Cheadle Parish Church Those who are blessed, are called to be a blessing! In Touch 9th November 2014 Remembrance Day Remembrance and Memorial Today’s Service times & arrangements 9.30am Informal Remembrance Service; Children will leave church after the FIRST hymn for Sunday School, and then the service finishes in time to collect children to assemble for the parade. ~10.45am Parade leaves the Lych Gate to process to the war memorial for a short act of remembrance, Refreshments at Trinity afterwards, or join in with... 11.15am Traditional Remembrance service which will start when those in the parade have returned. 6.30pm Memorial service, for those who have been bereaved, remembering loved ones. The INTERS group goes straight to the Upper Room rather than joining in church first. In memory of 100 years since the first World War, the Flower Team have placed one hundred poppies in the Chancel to commemorate the anniversary. Invitation Quiz Night 18 November at 7.30pm Imperial Restaurant, Cheadle In a world of uncertainty – Ebola, IS, Pistorius – does God really care? Eddie Scrase-Field will give a short talk to begin to address this question at our quiz night. Teams should ideally have 6 – 8 members and, if demand exceeds supply (and it is nearly full), priority will be given to those who are inviting their friends to the event. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR BOOKING. Tickets cost £13.00 per person available from Trish Wells or Sarah Holmes. A three course banquet and the quiz by our very own Shell and Debbie Edmonds is included in the price. Invitations are available on the way out of church. For more information speak to Trish on 0161 485 6798 or email her on: [email protected] Is this your first time? Welcome! Make yourself at home. Need anything? Ask one of our welcome team who’d love to help. Stay for a chat! There are refreshments after the main services, served at the back Giving? There’s no collection during services. Please place any gifts in the box near the main door. Standing order and giftaid forms are available. Young children? Use our sound-proofed Tower Room if they get restless, or join in Sunday clubs at Upper Room Deaf? An induction loop is available. Mobiles? Please turn OFF, unless on call Prayer? There is prayer support after 9.30 & 6.30 services, and during communion, at the front of the church by the Cheadle Cross. Check it out! (Inside this issue) Pray for Cheadle All the churches of Cheadle and Gatley have committed to pray for God’s blessing on us and our community in Cheadle. Take a prayer card, join in every day until 1st Dec. More details: ⇒ Events this week p2 ⇒ Events coming soon p2 ⇒ Events Further Afield p3 ⇒ Victorian Christmas p3 ⇒ Events and Calendar p4 ⇒ Prayer Section p4 Counting the Cost Rob Munro It is a year of milestone anniversaries: 100 years since the start of WW1, and 75 years since the start of WW2. The sheer scale of the cost of those wars is almost impossible to conceive: 16 million causalities in WW1, and >60 million in WW2 (2.5% of the world population of the time). As our war memorial poignantly reminds us, every area was impacted, and every person named on it was an individual, a member of a family, part of a local community. So was it worth it? It would be easy to say, anything is better than a war, until we realise the consequences of inaction in the face of tyranny and injustice. This week ISIS forces in Syria massacred 322 women and children from one tribe, adding to the over 24,000 people the UN estimate have been killed as part of the ISIS policy of ‘convert or die’. Every Christian in Mosul, which used to have one of the world’s oldest Christian communities, has now been either killed or become a refugee (there were 30000 in Mosul in 2003). Some evils need resisting! The challenge of Remembrance Day is for us to count the cost, to remember that if we are to see evil restrained, it will mean some of us risking standing up against it, a risk that may cost some their lives. Jesus Christ’s rescue plan for a world gone wrong came with the same cost. To stand up against injustice and evil, to change the wickedness of the human heart, he had to give his life, to sacrifice himself. But his call to us is to count the cost and make a stand for what is true and good in our own day. For some that may involve a fight against tyranny and terror; for others it may mean resisting damaging cultural ideologies that undermine family, community or faith. There is a cost to count! But even as we are grateful today for those whose sacrifices bought our freedom we need to hear the call to uphold truth, justice and faith in our own day. I wonder if that is what we will be remembered for? Yours in Christ, Rob Page 2 In Touch THIS WEEK COMING SOON Parish Office Prayer for Israel Sheila won’t be in the office on Tuesday of this week, but will be in on Thursday (usually her day off). Next meets on Monday 17th November Men’s Group Event Tatton Brewery Tour Thursday 13th November at 7pm A private tour of one of our local breweries. You will learn about the brewing process, local history and of course get to taste some of the product. It also includes beer themed, buffet style food to accompany the beer. Price is £15 per person and must be paid in full in advance. Deadline for booking is TODAY Anyone prepared to help by giving people a lift would be greatly appreciated. If you can help, please let us know at the time of booking. Please see James Grummitt 07901867213 or Simon Wheatley for more information. Noah’s Ark Meets in church on Friday 14 November. For pre-school aged children and their carers. For all those who are seeking to see a biblical voice shaping the CofE’s future Third Age Forum Prayer for the Persecuted Church Will meet on Sunday 16th November at the home of Kim and Sue Southgate at 4pm for prayer followed by a Bring and Share Tea before the evening service. Open to Question Sunday 16th November 6.30pm Jonathan Dawson, Pastor of Fords Lane Evangelical Church, will be our guest preacher at next Sunday evening’s Open to Question Service. He will be helping us consider the topic: “Is it time to dust off the Old Testament”? Everyone is welcome. OTHER NEWS Remembering Joyce Flynn Joyce Flynn died last week aged 92, following a severe stroke 2 weeks previously. Joyce was a member of St Mary’s and Tuesday at Two. She moved to Germany 3 years ago, where she was cared for by her daughter Susan and son-in-law Ernest. Alzheimer's Event Following the forum organized by the Third Age group several people have asked for a copy of the book, "Alzheimer's: An Engineers View" written by Fred Walker who gave the talk. We now have more copies available at £5 each with all proceeds going to Alzheimer's Research. Please see Steve Whitaker if you require a copy. Saturday 22 November 10am—1pm in the Upper Room FRANCIS OF ASSISI Joy in Creation, Care for the Poor, Music and Song, Simple Lifestyle, Peace Maker, Simple Bible Message, Laughter Forum led by Mike Lowe and Mel MacLeod. All Welcome. GraceNotes Concert Saturday 22nd November 7.30pm at St Andrew’s Church, Cheadle Hulme, Money raised will be for Mustard Tree. Tickets cost £6 and can be purchased from: Paul: 07808 579492 St Andrew’s: 485 2648 Would be great to have the support of St Mary’s folk! Available: IKEA 4 wire baskets, storage unit 21" long, 16" wide and 27"high. Needed: Does anyone have a spare few God’s LOOT hours to help tidy up an allotment in Cheadle Hulme? For both items please contact Sue Southgate on 486 9389 Needed: One Litre Ice Cream Containers with lids are required again for the Christmas Market - if you have any could you bring to church and give to Graham Lowcock In Touch JOIN IN WITH ... Page 3 FURTHER AFIELD The Message Vision Night Prisoner of the Month on Saturday 15th November from 7.00pm at Audacious Church in Salford (M3 7BB) Tickets costing £5 are available from or 0161 946 2300. This is a new initiative that the “Persecuted Church Prayer Group” are organising to encourage us all to pray more effectively for the persecuted church. Each month the noticesheet will highlight the plight of someone suffering for their faith. This month please pray for: Huang Yizi from China A Church Leader facing 10 years in prison. Please pray for strength and courage for Huang during his detention. Pray also that the church community can support and care for his wife and 2 children whilst he is in prison. Please pray for his release. Cheadle Kenya 2015 Mission Trip Planning Evening As part of the 5 year plan to visit annually the Open Arms International village in Eldoret, Kenya, we are now planning the 2015 visit. Anyone who is interested in hearing more, or wants to consider attending or supporting, please come to an informal discussion evening with coffee and cake on 27th November,7.30pm at Dave and Jo Clarks house - 5 Moseley Rd, Cheadle Hulme. Members of the 2014 team will be there to talk about how they were involved and their experiences. If you would like to discuss more before attending, please contact Robert Webster on 07772862324 Cheadle Civic Society You may be interested to know that the society has digitised and uploaded approximately 800 photographs of Cheadle history from 1860’s onwards. They can be found at: ADVANCE NOTICE ... Holiday Bible Club 2015 will be running from Wednesday 8th - Friday 10th April 2015 (with a "set up day" on Tuesday 7th April). Please put the dates in your diary & think about how you might be able to be involved! More details nearer the time... ALL IS CALM The In Yer Face theatre group is wooping with excitement as Tickets for their World War One play ALL IS CALM at the Imperial War Museum North on 14 December, are on sale! Buy tickets for what writer and director Matt Britton is calling 'an original play and midnight carol concert in one'. Every member of the audience gets a free WW1 gift! Call box office 0845 208 0500. Please note that this production is billed as an evangelistic opportunity for you to invite friends that haven't heard the Gospel to. For more info speak to Rob Kates 07745 545 042 Local Burglaries Two house burglaries took place in Cheadle on Tuesday morning, one at Maddy Griffiths' home. Maddy was not home when the burglary took place and is unharmed. Maddy asks for prayer for both households and asks church members to take care, particularly if their door locks are old. The burglar steals gold jewellery. Please pray that the burglar is caught soon before he causes real distress to someone. Cheadle Victorian Christmas Market Outreach Four weeks to go! Book the Date: Saturday 6th December Many visitors to our Christmas Market last year commented on how much they had enjoyed the spectacle and atmosphere in the Church and churchyard. This was certainly enhanced by our enthusiastic approach to looking the part! Getting the Victorian Look: Everyone is warmly invited to drop in to the Cafe on Sunday 30th November between 10.30am and 12noon, to check out what looks right - feel free to bring along any items you might already have. We will have some items in stock available to borrow. Costumes can also be hired at reasonable charges from local amateur theatre companies like CHADS. This week we are featuring: The Art Competition. Calling all artists, photographers and sculpters; why not enter the competition - the theme is "Light in the Darkness", and get your arty friends involved too. Entry forms and details at the back of church. For other ways of joining in with the Market outreach see the form at the back of church. Page 4 In Touch For our partners in mission For Church Family For the bereaved Cyril Faulkner For all those recently bereaved. cancer treatment Daphne Graham at home post surgery Ray & Linda Collier ongoing treatment Lilian Lund Karen Dooley visited Bangladesh last week giving 3 days of training on "Mother Tongue-based Multilingual Education" for Save the Children - pray that the talks were received well and that Katherine was blessed during this opportunity of service. Luke Blakeley is away this weekend with Newcastle University Christian Union entitled "Identity, Unity, Love" he is giving a seminar on 'Other Faiths' pray that he is able to teach wisely and sensitively and that it will be respectful towards other religions but also true to the gospel. For prayer meetings 555 Prayer—every Sunday 5.55pm in home after hospital Church Tower room Mary Robertson Saturday Prayer— in interim care weekly 9am in Church Andrew Smith ongoing care Main Church Christine Thompson Prayer—1st Wed 8pm ongoing care Israel Prayer— 2nd Muriel Webb post surgery Monday’s 2pm Prison Prayer— 1st For the housebound Monday’s 8pm Persecuted Stephen Davies ongoing care church—Sunday 5th Sean McCausland Oct 4pm in nursing care Missionary — 2nd Hazel Muckells Tuesday 8pm in long-term care Edna Needham CHHS Prayer — as at home advertised at home Kathleen Pearson What’s Happening! Sunday 9th Nov Remembrance Day in long-term care Aileen Tompkins Children leave for UR after 1st hymn 10.45am 11.15am 5.55pm 6.30pm Followed by parade to War Memorial Traditional Remembrance (Rob Munro) No Prayer meeting - this week only Memorial Service (Eddie Scrase-Field) Monday 10th Nov 9.00am 4.30pm 6.00pm 8.00pm Staff prayers/meeting in UR Primary Saints in Upper Room Juice Puppets in Upper Room Finance & Standing Meeting Tuesday 11th Nov 2.00pm Tuesday at Two meet in UR 3.45pm Dynamos after-school club in UR 8.00pm Missionary Prayer Meeting Christianity Explored in Café One Wednesday 12th Nov Thursday 13th Nov Homegroups meet (also Tues/Thurs) 10.00am Mustard Seed meets in Upper Room 9.30am Bible Study & Bright Start crèche in UR 7.00pm Tatton Brewery Tour (Men’s Group) 7.45pm Marriage Course in Café One Friday 14th Nov 10.30am Noah’s Ark pre-school in church Third Age Keep Fit in UR 2.00pm Bereavement Support Meeting Saturday 15th Nov 9.00am Prayer Meeting in Tower Room Message Trust Vision Night Next Sunday Saturday is the annual 16th Nov opportunity to Second Sunday showcase all the work before Advent that the Trust undertakes in Manchester and further afield - pray that all attending and taking part will be encouraged in seeing God's Vision Remembrance Day at work through the Trust Jim Seddon 8.00am Holy Communion (Rob Munro) 9.30am Family Remembrance (Rob Munro) 8.00am Holy Communion (Mike Newman) 9.30am Nine-thirty Service (Mike Lowe) Includes baptism of Hugo Navesey 11.15am 4.00pm 5.55pm 6.30pm Holy Communion (Mike Lowe) Prayer for Persecuted Church Prayer meeting in church Open to Question (Jonathan Dawson) Is it time to dust off the Old Testament? What’s Coming Up! at home Frank Wagstaffe at home Student of the Week: Alex Drayton PRAYER CHAIN Send urgent requests to [email protected] at The University of or ring the Church Office on 428 8050 to be York studying Physics forwarded in confidence. Sunday 9th November Tatton Brewery Tour - men’s group Thursday 13th November Quiz Night Tuesday 18th November Evangelical Conversations at Platt Wednesday 19th Nov Victorian Christmas Market Saturday 6th December Collect for Remembrance Day Almighty Father, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the king of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Contacts Rector: Rob Munro 428-3440 [email protected] Associate Minister Eddie Scrase-Field 915 9849 [email protected] Assistant Minister(3rd age) Mike Lowe 01625 525718 [email protected] Associate Minister (St.Cuths) Mike Newman 428-5212 [email protected] Curate: (Due to start July 2015) Simon Donohoe Church Office (Penny or Sheila) , The Upper Room, 11 Wilmslow Road, Cheadle, SK8 1DW Today’s Bible Readings 8.00am Psalm 70 1 Thess 4:13-end John 15:9-17 9.30am Service John 15:9-17 11.15am (p584) John 15:9-17 (p1188) (p1083) 6.30pm Service (p1083) on Printed Service Sheet (p1083) Phone: 0161 428 8050 Fax: 0203 479 5591 [email protected] or [email protected] / [email protected]
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