This week in your prayers, please pray for: Serving in Worship This Sunday – November 9, 2014 8:15 Acolytes: Altar Guild: Coffee Ministry: Communion Assistants: Commune Assistants: Greeters: Offering Counters: Readers: Ushers: Worship Coordinator: Worship Team Members: Julie Johnson Bill & Tara Biwer Beckendorf/Rahl/Rightler Jim & Brittany Roberts Jeremy Engebretson Martin & Debi Teall Jo Biebighauser Paul Krueger Rachel Rief Julie Westcott 10:45 Lucas Rausenberger/Ashley Neutgens Ben & Kristin Otto Gallardo/Schuman/Westcott Peglow Craine Family David Link/Eric Schuman Kristin Parrott Chuck & Devan Friedbauer Jim & Dee Lipe Kelly Gallardo Jo Biebighauser Bill Biwer Cindy Harman Dean Honebrink Paul Krueger Scott Parrott Nathan Rood R. Schumacher Jerry Vilmain Serving in Worship Next Sunday – November 16, 2014 Acolytes: Altar Guild: Coffee Ministry: Communion Assistants: Commune Assistants: Greeters: Offering Counters: Readers: Ushers: Worship Coordinator: Worship Team Members: 8:15 Mandy Kersting/Lucy Engebretson Dar Vilmain Jeremy & Michelle Engebretson Beckendorf/Meier/Rightler Zeiher Family Brian Vieregge Tom & Judi Strobel Gabe Friedbauer Cory Guethling Candie Sather Wayne Studenski 10:45 Luke Johnson/Nolan Kemp Teri Morton Bergstrom/Meier/Pioske Schuman Eggers Family Corey & Jessica Grothman Barry Johnson Marv & Tammara Koppen Ray & Betty Pioske Karen Otto Jo Biebighauser Bill Biwer Dean Honebrink Cary Grell Paul Krueger Arthur Ostrowski Kristin Parrott Kevin Spencer Charles Thompson Mindy Tylicki Christ Victorious Staff: Pastor Paul Biebighauser, Senior Pastor x 222 Rebekah Schumacher, Director of Christian Education x 223 Renee Jopp, Adult Discipleship Administrator x 228 Jo Biebighauser, Director of Worship 952-500-0091 Ann Rahl, Secretary x 221 Karen McDonald, Early Childhood Center Director x 225 Heidi Johnston, Early Childhood Center Assistant Director x 225 Ted Lange, Facilities 952-303-9083 Governing Board 6 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] November 9, 2014 Health Concerns Darlene Schwichtenberg’s battle with cancer Laurie Berg’s father, Randy, recovering from a stroke and heart attack Suzanne, awaiting potential treatment for a brain aneurysm Special Prayers For all broken and hurting marriages, that Christ might bring healing, forgiveness, and strength For Andy and Angela, adopting a son in China this week For our upcoming prayer groups, prayer vigils, and new mission work following “40 Days of Prayer” For our newly elected/reelected government leaders For our plans at Christ Victorious to start a new mission church Pray for Gideons International and their important work in sharing God’s Word Prayer Requests - Would you like to add a prayer request for next week's worship folder? Please submit a prayer request (on the back of a Welcome Sheet) today, or call or email the church office. In addition, prayers for the prayer chain can be submitted to Carolyn Wetzel at 952-448-4447/ [email protected]. Next Sunday’s Scripture Readings First Lesson: Zephaniah 1:7-16 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 Wednesday Bible Studies/Children’s Ministry, November 12: Dinner begins at 5:00 to 5:45 p.m.-Tacos Bible Studies & Children’s Ministry begins at 6:00 p.m. Upcoming Events and Announcements Preschool Update Where do lady bugs go in the winter? Why are the squirrels so busy? What do raccoons do to get ready for the cold? Ask the preschoolers next week-they will be experts! Jo Biebighauser Accepts Worship Director Role at Christ Victorious Effective October 15, 2014, Jo Biebighauser has accepted our Governing Board’s offer to serve as the Worship Director at CVLC. Jo has been serving as our Traditional Worship Director this past year, and has been serving as Interim Worship Director (with responsibilities for both our traditional 8:15 service and contemporary 10:45 service) since Mindy Gallagher’s resignation August 3, 2014. Our Governing Board has combined these two positions to obtain the synergies and benefits of having only one (combined) position – a part-time position of 18 hours per week – and offered Jo the position after a thorough search to fill the position. Please keep Jo in your prayers as the Lord works through her gifts in enhancing our worship services at Christ Victorious, as we give thanks to her for accepting these important responsibilities. ‘Know Christ. Share Christ.’ Sign up for a small group today! All small groups meet Wednesday night from 6:00-7:15 p.m. If you are new, returning, or a member join us on Wednesday nights throughout the year for Small group opportunities that will enrich your faith and offer learning and fellowship opportunities. This current session, Session 2, there are three studies being offered “ Love and Logic®”, “You’ll Get Through This” by Max Lucado, and “Acts” by Peter Meier. Session 3 begins January 7, with registration beginning December 3. Dinner is beforehand from 5:00-5:45 p.m. Please contact Rebekah if you want to join a small group or receive more information. [email protected]. Please Welcome and Support Gideons International This Morning We are blessed to have Dave Anderson, a representative from Gideons International with us at Christ Victorious this morning. The Gideons perform wonderful ministries (such as placing Bibles in every hotel room, giving Bibles to college students, etc.) and need our support to continue their important work. Please stop by their display table in the church lobby this morning to find out various ways you can help support them! Upcoming Events and Announcements - Continued Bible Study Opportunities Continued 2016 National Youth Gathering Tuesday Attention all 7th-11th graders! Sign up for the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans!! The first down payment is due January 15. Contact Rebekah for details and information! CVLC desires ALL youth to attend. The LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth (like you!) and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. During the five days of the Gathering, youth spend time together in God’s word, worship, service and fellowship with others from across the synod and world. Last week, many of the youth and youth parents met for a NYG information meeting. Please contact Rebekah if you were unable to make it to the meeting. The National Youth Gathering is for all youth entering their 9th grade year or turning 14 summer of 2016. Contact Rebekah to sign up or if you have questions at [email protected]. CVLC Christmas Program! Mark your calendar for CVLC’s Christmas Program at 4:00 p.m. on December 14 at Christ Victorious! CVLC’s Pre K4th graders will lead us in a celebration of our Savior. Followed by a chili/soup dinner with Christmas activities (crafts, Christmas games, Christmas photo booth) for the whole family! There will also be a silent auction and all proceeds will go towards the 2016 National Youth Gathering. We look forward to celebrate our Savior’s birth with your family and friends! Screen Operators Needed Please consider serving as a Screen Operator as there is an urgent need for volunteers at the 8:15 a.m. worship services. Those who are in the 8th grade or older, have the ability to remain focused and are interested in serving in this area of ministry should contact Renee as soon as possible at 952-443-2993, ext. 228 / [email protected]. Wednesday Night Children’s Ministry (Pre K – 4th Grade) Join us Wednesday nights for Children’s Ministry! The Crossing Room doors will open at 5:55 pm! This is for Pre K4th grade. The youth of our congregation (wearing tie-dyed shirts) will be serving during the Children’s Ministry! Join us for games, skits, songs, and activities. Contact Jen Johnson with questions at [email protected]. Prayer Vigil Opportunity! As we become familiar with God’s word, we soon realize that prayer is intended to be central in our lives. It is through prayer that we thank and praise God, place our burdens in His hands and bring to Him the needs of others, including our enemies. It is also in part through prayer that we build our relationships with God, talking to Him throughout the day. With prayer being such a vital part of a believer’s life, Christ Victorious is establishing a prayer ministry to provide additional support and opportunities for prayer within and outside of the church. Would you be willing to pray for the direction of this new ministry? A 24 hour prayer vigil will be held on December 5th-6th, during which we will seek God’s guidance. Watch for the sign-up sheet and more information coming soon! Open Your Heart to Receive Blessings Are you hurting, unemployed or struggling financially? Consider allowing others to bless you with a grocery store gift card for the purchase of Thanksgiving meal groceries. Please contact Pastor Paul at 952-443-2993, ext. 222 / [email protected] on or before Monday, November 17th if you could benefit from this ministry. This information will be kept in strictest confidence. 2 Beth Moore Bible Study at Christ Victorious The Beth Moore’s study, “Children of the Day” meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:15 p.m. We will walk the shores of Thessalonica with this verse-by-verse Bible study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. During this study, you'll learn how to let go of past mistakes and discover your circumstances are not coincidental - God's timing is impeccable! Questions or would like to join this study contact Janet Houtari at [email protected] or Rebekah Schumacher. Wednesday Wednesday Morning Bible Study - “You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Our Turbulent Times” “You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times”, by Max Lucado what this group is studying. Sometimes the challenges of life threaten to overwhelm us. We wonder how we'll carry on after the day the bottom drops out. This study will encourage anyone through any type of struggle. This study meets every Wednesday from 9:00 –10:15 a.m. Drop-ins always welcome! Contact Linda Krantz at 952-443-3411 for more information. “Wednesday Evening Bible Studies: Each Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. Children’s Ministry: A children’s program for Pre K– Grade 4 meeting in the Crossings room. 5th & 6th Graders: Meet up in Lobby of Crossings Room H.S. Bible Study: Join the youth in a study called: Lead Like Jesus – IGNITE Adult Bible Studies: Acts, Love and Logic® & You’ll Get Through This—various locations 7th & 8th Grade Youth Confirmation Confirmation class meeting every Wednesday from 6:00-7:15 p.m. Youth Information Rebekah Schumacher, DCE contact: 952-443-2993 x 223/[email protected] High School Youth Bible Study, Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Rebekah’s office Join us Wednesdays from 6:00-7:15 p.m. in Rebekah’s office with Brenden and Emily Honebrink for Lead Like Jesus – IGNITE. Meet at Victoria Rec Center November 16, and December 21 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. for pickle ball, volleyball, and other games! Please drop off and pick up at the Victoria Rec Center. Parents are welcome to stay and play! Contact Rebekah if you have any questions. H. S. Girls Group: Meet at Caribou (by Target) on November 23 at 6:00 p.m. for Bible Study. Contact Rebekah if there are questions 7th & 8th Grade Youth Group: November 30 from 5:00 -7:00 p.m. at Christ Victorious. Join us for a fun filled night with games, pizza, and activities! Bring a friend and get ready for some laughter! Contact Rebekah if there are questions. Jr. High and High School Christmas Party: Remember the Christmas party last year? Join us again for another annual Youth Christmas Party on December 21! Join us at the Victoria Gym from 5:00-6:00 for games and ride on over with the youth leaders and parents to CVLC for the Christmas party from 6:00-7:30p.m. Plan to wear an ugly Christmas Sweater, bring a fun gift under 5 dollars, Christmas photo booth, Christmas activities, and plan for another epic Christmas party! Christmas prize for those who invite a friend. Contact Rebekah if there are questions. 5 Upcoming Events and Announcements - Continued Upcoming Events and Announcements - Continued Love INC Partners With ReQuip 2015 Dental & Hygiene Clinic Service Opportunities ReQuip, located in Eden Prairie, accepts all types of equipment and re-purposes it. ReQuip picks up, cleans, inspects, warehouses, and sells donated items resulting in revenue helping to support the mission of Love INC. Remember to let ReQuip know you want funds generated from the sale of your donations to be designated to Love INC. To learn more or schedule a pickup, call 800-670-5110 or visit Service Opportunity: Food Basket Project Saturday, November 22, 9:30-11am. We begin at the Chaska Community Center getting instructions and packing the food. Then we will share God’s love by delivering Turkeys and Thanksgiving fixings to the homes of 100 families in the local area. East Union Lutheran Church leads this project and needs many volunteers to help. It’s a great way to serve others together as a family. If you are interested in helping, please contact Jen at 612-819-3034 by November 15. Bible Study Opportunities Sunday “Lamentations” Bible Study at Christ Victorious Why did God include an entire book in the Old Testament dedicated to the topic of Lamentations? What is a “lament”? Are laments good – or bad? How is lamenting different from whining or complaining? Pastor Paul is leading a Bible study titled, “Living a Life of Laments”. We’ll learn the purpose for laments in our lives, and how we can grow closer to God through the experience of lamenting. We’ll examine Old Testament examples of lamenting -- and see how this frequently neglected spiritual discipline can encourage us in our faith. Bring your Bibles and questions each Sunday as we have fun exploring this new and helpful topic! Sunday School (toddler - High School) is every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 a.m. This is an important time in your child’s life where your children are developing and growing in their faith through the Word of God. We need you to make this year’s Sunday School a success! Contact Rebekah at [email protected] for volunteer opportunities and for questions! Parents and Toddlers - If you have a child who is around 2 years of age, please join Lynn Irrgang in the Nursery during the Bible study hour every Sunday (9:30-10:30 a.m.). There will be a Bible study for you and your child! Contact Lynn Irrgang at [email protected] if you have any questions. High School Bible Study 9-12th Graders! Meet in Rebekah’s office for Bible Study every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 a.m. Jr. High Bible Study 5th & 6th, 7th & 8th Bible Study will be in the multipurpose room every week beginning at 9:30 a.m. Monday Men’s Bible Study Join us for fellowship and Bible study and watch Monday Night Football after the study. The Men’s group will study Spiritual Warfare every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. The next study date is November 17 from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. at the Burfeind home. Join these men as they dig into the Word. Questions call Craig Burfeind at 612-817-4831/[email protected] or Chip Peglow at 952-905-1890/[email protected]. 4 All volunteers for the 2015 clinics are now able to sign up online! Dentists, dental assistants and hygienists can sign up by visiting Non dental professional volunteers should visit For more information contact Kerri Isder at 612390-1504 / [email protected] or Renee Jopp at 952-443-2993, ext. 228 / [email protected]. Sharing God’s Abundant Blessings! A tangible way in which we can express the love of Jesus to our neighbor is to provide those in need with a grocery store gift card for the purchase of Thanksgiving meal groceries. Gift cards can be in any denomination and may be given to Pastor Paul or Renee on or before Wednesday, November 19. Help us Decorate the Sanctuary with Poinsettias for Christmas If you are interested in purchasing a poinsettia to help decorate the sanctuary for Christmas, please pick up an order form located on the usher stands or on the information counter. Orders and money need to be turned into the Church (wooden box by nursery) on or before Sunday, November 23. Questions—contact Ann Rahl at 952443-2993 x221/[email protected]. 5th & 6th Grade Small Group Wednesday Nights If you are a 5th & 6th grader, join Andrea Wackerfuss Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. in the Crossings Room Lobby for small group! Contact Andrea if you have any questions [email protected] High School Wednesday Night Small Group Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:15 p.m., join the youth here at CVLC for a Bible study entitled: Lead like Jesus – IGNITE. We hope to see you Wednesday nights with Emily and Brenden Honebrink in Rebekah’s Office. Contact Emily and Brenden if you have questions: [email protected] Turkey Burner Workout November 22, 9-10am at the Chaska Community Center. Bring love, hope and food to local families! Donate a 10 -15 pound turkey and participate in a great workout with Justin Yule (Owner and Personal Trainer, Chanhassen Fitness Revolution) using your turkey as a weight. There will also be a child’s workout/game time at the same time. Or simply donate a turkey for a family by dropping it off Saturday, November 22 before 10:00 am at the Chaska Community Center. Check the Love INC website for registration information at Bountiful Basket Food Shelf 1600 Bavaria Rd., Chaska 952-556-0244 Christ Victorious has committed to providing 400 Personal Care Products, i.e. shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, diapers, laundry detergent, feminine hygiene products, toilet tissue, etc. to our local food shelf for the month of November. Help glorify God through your donations! Place any donations in the designated counter cabinet in the lobby. Questions—contact Renee at 952-443-2993, ext. 228 / [email protected]. Love INC FurniShare Great Room Sale November 14-15 from 10am-5pm. Located at 2977 Water Tower Place in Chanhassen. Funds raised through these sales help to support this ministry. More info about Love INC can be found at 3
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