First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 544 1324 Church St, New Castle, IN 47362 ****Return Service Requested**** Two locations… First United Methodist Church 1324 Church St. Senior Pastor, Tom McGilliard Dir. Of Christian Education, Kim Welch Secretary, Tracy McCarty Paula Parker, Music Minister FUMC Dana Ash, Pianist Curtis Ferrell, Music Minister The Place NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday 1st Service @ FUMC: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Sunday 2nd Service @ The Place: 11:11am (205 S. 21st St.) Dear Friends in Christ, Phone: 765-529-0105 Fax: 765-529-0108 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30-11:30 A.M. and 12:30–2:30 P.M. Friday 8:30—11:30 A.M. The Messenger NOVEMBER 2014 DATES TO REMEMBER Nov. 2 — Nov. 3 — Nov. 4 — Nov. 5 — Nov. 9 — Nov. 10 — Daylight Savings!!! Food Offering Sunday Charge Conference 6pm YG 6:30-8pm @ FUMC Breathe Service @ The Place 6:15pm Disciple Bible Study @ The Place 7pm Men’s Bible Study @ FUMC 7pm Nov. 16 — Food Plus Sunday YG 6:30-8pm @ FUMC Nov. 17 — Breathe Service @ The Place 6:15pm Disciple Bible Study @ The Place 7pm Men’s Bible Study @ FUMC 7pm Lydia Circle @ Pam Shortridge’s 7pm Nov. 18 — Anna Circle 9:30am Choir 7pm My favorite season is fall. I love the beauty of an Indiana autumn and when wearing a sweatshirt feels good. Autumn is a time when the Scripture comes to mind, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) I’m not sure what it is about this time of year that draws me closer to God. I don’t know what it is about autumn that stills my soul. Maybe it’s the colors, maybe the weather, maybe it is the shift of the season. I think it is more being aware of God’s presence as I experience the change of the season or seeing crops harvested. Autumn seems to bring out a sense of gratitude for all God has done. In the stillness and beauty of this season, take time to “be still and know that God is God.” Psalm 46 proclaims that God is sovereign. The Psalm reassures us that our own security is not in ourselves or our possessions or weapons but in God. The Psalm stills my soul as I am reminded to whom I belong and who ultimately rules this world. We are grateful to have a God in whom we find rest for our souls. We are grateful for a loving and merciful and wise God who has the whole world in His hands. “Be still and know that I am God.” Nov. 19 — CCKC 2:30-5pm CCKC 2:30-5pm UMW Exec. Mtg. 6pm Nov. 23 — Community Thanksgiving Service 2:30pm YG 6:30-8pm @ FUMC Veteran’s Sunday Blast in The Loft 3-5pm YG 6:30-8pm @ FUMC Nov. 24 — Turkey Deboning 9am Breathe Service @ The Place 6:15pm Disciple Bible Study @ The Place 7pm Men’s Bible Study @ FUMC 7pm Nov. 25 — Choir 7pm Nov. 11 — Choir 7pm Nov. 26 — Daily Bread Community Meal noon-1:30pm NO CCKC Nov. 12 — CCKC 2:30-5pm Admin. Board Mtg. 6pm Nov. 28 — OFFICE CLOSED Brushes & Beverages 5pm Nov. 30— NO YG Sermon Themes & Scriptures Nov. 2 Victory Revelation 22:6-7 Nov. 9 Veteran’s Recognition Sunday Free to do God’s Will Galatians 5:13-15 (MSG) VETERANS DAY SERVICE Sunday, November 9 at 9:30am at FUMC The veterans of our community will be honored. This day will be a great opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors to honor those who have served our country. Honor them by inviting them to worship. Nov. 16 God Has Compassion Proverbs 14:21 (MSG) Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Sunday Gratitude Colossians 2:6-7 (MSG) Nov. 30 A Holy Night for an Unholy World Romans 7:14-25 God’s grace, Tom Choir 7pm Breathe Service @ The Place 6:15pm Disciple Bible Study @ The Place 7pm Men’s Bible Study @ FUMC 7pm Nov. 13 — heart for Christ. A Note from Tom TO: The Place 205 S. 21st St. Charge Conference November 2 Our Charge Conference will be November 2 at 6:00pm at First United Methodist Church. Charge Conference is a time when the churches of New Castle meet with our District Superintendent, Dave Byrum. It is a time of worship, prayer and celebration of what God is doing through our churches and the business of the church. First Sunday of Advent—November 30 The color purple will adorn the sanctuary to symbolize the coming of Christ. TIME CHANGE NOVEMBER 2 Don’t forget to set your clocks BACK one hour or you will be REALLY early to church!! FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH—Page 2 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH– Page 7 ANGEL WISH FOR HENRY CO. SENIOR CITIZENS While this is a difficult time for most, it is particularly difficult for people on fixed incomes. Many senior citizens have to make tough decisions between medicine, food, and utilities. So the following items will be collected MAKE A NOTE! The UMW Executive Meeting will be Wed., November 5 at 6pm WOMEN’S CIRCLES Lydia Circle: Mon. Nov. 17 at 7pm at Pam Shortridge’s home (3508 Hampton Ct.) Anna Circle: Tues., Nov. 18 at 9:30am in the Friendship Room Hostesses are Ada Marcum & Delores Cook WORLD THANK OFFERING WILL BE TAKEN AT MEETINGS THIS MONTH. RUMMAGE SALE Thank you so much to all who donated items, set up, worked & purchased this year! We made $955.30 for mission work!! TURKEY DE-BONING Mon., November 24 at 9am FUMC Fellowship Hall Kitchen. Everyone is welcome to help de-bone turkeys for the Christian Help Love Center Thanksgiving Dinner! Bring your own knife if you prefer. We will have at least 20 turkeys to prepare. Please sign up in the Friendship Room or see Marilyn Williams if you are able to help. We will also be furnishing a large portion of the pies for the dinner, so if you can donate a pie, please bring it on the 25th between 8:30am and 3pm. through November 30 in a box in the hallway. These will be distributed to nearly 200 frail & isolated persons in the area. Our Church’s primary focus this year is: CANNED SOUP Items accepted are: Canned Vegetables, Tuna, Soups, Canned Fruit, Peanut Butter, Bath Soap, Lotions, Shampoo, Deodorant, Denture Cleaner, Depends, Other Toiletry Items, Household Cleaning Supplies, Towels, Washcloths, Blankets, Monetary Donations IN MEMORY 11-3 Marilyn Bowman Pat Morgan 11-4 Mark Stamper 11-5 Kim Thornburg 11-6 Mike Spade Allyson Anderson 11-7 Jessica Wigal 11-8 Kim Mathis 11-9 Marilyn Williams Marty Heilman Pat Cline Mark Medley 11-11 Monte Conley 11-15 Doug Mathis Amanda Schoettmer 11-17 Dick Swim Barbara Davis 11-18 Mary Willis 11-19 JoAnn Boiles Scott Welch 11-21 Bob Bowman Amanda Mercer 11-22 Janelle Conley 11-23 Nan Hurst Steve Alford DeAsia King 11-25 M.A. Wilson 11-26 Ronnie Denney 11-29 Larry Slover YOUR HELP IS NEEDED & VERY MUCH APPRECIATED to once again make our largest money making project for missions a BIG SUCCESS!! Please watch November’s bulletins for information on baking cookies, filling boxes, working the Cookie Walk and Bazaar item needs. You can also contact any of the following— Cookie Walk Committee: Gayle Anderson & Terrie Thalls ♥ Karen Maher, 75, passed away on October 12. Karen lived most of her life in New Castle, loved spending time with her family & loved animals. She recently became a member of our church family. THE LORD’S SUPPER FREE MEAL Sundays 4pm @ The Place Follow your Monday meal with a chance to “Breathe” 5:30pm @ The Place at our informal worship service at 6:15pm. Mondays DAILY BREAD COMMUNITY MEAL UMW Cookie Walk & Bazaar SATURDAY DECEMBER 13 9am-12noon FUMC Fellowship Hall ♥ Janet Caudill, 83, passed away on October 5. Janet was a 1949 graduate of Spiceland High School and worked as a secretary for Caudill Marathon. She loved flower gardening, baking pies & spending time with her family. Janet and her husband Everett had been married for 66 years. 11-02 Brad & Lisa Garvin 18 years! 11-20 Ned & Pat Cline 54 years! 11-10 Warren & Betty Hill 68 years! 11-21 Bill & Jo Farley 39 years! 11-17 Dennis & Cathy Hamilton 42 years! 11-23 Ron & Barbara Davis 6 years! COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE Sunday, November 23 2:30 pm at St. Anne Catholic Church (102 N. 19th St.—corner of Broad) The Youth Group & their families are providing the donations & serving this month.. Located in the FUMC Fellowship Hall WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26 from noon—1:30pm Remember Your Covenant 58 people said “Yes” to the covenant which read: Within the next two years, I will bring someone into the family of the Church so that they may meet Jesus Christ and be transformed by the Holy Spirit renewing her/his life. How is that going? Are you in prayer for people in your life who need to be blessed by a relationship with God through Jesus? Have you brought someone to the Lord? FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH– Page 6 OUR HOMEBOUND FRIENDS! HELEN BILLINGSLY 2831 Forest Ridge Pkwy., New Castle, IN 47362 SHARON BORN 765-969-8574 11610 Technology Dr. #102, Carmel, IN 46032 GLORIA JENNINGS 3947 Chadwick Dr., Carmel, IN 46033 VIRGINIA JOHNSON Glen Oaks Health Campus, 601 W. CR 200 S, New Castle, IN 47362 NEVA KISSICK 521-0955 1404 Linden Dr., New Castle, IN 47362 HOWARD LACEY Franklin United Methodist Home, 1070 W Jefferson St. Franklin, IN 46131 CAROL OGBORNE, 317/736-9158 c/o IN Masonic Home, 690 State St. Medical Center, Room 144, Franklin, IN 46131 PRAYER CONCERNS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Family of Larry Gordon Gary Anderson back surgery 10/20 Calvin Duff Sylvia Edwards fell & broke vertebrae Family of Karen Maher Barbara Dennison health concerns Family of Janet Caudill Vernice (Sue Rhoades’ mother) health concerns Toby Lucas recovery from ACL surgery Family of Patsy Woolum Kent Wisecup recovery from dog bite Family of John Gaither’s brother Bev Hankenhoff struggling with vertigo Our homebound friends & Service men & women For prayer requests/updates contact the church at 529-0105 or e-mail at [email protected] OPERATION CLASSROOM Thank you for your generosity! We collected $6720.00 (90 scholarships!) for the Baoma School in Sierra Leone . GRACE ROBBINS Glen Oaks Health Campus, 601 W. CR 200 S, New Castle, IN 47362 LARRY SLOVER, 521-0267 223 S. 23rd St, New Castle, IN 47362 EVELYN STOTEN 955 W. CR 100 N., New Castle, IN 47362 MARKIE WALGAMUTH Raintree Square Apt. #223, 2820 S. Memorial Dr., HUBURT WISECUP Raintree Square Apt. #323, 2820 S. Memorial Dr., ONLINE SERMONS If you happen to miss a week & would like to hear the sermon again, go to I wish to thank my many friends at FUMC for the calls, cards, prayers & care during my recent accident and then surgery. It’s good to feel the love & prayers from all of you. ~Shirley Hinshaw *************************************************** Thanks to everyone for their prayers and concern during mom's recent hospital stay. Mom's new address and phone is: Joyce Geitz C/o Senior Living at Forest Ridge Room 111 2800 Forest Ridge Parkway, New Castle, IN 47362 529-4092 Thanks so much! ~Mary Willis *************************************************** Please accept this very belated but heartfelt thank you for all the gifts, cards, food, visits and other expressions of support given after my back surgery. What a blessing to be part of such a wonderful church family! Thank you so much! ~Jane Burcham FUMC MURAL BRUSHES & BEVERAGES Thursday, November 13 5pm @ The Place Come have a great time with new friends! Cost is $25 We will be painting something Christmasy! Limited space to 24 participants. See Carrie Barrett to sign up. NO ART SKILLS NECESSARY! Kudos to: Dennis Hamilton who painted the chocolate wall in the FUMC fellowship hall (who doesn't like chocolate?), to Mike Spade who artistically crafted the wooden cross from wood even older than our church, and to Kelly Ruhl and Penny Bowman who, using our own FUMC children as models, created a picture worth a thousand words: If we can really live our adult lives so our children keep walking toward the cross, continue to kneel before this holy symbol of abiding sacrifice born of agape love, keep their eyes upon the faith, well, then we will make disciples for God. This mural testifies to all who look upon it. MITTEN & HAT TREE The tree for mittens and hats will be ready to receive the warm goodies on Sunday, Nov. 23. Please bring mittens, gloves, scarves & hats to decorate the Christmas Tree in the FUMC Friendship Room or The Place Fellowship Hall by Sunday, December 14. FRANK PFENNINGER 529-5745 1722 Castle Hills Dr, New Castle, IN 47362 PHYLLIS POWELL 1626 Cedar Dr., New Castle, IN FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH– Page 3 ADOPT-A-CHILD Please take the opportunity to help a child see a little more “Christ” in Christmas this season. Names of about 200 children in need will be available the Sunday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 30. More information to come. PANTRY GIVING The 1st Sunday of the month is always “Food Sunday” when we collect non-perishable canned/boxed food items for the community NOVEMBER 2 FOCUS: ANY CANNED GOOD The 3rd Sunday of the month is always “Food Plus Sunday” when we collect non-food items (things that CANNOT be purchased with food stamps) Items include: Paper Products (toilet paper, paper towel, Kleenex, etc.), Cleaning Supplies (laundry soap, dishwashing soap, Pine Sol, etc. ) and Grooming Aids (shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, etc.) NOVEMBER 16 FOCUS: SHAMPOO & AJAX CLEANSER Be praying about where God is leading you as we minister to our community. TRUNK OR TREAT Friday, Oct. 31 from 5:30-7pm at The Place Come decorate your car & fill your trunk with goodies!!!!! SHUT-IN VISITATION Wednesday, December 3 Meet downstairs at 10am. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to join us as we spend precious time with those unable to get out on their own. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH– Page 4 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY The theme for November is GRATITUDE! The group of CCKC kids have been creating gift bags for the residents of Maplewood filled with fall treats. As well, they created 50 treat bags with fall treats and some simple necessities for adults who come for dinner at The Lord's Supper on Monday night, October 27th. Nov. 2 YG 6:30-8pm @ FUMC Nov. 9 YG 6:30-8pm @ FUMC Nov. 16 YG 6:30-8pm @ FUMC Nov. 23 YG 6:30-8pm @ FUMC Nov. 26 (WEDNESDAY) FUMC Fellowship Hall 10am-2:30pm Nov. 30 NO YG NEW YEARS DAY SNOW TUBING AT PERFECT NORTH & LOCK-IN AT CHURCH NO CCKC on Wednesday, November 26th. 3rd GRADE BIBLES Sometimes gratitude takes a little bit of intentionality. Sometimes, you have to literally take a time out and remember what you have to be grateful for. A great way to do that is through giving. Our kids were very creative in the month of October, coming up with ideas to put a smile on a stranger's face. Youth Group for 6th-12th Grade CCKC BLAST BLAST will meet again on November 9th from 3-5pm in The Loft for an Operation Christmas Child Packing Party! Each child should collect several small items that a boy or girl would enjoy receiving and bring those items with them to the packing party. For more information about Operation Christmas Child visit, included are ideas on what to pack and stories about the children who receive the boxes, many whom never have received a Christmas gift before. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH– Page 5 Clay Butler, the son of Roger and Kathy Butler is a third grader at Riley elementary school. He received his very own Bible from the church, Sunday October 26th. Encourage Clay to read and explore the Bible by sharing with him some of your favorite Scriptures. DAILY BREAD COMMUNITY MEAL Youth will be preparing and serving a Daily Bread Dinner on Wed., November 26th from noon - 1:30. All youth and family members are requested to help make this meal a great one by either donating menu items, preparing food, serving and helping clean up. As well, we will have a short Thanksgiving program and group prayer with live music. We will also be preparing and serving the Daily Bread Dinner in December on Christmas Eve, Wed., December 24th from noon - 1:30. Please plan ahead to help with both of these special holiday meals. Many people have family and gifts waiting for you, I know, I do too. But this year, the gift I want to give, is to make someone who doesn't have all that I have, feel loved and cared about. When: January 1 - 2, 2015 Cost: $35 plus money for dinner/snacks at Perfect North Details: Arrive at church at 4pm w/overnight gear Leaving church at 4:15 Snowtubing 6:30 - 9:30 Return back to church 11:00 pm Cost includes snowtubing for 3 hours and pizza and breakfast at the church. If you only come to the lock-in cost is $10 Waiver and money needs to be turned in for snow tubing by December 28th. YG CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday, December 21 at the Nantz Loft. We will have a pasta dinner and a White Elephant gift exchange this year—and my favorite, the White Envelope for those who want to participate!
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