1 Agenda Hightstown Borough Council Regular Meeting November 3, 2014 First Aid Building 6:00 PM – Executive Session 7:30 PM – Public Session PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES DURING YOUR ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING TO AVOID SOUNDS/RINGING OR CONVERSATION THAT MAY INTERFERE WITH THE MEETING OR THE ABILITY OF ATTENDEES TO HEAR THE PROCEEDINGS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. Meeting called to order by Mayor Steven Kirson. STATEMENT: Adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, pursuant to Public Law 1975, Chapter 231. Said notice was provided to the Trenton Times and the Windsor-Hights Herald, and is posted in the Borough Clerk’s office. Roll Call Executive Session: Resolution 2014-219 Litigation – LeTellier Marchione Personnel – Dispatch Attorney-Client Privilege – Harassment Investigation Flag Salute Approval of Meeting Agenda Minutes October 20, 2014 Open Session October 20, 2014 Executive Session Public Comment I Any person wishing to address the Mayor and Council at this time will be allowed a maximum of three minutes for his or her comments. Ordinances 2014-19 First Reading & Introduction – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 19, “Water and Sewer”, Section 19-2, “Charges and Rents”, Subsection 19-2-2, “Water Charges” of the Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Hightstown 2014-18 Final Reading & Public Hearing – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 28, “Zoning,” of the “Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Hightstown, New Jersey” Regarding Permanently Installed Standby Generators Resolutions Consent Agenda 2014-220 Authorizing the Payment of Bills 2014-221 Authoring Request for Proposal for a Waste Water Treatment Plant Engineer 2014-222 Authorizing Receipt of Bids for Chemicals 2 Public Comment II 2014- 223 Approval to Submit a Grant Application and Execute a Grant Contract with the New Jersey Department for the Rehabilitation of East Ward Street Project 2014-224 Amending Resolution 2014-21 Any person wishing to address the Mayor and Council at this time will be allowed a maximum of three minutes for his or her comments. Mayor/Council/Administrative Comments and Committee Reports Adjournment 3 Resolution 2014-219 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING A MEETING WHICH EXCLUDES THE PUBLIC BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown that this body will hold a meeting on November 3, 2014 at 6:00p.m. in the First Aid Building located at 168 Bank Street, Hightstown that will be limited only to consideration of an item or items with respect to which the public may be excluded pursuant to section 7b of the Open Public Meetings Act. The general nature of the subject or subjects to be discussed: Litigation – LeTellier Marchione Personnel – Dispatch Attorney-Client Privilege – Harassment Investigation Stated as precisely as presently possible the following is the time when and the circumstances under which the discussion conducted at said meeting can be disclosed to the public: February 3, 2015 or when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. The public is excluded from said meeting, and further notice is dispensed with, all in accordance with sections 8 and 4a of the Open Public Meetings Act. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough Council at a meeting held on November 3, 2014. __________________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi Borough Clerk 4 Meeting Minutes Hightstown Borough Council Regular Meeting October 20, 2014 First Aid Building 6:30 PM – Executive Session 7:30 PM – Public Session PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES DURING YOUR ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING TO AVOID SOUNDS/RINGING OR CONVERSATION THAT MAY INTERFERE WITH THE MEETING OR THE ABILITY OF ATTENDEES TO HEAR THE PROCEEDINGS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION . Meeting called to order by Mayor Steven Kirson 6:30 PM. STATEMENT: Adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, pursuant to Public Law 1975, Chapter 231. Said notice was provided to the Trenton Times and the Windsor-Hights Herald, and is posted in the Borough Clerk’s office. The flag salute followed Roll Call. PRESENT Councilmember Bluth Councilmember Hansen Councilmember Kurs Councilmember Misiura Councilmember Quattrone Councilmember Thibault Mayor Kirson ABSENT Also in attendance: Debra Sopronyi, Borough Clerk; Henry Underhill, Borough Administrator; Frederick Raffetto, Esq. Borough Attorney; and Eric Harrison, Esq., JIF Attorney. Resolution 2014-213 Authorizing a Meeting Which Excludes the Public Council President Bluth moved resolution 2014-213, Councilmember Quattrone seconded. Roll Call Vote: Council members Bluth, Hansen, Misiura, Quattrone and Thibault voted yes. Resolution adopted 5-0. Resolution 2014-213 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING A MEETING WHICH EXCLUDES THE PUBLIC BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown that this body will hold a meeting on October 20, 2014 -1- 5 October 20, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the First Aid Building located at 168 Bank Street, Hightstown that will be limited only to consideration of an item or items with respect to which the public may be excluded pursuant to section 7b of the Open Public Meetings Act. The general nature of the subject or subjects to be discussed: Contract Negotiations – Shared Services (Various) Enchantment Litigation – Rug Mill Tax Appeal LeTellier Personnel – Police Stated as precisely as presently possible the following is the time when and the circumstances under which the discussion conducted at said meeting can be disclosed to the public: January 20, 2015 or when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. The public is excluded from said meeting, and further notice is dispensed with, all in accordance with sections 8 and 4a of the Open Public Meetings Act. The public meeting was called to order by Mayor Kirson at 7:43 pm and he again read the Open Public Meetings Act statement. The Flag Salute followed Roll Call. Councilmember Kurs joined the meeting during executive session and was now present. George Lang, CFO, joined the meeting at this time. Mr. Eric Harrison had left the meeting during executive session and was no longer present. Mayor Kirson requested that the agenda be amended to include resolution 2014-218 following resolution 2014-214; Councilmember Thibault requested that information from the Health Department concerning the Ebola Virus and Enterovirus be added to discussion. Council President Bluth moved the agenda as amended for approval, Councilmember Thibault seconded. Roll Call Vote: Council members Bluth, Hansen, Kurs, Misiura, Quattrone and Thibault voted yes. Agenda approved 6-0. Proclamation Mayor Kirson noted that proclamations are not given often, because they are something very special. Dr. Caruso and his staff gave free dental services to resident of the Borough and this tells us that the professionals in Hightstown are willing to go beyond what is expected. The Mayor invited Dr. Caruso, and his staff, to come forward. Dr. Caruso and his staff came forward and each introduced themselves by name and title. Mayor Kirson then read the proclamation. BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN P ro cl a m a t i o n Honoring Dr. Joseph Caruso, DDS October 20, 2014 -2- 6 Whereas, Dr. Caruso has a dental office located at 208 South Main Street in Hightstown; and Whereas, he supported the health and welfare of the community by setting aside a day to provide dental services to 40 residents of the Hightstown Community who do not have dental insurance; and Whereas, Dr. Caruso opened his doors to the community and provided dental services free of charge on August 6, 2014; and Whereas, the services provided included x-rays, cleaning, cavity filling and extractions and Dr. Caruso worked out a plan for those who required further dental work; and Whereas, Dr. Caruso and his staff provided these services with professionalism and patience, and are truly exceptional and outstanding members of the Hightstown Community. Now Therefore Be It Proclaimed by the Mayor and Borough Council of Hightstown express their appreciation to Dr. Joseph Caruso, DDS for his generous and outstanding service given in support of the health and welfare of the Hightstown Community. Dr. Caruso commented that he has been in Hightstown for 31 years and could not have provided these services with his team. Council thanked Dr. Caruso for his dedication to the residents of Hightstown. Councilmember Thibault amended the minutes of the October 20, 2014 open session to add that Borough Administrator Underhill will provide an updated cost analysis of trash removal services. Councilmember Thibault moved the October 6, 2014 Open Session minutes as amended for approval, Councilmember Misiura seconded. Roll Call Vote: Council members, Bluth, Hansen, Kurs, Misiura, Quattrone and Thibault voted yes. Minutes approved 6-0. Councilmember Quattrone moved the October 6, 2014 Executive session minutes for approval, Council President Bluth seconded. Roll Call Vote: Council members, Bluth, Hansen, Kurs, Misiura, Quattrone and Thibault voted yes. Minutes approved 6-0. Mayor Kirson opened the public comment period I and the following individuals spoke: Walter Sikorski, 326 n. Main Street – referred to a column published in the Trenton Times regarding the 2% cap law, tax increases, and the lack of property tax rebates. Christopher Gray, Esq. of the firm Sciarra & Catrambone– noted that he represents Officer Janine Krupa and they brought everyone here to support her. He wants to bring certain particulars about the charges being brought against Officer Krupa, to Council’s attention. Mayor Kirson advised Mr. Gray that the Mayor and Council have not seen the charges that are being brought against Officer Krupa. October 20, 2014 -3- 7 Mr. Gray continued that one of the significant issues with the charges is that Officer Krupa complained about harassment and a hostile work environment; then was served charges when she reported the actions of another officer, but the action being taken is to discipline her. He does not think that the charges against Officer Krupa are valid, but they are retaliation for Officer Krupa’s complaint and the report of the misconduct of another officer. He then asked Council to take a hard look at the procedures taken by the Police Department and its administration; they need to be held accountable. Meredith Berkley, Wyckoff Mills– stated that she was told she would be wasting her time coming this evening to support Janine Krupa; it is never a waste of time to come and support someone you believe in. Janine has done so much for the residents of Wyckoff Mills, along with everyone here, and we will continue to support her throughout this entire thing. JP Gibbons, 602 N. Main Street – noted that he is here for three reasons, the first being in support of Janine Krupa. He noted his background in law enforcement and is puzzled that this item is on the agenda of the Borough Council, when to his knowledge there has not been a departmental hearing on the charges and he objects. There will be new signs popping up this week that state, “They want our vote, we want their plan”; they are not political statements, they are freedom of speech statements. While he appreciates Mr. Sikorski talking about taxes, his time would be better spent talking about how to reduce Hightstown Borough taxes. Frederick Raffetto, Borough Attorney clarified that when Council addressed the personnel matter that is on tonight’s agenda, there was no discussion regarding the substance of the charges against either of the police officers; the only matter that was addressed by Council was that charges have been filed. Council is not even aware of what the charges are. According to the ordinance, the Council is provided with three options: the Council itself could conduct a hearing; or the disciplinary matter could be heard by a hearing committee consisting of the Mayor, Police Commissioner, and the Borough Administrator; or the disciplinary matter could be heard by an outside independent hearing officer. Council consensus is to refer the matter to an outside independent hearing officer, which is how Council historically handles these matters. There was no discussion regarding the substance of the charges against either officer, it was merely recognition that charges have been filed and the matter will proceed under the normal course of a hearing that will take place under the option of the Council, which is to have it heard by the outside independent hearing officer who will make a findings of facts and inclusions of law based on the hearing; all parties will be afforded due process. The hearing officer, who happens to be a retired New Jersey Superior Court Judge, will render a report to the Mayor and Council, who serves as the appropriate authority, to make a determination as to whether the charges should be sustained; and if so what the penalty shall be. Doug Mair, 536 S. Main Street – commented that he supports the police department and this officer 100% and Council now has the opportunity to get in front of this and stop it; what is going on in the police department needs to be addressed. He then noted that he is concerned with the insurance funds for Borough Hall and wonders if the $2M has already been accepted. Lynne Woods, 315 Park Avenue – commented that 13 months ago Council hired Labor Counsel for a previous police matter, and the matter has still not been addressed. Denise Garcia, 6 Deerfield Park - noted that there are only two officers she trusts and they are Officers Krupa and Marchione; neither deserves this. Skye Gilmartin, 180 E. Mill Run Court – described the assistance Officer Krupa offered the residents of Wyckoff Mills during their fire and commented that she is a hero. Dave Kowardy, 47 Powell Court – joined Ms. Gilmartin at the podium and commented that Janine is a hero. October 20, 2014 -4- 8 Herbert Smith, 150 S. Main Street – noted that Janine and Frank are two of the best police officers in Hightstown and he will support them; their records should not be blemished. Mark Kramer, 221 Wilson Avenue – noted that he is a firefighter and has seen Janine and Frank assist the community and he is in full support of them. Robyn Floom, 15 Dennis Court – works with the school district and commented that Janine and Frank are great cops and the nicest people; this should not be going on. Pat Papero, PBA 187, Hamilton, NJ – confirmed that the matter is being referred to an independent hearing officer and that Council has not heard the facts of the case. The Borough Attorney confirmed the process. Mr. Papero then noted that an officer has been suspended with pay for 16 months and a hearing officer also costs money; how much in taxpayer dollars do we have to spend before we start spending them right? How much more will be spent on these trumped up charges? Wayne Hummel, East Windsor PBA President – noted that there is consideration of merging the PBAs from Hightstown and East Windsor. There are some issues that have not been handled by the town, one being Frank Marchione being out of work with pay for 16 months; the other being Janine Krupa and the fact that, as PBA President, she rubbed some people the wrong way in the department. As far as her and Frank becoming members under the umbrella of the PBA, as long as these issues are resolved, I have no problem with it. Phyllis Mack, 1 Mill Run West – noted that she met Janine through a double tragedy, and Janine kept checking on her; she is a very loyal and compassionate person. Linda Petranko, 122 Mill Run East – stated that she is here in support of Janine Krupa; she is the mother of a female police officer. Officer Krupa, and women like her need to be applauded for their dedication and service, and we need more women like her who will stand up and wear their uniform with respect. There being no further comments, Mayor Kirson closed the public comment period. Ordinance 2014-18 First Reading & Introduction – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 28, “Zoning” of the “Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Hightstown, New Jersey” Regarding Permanently Installed Standby Generators. Councilmember Misiura moved ordinance 2014-18 for introduction, Councilmember Hansen seconded. Roll Call Vote: Council members Bluth, Hansen Kurs, Misiura, Quattrone and Thibault voted yes. Ordinance introduced: 6-0. Public Hearing to be held on November 3, 2014. Ordinance 2014-18 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING CHAPTER 28, “ZONING,” OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN REGARDING PERMANENTLY INSTALLED STANDBY GENERATORS October 20, 2014 -5- 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown as follows: Section 1. text): Chapter 28, “Zoning,” is hereby amended as follows (additions underlined; deletions in strikeout A. This ordinance shall apply to permanently installed standby generators B. Subsection 28-10-19 “Permanently Installed Standby Generators” is added as follows: 1. Standby generators shall be permitted as accessory uses in the following Residential Districts: R1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 and shall be located in the rear yard only and not project beyond the side building lines of the principal structure. All generators shall be installed on a concrete pad or other pre-formed pad designed to meet the generator’s specifications. The generator shall be screened so it is not visible from adjacent properties or from any street or public way. For corner lots, generators may be located in the side yard with approval from the Zoning Officer. Screening shall consist either of plantings or an opaque fence of sufficient size and height to completely screen the generator from adjacent properties or from any street or public way. Screening shall be maintained by the owner or occupant of the property. 2. Standby generators may only be used when electric power to the property has been interrupted for reasons beyond the control of the property owner or resident, or for routine testing. Routine testing is permitted for a thirty minute period once a month during weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. subject to air quality restrictions. Routine testing shall not take place on days in which the air quality is classified as unhealthy for sensitive groups, unhealthy, very unhealthy, or hazardous in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-19.2(d) as it may be amended from time to time. 3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, generators shall not generate noise levels in excess of 68 dB at twenty-three feet when operating at one hundred percent. Generators shall be operated at all times with a muffler, and any factory-installed enclosure for the generator may not be removed for any reason except for maintenance or repair. 4. Supplemental diesel and gasoline fuel storage tanks powering generators shall not be permitted in any residential zone. If the generator is powered by propane gas, the propane gas tank shall be completely screened so as not to be visible from adjacent properties or from any street or public way and shall obtain all applicable regulatory approvals. Section 2. If any sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any persons or circumstances shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, or if by legislative action any sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall lose its force and effect, such judgment or action shall not affect, impair or void the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage and publication in accordance with the law. Section 4. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. Resolution 2014-214 Authorizing the Payment of Bills. Council member Quattrone moved resolution 2014-214, Council President Bluth seconded. Roll Call Vote: Council members Bluth, Hansen Kurs, Misiura, Quattrone and Thibault voted yes. October 20, 2014 -6- 10 Ordinance adopted: 6-0 Resolution 2014-214 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF BILLS WHEREAS, certain bills are due and payable as per itemized claims listed on the following schedules, which are made a part of the minutes of this meeting as a supplemental record; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown that the bills be paid on audit and approval of the Borough Administrator, the appropriate Department Head and the Treasurer in the amount of $883,455.77 from the following accounts: Current $382,781.60 W/S Operating 469,283.87 General Capital 27,235.75 Water/Sewer Capital 12.00 Grant 800.00 Trust 1,433.30 Housing Trust 0.00 Animal Control 0.00 Law Enforcement Trust 0.00 Housing Rehab Loans 0.00 Unemployment Trust 0.00 Escrow 1,909.25 Total $883,455.77 Resolution 2014-218 Authorizing Settlement of Certain Tax Appeal Cases Filed in the Matter of TD Bank, N.A. vs. Hightstown Borough October 20, 2014 -7- 11 Councilmember Thibault moved resolution 2014-218, Councilmember Hansen seconded. Mayor Kirson gave a history of the appeal and an explanation of the settlement. Roll Call Vote: Council members Bluth, Hansen Kurs, Misiura, Quattrone and Thibault voted yes. Ordinance adopted: 6-0 Resolution 2014-218 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING SETTLEMENT OF CERTAIN TAX APPEAL CASES FILED IN THE MATTER OF TD BANK, N.A. vs. HIGHTSTOWN BOROUGH. WHEREAS, the Borough of Hightstown has been named as a Defendant in certain tax appeal cases which are currently pending before the Tax Court of New Jersey under the following name: TD Bank, N.A. vs. Hightstown Borough, bearing Docket Nos. 011923-2012, 012722-2013 and 013044-2014; and WHEREAS, the cases concern the assessed value of the following properties for the tax years 2012 through 2014: Bank Street (Block 21, Lot 1); and Bank Street (Block 30, Lot 1); and WHEREAS, the parties have reached an amicable resolution of these matters, which is set forth in more detail in the attached proposed Stipulation of Settlement; and WHEREAS, the settlement has been recommended by the Borough’s Tax Assessor; and WHEREAS, the Borough Council now wishes to provide its authorization for the proposed settlement, along with authorization for the issuance of a refund in the appropriate amount to the Plaintiff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Hightstown, in the County of Mercer and State of New Jersey, as follows: 3. 1. That the settlement of the above-referenced tax appeal cases for the years 2012 through 2014, as set forth in the attached Stipulation of Settlement, is hereby approved and authorized. 2. That the Borough’s Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached Stipulation of Settlement on behalf of the Borough, and to file same with the Tax Court of New Jersey. 3. That a refund in the appropriate amount (pursuant to the attached Stipulation of Settlement) is hereby authorized, and the Borough’s Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed to undertake all necessary actions in order to effectuate said refund to the Plaintiff. That a certified copy of this Resolution shall be provided to each of the following: October 20, 2014 -8- 12 a. b. c. Kenneth Pacera, Tax Assessor; George Lang, Hightstown Borough Chief Financial Officer; and, Frederick C. Raffetto, Esq., Hightstown Borough Attorney. Consent Agenda Resolutions 2014-15, 2014-16. And 2014-17 Councilmember Misiura moved resolutions 2014-215, 2014-216 and 2014-217 as the consent agenda, Council member Quattrone seconded. Mayor Kirson read the titles of the resolutions aloud and gave a brief explanation of each. Roll Call Vote: Council members Bluth, Hansen, Kurs, Misiura, Quattrone and Thibault voted yes. Resolutions adopted 6-0. Resolution 2014-215 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR INSERTION OF A SPECIAL ITEM OF REVENUE IN THE 2014 BUDGET WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:4-87 provides that the Director of the Division of Local Government Services may approve the insertion of any special item of revenue in the budget of any county or municipality when such item shall have been made available by law and the amount thereof was not determined at the time of the adoption of the budget; and WHEREAS, said Director may also approve the insertion of an item of appropriation for equal amount; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown hereby request the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to approve the insertion of a special item of revenue and equal appropriation in the budget of the Borough of Hightstown for the year 2014 as follows: Source U.S. Department of Justice Amount $1,047.28 Revenue Title Body Armor Replacement Fund Program Resolution 2014-216 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING SALE BY ASSIGNMENT OF TAX SALE CERTIFICATE #0-23 October 20, 2014 -9- Appropriation Title Body Armor Replacement Fund Program 13 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown, in the County of Mercer and State of New Jersey, that, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:5-113, the following Tax Sale Certificate is hereby sold by assignment to Lawrence Blake, 118 Dutch Neck Road, Hightstown, New Jersey, for a total of $456.98, which sum includes the following amounts which are calculated with interest through November 1, 2014: (1) fourth quarter taxes in the amount of $63.16; (2) balance due on the existing tax lien in the amount of $393.82 (including principal in the amount of $113.26 and interest in the amount of $280.56): Certificate No.: 0-23 Property Location: Block 49, Lot 6 Owner of Record: David Saltman Date of Tax Sale: September 12, 2000 BET IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a per diem amount of $0.14 per day will accrue on both the taxes due and the lien commencing as of November 11, 2014, if the above sum is not paid to the Borough by that date. Resolution 2014-217 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY WAIVING FEES FOR LANDLORD REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE HIGHTSTOWN-EAST WINDSOR HISTORICAL SOCIETY WHEREAS the Hightstown-East Windsor Historical Society is an agency serving Borough residents and the surrounding community in the name of historical preservation; and WHEREAS, given the nature of the Society they have requested that Landlord Registration fees for the property located at 164 North Main Street be waived; and WHEREAS, all appropriate applications shall be filed and all appropriate inspections shall take place for the units within this property; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Borough Council finds that waiving Landlord Registration fees for this property is appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Hightstown hereby waives the Landlord Registration fees for the property owned by the Hightstown-East Windsor Historical Society and located at 164 North Main Street in Hightstown. 1. To designate the Hightstown Historic Preservation Commission as the entity to process all research application requirements and grants, and to coordinate requirements for the Mayor and other commissions towards fulfilling all submission requirements; and 2. Appoints the Mayor as the agent of the Borough to process, and execute all contracts, agreements, amendments, and ancillary documents within the scope of the application for designation as a Preserve America Community. Health Department Update Councilmember Thibault referenced the present two big health concerns, Ebola and Enterovirus. He noted that October 20, 2014 - 10 - 14 the Nurse and Health Officers of the Borough are working with the schools to educate the students; have forwarded information to be posted on the website to be shared with the residents; are visiting childcare facilities and meeting with parents; and are in close contact with the CDC. He continued that they have met with the police department and first aid regarding proper procedures and personal protection equipment use, and the Nurse will be attending squad training. They are also sharing with doctors and community groups to work on strategies; they are making sure we are prepared and they are taking the situations very seriously. Best Practices George Lang, CFO, references the Best Practices submission that was included in the meeting packet, noting that he, in conjunction with the Borough Clerk and Administrator, filled out the document and it covers everything from financial issues to health insurance. Questions were reviewed and there was discussion regarding state aid reductions, evaluations of financial status, and the Governor’s tool kit. Mayor Kirson opened the public comment period II and the following individuals spoke: Doug Mair, 536 S. Main Street – commented that tax appeals are a Pandora’s Box and someone must be held accountable; and that he hopes this meeting showed Council that you will never get rid of the police department. Scott Caster, 12 Clover Lane – commented that he sees life as status quo; the tax rate needs to be reduced. He also commented on the ballot question regarding open space funding, noting the schools and churches are in Hightstown. There being no further comments, Mayor Kirson closed the public comment period. Mayor/Council/Administrative Comments and Committee Reports Councilmember Misiura – noted that he attended the Einstein Alley opening in East Windsor and he believes this will benefit Hightstown; the Planning Board adopted changes to the zoning map for the master plan; the Cultural Arts Commission meeting will be held on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Roasting Post building; East Winsor will host a presentation regarding the Exit 8 Turnpike Study; tax assessment always lags and is based on market rates. Councilmember Kurs – noted that he attended the Housing Authority meeting and that there is an issue with the well child care space, they have been told to find a new location; the fair was a great event; Mercer County Judge Dietrich died, she was a Mercer County native. Councilmember Hansen – noted that there is a water/sewer department meeting tomorrow; there is a lot of tax appeal information out there to let everyone know the process and how it works, Hightstown took action when it was needed with the re-assessment; commended the Hightstown employees for the score on the Best Practices, they are the ones who make sure we follow the policies and recommendations. Councilmember Thibault - commented that the Health Department is looking for a new place in Hightstown to hold the well child clinic; after the rain stopped, there was great attendance at the fair and the Board of Health performed free mammograms and pap smears at no cost to the taxpayers. October 20, 2014 - 11 - 15 Councilmember Quattrone – noted that it had rained very hard the day of the fair and the volunteers got soaked, but none of them complained; he is very proud to have been a part of this event. Mayor Kirson – commented that tax appeals have not been won in over four years; and the Assessor, Construction Official and Collector are independent of the elected officials, and elected officials have limited authority in these matters. He then noted that due to the fact that the Borough had no flood insurance, there is limited coverage on the old Borough Hall. The maximum we would get from FEMA is approximately $300,000, with a cost of $75,000 for the detailed work necessary to see if we even qualify. Last year we did an emergency appropriation in the amount of $100,000 for professionals to evaluate the Borough Hall situation. Councilmember Quattrone noted that the Council had the experts evaluate the situation to confirm the figures; they did not decide this without professional recommendations. Mayor Kirson continued that in the 2014 budget we had extraordinary expenses including the $100,000 emergency appropriation for the professionals to evaluate Borough Hall; with an emergency appropriation you must include it in the following year’s budget. We also had $135,000 in litigation settlements. If you compare the 2014 budget to the 2010 budget, when we were in Borough Hall and did not have to pay rent for the police and court, and you remove these expenses, the 2014 budget is less than in 2010. So if you think this Council, in the last four years, has been throwing money out the window, you are incorrect. Municipal taxes in the Borough have been stabilized and we have to realistically look at who we are and what we have; the school budget is $64M and they can raise their budget 2% each year without a referendum, and there is almost a guarantee that they will and we have no control over that. He hears a lot of misinformation floating around. We are taxpayers too and the schools and county have much more impact on what you pay in taxes than the municipality has. Councilmember Misiura – commented that although he is not the Liaison to the Environmental Commission, and he does not recall if it was announced at the last meeting, that Hightstown has been designated as a Sustainable Jersey Certified Municipality. Councilmember Quattrone motioned to adjourn back into executive session at 9:10 pm, Council President Bluth seconded. All ayes. Councilmember Thibault motioned to adjourn at 9:30 pm, Councilmember Quattrone seconded. All ayes. Respectfully Submitted, Debra L. Sopronyi, RMC Borough Clerk October 20, 2014 - 12 - 16 Ordinance 2014-19 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING CHAPTER 19, “WATER AND SEWER,” SECTION 19-2 “CHARGES AND RENTS”, SUBSECTION 19-2-2 “WATER CHARGES” AND SUBSECTION 19-2-3 “SEWER CHARGES” OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown as follows: Section 1. Chapter 19, “Water and Sewer”, Section 19-2 “Charges and Rents”, Subsection 19-2-2 “Water Charges” and Subsection 19-2-3 “Sewer Charges” are hereby amended as follows (additions underlined; deletions in strikeout text): Subsection 19-2-2 Water Charges. a. Quarterly base charge for water connections (per connection unit) $37.50 44.00 per unit b. Quarterly base charge for auxiliary residential water-only connection (per connection unit), installed as per subsection 19-2.5c c. Water usage charge per each 100 cubic feet of metered water usage (all account types except auxiliary residential water-only connections) d. Water usage charge per each 100 cubic feet of metered water usage for auxiliary residential water-only connections e. Tanked water $1.85 1.96 $2.85 per unit $10.00 per 1,000 gallons f. Quarterly base charge for private fire service lines: Size of fire service line 2” 4” 6” 8” 10” $25.00 per unit $10.00 $50.00 $155.00 $335.00 $600.00 17 g. The Borough shall assess a charge of fifteen ($15.00) dollars for all water meter readings not required for the calculation of quarterly water bills. h. Water charges shall increase by an additional 1% on January 1, 2017. (1991 Code § 227-8; Ord. No. 836 § 2; Ord. No. 1995-11 § 1; Ord. No. 1996-20 § 2; Ord. No. 2002-11; Ord. No. 2002-24; Ord. No. 2004-04; Ord. No. 2004-10; Ord. No. 2006-29) Subsection 19-2-3 Sewer Charges. The following charges and rents shall be charged for use of the sewer system. For premises connected with the water mains of the public water and sewer system owned by the Borough, a sum shall be charged in accordance with the following rates and be computed from the amount and use of water taken from the water mains during the most recently billed quarter of the calendar year as evidenced by the reading of the water meter for the premises. Sewer charges shall be based upon the following: a. Quarterly base charge for sewage connections (per connection unit) whether or not any water is used during the quarter $60.00 74.00 per unit b. Sewage usage charge per each 100 cubic feet of metered water usage (all account types) $3.85 4.06 c. Rates for a.and b. above shall increase by 1% effective January 1, 2017. RECEIPT OF SEPTAGE/GREY WATER c. a. For processing of grey water delivered via tank truck by commercial entities: (1) For the first 1,500,000 gallons delivered by a commercial entity within a calendar year $33 37.00 per 1,000 gallons (2) For volume in excess of 1,500,000 gallons delivered by a commercial entity within a calendar year $26.00 per 1,000 gallons (3) The contents of each tanker will be tested so as to determine the pH level of the material. For material with a measured pH found to be between 5.0 and 5.5, an additional surcharge will be assessed $ 5.00 per 1,000 gallons For material with a measured pH found to be below 5.0, an additional surcharge will be assessed $10.00 per 1,000 gallons d b. For processing of septic tank waste delivered via tank truck by commercial entities: (1) Septic containing less than 3% total solids: 18 (1.1) For the first 1,500,000 gallons delivered by a commercial entity within a calendar year $53 58.00 per 1,000 gallons (1.2) For volume in excess of 1,500,000 gallons delivered by a commercial entity within a calendar year $45.00 per 1,000 gallons (1.3) The contents of each tanker will be tested so as to determine the pH level of the material. For material with a measured pH found to be between 5.0 and 5.5, an additional surcharge will be assessed $ 5.00 per 1,000 gallons For material with a measured pH found to be below 5.0, an additional surcharge will be assessed $10.00 per 1,000 gallons (2) Septic containing greater than 3% total solids but less than 4% total solids: (2.1) Per 1,000 gallons (2.2) The contents of each tanker will be tested so as to determine the pH level of the material. $63 68.00 For material with a measured pH found to be between 5.0 and 5.5, an additional surcharge will be assessed $ 5.00 per 1,000 gallons For material with a measured pH found to be below 5.0, an additional surcharge will be assessed $10.00 per 1,000 gallons (3) Septic containing greater than 4% total solids but less than 5% total solids: (3.1) Per 1,000 gallons (3.2) The contents of each tanker will be tested so as to determine the pH level of the material. $73 78.00 For material with a measured pH found to be between 5.0 and 5.5, an additional surcharge will be assessed $ 5.00 per 1,000 gallons For material with a measured pH found to be below 5.0, an additional surcharge will be assessed $10.00 per 1,000 gallons 19 (4) Septic containing greater than 5% total solids: (4.1) Per 1,000 gallons (4.2) The contents of each tanker will be tested so as to determine the pH level of the material. $83 88.00 For material with a measured pH found to be between 5.0 and 5.5, an additional surcharge will be assessed $ 5.00 per 1,000 gallons For material with a measured pH found to be below 5.0, an additional surcharge will be assessed $10.00 per 1,000 gallons (5) Septic (Jugglers): (5.1) Per 1,000 gallons or any portion thereof (5.2) The contents of each tanker will be tested so as to determine the pH level of the material. $83 88.00 For material with a measured pH found to be between 5.0 and 5.5, an additional surcharge will be assessed $ 5.00 per 1,000 gallons For material with a measured pH found to be below 5.0, an additional surcharge will be assessed $10.00 per 1,000 gallons (6) Car Wash: e c. (6.1) Per 1,000 gallons or any portion thereof (6.2) The contents of each tanker will be tested so as to determine the pH level of the material. $63 68.00 For material with a measured pH found to be between 5.0 and 5.5, an additional surcharge will be assessed $ 5.00 per 1,000 gallons For material with a measured pH found to be below 5.0, an additional surcharge will be assessed $10.00 per 1,000 gallons Septic from Recreational Vehicles (RV): Per 1,000 gallons or any portion thereof$10.00 20 f d. For processing of fats and grease derived solely from animal, and/or vegetable sources delivered via tank truck by commercial entities, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY: $105 115 per 1,000 gallons g e. No petroleum oil or grease from mineral sources will be accepted at the Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. h f. The term "calendar year" as used in this Section shall be the period between January 1 and December 31. (1991 Code § 227-9; Ord. No. 836 § 3; Ord. No. 1995-11 § 2; Ord. No. 1996-7 §§ 1, 2; Ord. No. 1996-20 §3; Ord. No. 2002-11; Ord. No. 2003-30; Ord. No. 2005-10; Ord. No. 2006-29; Ord. No. 2008-15; Ord. No. 2011-12; Ord. No. 2013-11) Section 2. If any sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any persons or circumstances shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, or if by legislative action any sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall lose its force and effect, such judgment or action shall not affect, impair or void the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective January 1, 2015 upon final passage and publication in accordance with the law. Section 4. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. Introduced: Adopted: ATTEST: _________________________________ _________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi Municipal Clerk Steven Kirson Mayor 21 The Borough of Hightstown Administration Office 156 Bank Street, Hightstown, New Jersey 08520 Phone – (609) 490-5100, ext 701 Fax – (609) 371-0267 FROM THE DESK OF Henry M. Underhill BOROUGH ADMINISTRATOR TO: Mayor and Council DATE: October 29, 2014 RE: Water Sewer Rate Increase An ordinance to increase the water sewer fee rates has been placed on the agenda for your consideration. I have again amended the spread sheet to make it as up to date as possible. Current year revenue is lagging and it was necessary to limit even further the amount of surplus used to balance the 2015 budget. The rate increase is necessary because expenditures have increased while available fund balance has declined. It has been 8 years since the rates were increased. The Finance Officer and I have reviewed the history of expenditures and have made some conservative projections. The estimated budgets for 2015, 2016, and 2017 have been increased 1.7%, 12.1% and 3.6% respectively. The largest increase is due to anticipated capital/debt service expenses. The first section of the spread sheet shows the historic data for revenue and expenses and the projections. The second section of the spreadsheet lists old fees and projected new fees. The green highlighted area lists the percent of total revenue and the orange highlight indicates the percent of increase. Revenues have been increased to match the projected expenses from section one. While the budget has increased by only $52,800 the revenue is predicted to increase to $283,703. The difference is due to the decrease in the amount of fund balance. This section also indicates increases in the fees charged to dispose of septic. Septic disposal revenue had increased over the past few years. Those numbers were reduced during 2014 due to plant problems. We are reviewing the processing costs and trying to determine if there should be a limit on the amount of septic to handle over the course of a year. Our goal is to determine if there is an optimum amount that maximizes revenue and does not present a detriment to the plant process. The third section shows the old fees compared to the new fees based on an average user. Overall the cost is up 12% which represents an annual increase for the average user of $112.72. That is a quarterly increase of about $28. We have looked at all the aspects of the rate so that the increase could be kept as low as possible. I contacted the East Windsor MUA to determine if there could be any discussions about sending our flow to them. That request was rejected. At the same time I reviewed the costs involved in septic disposal. There is still a positive margin between costs and revenues. Finally I have included a provision in the ordinance to increase the fees by 1% for 2017. That may be sufficient to get through the 2018 budget. In 2018 the Borough will make the final payment on a bond. That will reduce debt service in 2019 by over $300,000. 22 23 24 25 The Borough of Hightstown Administration Office 156 Bank Street, Hightstown, New Jersey 08520 Phone – (609) 490-5100, ext 701 Fax – (609) 371-0267 FROM THE DESK OF Henry M. Underhill BOROUGH ADMINISTRATOR TO: Mayor and Council DATE: October 29, 2014 RE: Septic Cost Review Attached is a spreadsheet showing the cost analysis of septic processing. This was first done in 2009. I took the same percentages to update the 2014 numbers. Most costs have increased. I also added some items that I believe affect costs due to septic handling. The percentages used to determine costs were provided by the Borough Engineer. These numbers are used because we are not able to completely separate certain costs. For example there is only one electric meter, so it is impossible to get actual use numbers for septic. The top part of the form examines the cost of operating the sludge press. You will see that the disposal option being used is landfill. That was not the cheapest disposal used during the original analysis. However that has been what has been used due to the bid process. An estimate of what it would cost if not using the press is shown under the column called liquid costs. 26 Sludge press costs Disposal Press Elec Press Maint Mixer Maint Mixer elec Dwpump maint Dwpump elec Polymer Engineer debt service 2011 77220 2500 3360 1390 525 0 0 33809 118804 Septic Cost gallons revenue Septic treatment/disposal sludge mix sodium bicarb odor control magnesium alum chlorine 1a polymer 305 polymer sulfer dioxide elec lime grit lab lakeside maint lakside 1 lakeside 2 gas secondary maint plant maint labor postage generator bactericide misc chem 2014 liquid cost 130000 236000 2500 3360 1390 4000 525 4500 2800 220 65000 45500 1100 29871 233746 293020 revenue/gal 11200000 655000 2009 % of total 66000 2750 48286 21476 15782 14084 664 965 10166 530 56605 84 9648 752 1701 15000 13200 2335 1650 281678 50 100 100 100 50 50 10 10 55 10 50 50 75 10 100 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.06 cost/gal 0.03 2014 budget 2014 cost 130000 2750 38500 18000 32000 20800 8000 10000 65000 7000 94000 9000 22000 9500 2500 15000 13200 6000 2000 90500 25000 4000 3200 1432 5000 65000 2750 38500 18000 16000 10400 800 10000 35750 700 47000 4500 16500 950 2500 0 13200 0 400 9050 2500 400 320 140 500 295860 27 Ordinance 2014-18 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING CHAPTER 28, “ZONING,” OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN REGARDING PERMANENTLY INSTALLED STANDBY GENERATORS NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown as follows: Section 1. Chapter 28, “Zoning,” is hereby amended as follows (additions underlined; deletions in strikeout text): A. This ordinance shall apply to permanently installed standby generators B. Subsection 28-10-19 “Permanently Installed Standby Generators” is added as follows: 1. Standby generators shall be permitted as accessory uses in the following Residential Districts: R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 and shall be located in the rear yard only and not project beyond the side building lines of the principal structure. All generators shall be installed on a concrete pad or other pre-formed pad designed to meet the generator’s specifications. The generator shall be screened so it is not visible from adjacent properties or from any street or public way. For corner lots, generators may be located in the side yard with approval from the Zoning Officer. Screening shall consist either of plantings or an opaque fence of sufficient size and height to completely screen the generator from adjacent properties or from any street or public way. Screening shall be maintained by the owner or occupant of the property. 2. Standby generators may only be used when electric power to the property has been interrupted for reasons beyond the control of the property owner or resident, or for routine testing. Routine testing is permitted for a thirty minute period once a month during weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. subject to air quality restrictions. Routine testing shall not take place on days in which the air quality is classified as unhealthy for sensitive groups, unhealthy, very unhealthy, or hazardous in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-19.2(d) as it may be amended from time to time. 3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, generators shall not generate noise levels in excess of 68 dB at twenty-three feet when operating at one 28 hundred percent. Generators shall be operated at all times with a muffler, and any factory-installed enclosure for the generator may not be removed for any reason except for maintenance or repair. 4. Supplemental diesel and gasoline fuel storage tanks powering generators shall not be permitted in any residential zone. If the generator is powered by propane gas, the propane gas tank shall be completely screened so as not to be visible from adjacent properties or from any street or public way and shall obtain all applicable regulatory approvals. Section 2. If any sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any persons or circumstances shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, or if by legislative action any sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall lose its force and effect, such judgment or action shall not affect, impair or void the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage and publication in accordance with the law. Section 4. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. Introduced: Adopted: ATTEST: _________________________________ _________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi Municipal Clerk Steven Kirson Mayor 29 Resolution 2014-220 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF BILLS WHEREAS, certain bills are due and payable as per itemized claims listed on the following schedules, which are made a part of the minutes of this meeting as a supplemental record; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown that the bills be paid on audit and approval of the Borough Administrator, the appropriate Department Head and the Treasurer in the amount of $59,711.30 from the following accounts: Current $44,920.46 W/S Operating 11,690.12 General Capital 1,554.00 Water/Sewer Capital 0.00 Grant 0.00 Trust 460.72 Housing Trust 0.00 Animal Control 0.00 Law Enforcement Trust 0.00 Housing Rehab Loans 0.00 Unemployment Trust 0.00 Escrow 1,086.00 Total $59,711.30 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough Council at a meeting held on November 3, 2014. ____________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi Borough Clerk October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name P.O. Type: All Include Project Line Items: Yes Range: First to Last Format: Detail without Line Item Notes Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description A0107 ANSELL GRIMM & ARRON, PC 14-01938 10/16/14 SEPTEMBER BILLING 1 249470 SITE DEFICIENCIES 2 249461 GENERAL FILE 2014 3 249462 ENGINEERING MATTERS 4 249464 MEETING 2014 5 249468 POLICE MATTERS 2014 6 249463 LABOR MATTERS 2014 7 249471 TORT CLAIM 8 249473 LITIGATION 9 249465 LONG TERM LEASE LITIGAT 10 249466 LITIGATION 11 249467 LITIGATION 12 249469 TAX APPEAL 13 249472 TAX APPEAL Vendor Total: C0198 CAMBRIA AUTOMOTIVE CO. INC. 14-01883 10/08/14 INV 721690 FUEL PUMP 1 INV 721690 FUEL PUMP 30 Paid: N Held: Y State: Y Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description 912.50 1,337.50 162.50 812.50 137.50 37.50 50.00 200.00 12.50 337.50 300.00 37.50 62.50 4,400.00 Void: N Aprv: N Other: Y Exempt: Y First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl 4-01-20-155-001-027 4-01-20-155-001-027 4-01-20-155-001-027 4-01-20-155-001-029 4-01-20-155-001-031 4-01-20-155-001-031 4-01-20-155-001-033 4-01-20-155-001-033 4-01-20-155-001-033 4-01-20-155-001-033 4-01-20-155-001-033 4-01-20-150-001-196 4-01-20-150-001-196 B B B B B B B B B B B B B General Matters General Matters General Matters Attendance at Council Meetings Labor,Personnel & Union Council Labor,Personnel & Union Council Litigation Litigation Litigation Litigation Litigation Tax Appeals Tax Appeals R R R R R R R R R R R R R 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 2949470 249461 249462 249464 249468 249463 249471 249473 249465 249466 249467 249469 249472 N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4-01-43-507-001-029 4-01-31-440-001-079 4-09-55-501-003-550 4-09-55-501-003-548 B B B B Maint. Contracts - Other Telephone-VERIZON WIRELESS Telephone-Water Dept-NEXTEL Telephone-SPRINT R R R R 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 287258726345 287258726345 287258726345 287258726345 N N N N B Vehicle Maint. - Public Works R 10/08/14 10/27/14 721690 N 4,400.00 ATTWI005 AT&T WIRELESS 14-01982 10/27/14 ACCT 287258726345 9/13-10/12 1 POLICE DEPT PHONES 225.86 2 DPW PHONES 238.10 3 WTP PHONES 179.49 4 AWWWTP PHONES 99.05 742.50 Vendor Total: Open: N Rcvd: Y Bid: Y Page No: 1 742.50 475.74 4-01-26-315-001-132 October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description C0198 CAMBRIA AUTOMOTIVE CO. INC. Continued 14-01883 10/08/14 INV 721690 FUEL PUMP Continued 2 FUEL PUMP 80.00 4-01-26-315-001-132 555.74 Vendor Total: C0396 CAVANAUGH'S, INC. 14-01917 10/10/14 INV 546237, 546235 1 INV 546237 PEST CONTROL 2 INV 546235 PEST CONTROL Vendor Total: C0058 CINTAS CORPORATION #061 14-00186 02/10/14 2014 UNIFORM CONTRACT 38 INV 061637931 39 INV 061642000 40 INV 061645830 41 INV 061649734 Vendor Total: 20.00 4-01-26-310-001-024 20.00 4-01-26-310-001-024 40.00 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B Vehicle Maint. - Public Works R 10/08/14 10/27/14 721691 N B Building Maintenance B Building Maintenance R R 10/10/14 10/27/14 10/10/14 10/27/14 546237 546235 N N B B B B R R R R 09/04/14 09/04/14 09/04/14 09/04/14 061637931 061642000 061645830 061649734 N N N N B Internet Services R 10/23/14 10/27/14 09568554722018 N B Maint. Contracts - Other R 10/23/14 10/27/14 31935180 40.00 77.88 77.88 77.88 77.88 311.52 4-09-55-501-002-507 4-09-55-501-002-507 4-09-55-501-002-507 4-09-55-501-002-507 Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms & & & & Safety Safety Safety Safety Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 311.52 102.85 COMCA005 COMCAST BUSINESS 14-01978 10/23/14 930909813 INV31931580 10/15/14 1 930909813 INV31931580 10/15/14 195.30 4-01-43-507-001-029 Vendor Total: 31 555.74 C0023 COMCAST 14-01977 10/23/14 09568 554722-01-8 10/24-11/23 1 09568 554722-01-8 10/24-11/23 102.85 4-09-55-501-002-545 Vendor Total: Page No: 2 195.30 N October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description C0087 CUSTOM BANDAG, INC 14-01939 10/16/14 HPD SEPTEMBER ELECTRIC 1 HPD SEPTEMBER ELEC 9/04-10/02 687.12 4-01-31-430-001-071 Vendor Total: G0017 GALLAGHER CODE MANAGEMENT 14-01748 09/16/14 CODIFICATION SERVICES 1 CODIFICATION SERVICES Vendor Total: G0191 GRAMCO BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS 14-01879 10/08/14 MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 1 MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B Electric-Borough Hall R 10/16/14 10/27/14 09/04-10/02/14 N B Due To NJ - Marriage Licenses R 10/08/14 10/27/14 3RD QTR 2014 N B Preventive Maintenance R 10/03/14 10/27/14 95777 H3415 N B Internet Services and Web Services R 09/16/14 10/27/14 JULY/AUG 2014 N B Maintenance Contracts R 10/08/14 10/27/14 0077897 N B Maint. Contracts - Office R 10/08/14 10/27/14 1708 N 2,616.75 450.00 4-01-20-140-001-060 450.00 M0714 GENSERVE, INC. 14-01886 10/08/14 INV 0077897-IN B SERVICE 1 INV 0077897-IN B SERVICE 180.00 4-01-26-310-001-029 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 300.00 F0477 FIREFIGHTER ONE LLC 14-01847 10/03/14 INV 95777 H3415 IGNITER 1 INV 95777 H3415 IGNITER 2,616.75 4-01-25-252-002-121 Vendor Total: 32 687.12 D0050 DEPT OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES 14-01871 10/08/14 MARRIAGE/CIVIL UNION 3Q 2014 1 MARRIAGE/CIVIL UNION 3Q 2014 300.00 4-01-55-003-000-001 Vendor Total: Page No: 3 180.00 495.00 4-01-20-120-001-026 495.00 October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description G0050 GROVE SUPPLY INC 14-01882 10/08/14 INV S4035061.001 PIPE TAP 1 INV S4035061.001 PIPE TAP 13.10 4-01-26-310-001-024 Vendor Total: 14-01918 10/10/14 INV 6034758,6030672,5573320 1 INV 6034758 CRIMPED WIRE WHL 8.27 2 INV 6030672 MASTER LOCK,CLIP 13.72 3 INV 5573320 ROPE, PAINT, BRUSH 79.09 4 INV 7042510 5PC PLIERS 18.93 120.01 J0035 JANINE M. KRUPA 14-01913 10/10/14 DRY CLEANING - KRUPA 1 DRY CLEANING - KRUPA Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B Building Maintenance R 10/08/14 10/27/14 S4035061.001 N B FIRE DEPT A/C,GEN,FIRE SUPPRESSION R 10/03/14 10/27/14 2014-13 A/C HFD N B Equipment Parts & Accessories B Sewer Plant Maintenance B Parks & Playgrd Maintenance R R R 10/01/14 10/27/14 10/01/14 10/27/14 10/01/14 10/27/14 9040079 2035322 1035446 N N N B B B B Street Repair & Maintenance Sewer Plant Maintenance Sewer Plant Maintenance Street Repair & Maintenance R R R R 10/10/14 10/10/14 10/10/14 10/10/14 6034758 6030672 5573320 7042510 N N N N B Uniform Allowance/Leather Gds. R 10/10/14 10/27/14 B Street Lighting R 10/23/14 10/27/14 1,554.00 H1100 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 14-01828 10/01/14 INV 9040079, 2035322,1035446 1 INV. 9040079 6.81 4-01-26-311-001-034 2 INV. 2035322 81.17 4-09-55-501-002-503 3 INV. 1035446 3.87 4-01-28-369-001-141 91.85 Vendor Total: 33 13.10 H0459 HIGHTSTOWN ENGINE CO. #1 14-01843 10/03/14 REIMBURSEMENT A/C ORD 2014-13 1 REIMBURSEMENT A/D ORD 2014-13 1,554.00 C-04-55-873-001-445 Vendor Total: Page No: 4 4-01-26-290-001-127 4-09-55-501-002-503 4-09-55-501-002-503 4-01-26-290-001-127 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 211.86 67.05 4-01-25-240-001-043 N 67.05 J0258 JCP&L (STREET LIGHTING) 14-01973 10/23/14 PW 100011415765 09/19-10/20 1 PW 100011415765 09/19-10/20 1,266.93 4-01-31-435-001-075 100011415765 N October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description J0258 JCP&L (STREET LIGHTING) Continued 14-01973 10/23/14 PW 100011415765 09/19-10/20 Continued 2 PW 100011415765 09/19-10/20 799.68 4-01-31-435-001-075 2,066.61 14-01974 10/23/14 PW 100011415724 9/19-10/13 1 PW 100011415724 9/19-10/13 305.31 4-01-31-435-001-075 2 GREEN MOUNTAIN ENERGY COMPANY 150.03 4-01-31-435-001-075 455.34 Vendor Total: K0017 KRISTY GILSENAN 14-01976 10/23/14 MILEAGE 9/12-10/17 1 MILEAGE 9/12-10/17 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B Street Lighting R 10/23/14 10/27/14 100011415765 N B Street Lighting B Street Lighting R R 10/23/14 10/27/14 10/23/14 10/27/14 100011415724 100011415724 N N B Maintenance Contracts R 10/08/14 10/27/14 148466 N B Outside Consulting Services (B R 09/19/14 10/27/14 55777 N B Miscellaneous R 10/23/14 10/27/14 MLG 9/12-10/17 N B Ammunition & Target Practice R 04/15/14 10/27/14 N 516.00 184.80 4-01-20-176-000-199 184.80 L0019 LAWMEN SUPPLY CO. 14-00726 04/15/14 SPEER LAWNAN 357 SIG 125 GRAIN 2 SPEER LAWMAN 40 CAL S/W 155 GR 428.78 4-01-25-240-001-117 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 334.65 J0070 JW SCOTT 14-01777 09/19/14 2014 YEARLY COMPLIANCE TESTING 1 2014 YEARLY COMPLIANCE TESTING 516.00 4-09-55-501-002-528 Vendor Total: 34 2,521.95 J0069 JERSEY ELEVATOR SERVICE 14-01874 10/08/14 INV 148466 FULL MAINTENANCE 1 INV 148466 FULL MAINTENANCE 334.65 4-01-26-310-001-029 Vendor Total: Page No: 5 428.78 October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description L0037 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 14-01972 10/23/14 NOVEMBER LIFE INSURANCE 1 NOVEMBER LIFE INSURANCE 198.80 4-01-23-210-003-115 2 NOVEMBER LIFE INSURANCE 14.20 4-09-55-501-001-514 3 NOVEMBER LIFE INSURANCE 42.60 4-09-55-501-002-514 255.60 Vendor Total: N0021 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO. 14-01508 08/13/14 1 29547-1456 WORK LIGHT 2 383883-1456 3 39945-1456 PRYBAR SET 4 158350-1456 PUNCH & CHISEL KIT 5 35944-1456 Vendor Total: P0089 PARKSON TREATING WATER RIGHT 14-01655 09/05/14 PARTS FOR FINESCREEN 1 #3384-0061M CHAIN TIGHTENER MN 2 #0004729 #40 CHAIN WITH First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 2873448791 2873448791 2873448791 1099 Excl B Medical Ins-Empl Grp Health B INSURANCE B Insurance R R R 10/23/14 10/27/14 10/23/14 10/27/14 10/23/14 10/27/14 N N N B Landfill Solid Waste Disposal-MCIA B Recycling Tax R R 10/10/14 10/27/14 10/10/14 10/27/14 B Vehicle Maint. - Public Works R 10/08/14 10/27/14 B B B B B Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance R R R R R 08/13/14 08/13/14 08/13/14 08/13/14 08/13/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 N N N N N B Sewer Plant Maintenance B Sewer Plant Maintenance R R 09/05/14 10/27/14 09/05/14 10/27/14 N N N N 17,523.08 M0181 MERCER SPRING 14-01872 10/08/14 INV 26018 VEHICLE 102 MAINTEN 1 INV 26018 VEHICLE 102 MAINTEN 1,325.62 4-01-26-315-001-132 Vendor Total: 35 255.60 M0256 MERCER CO IMPROVEMT AUTHORITY 14-01921 10/10/14 SEPTEMBER 2014 TIPPING 1 SEPTEMBER 2014 TIPPING 17,077.58 4-01-32-465-001-165 2 RECYCLING TAX 445.50 4-01-43-496-001-174 17,523.08 Vendor Total: Page No: 6 26018 N 1,325.62 34.99 79.99 23.99 29.99 14.99 183.95 4-09-55-501-002-503 4-09-55-501-002-503 4-09-55-501-002-503 4-09-55-501-002-503 4-09-55-501-002-503 Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant 183.95 255.50 4-09-55-501-002-503 45.00 4-09-55-501-002-503 October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description P0089 PARKSON TREATING WATER RIGHT Continued 14-01655 09/05/14 PARTS FOR FINESCREEN Continued 3 PACKAGE & HANDLING FEE 25.00 4-09-55-501-002-503 4 FREIGHT 12.82 4-09-55-501-002-503 338.32 Page No: 7 36 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice B Sewer Plant Maintenance B Sewer Plant Maintenance R R 09/05/14 10/27/14 09/18/14 10/27/14 B Medical Exams/Hepatitis B Shot R 10/08/14 10/27/14 B Sewer Plant Maintenance B Sewer Plant Maintenance R R 10/01/14 10/27/14 10/23/14 10/27/14 6226 N N B Gas/Heat - Fire House B Gas/Heat - Fire House R R 10/23/14 10/27/14 10/23/14 10/27/14 6675946706 6675946706 N N 14-01965 10/23/14 DPW 6687890808 09/11-10/10 1 DPW 6687890808 09/11-10/10 19.92 4-01-31-446-001-070 2 DPW 6687890808 LATE CHARGE 0.41 4-01-31-446-001-070 20.33 B Gas Heat - Borough Hall B Gas Heat - Borough Hall R R 10/23/14 10/27/14 10/23/14 10/27/14 6687890808 6687890808 N N 14-01966 10/23/14 WTP 6503987609 09/11-10/10 1 WTP 6503987609 09/11-10/10 12.20 4-09-55-501-001-505 2 WTP 6503987609 LATE CHARGE 0.17 4-09-55-501-001-505 12.37 B Gas Service B Gas Service R R 10/23/14 10/27/14 10/23/14 10/27/14 6503987609 6503987609 N N Vendor Total: N 475.00 P0073 PRIME SOLUTION INC. 14-01831 10/01/14 PNEUMATIC RADIAL SEAL TUBE 1 03-36-2152 MATL: NBR 112" OAL 231.00 4-09-55-501-002-503 2 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 47.30 4-09-55-501-002-503 278.30 Vendor Total: N N 338.32 P0305 PLAINFIELD CONSULTATION CENTER 14-01864 10/08/14 PSYCH EVAL - JESSE TOMA 1 PSYCH EVAL - JESSE TOMA 475.00 3-01-25-240-001-093 Vendor Total: AR1/51009290 AR1/51009290 1099 Excl 278.30 P0044 PSE&G 14-01964 10/23/14 PW 6675946706 09/11-10/10 1 PW 6675946706 09/11-10/10 11.17 4-01-31-446-001-143 2 PW 6675946706 LATE PAYMENT CHG 0.16 4-01-31-446-001-143 11.33 October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description P0044 PSE&G Continued 14-01967 10/23/14 6579810904 09/11-10/10 10/2014 1 6579810904 09/11-10/10 10/2014 35.49 4-01-31-446-001-070 Page No: 8 37 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B Gas Heat - Borough Hall R 10/23/14 10/27/14 6579810904 N 14-01968 10/23/14 DPW 6606292905 09/11-10/10 1 DPW 6606292905 09/11-10/10 63.69 4-09-55-501-001-505 B Gas Service R 10/23/14 10/27/14 6606292905 N 14-01969 10/23/14 FD 6539567103 09/11-10/10 1 FD 6539567103 09/11-10/10 131.75 4-01-31-446-001-143 B Gas/Heat - Fire House R 10/23/14 10/27/14 6539567103 N 14-01970 10/23/14 6679486904 09/11-10/10 10/2014 1 6679486904 09/11-10/10 10/2014 54.93 4-09-55-501-002-505 B Gas Service R 10/23/14 10/27/14 6679486904 N 117.00 4-09-55-501-001-532 B Outside Testing/Labs R 09/19/14 10/27/14 1643854 N 505.50 4-09-55-501-001-532 B Outside Testing/Labs R 09/19/14 10/27/14 1644479 N 14-01943 10/20/14 WATER ANALYSIS - 10-1-14 1 INV. 1651229 - WATER ANALYSIS 193.00 4-09-55-501-001-532 B Outside Testing/Labs R 10/20/14 10/27/14 1651229 N 14-01955 10/20/14 WATER ANALYSIS - 10-1-14 1 INV. 1651950 - WATER ANALYSIS 140.50 4-09-55-501-001-532 2 INV. 1652241 - WATER ANALYSIS 107.00 4-09-55-501-001-532 247.50 B Outside Testing/Labs B Outside Testing/Labs R R 10/20/14 10/27/14 10/20/14 10/27/14 1651950 1652241 N N 14-01960 10/20/14 INV 1592446, 1593062, 1603090 1 INV #1592446 122.50 4-09-55-501-002-532 2 INV #1593062 122.50 4-09-55-501-002-532 3 INV #1603090 825.00 4-09-55-501-002-532 1,070.00 B Outside Lab Testing B Outside Lab Testing B Outside Lab Testing R R R 10/20/14 10/27/14 10/20/14 10/27/14 10/20/14 10/27/14 Vendor Total: Q0176 QC, INC. 14-01772 09/19/14 WATER ANALYSIS 1 INV. 1643854 - WATER ANALYSIS 14-01780 09/19/14 INV 1644479 1 INV 1644479 Vendor Total: 329.89 2,133.00 N N N October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description R0684 ROBERT TINDALL 14-01957 10/20/14 LEAF DISPOSAL 1 2014 LEAF DISPOSAL Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description 38 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B LEAF DISPOSAL R 10/20/14 10/27/14 DEPOSIT N P ENCHANTMENT AT HIGHTSTOWN LLC R 10/15/14 10/27/14 #13580 N P YASH AUTO SERVICE, INC R 10/15/14 10/27/14 #13583 N 14-01933 10/15/14 INV. #13640/ENCHANTMENT 1 INV. #13640/ENCHANTMENT 85.00 ENCHA03-04 P ENCHANTMENT AT HIGHTSTOWN LLC R 10/15/14 10/27/14 #13640 N 14-01934 10/15/14 INV #13641/HABITAT HUMANITY 1 INV #13641/HABITAT HUMANITY 527.50 MIL11-02 P MILLSTONE BASIN HABITAT R 10/15/14 10/27/14 #13641 N B Sewer Plant Maintenance R 10/16/14 10/27/14 43084 N B Uniform Repairs & Accessories R 10/03/14 10/27/14 6336 N B Contract-Sakoutis Brothers Dsp-Dumpsters R 06/18/14 10/27/14 297352 N Vendor Total: 3,500.00 4-01-26-311-001-166 Page No: 9 3,500.00 R0077 ROBERTS ENGINEERING GRP LLC 14-01930 10/15/14 INVOICE #13580/ENCHANTMENT 1 INVOICE #13580/ENCHANTMENT 65.00 ENCHA03-04 14-01932 10/15/14 INV #13583/YASH AUTO 1 INV. #13583/YASH AUTO Vendor Total: 408.50 YASH1306 1,086.00 R1140 RUBBER SUPPLY CO. 14-01940 10/16/14 FREIGHT CHARGES FROM INV 43084 1 FREIGHT CHARGES FROM INV 43084 115.00 4-09-55-501-002-503 Vendor Total: 115.00 S0161 SAFE-T 14-01844 10/03/14 INV 6336 DATED 9/3/14 BOOTS 1 INV 6336 DATED 9/3/14 BOOTS 320.00 4-01-25-252-002-032 Vendor Total: 320.00 S0122 SAKOUTIS BROTHERS DISPOSAL,INC 14-00184 02/07/14 2014 DUMPSTER CONTRACT 12 297352 NOVEMBER DUMPSTER SVC 2,437.50 4-01-26-305-001-029 Vendor Total: 2,437.50 October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description S0905 SIMPLEX-GRINNELL ONLINE STORE 14-00085 01/24/14 TIME CARDS 1 1950-9257 TRUE ALIGN TIME CARD 2 SHIPPING Vendor Total: S0037 SONIA MARCOS 14-01975 10/23/14 10/8/14 COURT SESSION 1 10/8/14 COURT SESSION Vendor Total: Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description 59.99 4-09-55-501-002-503 8.43 4-09-55-501-002-503 68.42 60.00 4-01-20-176-000-114 1099 Excl B Sewer Plant Maintenance B Sewer Plant Maintenance R R 01/24/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 N N B Court Assistance R 10/23/14 10/27/14 10/08/14 N B General Planning-Consulting R 07/30/13 10/27/14 17-06-341-08 N B Maint.& Replace-Street Trees R 10/01/14 10/27/14 N/A N B Building Rental R 10/09/14 10/27/14 4TH QTR COURT N B Vehicle Maint. - Police R 10/08/14 10/27/14 1,000.00 2,500.00 T0141 TREAT'S GARAGE 14-01865 10/08/14 TOWED DISABLED POLICE CAR #5 1 TOWED DISABLED POLICE CAR #5 100.00 4-01-26-315-001-131 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 866.25 T0060 TOWNSHIP OF ROBBINSVILLE 14-01899 10/09/14 4TH QTR SHARED SERVICES COURT 1 4TH QTR SHARED SERVICES COURT 2,500.00 4-01-26-310-001-025 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 60.00 T0972 TIMBERWOLF TREE SERVICE 14-01827 10/01/14 REMOVE 2 TREES 9/10/14 1 REMOVE 2 TREES ON N.ACADEMY 1,000.00 4-01-26-290-001-129 Vendor Total: 39 68.42 T0002 TAMARA L. LEE,PP,AICP,LLA, 13-01403 07/30/13 RES#2013-142MASTER PLAN REEXAM 7 INV 17 06-341-8 MASTER PLAN 866.25 3-01-21-180-001-105 Vendor Total: Page No: 10 100.00 N October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description Page No: 11 40 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl U0007 UNIVAR USA 14-00191 02/10/14 2014 BLANKET CAL HYDROX LIME 16 INV775767 CAL HYDROXIDE LIME 311.80 4-09-55-501-002-553 B Calcium Hydroxide (Lime) R 07/01/14 10/27/14 INV 775767 N 14-00192 02/10/14 2014 WTP CALC HYDROXIDE LIME 9 INV 775768 CAL HYDROXIDE LIME 1,247.20 4-09-55-501-001-527 B Calcium Hydroxide - Lime R 07/16/14 10/27/14 HB775768 N B DPW Work Equipment R 10/01/14 10/27/14 B Employee Physicals/Hepatits B R 10/03/14 10/27/14 0193409-NJ N B Aluminum Sulfate R 05/12/14 10/27/14 1163361 N B Telephone-W/S-VERIZON R 10/16/14 10/27/14 609448418403883 N B Maint. Contracts - Other R 10/23/14 10/27/14 9733523043 Vendor Total: 1,559.00 U0144 UPS 14-01830 10/01/14 SHIP TO STANDARD AUTO ELECTRIC 1 SHIP TO STANDARD AUTO ELECTRIC 12.15 4-01-26-290-001-050 Vendor Total: 12.15 U1141 US HEALTHWORKS 14-01845 10/03/14 PHYSICAL EXAM AWWTP 0193409-NJ 1 PHYSICAL EXAM AWWTP 0193409-NJ 141.00 4-09-55-501-002-536 Vendor Total: 141.00 U0061 USALCO BALTIMORE PLANT, LLC 14-00181 02/07/14 LIQUID ALUM SULFATE5 INV 1163361 DATED 10/06/14 4,199.31 4-09-55-501-002-542 Vendor Total: 4,199.31 V0019 VERIZON 14-01936 10/16/14 AWWTP 6094484184038837 10/1/14 1 AWWTP 6094484184038837 10/1/14 34.47 4-09-55-501-003-545 Vendor Total: 34.47 V0022 VERIZON WIRELESS 14-01979 10/23/14 442014572-00001 MDN 9/11-10/10 1 442014572-00001 MDN 9/11-10/10 200.18 4-01-43-507-001-029 Vendor Total: N 200.18 N October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description YUCKO005 YUCKO'S 14-01905 10/10/14 BID 3545 3 AMBU BAGS 1 SM AMBU BAG 2 MED AMBU BAG 3 LARGE AMBU BAG 4 SHIPPING Vendor Total: Total Purchase Orders: Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B Tax Bill/Notice Printing R 10/10/14 10/27/14 N B Grit/Screening Disposal-Waste Mgmt R 09/17/14 10/27/14 0098489-2382-8 N B Building Rental R 10/09/14 10/27/14 97930198 B B B B R R R R 10/10/14 10/10/14 10/10/14 10/10/14 1,068.67 W0094 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC. 14-01901 10/09/14 INV 97930198 10/08-11/07/14 1 97930198 10/08-11/07 HPD 130.90 4-01-26-310-001-025 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 100.00 W0070 WASTE MANAGEMENT LANDFILL 14-01755 09/17/14 inv 0098489-2382-8 9/08/14 1 inv 0098489-2382-8 9/08/14 1,068.67 4-09-55-501-002-540 Vendor Total: 41 Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description V0290 VITAL COMMUNICATIONS INC. 14-01923 10/10/14 ADDED AND OMITTED TAPE 1 ADDED AND OMITTED TAPE 100.00 4-01-20-145-001-023 Vendor Total: Page No: 12 N 130.90 144.00 144.00 144.00 28.72 460.72 T-12-56-286-000-861 T-12-56-286-000-861 T-12-56-286-000-861 T-12-56-286-000-861 ANIMAL ANIMAL ANIMAL ANIMAL WELFARE WELFARE WELFARE WELFARE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE 460.72 68 Total P.O. Line Items: 116 Total List Amount: 59,711.30 Total Void Amount: 0.00 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 N N N N October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name Page No: 13 42 Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Rcvd Budget Held Budget Total Revenue Total G/L Total Project Total Total CURRENT FUND 3-01 1,341.25 0.00 1,341.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,341.25 CURRENT FUND 4-01 43,579.21 0.00 43,579.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,579.21 4-09 11,690.12 0.00 11,690.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,690.12 4-21 0.00 55,269.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 55,269.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,086.00 1,086.00 1,086.00 56,355.33 Year Total: GENERAL CAPITAL C-04 1,554.00 0.00 1,554.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,554.00 TRUST OTHER - FUND #12 T-12 460.72 0.00 460.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 460.72 58,625.30 0.00 58,625.30 0.00 0.00 1,086.00 59,711.30 Total Of All Funds: October 29, 2014 10:24 AM Borough of Hightstown Bill List By Vendor Name 43 Project Description Project No. ENCHANTMENT AT HIGHTSTOWN LLC ENCHA03-04 150.00 0.00 150.00 MILLSTONE BASIN HABITAT MIL11-02 527.50 0.00 527.50 YASH AUTO SERVICE, INC YASH1306 408.50 0.00 408.50 1,086.00 0.00 1,086.00 Total Of All Projects: Rcvd Total Page No: 14 Held Total Project Total 44 Resolution 2014-221 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT ENGINEER BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to prepare and advertise a Request for Proposals for a Waste Water Treatment Plant Engineer for the Waste Water Treatment Plants, and that the Borough is authorized to receive same after proper advertisement. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough Council at a meeting held on November 3, 2014. _______________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi Borough Clerk 45 Resolution 2014-222 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING RECEIPT OF BIDS FOR CHEMICALS BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hightstown that the Borough Engineer is hereby authorized to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for Chemicals for the Water and Waste Water Treatment Plants, and that the Borough is authorized to receive same after proper advertisement. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough Council at a meeting held on November 3, 2014. _______________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi Borough Clerk 46 Resolution 2014-223 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY APPROVAL TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION AND EXECUTE A GRANT CONTRACT WITH THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE REHABILITATION OF EAST WARD STREET PROJECT NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of Hightstown formally approves the grant application for the above stated projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to submit an electronic grant application identified as MA-2015-Hightstown Borough-00398 to the New Jersey Department of Transportation on behalf of the Borough of Hightstown. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the grant agreement on behalf of the Borough of Hightstown and that their signature constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant agreement and approves the execution of the grant agreement. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough Council at a meeting held on November 3, 2014. _______________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi Borough Clerk My signature and the Clerk’s seal serve to acknowledge the above resolution and constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant agreement and approved the execution of the grant agreement as authorized by the resolution above. ATTEST and AFFIX SEAL ___________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi, Borough Clerk ____________________________________ Steven Kirson, Mayor 47 48 Resolution 2014-224 BOROUGH OF HIGHTSTOWN COUNTY OF MERCER STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING RESOLUTION 2014-21 WHEREAS resolution 2014-21 adopted by the Hightstown Borough Council on January 2, 2014 established the 2014 schedule of holidays ; and WHEREAS, the holiday in observance of Veterans Day is listed on the resolution for Monday, November 10, 2014; and WHEREAS, the holiday in observance of Veterans Day should have been be listed on the resolution for Tuesday, November 11, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Hightstown that resolution 2014-21 is hereby amended to correct the holiday observance of Veterans Day to read Tuesday, November 11, 2014. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough Council at a meeting held on November 3, 2014. _____________________________________ Debra L. Sopronyi Borough Clerk
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