Case Study AUTOSAR Migration and Integration of TCM ECU for a Japanese Tier-1 About the Client The client is Japan’s leading technology group with presence in over 15 countries. This tier1 specialises in designing, manufacturing and diagnostics of embedded systems in small to medium production run vehicles. Business & Technology Context The Tier1 had to supply an AUTOSAR based Transmission Control Module (TCM) ECU (Engine Control Unit) to a Europe based OEM’s new production program. The existing ECU was designed on legacy architecture and the client wanted to migrate to AUTOSAR compliant ECU. Few legacy components Validation were to be retained from the existing architecture. Therefore, ECU components. This led to a communication issue between different components. Tier-1’s expertise was in ECU development but migration required AUTOSAR software expertise. Tier-1 scouted for a partner who could cater to other requirements of TCM ECU like integration of OEM specific modules, development of complex device drivers, etc. R 3.x In-vehicle network Validation Tool chain Gateway R 4.x the Japanese Tier-1 had to adopt an ECU architecture that contained a combination of AUTOSAR and non-AUTOSAR R 3.x ASAM HIS-MISRA COM Standardization Migr ation CAN Microlayer drivers VCI R4.x RTE generation Customizable Migration R 3.x ARTOP MBD Consulting Testing CoE HIS-MISRA Testing eNOS Partner MCAL Configur ation OSEK R 3.x Standardization AUTOSAR In-vehicle network Testing Specifications drivers ECU R 3.x drivers OTX ECU BSW stack Partial AUT OSAR Microlayer hardware drivers Toolchain porting Microlayer BSW Stack AUT OSAR Validation ECU ODX OTX Customizable HIS-MISRA Network Management Training Gateway Testing CoE Testing CoE Migration Gateway Hazard Analysis Validation AUT OSAR CT-Spec OTX Risk Assessment Consulting Mode Management FUNCTIONAL SAFETY ARTOP Tool Qualification DIAGNOSTICS Powerseat FUNCTIONAL SAFETY RTE gener ation Error handling ISO 15765 Power Window Bootloader porting MCD3 API Training ISO 15765 CT-Spec ODX Configur ation OSEK Scalability Gateway Bootloader Validation MBD Network Management Consulting Hazard Analysis MBD MCD3 API Validation Scalablility hardware OSEK Migration Validation MBD Network Management MCAL Networking MCD3 API Testing hardware CT Consulting ASAM Hardware ASAM HIS-MISRA Hardware Diagnostics MBD ASIL Decomposition Configur ation ISO 15765 Training CT-Spec Mode Management ASAM Validation Network Management Production FUNCTIONAL SAFETY DoIP Mode Management Training Tool chain Production Ready ISO 26262 Consulting Migration Migration OSEK ECU Training PC Tools MBD Validation COM ODX VCI Efficient Risk Assessment ECU R4.x ASAM R4.x ODX HIS-MISRA Gateway ISO 14229 VCI DoIP Consulting Validation SCALABLILITY HIS-MISRA CT-Spec Consulting ECU R3.x MCD3 API MBD Partial Networking DoIP ISO 14229 Partial Networking Customizable Consulting AUTOSAR Board Support Complex Pack age Drivers CT-Spec Gateway Optimization Production Ready MCAL ISO 15765 Network Management Validation Error handling CT-Spec Tool Aftertreatment Optimization Qualification Hazard Analysis Validation PDU Router Development COM FUNCTIONAL SAFETY LIN ARTOP ISO 14229 Diagnostics LIN BSW stack Migration ECU Efficient Remote Diagnostic Partial Networking MCD3 API LIN ODX Validation Testing CoE CAN MBD Gateway VCI LIN NETWORK Migration MANAGEMENT Validation ISO 26262 Scalablility MBD PDU Router ASAM MBD Tool chain MBD Ready ISO 15765 OSEK Hardware Optimization BSW Stack Gateway ASAM MBD Scalablility ARTOP Training ECU eNOS Bootloader porting ASAM VCI ASIL Decomposition CT-Spec hardware DoIP ASIL A, B, C, D MCAL RiskASAM Assessment OSEK MBD ASAM DoIP ECU LIN Mode ODX ISO 26262 MBD drivers eNOS AUT OSAR Management ECU Risk Assessment COM Bootloader CT-Spec Complex Drivers Complex Drivers Partial Networking Optimization ISO 14229 MBD ECU ISO26262 eNOS MBD Gateway FUNCTIONAL SAFETY MBD Tool qualification ECU ECU ISO 15765 MBD Mode Partial Production Management MBD Ready ASIL Decomposition CAN MCD3 API Management Scalablility Tool Qualification CAN Production Ready Portability hardware R 4.xScalablility ODX Complex Drivers CT-Spec Network Training Hardware Management MBD ASAM Training VCI MBD ASAM Optimization ASIL A, B, C, D Hardware ASAMValidation ECU ISO 26262 ASAM BSW stack Bootloader Production Ready DIAGNOSTICS ODX AUT OSAR OSEK Validation Portability Migration OSEK ECU ECU eNOS Testing ASAM Tool chain MCAL Adaptation CAE Risk Assessment CT R 4.x ISO 14229 MBD CT Specs eNOS Tool qualification Validation BSW Stack In-vehicle CT Specs eNOS ECU network R 3.x ODX Testing Frugal drivers drivers R 4.x CT Specs porting Migration MCD3 API Engineering eNOS AUT OSAR ECU Specifications eNOS Legacy to MBD BSW Stack Mode Training Migration MBD Network VCI Management OSEK OSEK Networking ASAM CT Specs LIN ODX CAN DoIP KPIT was a natural choice, as it is one of the largest AUTOSAR service providers with a proven track record of successfully implementing AUTOSAR and allied services to 20+ OEMs and Tier1s. KPIT has successfully enabled AUTOSAR migration of complex ECUs for multiple production programs. Hence, the Tier1 trusted KPIT for this engagement. KPIT’s Solution After initial system analysis & feasibility study, KPIT experts designed an architecture that could seamlessly support AUTOSAR and non-AUTOSAR components. KPIT had to re-architect the application to make it AUTOSAR compatible. The components of this re-structured application had to be integrated with Basic Software (BSW), Run Time Environment (RTE), and Microcontroller Abstraction Layer (MCAL). [email protected] | Customer Sensor SWC Customer Application SWC Customer Actuator SWC AUTOSAR Run Time Environment (RTE) Customer Application SWC AUTOSAR Middleware and Drivers (BSW) Wrapper Customer middleware components MCU Hardware One of the critical parts of this project was the way the application was split for CPU load balancing. Tier1s large application was strategically split depending on its functionality and criticality into seven Operating System Tasks. This design helped reduce the processor load & thus the overall ECU performance. KPIT also provided the following solutions: • Development of Complex Driver for external solenoid, external EEPROM, external watchdog and integration • Development of Flashloader • Bootmode integration • Development of Tier1 Specific ECU State Manager • Configuration and Integration of Diagnostic Modules • Integration with OEM Specific compatibility modules • Complete Testing with tools provided by OEM Key Metrics 120+ signals migrated 450,000+ Application Source lines of code developed 1000+ integration test cases executed 4000+ test cases executed for OEM diagnostics Key Success Factors and Client Benefits KPIT’s integration and migration services were the highlight of this project. Tier-1 found a single AUTOSAR success partner in KPIT with its comprehensive services around AUTOSAR basic software. This ensured that the AUTOSAR basic software was perfectly integrated with the migrated application software. It was not just the stack but the services that ensured success. After all AUTOSAR is all about execution. About K PIT KPIT Technologies (BSE: 532400; NSE: KPIT) is a fast growing Product Engineering and IT consulting partner to Automotive, Manufacturing and Energy & Utilities companies. A leader in technology solutions and services, KPIT partners with 200+ global corporations enabling them to become more efficient, integrated and innovative enterprises. [email protected] | Copyright © 2014. KPIT and its logo(s) are trademarks of KPIT Technologies Limited. All rights reserved. All other logo(s) used are trademarks of their respective owners.
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