November 2014 Winters Chapel United Methodist Church ~ 5105 Winters Chapel Road Doraville GA 30360 ~ 770-396-4550 An Attitude of Gratitude…. By Rev. Shelia Preacher I was talking with Harriet Chapman the other day and she was commenting about how we simply “pass over Thanksgiving” in our rush to get to Christmas. And if you think about it, it is, indeed, true. Haven’t you noticed the Christmas decorations appearing in stores in October? Why, what happened to the month of November and Thanksgiving? And sadly, often when we do acknowledge Thanksgiving, it is simply as the “start” of the mad rush of the holiday shopping season. The whole scenario got me to thinking about the concept of thanksgiving and the role of gratitude in our lives. The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness. And for the life of a Christian, doesn’t gratitude encompass all of these meanings? For as God freely bestows grace again and again, we can’t help but recognize his graciousness, and, in turn, we find our hearts filled with much gratefulness! Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether the gift is tangible or intangible. With gratitude, people acknowledge that, even in the midst of life’s chaos, still yet there is much goodness in their lives. And in the process, people usually recognize that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside themselves. As a result, gratitude also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals. Gratitude magnifies our experience of the good things in life, enabling us to enjoy them more thoroughly. Gratitude also helps us to endure the hard things in life with dignity, and perhaps, even with humor. An attitude of gratitude allows us to approach life like savoring a fine meal, enjoying every bite, rather than racing through a meal as if it’s some sort of race. So, are you up for a challenge? What if we decided to “put the brakes” on the race to Christmas? I wonder, what might happen if we chose to “savor” the blessings of November? What if we were to embrace the whole month of November with an “attitude of gratitude?” How would our lives be different if we chose to begin each day with an acclamation…“ Bless the Lord, o my soul! And all that is within me, bless his holy name!” I am convinced we would discover our days [even the difficult ones] becoming richer and fuller than we ever imagined. Blessings with an attitude of gratitude! Shelia A Note from Dorcas… Hello and many blessings. We are truly blessed to be able to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to also serve one another. I saw a perfect example of this service during our trunk-for-treat event in the month of October. We had many folks from the community come and out and fellowship with us, and it made me think about the harvest time. Farmers plant their seeds and water them, nourish them, watch over them, and continue to work on their fields because they expect to have a wonderful harvest when it is all said and done. Jesus even used this analogy of farming in many of his parables. We are the church of Jesus Christ, and we are given a responsibility to serve our community in sharing this message of love wherever we may be. As we work in discipleship and plant seeds of love in ESOL daycare children, Sunday school class students, and donating blood at the Red Cross, we must always remember that the harvest is for folks to be in relationship with Jesus for the Kingdom of God. So let us continue to serve our community with all of the resources that God has blessed us with, because we as the Pastor Dorcas Rodriguez Hispanic Ministry church want the Kingdom of God to have a bountiful harvest. Praise God. Blessings Top Notch ESOL Programs Whoo hoo...Winters Chapel and Tucker First are featured in this North Georgia Conference article about ESOL programs. Take a look at the link below! Congratulations to the Liscio family with the birth of Katherine Rose on October 7 Celebrating the baptism of Benjamin Thomas Wise We welcome you into the loving arms of your church family Volunteers needed for The Bread of Life Café Sign up to provide light munchies, like juice and muffins, on Sunday morning for your friends to nibble on before Sunday School. Please contact Janice Whitehead or Alison Dixon to volunteer or sign up on the board in the Fellowship Hall. Page 2 Another wildly successful American Red Cross Blood Drive wrapped up in October with 41 pints collected from members of WCUMC and the surrounding community. Thank you for all of those who came to donate and who came to volunteer! You truly are life savers! As a member of Winters Chapel, I will faithfully participate in its ministries . . . (The Month of October) Connie & Frank Bate Clyde & Martha Beavers By my Prayers . . . The Blackford Family The Blevins Family Andy Bowen Kim Brooks Jim Bryant Sandy Carlton Elizabeth Chavez Andrea Cox The Coy Family The DeLeon Family Gladys Dixon Paul Epps Family Mary Gardner The Godwin Family Jerry Greene Dawn Hall Richard Hanson Lisa Humphries Matthew Hunt Odetta Hunter Adrian Jones Erica (Wade) Jones By my Presence . . . Sunday School: 21 (10/5); 19 (10/12); 17 (10/19); 21 (10/26) 11 am Worship: 62 (10/5); 69 (10/12); 54 (10/19); 63 (10/26) 5 pm Bi-Lingual: 10 (10/5); 10 (10/12); 10 (10/19); 15 (10/26) Airica Liscio Arianna Lindsey Darwin Lloyd Angie Matheny & Family Gracela Monzalvo Lee Pelfrey LaToya Phanord Angel Ramsey Jason Ramsey John Ramsey Anthony & Karen Robinson Katie Smotherman Dawn Wade Glenn Wells Houston White Jean Witcher Joe Womble Rena Wyatt By my Gifts. . . $1,736(10/5); $5,496 (10/12); $2,314 (10/19); $3,644 (10/26) By my Service . . . Altar Guild: Polly Albitz, Arlene Bishop, Nancy Trumble, Mary VanHorn, Joan Vining, Peggy Wallis, Betty Williams Audio: Jeff Pruett, Judy Woodall Counters: October: Harry Honeycutt and Ronnie Letson November: Tom Williams and Clyde Beavers Greeters: Vicki Brown-Macomber, Frank and Connie Bate, Gail and Mike Granberry, Mary Mwambay, Francois Kaboya Lay Leaders: Harriet Chapman, Don Dixon, Mike Macomber, Rufus Manley, Judy Woodall Music: Misha Stefanuk, Chancel Choir, Worship Band, Children’s Choir Ushers: October: Tom Preacher, Don Dixon, Alison Dixon, Leon Humphries, Linda Humphries November: Jim Bishop, Arlene Bishop, Clyde Beavers, Tom Williams, Earle Trumble The Fisher · November 2014 Page 3 Page 4 Story Time with Santa Saturday December 6th 12:00 - 2:00 pm Join us for an afternoon of fun, food, crafts, stories and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. No charge, just “believe” in Santa to attend. Don’t forget to bring your camera for that great picture with Santa! St. Lucia Festival of Lights Friday, December 12 at 7:30 pm The Festival of St. Lucia, begins the Christmas season in Swedish custom. The so-called Festival of Lights stems from the Swedish legend: a ship carrying a maiden "clothed in white and crowned with light" appeared on the shore in Värmland during a great famine. The maiden, widely believed to be Lucia, distributed food and clothing to the needy, thus endearing herself to the Swedish people. After the celebration, a reception featuring coffee and sweets will be offered in the Fellowship Hall. Sunday, December 21st, 11 a.m. Christmas Cantata Join us for an original Christmas Cantata, “Baby in a Manger,” written and directed by Misha Stefanuk. Following the service, you are invited to take a stroll through the Cookie Walk to purchase some of your favorite sweets for those last minute gifts, parties or maybe Santa’s snack. The holiday season is here; and one of our favorite events at Winters Chapel is our annual Cookie Walk sponsored by the United Methodist Women. It is never too early to start pulling out those favorite recipes or looking for new recipes for the Cookie Walk. We welcome all bakers to participate. A Child Is Born….Celebrate God’s Gift Join us for a Christmas Eve service designed for young and old alike! Holy Communion will also be served. Wednesday, December 24 6:00 p.m. The Fisher · November 2014 Page 5 Presence: Our Second Membership Vow Please join us for Commitment Sunday on Sunday, November 16, as we continue to focus on our Membership Vow of Presence. Congregants will be offered the opportunity to come up and bring their pledge cards and spend time at the altar . Sunday, November 23rd, will be our Stewardship Celebration Sunday wrapping up the 2014 Stewardship drive with a luncheon and the Hanging of the Greens. A BIG thank you to everyone who helped at the annual UMM BBQ. Chords for Caroline Edwin Hall and daughters Jennifer Vaccaro and Heather Leopold extend their thanks to all Winters Chapel people who attended and contributed to the Chords for Caroline fundraising event this back in October. The weather was perfect and the music and fellowship were just fine. Contributions to the Alzheimer's Association are still coming in, and when all are in and counted, the event will have raised about $2,000 in Sweet Caroline's memory. THANK YOU, Winters Chapel for the part you played. ANGEL TREE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Once again Winters Chapel will be participating in the Angel Tree Christmas gift ministry with Gwinnett County’s Department of Family and Children’s Services. There will be a list of children and the gift they would like to receive in the welcome center by mid-November. There will be children ranging from infants to teenagers. Simply pick a child or children, purchase the gift(s), place them in a Christmas gift bag and bring the gifts to the church and place them behind the welcome center. Gift tags will be provided by the Missions Committee to attach to your gift bags. Thank you for your continued generosity in bringing great joy to so many lives. HANGING OF THE GREENS Sunday, November 23rd after Worship Service Join us for the celebration of preparing our hearts and our church buildings for welcoming Baby Jesus during Advent and Christmas. Share a meal of soup, salad & dessert; then share in fellowship as we decorate for our Christmas season. All are invited to share in this event. Page 6 Holiday Season is Coming! by Misha V. Stefanuk, music director and organist in residence As the Holiday season approaches, I start thinking about what it means to me. We have Thanksgiving coming, the day we pause to thank God for what he has done for us. And soon on its heels follows Christmas with decorated trees and gifts and wonderful meals involved in both. You probably remember the New Opera musical we wrote a few years ago called “The True Meaning of Christmas” whose presentation was done in conjunction with the choir’s recorded voices and puppets…nearly half the church was involved! I am wondering these days if I still feel the same way that I did when I wrote it, but the statement of faith is the same. Christmas is not about gifts and Thanksgiving is not about turkey. The greatest gift any of us will ever receive comes about by Jesus’ willingness to follow God’s will for his life. O, the sacrifice was great, but look at the result – we are saved! It leads me to think about our willingness to follow God’s will and the results it might have. And though our actions can’t compare to that of Jesus, often the sacrifices we make…no matter how small…have effect on others as well. For at the same moment we are enjoying our life, there are people who are in much worse shape than us, often to the point that their life does not make sense anymore. A wise man once told me that serving others is what we are supposed to do. No more, but no less. Life is hard on many people and, often, they do not have the anchor of faith to which we solidly cling. What would happen if we chose to simply reach out to them with the love of the Lord, sharing with them what a difference that relationship means to our lives? Could that gift of sharing Christ’s love help transform a life? As we continue to shape a new music ministry with fresh new approaches designed to appeal to a world in need of a word of hope, help us by spreading the word…talk to your neighbors, random people at Publix, a guy at the coffee shop, a girl who is crying in her car next to you at the red light. The opportunities are endless! We have worked on the upcoming production of our cantata for about 3 months now, and we have never done a production as integrated as this. It will include band, choir, children, bells, tons of readers, organ…everything we got. This is what we are trying to do, offer God everything we’ve got! The choir is singing choir music; the band is playing band music; the children's choir is singing carols. And YOU, the congregation will be asked to join in on many songs instead of being a passive recipient. God wants you to be active, he wants you to get up and do things, sing with us, bring people in, help us setup if you wish, help Sandra filing music, help Judy with slides, tell someone in choir that you liked the music today or if you have any requests. This is YOUR church and YOUR worship service and our sole purpose is for the experience to bring you closer to God and to help us all become the people God wants us to be. Holidays are a time for celebration, but they are also the time for reflection and action! The world around you needs your help and we, your music ministry, need your help. Some sing with us, so you can see for yourself why everyone involved was so deliriously happy in the last few months. Join us, we can use your help! Holidays are around the corner. It's coming! Winters Chapel Preschool has openings for two year olds and will be happy to offered tours and discuss enrollment Monday through Thursday from 9:001:00. For more info email Mary Trompeter at [email protected]. Winters Chapel UMC Preschool will have our annual Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday, November 20th at 11:15. The Primetimers are cordially invited to join the preschool for lunch and the program. The Fisher · November 2014 Page 7 Month Month--at at--a-Glance NOVEMBER Sunday Worship Times: Traditional: 11:00 am Bi-Lingual 5:00 pm Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Please note that childcare is provided at 9:45 a.m. and during worship service. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 UMM BBQ 2 11 Traditional service 12:15 Church Conferece 3 Disciple 5 Bi-Lingual service 5 Youth fellowship 9 Angel Tree begins 3 4 7 Women of Faith circle Election Day 10 11 Veterans Day 11 Traditional service 3 Disciple 16 Commitment Sunday 11 Traditional service 3 Disciple 5 Bi-Lingual service ESOL Thanksgiving 5 Youth fellowship 17 23 24 18 5 6 10: 30 Disciple 6 Staff Meeting 7 Choir practice 8 Worship Band Practice 10:30 UMW 12 10:30 Disciple 13 7 Choir practice 8 Worship Band 19 10:30 Disciple 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 7 ESOL 7 ESOL 20 10:30 Faith in Action Circle 6 Book Club Bible Study 7 Choir practice 8 Worship Band Practice 7 ESOL final 25 26 27 7 Choir practice 8 Worship Band Practice Thanksgiving CELEBRATION SUNDAY 11 Traditional service 12 Hanging of the Greens & Luncheon 3 Disciple 5 Bi-Lingual service 7 Office closed 30 11 Traditional service 3 Disciple 5 Bi-Lingual service Happy, Happy Birthday to You! 06-Nov Rufus Manley 14-Nov Lilli Danielson 14-Nov Dollie Caruthers 17-Nov Earle Trumble 21-Nov Tatum Havard 23-Nov Jack Trump 25-Nov Michael Macomber 27-Nov Wendy Crowell 27-Nov Harry Honeycutt 29-Nov Janey Jones If we are missing your birthday, please let the church office know by emailing [email protected] You can reach us . . . Winters Chapel United Methodist Church Staff Rev. Shelia Preacher, Pastor 770-928-8031 (home); 678-925-0103 (cell); [email protected] Pastor Dorcas Rodriguez, Hispanic Ministry 678-600-3228; [email protected] Leslie Faulkner, Director Children & Youth Ministry 770-396-4550 (office); [email protected] Misha Stefanuk, Organist in Residence, Director of Music 678-520-0749 (cell); [email protected] Michelle Stewart, Administrative Assistant & Bookkeeper 770-396-4550 (office); [email protected] Mary Trompeter, Preschool Director 770-393-3478 (office); [email protected]
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