 page 2) • .The Board, at its sixth meeting, instructed the Director-Gene ral to я ‘ appoint an expert to collaborate in this survey.^ d. Co-ordination of Medical and Biologica3 Abstracting Services• The Health Assembly referred to the Board the recommendation of the Interim Commission that WHO- should, co-operate with UNESCO in sponsoring the activities of the Irrlarim Co-ordinating Committee on Medical and Biological Abstracting (S.9 and.A/49 page 2). • At its sixth meeting, the Board instructed the Director-General to collaboratej in so far as there is budgetary provision therefor, in the work of this committee •刀 e. Collaboration with ШЕБСО in the Publication of Papers presented at International Congresses, The Health Assembly referred to the Board the proposal of the Yugoslav Delegation that TOO take the initiative and recommend to UNESCO the creation of an International Library of Congresses vhlch should publish.such papers, and that Ш 0 participate \ 26 EB/Mn.4 page 3. 27 EB/Min.6 page 12. 28 EB/Min.6 page 12. actively and adequately in providing the financial basis of this undertaking (A/31 and A/49 page 2)• The Board, at its sixth meeting, instructed the Director-General to study the question of collaboration with UNESCO in the publication of papers presented at international congresses. ^ 26. Joint Committee on Health Policy of UNICEF/WHQ, In accordance with the decision of the Health Assembly regarding co-operation mth UNICEF (A/66 page 2), the Board at its fourth meeting appointed the following УШО members on the Joint Committee on Health Policy of UNICEF/WHO: 1, Dr. Evang Dr» van Zile Hyde Dr. Mackenzie Dr, Stampar In addition the Board appointed Dr. van den Berg and Dr. van deT Spuy alternates for the members cf the Joint Committee•烈 27. Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations The procedure adopted by the Health Assembly for admitting non- governmental organizations into relationship with WHO (A/62 page 2) includes the folloi/dng: The Health Assembly shall instruct the Executive Board to establish a standing committee to be knowi as the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations. This committee shall be composed cf five members, and shall consider information submitted by non-governmental organizations, voluntarily or by invitation, and it shall make re comme nd ati on s tc the Board, it may invite any such organizations to speak before ±b in connexion with their applications• In accordance with this mandate, the Board at its fourth meeting appointed the following members to serve 011 the Standing Commttc;o on Î!VJ>Governmental Organizations; Dr. Redshaw Dr. Yung Dr. de Paula Souza Dr. Mackenzie Dr. Vinogradov 20 EB/Min.6 page 12. 30 EB/Min.4 pages 3-5. At its seventh meeting, the Board approved- the report of the committee which recommended^ inter alia, that: a. The fcllomng non-gcvsrmental organizations be brought into relationship with WHO: 1. League of Red Cross Societies, 8 rue Munier-Romilly, Geneva, Switzerland. 2. World Medical Association, Fifth Avenue, New York. 3. Internitional Union for Child Welfare, 43 Quai Wilson, Gjneva^ Smtzerland. 4. International Council of Nurses) 19 Queens Gate, London, S.W,7. 5» International Dental Federation, Eastman Dental Clinic, 135 rue Belliard, Paris• 6. World Federation of United Nations Associations, Villa Rigot, 1 Avenue de la Paix, Geneva,Svàtzerland. 7. Inter-¿merican Association of Sanitary Engineering, 2001 Connecticut Avenue} N.W., Washington D . C ” U.S.A. b. In cases where working arrangements теге started by the Interim Commission and are helpful for the fulfilment of tasks of Yi/HO^ such collaboration might be continued -without the establishment at this stage of a formal relationship, c. In respect to the request from the Committee on the Hygiene of Housing of the American Public Health Association (Off>Rec,TO0 10, page 83); that the Secretariat prepare suggestions for collaboration with this Association. d. that и In respect to the International Committee for Mental Hygiene, . • • the application for membership will be considered nvhen the World Federation of Mental Health is established" (Annex 11) "While accepting the recommendations of the committee, the Board asked that it give priority to consideration of the International Union against Tuberculosis and the Internation^J. Union against Venereal Diseases. 28. Request from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine The Health Assembly referred to the Board the request of the London Scticol of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine that ТОЮ, as successor 31 EB/Min.4 page 2,EB/Min.6 pages 13-14,EB/Min.7 pages 3 and 13• EB?/1 page 18 tc the Health Committee of the League of Nations, should appoint a representative to the Court of Governors of the School (Off•Rec.WHO 1 } Annex 34) • The Board decided at its fourth meeting, upon the request of Dr. Mackenzie, to defer consideration of this item until the following session•乂 29# Collaboration betiween the Administrative Board of the Pasteur Institute and TOO' A letter from Professor Dujarric de la Rivière, writing on behalf of the Administrative Beard cf the Pasteur Institute, was considered by the Board at its ninth meeting. Professor Dujarric de la Rivière stated that the Pasteur Institute had many laboratories, scattered in all parts of the world, #iich it was prepared to place at the service of "WHO in connexion mth the gtudy of epidemic diseases. The Board noted this generous effer, and instructed the Director-General to study possible 32 methods of collaboration with the Pasteur Institute 30. Time and Place of the next Session of the Board It was agreed at the ninth meeting that the Board should meet in Geneva on Monday,25 October 1948, at 10 a.m. 32 EB/Min.4 page 2. 33 EB/Min.9 page 21. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVE BOARD Second EB2/1 Corr.l 7 September Ц 8 Session ORIGIMAb: ENGLISH DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION 16 - 26 July 1948 Palais des Nations, Geneva CORRIGENDA Page 5, para. 8 (Administrative Office for EuropeX»-line 3 : For "-(ЕВ/16•广Annex 5)" read "(ЕВ/6, Annex 5 ) " . ..,Pages--5—1S""C^nglish text only): ' The superior numerals in the text referring to the footnotes should number 33 inclusive. Thus, in the be "8"; in line 23 of page 7, "8" (beginning withnrumber 7 on pa运e 5) be renumbered from number-"7 to last line of page 5, "7" should should be "9"; etc » CONSEIL EXECUTIF EB2/1 Corr J., 7 septembre 1948 Deuxième sessdon ORIGINAL: ANGLAIS PROJET DE RAPPORT SUR LA PREMIERE SESSION 16 - 26 juillet 1948 Palais des Nations, Genève CORRIGENDUM Page 5, paragraphe 8 (Bureau administratif pour 1'Europe), 3ème ligne Au lieu de "(EB/16, Annexe 5)", lire "(ЕВ/6, Annexe 5)"о WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVE BOARD — „ EB2/1•Corr•2 October 1948 25 ORIGINAL! ENGLISH Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION Corrigenda The following corrections to the Draft Report of the First Session of the Executive Board were, made at the first meeting of the second session, 25 October 1948• Page 4,lino 3. Delete "which iiad served under the Interim Сотпазз^п" • , Delete note 6 at bottom of page. Page item 11 (a) (vi), line 3. Delete "and a panel of additional members"• Page 7, (x), line 3. Delete "plus a panel of specialized members"• Page 12, line 2. Add to end of paragraph : "The Executive Board also established the salary of the Deputy Director-General as $15,000 and of Assistant Director-Generals as $13,500. It also authorized a 1949 hospitality fund of f10,000 for allocation at the discretion of the Director-General, with a pro rata proportion of that amount for hospitality in 1948." Page 13, item 22, to read: "Communication fí*oni the Philippine and Chinese Delegations, "At its seventh meeting, the Board took note of a letter addressed by the Philippine delegation to the Chairman of the Assembly which (1) requested the establishment of a regional office of the TSIEstern-Pacific area in the Philippines, and (2) stated that particular health problems due to war devastation required omergency measures, and asked what assistance could be given by WHO, The Board noted also that the Chinese Delegation had requested the establishment of a regional office in China• "With regard to item (1), it was agreed that no regional office could be established without the consent of the majority of the members of the area concerned. With regard to item (2), the ЕВ2/1.Согг.2 page 2 Board agreed to the proposal of the Director-General to send a sanitary engineer to the Philippines and to prepare a brief report on the particular health problems due to war devastation in the Philippines for submission to the Board at a later session", WORLD HEALTИ ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ EXECUTIVE BOARD EB2/1。 Corr03 11 November 1948 ORIGINAL: Second ENGLISH Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION CORRIGENDA The following additional corrections to the Draft Report of the First Session of the Executive Board were made at the first and tenth meetings of the second session- 25 October and 4 November 1948^ Page 4Д lines 3-6; Delete f,by Dr0 Evang and Dr。van Zile Hyde regarding11} and substitute "during the discussion on11. Delete also reference to footnote 6 at end of sentence, to read: "It agreed to draw, the attention of the Negotiating Committee to views expressed during the discussion of paragraphs 2 and 4 of tthe draft Agreen merit (EB/Min,6, ppv 8-9) 0" Page 14r paragraph 4, line 1: Delete "suggested" and substitute "recommended to the Health Assembly1^ to read: "It was agreed that the machinery recommended to the Health Assembly by the Interim Commission would function until the next session of the Boards "when the question would be reviewed, together with the pro22 posai of the member from the United Kingdom ÍA/Hel/24) •“ NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session EB2/1 Лпп.1 20 August 1948 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION: ANNEX 1 PROVISIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 乂 MEMBERSHIP Rulï I ——T The Executive Bo^ird (hereinafter referred to as the "Board" ) shall consist of e i ^titeen persons (hereinafter referred to as the "members")‘designated by ás палу States Members elected by the World Health Assembly^' 'The members may be accompanied by alternates and advisers* Rule 2 The States Members shall be elected by the World Health Assembly (hereinafter deferred to as the "Health Assembly") for a three-years' term* The term of office of each State Member entitled to designate a person to serve on the Board shall begin on the opening day of the first meeting of the Board held after the election of the State Member concerned and shall end at the expiration of the period for which such State Member has been electedе During this period the State Member may change the person so designated^ Rule」 When a member designated to serve on the Board is prevented from attending a meeting of the Board, the State Member concerned may designate an alternate to serve in his place mth the same status as the absent memberé Rul e 4 Should a member of the Board be ab.sent at two consecutive sessions of the Board, the Director-General shall'report this fact to the Health Assembly for its considerationt 1 Adopted by the Executive Board at its first session (ninth meeting, 26 July 1943)è ЕВ2Д Ann.l page 2 CREDENTIALS Rule 5 The;States Members concerned shall inform the Director-General in writing of the names of the persons designated and of anyalternate. SESSIONS Rule 6 The Board shall hold at least tivo sessions a year* It shall determine at each session the time and place of its next se3siom ::. Rule 7 The Director-General^ in consultation with the Chairman, shall also convene the Board at the joint request of any six members, ‘ addressed to him in writing and stating the reason for the request• In this case the sessioñ shall be oonvened within 3 ° days follovdjig receipt of the request* In this case the session shall be held at Headquarters unless the Director-General, in m:、i:tation with the Chairman of the Board, determine otherwise* Rule 8 If any matter of particular conccrn to a State Member "which haô not been elected to designate a moirber of the Board or to a non-Meniber State is to be discussed at any meeting of the Board, the Director-General shall give adequate notice thereof to the State concerned ,o as to enable that State, if it so desires, to designate representative "who shall have the right to speak, but not to vote* Rule 9 The meetings of thé Board shall be held in public unless the Board decides otherwise• AGENDA Rulo 10 The provisional agenda of each session shall be drawñ up by the Director-General in consultation with the Chairman* Except in the case of sessions convened under Rule 1> it shall be despatched by the Director-General to the members, of the Board and the МепзЬегз of the World Health Organization (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization队)at least six weeks prior to the commencement of'the session together with the notice convening the Board• Rule 11 The provisional Agenda of each session shall include, inter alia: (a) all items the inclusion of "which has been ordered by the Health Assembly; (b) all items the inclusion of which has been ordered by the Board at a previous session; (c) any item proposed by a Member or Associate Meniber of the Organization; (d) any item proposed by a member of the Board; (e) subject to such preliminary consultation as may be necessary between’ the Director-General and the Secretary»rGenera3 of the United Nations, any item proposed by the United Nations; and (f ) any* item proposed by аду specialized agency with which the Organization has entcrod into a formal agreement, ,subjcct to the relevant provisions thereof* Rule 12 The Dire сtor-Gene ral may, in consultation with the Chairman, include any question suitable for the agenda T/vhich may arise between the despatch of the provisional agenda and the opening day of the session in a supplementary agenda which the Board shall .examine together with the provisional agenda* Rule 13 The Executive Board shall not proceed, unless it determines otherwise, to the discussioh of any item on the agenda until at least 48 hours have elapsed after tho relevant documents have been made available to mombers* OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Rule 14 • The Board shall elect its officers, viz* a Chairman and two Vice-Ghairmen, from among its meirbers each year at its ’ first session after its reconstitution by the Health Assembly# The officers shall hold office until their successors are elected* The Chairman shall not becomc eligible for ro-eléction until two - years have elapsed since he ceased to hold office• Rule 15 If the Chairman is absent from a meeting or any part " thereof, he shall designate one of the Vice"Chslrmen to* The sane procodure shall be adopted when the Chairman is unable to attend a session of the Board, If the Chairman is unable to, make this designation, the Board shall elect one of the Vice-Chairman to preside during the session* Rule 16 If the Chairman for any r eason is unable to complete his term of office, the Board shall elect a new Chairman for the remaining period of his term. '. EB2/1 Ann»l page 4 CCMMITTEES OF THE BOARD • Rule 17 The Board may establish such committees as it may d^om nocessary for the study of, and report on, any item on its agenda* The Board shall review from time to time, and in any case once a year, the need to maintain any committee established under its authority* SECRET:“4IAT t Rule 18 The Director-General shall'act as the Secretary of the Board and of any sub-division thereof* He may delegate his functions• Rule 19 The Director-General may at any time make either oral or written statements concerning any question under consideration* Rule 20 The Secretariat shall prepare minutes of the meetings. These minutes shall be prepared in both working languages and shall be distributed to the members as soon as possible after the close of the meetings to which they relate* Members shall inform the " Secretariat in writing of any corrections they wish to have made, within such period of time as shall be indicated by the DirectorGeneral, having regard to the circumstances J Rule 21 All resolutions, recommendations, and other iu;portant decisions of the Board shall be communicated by the DirectorGeneral to the members of the Board and to all Members and Associate Members of the Organization* 'LANGUAGES Rule 22 Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish shall be the official languages, and English and French the working languages of the Board* -Rule 23 Speeches made in either of the working'languages shall be interpreted into the other working language• Text drafted by the drc.fting group^ but not yet formally approvôd by the Board (see Minutes, 9th Meeting, Doc# EB/kin/9, page 7 0 EB2/1 snn,l page 5 Rule 24 Speeches made in any of the other three official languages shall be interpreted into both working languages # Rule 25 Any delegate ihay speak in a language other than the official languages• In this case, he shall himself'provide for interpretation into one of the working languages» Interpretation into the other "working language by an interpreter of the Secretariat may bë'based on the interpretation given in the first working language# Rule 26 All resolutions, recommendations and other décisions of the Board shall be drawn up in both working languages# VOTING Rule 27 Unless otherwise provided by the Constitution of the Organization^ or resolved by the Health Assembly,2 the decisions of the Boafd shall be made by a majority of the members present and votingé Rule 28 Each member of the Board shall have one vote* For the purpose of these rules, the phrase "members present aftd voting" means members casting an affirmative or negative vote* Meitibers who abstain from voting shall be considered as not votings In a secret ballot all invalid votes shall bô so reported to the Board and shall be counted as abstentions• Rule 29 However, The Board shall normally vote by show of hands* any member may request a roll-call which shall then be taken in the alphabetical order of the names of the montoers* Rule 30 The vote of each membôr participating in any roll--call shall be inserted in the records* Rule 31 All elections and theftominationof the Djr ector肩General shall be decided by secret ballot* Article 60 of the Constitution of the "orld Health Organizaticn # Article 55 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly* EB2/1 Anru 1 page 6 Rule 32 A secret ballot on any other question shall be taken at the reqûest of one глешЬег supported by at least three other members• Rule 33 "When only one elective place is to be filled and no candidate obtains in the first ballot the majority required, a second ballot shall be taken -whichëhall be restricted to the two candidates obtaining the largest number of votes « If in the'second ballot the votos are equally divided, thé Chairman shall decide between the candidates by drawing lots* Rule 34 Yilhen two or more elective places are to be filled at one tine under the ^amo conditions those candidates obtaining in the first ball, Ú the majority required shall be elected. If the number of candidates obtaining such majority is less than the number of places to be filled, there shall be additional ballots to fill the remaining places, the voting to be restricted to the candidates obtaining the greatest number of votes in the previous ballot to'a number not more than twice the places remaining to be filled• If a vote is equally divided on matters other thán elections, the proposal shall be regarded as rejectedCONDUCT OF BUSINESS Rule 36 Twelve members of the Board shall constitute a quorrau Rule 37 In addition to exercising the powers conferred upon him elsevvhere by these rules, the Chairman shall declare the opening and closing of each meeting‘of the Board, sha” direct the discussion, ensufe the observance ЬЬря ml^^, accord the right to speak, put questions to the vote and announce decisions and results of the voting* R u l e 38 Л member may designate an alternate, who shall have the ' right to speak and vote on behalf of the member on any questioria Moreover, upon the request of the member or his alternate^ the Chairman mry allow an adviser to speak on any pai丄¿аоХяг +л point》 but th-з latter shall not have the ri 口 te б Rule 39 During the discussion of any matter, a member may rise to a point of order, 'and the point of order shall be immediately decided by the Chaiшал in accordance with these rules * . . . • Rule 40 - 1 ‘ 1 1 1 During the discussion on any matter, a member may move tho suspe ion or adjoiiprimentof the debate • Any such motion if .seconded shall be put to the vote immediately and witkout discussion# Rule 41 , 4 The Board may 1 irait the time to be allowed to each speaker# Rule 42 A member may at any time move the closure of the debate, • whether or not any other member has signified his wish t о speakè Permission to speak a gainst the closure may be accorded to not more than two members• Rule 43 The Chairman'shall take the sense of the Board on any motion of closure* If the Board is in favour of thé motion, the Chairman shall declare the closure of the debate4 Rule 44. Parts of a proposal shall be vôted on separately if a meirbcr requests that a proposal be divided* . ‘ Rule.45 • If two or more ajnendnents are moved to a proposal, the Board shall first vote on the amendment furthest removed in substance from the original proposal and then on the amendment next further-t removed therefrom; and so on, until all the amendments have been put to the vote* The Chairman shall'determine • the order of voting on the amendments under this rule* Rule 46 "When an amendment revises, adds to, or deletes from a proposal, ХЫ ajaenditient shall be voted on first, ánd if it is adopted, the alended proposal shall then be voted on4 Rule 47 A motion may be withdrawn by its proposer at any time before voting 6n it has begun, provided that the môtion has not been ‘ amended• A motion withdrawn may be re-introduced by any taember# ЕВ2Д page 8 . J 1 Rule 48 ! ! "When a proposal has been adopted or rejected it may not be recdnsidered at the same session of the Board, unless the Board, by a two-thirds majority of the irienbers present and voting, so decides• Permission to speak on a motion to reconsider shall be accorded only to two speakers opposing the motion, after "which it shall be immediately put to the vote. Rule 49 The Chairman may* at any time requite any proposal, motion, resolution^ or amendment to be seconded* susmisioN AND Т Ш Ш Ш Т ‘OF RUÎŒS AND MOCÈDURE ' Rule 50 Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, any of these rulés may be amended or suspended by the Board provided that at least 48 hours' notice of tho proposal for such ajTiendment or suspension has been given to the Chairman and communieated by him to the members 24 hours t^foie the meeting at which the proposal is to be submitted* If,, however, on the advice of the Chairman the Board is unanimously in favour of sûch a proposal, it may adopt it immediately and without notice* GENERAL PROVISIONS Rule 51 The Board may at its discretion apply such Rules of Procedure of the Health Assembly as it may • '.eem appropriate to particular circumstances• WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORIGINAL: ENGLISH ЕВ2Д/Апп.2 • EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION! ANNEX 2 'CONTRACT OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL THIS AGREEMENT is made this " twenty-third day of July one thousand nine hundred and forty eight between the World Health Organization (hereinafter called the Organization) of the one part and Dr. Brock CHISHOLM. (hereinafter called the DirectorGeneral) of the other part. WHEREAS (1) It is provided Ъу Article 31 of the Constitution of the Organization that the DirectorsGeneral of the .Organization shall be appointed by the World Health Assembly (hereinafter called the Health Assembly) on the nomination of the Executive Board (hereinafter called the Board) on such terms as the Health Assembly may decide; and ⑵ The Director-General has been duly nominated by the Board and appointed by the Health Assembly at its meeting held on 21 July 1948 for a period of 5 years and the date of his taking up his functions has been fixed at the same date • NOW THIS AGREEMENT \HTNESSETH and it is hereby agreed as follows, I (1) The Directo3>-General shall serve from the twenty-first day of July one thousand nine hundred and fortyeight until the twentieth day of July one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three on which date his appointment and this Agreement shall terminate. This Agreement may be renewed by decision of the Health Assembly on such terms as the Health Assembly may decide. (2) Subject to the.authority of the Board, the DirectoGeneral shall exercise the fonctions of chief technical and administrative officer of the Organisation and shall perform such duties as may be specified in the Constitution and in the rules of the Organization and/or as may be assigned to him by the Health Assembly or the Board. ; • ЕВ2Д/Апп.2 page 2 ⑶ The Director-General shall be subject to the Staff Regulations of the Organization in so far as they may be applicable to him. In particular he shall not hold any other administrative post and shall not receive emolviments from any outside sources in respect of activities relating to the Organization» • He shall not engage in business or in any employment or activity iñMch would interfere with his duties in the Organization, (4) The Dire сtor^Gene ral, during the term of his appointment, shall enjoy all the privileges and immunities in keeping vdth his office by virtue of the Constitution of the Organization and any relevant arrangements already in force or to be concluded in the future• (5) The Director-General may at any time give 6 months1 notice of resignation in writing to the Board, which is authorized to accept his resignation on behalf of the Health Assembly j in "which case, upon the expiration of the said period of notice, the Directors-General shall cease to hold the appointment and this Agreement shall terminate• (6) The Health Assembly shall have the r i ^ t , on the proposal of the Board and after hearing the DirectorGeneral and subject to at least six months 1 notice in "writing, tc terminate this Agreement for reasons of exceptional gravity likely to prejudice the interests of the Organization^ II (X) The Director-General shall receive from the Organization an annual salary^ to be paid monthly, ccmmencing on 21 July 1948, of ei^iteen thousand United States dollars or its equivalent in such other currency as may be mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement » (2) He shall further receive an annual representation allowance of six thousand five hundred United States dollars or its equivalent in such other currency as may be mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement, to be paid monthly, commencing on 21 July 1948. Such representation allowance shall be deemed to include all allowances authorized by the Organization except such reimbursable allowances as travel allowances 孕nd removal costs on appointment, on subsequent change of official position, on termination of appointment, or on official travel and heme leave travels III The terms of the present contract relating tc rates of salary and representation allowance are subject to review and adjustment by the Health Assembly on the proposal of the Board, and after consultation with the Director-General, tc bring them into conformity with any provision regarding the conditions of employment of staff members nvhich the Assembly may decide to apply to staff members already in the service. IV If any question of Interpretation or any dispute arises concerning this Agreement, i^iich is not settled by negotiation or agreement, the matter shall be referred for final decision to the competent body provided for in the Staff Regulations• T/fflEREUNTO we have set our hands and seals this twenty-third day of July one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight t President of the Healtii Assembly of the World Health Organization• Direbtor-General* WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EB^/1 Ann. 3 EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION: ANNEX 3 LOCATION OF THE REGIONAL ORGANIZATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIA K The following letters have been received by the president of the World.Health Assembly:"Under Article 44(b) of the Y/orld Health Organization Constitution, we have the honour to inform you on behalf of our respective Governments that our coùntries have agreed to join the regional organization of South East Asia with headquarters located in I n d i a " . Yours faithfully, U BA MAUNG F.S.CHELLAPPAH М . Ш Т KAUR LUANG BHAYUNG Chief Delegate Burma Ceylon India Siam 15 July 1948 Sir, With reference to the establishment of a regional organization of the WHO in I n d i a , I have the honour to confirm the statement previously made by the Indian delegation to the effect that the location of t h i s regional organization be established at "Mysore" in South I n d i a . Yours obedientlyj С• MANI Chief Delegate for I n d i a . Text previously circulated in document E B / 4 . WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EB2/1. Ann.4 23 August 1948 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION: ANNEX 4 DRAFT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE УЮЯЬР HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND THE BAN AMERICAN SANITARY ORGANIZATION 1. Report of the Working Party The Working Party of the Executive Board on the Draft Agreement between TSHO and the PASO met on 23 July lÜ4S_jat 2,30 — « d t h the following members ^>resent.i Dr. de Paola Souza Dr. Evstafi狄 Lt.-Col. Mani Dr. Hafezi Dr. Zozaya Dr. Tinanerman Dr. van Zile Hyde The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau was also present as Observer Dr. Timmerman (Netherlands) was selected ar Chairman. The Chairman pointed out that the terms of reference of the Working Party were to review, paragraph by paragraph, the draft Agreement as approved by the Directing Council of the Pan Americaji Sanitary Organization (as printed on page 208 of Official Records, WHO No, 7 ) , and to make recommendations, thereon to the Executive Board, Following discussion, it was unanimously agreed by tl>e Working Party that, as a general principle, this draft Agreement should be considered a basis for the negotiation of an , i n i t i a l agreement between the WHO and the PASO. ЕВ2/1• Ann.4 page 2 2. Draft Agreement between Ш0 and PASO Л 1# The States and territories of the Western Hemisphere make up the geographical area of a regional organization of the //orld Health Organization, as provided in Chapter XI of its Constitution• 2« The Pan American Sanitary Conference and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall serve respectively as the Regional Committee and the Regional Office of the rforld Health Organization, for the. Western Hemisphere, within the" provisions of the Constitution of the World Health Organization. In deference to tradition, both organizations shall retain their respective names, to which shall be added • Regional Committee of the ííorld • Health Organization* and «Regional Office of the World Health Organization^ respectively. 3# The Pan American Sanitary Conference may adopt and promote health and sanitary conventions and programmes in the Western Hemisphere, provided that such conventions and programmes are compatible, with the policy and programmes of the iforld Health Organization and are separately financed• . 4. Tilhen this agreement enters into forcef the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall assume, subject, to the provisions of paragraph 2y the post of Regional Director of the World Health Organization, until the termination of the period for which he was elected» Thereafter, the Regional Director shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 49 and 52 of the World Health Organization Constitution, $4 In accordance with the provisions of Article 51 of the Constitution of the /iforld Health Organization, the Director-General of the rforld Health Organization shall receive from the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau full information regarding the administration and the operations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau as the Regional Office for. the Western Hemisphere. 6f An adequate proportion of the budget of the rforld Health Organization shall be allocated for regional work. 1 2 As adopted by the Executive Board of the WHO at its first session» Upon the re commendation of the forking Party, the Executive Board at its first session agreed that the Negotiating Committee should be informed that paragraph 5 constitutes an amplification and not a modification of Article 51 of the ISforld Health Organization Constitution^ 7# The annual budget estimates for the expenses of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau as the Regional Office for the Western Hemisphere shall be prepared by the Regional Director and shall be submitted to the Director-General for his consideration in the preparation of the annual budget estimates of the ïïorld Health Organization. 8. The funds allocated to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, as Regional Office of the World Health Organization^ under the budget of the World Health Organization, shall be managed in accordance with the financial policies and procedures of the vVorld Health Organization. This Agreement may be supplemented with the consent of both parties, on the initiative of either party, 10. This Agreement shall enter into force upon its approval by the World Health Assembly and signature by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, acting on behalf of the Pan American Sanitary Conference ^ provided that fourteen of the American Republics have at that time deposited their instructions of acceptance of the Constitution of the Vforld Health Organization. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ EB2/1 Ann,5 Original: ENGLISH EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION: ANNEX 5 SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE FOR EUROPE (Proposal of thé Czechoslovak "V Delegation)" The General Assembly has agreed to the establishment of a special administrative office for Europe w i t h the purpose of eliminating the consequences of the war on the health of the populations in devastated countries. The undersigned delegates aware_ of the urgency of the taácentrusted to such an o f f i c e are of the opinion that the Executive Board should, agree on the setting up of such an o f f i c e within three months from the day of the close of t h i s Assembly. Furthermore the Executive Board may come to a decision as to the site of t h i s O f f i c e 。 The Czechoslovak delegation announces that their Government offers by telegram the seat of the European o f f i c e to be in Czechoslovakia either in one of the university cities or in one of the spas Marianské Lazné or Karlovy Vary 1 (formerly Marienbad and Karlsbad) where o f f i c e s and accommodation could be provided. On behalf of the Czechoslovak Delegation: Dr. UNGAR ••••••• • RRRRRRRR DDDDDDDD MAT1EFF (Bulgaria) VINOGRADOV (USSR) ВШШ- (Ukrainian SSR) EFSTAVIEV (Byelorussian SSR) SIMONOVITS (Hungary) KOZUSZNIK (Poland) DIMITRIU (Roumanie) SHTYLLA (Albania) This text with the exception of footnote 1 was previously circulated as document E B / 6 . 1 At the ninth meeting of the Board, the Delegate of Czechoslovakia proposed that a f i r s t meeting of delegates be convened at Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) on or about 15 September 1 9 4 8 . ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ЕВ2Д/Ашь 6 23 August 1948 ORIGINkLs ENGLISH EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION î ANNEX 6 v PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT REGULATIONS FOR EXPERT СШДТТЕЕЗ AND THEIR SUB-COMMITTEES Preamble The present Regulations, established by the Executive Board,1 apply to the appointment of members of Expert Committees and their о Sub-Conimittees established by the World Health Assembly “ or, on • . 3 its béhalf, by the Executive Board. These Regulations shall be cited as Provisional Appointment Regulations. Regulation 1 As soon as the World Health Assembly or the Executive Board, acting on its behalf, has resolved upon the establishment of an Expert Committee, defined its terms of reference, and decided on the number of its members, the Directo^-General in consultation with the Chairman, and the Exeeutive Board (Min. 5, p* 7) shall ehoose and appoint the members of the Expert Committee who, in view of their abilities and technical experience^ are best qualified to serve. He shall also pay due regard to adequate geographical distribution. After the appointment of the members, he may convene the first meeting of the Expert Committee at a 1 2 Regulation 2 of the Regulations for Expert Coinmittees and their Sub-Committees. Article 18 (e) of the Constitution. 3 Article 29 of the Constitution. EB2/L/Ann.6 Page 2: at a •:time' he considers appropriate. (Min. 5, p.7) Regulation 2 Before the appointment of a member is made, the Director-General shall consult the national administrations concerned. (Min. 5, p.9). Regulation 3 The Director-General shall issue to each member of the Expert Cearaittee Л X«tt«r of Appoinianent to which a copy of the Regulations for Ejqsert Cosonittees and their sub-Committees shall be attached. Regulation 4 The Letter of Appointment shall indicate • (a) * ‘ , • that the expert is appointed as a member to 与erve on the Expert Cownittae in question; (b) the terms of inference of the Expert Committee; (c) that, lAiile exercising his functions as a member of the Expert Committee, the member shall rank as an international, expert serving the World Health Organization; (d) .’ that the appointment is subject to the Regulations for Expert Committees and their Sub-Committees; (e) that the appointment is made for two years unless the Goiranittee is dissolved in the meantime; (f ) that the member shall be entitled to travelling expenses and a daily living allowance under the same provisions current for the Executive Board (Min. 6, p. 4) during the sessions of the Expert Committee, but that these allowances shall not be regarded as remuneration Regulation 5 These Regulations, inasmuch as they are appropriate, shall apply to an appointment made by the Director-General in pursuance of a suggestion made by an Expert Committee in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Regulations for Expert Committees and their Sub-Committees; to the appointment of a "corresponding member" under Regulation 15 of the said Regulations; or to the appointment of members cf Subcommittees under Regulations Í6 to 19 of the said Regulations, ЕВ2/1/АПП. 6 page 3 Regulation 6 Upon the appointment of the members cf an Expert CommitteG the Director-General shall report to the Executive Board, at its next following session^ their names and qualifications and the fact that • the appointment has been made in consultation with the national administration concerned. (Min. 6, p. 5) ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ЕВ2Д. Annex 6, Corr.l 27 October 1948 ENGLISH ONLY EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIEST SESSION: ANNEX 6 PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT REGULATIONS FOR EXPERT COMMITTEES AND TmR~SUB^COMMITIEES C O R R I G E N D U M Page 1: Regulation line 5: Delete ®with the Chairman, and the Executive Board.. and replace by w^ith the Chairman of the Executive Board.., n WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EB2/1 Ann. 7 Original: ENGLISH & FKJMCH EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION: ANNEX 7 PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE EXPERT С0Ш1ТТЕЕ ON INTERUATIONAL -EPIDEMIOLOGY AND QUARANTINE AS ESG/RISTHE ADiŒNISTRlTIDN OF ' INTERNATIONAL .’ SANITARY CONVENTIONS 8 Under the terms of the international Sanitary Cofaveiitions now in f o r c e , 1 the Permanent Committee of the Office Internetional d'Hygiène Publique i s recognized as the technical consultative council on the interpretation and application of the said. Conventions and the High Contracting parties agree to consult this committee before having recourse to any other procedure, in the event of d i f f i c u l t i e s arising between them with regard to the interpretation and application of these conventions. i As the result of the entry into force on 20 October 1947 of the Protocol relating to the Office international d'Hygiène Publique signed in New York on 22 July, 1 9 4 6 , and of tiie agreement between the Office and the World Health Organization, it is nqw incumbent upon t h i s Organization to carry out the functions of the Office in t h i s respect. * In order to have a speedy procedure to meet urgent cases, it would be desirable that the Executive Board of the World Health Organization:delegate to the World Health Organization Expert Committee on International Epidemiology and Quarantine authority to study, any case brought to i t s notice and to report on it to the Board. *This text i s an excerpt, from the text previouslycirculated as document E B / 2 2 . V International Sanitary Convention of 1 9 2 6 ; additional article inserted in 1938 in the beginning of Chapter V (Article 3 of the International Sanitary Convention of 1 9 3 8 ) ; International Sanitary Convention for aerial navigation of 1 9 3 3 , Article 59. WORLD HEALTH ORG ANIZATION ЕВ 2/1 Ann.8 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION : ANNEX 8 REPORT OF ITORKING PARTY ON STAFF RULES* The working party met on 23 July at 2.30 p.m. and at 10 p.m. ; 24 July at 11c30 a.m., and 25 July at 10 a.m. It consisted of : Drç REDSHAW (Chairman) Dr. HASSEIN HAFEZI Dr. BORENSZTAJN I. GENERAL 1, The working party examined the Staff Rules in detail^ but in view of the short time available and the alterations which may be suggested by experience and operation^ the working party recommends that these rules be accepted provisionally, subject to detailed re-examination by the Executive Board at its next session* Changes recommended by the working party^ together with minor editorial alterations and corrections^ have been incorporated into a second edition of the Staff Rules to facilitate consideration by the Executive Board: 2。 The working party wishes to report that the Staff Rules are in conformity with the Constitution and the Staff Regulations. The Staff Rules also conform generally to the personnel practices of UN and other specialized agencies, with some exceptions which will be noted below. 3. The working party recommends changes in substance in certain of the Rules as presented in the first edition• These changes are reported in a section belowe Minor editorial changes are not listed. In some cases, the working party did not reconmiend a change,but noted that the attention of the Executive Board should be called to the need for careful consideration of these Rules о It was also agreed that sections 1200 and 1300 on travel and removal should be limited to rules on entitlement and that the detailed rules should be separate from t he Staff Rules。 These are attached to the second edition of the Staff Rules • * Text previously circulated as document EB/20 4。 In accordance with Staff Regulation 16, the working party examined in detail all deviations from UN practices in respect of salaries and allowances• These deviations are reported in a separate section of this report• II. CHANGES IN STAFF RULES Changes which have been recommended by the working party and incorporated in the second edition are summarized as follows: Rule 122 - Medical examination to be performed whenever possible and prior to appointment» Rule 150 一 includes payment for dependent brothers and sisters for travel on appointment0 Rule 213 - eliminates reference to t^e twelve months limitation on increases for meritorious service. Rule 215i2 - New paragraph (which had been left out in error) providingfor retention of salary. Rule 216Д 一 Change 30 days to 6o days on reinstatement without loss of seniority. ' Rule 550 - Insert a section to indicate the status of the Tribunal provided in Staff Regulation 28. Rule 610 雄 Add a proviso on year by year extension of retirement age to conform with Regulation 20. Rule 634 - Add a rule to define seniority as length of service and provide the possibility of giving credit for service with UN or specialized agencies, on a reciprocal basis. Rule 681 - Include payment for dependent brothers and sisters for repatriation travel. Rule 710 - Include after grade 19 a provision for top-ranking Director, ф11>000 (without steps) to conform with UN salary schedulo. Rule 821.2 - Change limitation on payment of installation allowance for dependents joining a staff member to two years (from one year) to conform with the first period of home leave• Rule 8.22 - See Rule 880. Rule 840 - Expatriation allowance : The working party noted that staff recruited from nearby areas, particularly т/vhere they speak the same language as that in use in the local area of their official station^ would not appear to have the same need as others for expatriation allowances « The working party suggests the possibility of establishing an area within a reasonable radius (say 100 kilometres) from which staff members would not be eligible for expatriation allowance. Rule 860 - Educational Grant: The working party has no recommendations concerning the educational grant, but wishes to draw tho attention of the Executive Board to its existence• Rule 670 • Cost of living adjustment: Re-edited to ensure that both plus and minus adjustments in cost of living differences will be applied^ Rule 880 - Altered to%provide that staff members receiving représentation allowance shall also be eligible to receive allowances under 800# Appropriate alterations were made in other rules. The implications of this change are discusscd in I I I 8, Rule 936 • Added rule to provide that, in case of death of a stafjf пютЬег, advance annual leave need not be refunded. Rule 940 - Home leave : The working party wishes to draw the attention of the Executive Board to the existence of this rule, especially the provision for two weeks home leave in addition to annual leave• Rule 952>3 - makes provision for the recovery of sick leave granted in advance of entitlement in case of resignation. Rule 1110 - adds a provision that, ia fixing the condensation for duty-connected injury or illness, account will be taken of benefits payable under the Pension Plan, III. DEVIATIONS FROM SCALE OF SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF UN In accordance with Staff Regulation 16, any deviations f¡rom the UN scale of salaries and allôwances which may be necessary for the requiremeilts of the WHO shall be subject to the approval of or may be .authorized by the Executive Board• The deviations which are recommended by the working party are listed as follows : 1 4 Rule 127.3 Effective date of appointment This rule provides that the effective date for appointment, l t e 9 the date on which salary begins, shall be the date the staff member reports for duty. This rule is more limiting than the UN rule, which provides for commencing salary on the day the staff meniber leaves his normal place of residence to commence his journey to report at his official station. The working party felt that, with modern facilities of transport, the period of voyage to report for duty would be•short and would not represent an undue hardship on a staff momber^ The administrative advantages in simplifying payroll calculations justices this rule- 2春 Rule 150 Travel and removal expenses upon appointment ( w (« 681 Entitlement to repatriation) 942 Entitlement to hon^ leave) These rules as revised deviate from UN practice by including payment of travel for dependent minor brothers and sisters, using the age limit definition as provided in the rule covering children^ allowance• The wDrking party felt that where a staff member has the responsibility for minor brothers and sisters vho live with him, the staff member should be eligible to treat them as dependents in respect of travel expenses upon appointment, home leave and•repatriation on termination • UN does not have this provision. 3« Rule 203 Effective Date: The DN rules provide for making changes in status effective as of the date approved. The Staff Rules provide for changes effective from the beginning of the pay period nearest the date of approval. The working party felt that administrative advantages justify this rule and that in the average it does not penalize staff members• 4. Rule 213 Within-grade promotion for meritorious service The Staff Rules of UN do not clearly include a provision of this kind, although it may oxist in practice • In any case, the . working party felt that this rule, when applied judiciously, would serve as an incentive to the staff and represent very little financial outlay. Rule 710 Salaries The working party noted that the application of the UN salary schedule to staff members at WHO headquarters, Geneva, without a jninus % differential represents a deviation from UN salary scales, since such differential is applied by UN to its regional staff iri Geneva # • The working party considered this subject at some length• It recommends that the salary schedule be applied as presented in the Staff Rules and that the minus % differential should not be put into effect, pending re-examintion of the question after ccnçletion of the UN cost of living survey • In arriving at this conclusion, the working party considered the following points : (a) The UN differential of minus % is provisional in character. It was established in 1946- pending a scientific cost of living survey which has not yet taken place • No adjustments have been made for the Geneva staff of UN since that date. However, successive cost of living adjustments have been made for the New York staff of UN. These adjustments now average an increase cf The result is that salaries are 20多 higher in New York than in Geneva for UN staff. (b) The minus % differential was not based on a cost of living survey, but was established on the basis of the opinion of “conpetent observersn# Information that the UN will begin its first scientific survey very shortly is contained in a letter from UN dated 20 July: 1943• (c) There is evidence to indicate that the survey, when made, may not show a minus differential and may oven show a plus differential for Geneva, Indications of this are as follows s (i) The ILO calculations in 1946 established the cost of living indexes as follows\ New York Montreal Geneva 100% 9甥 107^ Note: However, the ILO does not pay any adjustment for differentials under 10%. 4 - . (ii) The US Government has recently increased its travel subsistence per diem in Geneva from to $10, TAfliereas its allowance in the United States remains at $6. (iii) The Transworld Airlines applies a cost of living differential to its various stations, using the Department of State-Foreign Service of the US-Retail Price Schedules # This differential is now plus $115 per month for Geneva. (d) The working party believes that in view of the fact that the scientific survey will be made in the near future, no temporary differential should bo established» 6« Rule 621«2 Installation allowance This rule providés a limitation of two years, after n^iich time dependents who arrive are not eligible for installation allowance• Tho UN has no such time limitation. The working party felt that this provision should be retained. 7» Rule 870 Cost of living adjustment This rule deviates from UN practice by establishing the principle of a cost of living adjustment in respect of differences between Headquarters and other offices, rather than the principle of percentage salary differentials used by UN» It is not dear to what extent this is a departure from UN, because UN has supplemented their salary differential system by ad hoc arrangements for living allowances for some field offices• The working party recommends the cost of living adjustment as being more equitable to the personnel and administratively more practicable than percentage salary differentials • In arriving at this conclusion, consideration was given to the following points} (a) Д staff member with the salary of 恭9,000, receiving a differential for cost of living in a field office, should not be subject to three times as much plus or minus differential as a staff member receiving §3,000 salary; . (b) Tho WHO will be operating in numerous areas including some where UN does not and where conditions may fluctuate quite rapidly• A cost of living adjustment is simpler and more flexible than a percentage salary differential; (c) The UN system of salary differentials has been altered on an ad hoc basis and would be extremely difficult to follow, an example of which is quoted from a WHO Field Office as follows: «I hope we can avoid gome of tho tangles which have occurred in our group of international organizations here." • • • • • • "Mazes have been entered for the Ш Secretariat staff which has recently evolved in this offer to the Social Affairs Officer : !l $500 expatriation allowance, plus $10 dailyliving allowance, equivalent in local currency (less contribution of Government in food, lodgings and i n c i d e n t a l s a n d , to offset the daily living allowance, a deduction to be made in home salary of $1,100 annually•“ ‘ (d) Percentage salary differentials should be avoided, if possible, in ordor not to coirÇ)licate salary calculations with respect to Provident Fund, Pension Records, Leave Records and the transfer of staff members between areas, • (e) It may be noted that the provision for ignoring adjustments under 10窝 follows ILO practice.參 3 # Rule 880 Representation allowances The working party expressed dissatisfaction with this rule, as it appeared in the first edition, and agreed to rècoimend that staff members eligible for representation allowances should not be denied the normal allowances to which other staff members are eligible • The working party in arriving at this conclusion considered the following points :‘ (a) Staff members receiving representation allowances are expected to use them for representation on behalf of the Organization. It would appear unfair to expect such staff members to expend these sums on representation and at the same time forego normal allowances of other staff members« • ’ SB 2/1 Ann,8 page 7 (b) There should be no connection between these two types of allowances. The normal allowances should be given to all staff members and representation allowances should be calculated purely on the basis of representation• Note: As an oxanple a staff member eligible for representation allowances (assuming a wife and two children of school age who attend school in their home country) would lose approximately $2,120 in normal allowances for the first year, $1>755 for the second year, and $1^255 for succeeding years. 9• Rulo 9бО Maternity leave It was noted that the staff rules^ following tho policy established by the Interim Gonimission, provide eligibility for maternity leave after the staff member shall have been in service 10 months or more # This is more liberal than the UN rule, which requires service of two years for temporary staff members and one year for staff members with indefinite contracts prior to eligibility for maternity leave. The working party recommends retaining the 10 months provision. 10» Rule 970 Conpensatory leave This rule deviates from UN practices in that it provides conpensatory leave rather than payment of overtime during service • The working party recommends retention of this rule. 11. Rule 1120 Grant to family of a deceased staff member This rule, based on ILO practice, makes provision for grant of one month salary to the widow or other dspendants in case of death of staff member. UN has no such provision. This rule is recommended for retention pending establishment of the Pension Plan, at which time it should be reconsidered» WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVE BOARD EB2/1 - Annex 9 EESTRICTED 20 August 1948 OPIGINALs ENGLISE Second Session PROVISIONAL STAFF HULES This document is distributed to the members of the Executive Board as an Annex to Document EB2/11. CONSEIL EXECUTIF Deuxième Session EB2/1 - Annexe 9 'RESTRICTED 20 Août 1948 ORIGINAL: ANGLAIS REGLEMENT PROVISOIRE Ш PERSONNEL Ce document est distribué aux membres du Conseil Exécutif en annexe au Document EB2/11. ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ÉB2/1 Ann, 10 ‘Original: ENGLISH EXECUTIVE BOARD 选 c o n d Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION: ANNEX Д.0 CURRENCY OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO 1 9 4 8 _ _ BUDGET AND ADVANCES TO "/ORKING CAPITAL FUND Note by the Secretariat Included in the financial regulations adopted at the fourteenth plenary meeting of the First World Health Assembly i s the following; Regulation 19 "Annual contributions and -advances to the working capital fund shall be assessed in United States dollars, and shall be paid in either United States dollars or Swiss francs; provided that payment of the whole or part of these contributions may Ъе made in such other currency or currencies as the .Director-General, in consultation w i t h the Executive Board, shall have determined." I t is necessary for the Director-General, in consultation with the Board, to mabe the. determination referred to in the régulâtion as soon as possible in order that iEuuediatt; ateps may be taken to notify Members of the amount s of their respective contributions for the year 1 9 4 8 , and the following notes are submitted in this regard:. 1• Annual Cpntributiong These mey be conridered as embracing Parts I and I I of the approved budget, as follows: Appropriation Section Purpose of . Appropriation Amount """^ PART I 1 ж Organizational meetings 35,000 Text previously circuJ pt.Rd ря document E B / 1 7 . EB2/1 Ann.lO page 2 appropriation Section Purpose of Appropriation Amount PART I I 7981000 Secretariat Other o f f i c e s end 500 regional a c t i v i t i e s Advisory and demonstration services to Governments 87 Technical services Technical meetings 64 2 3 4 ОО ОО 5О 5 6 Total, Part ГГ Total卞 Parts Î and I I 965,000 ^1^000,000 I t is the opinion of the Director-General that out of the' total shown above, not more than #30,000 (about half in Straits Dollars and half in Sterling) w i l l be disbursed i n currency other than dollars or Swiss francs. I n view of the fact that (1) i t i s necessary to give to a l l Members the p o s s i b i l i t y of part i'cipe ting in the sum concerned (as to which reference may be made to document A / A F / 3 , which sets out the procedure followed by the United Nations) and (2) the sum involved is so small, i t is. the opinion . 、‘f the Director-Generel that it would bë impractice.ble for the Organization to accept other currencies for the 1948 budget. 2. . Working Capital Fund • • ; •" This i s provided for in Part I I I of the approved budget, i t s amount being f i x e d for the financial year .1948 at ^ 1 , 6 5 0 , 0 0 0 . « It is important to observe tbat the working fund is intended for use: (a) to finance the' Organization ' " ' " c o n t r i b u t i o n s from Members; capital pending receipt of -. • (b) to cover unforeseen or extraordinary within certain l i m i t s . expenses, i (c) to the extent of ¿ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 as. the special fund to be used at tJtie discretion of the Board to meet emergencies, under A r t i c l e 58 of the Constitution. A fund to be used for tiie purposes described must in present circumstances be held in dollars or Swiss francs. SB2/1 Ann.10 page 3 3. Repayment of Interim Commission Debt to the United Nations part 17 of the approved budget provides for t h i s item in the sum of ¿ 2 , 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 . The advances made to the Interim Commission by the United Nations having been made in dollars, the Organization can meet i t s l i a b i l i t y only by repaying in dollars. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ ЕВ2/1/АЛП Ж ORIGINAL: ENGLISH 2C August 1948 EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session DRAFT REPORT OF FIRST SESSION: ANNEX 11 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON NON-GOVSRNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS* The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations met on 22, 23 and 25 July 1948, under the Chairmanship of Irofessor Geraido de F aula Souza. The membership of the Connnittee was : Dr. Mackenzie ^ Professor de Paula Souza, Dr* Redshaw^ Dr. Vinogradov, and Dr. Yung • The Committee discussed the imiilementation of a resolution on non-governmental organizations adopted by the viorld. Health Assembly (document A/62) and decided that every case of request o r invitation to enter into relationship should be examined individually on the basis of criteria already adopted, and that no new general criteria should be added at this stage. Item 12,3.8,2,2 . Procedure for admitting organizations into Relationship With.regard to paragraph ( i ) , it was agreed that initiative for invitation of an organization iwhich did not itself apply might come from various sources within WHO such as members of the Executive Board, Expert Committees, the Dii^ictor-General, but such invitations should be considered by the Committee prior to being submitted' to the Executive Board。 The Committee was able to consider only a part of requests for relationship with the WHO, and the following organizations are recommended for admission into relationship : The text of this document was previously circulated in document EB/18 Rev.l of 25 July 1948. EB2/1/A.nn 11 page 2 1. League of Red Cross Societies, 8 rue Iviunier-Romilly, Genève, Switzerland• 2. v/orld Medical Association, Fifth Avenuey New Iork# 3. International Union for Child welfare, 43 Quai Wilson, Genève, Switzerland. 4. International Council of Nurses, 19 Queens Gate3 London5 S. v ' ê 7 e 5. International Dental Federation, Eastman Dental Clinic, 135 rue . Belliard, Brussels• World Federation of Ü.N. Associations, Villa Ri¿¿ot, 1 Avenue de . la Faix, Genève> Switzerland, 6# 7. Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering, 2001 Connecticut •Avenue K , W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. U.S.A. Note; The desire was expressed that this Association develops gradually into a world-wide organization. . . ‘ ‘ \ith regard to the application from the International Committee for Mental Hygiene, it is recommended that the.Executive Board request the Director-General to send a message of goodwill to the congress organized by the above committee.stating that the application for relationship will be considered when, the Ymrld Federation of Mental Health is established^ In view of the fact that further information was required concerning certain organizations of recognized standing, the Committee decided that decisions on other requests should be deferred until the next meeting at *'the next session of the Executive Board. The Sec- retariat was instructed to obtain in the meantime more up-to-date information. • _ Furthermore> the Secretariat was requested to give its views as to whether the criteria of eligibility haye been fulfilled by the organization concerned• In cases where working arrangements were started by the Interim Commission and aro helpful for the fulfillment of tasks of Ш 0 , such collaboration might be continued without establishment at this stage of a formal relationship. ЕВ2/1/АгшД1 page 3 The Secretariat should ask the non-governmental organizations to supply 2 or 3 copies of some of their publications^ in order to enable the cornmittee to form an opinion as t«o the character of the organization* Item Request from the Committee on the Hygiene of Housing of the American Public Health Association The Secretariat was instructed to prepare suggestions for collaboration with this Association, to be submitted at the next session.
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