The Vanguard First Unitarian Church of Hobart April 2014 November 2014 Worship Calendar Names & Numbers First Unitarian Church of Hobart Services are held Sundays at 11 a.m. Sunday, November 2: 497 Main St., Hobart, IN 46342 Playing Without a Catcher’s Mitt Scott Aaseng, Minister [email protected] Sunday, November 9: Jan Zorn, Office Manager (219) 942-1611 Sunday, November 16: 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Maggie Reister Walters, President Gina Miller, Vice President Stephanie Dowell, Jeff Kime, Kelly Mahler, Pete O’Day Reverend Scott Aaseng Why Are You Here? Sunday, November 23: Tim Cook, Secretary Jim O’Gallagher, Treasurer Misha Sanders Lentz, Meadville Lombard seminarian Who You Calling a Wretch? Amazing Grace for the Disgruntled [email protected] Reverend Scott Aaseng Don Parker Thankfulness and U.U.s Sunday, November 30: Religious Education: Children's Service 3 1 2 Letter from Our Minister By Scott Aaseng I’ve usually been the main cook in our household, though that’s been changing lately for various reasons. And it occurred to me the other day that I approach cooking a little differently than some people in my family. Rather than looking in a cookbook or online for what I want to make and then going out and getting the ingredients, I usually start with what’s on hand and try to figure out what I can make with it. And I realized that I often take the same approach to ministry. Rather than dreaming about what I want to make happen, I try to find out what we have to work with and ask what we can do with it. This is very much like what is done in community organizing. Rather than starting by trying to get people interested in her or his own agenda, a good organizer starts by asking what we have on hand: Who are the people we are, or can be, in relationship with? What are the interests, 2 values, and passions that motivate us? And what can we do, together? I began my ministry here by asking these kinds of questions, and I’ve continued to raise them from time to time at various workshops and retreats. And I’d like to ask again now: What do you really value at your church? What is it that makes you really want to get involved and contribute your time, your energy, your money? Ultimately the question I’m asking is: Why are you here? I’d really love to hear from you. Scott Minister’s Office Hours Saturday Nov. 1: 4-7 Sunday Nov. 2: 10-11 Wednesday Nov. 12: 12-2 Wednesday Nov. 19: 2-6 Tuesday Nov. 25: 2-6 Walk-ins are welcome, though emailing for an appointment is helpful. [email protected] lorem ipsum :: [Date] 1 2 3 First Hour Forum 10 a.m. Sundays in the Parish Hall main room upstairs. November 2: Open Forum, leader selected from participants November 9th:: Transcendentalism Part 2 -- Leader: Don Parker November 16th: What is Unitarian Universalism? Leader: Rev. Scott; guests: Trinity Lutheran Church youth, Chesterton November 23rd: Family Giving Project Kickoff 2014 -- Leader: Don Parker with Faith In Action November 30th: National UUA update -- Leader: Don Parker Faith in Action: September’s focus was on homelessness. FIA led most First Hour discussions several of those had out of town guests including the Director of Hear Us ( ). Hear Us was also the recipient of the loose change for September as well as the collection from our Sleep Out that brought community awareness to homelessness and related issues. Our church community gathered and donated exactly $1000.00 to Hear Us. For the last few years First U FIA committee had had a special focus in September to start out our Paper Retreiver Are you remembering to bring your newspapers and magazines and junk mail to our PAPER RETRIEVER??????? Did you know that the Paper Retriever does bring the church a modest income? 3 liturgical church year. We plan to continue that practice next year probably in conjunction with the UUA Congregation Study Action Issue. Family Giving project. During October and November all “loose change for social change” will go to the family giving project focusing on those in need in our community and church community. We would like to reach out to the Sandcastle Shelter from Michigan City as well as families in our more immediately area. If you have any suggestions please contact Tracy Ferrell. We will also be putting together gift bags for those who are at Café Agape in December. Café Agape continues to be a success and extremely rewarding experience. We extend a huge thank you to those who regularly help on Saturdays with this worthwhile project. Of course we always will welcome new faces to our food preparing teams. Anyone brave enough to volunteer to be the coordinator for the soup kitchen on any month should contact Tracy or Michele Ferrell. Here is an idea, suggest to the committee or small group you are on, to have them coordinate a Saturday. It isn’t hard, just one Saturday morning from your life, the spiritual rewards are uplifting. Don’t forget we will be gathering items for care baskets for the people attending Café Agape in December. GEO Update As far as we know, the “for profit prison company” GEO, is still planning to have a prison in Hobart. The Concerned Citizens group is planning an informational session on November 16th. First Unitarian needs to be represented in this meeting. Keep looking for more info to come. NEW Business There is an interest in supporting those in Fergusson and developing an event here that would spark awareness of fair treatment by police. This is something we could do in conjunction with Trinity UCC in Gary. We will be discussing planning a forum inviting police departments and churches to discuss police brutality, profiling, etc. Through reaching out to UUA congregations in St. Louis and the local Interfaith Federation we can promote events on how the board, church, and FIA can raise awareness around this important issue. Thank you to every one for supporting and being a part of Faith In Action. This sends an important message to the surrounding communities about our faith. Wheel of the Year 7 p.m. Saturday, November 1. Our local chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) will celebrate the Samhain in the fellowship hall. The ritual will be followed by a pot luck, so bring a dish to share. This event is open to the public. All ages are welcome, but no child care is provided so that children may participate (you may accompany your child in the nursery if they need a break). Minors must bring a parent. Participants must sit within the Circle and give their name during introductions. For more information, contact Kele Ivey at [email protected] or Patricia Riley-Churilla at (219) 3311297. lorem ipsum :: [Date] 1 2 3 First Friday Games & Potluck Both sessions need to be attended; it is up to you to decide which times work for you. Let's go to the movies! 6:30 p.m. Friday, November 7. Join us for our game and potluck night. Bring your favorite game (board and card games), and a dish to share. Or just bring the food and see what everyone else is playing. Be sure you are able to explain any game you bring, in case others have never played it before. We eat at 6:30 p.m., and we break out the games soon after. Contact Patricia Riley-Churilla at 219-929-9372. Please note all four sessions need to be attended in order to qualify for membership. 5 – 9 p.m. Saturday, November 15. Michele Ferrell, religious education chair, will be introducing Popcorn Theology in November. Popcorn Theology is borrowed from a middle school Unitarian Universalist curriculum, and will be offered as a multigenerational religious education experience. The movie for the first session will be “Back to the Future.” Feel free to come late or leave early, if needed; these will be informal sessions. All ages are welcome and encouraged for this movie. Bring a dish, snack, or beverage to share, if you wish. Do you have a favorite movie? Anyone interested in hosting a Popcorn Theology session at church, their home, or another venue, please contact Michele for a list of movies and the curriculum. Any questions, please contact Michele at [email protected]. New UU Sessions Choice of afternoon or evening sessions in the Parish Hall. Signup sheet is posted on the library table or call the church at 219 942-1611. Wednesday November 12: Session 1: “Sharing Personal Religious Odysseys’' led by Scott Aaseng 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. repeated 7– 8:15 p.m. Session 2: “Learning the History of Unitarian-Universalism” led by Brian Barnes 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. repeated 8:15 – 9:00 p.m. PPP 6 p.m. Wednesday, November 12. The next get-together of Poetry, Prose and Potluck will be at the home of Bob and Zeta Allen in Hobart. If you would like to come, please contact Bob and Zeta by phone or email or through the church office. That way our hosts will know how many places to set, and they can advise you on what kind of food might still be needed. Submitted by Glenn and Suzanne Keldsen on behalf of the entire PPP group. If you're new, it may be helpful to know that the Poetry, Prose and Potluck (PPP) group meets monthly in one another’s homes, where we break bread together, check in, and share poetry and prose readings. If you just want to come and listen, you're welcome to do that too! . Both sessions need to be attended; it is up to you to decide which times work best for you. Wednesday, December 3 Session 3: ‘' Serving as a Unitarian-Universalist” led by Connie Barnes and Carla Banks 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. repeated 7– 8:15 p.m. Session 4: “Exploring Issues within Unitarian-Universalism” led by Scott Aaseng 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. repeated 8:15 – 9 p.m. 4 The deadline for submissions for the December Vanguard is Monday, November 17. Please email them to both [email protected] [email protected] lorem ipsum :: [Date] 1 2 3 Science Café Church Thanksgiving Celebration 7 p.m. Friday, November 21. "The Karner Blue Butterfly at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore." Despite years of habitat management for the Karner blue, the population of these endangered butterflies has decreased to an alarmingly low level. Join the Great Lakes Research and Education Center’s education coordinator, Wendy Smith, as she explores Karner blue ecology, monitoring, and research at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. This event is open to the public. Free admission. Light refreshments: 6:30 p.m. Program: 7 p.m. Children of an appropriate age are welcome, but we are no longer able to provide childcare for younger children. Please note that this month's Science Café is scheduled one week earlier than usual in order to avoid a conflict with the Thanksgiving weekend. 5 Sunday, November 23. Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, so bring out the old family recipe book and start planning on the show-off dish you plan on bringing! This is one of our favorite gatherings of the year. Turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes will be provided. There will be sign-up sheets in the Fellowship Hall for anything else you want to bring. Also this year there will be a raffle drawing for a beautiful hand-made quilt. More details to come; please see James Johnson to sign up or get more information. Quilt Raffle This beautiful hand-made quilt, in shades of purple and pink, was generously donated by Maggie Reister. We decided to raffle it instead of selling it at Rummage Sale. We realized it was too beautiful to give away! It is hand-stitched with the makers name and a dedication on the back side. The picture does not do it justice; you will want to check it out in the Fellowship Hall for the next few weeks. Tickets will be sold until November 23, 2014, and the drawing will be held at our annual Thanksgiving Dinner. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. See Karen Smith, Beth Porch or Rosalind Davila for tickets or more details. The Drumming Meditation Service Oct. 12, 2014 lorem ipsum :: [Date] November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7 a.m. Empty Circle Zen Group 7 p.m. Wheel of the Year 2 p.m. Wedding 2 9 12 p.m. Monthly Birthdays Coffee Hour 3 10 7 p.m. Faith-in-Action meeting 16 7 p.m. Empty Circle Zen Group 4 11 7 p.m. Empty Circle Zen Group 7 p.m. Board meeting 17 18 7 p.m. Empty Circle Zen Group 23 Church Thanksgiving Dinner Events elsewhere 6 24 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. Yoga 7 p.m. NA 12 New UU Sessions 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. repeated 7 – 9 p.m. 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. Yoga 7 p.m. NA 6 p.m. TOPS 8 p.m. AA 13 20 6 p.m. TOPS 8 p.m. AA 26 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. Yoga 7 p.m. NA 6 6 p.m. TOPS 8 p.m. AA 19 Noon Common Reader Book Group 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. Yoga 7 p.m. NA 7 p.m. Board meeting 25 7 p.m. Empty Circle Zen Group 5 27 Thanksgiving church office closed Susan Werner Poetry Prose Concert Potluck Friday, November 7th at 7:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church of South Bend 6:00 p.m. Wed. Nov. 12 at the home of Bob and Zeta Allen in Hobart. 7 6:30 p.m. First Friday Potluck and Games 14 21 6:30 p.m. Science Cafe 7 a.m. Empty Circle Zen Group 7 a.m. Empty Circle Zen Group 5 – 9 p.m. Popcorn Theology 7 a.m. Empty Circle Zen Group 28 1 8 15 22 29 7 a.m. Empty Circle Zen Group Café Agape 9am-2pm Sat. Nov. 29 at Presbyterian Church of Hobart lorem ipsum :: [Date] 1 2 Singer/Songwriter Susan Werner to Perform in South Bend First Unitarian Church to Celebrate New Location with Concert Noted singer/songwriter Susan Werner will perform on Friday, November 7th, 2014 at 7:30 pm at the First Unitarian Church of South Bend. For the most current information on what’s happening at First Unitarian, sign up to receive the weekly Wednesday email First Unitarian Church has recently moved to a new location at 801 E. Washington Street-- just a few blocks from the East Race near downtown South Bend. This concert is an opportunity to celebrate this new space in a special way. Susan Werner has long been a First Unitarian Church of Hobart P.O. Box 291 Hobart, IN 46342 [Recipient] Address Line Address Line Address Line Address Line 1 2 3 4 favorite of critics and fans alike for her unique blend of folk, jazz, blues and gospel music. Chicago based and nationally acclaimed, her catalogue includes the 2007 album, “the Gospel Truth,” which explores faith and social responsibility. Other work presents a fresh take on Cole Porter style pop and cabaret. Her current release, “Hayseed,” is inspired by the American farmer. “Susan Werner is immensely talented--and I sympathize with her humane values. Her concerts can heal your spirit and energize your soul,” writes Chip Roush, First Unitarian’s minister. Tickets for the event are $20.00, and can be purchased in advance by completing the ticket purchase form located on the church’s website at or at the door. The church is located at 801 E. Washington St., South Bend (corner of Washington and St. Peter).
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