St. Paul's Episcopal Church NOVEMBER 2014 From the Interim Rector Growing in Grace & Gratitude who we are and how we relate to others, and what attributes we want to leave as part of our legacy. I want to share this After thinking and praying and month about the discussing in small groups, my top CREDO continuing education conference five core values came out as I attended on October community, family, love for others, faithfulness (both in a sense of 7-13 at the Lake spirituality as well as Logan Episcopal Center in Canton, North Carolina. dependability), and creativity. These attributes influence who I CREDO (which is an acronym for am, what kinds of people I want to Clergy Reflection, Education, surround myself with, and how I Discernment Opportunity) is a view and relate to the world program of the Church Pension around me. Fund which seeks to provide a holistic approach to clergy health Regarding the rule of life itself, this and wellness. My CREDO event is a basically a way for ordering was geared toward recently ordained clergy (in their first five one’s life on a daily basis around practices and attitudes that help years of ordained ministry). So I one thrive. As a priest, my rule of spent my week with 22 other priests ranging in age from 30 to life already includes time each day for prayer, devotions, and Bible 61, some ordained for barely a study. It also includes such things year, others almost 4 years. as having a date night each week The conference included plenary with my wife, working with a spiritual director, tithing to the sessions, small groups, worship church, gathering regularly with services, one-on-one clergy colleagues, keeping a 24consultations with the faculty, hour Sabbath “day off” each week, personal time for reflection, and going on retreat once a year, and opportunities for exercise, refreshment, and fellowship. The taking vacation time with loved plenary sessions were led by eight ones. But in reflecting on my current rule of life at CREDO, I clergy and lay leaders in the realized that there were pieces Episcopal Church on topics missing, pieces that I wanted to including physical and psychological health, leadership, add in and work on. spirituality, vocation, and clergy One piece I decided I needed to taxes and finances. The add is a practice of calling a family conference culminated in a member once a week. My nuclear process of creating (or reevaluating) a personal “Rule of family is rather spread out geographically right now. My Life” and what is called a “Gran parents are divorced and living in Sueño,” (“Big Dream”), if one so Ohio, I have a twin brother Brad desired. living in another part of Ohio, and I have an older brother Mike living I want to share with you a little in Alabama; also my maternal about the process for creating one’s rule of life and some of the grandmother lives with my mother ideas I came up with. Part of the and stepfather. Now, I know some people are very close to their exercise involved first thinking about what our core values were, families and talk with parents or what things we hold deeply about siblings or kids on a weekly if not daily basis. That has not my personal experience. In fact, since my parents got divorced during my first year of seminary, I find that I only talk with each of them maybe once every other month, and I only have an opportunity to visit them in Ohio once a year over the summer. But reflecting on my core values, I realized that family is important to me, and I know that I will not always have all of them with me. So my goal is to begin talking to at least one family member a week by phone, to keep in better touch with them, and to let them know that they are indeed important to me. To be honest, I have yet to perfect this goal in the weeks since CREDO ended, but it is something I’m striving to better live into. Another new practice in my rule of life is to exercise more and get in better shape. I know that this is something many people struggle with. So my new rule of life encourages me to walk for 30 minutes or more at least 5 days a week. I am practicing living into this new challenge and trying to start off my day with a 30minute walk near where I live. I can already feel that it is helping, but I also know that it is getting colder and the weather is changing and I’m worried about how the winter may affect my goal. These are just a couple of examples of ways that I am trying to improve my health and wellness, specifically regarding relationships and physical health, and there are other changes I am planning to implement in my daily rule of life as well. Continued on page 2. Inside this issue: Jr. Warden News 2 Sr. Warden News 3 Music News 4 Upcoming Events 5-6 Missions & Outreach News 7 Parish News 8-10 Photo Pages 11-15 Duty Roster 16 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 2 Interim Rector’s Article continued. I wonder what changes you might be able to make to your own personal “Rule of Life,” to improve your wellness in the various areas of physical health, mental health, leadership, spirituality, vocation, finances, and relationships? I will also mention quickly more about the “Gran Sueño.” CREDO used to call this a BHAG (“Big Hairy Audacious Goal”), a term taken from the business world. But referring to it as a “Big Dream” offers a different way to think about it. The idea is for this to be a large project that will potentially require a lot of effort and time and involve others to accomplish. The “Gran Sueño” I considered at my CREDO conference was a larger plan of health improvement for myself, focused not only around exercise but around improving my diet and getting more sleep. But I also talked with other participants who were dreaming of doing things like creating a special monastic-like order for Anglo-Catholic clergy in the Episcopal Church or creating a retreat house and spiritual direction center in their community. And I was reminded that one of my goals for my future ministry is getting trained and certified as a spiritual director, which would work well as a “Gran Sueño” plan. I wonder what big dream you (or God) has been dreaming for your life, and who or what will help you begin to realize it? My hope as I share about my personal CREDO experience here with you is that it may also spark something in your own personal experience, and encourage all of us as we think about what holistic wellness looks like in our lives and the lives of those we love. Just as clergy are of little use to the church when they aren’t taking good care of themselves and being good about their personal wellness, so does this apply to all of us, each leaders in our own ways—as parents or grandparents, teachers, business leaders, Vestry members, etc. As Jesus implores us to love our neighbors as ourselves, may we indeed be reminded about what it means to love and care for ourselves. Peace, Brian+ Junior Warden News—Carl Boyce Wood Workers Wanted! The wooden floor grates in the front of the church were made by Bruce Weaver at the time of the last renovation. The grates are in need of repair or replacement. If you are a woodworker and can help with this effort, please contact Junior Warden Carl Boyce. Photos of the current wooden floor grates are shown below. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 3 Senior Warden News—Stuart Ashton Still thinking about Vestry service? I invite you to take a look at our meeting minutes. Pay particular attention to the first item of business…the teaching. Each member takes a turn using passages from sources we have at our church or ones of their choice. The passage is read or paraphrased followed by discussion on what the lesson is and how we can use it in our life at St Paul’s. Our Vestry meetings last between two to two and a half hours. The teaching was first designed to take about 10 minutes but often it goes for 20 or more and I think its because the value taken from it helps us breeze through what too often becomes normally tedious business. There is more. It gives us the guidance we need to leave the Vestry meeting and go about our service to our Church between the meetings. In this the closing quarter of 2014 the Vestry is working on business preparations for 2015. The most significant and highest priority is setting the stage both financially and operationally for a new Rector. Now working hand in hand with the Search Committee, we are providing budget information to the Chair Person so that compensation may be negotiated with the candidates. In addition we provide travel expense authorization for any travel expenses incurred during the interview process. Our second major priority is development and approval of the 2015 Budget for presentation to the Congregation at the Annual Meeting in December where it will be voted on for acceptance by all of you. The Finance Committee is very busy constructing the proposed budget which will be based on forecasted income from pledging, plate, gifts and fundraisers. In other business, we are busy updating some important instruments that allow us to continue the business of the Church with the best practice possible. Our Policy, Process and Bylaw documents have been the focus of about the last seven years of Vestries. Much work can be credited to members that improved these documents and made them easy to read, valid and up to date. The final work now is establishing a configuration management electronically and fixing the last few conflicting text segments. There will be one or two items that need your approval at the annual meeting so you will see those in the next newsletter or in the bulletin. Included in our business document updates are the contracts for our employees. The most recent document was that of the letter of agreement for our Interim Rector which, signed by the Bishop, is considered complete for now. It’s possible we will have some document of commitment for a new Rector before the end of the year. Our contract for the Principal Musician will be updated as well for the coming year. Finally, I would like to extend my personal gratitude to all of you for your hospitality to the Fitzhugh Family this past month. Under the leadership of Patty Shippee, we received many expressions of thanks and appreciation by the visitors. They were particularly pleased with the welcoming greeting from you members who were in attendance that day. I find that this is a clear indication that we are excited about any visitor and dedicated to making their stay with us memorable. This will go a long way in helping us achieve our goal of growth in the future. Stuart Ashton, Senior Warden Halloween Artwork Well-known painter, St. Paul’s parishioner, and leader of the North Windsor Artists, Jack Darling (1911-2007), painted the below paintings for a parish Halloween party many years ago. Enjoy, and Happy Halloween! ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH There's Music in the Air! Page 4 Music News—Jeannie Richardson Our Adult Choir is always preparing music for our regular worship services. We meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00 sharp to practice the hymns and service music for the upcoming Sunday service. After that, we begin work on special music to present for each Sunday's offertory anthem. Both Richard Rowland and Richard Frazer have sung solos in October. Thanks! Our congregation can look forward to hearing other solo voices shortly! We are also enjoying our new music that has just come in for our Advent and Christmas services. It is so beautiful! The Children's Choir is meeting on Sundays at 11:00. We have a different family every week it seems, but they all are learning the same music and one of these Sundays, when they all can be with us, you can look forward to hearing these young voices in church! Right now our Masterworks Choruses are polishing the music for our Autumn Masterworks Concert on Sunday, November 23, at 7:30 PM. The Junior and Youth Masterworks Choruses have begun the diligent task of memorizing their selections. Kara Pekar keeps them on their toes every minute on Sunday afternoons. They are learning some delightful advent and Christmas music by the well-known contemporary composers Nix, Rush & Sterling. Kirkpatrick and Patterson will be sung by the Juniors. The Youth will sing music by Clark, Darke, Johnson and Choplin. Student accompanists T.J. Hollinsworth, piano, and Grace Cumbee, violin, are mastering their parts. I hear them every week at lessons. Stephanie Niepraschk, the piano accompanist for the Youth, is an inspiration to all the young singers. What a fabulous musician she is!! Music is coming together wonderfully for the Adult Masterworks Chorus. I have so enjoyed conducting our Wednesday evening rehearsals. We have so much fun working on challenging music! This concert will feature soprano Mollie Rerucha in Song of Mary, based on the famous Vocalise. Op.34, No. 14 by Sergei Rachmaninoff. This song paraphrases the church's Magnificat that we sing every Advent. Mollie has sung with our chorus for several years, but this is her first time as a soloist. The chorus will present three selections from the advent section of Felix Mendelssohn's Christus Op. 97. Mollie will sing the opening number When Jesus, our Lord, Was Born in Bethlehem; all the men of the chorus will join for Say, Where is He born, the King of Judea?; and the full chorus will follow with There Shall a Star Come out of Jacob. Our evening masterpiece will be Ralph Vaughan Williams' Fantasia on Christmas Carols. I am pleased to announce that, back by popular demand, Michael Liskiewicz will be our baritone soloist. Michael was one of our soloists for our last concert in June. Michael began his singing career as a boy soprano, performing as a choir member as well as a soloist in works by Bernstein, Menotti, Britten, and Mozart. During these formative years he was under the guidance of Felix Molzer, former conductor of the Vienna Choir Boys. After transitioning to baritone, Michael continued to sing solos in operas with different opera companies, and choral music with The Shrewsbury Chorale, The Paul Hill Chorale, the Raleigh Oratorio Society, and the Ron Freeman Chorale. His repertoire expanded to include Handel's Messiah, Mendelssohn's Elijah, Bach's B Minor Mass, Brahms’ German Requiem, Bach's Passions, and the like. In place of the huge orchestra that the Fantasia on Christmas Carols is scored for, the chorus will be accompanied on the organ by Sonya Vastek Sutton. Sonya will demonstrate that our newly restored pipe organ is truly the "King of Instruments!" Sonya Sutton is director of music (organist and choir director) at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., where she leads an active program that includes five choirs. She was recently named music director of the World Bank/IMF Chorus. She received her education at the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati, earning Bachelor and Master Degrees in Piano Performance and a second Masters in Arts Administration. She has served as organist and choirmaster at several churches for over 25 years and was on the music faculty of College of Southern Maryland, directed the Prince George’s Community Chorus in its annual Messiah performance for 7 years, and was a guest conductor for the Kennedy Center’s annual Messiah sing-along performance. She has served as an accompanist for the Washington Choral Ensemble and for special programs with the Cathedral Choral Society. She has conducted choirs on numerous occasions at Washington National Cathedral, the Chautauqua Institution, and has taken her choirs on tour to England, Italy, Austria, and the Czech Republic. As an organ recitalist she has played in many places, including St. Thomas-Fifth Avenue, St. Albans Abbey, and the Washington National Cathedral. As a member of the Vastek Piano Duo, she won the Montpelier Music Competition, performed on the Artists Series at DAR Constitution Hall, and at many other venues in Washington, and around the country. Sonya and her husband, the Right Rev. Eugene Sutton, have four children in their blended family. The concert will conclude with Turn Back, O Man by Gustav Holst and the beloved hymn Now the Day is Over sung by the congregation and choruses. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 5 Upcoming Events Don’t Forget to Turn Your Clocks Back! Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 2, at 2 a.m. Make sure to turn your clocks back by one hour on Saturday night! All Saints’ Sunday on November 2 All Saints’ Sunday is November 2. This special feast of the Church offers an opportunity to remember the many saints in our lives who have gone before us in the faith. We will remember the names of those departed saints and souls in our own lives in our service on Sunday. Please join us for this special holy day. Day School Dessert Bingo Fundraiser on November 7 Come support St. Paul’s Day School at the Dessert Bingo fundraiser this Friday, November 7 in St. Paul’s Parish Hall. Dinner is at 5:30 p.m. followed by Bingo at 6 p.m. There will be 10 Bingo games with Fish Bowl Raffles throughout the evening. Bingo prizes will be the winner’s choice of a dessert. All inclusive tickets (dinner, fish bowl raffle, and 10 Bingo games) are $15. This is a fundraiser for the Day School, as well as an opportunity to get together with friends. Come join the fun! Stephanie Henke Kitchen Clean-Up on November 8 There will be a Kitchen Clean-Up Day this Saturday, November 8, at 9 a.m. A few people have already signed up to clean the kitchen that day, but we are looking for more folks to help out. We will be cleaning the stoves, sinks, shelves, windows, and door frames and reorganizing the shelves. Please contact Jane Marvin with any questions. Commitment Sunday on November 9 November 9 is this year’s Commitment Sunday at St. Paul’s. If you haven’t already, please bring your completed 2015 pledge form (sealed in its envelope) to church that day and put it in the offering plate during the worship service. November Birthday Potluck on November 30 Our November Birthday Potluck will be held on Sunday, November 30 after the 10 o’clock service. Please bring a dish to share for the potluck that day, and come enjoy some cake! ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 6 Upcoming Church & Community Events Cookie Walk/Bazaar at Peace Lutheran on November 15 Peace Lutheran Church is having their Annual Cookie Walk/Bazaar on Saturday November 15 from 9 am - 1 pm. Get there early to fill a can with your favorite homemade cookies, and shop for special gifts for your family and friends at the Bake Sale, Gift Basket shop, White Elephant sale, Vendors and more! Proceeds benefit the missions and ministries of Peace Lutheran and the local community! KG Ruritan Veterans Day Observance on November 11 The King George Ruritan Club has planned its Veterans Day observance, starting at 6:30 p.m. on November 11 at King George Middle School. The event, which is supported by the King George Department of Parks and Recreation, is designed to honor those who fought— and continue to fight—for our freedoms. Several World War II veterans, including parishioner Howard Yarus, will be honored, and Capt. Mary Feinberg, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity South Potomac (which includes the Dahlgren base), will be the guest speaker. The American Legion will help with the program and have poppies available. The St. Andrews Legion Pipes and Drums band, based in Richmond, will perform, and the NJROTC Color Guard from King George High School will present the flags. Boy Scouts from King George also will attend. The event is free and open to the public, and children are encouraged to attend. Advent Retreat at Roslyn on December 5-6 Episcopal priest Pam Webb is offering a special Advent retreat entitled “Waiting for the Wonder.” This overnight retreat will take place at Roslyn Retreat Center in Richmond on Friday-Saturday, December 5-6, 2014. You are invited to take some time from the busyness of home and work and enjoy a time of retreat, rest, and reflection. In the season of Advent we are encouraged to prepare to receive the Christ Child in our lives. This retreat will help you focus on the wonder we receive and celebrate at Christmas. A flyer and registration form are posted in the Parish House at St. Paul’s or Fr. Brian can provide more information. The cost ranges from $170-$250 depending on whether you will commute or stay overnight. Space is limited, and registration is first come, first served. St. Paul’s Annual Meeting on December 14 The Parish Annual Meeting and Vestry Election will take place on Sunday, December 14 after the 10 o’clock service. Please come hear about the state of parish and vote on new Vestry members for 2015. Parish Christmas Party on December 14 It's almost that time of year again, and the Rambergs are planning their annual Christmas gift exchange party. It will be December 14 at 4 p.m., so mark your calendar now! All you have to do is bring a present for each person who wants to play and a dish to share. This has always been pot-luck and it always turns out great—just ask someone who has come before. Now we know that this is the same day as the Annual Meeting, but it worked fine last year, so we can do it again this year. Please plan on coming—we had 40 people last year and it was a blast. Dickie and Carolyn Ramberg, 13268 Poplar Neck Road, King George, (540) 775-0268 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 7 Missions & Outreach News Thanksgiving Baskets & Christmas Gifts The Mission & Outreach Committee met on Tuesday, October 28 to plan how many baskets for Thanksgiving and how many families St. Paul’s would like to sponsor for the upcoming holidays. Unfortunately, Social Services doesn’t have the needed staffing this year, so they will not be coordinating baskets at Thanksgiving. Instead they are leaving it up to individuals to recommend families that are in need. St. Paul’s has two families that we are going to support. We are also asking Little Ark Baptist Church if they can recommend families in need. If you know of a family that needs a little extra help for Thanksgiving, feel free to contact Fr. Brian. For Christmas, the Missions & Outreach Committee has requested from Social Services four senior adults to buy gifts for. We are also going to help the same family as last year (three adults and eight children). However, in lieu of gifts, we will be collecting money so that the grandmother and mother can do their own shopping for these eight children. There will be a reminder about this in the bulletin in the coming weeks. Also, we will be helping out our special family that we adopted earlier this year with gifts. There are two adults and two children in this family. A list of their needs and wishes will also be coming soon. Terri Gallagher/Missions & Outreach Committee Haiti Micah Project (HMP) November 2014 Update Please consider doing some Christmas shopping at the Ten Thousand Villages store in Fredericksburg on December 7th between 5:00 and 7:00 pm. For any purchases made during this period, the Haiti Micah Project will receive 15% of the net sales. In addition, this year Ten Thousand Villages will also issue 20 pre-shop passes for HMP supporters who cannot make it that evening. You can come into the store up to five days in advance, and your purchase will still count. As a reminder, we keep a change jar in St. Paul’s Parish Hall and have distributed tea tins for collecting change for HMP. These funds are used by the ECW to support four children under the HMP Sponsor-a-Child program. Thank you for continuing to support this charitable activity. The big recent news from HMP is that its Board of Directors has approved the building of a Vocational Training Facility in Mirebalais, Haiti. We have selected a local builder/contractor who is known to Joseph Constant, the HMP President, and our sister Board in Mirebalais. HMP has negotiated a long-term lease for a partially constructed building in Mirebalais. To complete the first and second floor of this building will cost about $95,000. The HMP Board has approved the first $50,000 phase of construction. We have commitments for the remainder of the construction funds. There also have been numerous commitments from donors to provide equipment for the facility for training our children. The end goal is to provide practical skill training for HMP children in preparation for jobs after high school, and also to sell products in the community from the Vocational Training Facility. Bill Taczak Love Thy Neighbor Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry—November 16 Love Thy Neighbor meets this month on Sunday, November 16, at the King George Citizens Center. We have found that many volunteers come for the beginning of the event but leave before it is over, meaning that more volunteers could be used during the later hours between 3-5 p.m. Please consider helping during this time with other volunteers from St. Paul’s during the month of November. 3:00 - 4:00 : Servers are needed to serve dinners and to refill beverage glasses. Dessert servers are also needed. 4:00 - 5:00 : People are needed to walk individuals through the food pantry and to help them carry their groceries out to their cars. 4:30 : Cleanup begins. Table are taken down and put away. Chairs are put away. Floors are swept and mopped. Other: You can also bake some homemade goodies for desserts!! ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 8 Parish News Rector Search Committee Update St. Paul’s Search Committee has completed our initial phone and Skype interviews with four rector candidates, and we have narrowed down the list to two finalists. As we work around the fall and holiday schedules of the committee members and the finalists, it may take a couple months before both candidates are able to come meet with the Search Committee in person. When it is possible, we will be scheduling time for each candidate to meet the committee at St. Paul’s and to see the church. Please note that these meetings will be private and closed to parishioners who are not part of the Search Committee. As more progress is made in our search, we will update the congregation as we’re able. Brian Turner on behalf of Barbara Ritter History & Heritage Night Review A big thank-you to those who were able to attend our second St. Paul’s History & Heritage Potluck Night on Wednesday, October 22. Our attendance was small, but the memories shared about St. Paul’s, former parishioners, and past events were abundant. People who were fondly remembered included Karl Bergey, Harry Berry, Jim & Anne Clapper, Jack Darling, Mary Lou Davies, Ruth & Wes Meyers, Sue Olson, Leanne & Vince Puglielli, Ann Smoot, Bruton Strange, Jim Terrell, Morton Townsend, and Margie Warren. Some of the church and community event memories that were shared, in no particular order, included the ECW canned plum pudding fundraisers, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Suppers with square dancing and talents shows, Halloween parties that would take place in the current office space of the Parish House, the children’s choir, Morton Townsend’s fall Oyster Roast, the Youth Group, the 24-hour Prayer Vigil, river baptisms by Bruton Strange, church picnics on the beach, Harry Berry bringing sheep to VBS with Bruton Strange having one across his shoulders, burials in a frozen cemetery and having to jump on the coffin to get it in the ground, jokes relayed to the priest finding their way into his sermons, a parishioner backing out onto Rt. 206, playing poker and board games at Shrine Mont, ECW Bazaars with special crafts, dried flower arrangements, Christmas ornaments, and Sue Olson’s seashell wreaths, the youth decorating the church with running cedar greenery the night before Christmas Eve, trumpet music from the balcony, the children’s “Holy Band,” Sunrise Easter services in the cemetery, Terri Gallagher grabbing women to come to the ECW meeting, and the “Berry Patch” on Sunday mornings. Above all, those gathered mentioned repeatedly sentiments such as: “St. Paul’s has been a great place to raise our kids—a very loving congregation.” And, “St. Paul’s is like a family; sometimes there are fights, but we still all come together again and get along.” The family of St. Paul’s has been together in various ways for almost 350 years. And there are still many years, families, events, and memories to be enjoyed in the love of God and through the power of the Holy Spirit in this place. May we continue to share our memories of this place with one another even as we make new ones day by day. Brian Turner ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 9 Columbarium Plans Update St. Paul’s Columbarium Committee (composed of Mindy Ashton, Katherine Lenzi, and Kirsten Nichols) gave a forum presentation on its work on the Columbarium and Memorial Garden designs after the 10 o’clock service on Sunday, October 26. Over 30 parishioners stayed to participate in the forum and hear about the current progress. Three designs were presented to the congregation which had been displayed in the Parish House over the past month. The first design (“Design C”) was created by Tupelo Landscape Architects in October 2012 and first presented to the congregation over a year ago. It offers a design in the shape of a Greek cross (mirroring St. Paul’s Church building) with columbarium walls, benches, and a fountain in the middle. The location for this design is between the Parish House and Church with a new brick walkway that would lead off of the current brick walkway that leads to the Church building. It would include the existing tree already in that spot while also adding new trees, shrubs, and landscaping. The columbarium walls would contain a total of 72 standard niches. The second design (“Design A”) was created by committee member and landscape architect Kirsten Nichols earlier this year. It was first presented to the congregation on St. Paul’s Day in August. It offers a brick path and walkway which circles the current tree located between the Parish House and Church. Beyond the tree it offers a curved 3.5-foot tall columbarium wall that would contain a total of 60 standard niches. There would also be two free-standing benches. The third design (“Design B”) was also created by Kirsten Nichols and is very similar to Design A, except that the brick walkway is in the shape of an oval around the tree, so that there is more room in the center to also incorporate space for a memorial garden. The curved columbarium wall is both longer—to incorporate seating—and taller—to still contain the 60 standard niches. After presenting these three designs, the committee fielded questions and comments. Some of the concerns offered included the location, as some would prefer using space behind the Parish House and closer to the playground; others also considered space in front of the church or close to the cemetery fence. Some noted that the location between the Parish House and Church was less private, would unnecessarily surround the church with graves, and might have drainage issues. There were also concerns with the health of the tree, damage to the tree roots, and the gas line which runs through that spot. Others were curious about how the current designs could be modified or expanded in the future when the 60 or 72 niches were full. After fielding questions and concerns, the parishioners gathered were invited to vote on their preferred design. Design A won with a majority of 24 votes cast. The committee is now tasked with having the area between the Parish House and Church surveyed and vetted for construction of a new walkway and columbarium structure. The other details of the design, its shape, and the number of niches will be determined at a later time once the site is approved. As the committee continues to make progress on this project, please look for more updates in the future. Brian Turner ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 10 The United Thank Offering November is United Thank Offering (UTO) month at St. Paul’s. This means that we will be including the UTO envelopes in the Sunday bulletins each week. You are encouraged to make a donation to the UTO using the envelopes, and put them in the offering plate during the Offertory in the service. So what is the UTO and why do we do it? Well, in the early 1880s, the Board of Missions of the Episcopal Church asked the Women’s Auxiliary (now ECW) for help with missionary work at home and abroad. The women suggested an offering given in thanksgiving for God’s blessings. This offering, given in thanksgiving by the Women’s Auxiliary, was a new thing in the Episcopal Church. It would be called The United Thank Offering and would include women in every Episcopal Church. In 1889, the first United Thank Offering was presented at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. It was a small offering, just a little over $2,000, but it helped build the first Episcopal church in Anvink, Alaska; sent the first female missionary, Lisa Lovell, to Japan; and it even sent 25 cents to an organ fund in Liberia. As the United States expanded westward, the women always remembered to take their small thank offering box with them, along with their household items. The families were traveling west to start a new life in Kansas, Colorado, or the Dakotas, and they knew that God would bless them as they traveled the unfamiliar territory. Every day, they put an offering of a few coins in the Blue Box with a prayer of thanksgiving. Today, men, women, and children are still putting coins in the Blue Boxes with prayers of thanksgiving. And God’s people are feeling God’s love through grants from the UTO. Last year $1,525,407.78 was collected and given away. These funds are providing vehicles to enhance ministries, create a senior center, plant gardens, build churches, and support innovative ministries within the Episcopal Church and throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion. In 2014, both of the requests from the Diocese of Virginia were fully funded. The first request was for $49,575 for a new school vehicle for Hope and Resurrection Secondary School in the village of Atiaba, South Sudan. The second request was for $17,000 to purchase new commercial-grade kitchen equipment for the “Bread and Roses” community cooking classes and gardening ministry of Trinity Episcopal Church in Charlottesville. There are always important ministry and outreach opportunities looking for grants and funding in the Episcopal Church and Anglican dioceses abroad. Just a few coins or dollars offered at a time by many people can make a huge difference in improving people’s lives. How can you help spread God’s love and answer Jesus’ call to “love your neighbor” through supporting the United Thank Offering this fall at St. Paul’s? For more information about the UTO process, please speak with me or St. Paul’s UTO rep Carolyn Ramberg. Brian Turner A UTO Blue Box ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 11 St. Francis Sunday - Blessing of the Animals - October 5, 2014 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fitzhugh Family Reunion October 12, 2014 Page 12 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH More Fitzhugh Family Reunion Photos Page 13 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 14 Love Thy Neighbor October 19, 2014 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Page 15 October Birthday Potluck & Columbarium Forum October 26, 2014 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 5486 St. Paul’s Road King George, VA 22485 Phone: 540-663-3085 Email: [email protected] We’re on the Web! Duty Roster for November 2014 Acolyte Ushers Chalice Bearer Lector Altar Guild November 2 Mallory Gallagher Danny Brunson and Laurence Thayer Gayle Hock Margaret Rice Ruby Bales and Joy Veazey November 9 Zach Greiber The Turners Chris Knowlton Gayle Hock Ruby Bales and Joy Veazey Carolyne Ashton and Mary Ann Cummings Christine Peyton Jane Marvin Ruby Bales and Joy Veazey November 23 Mallory Gallagher Chris Knowlton and Bob Brannon Carolyne Ashton Mindy Ashton Ruby Bales and Joy Veazey November 30 Zach Greiber TBD TBD Ruby Bales and Joy Veazey November 16 Regan Lenzi The Bogues
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