Tender Document for Hiring of Gramin Himachal Bhandar Premises on Rent

Tender Document
for Hiring of Gramin Himachal Bhandar
Premises on Rent
Cost of Tender Document
: Rs. 1000/-
Last Date for Obtaining Tender Document
: 7th Nov, 2014 (upto 05:00 PM)
Last Date for Submitting Tenders
: 12th Nov, 2014 (upto 12:00 PM)
Date of Opening of Tenders
: 12th Nov, 2014 at 03:00 PM
Earnest Money
: Rs. 20,000/- in the shape of
Demand Draft/Fixed Deposit
Receipt in favour of Deputy
Director-cum-Project Officer,
DRDA Kangra
District Rural Development Agency, Kangra at Dharamshala
Introduction:DRDA Kangra is Nodal Agency for implementation of Programmes for Rural Development
and Poverty Alleviation in District Kangra. As part of its efforts marketing facilities have
been created at various places for offering marketing support for enhancing livelihood
opportunities of the Rural Poor in the District.
The Gramin Himachal Bhandars have been constructed at different
locations in the District as part of a Special Project under the erstwhile SGSY programme.
The Gramin Himachal Bhandar at Dadh has been constructed at a cost of Rs. 13,62,299/- in
the year 2006-07. Subsequently Rs. 11,45300/- have been spent on addition/alteration of the
Building. The building consist of three floors. The top floor is being used as a marketing
outlet for products made by Self Help Group members. The ground floor consist of three
rooms with attached toilets in a semi-finished state alongwith three other rooms. The first
floor consist of a large hall and adjoining covered space. The ground and the first floor are
intended to be used for providing lodging facilities to outstation SHG representatives utilizing
the marketing facilities on the top floor.
Detail of Space to be offered on Rent:
The Ground floor and First floor of the Gramin Himachal Bhandar Complex, Chamunda
(Dadh), Dev. Block Bhawarna is proposed to be offered on Rent by way of this notice. The
line plan of each of these floors is enclosed at Annexure “A”. The approximate floor area of
the premises offered for Rent is 3900 Sq. Feet (1950 Sq. Feet Per Floor)
Terms & Conditions of the Rent Agreement:
1. The premises shall be rented on Annual Rent Basis to be paid one month in
advance before the beginning of each allotment year. A 5% increase over the rent
paid in the previous year shall be payable by the Tenant in each subsequent
allotment year after the first year.
2. The premises rented out should be used only for specified legal purposes. The
Tenant shall not use the rented premises for any illegal or immoral purposes or
any other purposes prohibited by the Govt/Local Authorities.
3. The Tenant shall not do or suffer to be done in and about the rented premises
anything which may be or become nuisance, annoyance or cause damages to the
neighbouring owners, tenants or occupiers of the said Building
4. The Tenant shall be solely responsible for obtaining statutory permission/licenses
etc for running the business in the rented premises as per the prevailing govt.
Rules and Regulations.
5. The Tenant shall not make any changes to the existing complex except for making
the premises conducive for the purposes specified in point No. 2 after obtaining
the permission of the owner i.e. DRDA. A formal proposal detailing the changes
proposed should be submitted by the Tenant to DRDA for seeking permission
6. The Tenant shall not be permitted to raise any additional permanent construction
in the rented premises.
7. The Tenant is not permitted to Sublet/Re-let/Assign/Transfer/Mortgage any part
of the premises.
8. The Tenant shall be responsible for obtaining and installing Electricity, Water,
Severage connection and charges therefor shall also be paid by him.
9. The Tenant shall be fully responsible for maintaining the rented premises and the
Owner shall not have any liability in this regard.
10. The Tenant has to make the Rent Agreement within a week after the allotment.
11. The allotment may be cancelled at any time at the option of the Owner i.e. District
Rural Development Agency by giving a one month notice.
Mode of Submitting Tenders:1. The tenders should be submitted in the enclosed format (Annexure “B”) only. The
applicant must provide all the details mentioned in the format in clear and legible
2. The tender must be accompanied with earnest money amounting to Rs. 20,000/- in
the shape of Demand Draft/Fixed Deposit Receipt in favour of Deputy Directorcum-Project Officer, DRDA Kangra. Tenders not accompanied with earnest
money in the desired form are liable to be rejected outrightly.
3. The tenders should be submitted in a sealed envelope duly superscribed
RENT” before 12:00 PM on 12th November, 2014 in the O/o Deputy Directorcum-Project Officer, DRDA Kangra, Vikas Bhawan, College Road Dharamshala.
No tenders shall be accepted after the prescribed date and time.
4. The tenders shall be opened at 03:00 PM on 12th November, 2014 by the
Committee constituted for this purpose in the presence of tendering parties or their
authorized representatives who may wish to be present.
5. The Deputy Commissioner-cum-CEO, DRDA, Kangra at Dharamshala reserves
the right to accept/reject any/all tenders without assigning any reasons.
6. The successful party shall have to deposit annual rent for the first allotment year
within 7 days of the date of intimation of the acceptance of the proposal. The rent
agreement shall thereafter be signed with the successful party. The premises shall
be handed over immediately after the conclusion of the rent agreement.