For any inputs suggestion, addition, etc. mail at : [email protected] THE ASSAM AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE MARKETING (REGULATION & DEVELOPMENT) ACT, 2012'. SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Preamble PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION An act to provide for better regulation of buying and selling of agricultural An Act to provide for improved regulation in marketing of Adopted from 'Model produceand the establishment of market for agricultural produce in the state agricultural produce, development of efficient marketing Act'. of Assam and for matters connected therewith. system, promotion of agri-processing and agricultural export and the establishment and administration of markets for agricultural produce in the State of ......... and whereas, it is expedient to put in place an effective infrastructure for marketing of agricultural produce and lay down procedures and svstems thereto. An Act to provide for improved regulation in marketing of agricultural produce, development of efficient marketing system, promotion of agri-processing and agricultural export and establishment & administration of markets for Agrucultural produce in the state of Assam and wheras it is expedent to put in place an effective infrastucture for marketing of Agricultural produce and lay down procedures and systems thereto. Whereas it expedient to provide for better regulation of buying and selling of Be it enacted by the .... . . ... .. .. State Legislature in the fifty agricultural produce in the State of Assam and establishment of regulated third year of the Republic of India as follows :markets for agricultural produce; And whereas the previous sanction of the President of India under the provision of Article 302(b) of the Constitution of India has been obtained for the introduction of the Bill in the Legislative Assembly; It is hereby enacted in the Twenty-third year of Republic of India as follows:- CHAPTER - I Preliminary Short Title, 1(1) extent and commence ment This Act may be called as "The Assam Agricultural produce Marketing (Regulation & Development) 1(1) Act, 2012. 1(2) It shall extend to such areas of the state of Assam as may be notified by the State Government from time to time in the Official Gazette. 1(2) 1(3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint 1(3) This Act may be called as 'The Assam Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972'. This Act may be called "The State Agricultural Produce Adopted from 'Model Marketing (Development and Regulation) Act, 2003 [section 1 Act'. (1)] It extends to the whole of …….. (State) [Section 1 (2)] Adopted from existing provision as proposed It shall come into force on such date as the State Government Adopted from existing may, by notification, appoint. [Section 1 (3)] provision Definations 2(1) In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context . 2(1) (i) "Agricultural Produce" means al all produce and commodities, wherin processed or unprocessed of Agriculture, horticulture, apiculture,sericulture,livestock fleeces(raw wool) and skin of animals, forest produce are specified in the schedule or declared by the Government by notification from time to time and also includes a mixture of two or more than two such products. (i) In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context . (i) "Agricultural Produce" means al all produce and commodities, wherin processed or unprocessed of Agriculture, horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Pisciculture,Sericulture and Forest as specified in the Schedule. "Agricultural Produce" means all produce and commodities, Adopted from 'Model whether processed or unprocessed, of agriculture, Act'. horticulture, apiculture, sericulture, livestock and products of livestock, fleeces (raw wool) and skins of animals, forest produce etc. as are specified in the schedule or declared by the Government by notification from time to time and also includes a mixture of two or more than two such products. [Section 2 (111)] 2(ii) "Agriculturist" means a person who ordinarily by himself or who ordinarily by himself or who by his 2(ii) tenants or hired labourers or otherwise is engaged in the production of agricultural produce but does not include a dealer or broker in agricultural produce although such a dealer or broker may also be engaged in the production or growth of agricultural produce; (ii) "Agriculturist" means a person who ordinarily by himself or who ordinarily by himself or who by his tenants or hired labourers or otherwise is engaged in the production of agricultural produce but does not include a dealer or broker in agricultural produce although such a dealer or broker may also be engaged in the production or growth of agricultural produce; "Agriculturist" means a person who is a resident of the Adopted from existing notified area of the market and who is engaged in production provision of agricultural produce by himself or by hired labour or otherwise, but does not include any market functionary. If a question arises whether any person is an agriculturist or not for the purpose of this Act, the decision of the Collector of the District in which such person is engaged in the production or growth of agricultural produce shall be final. [Section 2 (2)] 2(iii) "Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund" or "Board Fund" means the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund established under section 17 of this Act. (XL) "Marketing Board Fund" means the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund established under section 3B of this Act. No Provision Page 1 of 68 Adopted from existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION (iii) "Board" means the State Agricultural Marketing Board constituted under "Board" means the State Agricultural Marketing Board, section 3 established under provision Section 60 of this Act. [Section 2 (4)] Adopted from existing provision "Broker" means an agent, whose ordinary course of business is to negotiate and make contracts for the purchase or sale of agricultural produce on behalf of his principal and who is remunerated by commission, but does not indulge the servant of such principalwhether engaged in negotiating or making such contracts (v)"Broker" means an agent, whose ordinary course of business is to No Provision negotiate and make contracts for the purchase or sale of agricultural produce on behalf of his principal and who is remunerated by commission, but does not indulge the servant of such principalwhether engaged in negotiating or making such contracts Adopted from existing provision 2(vi) "Buyer" means a person, a firm, a company or cooperative society or Government Agency or corporation, commission agent who himself or on behalf of any other person or agent buys or agrees to buy agricultural produce in the market area as notified under this Act for resale. Not Available "Buyer" means a person, a firm, a company or cooperative society or Government agency, public undertaking/public agency or corporation, commission agent, who himself or on behalf of any other person or agent buys or agrees to buy agricultural produce in the market area as notified under this Act. [Section 2 (6)] Adopted from Rule 2(2) of Assam Agricultural produce Market (General) Rule, 1975 2(vii) "Bye - laws", means bye-laws made under section 105 "Bye - laws", means bye-laws made under section 50 "Bye-laws" means the bye-laws made by the Market Committee under this Act & Rules. [Section 2 (7)] Adopted from existing provision 2(viii) "Certificate Officer" means the Officer so defined in the Bengal Public Demands Recovery Act, 2(vii) 1913 "Commission Agent" means a person who on behalf of the principal trader and in consideration of 2(viii) a commission or percentage on the amount involved in transaction buys agricultural produce and makes payment, keeps it in his custody and delivers it to the principal trader in due course or who receives and takes in his custody and delivers it to the principal trader in due course or who receives and takes in his custody agricultural produce sent for salewithin the market area, sells the same in the market area and collects payment thereof from the buyer and remits the sale proceeds to his principal trader'. "Certificate Officer" means the Officer so defined in the Bengal Public Demands Recovery Act, 1913 "Commission Agent" means a person who on behalf of another person and in consideration of commission makes or offers to make purchase or sale of agricultural produce or does or offers to do anything necessary for completion and carrying out such purchase or sale'. No Provision Adopted from existing provision Adopted from Model Act 2(x) "Commissioner" means Divisional Commissioner as notified by the Government of Assam Not Available No Provision 2(xi) "Contract Farming" means a farming by a person or a group of persons, called Contract Farming Producer under a written agreement with another person called Contract Farming Sponsor to the effect that his farm produce shall be purchased as specified in the agreement; Explanation: "Contract Farming Producer" means an individual agriculturist or association of agriculturists, by whatever name called, registered under any law for the time being in force. (XLI) "Contract Farming" means a farming by a person or a group of persons, called Contract Farming Producer under a written agreement with another person called, Contract Farming Sponsor to the effect that his farm produce shall be purchased as specified in the agreement; Explanation:"Contract Farming Producer" means an individual agriculturist or association of agriculturists, by whatever name called, registered under any law for the time being "Contract Farming" means farming by a person called' Adopted from existing "Contract Farming Producer" under a written agreement with provision another person called "Contract Farming Sponsor" to the effect that his farm produce shall be purchased as specified in the agreement. Explanation: 'Contract Farming Producer' means individual agriculturist or association of agriculturists by whatever name called registered under any law for the time being inforce. In North Eastern States where the ownership or control over the agricultural lands lies with village anchavats or similar bodies legally recognized, such body will be treated as 'Contract Farming Producer'. [section 2 (11)] 2(xii) "Contract Farming Agreement" means the agreement made for contract farming between Contract farming Sponsor and Contract farming Producer. "Contract Farming Agreement" means the agreement made for contract farming between Contract farming Sponsor and Contract farming Producer. "Contract Farming Agreement" means the agreement made for contract farming between Contract Farming Sponsor and Contract Farming Producer.[Section 2 (12)] Adopted from existing provision "Cooperative Bank" No Provision No provision 2(iv) "Board" means the State Agricultural Marketing Board constituted under section 3 2(v) 2(ix) No Provision 2(iii) 2(vi) (XLII) Page 2 of 68 "Commission Agent" means a person who on behalf of his principal trader and in consideration of a commission or percentage on the amount involved in such transaction buys agricultural produce and makes payment, keeps it in his custody and delivers it to the principal trader in due course or who receives and takes in his custody agricultural produce sent for sale within the market area or from outside the market area, sells the same in the market area and collects payment thereof from the buyer and remits the sale proceeds to his principal trader. [Section 2 (10)] New Provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 2(xiii) "Cooperative Marketing Society" means a Cooperative Society registered under the Assam Cooperative Society Act, 1949 which has its principal object the promotion of the sale of agricultural produce grown, reared or produced by its members as such or equivalent therto by the State Government (x) "Cooperative Marketing Society" means a Cooperative Society registered No Provision under the Assam Cooperative Society Act, 1949 which has its principal object the promotion of the sale of agricultural produce grown, reared or produced by its members as such or equivalent therto by the State Government 2(xiv) "Director of Agricultural Marketing" means the Chief Executive of Directorate of Agricultural Marketing appointed by the state Government by a notification as Director of Agricultural Marketing to discharge all or any of the functions under this Act; (xi) "Director" means an officer, not below the rank of Additional Secretary to the Government of Assam, having sufficient experience in the administration of the state, appointed by the state Government by notification in the Official Gazette, as Director to discharge all or any of the functions of the Director under the Act and includes any officer empowered by the state Government by notification to exercise and perform all or any of the functions of the Director under the Act. "Director" means the person appointed, by the State Revised existing Government by notification, as Director of Agricultural provision Marketing ad includes any officer or officers empowered by the State Government by notification, to exercise or perform such of the powers or functions of the Director under the provisions of this Act or the Rules or the bye-laws made there under as may be specified in such notification. [Section 2 (13)1 2(xv) "Deputy Commissioner" means the Principal revenue officer of the District; (LII) "Deputy Commissioner" means the Principal revenue officer of the District; No Provision 2(xvi) "District Council" means a District Council constituted under paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India; "Faria" means a petty dealer and also includes an agent who in consideration of commission offers his services to purchase or sell agricultural produce. (xii) "District Council" means a District Council constituted under paragraph 2 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India; No Provision in the Act but found in Rules No Provision 2(xviii) "Gaon Panchayat" means a Panchayat established under the provision of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994; 2(xix) Adopted from existing provision No Provision Adopted from existing provision Adopted from existing provision Adopted from Rule 2(6) of Assam Agricultural produce Market (General) Rule, 1975 (i) "Gaon Panchayat" means a Panchayat established under the provision of the No Provision Assam Panchayat Act, 1994; Adopted from existing provision "Hamal" means a labour or coolie engaged for loading , unloading, filling, stitching, emptying or carrying any agricultural produce in the notified market area; (XLIII) "Hamal" means a labour or coolie engaged for loading , unloading, filling, stitching, emptying or carrying any agricultural produce in the notified market area; 2(XX) "License" means - license granted granted under this act (xiv) 2(xxi) "Licensee" means a person or association, firm or company granted a license under this Act (xv) "Licensee" means a person or association, firm or company granted a license "Licensee" means a person or association, firm,company, under this Act public sector undertaking or society holding a license issued under this Act. Section 2(22) 2(xxii) "Local Authority" means a Corporation, a Municipal Board or a Town Committee, a Zila Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat or a Goan Panchayat (xv) "Local Authority" means a Corporation, a Municipal Board or a Town Committee, a Zila Parishad or a Goan Panchayat "Local authority" means for the purpose of representation on Revised existing the Market Committee in relation to an area within the local provision units of (i) in any Municipal area, the Municipal Corporation, the Municipal Council, the Cantonment Board, the Sanitary Board, the Town Board, Town Improvement Trust or the notified committee or Local authority for the area (ii) In any rural area, the ZilaParishad, the Village Panchayat, or PanchayatSamiti, TalukaPanchayat or the Nagar Panchayat, or Gaon/Gram Panchayat, Mokhuma-Parishad or any other named [Section 2(23)] 2(xxiii) "Market" means a regulated market established under this act for the market area and includes a (xvi) market proper, a market yard and a sub-market yard or yards, if any "Market" means a regulated market established under this act for the market area and includes a market proper, a market yard and a sub-market yard or yards, if any "Market" means a market established under section 4 which Adopted from existing includes market area, market yard/sub yards and Market provision Committee. [section 2 (25)] 2(xvii) Hamal" means a labourer, hamal or is Adopted from existing Adopted from existing coolie engaged for Dara-making, loading, I provision provision unloading, filling, stitching, emptying or carrying any agricultural produce in the notified market area. [Section 2 (21)] "Licence" means- licence granted under this Act. [Section 2(21)] Page 3 of 68 Adopted from Model Act Adopted from existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 2(xxii) "Market area" means any area declared to be a market area under section 26; (xvii) "Market area" means any area declared to be a market area under Section 5; "Market Area" means area notified under section 4 of this Act. [Section 2 (26)] 2(xxiv) "Market Committee" means a committee established under section 37'. (xviii) "Market Committee" means a committee established under section 7'. "Market Committee'; means the Agricultural produce Market Adopted from existing Committee established under this Act [Section 2(28)] provision 2(xxv) "Market proper" means any area including all lands with the building and structures thereon within such distance of the market yard or sub-market yard as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette declare it to be a market proper; (xix) Inclusion of the term - 'market yard' No Provision 2(xxvi) "Market Year" means the financial year adopted and followed by the State Government "Market Year" means the financial year adopted and followed by the State Government "Year" means the year as may be notified by the Government Adopted from existing from time to time [Section 2(50)] provision 2(xxvii) "Marketing includes Agricultural Marketing" means all activities involved in the flow of agricultural produce from the produce from the production points commencing from stage of harvest till these reach the ultimate customers viz. grading, standardization, processing transport, channels of distribution and for all other functions involved in the process. Not Available "Marketing" means all activities involved in the flow of agricultural produce for the production points commencing from the stage of harvest till these reach the ultimate consumers viz. grading, . processing, storage, transport, channels of distribution and all other functions involved in the process. Section 2(31) 2(xxviii) "Market Functionary" means a trader, a commission agent, buyer, hamal, processor, a stockist, a transporter and any other such person as may be declared under the Rules or Bye laws, to be a market functionary. (L) "Market Functionary" means a trader, a commission agent, buyer, hamal, processor, a stockist, a transporter and any other such person as may be declared under the Rules or Bye laws, to be a market functionary. "Market Functionary" means a trader; a commission agent, Adopted from existing buyer, hamal, processor, a stockiest, a trader and such other provision person as may be declared under the rules or bve-Iaws to be a market declared, under th.e rules or bye-laws, I functionary. to be market functionary; [Section 2 (29)] 2(xxix) "Market Yard" and "Sub-Market Yard" means an enclosure, building or locality declared to be a Market Yard and Sub Market yard under Section 30 in the Official Gazette of the State Government; (xxvi) "Principal Market Yard" and "Sub Market Yard" means an enclosure, building "Market Yard" in relation to a market area means a specified Revised existing or locality declared to be a Market Yard and Sub Market yard under Section 6 place and includes any enclosures, buildings or locality provision declared as such in any market area by the State Government in the Official Gazette of the State Government; or the Director or the Managing Director by notification Section 2(30) 2(xxx) (xxi) (xxiii) "Measurer" means a person whose business is to measure consignments of agricultural produce for Sale "Notification" means a notification published in the Official gazette No Provision 2(xxxi) "Measurer" means a person whose business is to measure consignments of agricultural produce for Sale "Notification" means a notification published in the Official gazette 2(xxxii) "Prescribed" means prescribed by Rules made under this Act (xxv) "Prescribed" means prescribed by Rules made under this Act "Prescribed" means prescribed by Rules made under this Act[Section 2(34)] 2(xxxiii) "Private Market Yard" means such place other than the market yard/sub market yard in the (VLIV) market area where infrastructure has been developed and managed and managed by a person or a group of persons or a body corporate other than the Market Committee, for marketing of specified agricultural produce holding a registration for the purposes of this Act "Private Market Yard" means such place other than the market yard/sub No Provision market yard in the market area where infrastructure has been developed and managed and managed by a person or a group of persons or a body corporate other than the Market Committee, for marketing of specified agricultural produce holding a registration for the purposes of this Act Adopted from existing provision 2(xxxiv) "Producer" means a person who produces specified agricultural produce on one's own account: (xxvii) (a) by one's own labour; or (b) by the labour of any member on one's family; or (c) under the personal supervision of oneself or any member of one's family or bv servants on wages pavable in cash or kind but not in share or produce; or (d) by his tenants; and (e) enrolled in the producer register of the concerned commodity in government department. Explanation: For the purpose of this clause, a producer's society/ grower's society shall be deemed to be a producer "Progressive Producer" means a producer who in the opinion of the Director No Provision of Agriculture, Assam carries on agricultural production on improved method. New Provision(Adopted from Karnataka Act) Page 4 of 68 No Provision Adopted from existing provision Revised existing provision New Provision(Adopted from Model Act) Adopted from existing provision Adopted from existing provision Adopted from existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION "Proprietor" means the owner of of a market and includes any person who is in actual charge and or in direct control of the market whether such person is the owner of the market or is the lessee thereof or is acting on behalf on behalf of such owner or lessee. "Processing" means any one or more of a series of treatment relating to powdering, crushing, decorticating,de husking, parboiling, polishing, gining, pressing, curing or any other manual, mechanical, chemical or physical treatment to which raw agricultural produce or its product is subjected to, (xxvii) as same as proposed act No Provision (XLV) "Processing" means any one or more of a series of treatment relating to powdering, crushing, decorticating,de husking, parboiling, polishing, gining, pressing, curing or any other manual, mechanical, chemical or physical treatment to which raw agricultural produce or its product is subjected to, "Processing" means anyone or more of a series of Adopted from existing treatments relating to powdering, crushing, decorticating, provision Dehusking, parboiling, polishing, ginning, pressing, curing or any other manual, mechanical, chemical or physical treatment to which raw agricultural produce or its product is subjected to. [Section 2(36)] 2(xxxvi) "Processor" means a person or a group of persons who undertakes processing of any specified agricultural produce on his own account or on payment of a charge; (XLVI) "Processor" means a person or a group of persons who undertakes processing of any specified agricultural produce on his own account or on payment of a charge; "Processor" means a person who undertakes processing of any notified agricultural produce on his own accord or on payment of a charge. [Section 2(37)] Adopted from existing provision 2(xxxvii) "Registrar" means th Regisatrar of Cooperative Societies, Assam (xxiv) "Registrar" means th Regisatrar of Cooperative Societies, Assam No Provision Adopted from existing provision 2(xxxviii) "Registration" means registration made under this Act (XLVII) "Registration" means registration made under this Act Registration" means registration done under this Act[Section Adopted from existing 2(38)] provision 2(xxxix) "Regulation" means regulation made by the Board/Director of Agricultural Marketing in accordance with the provision if this Act 2(xxxx) "Retail Sale" means a sale of any agricultural produce not exceeding such quantity as may be by Bye-laws or Rules be fixed in respect or such agricultural produce; (xxx) 2(xIi) "Rules" means rules a schedule to this Act 2(xIii) 2(xxxv) 2(xxxv) Adopted from existing provision "Regulation" means regulation made by Adopted from Model Act the Board/Director, in accordance with the provisions of this Act [Section 2 (39)] Adopted from Model Act "Retail Sale" means a sale of any agricultural produce not exceeding such quantity as may be by Bye-laws or Rules be fixed in respect or such agricultural produce; "Retail Sale" in relation to a notified agricultural produce means a sale not exceeding such quantity as the Market Committee may by bye-laws, determine to be a retail sale in respect thereof. Section 2(40) Adopted from existing provision (xxxi) "Rules" means rules a schedule to this Act "Rules" means rules made under this Act by the State Government. [Section 2 (41)] Adopted from existing provision "Schedule) means a schedule in this Act (xxxiii) "Schedule) means a schedule in this Act No Provision Adopted from existing provision 2(xliii) "Secretary to the Government" means Senior most Secretary in Agriculture Department (LIII) No Provision Revised existing provision 2(xIiv) "Special Market" means a marketnotified as such and includes special commodity market. "Secretary" with reference to the Government means the official head of the concerned department in the Government and includes a Principal Secretary or a Commissioner and Secretary; No Provision "Special Market" means a market notified as such and includes special commodity market.[Section 2 (44)] Adopted from Model Act 2(xIv) "Specified Agricultural Produce" means any or all the items included in the Schedule to this Act as same as proposed act Section 2(32) Adopted from existing provision 2 (xIvi) "Spot Exchange" means an exchange for trading of specified agricultural produce through electronic media licensed under section 31 2(xIvii) "State Government" means the State Government of Assam; 2(xIviii) (xxiv) New Provision (Obtained from Karnataka Act) Adopted from existing provision Adopted from existing provision "State Government" means the State Government of Assam; No Provision "Surveyor" means. a person whose business is to survey a consignment of agricultural produce for (xxxv) sale in regard to quality, grade, refraction, adulteration and such other purposes; "Surveyor" means. a person whose business is to survey a consignment of agricultural produce for sale in regard to quality, grade, refraction, adulteration and such other purposes; No Provision 2(xIix) Trade" means any kind of transaction of sale and purchase or any kind of remuneration of sale and (xxxvi) purchase of any agricultural produce and is within the definition of Agricultural Marketing; "Trade" means any kind of transaction of sale and purchase or any kind of remuneration of sale and purchase of any agricultural produce; No Provision 2(xIx) "Trader" means a person ordinarily engaged in the business of buying and selling of agricultural produce as a principal or a duly authorized agent of one or more principals and includes a person ordinarily engaged in the business of processing of agricultural produce; "Trader" means a person ordinarily engaged in the business of buying and selling of agricultural produce as a principal or a duly authorized agent of one or more principals and includes a person ordinarily engaged in the business of processing of agricultural produce; "Trader" means a person who in his normal course of Adopted from existing business buys or sells any notified agricultural produce, and provision includes a person engaged in processing of agricultural produce, but does not include an agriculturist. [Section 2 (46)] (xxxiii) (xxxvii) Page 5 of 68 Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 2 (xIxi) "Transportation" means taking of agricultural produce by pushcart, bullock cart, truck, any other type of vehicle or railway wagon in course of business before sale or after sale has taken place in the market area or outside, for marketing, trading or processing from one place to another (XLVIII) "Transportation" means taking of agricultural produce by pushcart, bullock cart, truck, any other type of vehicle or railway wagon in course of business before sale or after sale has taken place in the market area or outside, for marketing, trading or processing from one place to another "Transportation" means taking agricultural produce by Adopted from existing pushcart, bullock cart, truck or other vehicle in course of provision business for marketing from one place to another. [Section 2 (47)] 2(xIxii) "Transporter" means a person who transports or a body of persons who transport agricultural (XLIX) produce; "Warehouse Corporation" means the State Warehousing Corporation established in Assam under (xxxVii) section 18 of the Warehousing Corporation Act, 1972 "Transporter" means a person who transports or a body of persons who transport agricultural produce; "Warehouse Corporation" means the State Warehousing Corporation established in Assam under section 18 of the Warehousing Corporation Act, 1972 "Weighman" means a person whose business is to weigh a consignment of agricultural produce for sale "Transporter" means a person who transports agricultural produce. Section 2(48) No Provision Adopted from existing provision Adopted from existing provision No Provision Adopted from existing provision 2(xIxiii) 2(xlxiv) "Weighman" means a person whose business is to weigh a consignment of agricultural produce for (xxxix) sale 2(xIxiVi) "Value addition" means processing, grading, packaging or other activities due to which value is added to agricultural produce 2(xIxvii) ·Zilla Parishad" means a Zilla Parishad established under sub-section (1) of section 64 of the Assam (xxii) Panchayat Act. 1994; (LI) 2 If a question arises whether a person is or is not a producer or trader for the purpose of this Act. it 1(2) will be decided in the manner prescribed based on producer and trader register maintained by the competent authority and the decision of the Director of Agricultural Marketing thereon shall be final.Explanation: : For the purpose of the Act. the word "person" includes any firm. joint family. company. association or body of individuals whether incorporated or not. "Value addition" means processing, grading, packaging or other activities due "Value Addition" means processing, grading, packing or other Adopted from existing to which value is added to agricultural produce activities due to which value is added to agricultural' provision produce.[Section 2 (49)] ·Zilla Parishad" means a Zilla Parishad established under sub-section (1) of section 64 of the Assam Panchayat Act. 1994; No Provision I If a question arises whether a person is or is not an agriculturist or trader for No Provision the purpose of this Act. it will be decide in the manner prescribed land the decision of the State Government thereon shall be final. Explanation: For the purpose of the Act. the word "person" includes any firm. joint family. association or body of individuals whether incorporated or not. Page 6 of 68 Adopted from existing provision Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER II Constitution of The State Marketing Board Constitution 3(1) of The State Agricultural Marketing Board The State Government may for coordinating the activities of Markets and for development, 3(1) promotion and regulation of agricultural marketing, exercising the powers conferred on and duties assigned to the Board by or under this Act, establish and constitute a State Agricultural Marketing Board consisting. of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and 26 (twenty-six) other members to be nominated by the State Government as follows: [The State Government may for exercising the powers conferred on and duties assigned to the Board by or under this Act, establish and constitute a State Agricultural Marketing Board consisting of a Chairman and 2[17 (seventeen) other members to be nominated by the State Government as follows: (a) One Chairperson (a) One Chairman2 (b) One Vice-Chairperson (b) Officials of the Government of Assam (c) Officials of the Government of Assam i)Director of Agriculture; (i) Commissioner and Secretary, Finance Department iii) Director of Panchayat, Assam (iii) Director of Horticulture and Food Processing iv) Director of Municipal Administration,Assam (iv) Director of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry v) ) Registrar of Co-operative Societies (v) Director of Fisheries (vi) Director of Dairy Development vi) Secretary, Agriculture Department, Assam 3(vii) Representative of the Marketing Advisor, Government of India, posted at Guwahati c ) Non-Officials : (i) One agriculturist member of the Market Committees - to be nominated by the Chairman of the Board (ii) One representative from Agricultural Farming Corporations formed under the Assam Agricultural Farming Corporation Act, 1973 (iii) Two progressive producers - to be nominated by the Chairman of the Board. iv) One licensee - to be nominated by the Chairman of the Board v) ) One from amongst the members of the Co-operative Marketing Societies represented in the Market Committeej- to be nominated by the Chairman of the Board.1 (ix) Director of Municipal Administration (x) Registrar of Co-operative Societies (xi) Principal Chief Conservator of Forest; (xii) Commissioner, Guwahati Municipal Corporation (xiii) Representative of Agricultural Marketing Adviser, GOI (d) Non-officials : (i) One producer (agriculture/horticulture sector) member of the Market Committees - to be nominated by the Board; Revised existing provision Section 61. Revised existing provision ii) Dir. of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry (ii) Director of Agriculture; (vii) Director of Sericulture; (viii) Commissioner of Panchayat & Rural Development Section 60, 62 & 63. vi) One trader of Agricultural Produce of a Market Committee to be nominated by the Chairman of the Board vii) 3 (three) Nos. of Chairman from the (ii) Seven producers from Agriculture,Horticulture, Animal Husbandry,Fishery, Dairy, Sericulture and Forestry to be selected by the respective Directorates by inviting applications in the news paper following due procedure; iii) One from amongst the members of the Co-operative Marketing Societies [represented in the Market Committee] to be nominated by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies specifying the criteria on best performance; iv) One trader of agricultural produceholding valid licence under this Act to be nominated by the AgriculturalProduce Traders' Association. The Association is to be identified by the Food, Civil Supply & Consumers' Affairs Department; Incorporati on of the Board (v) 3 (three) Nos. of Chairperson from the Market Committee to be nominated by the Board based on performance specifying the criteria. 2 The Board shall be a body corporate by the name of the State Agricultural Marketing Board having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power subject to the acquire and hold property and shall by the saidprovisions of this Act, to name sue and be sued [and shall be competent to acquire and hold lease, or otherwise transfer any property and to enter into any contract and to do all other things necessary, for the purpose for which it is established. 3 as same as proposed act Page 7 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Term of Office of The Board. PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION 4 [The term of office of the Board shall be three I Section 65 years from the Section 65. date of its first meeting or till its reconstitution, whichever is earlier: Provided that any Non-Official member nominated under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of this section shall cease to be a member of the Board from the date he ceases to be a member of a Market Committee, representative of Agricultural Farming Corporation, a Licensee, or a member of the Cooperative Society represented in the Market 3 The term of office of the Board shall be five years from the date of its first meeting. Provided the first meeting shall be held within fifteen days from the date of notification constituting the new Board. 18 The headquarters of the Board shall be located at a place to be determined by the State Government 4 The headquarters of the Board shall be located at Guwahati. 5 The Board shall be deemed to be a Local Authority for this purpose. Appointme 4(1) nt of Chairperson of the Board EXISTING ACT PROVISION Chairperson of the Board shall be appointed by the Government with the recommendation of a 3(1) selection Committee. The Committee for this purpose will consist of (i) Chief Minister,Assam; (ii) the Agriculture Minister, Assam; and (iii) the Chief Secretary to the Government of Assam. The Agriculture Production Commissioner to the Government of Assam will be the Convenor of the Committee Qualificatio n to be a Chairperson of the Board 6 The Chairperson of the Board shall have the following qualifications and shall be chosen from persons (a) having minimum educational qualification of graduation from a recognized university; (b) who is a practicing producer adopting modern technoloav for a minimum of 10 years as certified by the concerned officer of respective department of AgricultureHorticulture & Food Processing/ Fishery/ Dairyl Veterinary & Animal Husbandry/ Sericulturel Forest & Environment; (c) who possess a minimum cultivable land of one hectare; and (d) not worked as Chairperson of the Board earlier twice Disqualificat ion to be a Chairperson of the Board 7 No person shall be eligible to be appointed as a Chairperson of the Board, if(a) an enquiry into an offence under law for the time being inforce is pending against him or her or he or she have been convicted to such an offence; (b) does not ordinarily reside within the State of Assam; (c) is below forty and above sixty-five years of age; (d) is of unsound mind; or (e) has been declared as insolvent or sentenced by a criminal court whether within or outside the State of Assam for an offence involving moral turpitude.Provided that, if the information submitted by the Chairperson are found to be incorrect or false, his or her selection/ appointment shall stand cancelled and disqualify for the post in future. Further, Government will start criminal proceeding against him or her. Revised existing provision Revised existing provision New Provision Revised existing provision -3 The decision of the selection committee shall be taken by majority. 5 The Agriculture Production Commissioner of Assam shall be the Vice-Chairperson of the Board REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised existing provision 2 The process of selection for (1) shall be initiated by the State Government in Agriculture Department within three months of its constitution in the first instanoe and three months prior to the completion of tenure of the existing Board and shall be concluded within three months. The Agriculture Department will invite applications in the newspapers (Assamese, Bengali and English) from the producers having requisite qualifications as contained in section 6 Appointme nt of Vice Chairperson of the Board MODEL ACT New Provision New Provision 3(5) No person shall be eligible to become a Chairman or member of the Board who - (a) does not ordinarily reside within the State of Assam(b) is below twenty-one years of age(c) has been removed under Section 30 of this Act(d) is of unsound mind; or (e) has been declared as insolvent or sentenced by a criminal court whetherwithin of outside the State of Assam for ~n offence involving moral turpitudeProvided that the disqualification under clause 5 (c) on the ground of a sentence by a criminal courtshall not apply after the expiry of four years from the date .on which the sentence of such person expired; Provided further that no person shall be nominated as Chairman of . the Board consecutively for more than two terms Page 8 of 68 Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Qualificatio n to be a non official member of the Board PROPOSED ACT 8 The Non-official members of the Board shall have the following qualifications and shall be chosen from persons (a) who is a producer in the market area; (b) who is a practicing producer adopting modern technology for a minimum period of 5 years; and (c) who possess a minimum cultivable land of one hectare 9 No person shall be eligible to be appointed as a member of the Board, if- Disqualificat ion to be a non official member of the Board EXISTING SECTION 11(1) REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION No person shall be eligible to become a Chairman or member of the Board Section 70 who (a) does not ordinarily reside within the State of Assam; (b) is below twenty-one years of age; (c) has been removed under Section 30 of this Act; (d) is of unsound mind; or (e) has been declared as insolvent or ; sentenced by a criminal court whether within of outside the State of Assam for an offence involving moral, turpitude; Provided that the disqualification under clause 5 (c) on the ground of a sentence by a criminal court ' shall not apply after the expiry of four years from the date on which the sentence of such person expired; Provided further that no person shall be nominated as Chairman of the Board consecutively for more than two terms A Non-Official member of the Board may resign from membership by Section 69 tendering his resignation to the State Government through the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Board may resign by tendering his resignation to the State Government and such resignation shall be effective from the date of the acceptance by the State Government Revised existing provision 2 The State Government may remove the Chairperson or any non-official member of the Board who has become subject to any of the disqualifications specified as above in section 7 and 9. Provided that, before removing the Chairperson or a non-official member, the reasons for the proposed action shall be conveyed to him or her, and his or her reply duly be considered. The Government shall take decision in the matter within 60 days from the date of the notice. The State Government may remove the Chairman or any member of the Section 65. Board who has become subject to any of the disqualifications specified in subsection (5): Provided that before removing the Chairman or a member the reasons for the proposed action shall be conveyed to him and his reply invited within a specified period and duly considered. Revised existing provision 3 In the event of removal of Chairperson by the State Government under sub-section (2) of section 10, and also in the event of resignation by the Chairperson under sub- section (1) of section 10, the Vice-Chairperson shall discharge the duties and function as Chairperson till a regular Chairperson is appointed by the State Government following due procedure No provision No provision New Provision No act or proceeding of the Board shall be Invalid by reason only of the existence of any vacancy among its members or any defect in the constitution thereof. No provision Section 68 Revised existing provision Section 68 New Provision No provision Section 68 New Provision 3(5) (c) is below thirty years of age; (d) is of unsound mind; and (e) has been declared as insolvent or sentenced by a criminal court whether within or outside the State of Assam for an offence involving moral turpitude; Provided that, if the information submitted by the members are found to be incorrect or false, his or her selection/ appointment shall stand cancelled and disqualified for any post of the Board in future. Further, Government will start criminal proceeding against him or her. Vacancies of the Board MODEL ACT New Provision (a) an enquiry into an offence under any law for the time being inforce is pending against him or her or he or she has been convicted to such an offence; (b) does not ordinarily reside within the State of Assam; Resignation 10(1) and removal of Chairperson and Non-official Members of the Board EXISTING ACT PROVISION The Chairperson or any non-official member may, by notice in writing addressed to the 3(6) Government in Agriculture Department of the State, through the Chief Executive Officer, resign from his or her office and such- resignation shall be effective from the date of acceptance by the State Government. The Government shall examine the resignation and take a decision within thirty days of the receipt of the resignation notice. No act or proceedmgs of the Board shall be questioned or shall be invalidated merely on the ground of existence of any vacancy or defect in the constitution of the Board. 2 In the event of occurrence of vacancy in the Board caused by any reason, a selection shall be held in accordance with section 4(1) and 7 to fill the vacancy within three months of the vacancy arising 3 A member so appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remaining of the predecessor's term. In case of vacancy arises against elected members leaving a period of less than six months, the vacancy shall not be filled up 3(19) Page 9 of 68 Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Quorum 12(1) and Decision of the Board Appointme 13(1) nt of chief Executive Officer and other officials of the board PROPOSED ACT One-third members shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Board. Provided that, if a meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, no quorum shall be necessary at such adjourned meeting. EXISTING SECTION 3(15) EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Four members shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Board: Provided that if a meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, no quorum shall be necessary at such adjourned meeting. Revised existing provision 2 All questions before a meeting of the Board shall 3(16) shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present in the voting and in case of equality of votes; , the Chairman may exercise a may exercise a casting vote. TheState Government shall nominate an IAS Officer of the State Government not below the 3(2) rank of Joint Secretary having sufficient experiencein the affairs of the State, to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Board who shall be selected by the Committee constituted for selection of Chairperson under section 4 (1)The Chief Executive Officer shall be the Ex- Officio MemberSecretary of the Board and shall hold office for a minimum period of three years under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the State from time to time. as same as proposed act Revised existing provision The State Government shall nominate a Senior Officer of the State Section 64(1),(2),(3) & (4) Government having sufficient experience in the affairs of the State, to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Board who shall be selected by a Committee to be constituted by the State Government for this purpose. The Chief Executive Officer shall be the Ex-Officio Member- Secretary of the Board who shall enjoy the status of a Joint Secretary to the Government of Assam and shall hold office for such term and under such terms and conditions as mav be fixed bv the as may be fixed by the State from time to time. Revised existing provision 2 The Board shall appoint a Joint Chief Executive Officer from the senior most officers of the Board who has sufficient experience in the field of agriculturalmarketing including enforcement of this Act as Secretary to the Market Committee and worked as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Board and other terms including training on agricultural marketing conducted by Directorate of Marketing & Inspection, Government of India and as prescribed by State Government or Director of Agricultural Marketing, Assam as determined from time to time. The Board shall constitute a Selection Committee for this purpose as prescribed. No provision No provision New Provision 3 There shall be a separate cadre of Secretary to the Market Committee with the basic qualification of graduation in Agriculture! Horticulture! Fishery/ Dairy/ Forestry science. Due preference may be accorded for additional qualification in management with a direct recruitment and promotional induction in the ratio of 50:50. 4 (a)Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the Rules and the Bye-laws made there under, the Board may employ such persons for the performance of functions of the Board under this Act, and may give them such remuneration with due consideration to theAssam ,Pay Commission reports as applicable to the officers and employees of Directorate of Agriculture, Assam, constituted by the Government from time to time and on the performance of functions of the Board and may suspend, remove, dismiss or otherwise punish any person so employed; Provided that, no new post in any category shall be created by the Board without obtaining prior approval of the State Government and the numbers of existina posts cateaorv-wise alread created by the Board since its inception and before coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000shall be submitted by the Board for obtaining ex- post-facto concurrence of the State Government in this regard within one month from the date of coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000 and no person shall be employed by the Board in any capacity and in any manner whether on fixed payor on ad-hoc basis or otherwise if the creation of such post has not been The Board may, with the approval of the State Government and without any prejudice to the generality rule making power of the State Government under section 105 of the Act, make byelaws No provision No provision New Provision 12 (a) Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the rules and the bye-laws made No provision there under the Board may employ such persons for the performance of the functions of the Board.Provided that until a Pool of Officers is created by the Board, the Director may permit employment of other persons to the posts notified under sub- section (1) ourelv on ternoorarv basis under this Act, and may give them such remuneration as it may think fit and may suspend, remove, dismiss otherwise punish any person so employed: Provided that, no new post in any category shall be created by the Board without obtaining prior approval of the State Government and the numbers of existing posts category-wise already created by the Board since its inception and before coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000 shall be submitted by the Board for obtaining ex-post- facto concurrence of the State Government in this regard within one month from the dateof coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000 and no person shall be employed by the Board in any capacity and in any manner whether on fixed payor on adhocbasis or otherwise if the creation of such post has not been concurred by the State Government as provided under this section. Provided further that the Board may, with the approval of the State Government and without any prejudice to the [generality] rulemaking power of the State Government making power of the State Government under section 49 of the Act make bye-laws under sub- Page 10 of 68 Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION Powers and 15(1) Functions of the Board 14 The Board for efficient functioning of the organization in the interest of regulation and development of agricultural ing of the State shall create (i) Planning and Research Cell; (ii) Market Infrastructure Development Cell; (iii) Marketing Regulation and Enforcement Cell; (iv) Grading and Standardisation and Quality Control Cell; (v) Market ,Information, Research and Extension Cell; (vi) Human Resource Development and Management (vii) Engineering Cell; (viii) Finance and Accounts Cell; and (ix) Internal Audit Cell; (x) Legal cell. The Board shall subject to the provisions of this Act, perform the following function and do such things as may be necessary or expedient for carrying out these functions, namely: (i) the Board shall exercise superintendence and control over the Market Committees in the manner prescribed; (ii) to establish standards of agricultural produce marketing and market MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION State Government under section 49 of the Act, make bye-laws under subsection (14) of section 3 regulating the employment and conditions of service in respect of any or all categories of officers and employees of the [Board and] Market Committees and such bye-laws shall, as nearly as. may be, consistent with the corresponding rules in respect of the Officers and employees of the corresponding grade of the State Government. Any amendment to such bye-laws once framed shall require approbation of at least three-fourth of the total number of members of the Board in the meeting before approval of the Government. [Provided also that the approval as required under the aforesaid provision, if not received within a period of ninety days from the date of seeking thereof, shall be deemed to have been approved on the expiry of the said period] (b) The Board may constitute Pool of Officers and other Staff common to all Market Committees and the Board as it may deem fit. 24(1) The Board shall create a pool of officers as soon as may be convenient for appointment as such staff at the markets as may be notified from time to time in the official Gazette.24(2) The Board shall make appointment to the post notified under sub-section (c) from the pool of officers created by the Board and it shall be obligatory on every Market Committee to employ such persons. The emoluments and terms and conditions of service of such officers shall be fixed by the Board. Provided that until a Pool of Officers is created by the Board, the Director may permit employment of other persons to the posts notified under sub- section (1) purely on temporary basis under section 4 of-section 15 regulating the employment and conditions of service in respect of any or all categories of officers and employees of the Board and Market Committees and such bye-laws shall, as nearly as may be, consistent with the corresponding rules in respect of the officers and employees of the corresponding grade of the State Government. Any amendment to such bye-laws once framed shall require approbation of at least three-fourth of the total number of members of the Board in the meeting before approval of the Government. (b)The Board may constitute Pool of Officers and other Staff common to all Market Committees and the Board as it may deem fit. (c) The Board shall. create a Pool of Officers as soon as may be convenient for appointment of such Staff at the markets as may be notified from time to time in the Official Gazette. (d) The Board shall make appointment to the post notified under' sub-section (c)' from the pool of Officers created by the Board and it shall be obligatory on every Market Committee to employ such persons. The emoluments and terms and conditions of service of such Officers shall be fixed by the Board as per provision of this Act. Creation of Different Cells EXISTING ACT PROVISION No provision (3A)(1) The Board shall subject to the provisions of this Act and without prejudice to the provisions of section 3 (10), perform the following functions and do such things as may be necessary or expedient for carrying out these functions, namely :(i) Coordination of the working of the Market Committees and other affairs thereof including programmes undertaken by such Market Committees for the development of Page 11 of 68 No provision New Provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT infrastructure standards for the promotion of aradina and standardization and auality certification of agricultural produce in the State by setting up of Bureau; (iii) to undertake the State level planning of the development of agricultural produce and markets; (iv) to facilitate, promote and development of agricultural produce market infrastructure in the State including Public Private Partnership model; (v) to draft a training policy for the Board's functionaries and stakeholders i.e. Board members and Market Committee members, growers, traders and market functionaries on modern methods and its implementation including organizing seminar, workshop, study visit, exhibition etc. on agricultural marketing within 12 months from the date. of commencement of this Act; (vi) to undertake marketing extension service of agricultural produce and allied sectors including the areas of transfer of marketing technology, information on production, sale, storage, processing, price dissemination etc.; (vii) to co-ordination of the working of the Market Committees and other affairs thereof including programmes EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION markets and market areas (ii) Undertake the State level planning of the development of Agricultural produce and Markets; (iii) Administer the Marketing BoardFund; (iv) Giving direction to Market Committees in general or to any Market Committee in particular with a view to ensure improvement thereof; (iv) Any other functions specifically entrusted to the Board under this Act; (vi) Any other functions that may be entrusted to the Board by the State Government under this Act. The Board shall exercise superintendence and control over the Market Committees in the manner prescribed. undertaken by such Market Committees for the. development of. markets and market areas; (viii) to giving direction to Market Committees in general or to any Market Committee in particular with a view to ensure improvement thereof; . (ix) to administer the Marketing Board's Fund and Agricultural Marketing Development Fund; (x) to formulate procurement policy for the Board and Market Comiitittees within 12 months from the date 01 eommencement of this Act and to be revised from time to time: (xi) any other tunctions specifically entrusted (xii) any other functions that may be entrusted to the Board by the State Government under this act. Page 12 of 68 MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION 2 Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of the functions of the Board shall be (i) to approve proposals for selection of new site by the Market Committees for establishment of Market Yard or SubMarket Yard; (ii) to approve proposal for constructing infrastructural facilities in the market area; (iii) to supervise and guide the Market Committees in the preparation of plans and estimates of construction programmes undertaken by the Market Committee; (iv) to execute all works chargeable to the Board's fund; (v) to maintain accounts as per Accounting Standards of Institute-of Chartered Accounts of India and that of CAG and get the same audited; (vi) to execute the works for transfer of marketing technology and extension EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Section 73(2) Revised existing provision as per Model Act The State Government or the Chairperson or the Chief Executive Officer of No provision the Board or any other employee of the Board authorized in this behalf by the Board, may call for any information for return relating to specified agricultural commodities from a Market Committee or any other functionaries under or in relation to such Market Committees and shall have the power to inspect the records of a Market Committee or such functionaries as the case may be. Revised existing providsion 2 Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of the functions of the Board shall be :(i) to approve proposals for selection of new site by the Market Committees for establishment of Principal market yard or sub-market yard; (ii) to approve proposal for constructing infrastructural facilities in the Market area; (iii)to supervise and guide the Market Committees in the preparation of plans and estimates of construction programme undertaken by the Market Committee; (iv) to execute all works chargeable to the Board's fund: (v) to maintain accounts in such forms as may be formulated and get the same audited; (vi) to set up separate Marketing Extension Cell in the Board for transfer of marketing technology and extension services and also to make necessary arrangement by the Board for propaganda and publicity on matters related to regulated marketing of an Agricultural Produce; - services and also to make necessary arrangement by the Board for propaganda and publicity on matters related to regulated marketing of an agricultural produce; (vii) to prepare and adopt annual budget for the ensuing year; (vii) to prepare and adopt annual budget for the ensuing year; (viii) to do such other lawful things as may be considered necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act. (viii) to publish Annual report, not later than six months of the completion of Financial year, like that of companies under the Companies Act, 1956 and circulate to Government, all members of the Board and Market Committees and also in Board's website; (ix) to do such lawful things as may be considered necessary for carrying out! the provisions of this Act (x) management of the property of the Board; (xi) execution of contracts; (xii) assurances of property on behalf of the Board; and (xiii) maintenance of accounts and preparation of balance sheet by the Board. (xiv) to approve the work allotment of its personnel from time to time. 3 The Chief. Executive Officer of the Board or any other employee of the Board authorized in this .behalf by the Board, may call for any information for return relating to specified agricultural commodities from a Market Committee or any other functionaries under or in relation to such Market Committees and shall have the power to inspect the records of a Market Committee or such functionaries as the case may be. 3(11) Page 13 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT 4 Subject to the rules made under this Act, the Board may, with the approval of the State Government frame bye-laws for(a) the assignment of duties and powers of the Board to its Chairperson, Chief Executive Officer or persons employed (b) regulating the employment and conditions of service in respect of all of the categories of officers and employees of the Board and the Market Committees; and (c) such other matters as may be prescribed Conduct of business of the Board 5 The Board shall conduct its meetings and other business as per the Secretarial Standards of the lnstitute of Company Secretaries of India. There shall be one Board meeting once in very three months Delegation of Power 6 Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Board may by general or special order delegate to the Chief Executive Officer or to any other officer of the Board such of the powers and duties under the Act as it may deem fit. Power to raise Fund 7 The Board may with the previous sanction of the State Government raise money required for carrying out the purposes for which it is established on the security of any property vested in it: Provided that the conditions subject to which such money or loan shall be raised or obtained and time within which such money or loan shall be repayable shall be subject to the previous sanction of the State Government. EXISTING SECTION 3(14) EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT Subject to rules made under this Act, the Board may, with the approval of the State Government frame bye-laws for (a) regulating the transaction of business at its meeting; (b) the assignment of duties and powers of the Board to its Chairman, [Chief Executive Officerj1 or persons employed by it; and 2(c) regulating the employment and conditions of service in respect of any or all of the categories of Officers and employees of the Board and the Market Committees; 3(d) such other matters as may be prescribed Revised existing providsion No provision No provision 3G(1) same as proposed Act Section 81 3(A) same as proposed Act No provision Page 14 of 68 REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION New Provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Budget, 16(1) Accounts and Audit of Accounts of the Board PROPOSED ACT Subject to rules made under this Act, an estimate of the annual income and expenditure of the Board for the ensuing year shall be prepared and passed by the Board and submitted every year for sanction of the State Government not later than the prescribed date. The State Government shall sanction and return the budget within two months from the date of the receipt thereof. The Government shall examine the budget by the availing the services of an employee of any State Level Public Enterprise who is the qualified Chartered Accountant or of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India. If, it is not received by the Board within two months it shall be presumed to have been sanctioned EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 3(13) Subject to rules made under this Act, an estimate of the annual income and Section 80(1), (2),(3),(4),(5) & 96) and also Section 73(i) & 9ix) Revised existing expenditure of the Board for the ensuing year shall be prepared and passed provision. by the Board and submitted every year for sanction of the State Government not later than the prescribed date. The State Government shall sanction and return the budget within two months from the date of the receipt thereof. If it is not received within two months it shall be presumed to have been sanctioned. 2 The Accounts of the Board shall be audited every year by the 'Comptroller and AudilDr General, Government of India. 3F(1) The Accounts of the Board shall be audited every year by the Director of Audit (Local Fund), Assam or in whatever name he may be called or any officer authorized by him. The Board shall be deemed to be a Local Authority for this purpose Revised existing provision. 3 The Forms of Accounts to be maintained by I the Board for the purpose of Audit shall be such as may be determined by the Board as per Auditing Standards of Comptroller and Auditor General of India and Institute of Chartered Accountant of India. . 3F(3) The Forms of Accounts to be maintained by the Board for the purpose of Audit shall be such as may be determined by the Board in consultation with the Director of Audit (Local Fund), Assam Revised existing provision. 4 The Board shall make arrangement for internat Audit of its Accounts every year by such officers or 3F(2) persons as it may deem fit same as proposed Act Revised existing provision. 5 The report of Audit with comments of the Board thereon shall be submitted to State Government every year along with the Annual Report within six months of the completion of financial year. 3F(4) The report of Audit with comments of the Board thereon shall be submitted to State Government every year The Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund 17 All moneys received by or on behalf of the Board shall be credited to a fund called "The Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund". The existing Fund of the Board before coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000, shall be credited to the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund established under this section, within one month from the date of coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000. 3B All moneys received by or on behalf of the Board shall be credited to a fund Section 75 called "The Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund". The existing Fund of the Board before coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000, shall be credited to the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund established under this section, within one month from the date of coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000. Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the Board and Payments incurred by the Board 18 All payment incurred by the Board shall be defrayed out of the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund. The Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall be the drawing and disbursing officer subject to this Act and the byelaws framed to that effect. 3C All payment incurred by the Board shall be defrayed out of the Marketing Board Fund. The Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall be the drawing and disbursing officer subject to this Act and the bye-laws framed to that effect. Page 15 of 68 Section 76 Revised Existing Provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Contributio n towards the Board Utilization 20(1) of the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund PROPOSED ACT 19 Every Market Committee shall pay to the Board 40% of its annual gross income derived from license fee and cess as contribution to meet the expenses of establishment of the Board and execution of works as may be directed by the Government from time to time for carrying out the purposes of this Act and for execution of other functions assigned to the Board under this Act including the maintenance of pool of officers common to Board and Market Committees. This will be deemed to the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund. The Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund shall be utilized by the Board for discharge of functions entrusted to the Board under this Act. 2 Without Prejudice to the generality of this provision, to the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund may be utilized for the following purposes, namely :(i) payment of administrative expenditure of the Board; (ii) payment of travelling and other allowance to the Chairperson and Members of the Board (iii) payment of legal expenses incurred by the Board; (iv) Ganting aid to financially weak Market Committees in the form of loan or grant for development purposes; (v)training of the Board members, Market Committee members, officers and staff of the Market Committees and the Board and also of agriculturists/ producers and market functionaries; (vi)propaganda and publicity on matters relating to marketing of Agricultural produce; (vii)Imparting education in marketing of agricultural produce; (viii)Organizing and arranging study visit, workshops, seminars, exhibitors etc., on development of marketing; (ix)General improvement of the regulation of marketing in the State; (x)Providing technical assistance to the Market Committees; (xi)Market survey and research, grading and standardization, quality certification of agricultural produce and other allied subjects; (xii)Acquisition or constructions or hiring by lease or otherwise of buildings or land for performing the duties of the Board; (xiii) Internal audit of the Board and the Market Committees; (xiv)Development of quality testing and I communication infrastructure relevant to agriculture and allied sectors; , (xv)Development of media, cyber and long distance infrastructure relevant to marketing of agricultural and allied commodities. (xvii) for any purpose as may be deemed necessary by the Board for carrying out the purposes of this Act; (xviii) for any purpose as may be directed by the State Government for carrying out the purposeness of this Act. EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT 3D Every Market Committee shall pay to the 'Board 50% of its annual gross Section 77 income derived from licence fee and cess as contribution to meet the expenses of establishment of the Board and execution of works as may be directed by the Government from time to time for carrying out the purposestlf---this Act and for execution of other functions assigned to the Board under this Act including the maintenance of pool of officers common to Board and Market Committee 3E(1) same as proposed Act Revised Existing Provision Section 79 2 Without Prejudice to the generality of thisprovision to Marketing Board Fund Section 79 may be utilized for the following purposes, namely :(i) payment of administrative expenditure of the Board; (ii) payment of travelling and other allowance to the Chairman and Members of the Board (iii)payment of legal expenses incurred by the Board; (iv)granting aid to financially weak Market Committees in the form of loan or grant for development purposes; (v)training of the officers and staff of the Market Committees and the Board; (vi)for any purpose as may be deemed necessary by the Board for carrying out the purposes of this Act; (vii) for any purpose as may be directed by the State Government for carrying out the purposes of this Act. Page 16 of 68 REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Adopted from existing provision and Model Act SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Agricultural Marketing Developme nt Fund` Power and 22(1) Functions of the Chairperson PROPOSED ACT 21 50% of the amount out of the amount collected by way of contribution from the Market Committees by the Board every year shall be transferred from the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board Fund to a separate account to be known as Agricultural Marketing Development Fund. The Chief Executive Officer shall incur expenditure after approval from the Board from and out of that fund on such schemes or items as may be prepared for the development of agricultural produce market subject to the approval of such schemes or items by a Committee consisting of the followings: (a) Chairperson of the BoardChairperson (b) Vice Chairperson of the Board- Vice Chairperson (c) Director of Agricultural Marketing under the Act - Member (d) Director of Agriculture, Assam -Member (e) Chief Engineer, Agriculture, Assam - Member (1) Director of Horticulture & Food Processing, Assam - Member (g) Director of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry, Assam - Member (h) Director of Fisheries, Assam -Member (i) Director of Dairy Development, Assam - Member 0) Director of Sericulture, Assam - Member (k) Two non-official Producer Members and one Trader Member to b_e selected by the Board from Board's Member on rotation every year -Member (I) Chief Executive Officer The Chairperson/ Vice-Chairperson may invite any other person having expertise related to the Act as a special invitee as and when necessary. The schemes are approved for 3 years considering present trends. The Committee shall hold meetings every year and revise proposals to suit priorities and budget. The Chairperson of the Board shall preside over the meeting of the Board. EXISTING SECTION The Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall exercise supervision and control over the officers and staff employed by the Board and Market Committees in the matters of administration including service matters as per the Act, Rules and Bye-laws made there under. 2 The other powers and functions of the Chief Executive Officer shall be such as may be prescribed. MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 3D Provided that 50% of the amount out of the amount collected by way of Section 75 contribution from the Market Committees by the Board every year shall be transferred from the Marketing Board Fund to a separate account to be known as Agricultural Development Fund. The Chief Executive Officer shall incur expenditure after approval from the Board from and out of that fund on such schemes or items as may be prepared for the development of Agricultural Produce and Market subject to the approval of such schemes or items by a Committee consisting of the following :- (a) Chairman of the Board- Chairman (b) Secretary to the Govt. - Member of Assam, Agriculture Department (c) Director of Agriculture,- Member Assam (d) Chief Engineer, Agriculture,- Member Assam (e) Chief Executive OfficerMember Secretary of the Board Provided further that the Board may appropriate any amount from and out of the Agricultural Development Fund for meeting any other expenses authorized under this section so as to meet any exigency without effecting the ongoing Schemes and items already approved by the Committee. Revised existing provision 3H(1) The Chairman of the Board shall be responsible for the administration of the Section 82 Assam Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972 as amended from time to time and shall subject to any other provisions as may be prescribed and the byelaws framed, exercise general control over the employees of the Board and Market Committees Adopted from Model Act 2 The other powers and functions of the Chairperson shall be such as may be prescribed Power and 23(1) Functions of the Chief Executive Officer EXISTING ACT PROVISION 2 The other powers and functions of the Chairman shall be such as may be prescribed 31(1) Section 86 The Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall exercise supervision and Section 82 & 83 control over the officers and staff employed by the Board and Market Committees in matters of administration, execution of works, maintenance of accounts and records of the Board and disposal of all questions relating to the service matters of the employees subject to the approval of the Chairman of the Board. 2 same as proposed Act Page 17 of 68 No provision Revised existing provision Revised existing provision Adopted from existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER III Declaration of Market Area and Establishment of Markets. Notification 24(1) of the intention of developing ond reguloting the marketing of specified agricultural produce in specified area The State Government may be by notification in the Official Gazette, declare its intention of developing and regulating the marketing including sale and purchase of specified agricultural produce in such areas subject to fulfillment of specified criteria, as may be specified. A copy of the notification under this section shall also be published in the area concerned in 3 (three) numbers of vernacular news papers in the manner prescribed. Provided that no area within the limits of a District Council shall be included in the area specified in such notification except after consultation with the District Council concerned. 4(1) 2 The notification under sub-section (1) shall state that any objection or suggestion received by the State Government within a period of not less than one month to be specified in the notification under sub-section (1) shall be considered by the State Government. The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare its Section 3(1) intention of regulating the purchase and sale at [specifiedj1 agricultural produce in such areas as may be specified in the notification. A• copy of the notification under this section shall also . be published in the area concerned in the manner prescribed: Provided that no area within the limits of a District Council shall be included in the area specified in such notification except after consultation with the District Council concerned. 2 same as proposed Act Declaration of Market Area and Establishme nt of Markets. 25 After the expiry of the period specified in the notification issued under section 24 and after considering such objections and suggestions as may be received before such expiry and after holding such enquiry as may be necessary the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare the area specified in the notification under section 24 or any portion thereof to be a market area for the purpose of this Act in respect of all agricultural produce specified in the said notification. A copy of the notification under this section shall also be published in the . area concerned in the manner prescribed Notification of intension to alter limits of pr to amalgamat e or to split up market areas to deestablish a market 26 The State Government may by notification signify its intensions after duly considering the 5(4) prescribed criteria : (i) to alter the limits of a market area by including within it any other area in the vicinity thereof or by excluding thereof any area comprised therein; or (ii) to amalgamate two or more market areas and constitute one Market Committee; or (iii) to split up a market area and to constitute two or more Market Committees thereof; or (iv) to de-establish a market (v) to modify the list of agricultural produce to be regulated in the market. 5(1) same as proposed Act Section 3(2) Adopted from existing provision Section 4 Adopted from existing provision The State Government may, at any timenotification in the Official Gazette Section 6(1) exclude from the market area any area comprised therein or add a new area to it Page 18 of 68 Revised existing provision Adoppted from Model Act SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Procedure 27(1) subsequent to notification under section 26 PROPOSED ACT Any inhabitant of the market area. or of the areas affected by the notification issued under section 26 may, if he objects to anything contained therein, submit his objectioris in writing to the State Government within the period specified for this purpose in the said notification. 2 When the period specified in the said notification has expired and the State Government has considered and passed orders on such objection as may have been submitted to it within the said period, the State Government may, by notification; (a) include the area or any part thereof in the market area or exclude it there from; (b) constitute a new Market Committee for the market area amalgamated; or (c) split up an existing market area and constitute two or more Market Committees for such areas, as the case may be; or (d) de-establish the market; or (e) publish modified list of agricultural produce to be regulated in the market Effects of alteration of limits Power of the StateGover nment to issue consequenti al order with respect to constitution ete. of Market Committees on alteration of limits, amalgamati on or splitting up Declaration 29(1) of Market Yard and Sub-Market Yard EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Section 7(1) Adoppted from Model Act Subject to the provisions of Section 4, the State Government may at any time Section 7(2) by notification in the Official Gazette withdraw any notification issued under sub-section (1). Adoppted from Model Act No Provision 5(5) MODEL ACT 3 Where a notification under section 26 has been issued excluding any area from the market areas, the State Government shalf after consulting the Market Committee involved frame a scheme to determine what portion of the assets and other properties vested in one Market Committee shalf vest in the other Market Committee and in what manner the liabilities of the Market Committees shalf be sooortioned between the two Market Committees and such scheme shall come into force on the date of publication in the Gazette. No Provision Section 8 Adoppted from Model Act 28 Where a notification under section 26 has been issued the State Government may pass such consequential orders as it may deem fit in respect of: (a) Where a notification is issued under sub- section (2) of section 27 excluding area from any market area and such excluded area is not declared to be separate market area or a notification is issued under sub- section (2), including any area within the market area, the Mar.ket Committee constituted for such market area before the date of such exclusion or inclusion shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, continue to be the Market Committee for then said market area until the reconstitution of such Market Committee under this Act. (b) In the event of amalgamation/split up of Market Committee area under section 26 the Chief Executive Officer, Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board will designate one Officer not below the rank of Secretary, Market Committee as Administrator of the amalgamated/ split up Committee till the constitution of such Committee. Such Market Committee will , be constituted under section 39 within a period of six months of amalgamated/ split up notification. No Provision Section 9 ((1) & (2) Adoppted from Model Act same as proposed Act Section 5(1,2) Adopted from Model Act For each market area there shall be one Market Yard and one or more Sub-Market Yards as may be necessary. 6(1) Page 19 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT 2 [The Board with the approval of the State Government may declare- (i) any No provision enclosure, building or locality in any market area to be the principal market-yard and other enclosures, buildings or localities in such market areas to be one or more sub-market yard or yards for the area; and (ii) any area including all lands with the building and structures thereon within such distance of the Market Yard or SubMarket Yard or yards, as the case may be, as it thinks fit to be market proper: 2{Provided that the location of the Market Yard, Sub-Market Yard or yards or any other lands, buildings or structures ancillary thereto shall be at a close distance from the location where the trade and merchandise in all or any specified aricultural produce normallv takes place} 2 [The Board with the approval of the State Government may declare- (i) any enclosure, building or locality in any market area to be the principal market-yard and other enclosures, buildings or localities in such market areas to be one or more sub-market yard or yards for the area; and (ii) any area including all lands with the building and structures thereon within such distance of the Market Yard or SubMarket Yard or yards, as the case may be, as it thinks fit to be market proper: Provided that the location of the Market Yard, Sub-Market Yard or yards or any other lands, buildings or structures ancillary thereto shall be at a close distance from the location where the trade and merchandise in all or any specified aaricultural produce normallv takes place. REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised existing provision 3 The land requirement for establishing a structure and its specification shall No provision be such as may be prescribed. ' Explanation - For this sub-section the word structure shall include any office building of the Market Committee, staff quarter, rest house, godown market yard, sub-market yard or yards, check-gate and its ancillary structures. 3 The land requirement for establishing a structure and its specification shall be such as may be prescribed. ' Explanation - For this sub-section the word structure shall include any office building of the Market Committee, staff quarter, rest house, godown market yard, sub-market yard or yards, check-gate and its ancillary structures. Declaration of Special Market 4 T he State Government may by notification declare any market area as 'special market' after consideration of such aspects as market arrival, peculiar nature of transaction, access to farmers and special infrastructure requirements of particular commodity etc. to be operated in addition to existing market for improved regulation. 7(2) The State Government may establish a separate Market Committee within Section 20(1) the same market area or a part thereof provided it is satisfied that trading in a particular type of agricultural produce can be regulated only if and when an independent Market Committee already functioning is unable to undertake regulated trading in that commodity because of its peculiar nature: Adoppted from Model Act CHAPTER IV Classification of Markets and New Market. Classificatio 30(1) n of Markets and New Market. In every market area, there may be - (i) a market yard and one or more sub-market yards managed by the Market Committee; (ii) one Special market with yard managed by Market Committee; (iii) one or more Private market (s) with market yard or yards managed by a person or group pf persons or a body corporate other than the Market Committee; (iv) one or more than one Farmer/ consumer markets managed by a person or body corporate and the Market Committee; and (v) a Direct market! markets through contract farming agreement in between contrect farming sponsor and contract farming producer. 51 In every market area, there may be - (i) a principal market yard and one or Section 19 & Section 5 more sub-market yards managed by the Market Committee; (ii) one or more than one private market yards managed by a person or a group of persons or a body corporate other than the Market Committee; (iii) one or more than one farmer/consumer markets managed by a person or a group of persons or a body corporate other than Market Committee Section 19. 2 The Board may class ify the Market Committees within the criteria as prescribed Page 20 of 68 Revised existing provision Adopted from Model Act SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER - V E - Trading E - Trading 31(1) & establishme nt of spot exchange No person shall establish and run a spot exchange for trading in specified agricultural produce without obtaining a license under this section No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) 2 S ubject to such conditions and such fees and security as may be prescribed, the Director of Agricultural Marketing may grant license to setup spot exchange for providing trading facilities in the specified agricultural produce No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) 3 Any person desires to setup a spot exchange may apply to the Director of Agricultural Marketing in such manner along with such fee and security as may be prescribed. No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) 4 The spot exchange shall --- (i) have online trading and clearing system with national reach; (ii) ensure efficient clearing, settlement and system; (iii) transparency in operations and decision making related to entire operations; (iv) provide for delivery of underlying commodity backed by a warehouse receipt system; (v) provide the following services (a) electronic spot trading facility in specified agricultural produce; (b) grading, quality certification and standardization of commodities; (c) facilitating collateral financing and borrowing against warehouse receipt; (d) customized service relating to storage, transportation, logistics, handling and shipment; (e) procurement and disposal of commodities through online trading system; (f) market intelligence report. No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) Reports to be submitted by the spot exchange licensee 32 Th e licensee under section 31, shall maintain account of all the transactions taken place on the electronic platform and submit such periodical reports and returns at such times and in such forms as specified by the Director of Agricultural Marketing from time to time or to any officer authorized by the Director of Agricultural Marketing in this behalf. No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) Suspend or cancel of spot exchange license Redressal of 34(1) disputes in regards to spot exchange 33 The Director of Agricultural Marketing for reason to be recorded in writing suspends or cancel spot exchange license granted by it under section 31. Provided that no order shall be made without giving notice to the licensee. No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) Dispute redressal shall be done at the spot level through administrative process or through the process of conciliation and arbitration within fifteen days No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) 2 If any dispute is not redressed at spot exchange level, the concerned licensee may appeal within thirty days to the Director of Agricultural Marketing and the decision of the Director in this regard shall be final. No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) Penalty for contraventi on of provisions of E-trading 35 Whoever contravenes the provisions of Section 31 shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with a fine which may extend to five thousand rupees or with both. No Provision No provision Adopted from Karnataka APM Act 1966 (Section 131D) Page 21 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER VI Contract Farming Contract 36(1) Farming procedure and Form of Contract Farming Agreement Contract farming agreement shall be governed in the manner laid down hereinafter Contract Farming Sponsor shall register himself with the Deputy Commissioner of the district 'or authority designated by the Government by a notification' where the contract farming producer resides, in such manner as may be prescribed 5F (1) 2 The contract farming sponsor shall also get the contract farming agreement recorded with the Secretary to tILe..Market Committee of the notified market area where the contract farming producer resides, in such manner as may be prescribed in this behalf. The contract farming shall be in such forms and containing such particulars and terms and condition, as may be prescribed. Notwithstanding anything contained in contract farming agreement, no title, right, ownership or possession shall be transferred or alienated or will vest in the contract farming sponsor or his successor or his agent as a consequence arising out of the contract farming agreement. Dispute arising of Contract Farming 3 Disputes arising out of the contract farming . agreement may be settled by the Director of Agricultural Marketing. The Director of Agricultural Marketing shall resolve the dispute in a summary manner within thirty days after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity of being heard. Contract Farming aggreement shall be governed in the manner laid Section 38 hereinafter provided Contract Farming Sponsor shall register himself with the Deputy Commissioner of the district where the contract farming producer resides, in such manner as may be prescribed Revised existing provision 2 The Contract Farming Sponsor shall also get the contract farming agreement Section 38 recorded with the Deputy Commissioner of the district, where the contract farming producer resides, in such manner as may be prescribed in this behalf. The contract farming agreement shall be in such form and containing such particulars and terms and conditions, as may be prescribed. Notwithstanding anything contained in contract farming agreement, no title, right, ownership or possession shall be transferred or alienated or will vest in the contract farming sponsor or his successor or his agent as a consequence arising out of the contract farming agreement. Revised existing provision 3 Disputes arising out of the contract farming agreement may be settled by the Section 38 Director. The Director shall resolve the dispute in a summary manner within thirty days after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity of being heard. Revised existing provision Appeal 37 Any aggrieved person concerning any matter on contract farming sponsor or 5H producer under section 36 against the decision of the Director of Agricultural Marketing may prefer an appeal before the State Government in the prescribed manner. Such appeal shall be made within 30 days from the date of decision. The Appellate Authority shall dispossess off the appeal within 30 days giving the party a reasonable opportunity of being heard. The decision of the Appellate Authority shall be final and shall not be called in question in any Court of Law Any aggrieved person, concerning any matter under section 58, 5C, 50 and 5E Section 38 or a contract farming sponsor or producer under section 5F against the decision of the Director or any aggrieved person under section 5G against the decision of the Director, any prefer an appeal before the State Government in the prescribed manner whose decision thereon shall be final and shall not be called in question in any court of law. Revised existing provision Sale of agricultural produce under contract farming 38 The agricultural produce covered under the contract farming agreement may be sold to the All specified agricultural produce shall ordinarily be sold in the principal market Section 38 yard! sub-market yards, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2); Provided that the specified agricultural produce may also be sold at private market yards and other places subject to the provisions of sections 5B, 5C and 5D. Provided further that it shall not be necessary to bring agricultural produce covered under contract farming to the principal market yard! sub-market yard! private market yard and it may be directly sold to contract farming sponsor from farmers' field. Revised existing provision contract farming sponsor outside the market yard. 5A(1) Page 22 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER VII Establishment of Market Committee and its Constitution Establishm 39(1) ent of Market Committee including Market Committee for Special Market For every market area there shall be a Market Committee having jurisdiction over the entire market area. 7 (1) The State Government shall establish a Market Committee for every area declared to be a market area under sub-section (1) of Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Market Committee to enforce the provisions of the Act and the rules and bye-laws framed there under in such market area. Section 10(1) Adopted from Model Act 2 The State Government may establish separate Market Committee for special market and such Market Committee be constituted as per section 40 (3) of the Act. 7(2) The State Government may establish a separate Market Committee within Section 20(2) the same market area or a part thereof provided it is satisfied that trading in a particular type of agricultural produce can be regulated only if and when an independent Market Committee already functioning is unable to undertake regulated trading in that commodity because of its peculiar nature: Provided that not more than one Market Committee shall be established within the same market area or a part thereof for the same type of No Provision Section 20(3) Adopted from Model Act 3 All provisions for and in relation to the Market Committee made in the Act shall mutatis mutandis apply to the Market Committee established for special market under subsection 4 of section 29 of the Act. Maintainen ce of Producer and Trader register in the Market Committee Constitution 40(1) of Market Committee 4 The District Officer of every sector of agricultural produce of the market area shall maintain a vii/age and Gaon panchayat wise producer register; and the Marketing Board /Market Committee shall maintain a trader register. Every Market Committee shall consist of the following members namely (i) six producers - two from agriculture sector, one from horticulture sector, one from animal husbandry & veterinary sector, one from fish producers, one from sericulture or forest producers who possess such qualifications as' may be prescribed and chosen by direct election from the constituencies of market area in accordance with the Drovisions of this Act and rules made thereunder; (ii) three traders - one from traders of agricultural - horticultural produce, one from traders of animal husbandry & veterinary or fishery and the rest One to be elected from traders of other commodities possessing such qualifications as may be prescribed and elected by and from amongst the persons holding licence from the Market Committee for a period of two successive years as trader under this Act. Provided that in case of Market Committee established for the first time under section 39 the qualifying period of holding licence from such Market Committee shall be three months. Provided further that no person shall be a voter of more than one Market Committee at a time and also not more than one constituency. (iii) one secretary of the functional Co- operative Marketing Societies of the market area holding valid licence under this Act to be nominated by the District Registrar of Co-operative Societies; (iv) The District Bank Manager of the Lead Bank of the district; (v) The District Agricultural Officer, District Horticulture Officer, District Veterinary Officer, District Fishery Officer, 8(1) Adopted from Model Act No Provision No provision New Provision Every Market Committee shall consist of the following members namely (i) seven agriculturist who are voters of Gaon Panchayat to be elected by the members of the GaonPanchayat in the market area in the manner prescribed; Section 14 & 14 A Revised existing provision on the basis of Model Act (ii) three to be elected by the traders, other wise than Co-operative Marketing Societies and Gaon Panchayat holding valid licence under this Act from amongst themselves in the manner prescribed. (iii) one to be elected by the members of the Managing Committee or Board of Directors, as the case may be, of the Co- operative Marketing Societies in the market area holding a licence under this Act from amongst themselves in the manner prescribed; (iv)one to be nominated by such Co- operative Bank as may be decided upon by the State Government; (v)one to be nominated by the State Government; (vi)one to be elected by the members of the Municipal Board, Town Committee or GaonPanchayat within whose jurisdiction the principal marketyard is situated from amongst the members of the Municipal Board, Town, Committee or GaonPanchayat, as the case may be. When the principal market-yard is situated within the jurisdiction of two or more local authorities of the type mentioned above, one member to be elected jointly by the members of the local authorities concerned from amongst themselves in the manner prescribed Page 23 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION Divisional Forest Officer and Superintendent of Sericulture Department of the market area. (vi) The Chief Executive of the Local body/ Rural urban body within whose jurisdiction the Market Yar:d is situated. When the Market Yard is situated within the jurisdiction of two or more local bodies the Chief Executives of both the local bodies will be the members. (vii) one to be nominated by the Warehousing Corooration, if a warehouse has been established by such Corporation within the market area. 2 When a Market Committee is established by the Government for the first time the Chief Executive Officer of the Board will designate an officer not below the rank of Secretary, Regulated Market Committee as Administrator till the constitution. of the Market Committee and Market Committee shall be constituted within six months. Constitution of Market Committee for Special Market Qualificatio 41(1) n of a voter 3 Every Market Committee for Special Market shall consists of the following members namely: 7(2) (i) Three producers from the special commodity for which the special market is established having qualifications as may be prescribed and chosen by direct election from the constituencies of market area in accordance with the. provisions of this Act and Rules made there under. (ii) Two traders from the traders of the special commodity for which the special market is established having qualifications as may be prescribed and chosen by direct electio from the constituencies of market area in accordance with the provisions of this Act and Rules made there under. (iii) Executive Officer of the local body/ urban body where special market is located. (iv) One representative of Registrar of Co- operative Societies, Assam. (v) Chief Executive Officer of the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board or his nominee. (vi) One representative of Agricultural Marketing Adviser, Govt. Of India, posted at Guwahati. EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION market area and where no such warehouse has been established then two persons shall be elected by the Co- operative Marketing Societies under clause (iii). 3 When a Market committee is constituted for the first time all the members No provision of the Market Committee including the Chairman and Vice-Chairman thereof shall be nominated by the State Government and such members shall hold office for a period of three years; provided that the State Government may extend the term of the Market Committee for a period not exceeding two years; Provided further that the extension period on any occasion shall not exceed one year at a time The State Government may establish a MarketCommittee within the same Section 21(1) market area under sub-section (1) of section 5. It shall be the duty of the Market Committee to enforce the provisions of the Act and the rules and byelaws framed thereunder in such market area. Revised existing provision. Adopted from Model Act with modification For a producer constituency every producer-(i) whose name is entered in the producer register maintained Village and Gaon Panchayat-wise by the concerned Department District Officer of the market area; and (ii) who ordinarily resides in the market area; and (iii) who has completed the age of 18 years;. and (iv) whose name is included in the voters list under the provision of this Act and Rules made there under for the purpose shall be qualified as voter of the election of a representative of producer. Provided that 'no producer shall be eligible to vote in more than one constituency. No Provision Section 14 c Adopted from Model Act with modification 2 For trader member every trader- (i) whose name is entered in the register of traders holding valid licence and maintained by the Marketing Board/ Market Committee; and . (ii) who has completed the age of 18 years; (iii) who is not a defaulter of the Market Committee shall be qualified as a voter of the election of representative of trader. Provided further that no trader shall be eligible to vote in more than one constituency of one Market Committee and in more than one Market Committee at a time. No Provision No provision New Provision Page 24 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Period of 42(1) Office of Market Committee PROPOSED ACT Every member, including Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of Market Committee shall hold office for a period of five years commencingJrom the date of first meeting of the constituted Market Committee at which quorum is present. The Market Committee shall, thereafter, be reconstituted every five years before the expiry of the fifth year and not earlier than three months prior to such expiry. Provided that the tirst meeting of the Market Committee shall be held within fifteen days from the date of notification constituting the new Market Committee. Provided further that if the Market Committee could not be reconstituted as per section 40 (1) of the Act, within the period prescribed under this section, the State Government may appoint any officer of Agriculture! Horticulture department not below the rank of District Agriculture Officer as Administrator for a period not exceeding six months to exercise all powers and functions of the Market Committee as prescribed in the Act. EXISTING SECTION 9(1) MODEL ACT Every member of Market Committee other than the first one constituted by the Section 14(D) State Government shall hold office for a period of three years commencing from the date of first meeting of the reconstituted Market Committee at which a quorum is present. The Market Committee shall, thereafter, be reconstituted every three years before the expiry of the third year and not earlier than three months prior to such expiry REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised existing provision 2 The term of three years referred to in Sub-Section (1) shall include any period No provision which may lapse between the expiry of the said three years and the date of the first meeting of the reconstituted Market Committee, at which a quorum is present Deleted the existing provision 3 The State Government may, by notification for sufficient cause to be stated No provision therein direct, from time to time that the term of office of the members of a Market Committee be extended by such period not exceeding one year as may be specified in the notification Deleted the existing provision 4 A member elected or nominated under sub- section (1) of section 8 shall cease to hold office, if he ceases to be member of the category of persons from which he was elected or nominated. No provision Adopted from existing provision 5 A member shall also cease to hold office if he in writing resigns his membership and the same is accepted by the Market Committee or if he is removed by the State Government under the provisions of this Act No provision Deleted the existing provision 3 Whenever any vacancy occurs in membership for any of the reasons aforesaid, the said vacancy shall be filled in by election or nomination as the case may be and every such member elected or nominated, shall hold office for the unexpired period of the term of the member in whose place he is elected or nominated. In case of vacancy arises against elected members leaving a period of less than one year, the vacancy shall not be filled up. 6 Whenever any vacancy occurs in membership for any of the reasons aforesaid, the said vacancy shall be filled in by election or nomination as the case may be and every such member elected or nominated, shall hold office for the unexpired period of the term of the member in whose place he is elected or nominated. Section 14 D(5) Revised existing provision 4 Notwithstanding any vacancy in a Market Committee it shall be competent to exercise its owers and perform its duties and none of its actions shall be questioned merely on the ground of the existence of any vacancy in or any defect in the constitution of the Committee 7 Not withstanding any vacancy in a Market Committee it shall be competent to exercise its owers and oerform its duties and none of its actions shall be questioned merely on the ground of the existence of any vacancy in or any defect in the constitution of the Committee No provision Adopted from existing provision Section 14, 14A, 14B & 14C. New Provision 2 A member elected under sub-section (1) of section 40 shall cease to hold office, if he ceases to be member of the category of persons from which he was elected. Election of 43(1) Market Committee EXISTING ACT PROVISION Subject to the provisions of this Act, the members of the market Committee shall be elected to 9(1) constitute Market Committee under section 40 (1) and in the manner prescribed after every five years Every member of Market Committee other than the first one constituted by the State Government shall hold office for a period of three years commencing from the date of first meeting of the reconstituted Market Committee at which a quorum is present. The Market Committee shall, thereafter, be reconstituted every three years before the expiry of the third year and not earlier than three months prior to such expiry Page 25 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Chairperson 44(1) and ViceChairperson of Market Committee PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 2 For the purpose of holding election as per provisions of the Act and Rules framed there under 9(1) the Chief Executive Officer of Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board will function as State Election Authority. The State Election Authority will notify the Election Schedule and Returning Officer for the election of the Market Committee and the comaosition of District Election Authori Section 14, 14A, 14B & 14C. New Provision 3 There shall be a District Election Authority under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner of the concerned district and other members which will conduct election as per procedure as prescribed. 9(1) Section 14, 14A, 14B & 14C. New Provision 4 The concerned Market Committee shall make available the District Election Authority such fund with the approval of the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board as fixed by the Government for the ouroose 9(1) Section 14, 14A, 14B & 14C. New Provision 5 After every election the District Election Authority shall notify the elected members of the Market Committee and publish the same in Gazette notification 9(1) Section 14, 14A, 14B & 14C. New Provision Every Market Committee shall have a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson & Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by the elected members of the Market Committee from amongst those who are representatives of producers. Provided that the election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be completed within 10 days from the date of election's result. 10(1) Subject to the provision of sub-section (3) of Section 8 every Market Section 15 & 15 A Committee shall elect, in the manner prescribed, one of its members to be its Chairman and another member to be its Vice- Chairman. Adopted from Model Act with modification 2 After every election the elected members of the Market Committee shall elect the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson in its first general meeting which shall be convened by the Member Secretary of the concerned District Election Authority. The meeting for such purpose shall be held under the Presidentship of Chairperson of the District Election Authority or any other member of the District Election Authority authorized by him. The Chairperson of the District Election Authority when presiding over the meeting has the same powers as the Chairperson when presiding over a meeting of the Market Committee, but shall not have the right to vote. No Provision Section 15 Adopted from Model Act 3 If in the election of a Chairperson or Vice- Chairperson there is an equality of vote, the result of the election shall be decided by lots to be drawn in the presence of the Officer Presiding in such manners as he may determine. No Provision Section 15 Adopted from Model Act 4 In the event of dispute, arising as to the validity of the election of a Chairperson or ViceChairperson, the Chairperson of the District Election Authority (Deputy Commissioner of the district), if he is the presiding officer shall decide the dispute himself and in any other case officer presiding shall refer the dispute to the Chairperson of District Election Authority for decision. The decision of the Chairperson of District Election Authority shall be subject to an appeal to the Commissioner, whose decision shall be final and no suit or other proceedings shall lie in any Court of Law in respect of such decision. The time limit for appeal to the Commissioner is seven days and time limit for disposal is fifteen davs. No Provision Section 15 Adopted from Model Act 5 After election of Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson the full fledged Market Committee including ex-officio members shall be notified in the Official Gazette by the Chairperson of the District Election Authoritv No Provision Section 15 A Adopted from Model Act Whenever for any reason, the office of both the Chairman and the ViceChairman of any Market Committee fall vacant, the State Government shall appoint anyone from amongst the members of such Market Committee as the Chairman to hold office as such temporarily, till a Chairman is elected. Section 16 Adopted from Model Act 6 Whenever for any reason, the office of either or both the Chairperson and the . ViceChairperson of any Market Committee fall vacant, the members of the Market Committee shall elect anyone from amongst the producer member as Chairperson/ Vice-Chairperson in a meeting convened and chaired by the District Election Authority/ nominee within 30 days from the date of such vacancy and results of such election shall be notified in the Official Gazette by the Chairperson of the District Election Authoritv. 10(3) Page 26 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Removal of Members of Market Committee PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION 45 If any member including Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson absents himself for 3 'consecutive 11(1) meeting without intimation to the Secretary, Market Committee without valid reason will attract cessation of membership. Before a decision is taken on cessation of membership a notice will be served by the Secretary, Market Committee to concerned member within 15 days of the expiry of:td consecutive meeting giving an opportunity of 15 days for response, and Chairperson of District Election Authority will take final decision on the matter within 30 days from the date of receipt of the response. The appeal in this regard will lie with Commissioner. Appeal will be disposed off by the Commissioner within 60 days. Time limit for appeal is within 30 days of the finalization bv District Election Authoritv. 11(2) Removal of 46(1) Members of Market Committee from Office The Chairperson of District Election Authority may, on the recommendetions of the Market 30(1) Committee supported by at least two-third of the total members or on the recommendations of the Director of Agricultural Marketing remove any member of the Market Committee, elected under this Act, if such a member, being guilty of misconduct in the discharge of his duties, or involved with the misapplication of fund or has become incapable of performing his duties as a member; Provided that no recommendations shall be made by the Market Committee or the Director of Agricultural Marketing unless the member has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why such recommendation should not be made; . Provided further that no order for removal of any member shall be passed by the Chairperson of District Election Authority unless the member has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why such order should not be passed. 2 The decision of the District Election Authority under sub-section (1) shall be final. Power and 47(1) Functions of the Chairperson and ViceChairperson of Market Committee The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall exercise such' powers and carry out such duties 10(2) on behalf of the Committee under this Act and the Rules made there under from time to time, as may be prescribed. 2 The Chairperson, or in his absence, the Vice- Chairperson shall preside at every meeting of the Market Committee and in the absence of both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson at any meeting, the members present shall elect one from amongst themselves to preside over the meeting. EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION The Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of any Market Committee may be Section 91(1) removed from office by a resolution adopted by at least two-third of the total number of members of the Market Committee present and voting at the meeting convened for the purpose, in the manner prescribed Adopted from Model Act and existing provision The State Government may, after giving an opportunity to explain, remove the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of a Market Committee form office if he persistently omits or refuses to carry out or disobeys the provisions of the Act or the rules made there under or any directive issued by the competent authoritv under this Act or rules made there under from time to time, or if he becomes incapable of so acting or is declared insolvent or is convicted by a criminal court for any offences involving moral turpitude or declared disqualified under any of the provisions of this Act and the rules made there under Deleted the existing provision The State Government may, on the recommendations of the Market Section 91(1) Committee supported by at least two-third of the total members or on the recommendations of the Director remove any member of the Market Committee, elected or nominated under this Act, if such a member, has in the opinion of the State Government, been guilty of misconduct in the discharge of his duties, or has become incapable of performing his duties as a member; Provided that no recommendations shall be made by the Market Committee or the Director unless the member has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why such recommendation should not be made; Provided further that no order for removal of any member shall be passed by the State Government unless the member has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why such order should not be passed. Adopted from Model Act and existing provision The decision of the State Government under sub- section (1) shall be final. No provision The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall exercise such powers and carry out such duties on behalf of the Committee under this Act and the rules made there under from time to time, as may be prescribed. Section 25 4 The Chairman, or in his absence, the Vice- Chairman shall preside at every Section 25 meeting of the Market Committee and in the absence of both Chairman and Vice-Chairman at any meeting, the members present shall elect one from amongst themselves to preside over the meeting Page 27 of 68 Revised existing provision Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Resignation 48(1) of Chairperson , ViceChairperson and Members of Market Committee No 49(1) confidence motion of Chairperson , Vice Chairperson of Market Committee PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION No Provision Section 16(1) Adopted from Model Act 2 Every Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall vacate office if he ceases to be a member of the Market Committee. No Provision Section 16(2) Adopted from Model Act 3 Any person who is elected as a Chairperson of a Municipal Corporation, Municipal Board, Town Committee, Anchalik Panchayat, Gaon Panchayat or Co-operative Marketing Society is elected as Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the Market Committee or vice versa may, by notice addressed in writing signed by him and submitted to the Chairman of the District Election Authority or any member of the election authority within thirty days from the date, or the later of the dates, on which he is elected, intimate in which of the office he wishes to serve, and thereupon, his seats in the body in which he does. not wish to serve, shall become vacant and in default of such intimation within the aforesaid period, his seat in the Market Committee shall, on the expiration of that period, become vacant. No Provision Section 14 D(4) Adopted from Model Act A member holding office of Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson or Member may resign his office at any time in writing acf'dressed to the Chairperson of the District Election Authority through the Secretary to the Market Committee and the office shall become vacant on the expiry of fifteen days from the date of such resignation, unless within the said period of fifteen days he withdraws the resignation in writing addressed to the Chairperson of the District Election Authori A motion of no confidence may be moved against the Chairperson or the Vice- Chairperson at a 11(1) meeting specially convened for the purpose tinder sub-section (2) and if the motion is carried by a majority of not less than two-third of the members of the Committee, cease to be the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson as the case may be. The Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of any Market Committee may be Section 17(1) removed from office by a resolution adopted by at least two-third of the total number of members of the Market Committee present and voting at the meeting convened for the purpose, in the manner prescribed. Adopted from Model Act with modification 2 For the purpose of sub-section (1) a meeting , of the Market Committee shall be held in the'prescribed manner within thirty days of the , date of receipt of the notice of motion of no confidence. The meeting will be convened by the.Secretarv to the Market Committee. No Provision Section 17(2) Adopted from Model Act 3 The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson shall not preside over the meeting, but such meeting shall be presided over by an officer of the Government as the Chairperson of District Election Authority may appoint for the purpose. However, the Chairperson or Vice- Chairperson as the case may be, shall have the right to speak and otherwise to take part in the proceedings of the meeting. When a meeting is held for the removal of the Chairman or Vice Chairman or Section 17(3) both : (a) The Vice-Chairman or in his absence, a member duly elected at the meeting shall preside, if the resolution relates to the removal of the Chairman. (b) The Chairman or in his absence, a member duly elected at the meeting shall preside if the resolution relates to the removal of the Vice-Chairman. (c) A member duly elected at the meeting shall preside if the resolution simultaneous removal of both the Chairman land the Vice-Chairman. Adopted from Model Act 4 If the motion of no confidence is not accorded , as aforesaid or if the meeting could not be , held for want of quorum, no notice of any subsequent motion expressing vote of , confidence in the same' Chairperson or Vice- Chairperson shall be made until after the expiry of one year from the date of such scheduled meeting. No Provision Section 17(4) Adopted from Model Act Page 28 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER VIII Conduct of Business of the Market Committee Meeting 50(1) etc. of the Market Committee No Provision Section 25 (1) Adopted from Model Act with modification No Provision Section 25 (2) Adopted from Model Act with modification The Chairman, or in his absence, the ViceChairman shall preside at every meeting of the Market Committee and in the absence of bofh the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman at any meeting, the members present shall elect one from amongst themselves to preside over the meeting Section 25 (2) Adopted from Model Act with modification 4 The Secretary to the Market Committee will convene the meeting and maintain the proceedings 12(1) and recoras as per the Secretarial Standards of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. such meeting is called by the Secretary under the direction of the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman, as the case may be, or as may be required on a requisition by the members as prescribed, No provision Revised Existing Provision 5 No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Market Committee unless a quorum is present. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of I [No provision] the Market Committee unless. (a) such meeting is called by the Secretary under the direction of the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman, as the case may be, or as may be required on a requisition by the members as prescribed, and (b) a quorum is present. No provision Revised Existing Provision Subject to the provision of this Act, the Market Committee shalf conduct its business as may be prescribed. 2 A Market Committee shalf meet for the transaction of its business at least once in every month, provided that the Market Committee may in special circumstances meet at any time and at any place in 'the market area as may be prescribed. 3 Chairperson shalf preside over meetings of Market Committee and if he is absent, the Vice-Chairperson shalf preside over the meeting of the Market Committee and if at any meeting both the Chairperson and the ViceChairperson are absent, such one of the members present in the meeting as may be chosen by the members present may act as Chairperson. 10(4) 12(1) Page 29 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Decision/Re solution which become nullified PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 6 The quorum for meeting. shall be one-third of the total number of members of the Market Committee. If at any meeting the prescribed quorum is not present the meeting shall stand adjourned to some future day to be appointed by the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson or any member who may preside at the meeting, as the case mav be. The members present at such adjourned meeting shall form a quorum whatever their number may be The quorum referred to in sub-section (1) shall be one-third of the total No provision number of members of the Market Committee. If at any meeting the prescribed quorum is not present the meeting shall stand adjourned to some future day to be appointed by the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman or any member who may preside at the meeting, as the case may be. The members present at such adjourned meeting shall form a quorum whatever their number may be. 7 Failure on the part of the Secretary to the Market Committee in conducting the business of the Market Committee as per Act and Rules will attract departmental proceedings. No Provision No provision New Provision 51 All the proceedings/ resolution/ decision of Market Committee should comply with the provisions of this Act, Rules and Bye-laws framed under the Act. The proceedings/resolutions decision which violates the provisions of Act, Rules and Bye- laws will be null & void forthwith and any action by the Market Committee on such unlawful decision will invite criminal proceedings. No Provision No provision New Provision Every Market Committee shall be a body corporate by such name as the State Government may specify by notification in the Official Gazette It shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, may sue or be sued in its corporate name and shall be competent to acquire and hold lease, shall or otherwise transfer any property and to contract and to do all other things necessary for the purpose for which it is established. Section 10(2) Adopted from existing provision and Model Act No provision Section 10(3) Adopted fromModel Act Revised Existing Provision CHAPTER IX Incorporation of Market Committee, Its Powers & Functions. Incorporati 52(1) on of Market Committee Every Market Co-mmTttee shall be a body corporate by such name as the Director of Agricultural 13(1) Marketing may specify by notification in the Official Gazette. It shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, may sue or be sued in its corporate name and shall be competent to acquire and hold lease, shall or otherwise transfer any property and to contract and to do all other things necessary for the purpose for which it is established. Provided that no immovable property shall be acquired or transferred by way of sale, lease or otherwise without the prior permission of the Director of Agricultural Marketing 2 Notwithstanding anything contained in any enactment for the time being in force, every Market Committee shall for all purposes, be deemed to be a Local Authoritv Powers and 53(1) Functions of Market Committee Subject to the provisions of this Act, it shall be the duty of the Market Committee (i) to enforce the provision of this Act, Rules, Bye-laws framed there under, the conditions of licence granted under the Rules and Bye-laws under the Act in the ., market area and to provide facilities as required for development, promotion and regulation of agricultural marketing including such facilities as the Director of Agricultural Marketing and State . Government may, from time to time direct in connection with marketing of specified agricultural produce concerned. (ii)to do such other acts as may be required in relation to the superintendence, direction and control of market or for regulating marketing of eqricuiturel produce in any place in the market area, and for the purposes connected with the matters aforesaid, and for that purpose may exercise such powers and discharge such functions as may be provided by or under this Act; (iii) to do all such other acts to bring about complete transparency in pricing system and transactions taking place in (iv) to maintain and manage the market yards and sub-market yards within the market area; (v) to . provide the necessary facilities for the marketing of agricultural produce within the market yards and outside the market yards and within the sub-market yards and outside the submarket yards in the market area; . (vi) to issue licence or refuse licensing to market functionaries and renew, suspend or cancel such licence, supervise the conduct of the market functionaries and enforce conditions of Licensing; (vii) to regulate and supervise the auction of specified agricultural produce in accordance with the provision and procedure laid down under the Rules made under this Act or Bye-laws of the Market Committee; (viii) to conduct or supervise the auction of specified agricultural produce in accordance with the procedure laid down under the Rules made under this Act or Bye-laws of the Market Committee; (ix) to regulate entry of persons into the Market Yard or Sub-Market 14 The functions of a Market Committee shall be as [section 26] follows:Section 26 (i) to maintain and manage the market yard and to control, regulate and run the market in the interest of the agriculturists and traders holding licence from the Market Committee. (ii) to regulate and control transactions in the market and to deal with licence holder who default to open, close and. suspend trade in any [specified I agricultural producel '.to settle disputes, levy and recover market charges fees on an agricultural produce, licence and other fees, to impose fines and penalties; (iii) to act as a mediator, arbitrator or surveyor in all matters of differences, disputes, claims, etc., between licensees or between them an agriculturists making use . of the I[section 26J market as sellers of agricultural produce. (iv) to control and regulate the admission to . the market, to determine the conditions for the use of the market and to prosecute and confiscate the goods belonging to persons trading without a valid licence; (v) to bring prosecute or defend or aid in bringing prosecuting or defending any suit, action, proceeding application or arbitration on behalf of the Market Committee or otherwise as directed by the State Government; (vi) to purchase, hire or acquire any land for construction of any house thereon or other movable or immovable property and other equipment for the purpose of its business, to raise fund from the Government or otherwise with the approval of the Director for the said purpose and to enter into arrangements with the Government, local authority or otherwise and to comply with such arrangements; and Page 30 of 68 Adopted from existing provision & Model Act SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT Committee; (ix) to regulate entry of persons into the Market Yard or Sub Market yards, to supervise the behaviour of the persons so entered for transacting business and to take disciplinary action against the licensees who fails to fulfil the conditions of the licence or any direction of the Market Committee, issued within the purview of this Act orRules or Bye-laws. (x) to regulate the making, carrying out and enforcement or cancellation of agreements of sales, weighment, delivery, payment and all other matters relating to the marketof specified agricultural produce in the manner prescribed; (xi) to provide for the settlement of all disputes between the• seller and the buyer arising out on any kind of transaction connected with the marketing of specified agricultural produce and all matters ancillary thereto; , (xii) to take all possible steps to prevent adulteration of specified agricultural produce; (xiii) to set up and promote public private partnership in management of the agricultural markets with the approval of the Board without any liability to State Government (xiv) to promote public private partnership for carrying out extension activities in its area viz. Collection, maintenance and dissemination of information in respect of production, sale, storage, processing, prices and movement of specified agricultural produce; (xv) to take measures for the prevention of purchases and sales below the minimum support prices as fixed by the Government from time to time; (xvi) to levy, take, recover and receive rates, charges, fees and other sums of money to which the Market Committee is entitled; (xvii) to regulate the entry of persons and vehicles, traffic. into the market yard and sub-market yard vesting in the Market Committee; . (xviii) to prosecute persons for violating the I provisions of this Act, the Rules and the Bye-laws and compound such offences and to take disciplinary action against the licensees who fails to fulfil the conditions of the licence or any direction of the Market Committee, issued within the purview of this Act or Rules or Bye - laws; (xix) to control and regulate the admission to the market. to determine the conditions for the use of the market and to prosecute and confiscate the goods belonging to persons trading without a valid licence; (xx) to employ the necessary number of officers and servants for the efficient implementation of the provisions of this Act, the Rules and Bye-laws as prescribed; (xxi) to purchase, hire or acquire land for the purpose under this Act and dispose of any movable or immovable property for the purpose of efficiently carrying out its duties with the approval of the Board and Director of Agricultural Marketing; (xxii) to raise fund from the Government or otherwise with the approval of the Director of Agricultural Marketing for the said purpose and to enter into arrangements with the Government. local authority or otherwise and to comply with such arrangements; (xxiii) to impose penalties on persons who contravenes the provisions of this Act, the Rules or the bye-laws or the orders or directions issued under this Act, the Rules or the Bye-laws by the Market Committee; (xxiv) to institute or defend any suit, prosecution, action, proceeding, application or arbitration and compromise such suit, action proceeding, application or arbitration; (xxv) to keep a set of standard weights and measure in each market yard and sub- market yard against which weighment and measurement may be checked; (xxvi) to inspect and verify scales, weights and measures in use in a market area and also the books of accounts and other documents maintained by the market functionaries in such manner as may be prescribed; (xxvii) to arrange to obtain fitness (health) certificate from veterinary doctor in respect of animals, cattle, birds etc. and from Fishery Officer in respect of fishes, which are bought or sold in the market yards/market area; EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION comply with such arrangements; and (vii) to do such other things as may be required for the purpose of achieving the objects and requirements of the Act and the rules and bye-laws framed thereunder. 15. A Market Committee shall have to power to regulate entry of persons into the principal or Sub-market yards, to supervise the behaviour of the persons so entered for transacting. business and to take disciplinary action against the licensees who fails to fulfill the conditions of the licence or any direction of the Market Committee, issued within the purview of this Act or Rules or Bye-laws. (xxviii) to carry out publicity about the benefits of regulation, the system of transaction, facilities provided in the market yard etc., through such means as poster, pamphlets, hoardings, cinema slides, film shows, group meting, electronic media etc., or through any other means considered more effective or necessary; Page 31 of 68 MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION (xxix) to ensure payment in respect of transactions which take place in the market yard to be made on the same day to the seller, and in default to seize the agricultural produce in question along with the other property of the person concerned and to arrange for resale thereof and in the event of loss, to recover the same from the original buyer together with charges for recovery of the losses, if any, from the original buyer and effect payment of the price of the agricultural produce to the seller; (xxx) to recover the charges in respect of weighmen and hammals and distribute the same to weighmen and hammals if not paid by the purchaser/seller as the case maybe; (xxxi) with the prior sanction of the Board undertake the constructions of godowns, roads and such other infrastructure in the market yard/submarket yard and market area as may be required to facilitate movement of agricultural produce to the market for the benefit of producer seller and traders operating in the market area; (xxxii) to collect and maintain information in respect of production, sale, storage, processing, prices and movement ofspecified agricultural produce and disseminate such information as directed by the Director of Agricultural Marketing; (xxxiii) with a view to maintain stability in the market (a) take suitable measures to ensure that traders do not buy agricultural produce beyond their capacity and avoid risk to the sellers in Page 32 of 68 MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION capacity and avoid risk to the sellers in disposing of the produce; and (b) grant licences only after obtaining necessary security in cash as bank guarantee according to the capacity of th,e buyers; (xxxiv) to promote and undertake agricultural processing including activity for value addition in agricultural produce; (xxxv) with the prior sanction of the Board, the Market Committee may undertake the construction of roads, godowns and other infrastructure in the market area to facilitate marketing of agricultural produce and for the purpose give grant or advance funds to the Board. (xxxvi) to provide on storage and warehousing facilities for stocking of agricultural produce to producer; 2 In addition to the above the Market Committee shall also be responsible for: (i) the maintenance of proper checks on all receipts and payment by its officers; (ii) proper execution of all works chargeable to the Market Committee fund and other works entrusted by the Board; (iii) the maintenance of Guard File comprising of keeping a copy of this Act and of the Rules and notifications issued there under and of its Bye-laws, open to inspection free of charge at its office; and (iv) arranging for preventive measures against spread of contagious plant and animal diseases. No provision Page 33 of 68 Section 26(4) Mostly adopted from Model Act SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION 3 To promote and encourage e-trading, Market Committee may establish regulatory system, create infrastructure and undertake other activities and steps needed thereto. 4 To do such other things as may be required for the purpose of achieving the objects and requirements of the Act and the rules and byelaws framed there under. Power to remove encroachme nt on market yard 14(vii) 5 (a) Any officer or servant of the Market Committee or the Board empowered by the State Government in this behalf shall have power to remove any encroachment in a space in the market yard and the expenses of such removal shall be paid by the person who has caused the said encroachment land shall be recoveredin the same manner as arrears of land revenue. Levy and collection of entry fee 54(1) A Market Committee may with the previous sanction of the Board, raise money or issue debentures required for carrying out the purpose for which it is established on the security of any property vested in it and of any fees leviable by it under this Act. MODEL ACT Section 26(5) Adopted for Model Act To do such other things as may be required for No provision the purpose of achieving the objects and requirements of the Act and the rules and byelaws framed there under. No provision Adopted from existing provision. 40 Every encroacher of market yard, sub-market yard or yards shall be evicted Section 32(1) Adopted for Model Act Section 32(1) Adopted for Model Act No provision 27(1) REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION No provision there from in such manner and procedure as provided in law in force for eviction of encroacher of Government reserved land. (b) Existence of encroachment in market yard will be treated as misconduct of Market Committee, it it does not resolve to remove it and also of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or the Secretarv to the Market Committee if they fail to remove it after resolution of the Market Committee Power to Borrow EXISTING ACT PROVISION A Market Committee may with the previous sanction of the State Government, Section 29(1) raise money required for carrying out the purposes for which it is established on the security of any property vested in it and of any fees leviable by it under this Act. Adopted from existing provision & Model Act 2 The Market Committee may, for the purpose of meeting the initial expenditure on lands, building, staff and, egyjpments required for establishing tile market, obtain loan from the State Government or Board or other financial institution 2 The Market Committee may, for the, purpose of I meeting the initial expenditure on lands, building and equipment required for establishing the market, obtain loan from the State Government or any financial institution. Section 29 (2) Adopted from existing provision & Model Act 3 The conditions subject to which such money or loan under sub-section (2) shall be raised or obtained and time withinthe same shall be repayable shall be subject to the previous sanction of the Board without any liabilities to the State Government 3 The conditions subject to which such money or loan shall be raised or obtained and time within which such money or loan shall be repayable shall be subject to the previous sanction of the State Government Section 29 (3) Adopted from existing provision & Model Act Section 42(6) Adopted from Model Act 55 The Market Committee shall levy and collect entry fee on vehicles, which may enter into market yards/sub market yard at such rate as may be specified in bye-laws No provision Page 34 of 68 SUBTITLE Appointme nt of Subcommittee and Joint Committee NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT 56 A Market Committee may appoint a Sub- Committee or a Joint Committee or an Ad-hoc Committee from amongst its members or any other person from within the market area for the administration of the Market Committee, for the conduct of any work or for reporting or recommending or deciding any matter or matters and may delegate to such Committee such of its powers or duties as it may think fit. The Market Committee shall constitute the following basic sub-committees (i) market infrastructure development sub- committee; . (ii) regulation and implementation of the Act (including auctioning & weights and measurement) sub-committee; (iii) grading, standardization, training and promotion of marketina activities of farmers & traders sub-committee; (iv) finance, accounts & audit and cess assessment sub-committee; (v) Planning & resource mobilization subcommittee; (vi) sub-committee on functioning and follow-up of the recommendations of various subcommittees. There shall be at least three such members in any sub-committee and one member should not be included in more than two sub-committees. Further, the Market EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION 17 A Market Committee may appoint a Sub- I [Section 28] Section 28 Committee or a Joint Committee or an Ad-hoc Committee from amongst its members or any other person from within the market area for the administration of the sub-market yard, for the conduct of any work or for reporting or recommending or deciding any matter or matters and may delegate to such Committee such of its powers or duties as it may think fit. There shall be at least three such members in such Committee. Page 35 of 68 MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER - X Staff of Market Committee Chief 57(1) Executive of Market Committee Every Market Committee shall have a Secretary who shall be the Chief Executive of the Market Committee and the custodian of all the records and properties of the market and shall exercise and perform the following powers and duties in addition to such other duties as may be specified in this Act, the Rules or Bye-laws, namely: (i) convene the meetings of the Market Committee and of the Sub-Committees, if any, and maintain minutes of the proceedings thereof; (ii) attend the meetings of the Market Committee and of every Sub-Committee and take part in the discussions but shall not move any resolution or vote at any such meeting; (iii) take action to give effect to the resolution of the Committee and of the Sub- Committees, and report about all actions taken in pursuance of such resolution to the Committee as soon as possible; (iv) prepare the budget proposal, place it before the Market Committee and submit the approved Budget proposal to the Board before 31st January every year; (v) furnish to the Market Committee such returns, statements, estimates, statistics and reports. of all Sub-Committees including the following reports. (a) regarding the fines and penalties levied on and any disciplinary action taken against the members of the staff and the market functionaries and others; (b) regarding over-trading by traders; (c) regarding contravention of the Act, the Rules, the Bye-laws of the standing orders by any person; (d) regarding the suspension or cancellation of licences; (e) regarding the administration of the Market Committee and the regulation of the marketing; (vi) produce before the Committee such documents, books, registers and the likes as may be necessary for the transaction of the business of the Committee or the Sub-Committee, and also whenever called upon by the Market Committee to do so; (vii) exercise supervision and control over all officers and servants of the Committee; (viii) collect fees and other money leviable by or due to the Market Committee; (ix) be responsible for all moneys credited to or received on behalf of the Market Committee; (x) make disbursements of all moneys lawfully payable by the Market Committee; (xi) report to the Chief Executive Officer of the Board and Director of Agricultural Marketing as soon as possible in respect of fraud, embezzlement, theft or loss of Market Committee fund or property; (xii) prefer complaints in respect of prosecutions to be launched on behalf of the Market Committee and conduct proceedings, civil or criminal, on behalf of the Market Committee. 18 Every Market Committee shall have a Secretary appointed by the Board subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed Page 36 of 68 Section 36 (1) Adopted from Model Act with modification SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT 2 The Secretary to Market Committee shall be appointed by the Board from the merit panel maintained for the purpose. The Board shall draw upon such panel of the candidates which may include professionals in case of shortage of qualified and suitable manpower in the Board from open market to be appointed as Secretary as may be prescribed. The Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall appoint Secretary to the Market Committee from the services of the Board and such appointments shall be binding upon the Market Committee. Appointme 58(1) nt of staff by the Market Committee Every Market Committee may appoint such other officers and staff as may be necessary and orooer for the efficient discharae of its duties; Provided that no post shall be created without the prior sanction of the Chief Executive Officer of the Board and Government. EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Section 36(2) Revised existing provision A Market Committee may also employ such other Officers and Staff as may Section 37 (1) be necessary for the management of the market and may pay suchOfficers and Staff such salaries a it may think fit : Provided that, no new post of any category shall be created by the Market Committees without obtaining prior approval of the State Government through the Board and no new appointment shall be made in any capacity in the Market Committee whether on fixed payor ad-hoc basis or otherwise unless the post is approved by the State Government. The Market Committee shall submit the respective lists of posts category-wise created since its establishment and before the date of coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000 to the Board within one month from the date of commencement of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000, for ex- post-facto approval of the Government and the Board in turn submit the same before the State Government within two months from the date of such coming into force for ex-post-facto approval of the State Government Revised existing provision 18 Every Market Committee shall have a Secretary appointed by the Board subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed Page 37 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 2 The Board may make Bye-laws for regulating the appointment, pay, leave, leave allowances, 3(12) pensions, gratuities, contribution to provident fund and other conditions of service of officers and staffs appointed under sub- section (1) and for providing for the delegation of powers, duties and functions to them. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the I [section 37(2)] rules and the Section 37(2) bye-laws made there under the Board may employ such persons for the I [Section 37 (2)J performance of the functions of the Board under this Act, and may give them such remuneration as it may think fit and may suspend, remove, dismiss otherwise punish any person so employed: Provided that, no new post in any category shall be created by the Board without obtaining prior approval of the State Government and the numbers of existing posts category-wise already created by the Board since its inception and before coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000 shall be submitted by the Board for obtaining ex-postfacto concurrence of the State Government in this regard within one month from the date of coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000 and no person shall be employed by the Board in any capacity and in any manner whether on fixed oav or on ad hoc basis or otherwise if the creation of such post has not been concurred by the State Government as provided under this section. Provided further that the Board may, with the approval of the State Government and without any prejudice to the [generality] rule making power of the State Government under section 49 of the Act, make bye-laws under subsection (14) of section 3 regulating the employment and conditions of service in respect of any or all categories of officers and employees of, the [Board and] Market Committees and such bye-laws shall, as nearly as may be, consistent with the corresponding rules in respect of the Officers and employees of the corresponding grade of the State Government. Any amendment to such byelaws once framed shall require approbation of at least three-fourth of the total number of members of the Board in the meeting before approval of the Government [Provided also that the approval as required under the aforesaid provision, if not received within a period of ninety days from the date of seeking thereof, shall be deemed to have been approved on the expiry of the said period] Adopted from Model Act 3 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any Rules or Bye-laws made there under, the Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall transfer the officer and staff amongst the Regulated Market Committees at 3 years interval in the month of December following transparent counseling method. However, in special circumstances specifying reasons the Chief Executive Officer with the approval of the Board may transfer any employee at any time. No provision Section 37(3) Adopted from Model Act Page 38 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION 4 The officer or staff concerned transferred under sub-section (3) shall: (a) have his lien on the post held in the parent Market Committee; (b) not be put to disadvantageous position in resoect of nav and allowances which hewould have been entitled to, had he continued in the parent Market Committee; and (c) be governed by such other terms and conditions including disciplinary control as the Chief Executive Officer may, by general or special orders, specify. 5 Every Market Committee will make assessment of manpower required for effective and economical operation of Market Committees and submit proposal to the Board once in five years or otherwise as directed by the Board in two categories (i) Permanent recruitment and (ii) outsourcing. The Board will examine the Market Committee's proposal and take a decision with the approval of State Government and recruit required personal of competency following prescribed procedure. Execution of Contracts EXISTING ACT PROVISION No provision 19(1) MODEL ACT Section 37(4) A Market Committee may also employ such other No provision Officers and Staff as may be necessary for the management of the market and may pay such Officers and Staff such salaries as it may think fit: 1 [Provided that no new post of any category shall be created by the Market Committees without obtaining prior approval of the State Government through the Board and no new appointment shall be made in any capacity in the Market Committee whether on fixed payor ad-hoc basis or otherwise unless the post is approved by the State Government. The Market Committee shall submit the respective lists of posts category-wise created since its establishment and before the date of coming into force of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000 to the Board within one month from the date of commencement of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Act, 2000, for ex- post-facto approval of the Government and the Board in turn submit the same before the State Government within two months from the date of such coming into force for ex-post-facto approval of the State Government.) REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Adopted from Model Act Revised existing provision 6 A Market Committee may also, provide for payment of such leave allowances, pensions and gratuities as it may deem proper and may contribute to any provident fund which may be established for the benefit of such Officers and Staff 2 A Market Committee may also, provide for payment of such leave Section 37 allowances, pensions and gratuities as it may deem proper and may contribute to any provident fund which may be established for the benefit of such Officers and Staff. Adopted from existing provision 7 The powers conferred by sub-section 6 on the Market Committee shall be exercisable by it subject to any rules which may be made in this behalf by the Board. 3 The powers conferred by this section on the Market Committee shall be No provision exercisable by it subject to any rules which may be made in this behalf by the Board. Adopted from existing provision 59 Every contract entered into by a Market Committee shall be in writing and shall be signed by its Chairperson, Secretary and two other members of the Committee where one member will be Chairman of the Sub-Committee concerned, if exists. Every contract entered into by a Market Committee shall be in writing and shall be signed by its Chairman, Secretary and two other members of the Committee Page 39 of 68 Section 34 (1), (2), (3), (4) & (5)] Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER XI Regulation of Trading Regulation 60(1) of marketing of specified agricultural produce [On and after the date of the publication of the notification under subSection 39 (1) section (1) or at such later date as may be specified therein, no person shall, except in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the rules and the byelaws framed there under(i) use any place in the market area for the marketing of specified agricultural produce; or (ii) operate in the market area as a market functionary]. On and after the date of the publication of the notification under section 25 or at such later date as may be specified therein, no person shall, except in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the rules and .the bye-laws framed there under(i) use any place in the market area for the marketing of specified agricultural produce; or (ii) operate in the market area as a market functionary 2 Nothing in the sub-section (1) shall apply (i) to the purchase or sale of such agricultural produce if the producer of such produce is himself its seller and the purchaser is a person, who purchases such produce for his own private consumption in quantity as prescribed; or (ii) if such agricultural produce is sold by retail sale to a person who purchases such produce for his own private consumption; or (iii) which is brought for sale by head load; Provided that the State Government by notification may withdraw this exemption specifying the reasons therein in respect of such market area is specified in the notification (iv) purchase of which is made by a Faria subject to submission of 'J' form; or (v) purchase of which is made by an authorized fair price shop dealer from the Food Corporation of India or any other agency or institution authorized by the State Government for distribution of essential commodities through the public distribution system; or (vi) the transfer of such agricultural produce to a cooperative societv for the purpose of securing an advance there from but not on sale. Sale of 61(1) specified agricultural produce All specified agricultural produce shall ordinarily be sold in the market yard/sub-market yards, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2); Provided that the specified agricultural produce may also be sold at private market yards and other places subject to the provisions of sections 69, 70 and 71 2 Such specified agricultural produce, as may be brought by the licensed/ registered traders from outside the market area or in the market area in the course of commercial transaction or by way of transportation, may be brought or sold anywhere in the market area. 5A(1) Adopted from existing provision Nothing in [sub-sections (1) and (2)] shall apply to the purchase or sale of such agricultural produce if the producer of such produce is himself its seller and the purchaser is a person, who purchases such produce for his own private consumption or if such agricultural produce is sold by retail sale to a person who purchases such produce for his ownprivate consumption. Section 39 (2) Adopted from Model Act All specified agricultural produce shall ordinarily be sold in the principal market yard/sub-market yards, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2); Provided that the specified agricultural produce may also be sold at private market yards and other places subject to the provisions of sections 58, 5C and 50. Provided further that it shall not be necessary to bring agricultural produce covered under contract farming to the principal market yard/sub-market yard/private market yard and it may be directly sold to contract farming sponsor from farmers' field. Section 40 (1) Revised existing provision 2 Such specified agricultural produce, as may be brought by the licensed/ Section 40 (2) registered traders from outside the market area or in the market area in the course of commercial transaction or by way of transportation, may be brought or sold anywhere in the market area. Page 40 of 68 Adopted from Existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT 3 The price of the specified agricultural produce, brought for sale into the Market Yard or SubMarket Yard, shall be settled by tender bid or open auction or in any other transparent system and no deduction shall be made from the agreed price on any account whatsoever from the seller. Provided that the price of specified agricultural produce in the private market yards shall be settled in the manner as mav be prescribed 62(1) EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT 3 The price of the specified agricultural produce, brought for sale into the Section 40 (3) principal market yard or sub-market yard, shall be settled by tender bid or open auction or in -any other transparent system and no deduction shall be made from the agreed price on any account whatsoever from the seller. Provided that the price of specified agricultural produce in the private market yards shall be settled in the manner as mav be prescribed REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Adopted from Existing provision No provision Section 40(4) Adopted from Model Act Except in the commercial transaction between two traders, any other person who buys notified agricultural produce in the market area shall execute an agreement in triplicate in such form, as may be prescribed in favour of the seller. One copy of the agreement shall be kept by the buyer, one copy shall be supplied to the seller and the remaining copy shall be kept in the record of Market Committee No provision Section 41(1) Adopted from Model Act 2 (a) the price of the specified agricultural produce brought in the market yard/sub- market yard/private market yard shall be paid on the same day to the seller in market yard/sub-market yard/private market yard. Payment of specified agricultural produce purchased, out of such yard/yards, shall also be made to the seller, if he is not a trader, on the same day there itself. (b) in case purchaser does not make payment under clause (a), he shall be liable to make additional payment at the rate of one percent, per day of the total price of the agricultural produce, payable to the seller within five days. (c) in case the purchaser does not make payment with addition;J1 payment to the seller under clause (a) and (b) above, within five days from the day of such purchase, his licence shall be deemed to have been cancelled on the sixth day and he shall not be licensed or granted any licence or permitted to operate under this Act for a period of one year from the date of such cancellation. No provision Section 41(2) Adopted from Model Act 3 No wholesale transaction of specified agricultural produce shall be entered directly by licensed traders with producers of such produce except in the market yard/sub-market yard/ private market yard or in such place in accordance with the provisions in the Bye- laws. Provided that agricultural produce produced under contract farming, may be bought directlv bv contract farmina buver anvwhere. No provision Section 41 (3) Adopted from Model Act 4 The Commission agent shall recover his commission only from his principal trader at such rates as may be specified in the Bye- laws including all expenses as may be incurred bv him on storage of the produce and other services rendered by Him No provision Section 41 (4) Adopted from Model Act 4 Weighment or measurement or counting of all the specified agricultural produce so purchased shall be done by such a person and such system as is provided in the Bye- laws or at any other place specified for the purpose by the Market Committee subject to compliance with Weights and Measurement Act wherever applicable Terms and procedure for buying and selling EXISTING SECTION Page 41 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION 5 Every commission agent shall be liable(a) to keep the goods of his principal in safe custody without any charge other than the commission payable to him, and (b) to pay the principal, as soon as goods are sold, the price thereof irrespective of whether he has and has not received the rice from the buver of such goods. Power to levy Cess by Market Committee Power to 64(1) levy Cess by Board on Behalf of Market Committee 63 Every Market Committee shall levy and collect cess from the buyer or processor as the case 21(1) maybe- (i) on the sale or purchase of specified agricultural produce, whether brought from within the State or from outside the State, into the market area; (ii) on the specified agricultural produce whether brought from within the State or from outside the State, into the market area for processing; at a rate not exceeding two rupees for every one hundred rupees of the aggregate amount for which a specified agricultural produce is bought or sold or for process in the market area whether for cash or for deferred payment or other valuable considerations. The Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board shall also have the power .to levy and collect market fee for any or all of the Market Committee(s) in the market areas in addition to the powers of the Market Committee (but not both), whenever felt necessary with approval of the State Government, for a specific period . The Board will transfer the collected cess to the concerned Market. Committee after deducting all dues to the Board. Explanation :- The cess referred to in section 63 and 64 .shall be paid by the buyer I trader and processor as the case may be of the specified agricultural produce concerned. EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION No provision Section 41 (5) Adopted from Model Act Every Market Committee shall levy and collect a cess on the agricultural produce bought or sold in the market area at a rate not exceeding two rupees for. every one hundred rupees of the aggregate amount for which a specified agricultural produce] is bought or sold whether for cash or for deferred payment or other valuable considerations Section 42 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) & (6) Adopted from existeing provision and Model Act 2 The Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board shall also have the power to No provision levy and collect cess for any or all of the Market Committee(s) in the market areas in addition to the powers of the Market Committee (but not both), whenever felt necessary with approval of the State Government, on the agricultural produce bought or sold in such market area(s) at a rate not exceeding two rupees for every one hundred rupees of aggregate amount for which a specified agricultural produce is bought or sold whether for cash for deferred payment or other valuable considerations 2 No cess will be levied on goods manufactured from the agricultural produce on which cess is proposed to be levied and which are ultimately exported out of the Country Further; no cess shall be levied on sales or purchases made directly by the Central Government or the State Government. 3 No cess will be levied on goods manufactured from the agricultural produce on which cess is proposed to be levied and which are ultimately exported out of the Country 3 (i) Cess specified in sub-section (1) shall not be levied for the second time in any market area of the State, provided that market fee has already been paid on that agricultural produce in any market of the State and the information in this context has been furnished, as prescribed, by the concerned person that the payment of market fee has already been made in other market. (ii) Cess shall not be levied more than once in any market area in case the agricultural produce is being resold in the process of commercial transaction between traders or to consumers, provided that the information as prescribed has been furnished by the concerned person that thepayment of due market fee has already been made on it. Rule 21 (1) of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (General) Rules, 1975 Page 42 of 68 Revised existing provision Section 56 Revised existing provision Section 42 (2) Adopted from Model Act SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Section 42 (3) Adopted from Model Act No provision Section 42(5) Adopted from Model Act No provision Section 43(1) Adopted from Model Act For prevention of the evasion of cess on Specified Agricultural Produce the Market Committee shall establish check-gates at different points within the Market Area whenever felt necessary with the prior approval of the Board. [No provision] Revised existing provision [No provision] Revised existing provision 4 On the agricultural produce brought in the market area for commercial transaction or for processing, if the permit issued under section 65 has not been submitted, the cess shall be deposited by the buyer or processor, as the case may be, in the office of the Market Committee, within fourteen days; but before sale or resale or processing or export outside the market area. Provided that in case any specified agricultural produce is found to have been processed, sold or resold or dispatcheiJ outside the market area without payment of cess payable on such produce, the cess shall be levied and recovered on five times the market value of the processed produce or value of the agricultural produce, as the case may be No provision 5 In case of agricultural produce brought into Assam and levied and collected cess by the Board on behalf of Market Committee, concerned Market Committee shall not levy again at the time of receiving the consignment. But in case the buyer has not paid cess then cess will be levied by the concerned Market Committee No provision 6 The market functionaries, as the Market Committee may, by Bye-laws specify, shall maintain account relating to sale and purchase or processing or value addition in required forms and submit to the Market Committee periodical returns as may be prescribed. Permission for transportati on of specified agricultural produce 65 Any specified agricultural produce shall be removed out of the market area only in the manner and in accordance with the permit issued in such form as is prescribed by the Board and not otherwise. Provided that the receipt issued by the seller will have to be kept with as the time of transportation of processed product of agricultural produce. Provided also that the producer of the agricultural produce himself may take the agricultural produce from one place to another without permit as is prescribed bv the Board Prevention of evasion of Cess 66 For prevention of the evasion of cess on specified agricultural produce the Board may establish Check-gates at different locations including inter- state . borders within the State whenever felt necessary with the prior approval of the State Government. 21 A(1) MODEL ACT 2 [In case of any specific need for prevention of evasion of cess the Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board may also establish composite check gate(s) for •all Market Committees and/ or any check gate at any points within any market area of any Market Committee whenever felt necessary with approval of the State Governrnent. Page 43 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Certain 67(1) difference regarding constructio n of Rules etc about weights and measures to be decided by the Market Committee PROPOSED ACT Notwithstanding anything contained in the Assam Weights and" Measures (Enforcement) Act, 22(1) 1956, if any difference arises between the Inspector or any other Officer, empowered to enforce the aforesaid Act and any person interested, as to the meaning or construction of any rule framed under the aforesaid Act, as to the method of evolving, adjusting or stamping any weight or measure or weighing or measuring instrument in any market area, such difference may, at the request of the person interested or by the Inspector or the Officer of his own accord, be referred to the Market Committee of the area and the decision of the Market Committee shall subject to the provisions of the sub-section (2) be final and deemed to have been given under the Assam Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act, 1956 2 An appeal shall lie against the decision of the Market Committee within thirty days (excluding the time required for taking copies) from the date of the decision under sub-section (1) to the State Government or such Officer, as the State Government may appoint in this behalf. The decision of the State Government or such Officer as the case mav be on 'such appeal shall be final. Licensing of 68(1) Market Functionari es EXISTING SECTION Where a Market Committee is established in any area, no person shall, subject to the provisions of section,- 36,61, 69,70,71 and 7.2.use any place for buying and selling of specified agricultural produce and function as a trader, commission agent, broker, weighman, measurer, surveyor, warehouseman, transporter, processor, hammal, stockiest or in any other capacity as market functionary within the market area unless a licence is issued to such person by the Market Committee on payment of such fee and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed. 2 Every application for obtaining licence subject to the provision of section 68(1) shall be accompanied with such fees as the Board may prescribe. EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Notwithstanding anything contained in the Assam Weights and Measures Section 33 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) & (6) (Enforcement) Act, 1956, if any difference arises between the Inspector or any other Officer, empowered to enforce the aforesaid Act and any person interested, as to the meaning or construction of any rule framed under the aforesaid Act, as to the method of evolving, adjusting or stamping any weight or measure or weighing or measuring instrument in any market area, such difference may, at the request of the person interested or by the Inspector or the Officer of his own accord, be referred to the Market Committee of the area and the decision of the Market Committee shall subject to the provisions of the sub-section (2) be final and deemed to have been given under the Assam Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act, 1956 2 An appeal shall lie against the decision of the Market Committee within thirty No provision days (excluding the time required for taking copies) from the date of the decision under sub-section (1) to the State Government or such Officer, as the State Government may appoint in this behalf. The decision of the State Government or such Officer as the case mav be on such appeal shall be final Revised existing provision Where a Market Committee is established in any area, no person shall, subject to the provisions of section 5A, 58, 5C, 5D, 5E and 5F, use any place for buying and selling of specified agricultural produce and function as a trader, commission agent, broker, weighman, measurer, surveyor, warehouseman, transporter, processor, or in any other capacity as market functionary within the market area unless a licence is issued to such person by the Market Committee on payment of such fee and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed. Section 44 (1) Revised existing provision No provision Section 44(2) Adopted from Model Act Page 44 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Establishme nt of Private market yards and Direct purchase of Agricultural produce from agriculturali sts/produce Establishme 70(1) nt of Consumer/f armer market (Direct sale by the producer) PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 3 The Market Committee may grant or renew the licence or refuse to grant or renew the licence to the market functionaries of section '69 on the basis of one or more of the following reasons; (i) the applicant is a minor or not bonafide; (ii) the applicant has been declared defaulter under the Act or Rules made there under and Byelaws; (iii) the applicant has been found guilty under this Act. No provision Section 44(3) Adopted from Model Act 4 (i) The applications received under sub- section (1) shall be disposed off by the Market Committee as required in sub- section (3) in four weeks: but if the Market Committee fails to dispose off applications in four weeks, then(a) the applicant shall remind in writing the Market Committee, in respect of his application, (b) moreover, the applicant shall also I inform in writing to th. e authority l prescribed by the Chief Executive I officer in this regard. The Chief Executive Officer will notify the Prescribed Authority. within 3 months of notification of this Act. (ii) on expiry of period of two weeks after submitting the reminder if the application is not disposed off, it shall be deemed that the licensing or its renewal, as the case may be, has been granted. (iii) the prescribed authority on the basis of information received by him _and after expiry of time of two weeks, shall only confirm that application for licensing/ renewal was submitted to the Market Committee and due action has not been taken by the Market Committee for disposal of the same then he shall issue a certificate under clause (ii) of subsection (4) regarding grant of deemed licensing or its deemed renewal within two weeks time No provision Section 44(4) Adopted from Model Act 5 All the licence granted and renewed under this section shall be subject to the provisions of this Act, Rules and Bye-laws made there under. No provision Section 44(5) Adopted fromModel Act Director may issue registration in the prescribed manner to purchase agricultural produce by establishing private market yard or direct from agriculturist, in one more market area for (a) process of the specified agricultural produce; (b) trade of specified agricultural produce particular specification; (c) export of specified agricultural produce; (d)grading, packaging and transaction in other way by value addition of specified agricultural produce. Section 45 Adopted from existing provision with modification 69 Director of Agricultural Marketing may issue licence in the prescribed manner to purchase agricultural produce by establishing private market yard or direct from agriculturist/ producers in one or more market area for (a) process of the specified agricultural produce (b) trade of specified agricultural produce of particular specification; (c) export of specified agricultural produce; (d) grading, packaging and transaction in other way by value addition of specified agricultural produce. Consumer/ farmer market may be established by developing infrastructure, by any person or group of persons or a body corporate or the Market Committee in any market area. At such place, producer of agricultural produce himself may sell his produce directly to the consumer. Provided that, the consumer shall not purchase more than such quantity of a commodity at a time in the consumers market as may be prescribed. 5B Consumer/ farmer market may be established by ) developing infrastructure, Section 46 (1), (2), (3) & (4) by any person or group of persons or a body corporate other than the Market Committee in any market area. At such place, producer of agricultural produce himself may sell his produce directly to the consumer. Provided that, the consumer shall not purchase more than such quantity of a commodity at a time in the consumers market as may be prescribed. Page 45 of 68 Adopted from existing provision. SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION 2 Licence for establishment of consumer/farmer market shall be granted by the Director of Agricultura!J!larketiag in such manner as may be prescribed. 3 Save as otherWise provided in this Act no cess shall be leviable on the transactions Act undertaken in the consumer/ farmers market Grant / 71(1) renewal of license of Private Market Yard, Consumer/F armer Market Any person who, under section 69 desires to purchase specified agricultural produce direct from 5D(1) the agriculturists/ producers or wishes to establish a private market yard or under section 70 desires to establish consumer/farmer market in one or more than one area, shall apply to the Director of Agricultural Marketing for grant or renewal of licence, as the case may be, in the manner and for the period as may be prescribed 2 Along with every such application for licence under section 69, ZO and 71, fee prescribed, by Director of Agricultural Marketing, shall be deposited. Power to 72(1) cancel or suspend the License EXISTING ACT PROVISION -2 Registration of establishment of consumer! farmer market shall be granted by the Director in such manner as may be prescribed. 3 No provision MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Section 47 Revised existing Act Section 46(3) Adopted from Model Act Any person or any group of persons or a body corporate other than the Section 47(1) Market Committee, who desire to purchase specified agricultural produce direct from the agriculturists or wish to establish a private market yard under section 58 or desire to establish consumer! farmer market in one or more than one market area under section 5C shall apply to the Director for grant or renewal of the registration, as the case may be, in the manner as mav be prescribed. Revised existing provision Section 47(2) Revised existing provision -2 Along with every such application for registration or renewal thereof, the prescribe fees shall be deposited. 3 Application received under sub-section (1) for grant or renewal of licence may be accepted or rejected for reasons recorded in writing by the Director of Agricultural Marketing, as the case may be provided; (i) if the Market .Committee dues are outstanding against the applicant, the licence shall not be grantedlrenewed; (ii) the applicant is a minor or not bonafide; (iii) the applicant has been declared defaulter under the Act and Rules and Bye-laws made there under; (iv) any other reasons as may be prescribed, The Director shall grant the registration or a renewal thereof in the prescribed manner or may refuse the same on anyone or more of the following grounds, to be recorded in writing, as the case may be:- (i) If the Market Committee's dues are outstanding registration against, the registration shall not be granted/renewed; (ii) If the applicant is a minor; (iii) If the applicant has been declared as a defaulter under the Act and rules made there under; (iv) Such other reasons as may be prescribed. Section 47 (3) Adopted from Model Act 4 All the licence grantedlrenewed under this section shall be subjected to provisions of this Act, Rules or Bye-laws made there under, While granting registration or a renewal thereof under this section, the Section 47 (4) Director shall specify that no amount shall be realized on any accounts by the owner of the market from the seller of a aricultural produce. Adopted from Model Act Subject to the provisions of sub-section(2), the Director may, for the reasons Section 48(4) to be communicated in writing to the registration holder, suspend or cancer the registration, if : (a) if the licence has been obtained through wilful misrepresentation or fraud; or (a) the registration has been obtained through (b) if the holder of the licence or any servant wilful misrepresentation or fraud; or anyone acting on his behalf with his . . (licence holder's) expressed or implied (b) the holder ?f the registration or anyone permission, commits a breach of any of acting on his behalf commits .a breach of the terms or conditions of licence' an~ one or more of the conditions of the , " registration; (c) If the holder of licence in combination with other licence holder commits any (c) the holder of the registration commits any act or abstains from carrying on his act or abstains from carryinq on his normal normal business in the market area with business in the market area with the the intention f f f Revised existing provision Subject to the provisions of sub-section 4, the Director of Agricultural Marketing who grants 5E(1) licence may, for the reasons to be communicated to the licence holder in writing, suspend or cancel the licence: (a) if the licence has been obtained through wilful misrepresentation or fraud; or (b) if the holder of the licence or any servant or anyone acting on his behalf with his (licence holder's) expressed or implied permission, commits a breach of any of the terms or conditions of licence' (c) If the holder of licence in combination with other licence holder commits anyact or abstains from carrying on his normal business in the market area with the intention of wilful obstructing,suspending or stopping the marketing 'of specified agricultural produce in the market yard/ sub-market yard and inconsequence whereof the marketing of any specified, agricultural produce has been obstructed, suspend or stopped; (d) the holder of the licence has become an Insolvent; (e) if the holder of the licence incurs any disqualification, as may be prescribed' (f) if the holder of licence is convicted of any offence under the Act then within one year of the conviction if the conviction is for the first time and within three years for subsequent conviction Page 46 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION of wilful obstructing, intention of obstructing, suspending. or suspending or stopping the marketing 'of stopping the marketing of specified specified agricultural produce in the agricultural produce in the principle market market yard/ sub-market yard and in yard/ sub-market yards and inconsequence consequence whereof the marketing of thereof the marketing of any specified any specified, agricultural produce has agricultural produce has been obstructed, been obstructed, suspend or stopped; suspended or stopped; (d) the holder of the licence has become an (d) the holder of the registration has become Insolvent; (e) if the holder of the licence incurs any disqualification, as may be prescribed' (e). the holder of the registration Incurs any (f) if the holder of licence is convicted of any offence under this Act. Appeal 73(1) 2 Subject to the provisions of sub-section 4, the Licensing Authority may, after communicating the 5E(2) reasons in writing to the licence holder; suspend a licence for the period not exceeding one month on any reason for which Licensing Authority may suspend a licence under sub-section (1). Provided that such order shall cease to have effect on expiry of a period of 15 days from the date on which it is made, unless confirmed by the Licensing Authority before such expiration. No registration shall be suspended or cancelled under this section without giving a reasonable opportunity to its holder to show cause against such suspension or cancellation. Section 48 (2) Adopted from Model Act 3 Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- section 1, but subject to the provisions of subsection 4, the Licensing Authority may, for the reasons to be communicated in writing to the licence holder, by order suspend or cancel his/ its licence granted or renewed by the Market Committee. No provision Section 48 (3) Adopted from Model Act 4 No licence shall be suspended or cancelled under this section without giving a reasonable opportunity to its holder to show cause against such suspension or cancellation. No registration shall be suspended or cancelled under this section without giving a reasonable opportunity to its holder to show cause against such suspension or cancellation Section 48 (4) Revised existing provision Any person aggrieved by an order of the Secretary to the Market Committee or the Director of Agricultural Marketing passed under section 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 or 111 as the case may be,-prefer an appeal: (a) to the Market Committee, where such order is passed by the Secretary to the Market Committee within seven days of receipt of the order; (b) to the Chief Executive Officer of the Board, where such order passed by the Market Committee within thirty days of receipt of the order; (c) to the State Government, where such order is passed by the Director of Agricultural Marketing, within thirty days of receipt of the order; in such manner, as may be prescribed. Any aggrieved person, concerning any matter under section 58, 5e, 5D and Section 49 5E or a contract farming sponsor or producer under section 5F against the decision of the Director or any aggrieved person under section 5G against the decision of the Director, any prefer an appeal before the State Government in the prescribed manner whose decision thereon shall be final and shall not be called in question in any court of law. 2 The Appellate Authority, if it considers necessarv to do so, grant a stay of the order appealed against for such period as it may deem fit. However, the appeal shall be disposed within 90 days. The order passed by the Appellate A,I!.thority, subject to the order in the appeal under this section, shall be final and shall hot be called in auestion in anv Court of Law Page 47 of 68 Adopted from Model Act SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Redressal of 74(1) dispute between Private market or Consumer market and Market Committee PROPOSED ACT Dispute between the Private market and Consumer market and Market Committee, shall be 5G referred toan« Director of Agricultural Marketing. The dispute shall be resolved after giving both parties a reasonable opportunity of being heard, in the manner prescribed. Appeal in these matters lie with the State Government. 2 The decision given by the State Government under sub-section (1) above hall be final and shall not be called in question in any Court of Law. Prohibition of Trade allowances Power to 76(1) order production of accounts and entry, inspection & seizure. EXISTING SECTION 75 No person shall make or recover any trade allowance in any market or market area in any transaction in respect of any agricultural produce. Explanation- For the purpose of this section, trade allowance means any deduction in cash or kind, in price or rate of agricultural produce on account of any variation in the quality, weight, grade, container, sample or admixture EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT Any dispute between the owners of private market yards, consumer/farmer Section 50 (i) market and the Market Committee shall be referred to the Director or his representative or any other officer authorized by the State Government in this regard. The dispute shall be resolved after giving both the parties a reasonable opportunity of being heard. Appeal against the decision may be preferred for disposal under section 5H in such manner as may be prescribed No provision Section 50 (ii) 29 No person shall make or recover any trade allowance other than an Section 51 allowance prescribed by rules or bye-laws made under this Act, in any market areas in any transaction in respect of the [specified agricultural produce] 1 concerned and no Civil Court shall, in any suit or proceeding arising out of any such transaction, have regard to or recognize any trade allowance not so prescribed. Explanation - Every deduction, other than a deduction on account of deviation from sample when the purchase is made by sample or on account of deviation from standard, when the purchase is made by reference to a know standard or on account of difference between the actual weights of the container and the standard weight or on account of the admixture of foreign matter shall be regarded as a trade allowance for the purposes of this section. REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised Existing Act Adopted from Model Act Obtained from Maharastra Act (Section 39) The Secretary of the Market Committee or any officer authorized by the Board or any officer of the State Governmentempowered by it in this behalf mav, for the purposes of this Act,require any person carrying on business in any kind of specified agricultural produce to produce before him the accounts and other documents and to furnish any information relating to stocks of such agricultural produce or purchase, sale, processing, value addition and delivery of such agricultural produce by such person and also to furnish any other information relating to payment of market fees bv such person. 2 All accounts and registers maintained by any person in the ordinary course of business of any specified agricultural produce and documents relating to stocks of such agricultural produce or purchase, sale, processing, value addition of such agricultural produce in his possession and offices, establishment, godowns, vessels or vehicles of such persons shall be kept open for inspection at all reasonable time by such officers and officers of the Board and Market Committee and officer as may be authorized bv the State Government in this behalf. No provision Section 52(1) Adopted from Model Act No provision Section 52(2) Adopted from Model Act 3 If any such officer has reasons to suspect that any person is attempting to evade the payment of any cess due from him under section 63 or 64 or that any person has purchased, sold, processed or value added any specified agricultural produce in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or the Rules or the Bye-laws in force in the market areas, he may be communicating in writing to such person, seize such accounts, registers or documents' of such a person, as may be necessary, and shall grant a receipt for the same and shall retain the same only so long as may be necessary for examination thereof or for a prosecution. No provision Section 52(3) Adopted from Model Act Page 48 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 4 For the purposes of sub-section 2 or sub- section 3 such officer may enter or search any place of business, warehouse, office, establishment, godown, vessel or vehicle where such officer has reason to believe that such person keeps or for the time being has kept accounts, registers or documents of his business, or stock of specified agricultural produce related to business. No provision Section 52(4) Adopted from Model Act 5 The provisions of section 100 (4) to (8) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, shall, so far as may be, apply to a search under sub- section 4 No provision Section 52(5) Adopted from Model Act 6 Where any books of accounts or other documents are seized from any place and there are such entries therein making reference to quantity, quotations, rates, receipts or payment of money or sale or purchase of goods, such books of accounts or other documents shall be admitted in evidence witness having to appear to prove the same, and such entries shall be prima facie evidence of matters, transactions and accounts purported to have been recorded therein. No provision Section 52(6) Adopted from Model Act 7 If such officer has reason to suspect that any person is attempting to evade payment of any cess due from him under section 63 or 64, he may, while seizing accounts registers or documents under sub-section 3 also seize so much of the specified agricultural produce as in his opinion would be sufficient to meet the amount of cess or other amount which may be found due from such person and retain the same with him until the cess or other amount paid or for ten days, whichever is earlier. After the expiry of the period of ten days, if the cess or other amount due is not paid, the officer shall dispose of the specified agricultural produce in public auction and adjust the sale proceeds towards the cess or other amount due, the excess amount shall after deducting the charges incurred by the Market Committee, be refunded in the prescribed manner. Provided that in the case of perishable specified agricultural produce, the officer may I. 'dispose of the same before the expiry of the period of ten days if in his opinion such disposal is necessary No provision No provision Karnataka APM Act (Section 66(7) Submission of Accounts by Licensees 77 Every licensed dealer such as trader,processor or commission agent carrying on business of specified agricultural produce shall submit to the Market Committee a return on account of business of purchase and sales of specified agricultural produce as prescribed. No provision Section 53 Adopted from Model Act & Rule 23 of Assam Agricultural Produce Market(General) Rules, 1975 Assessment of cess on his own motion by the Secretary payable to Market Committee by licensed functionarie s 78 If any person required to produce accounts or furnish information under section 77 fails to produce euch accounts or to furnish information or knowingly furnishes incomplete or incorrect accounts or information or has not maintained proper accounts of the business of the specified agricultural produce, the Secretary to the Market Committee on the advice of Sub Committee and other provisions of the Act, on his own motion, shall assess such person for cess levied under section 63 or 64 on the basis of information available with the Market Committee and as prescrlbed. No provision Section 54 Adopted from Model Act & Rule 21 of Assam Agricultural Produce Market(General) Rules, 1975 Page 49 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Power to 79(1) stop vehicles and inspect store PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION At any time when so required(i) by any officer or servant of the board or any officer or servant of the Government, empowered by the Board or the Government in this behalf in any market area, or (ii) by any officer or servant of the Market Committee empowered by the Market Committee in this behalf in the market area concerned, may order the driver or any other person in charge of the vehicle, vessel or other conveyance shall stop the vehicle, as the case may be, and keep it stationary, as long as may reasonable be necessary, duly considering the perishability of produce and allow such person to examine the contents in the vehicle, vessel or other conveyance and inspect all records relating to specified agricultural produce carried, and give his name, address and name and address of the owner, of the vehicle, vessel or other conveyance and name and address of the owner of the specified agricultural produce carries in such vehicle, vessel or other conveyance. Provided that no such order for making the vehicle stationarv and inspection can be undertaken without issuing a formal notice. The notice should contain the name of the officer, designation, establishment name, contact phone number and time of notice. Provided further that, after inspection, the concern officer should also provide a copy of inspection report to the vehicle driver/ conveyancee incharge about the officer's observation and time for which the vehicle was made stationary with reasons. No provision Section 55(1) Adopted from Model Act 2 Persons empowered under sub-section (1) shall have power to seize any specified agricultural produce brought into or taken out or proposed to be taken out of the market area in any vehicle, vessel or other conveyance, if such person has reason to believe that any fee or other amount due under this Act or the value payable to the seller in respect of such produce has not been paid. The officer empowered in this behalf may seize so much of the specified agricultural produce as in his opinion would be sufficient to meet the amount of fee or other amount due and retain the same with him until the fee or other amount due is paid or for ten days, whichever is earlier. After the expiry of the period of ten days, if the fee or other amount due is not paid, the officer shall dispose of the specified agricultural produce in public auction and adjust the sale proceeds towards the fee or other amount due. If the sale proceeds are more than the fee or other amount due, the excess amount shall, after deducting the charges incurred by the Market Committee, be refunded in the prescribed manner: Provided that in the case of perishable specified agricultural produce, the officer may dispose of the same before the expiry of the period of ten days is in his opinion such disposal is necessary. No provision Section 55(2) Model Act, (Section 55(2) and Karnataka APM (Regulation & Development) Act, 1966(Section 76(1) Page 50 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Section 55(3) Adopted from Model Act No provision Section 57(1) Adopted from Model Act & Revising the Rule 5(7) of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market (General) Rules, 1975 2 The Market Committee may sanction and cause to undertake execution of construction works out of its fund subject to the administrative and technical approval of the Board. No provision Section 57(2) Adopted from Model Act 3 In case Chief Executive Officer of the Board does not inform about the decision of the Board in regards administrative approval and technical sanction of the Board within 2 months, it will be presumed to have been sanctioned. No provision No provision New Provision 4 No expenditure shall be incurred by a Market Committee on any item if there is no provision in the sanctioned budget thereof unless it can be met by re-appropriation from saving under any other head. The sanction for re- appropriation may be obtained from the Board provided that in case of re-appropriation from minor heads under one major head, sanction for re-appropriation will not be required. No provision Section 57(3) Adopted from Model Act 5 A Market Committee at any time during the year for which any budget has been sanctioned, cause a revised or supplementary budget to be passed and sanction in the same manner as if it were an original budget. No provision Section 57(4) Adopted from Model Act 6 The Market Committee is empowered to undertake minor works of amount not exceeding 50,000.00 per annum subject to the budget provision. This does not require administrative or technical approval. No provision No provision New Provision 7 The Chief Executive Officer of the Board while according sanction for construction work may at his discretion, direct that the execution of the works shall be entrusted to the Board or Market Committee or Public Works Department of the State Government or any other agency authorized by the State Government for this purpose or to firm selected under transparent and competitive bidding on turnkey basis as decided by the Board. No provision Section 57(6) New Provision 3 If any person empowered under sub-section (1) has reason to suspect that any person is attempting ro evade thepayment of any market fee due from him under section 63 or 64 or that any person has purchased or stored any specified agricultural produce in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or the Rules or the Bye-laws in force in the market area, he may enter or search any place of business, warehouse, office, establishment or godown where the person empowered under sub-section (1) has reason to believe that such person keeps or has for the time being kept stock of specified agricultural produce and may seize the stored agricultural produce and such seized specified agricultural produce may be confiscated in favour of the Market Committee as prescribed for this purpose. Provided that the reasonable opportunity of hearing shall be given to the person concerned before confiscation of the agricultural produce. No provision CHAPTER XII Market Committee Fund and Budget Preparation 80(1) ans sanction of Budget Every Market Committee shall prepare and pass the budget of its income and expenditure for the ensuing year in the prescribed form and shall submit it to the Chief Executive Officer of the Board in the t" week of February every year for sanction before the prescribed date every year. The Chief Executive Officer shall sanction the budget with or without modification as approved by the Board within two months from the die date of receipt thereof. If the budget is not returned by the Chief Executive officer before the last week of March, it shall be presumed to have been sanctioned. Page 51 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Market 81(1) Committee fund Purpose for which Market Committee fund shall be expended PROPOSED ACT All money received by a Market Committee subject to sub-section (2 ) shall be paid into a fund to be called "The Market Committee Fund" and all expenditures incurred by the Market Committee under or for the purpose of this Act, shall be defrayed out of the said fund: Subject to the provisions of section 19 any surplus remaining with the Market Committee after such expenditure shall be invested in the manner as provided under section 82. EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT 23 All money received by a Market Committee shall be paid into a fund to be Section 58 (1), (2) & (3) called "The Market Committee Fund" and all expenditures incurred by the Market Committee under or for the purpose of this Act, shall be defrayed out of the said fund. [Subject to the provisions of section 3D any surplus remaining with the Market Committee after such expenditure shall be invested in the manner as provided under section 25.) REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised existing provision 2 Any money received by the Market Committee by way of arbitration fee or as security for costs in arbitration proceedings relating to disputes or any money received by the Committee by way of security deposit, contribution to provident fund or for payment in respect of any specified agricultural produce, or charges payable to weighmen, hammal and other functionaries and such other money received by the Market Committee may be provided in the Rules or Bye-laws shall not form part of Market Committee fund, and shall be kept in such manner as may be prescribed. No provision Section 58(2) Adopted from Model Act 3 Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the amount to the credit of the Market Committee fund and also other money received by the Market Committee shall be kept in a scheduled Cooperative Bank or in Nationalized Bank or in Post Office Saving Bank or in any other mode with the approval of the' Market Committee No provision Section 58(3) Adopted from Model Act 82 Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Market Committee fund shall be expended for the following purposes, namely(i) contribution to State Agricultural Marketing Board as prescribed; (ii) to meet the establishment charges' including payment and contribution towards provident fund , pay, pensions, leave, allowance, gratuities, compensations for injuries resulting from accidents, compassionate allowances and contribution towards leave allowances, pensions of provident fund of the Officers and Staff employed by it; (iii) the expenses of and incidental to elections of the Market Committee; (iv) maintenance, the establishment and improvement of the market; (v) the construction and repair of buildings necessary for the purposes of such market and for the healthyconvenience and safety of the persons using it; (vi) to provide facilities like grading, standardization and quality certification services and communication to agriculturist! producer in the market area; (vii) the provision and maintenance of standard weights and measures; (viii) collection and dissemination of information regarding matters relating to crop statistics and marketing in respectof the agricultural produce notified under Section 25; (ix) contribution to any scheme for development of agricultural marketing including transport; (x) incurring of all expenses on research, extension and training in marketing of agricultural produce; (xi) prevention, in conjunction with other agencies, State, Central and others of distress sale of agricultural produce; (xii) fostering co-operative marketing and assisting . co-operative marketing societies/growers' societies in the procurement . and organization of profitable disposal of produce particularly the produce belonging to small and marginal farmers; (xiii) to create and promote on its own or through public private partnership infrastructure of post harvest handling of agricultural produce, cold storages, pre- cooling facilities pack houses and all such infrastructure to develop modern market systems; (xiv) the acquisition of a site or sites for the market; (xv) payment of interest on the loans that may be raised for the purposes of the market and the provisions of sinking fund in respect of such loans; 25 Subject to the provisions of Section 23 the Market I [section 59J Committee Section 59 fund shall be expended for the following purposes, namely(i) contributing to general revenues of the Board, [Zilla Parishadsj2, Gaon Panchayats, Town Committees and Municipal Boards as the State Government may direct; (ii) payment of interest on the loans that may be raised for the purposes of the market and the provisions of sinking fund in respect of such loans; (iii) the acquisition of a site or sites for the market; (iv) the maintenance and improvement of the market; (v) the construction and repair of buildings necessary for the purposes of such market and for the healthy convenience and safety of the persons using it; (vi) the provision and maintenance of standard weights and measures; (vii) pay, pensions, leave, allowance, gratuities, compensations for injuries resulting from accidents, compassionate allowances and contribution towards leave allowances, pensions of provident fund of the Officers and Staff employed by it; (viii) the expenses of and incidental to elections of the Market Committee; (ix) collection and dissemination of information regarding matters relating to crop statistics and marketing in respect of the agricultural produce notified under Section 5; (x)1 improvement; and (xi) propaganda in favour of agricultural improvements, and (xii) other functions under the Act and the Rules. 2(xiii) Any matter which the Board may entrust. Page 52 of 68 Adopted from existing provision & Model Act SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION provisions of sinking fund in respect of such loans; (xvi) expenses incurred in auditing the account of the Market Committee; (xvii) payment of honorarium to Chairperson travelling allowance of Chairperson, ViceChairperson and other members of the Market Committee and sitting fees payable to member for attending the meeting. (xviii)any other purpose connected with the marketing of agricultural produce under this Act whereon the expenditure of the Market Committee fund is in the public interest subject to the prior sanction of theBoard; (xix) contributing to general revenues of the Board, Zilla Parishads, Anchalik Panchayats, Gaon Panchayats, Town Committees, Municipal Corporation and Municipal Boards as the State Government may direct; and (xx) Any matter which the Board may entrust. Misapplicati on of funds Audit of 84(1) accounts of Market Committee If a Market Committee incurs expenditure for any purpose, other than those Section 99 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) & (6) specified under the last preceding section or in excess of the expenditure approved by the Director, then it shall be deemed to be a misapplication of the fund 83 If a Market Committee incurs expenditure for any purpose, other than those specified under the last preceding section or in excess of the expenditure approved by the Board, then it shall be deemed to be a misapplication of the fund The accounts of the Market Committee shall be audited every year by the Comptroller and Auditor General, Government of India. 23A(1) The accounts of the Market Committee shall' be ] audited by the Director of Audit (Local Fund), Assam or in whatever name he may be called or the officer authorized by him. The Market Committee shall be deemed to be' Local Authority for this purpose, No provision Revised existing provision Revised existing provision 2 The Board shall undertake the matter of internal audit of the accounts of the Market Committees 2 The Board shall undertake the matter of internal audit of the accounts of the No provision Market Committees 3 The forms of accounts to be maintained by the Market Committee for the purpose of audit shall be such as may be determined by the Board as per Auditing Standards of Comptroller and Auditor General of India and Institute of Chartered Accountant of India 3 The forms of accounts to be maintained by the Market Committee for the purpose of audit shall be such as may be determined by the Board in consultation with the Director of Audit (Local Fund), Assam, No provision Revised existing provision 4 The report of Audit on the accounts of the Market Committees shall be submitted to the Board with the comments of the Committee thereon for its onward submission to the Government within six months of the comotetion of the financial year. 4 The report of Audit on the accounts of the Market Committees shall be No provision submitted to the Board with the comments of the Committee thereon for its onwards submission to the Government. Revised existing provision Page 53 of 68 Adopted from existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER - XIII Penalty Penalty 85(1) against market functionarie s Whoever contravenes the provision of sub-section (1) of section 60 shall, on conviction be punishable with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees and in case of continuing contravention, with further fine which may extend to five hundred rupees per day during which the contravention is continued after the conviction. 2 Whoever in contravention of the provision of sub- section (1) of section 68 of the Act. uses any place in the market area for buying and selling of specified agricultural produce or operates as a trader, commission agent, broker, weighman, measurer, surveyor, warehouseman, processor or in any other capacity in relation to marketing of such produce without valid licence, shall, on conviction be punishable with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or with both, and in the case of continuing contravention with a further fine which may extend to one hundred rupees per day during which the contravention is continued after the first conviction. Compoundi ng of offences 39(1) Whoever contravenes the provision of sub-section (2) of. section 5 shall, on No provision conviction be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees and in case of continuing contravention, with further fine which may extend to one hundred rupees per day during which the contravention is continued after the conviction 2 Whoever in contravention of the provision of sub- IJ section (2) of section 13 No provision of the Act. uses any place in the Market Area for buying and selling of [specified agricultural producel" or operates as a trader, commission agent, broker, weighman, measurer, surveyor, warehouseman, processor or in any other capacity in relation to marketing of such produce without valid licence, shall, on conviction be punishable with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or with both, and in the case of continuing contravention with a further fine which may extend to one hundred rupees per day during which the contravention is continued after the first conviction. Revised existing provision Adopted from existing provision 3 The Market Committee may accept from any person who has committed or is reasonably suspected of having committed an offence other than of section 60 against this Act or the Rules or Bye-laws made there under by way of compounding of such offence (a) Where the offence consist of the failure to payor the evasion of any fee or other amount recoverable under this Act for the Rules or the Bye-laws in addition to the fee or other amount so recoverable a sum of money not less than the amount of the fee or other amount and not more than 5 times the amount of fee or other amount, to the maximum extend of Rs.5000.00, and (b) In other cases a sum of monev not exceeding Rs.5000/- No provision Section 30 Adopted from Model Act 4 On the compounding of any offence under sub-section (3), no proceeding shall be taken or continued against the person concerned in respect of such an offence, and if any proceedings in respect of that offence have already been instituted against him in any court, the f;ompounding shall have affect on his acquittal. . No provision Section 30 Adopted from Model Act Penalty for evasion of payment of cess 86 Penalty for evasion of payment of cess or other accounts:Any person who fraudulently evades the payment of any cess or other amount due from him under this Act or the Rules or the Bye-laws frame there under, shall on conviction be punishable with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees, and in case of continuing evasion with afurther fine which may extend to one thousand rupees per day during which the evasion is continued after conviction thereof. -3 Penalty for evasion of payment of cess or other accounts:- Any person who No provision fraudulently evades the payment of any cess or other amount due from him under this Act. or the rules or the bye-laws frame thereunder, shall on conviction be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundr~pees, and in case of continuing evasion with a further fine which may extend to one hundred rupees per day during which the evasiono-,rs continued after conviction thereof. Liability of accused to pay cess, fees or other amount 87 Liability of accused to pay cess, fees or other amount:Any person, who is prosecuted for an offence under section 60, shall be liable on proof to the satisfaction of the Magistrate that he willfully omitted to pay the cess or other amount due from him under this Act. or the Rules or the Bye-laws, to pay to the Market Committee the amount which may be due from him on account of such cess or other amount. 4 Liability of accused to pay cess, fees or other amount, Any person who is No provision prosecuted for an offence under sub-section (1), shall be liable on proof to the safiSf8cfiOriOrthe' Magistrate that he willfully omitted to pay the cess or other amount due from him under this Act. or the rules or the bye-laws, to pay to the Market Committee the amount which may be due from him on account of such cess or other amount. Page 54 of 68 Revised existing provision Adopted from existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Power of Magistrate to recover summarily cess or other amount 88 The power of Magistrate to recover summarily cess or other amount:Wherever any person is convicted of an offence under this Act, or the Rules or the Bye-laws, framed there under, the Magistrate shall, in addition to any fine which may be imposed, recover summarily and pay over to the Market Committee the amount of cess or other amount due from him under this Act, or rules or the bye- laws, and may in his discretion, also recover summarily and pay over to the Market Committee such .amount as he may fix as the costs of the prosecution 5 The power of Magistrate to recover summarily I [section 88J Section 88 cess or other amountWherever any person is convicted of .an offence under this Act, or the rules or the bye-laws, framed thereunder, the Magistrate shall, in addition to any fine which may be imposed, recover summarily and pay over to the Market Committee the amount of cess or other amount due from him under this Act, or rules or the bye-laws, and may in his discretion, also recover summarily and pay over to the Market Committee such amount as he may fix as the costs of the prosecution. Adopted from existing provision Obstruction to implementa tion of the Act 89 Whoever obstructs any person duly authorized for seizing or confiscation of specified goods for buying and selling in market area shall be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months simple imprisonment or with fine not exceeding rupees two thousand or with both, 6 Whoever obstructs any person duly authorized for I [No provision] seizing or No provision confiscation of notified goods for buying and selling in Market Area shall be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months simple imprisonment or with fine not exceeding rupees five hundred or with both, Revised existing provision Penalty for contraventi on of the Act, Rules and Byelaws Penalty for recovery of trade allowance 90 Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this Act, Rules and Bye-laws framed there under, if no penalty is provided, on prosecution shall be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 (six) months simple imprisonment or with fine -Which--may extend to rupees two thousand or with both, 7 Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this Act, rules and bye-laws framed thereunder, if no penalty is provided, on prosecution shall be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months simple imprisonment or with fine which may extend to rupees [two thousandl ' or with both, Penalties 92(1) for officials 91 Whoever in contravention of the provisions of section 75 makes or recovers any trade allow;tice shall on conviction be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees one thousand, 41(1) If any Officer or member of the Board or Market Committee when required to furnish information 42(1) in regard to the affairs or proceeding of the Board or a Market Committee under Section 108, (a) willfully neglects or refuses, to furnish any information, or (b) willfully furnishes false information, he shall, on conviction, be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees two hundred, 2 All fines and damages recovered from an offender shall be paid to the Market Committee concerned, Cognizance 93(1) of Offences No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under this Act or any Rule or any Byelaws made there under except on the complaint made by the Deputy Commissioner or the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, Secretary of the Market Committee or any person duly authorized by the Market Committee on this behalf. 2 No offence under this Act, or any Rules or Bye- laws framed there under shall be tried by a Court 45(1) other than that of a Judicial Magistrate of the First Class or a Judicial Ma istrate of the Second Class specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government. 3 Presentation under this Act, Rules or Bye-laws framed there under may be instituted by any person duly authorized in writing by the State Government, Deputy Commissioner, Board or the Market Committee in this behalf Whoever in contravention of the provrsions of section 29 makes or recovers any trade allowance prescri5"€d by rules or bye-laws made under this Act, shall on conviction be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees two hundred, Section 87 Revised existing provision No provision Revised existing provision If any Officer or member of the Board or Market Committee when required Section 87 to furnish information in regard to the affairs or proceeding of the Board or a Market Committee under Section 32, (a) Willfully neglects or refuses, to furnish any information, or (b) Willfully furnishes false information, he shall, on conviction, be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees two hundred, Adopted from existing provision All fines and damages recovered from an offender shall be paid to the Market Committee concerned, No provision Adopted from existing provision No provision Section 89 Adopted from Model Act No offence under this Act, or any rules or bye- laws framed there under shall No provision be tried by a Court other than that of a Judicial Magistrate of the First Class or a Judicial Ma istrate of the Second Class specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government 2 Presentation under this Act, rules or bye-laws framed there under may be No provision instituted by any person duly authorized in writing by the State Government or the Market Committee in this behalf. Page 55 of 68 Adopted from existing provision Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER XIV Power of The State Government Supersessio n of the Board 94 The State Government shall, in the event of its being satisfied that the Board is not functioning properly or is abusing its powers or is guilty of corruption or mismanagement, it may by notification in the Gazette, supersede the Board and till such time a new Board is constituted, shall make such arrangement for the exercise of the functions of the Board as it may think fit. Provided that no order of supersession shall be passed unless the Government has afforded reasonable opportunity to the Board of submitting a written explanation in respect of the allegations against it. Government will take a decision within sixty days from the date of explanation Provided further that the new Board shall be constituted within six months from the date of supersession in the manner prescribed. Consequenc e of supersessio n of Board 95 Upon publication of the notification superseding a Board under section 95, the following consequences shall ensure(i) all the members including the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson of the Board shall, as from the date of publication of the notification, be deemed to have vacated their offices; (ii) the State Government shall direct that steps be taken for constitution of a new Board under this Act and till suchtime a new Board under section deem fit, for the period not exceeding six months and may, for that purpose, direct that all the functions, powers and duties of the Board and its functionaries, under this Act, shall be performed, exercised and discharged by such person or authority as the State Government, may appoint in this behalf and such person or authority shall be deemed to be the Board or Chairperson, as the case may be. 3 (1) is constituted as aforesaid, the State Government shall make such arrangements for carrying out the functions of the Board as it may be. Supersessio n of Market Committee 96 If in the opinion of the State Government a Market Committee is not competent to perform, or persistently makes default in the performance of the duties imposed on it by or under this Act, or otherwise by law, or exceeds or abuses its powers or involved with the misappropriation of fund, the State Government may, after giving the Market Committee an opportunity for submitting an explanation in regard to the matter, by notification, stating the reasons for so doing, declare, such Committee to be incompetent or in default or to have exceeded or abused its powers, as the case may be and supersede the Committee for a period not exceeding six months at a time or dissolve the Committee and reconstitute it as soon as possible. Government will take a decision within sixty days from the date of seeking explanation 3(9) The State Government shall exercise superintendence and control over the Section 94 Board and its employees and may call for such information as it may deem necessary and in the event of its being satisfied that the Board is not functioning properly or is abusing its powers or is guilty of corruption or mismanagement, it may supersede the Board and till such time as a new Board is constituted, shall make such arrangement for the exercise of the functions of the Board as it may think fit Provided that the new Board shall be constituted within six months form the date of its supersession. No provision Section 95 37 If in the opinion of the State Government a Market Committee is not Section 92 competent to perform, or persistently makes default in the performance of the duties imposed on it by or under this Act, or otherwise by law, or exceeds or abuses its powers, the State Government may, after giving the Market Committee an opportunity for submitting an explanation in regard to the matter, by notification, stating the reasons for so doing, declare, such Committee to be incompetent or in default or to have exceeded or abused its powers, as the case may be and supersede the Committee for a period not exceeding one year at a time or dissolve the Committee and reconstitute it as soon as possible; Provided that when a Committee is superseded or dissolved the State Government may appoint any person as chairman to carry on day-to-day routine matters on behalf of the Committee until the same is reconstituted and a new Chairman is elected Page 56 of 68 Revised existing provision Adopted from Model Act Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Consequenc 97(1) e of supersessio n of Market Committee PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION Upon publication of the notification superseding a Market Committee under section 96, the 38(1) following consequences shall ensure (i) all the members including the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson of the Market Committee shall, as from the date of publication of the notification, be deemed to have vacated their offices; (ii) during the period of supersession or dissolution of the Market Committee, all powers and duties conferred and imposed on the Market Committee under this Act, shall be exercised and performed by such officer of Agriculture/ Horticulture Department not below the rank of District Agriculture Officer not exceeding one year as the Government may appoint in that behalf as Administrator; (iii) all assets vested in such Committee shall during the period of supersession, vest in the State Government subject to all its liabllities; EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT When an order of supersession shall have been I [section 93J passed under Section 93 the last preceding section, the following consequences shall ensure (a) all the members as well as the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Market Committee shall from the date such publication, vacate their offices; (b) all the powers and duties which under the Act may be exercised and performed by the Committee, whether at a meeting or otherwise, shall, during the period of supersession, be exercised and performed by the Chairman appointed by the State Government or by such person as the State Government may direct; (c) all assets vested in such Committee shall during the period of supersession, vest in the State Government subject to all its liabilities. REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised existing provision 2 (a) The State Government may extend the period of supersession for such further term as may be considered necessary, but not exceeding a period of one year; or (b) reconstitute the Market Committee as per section 40 (1) of this Act and in that case the persons who vacated their office under clause (i) of sub-section (1) shall not be deemed disqualified for election or nomination, as the case may be except as per the Act; Provided that the State Government may at any time before the expiration of the period of supersession take action under clause (b) of this sub-section. 2 On the expiration of the period of supersession I [No provision] specified in the order, State Government may: (a) extend the period of supersession for such further term as may be considered necessary, but not exceeding a period of one year at a time; or (b) reconstitute the Market Committee and in that case the persons who vacated their office under clause (a) of sub-section (1) shall not be deemed disqualified for election or nomination, as the case may be; Provided that the State Government may at any time before the expiration of the eriod of supersession take action under No provision Revised existing provision 3 If the State Government make an order for reconstitution of the Market Committee under subsection (2) it shall transfer the assets and liabilities of the Market Committee as on the date of such transfer to the new Market Committee constituted as such or to the person or persons if any appointed for carrying out functions of the Market Committee as the case may be. 3 If the State Government make an order for I [No provision) reconstitution of No provision the Market Committee under sub- section (2) it shall transfer the assets and liabilities of the Market Committee as on the date of such transfer to the new Market Committee constituted as such or to the person or persons if any appointed for carrying out functions of the Market Committee as the case may be; Provided that if the Market Committee is not reconstituted or if no person is appointed for carrying out the function of the Market Committee the State Government may transfer all the assets of the Market Committee which remain after the satisfaction of all its liabilities to the local authority within whose jurisdiction the Market Committee is situated or if there are more than one such authority, such portion of the assets as the State Government may determine. The local authority to which the assets are so transferred shall utilize the same in the area within its jurisdiction for such Objects as the State Government may consider to be for the benefit of the agriculturists in that area in consonance with the provisions of this Act. Revised existing provision 48 The State Government may delegate bynotification in the Official Gazette No provision any of the powers conferred on it by or under this Act, to any of its Officers or to the Board or to its Chairman or [Chief Executive Officer]' Revised existing provision Delegation of Power 98 The State Government may delegate by notification in the Official Gazette any of the powers conferred on it by or under this Act, to any of its Officers or to the Board or to its Chairperson or Chief Executive Officer. Acquisition of land for the purpose of this Act 99 The State Government may on the request of the Market Committee and or the Board acquire land required for the purposes of this Act, under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 The State Government may on the request of the Market Committee [and or Section 12 (1) & (2)) the Board] 1 acquire land required for the purposes of this Act, under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. Page 57 of 68 Adopted the existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Power to 100(1) call records and cancel proceedings PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION The State Government may at any time call for and examine the proceedings of the Board or 52(1) any Market Committee for the purpose of satisfying itself, as to the legality or propriety of any decision or order passed by the Board or Market Committee under the Rules. If in any case, it appears to the State Government that any decision or order or proceedings so called for should be modified, annulled or revised, thereon as it may think fit with reason upon hearing the Board or Market Committee. EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT The State Government may at any time call for and examine the proceedings Section 98 of the Board or any Market Committee for the purpose of satisfying itself, as to the legality or propriety of any decision or order passed by the Board or Market Committee under the rules. If in any case, it appears to the State Government that any decision or order or proceedings so called for should be modified, annulled or revised, the State Government mav pass such order thereon as it may think fit. REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised existing provision 2 The State Government may by general or special order delegate to the Director of Agricultural Marketing al l or any of the powers conferred upon it bv this section 2 The State Government may by general or special order delegate to the Director all or any of the powers conferred upon it by this section. Section 104 Revised existing provision Power of the State Governmen t to amend schedule 101 The State Government may, by notification, add to or amend or delete any of the items or agricultural produce specified in the schedule and thereupon the schedule shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly: Provided that no notification shall be issued under this section without giving in the Gazette and in the local news paper previous notice of not less than 45 days as the State Government may consider reasonable of its intention to issue such notification. 53 The State Government may, by notification the Official Gazette add to, amend or cancel any of the items of agricultural produce specified in the schedule. Section 100 Revised existing provision Power of the State Governmen t to give direction 102 (a) The State Government may give directions to the Board and Market Committees. (b) The Board and the Market Committees shall be bound to comply with directions issued by the State Govemment under sub-section (a). No provision Section 101 Adopted from Model Act The wholesale marketing except as provided in the Act is regulated by this Act and Rules framed there under. No provision Section 4 Adopted from Model Act 2 The wholesale markets hitherto being controlled by the local bodies shall stand transferred to the control of the respective Market Committee to be notified by the Government under this Act wherein the marketing will be regulated under this Act from the date of notification of this Act. No provision No provision New Provision Regulation of interstste trading 3 The Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board is delegated the power to regulate the marketing of agricultural produce in all interstate borders as prescribed. No provision No provision New Provision Grants to Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board for infrastructu 104 The State Government shall provide financial assistance in the form of grants-in-aid to Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board for the development of marketing infrastructure, standards and for the promotion of agricultural marketing with an objective to provide remunerative orice to the farmers. No provision No provision New Provision Transfer of Markets from Local 103(1) Page 58 of 68 SUBTITLE Power to make rules NEW SECTION 105(1) PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION The State Government may, after previous publication, make Rules for carrying out the 50(1) purposes of this Act in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such Rules may provide for: (i) other manners of publication of notification under section 24 (1)" (ii) authority which shall conduct elections,determination of constituencies,preparation and maintenance of list of votes, disqualifications for being chosen as or for being a member, the right to vote, the payment of deposit and its forfeiture, the election offences, the determination of election disputes and all matters ancillary thereto under section 43 (3); (iii) the procedure and quorum at meeting of Market Committee; and the form in which account of purchases and processing of agricultural produce to be mainteined. (iv) the management of market, the procedure for recovery of market fees fine for evasion of market fees and manner for assesment of market fees in default offurmshmg return. (v) classification of market functionaries for grant of licences, regulation of licenses under this Act, the persons required to take out licence, the forms in which and terms and conditions subject to which such licenses shall be issued or renewed; (vi) the provisions for thepersons by which and the forms in which copies of documents and entries in the books of the Market Committee may be certified and the charge to be levied for the supply of such copies; (vii) the kind and description of weights and measures and the weighing and measuring instruments which shall be used in the transactions in the specified agricultural produce in a market yard: (viii) the periodical inspection of all weights and measures and the weighing and measuring instruments in use in a market yard; (ix)facilities for the settlement of any dispute between a buyer and seller of specified agricultural produce or their agents including disputes regarding the quality or weight of the articles, payment in respect of the price of goods sold and the allowances for wrapping, containers, dirt or impurities I or deductions for any cause by, mediation, arbitration or otherwise; (x) the provision of accommodation for storing any agricultural produce brought into the market; (xi) the preparation of plans and estimates for works proposed to be constructed partly or wholly at the expense of the Market Committee, and the grant or sanction to such plans and estimates; (xii) the form in which the accounts of a Market Committee shall be kept, the audit and publication of such audit and the inspection of audit memoranda of the account and supply of such memoranda; (xiii) the preparation and submission for sanction of the annual budget and the report and returns to be furnished by a Market Committee; (xiv) the time during which andthe manner in which a trader or commission agent shall furnish such returns to a Market Committee as may be required by it; (xv) the regulation of advance, if any given to producer by commission agents or traders; (xvi) the grading and standardization of the agricultural produce and e-trading; (xvii) the keeping of records of arrivals and prices of agricultural produce; (xvii) the manner in which auctions of agricultural produce shall be conducted and bids made and accepted In a market; (xix) the recovery and disposal of fees leviable by or under this Act; (xx) compounding of offences and fixing compensation thereof under this Act or Rules or Byelaws made there under; (xxi) manner of constitution of State Agricultural Marketing services; (xxii) recruitment, qualification, appointment, promotion, scale of pay, leave, leave allowance, acting allowance, loans, pension, gratuity, annuity, punishment, appeals and other service conditions of the members of the State Agricultural Marketing services; (xxiii) limits of honorarium to Chairperson. travelling allowances to members and sitting fees payable to members for attending the meetings; (xxiv) manner of investment of surplus in the Market Committee fund; (xxv) procedure for framing of bye-laws, their amendments or cancellation and for their previous and final publication; (xxvi) classification of Market Committees on the basis of annual income, turnover etc. for all or any of the purposes of this Act; (xxvii) all matters required to be prescribed by Rules under this Act; (xxviii) mode of service of notice under this Act; (xxix) any other matter for which rules are necessary and are to be made under this Act. EXISTING ACT PROVISION The State Government may either generally of specially for the Board or any market area or market areas make rules, after previous publication for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act. In particular and Without prejudice to the generally of the foregoing provision, such rules may provide for or regulate (i) the qualifications of voters, the preparation and revision of the lists of voters, the division of market area into constituencies, the election, appointment and nomination of members of the Market Committee, the manner of holding election, the drawing up of the election programme, the fixing of polling stations and the appointment of Returning, Presiding and Polling Officers, the declaration of the results of election matters regarding appeals in respect of disputes in connection with elections; (ii) the election of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Market Committee" (iii) the filling up of casual vacancies in the office of Chairman and the ViceChairman or member of the Market Committee; (iv) the powers to be exercised and the duties to be performed by a Market Committee and its Chairman, Vice- Chairman and Secretary; (v) the" management" of the market, minimum and maximum cess which may be levied and collected by the Market Committee, the method, manner and mode of collection of such cess In respect of agricultural produceregulated under the Act , and sold and resold In the market area. (vi) the issue of licence to traders, persons and firms engaged in processing of agricultural produce, commission agent, brokers, weighman, measurers, surveyors, warehouseman andthe cancellation and suspension of such licence and the category of such other persons operating in a market area asmay be determined by the Director and the form in which and the condition subject to which such licences shall beissued, cancelled, or renewed therefore; (vii) the method and manner of holding meetings, the procedure to befollowed at such meetings and the powers to be exercised at such meetings; (viii) the form in which returns shall be submitted by the Board or a Market Committee to the Director and such other Officers as may be authorized by the Director; (ix) the persons by whom and the form in which copies of documents, entries in the books of a Market Committee, may be certified and the charges to be levied for the supply of such copies; (x) the kind and description ofthe weights and measures and the weighing and measuring instruments which alone shall be used in the transactions in agricultural produce in market areas; (xi) the periodical inspection of all weights and measures and weighing and measuring Instruments In use In market areas; (xii) the procedure to be followed in presenting and disposing of an appeal to the State Government or the Officer appointed by it in that behalf under subsection (2) of Section 22; (xiii) the manner in which the inquiry and inspection of the Board or a Market Committee shall be held; (xiv)the matter in respect of which the Board or a Market Committee shall or may make bye-laws and the procedure to be followed in making or abrogating bye-laws and the conditions to be fulfilled prior to making such arrogations and alterations; (xv) 1 (xvi) (xvii) the trade allowance which may be made or received by any person in any transaction in agricultural produce in a market area; (xviii) the prohibition of brokers for acting in any transaction on behalf of both the buyer and seller of agricultural produce or as a buyer or seller; (xix) the provision of accommodation for storing any agricultural produce brought into the market; (xx) (xxi) the form in which the accounts of the Board or a Market Committee, and the grant or sanction to plans and estimates shall be kept, the audit inspection and publication of such accounts if any to be made for such audit Page 59 of 68 MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 2 Every rule made under this Section shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made, before the Assam Legislative Assembly while it is in session for a total period of fourteen days which may be comprised in one session or in two successive sessions and if, before the expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the session immediately following, the Assam Legislative Assembly agree in making any modification in the rule or the Assam Legislative Assembly agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form be of no effect, as the case may be; so however, that any such modification or amendment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything done under that rule Power to make Byelaws 106(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Rules made there under, a Market Committee may, in 50(1) the respect of a marketing area under its management, make Bye-laws for(i) the regulation of business of the Market Committee (ii) the condition of trading in a market; (iii) delegation of powers, duties and functions to the officers and servants, appointment; pay, punishment, pensions, gratuities, leave, leave allowances, contributions by them to any provident fund which may ne established for the benefit of such officer and servants and other conditions of service; (iv) the delegation of powers, duties and functions to a Sub-Committee, if any; (v) market functionaries who shall be required to take licence; (vi) enabling and regulating e-trading; (vii) any other matters for which Bye-laws are to be made under this Act or it may be necessary to frame Bye-laws for effectively implementing the provisions of this Act and the Rules made there under in the market area. 4 Every rule made under this Section shall be laid as soon as may be after it is No provision made, before the Assam Legislative Assembly while it is in session for a total period of fourteen days which may be comprised in one session or in two successive sessions and if, before the expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the session immediately following, the Assam Legislative Assembly agree in making any modification in the rule or the Assam Legislative Assembly agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form be of no effect, as the case may be; so however, that any such modification or amendment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything done under that rule Adopted from existing provision Subject to any rules made by the State Government under Section 49, the Section 110 Market Committee may, in respect of the agricultural produce and the market area under its management make bye-laws and from time to time alter or rescind the same, but not so as to render them inconsistent with this Act and rules made for the regulation of business and the conditions of trading therein with the previous sanction of the Director or any other Officer specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government. Adopted from Model Act Section 110(2) 2 No Bye-laws under sub-section (1) shall take effect until it has been confirmed by the Board. No provision 3 Any Bye-law under this section may provide that any contravention thereof shall on conviction, be 50(2) punishable with fine which may extend to rupees one hundred. Any bye-law under this section may provide that any contravention thereof Section 110(3) shall on conviction, be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees one hundred. When the Director or any other Officer empowered in this behalf by the No provision State Government Sanctions any amendment of the bye-laws of the Market Committee, he shall issue to the Market Committee a copy of the amendment certified by him which shall be conclusive evidence that it is dul sanctioned Adopted from existing provision Subject to the provisions of this Act and the rules made there under, the Section 85(1) Director may perform the functions as specifically provided under this Act. The State Government may delegate any or all the powers vested in it under this Act and rules framed there under to the Director. Revised existing provision 4 When the Chief Executive Officer of the Board or any other Officer empowered in this behalf by the State Government sanctions any amendment of the bye-laws of the Market Committee, he shall issue to the Market Committee a copy of the amendment certified by him which shall be conclusive evidence that it is duly sanctioned. 50(3) Adopted from Model Act Revised existing provision CHAPTER - XV Power and Functions of the Director of Agricultural Marketing and Other Officers Power and 107(1) Functions of the Director of Agricultural Marketing Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Rules made there under, the Director of Agricultural 3J(1) Marketing may perform the functions as specifically provided under this Act. The State Government may delegate any or all the powers vested in it under this Act and Rules framed there under to the Director of Agricultural Marketing. Page 60 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT 2 The functions of the Director of Agricultural Marketing shall also include(i) supervision of the private market yard, direct purchase of agricultural produce from the producer / consumers and farmers market, processing of agricultural produce from the producer, consumers and farmers market, processing of agricultural produce, activities of the registration holders under the Act and activities of the contract farming sponsor and producer; (ii) supervision on the Market Committees for effective execution of provisions of the Act relating to regulation of trading of agricultural commodities taking place in the market yard' (iii) without prejudice to the provisions of section 93 (3), authorizing any officer in writing to launch prosecution for contravening any provisions of the Act, and the Rules made there under; (iv) taking steps for regulation of grading and standardization of agricultural produce. (v) supervision of markets that does not come under the purview of this Act, (vi) launch prosecution against Market Committee in case of violation of the provisions of the Act and Rules made thereof, (vii) suggests amendment to the Act and Rules framed thereof for effective execution of the objectives of the Act (viii) regulate the grading and standardization of agricultural produce (ix) inspect or caused to be inspected accounts and offices of the Market Comittee. (x)to notify contract farming agreement format for different commodities from time to time, (xi) to take all necessary steps to regulate contact farming in the State. (xii) any other action necessary to regulate the agricultural marketing and to enforce provisions of this Act as directed by the Government from time to time. Duty to 108(1) furnish information to Director of Agricultural Marketing and other Authorised Officer Power to Inspect The Director of Agricultural Marketing or any other officer to whom the powers of the State Government have been delegated under section 98 is empowered to investigate the affairs and proceedings of the Board and Market Committee.Theofficers,staff and members of the Board and Market Committee shall furnish such information in their possession in regards to the affairs and proceedings of the institution as Director of Agricultural Marketing or such officer may require. EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT 2 The functions of the Director shall also includeSection 85 (2) (i) supervision of the private market yard, direct purchase of agricultural produce from the agriculturist, consumers and farmers market, processing of agricultural produce from the agriculturist, consumers and farmers market, processing of agricultural produce, activities of the registration holders under the Act and activities of the contract farming sponsor and producer; (ii) without prejudice to the provisions of section 45, authorizing any officer in writing to launch prosecution fOI contravening any provisions of the Act, and the rules made there under; (xxi) taking steps for grading and standardization of agricultural produce. 32 When the affairs of the Board or of a Market Committee are investigated or No provision the proceedings of such Board or Committee are examined by the Director or any other Officer to whom the powers of the State Government have been delegated under section 48, all Officers, Staff and members of such Committee shall furnish such information in their possession in regard to the affairs or proceedings of the Board or Committee as the Director or such Officer may require REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Revised existing provision considering Model Act and The Maharastra Act Revised existing provision 2 The Director of Agricultural Marketing shall prepare a self assessment checklist for the Board and Market Committee, Private Markets, Direct Markets etc. within 6 months from the date of notification of this Act and direct these market managements to submit the same six- monthlv in ADrii and October. No provision No provision New Section 3 The Director of Agricultural Marketing will undertake inspection of the Board, Market Committees, Private Markets, Direct Marketsetc. once in a year and submit the report to the Government along with his recommendation for consideration and direction. No provision No provision New Section 109 The Director of Agricultural Marketing or any Officer authorized by the State Government, by special order on citing special circumstances shall have power to inspect or caused to be inspected, the accounts of the institutions or to institute an enquiry into the affairs of such institutions and to require it to do a thing or to desist from doing anything which the Director of Agricultural Marketing or such Officer considers necessary in the interest of such institution as the case may be and furnish a wirtten reply to him within a reasonable time stating its reasons for non-compliance. 33 The Director or any Officer authorized by the State Government, by general Section 90 or special order, shall have power to inspect or caused to be inspected, the accounts of the Board or any Market Committee or to institute an enquiry into the affairs of the Board or any Market Committee and to require it to do a thing or to desist from doing anything which the Director or such Officer considers necessary in the interest of the Board furnish a wirtten reply to him within a reasonable time stating its reasons for non-compliance. Page 61 of 68 Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION Power to enforce attendance Power of 111(1) the Director of Agricultural Marketing in emergency PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION 110 The Director of Agricultural Marketing or an officer authorized by the Government to investigate the affairs of the Board or of a Market . Committee or private market or direct marketing or farmer/consumer market or contract farming to examine the proceedings of such institutions under Section 108 shall have powers of summon and enforce the attendance of Officers or members of the Board or Market Committee and to compel them to give evidence and to produce documents by the same means and as far as possible in the same manner as is provided by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. In case of emergency, the Director of Agricultural Marketing may suspend or cancel all or any 34(1) licence issued under the provision of this Act and take such other steps citing specific and exceptional reason as may be deemed necessary in the interest of a market duly considering natural justice for a month. Under the circumstances, the Director of Agricultural Marketing submits a detail report on the circumstances warranting emergency measures along with his/ her recommendations for needful action by the Government within 24 hours. The decision of the State Government is final in the matter. The aggrieved party in the orders Director of Agricultural Marketing may appeal before the Government. 2 Where a Market Committee is not competent toperform the duties imposed by or under this Act, under orders or decision of a court, the Director of Agricultural Marketing shall advise the Board to make such arrangement for performing the duties and functions of such a Market Committee. Where a Market Committee is not competent to perform the duties imposed by or under this Act, under orders or decision of a court, the Director of Agricultural Marketing shall advise the Board to make such arrangement for performing the duties and functions of such a Market Committee. Recovery of 112(1) Sums due from Every sum due from a Market Committee to the State Government or the Board or any local authority shall be recoverable as an arrear of land revenue 47(1) 2 Every sum due, to a Market Committee from any person shall be reduced to the form of a demand certificate, as prescribed, over the signature of the Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall be recovered as an arrear of land revenue on such certificate being forwarded to the Certificate Officer concerned. Recovery of 113(1) loss Any loss that may occur to a Market Committee due to its failure to carry out any instruction of the Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall be recoverable from the members of the Market Committee after due enquiry and reasonable opportunity being given to them of showing cause 'why' any such loss should not be recovered from them 35(1) 2 Any amount recoverable from the members of a Market Committee under this section shall be realized as an arrear of land revenue. Power of 114(1) The Director of Agricultural Marketing to impose Bye-laws Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or the Rules or Bye-laws framed there under, if the 51(1) Director of Agricultural Marketing considers that an amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of a new bye-law is necessary or desirable in the interest of the Board or Market Committee or private market or direct marketing or farmer/ consumer market or contract farming, he may recommend the same in writing to be served on such institution by registered post, fax or e-mail require it to make such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of a Byelaw within such time as mav be specified in such order. EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 36 An Officer investigating the affairs of the Board or of a Market Committee or No provision examining the proceedings of such Board or Committee under Section 32 sHall have powers of summon and enforce the attendance of Officers or members of the Board or Market Committee and to compel them to give evidence and to produce documents by the same means and as far as possible in the same manner as is provided by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Revised existing provision In case of emergency, the Director may ] suspend or cancel all or any licence No provision issued under the provision of this Act and take such other steps as may be deemed necessary in the interest of a market. Revised existing provision 2 Where a Market Committee is not competent to perform the duties imposed No provision by or under this Act, under orders or decision of a court, the Director shall make such arrangement for performing the duties and functions of such a Market Committee. Revised existing provision Every sum due from a Market Committee to the State Government or the Board or any local authority shall be recoverable as an arrear of land revenue. No provision 2 Every sum due, to a Market Committee from any person shall be reduced to Section 102 the form of a demand certificate, as prescribed, over the sianature of the Director or of such Gazetted Officer as may have powers delegated to them by the Director in this behalf and shall be recovered as an arrear of land revenue on such certificate being forwarded to the Certificate Officer concerned Any loss that may occur to a Market Committee due to its failure to carry out No provision any instruction of the Director shall be recoverable from the members of the Market Committee after due enquiry and reasonable opportunity being given to them of showing cause any such loss should not be recovered from them 2 Any amount recoverable from the members of a Market Committee under this section shall be realized as an arrear of land revenue. No provision Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or I [section 96J the rules or Section 96 bye-laws framed there under, if the Director considers that an amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of a new bye-law is necessary or desirable in the interest of Market Committee, he may by an order in writing to be served on a Market Committee by registered post, require it to make such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of a bye-law within such time as may be specified in such order Page 62 of 68 Adopted from existing provision Revised existing provision Revised existing provision Adopted from existing provision Revised existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION 2 If the Board/ Market Committee/ Private Market! Direct Market! Consumer Market! Contract Farming Sponsor fails to make any such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of the Byelaw within the time specified by the Director of Agricultural Marketing in his order under subsection (1), the Director of Agricultural Marketing may after giving the Market Committee an opportunity, of showing cause why such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption should not be made, register such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of Bye-law and issue a certified copy thereof to such Market Committee. 2 If the Market Committee fails to make any such amendment, alteration, No provision rescission or adoption of the bye-law within the time specified by the Director in his order under sub-section (1), the Director may after giving the Market Committee an opportunity, of showing cause why such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption should not be made, register such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of bye-law and issue a certified copy thereof to such Market Committee. Revised existing provision 3 The Board/ Market Committee/ Private Market/Direct Market/Consumer Market! Contract Farming Sponsor may, within one month from the date of issue of an order made under subsection (2) appeal against such order to the State Government. 3 The Market Committee may, within one month from the date of issue of an order made under sub-section (2) appeal from such order to the State Government. No provision Revised existing provision 4 Where no appeal is presented within one month from the date of the issue of an order under subsection (2) registering an amendment such amendment shall not come into force till the order is confirmed by the State Government. 4 Where no appeal is presented within one month from the date of the issue of No provision an order under sub- section (2) registering an amendment such amendment shall not come into force till the order is confirmed by the State Government. Adopted from existing provision 5 A certified copy of the amendment of the Bye-law registered by the Director of Agricultural Marketing under sub-section (2) shall, subject to the result of an appeal, if any under sub-section (3) be conclusive evidence that it has been duly registered and such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of Bye-law shall be deemed to have made by the Board/ Market Committee! Private Market / Direct Market! Consumer Market! Contract Farming Sponsor. 5 A certified copy of the amendment of the bye-law registered by the Director under sub-section (2) shall, subject to the result of an appeal, if any under sub-section (3) be conclusive evidence that it has been duly registered and such amendment, alteration, rescission or adoption of bye-law shall be deemed to have made by the Market Committee. Revised existing provision Page 63 of 68 SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION CHAPTER - XVI Miscellaneous Chairperson , ViceChairperson , Member, Chief Bar to Civil suit and protection to person acting in good faith Bar of suit in absence of notice 115 The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Members, Chief Executive Officer of the Board, Secretary to the Market Committee and other Officers and staff of the Board or a Market Committee shall be deemed to be Public Servants within the meaning of Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. 117(1) Admissibilit 120(1) y of copy of entry as evidence Revised existing provision 116 No suit, prosecution or legal proceedings in respect of anything done in good faith or intended to 44(1) be done under this Act or Rule or Bye-laws made there under, shall lie against the Director of Agricultural Marketing or officer of the State Government or against the Board or any Market Committee or against any officer or servant of the Board or any Market Committee or against any person acting under and in accordance with the directions of the Director of Agricultural Marketing, such officer, or such Committee No suit shall be instituted against the Board or Market Committee or any Section 105 member, Officer or Staff thereof, or any person acting under the direction of such Board or Market Committee, for anything done or purported to be done in good faith by such member, Officer, Staff or person under this Act, until the expiration of two months next after notice in writing, stating the cause of action, the name and place of abode of the intending plaintiff and the relief which the claims, has been in the case of the Board or Market Committee, delivered or left at its office, and in the case of any such member, Officer, Staff or person as aforesaid, delivered to him or left at his office or usual place of abode and the plaintiff shall contain a statement that such notice has been so delivered or left. Adopted from Model Act Notwithstanding anything contained in any section of any Act, no suit shall be instituted against 44(1) the Board or any Market Committee, until the expiration of two months next after in writing stating the cause of action, name and place of abode of the intending plaintiff, and the relief which he claims has been delivered or left at its office. Every such suit shall be dismissed unless it is instituted within six months form the date of the accrual of al/eged cause or action. No suit shall be instituted against the Board or Market Committee or any Section 106 member, Officer or Staff thereof, or any person acting under the direction of such Board or Market Committee, for anything done or purported to be done in good faith by such member, Officer, Staff or person under this Act, until the expiration of two months next after notice in writing, stating the cause of action, the name and place of abode of the intending plaintiff and the relief which the claims, has been in the case of the Board or Market Committee, delivered or left at its office, and in the case of any such member, Officer, Staff or person as aforesaid, delivered to him or left at his office or usual place of abode and the plaintiff shall contain a statement that such notice has been so delivered or left. Adopted from Model Act 2 Every such suit shall be barred unless it is instituted within six months from the date of the actual alleged cause of action Duty to Local authority to give , information and assistance Act not to invalidated by informality, vacancy etc. 43 The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Members, (Chief Executive Officer)1 Secretary Section 103 and other Officers and staff of the Board or a Market Committee shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code 2 Every such suit shall be barred unless it is instituted within six months from the date of the actual alleged cause of action No provision Adopted from Existing Provision 118 It shall be the duty of every Local authority to give all the necessary information .in the possession of or under the control of its officers to the Market Committee or its officers authorized in that behalf, relating to the movement of specified agricultural produce into and out of the area of the Local authority,free of any charges. No provision Section 107 Adopted from Model Act 119 No Act done or proceeding taken under this 'I' Act by the Board, by a Market Committee or a Sub-Committee appointed by the board shall I be invalidated merely on the ground of I (a) any vacancy or defect in the constitution of Board or Sub-Committee; or (b) any defect or irregularity in the appointment of a person acting as a member thereof; or (c) any defect or irregularity in such Act or proceedings, not affecting the substance No provision Section 108 Adopted from Model Act A copy of any entry in any book, register or list regularly kept in course of business in the 46(1) possession of Market Committee shall if duly certified, in such manner as may be prescribed, be admissible in evidence of the existence of such entry and shall be admitted as evidence of the matter and the transaction therein recorded in every case, where and to the same extent to which the original entry would, if produced have been admissible to prove such matter. A copy of any entry in any book, register or list regularly kept in course of No provision business in the possession of Market Committee shall if duly certified, in such manner as may be prescribed, be admissible in evidence of the existence of such entry and shall be admitted as evidence of the matter and the transaction therein recorded in every case, where and to the same extent to which the original entry would, if produced have been admissible to prove such matter. Page 64 of 68 Adopted from existing provision SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT 2 In the case of such Market Committee as the State Government, by general or special order may direct, no officer of a Market Committee shall, in any legal proceedings to which the Market Committee is not a party, compelled to produce any of its books, the contents of which can be proved under sub-section (1) or to appear as a witness to prove the matters, transactions and accounts therein recorded unless otherwise ordered by the Court in that behalf. Repeal EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION 2 In the case of such Market Committee as the State Government, by general No provision or special order may direct, no Officer of a Market Committee shall, in any legal proceedings to which the Market Committee is not a party, compelled to produce any of its books, the contents of which can be proved under subsection (1) or to appear as a witness to prove the matters, transactions and accounts therein recorded unless otherwise ordered by the Court in that behalf. REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION Adopted from existing provision No provision Section 111 2 Notwithstanding such repeal(i) the repeal shall not affect the previous operation of any enactment so repealed, and anything done or action taken (including any appointment, delegation or declaration made, notification, under Rule, direction or notice issued, Bye-laws framed, market area, markets, sub- markets and yards declared, established or notified, licenses granted, fees levied and collected, instruments executed, any fund established or constituted) by or under the provisions of any such enactment shall in so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of this Act and shall continue in force unless and until superseded by anything done or any action taken under this Act (ii) Unless the State Government otherwise directs, the Market Committees referred to in clause (1) and the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and members thereof shall continue until the expiry of their term under the repealed Act or till a Market Committee is constituted in accordance with the provisions of this Act, whichever is earlier' No provision Section 111 3 On issue of a direction under clause (ii) of sub-section (2), the provisions of section shall apply as from the date specified in the direction as if the Market Committee stood dissolved on that date. No provision Section 111 Adopted from Model Act No provision Adopted from existing Provision Section112 Adopted from Model Act The Assam State Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972 are hereby repealed. 121(1) Savings 122 Nothing contained in the Assam Panchayat Act.1994 or In any other law for the time being In force relating to the establishment maintenance or regulation of market shall apply to any market area or affect in any way the powers of Market Committee or the rights of a holder of a licence granted under sub-section (1) of Section 67. Power to remove difficulty 123 State Government shall have powers to make suitable order as may be necessary to remove any difficulty arising in implementation of this Act. 54 Nothing contained in the Assam. Panchayat Act,1994 or in any other law for the lime being In force relating to the establishment maintenance or regulation of market shall apply to any market area or affect in any way the powers of Market Committee or the rights of a holder of a licence granted under sub-section (2) of Section 13 No provision SCHEDULE [(See Section 2 (1) (I) ] (A) Cereals:, MODEL ACT (1) Paddy (2) Rice (3) Muri (4) Chira (5) Khai (7) Maize (8) Millets (9) Paddy husk (10) Rice bran and polished (11) Wheat bran and polished Page 65 of 68 Adopted from Model Act Adopted from Model Act SUBTITLE (B) Pulses :- ( C) Oil seed :- (D) Fibre and other Cash Crops: - (E) Sugar Products :- (F) NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION (1) Black gram (2) Green gram (3) Arahar (Tur) (4) Peas (5) Gram (6) Lentil (7) Rajmah (1) Sesamum (Til) (2) Mustard (3) Linseed (4) Castor seed (5) Cotton seed (6) Coconut (7) Niger seed (8) Ground nut (9) Vanaspati product (10) Refined oil (11) Oil cakes (1) Jute (baled and unbaled). (2) Cotton (ginned and unginned). (3) Mesta (4) Sunhemp (5) Tobacco (1) Sugarcane (2) Gur (Molasses) (3) Sugar (1) Mandarin (2) Lime (3) Lemon (4) Mussambi (5) Valencia (6) Grape fruits (7) Other citrus (8) Banana (9) Papaya (10) Guava (11) Jack fruits (12) Mango (13) Plum (14) Peaches (15) Pears (16) Apples (17) Pine apples (18) Bel (Wood Apple) (19) .Blackberry (20) Rose apple (21) Sopeta (22) Melon (23) Tamarind (24) Pomegranate (25) Cashew nuts Page 66 of 68 MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION SUBTITLE NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION (G) Vegetables :- (H) Flower and Ornamental Plants:» Condiments and spices:= (I) Plantation Crops: (J) Animal Husbandry products :- (K) All types of Fish :(excluding canned fish) (1) Potato (2) Sweet Potato (3) Onion (4) Tomato (5) Leafy and Fresh vegetables (6) Yam (1) Turmeric (Whole and powdered) (2) Ginger (3) Garlic (4) Coriander (Dhania) (5) Chilies (Dry and Green) (6) Cardamoms and Black pepper (7) Betel nuts (Dry and Green) (8) Betel leaves (9) Methi (10) Cumin (Jeera) (1) Green Tea leaves (1) Eggs (2) Poultry (3) Cattle (4) Sheep (5) Horse (6) Goat (7) Buffaloes (8) Milk (9) Butter and Cream (10) Ghee (11) Wool (12) Hide and Skin Page 67 of 68 MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION SUBTITLE (L) Forest and Social Forestry Product :- (M) Sericulture Products :Cocoons and Yarns :- NEW SECTION PROPOSED ACT EXISTING SECTION EXISTING ACT PROVISION (1) Lac (2) Gum (3) Timber (4) Bamboo (5) Cane (6) Agar (1) Eri (2) Muga (3) Pat Page 68 of 68 MODEL ACT REMARKS / CHANGES / INCORPORATION
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