2014 3rd Quarter Results October 29, 2014 Safe Harbor Statement This document, and in particul ar the section entitled “2014 Outlook”, contains for w ard -looki ng statements . These statements may includ e terms such as “may ”, “wil l”, “ex pect”, “co uld”, “shoul d”, “inten d”, “estimate”, “anti cip ate”, “belie ve”, “re main”, “o n track ”, “d esign”, “t arget ”, “o bjectiv e”, “go al ”, “fo rec ast”, “proj ection ”, “outlo ok”, “prospe cts”, “plan”, “inten d”, or similar terms . Forw ard -looki ng statements are not guarantees of future performance. Rath er, they are b ased on the Group’s curre nt expectations and proje ctions about future events and, by their nature, are subject to inherent risks and un certainties . They rel ate to events and depend o n ci rcumstan ces that may or may not o ccu r or exist in the future and, as such, und ue relian ce should not be placed on them. Actu al results may differ mate rially from those expressed in such statements as a result of a variety of factors, includ ing: the Group’s ability to reach ce rtai n minimum vehicle sales volumes ; developments in global fi nanci al markets and g ener al e c onomic and other con ditions ; ch anges in demand for automotive produ cts, whi ch is highl y cy clic al; the Group’s abilit y to enric h the pro duct p ortfolio and o ffe r innov ative produ cts ; the high level of competition in the automotive in dustry; the Grou p’s abilit y to exp and certai n of the Group’s brands internatio nall y; changes in the Group’s credit ratings ; the Group’s abilit y to realize anti cip ated bene fits from an y acq uisitions, joint venture arr ang ements and other strategic alli anc es ; the Group’s ability to integrate its Q3 2014 Results oper ations ; potential short falls in the Group’s defin ed ben efit p ension pl ans ; the Group ’s ability to provide or ar ran ge for ade qu ate access to finan cin g for the Grou p’s dealers and r etail c ustomers ; the Group’s ability to acc ess funding to execute the Group’s business plan and improve the Group’s business, finan cial co ndition and results of oper ations ; vari ous types of claims, lawsuits and other c ontingent oblig ations agai nst the Group; material ope ratin g expenditures in relatio n to compli ance with enviro nmental, he alth and safet y regul ation; developme nts in labor and industrial relatio ns and deve lopments in applic abl e labo r laws ; incre ases in costs, disruptions of supply or shortages of r aw materi als ; exch an ge r ate fluctu ati ons, interest rate ch ang es, credit risk an d other m arket risks ; politic al and ci vil unr est ; earthqu ake s or other natural disasters and other risks and uncertainties . Any for war d-lo oking statements co ntai ned in this document spe ak onl y as o f the d ate o f thi s document and the Comp an y does not undert ake an y oblig ation to update or revise publicly for w ard -looki ng statements . Further in form ation c onc erning th e Group and its businesses, including factors that could mate rial ly affe ct the Compan y’s finan cial results, is included in the Company’s r eports and filin gs with the U.S. Securities an d Exch ange Commission, the AFM and CONSOB. October 29, 2014 2 Q3 Q2 2014 2014 Results Results Group overview Components Mass-market brands by region Product & event information Luxury brands Industry outlook & guidance July 30, October 29, 2014 2014 3 Q3 ’14 executive summary WORLDWIDE SHIPMENTS WERE 1.1 MILLION UNITS A 10% increase driven by performance in NAFTA KEY FINANCIAL METRICS Net revenues at €23.6B EBIT at €926M (includes net unusual costs of €36M) Net profit of €188M Net industrial debt at €11.4B Total available liquidity at €21.7B MERGER TO FORM FIAT CHRYSLER AUTOMOBILES N.V. COMPLETED August 1, EGM approved merger of Fiat S.p.A. with and into Fiat Investments N.V. Merger effective on October 12 – listed on NYSE on October 13 SUCCESSFUL DEBT CAPITAL MARKETS TRANSACTIONS July 10, the Group issued a €850M bond (4.75% coupon) subsequently re-opened and increased by a further €500M in September 4 (maturing July 2022) September 17, the Group issued a CHF250M bond (3.125% coupon) to mature September 2019 ALL NEW JEEP RENEGADE LAUNCHED Expands market coverage of Jeep brand by entering the small SUV segment FULL-YEAR GUIDANCE CONFIRMED FIRST VIEW ON 2015 VOLUMES ~4.8-4.9M units Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 4 Q3 2014 highlights Q3 Shipments (000s units) 2014 3,393 1,099 2013 1,002 3,181 Worldwide shipments up 10% EMEA: 218k (+3%) Luxury Brands: 11k (+94%) Q3 Net revenues (€M) 23,553 20,693 * 2013 69,006 * 62,681 EMEA: €4,080M (+6%) Luxury Brands: €1,248M (+35%) Components: €2,086M (+11%) Q3 EBIT (€M) 2014 188 212 2013 189 * 655 YTD 2014 NAFTA: €13,134M (+20%) LATAM: €2,162M (-12%) APAC: €1,578M (+30%) Net industrial debt (€B) • • Sept 30 '14 9,7 €1.7B increase primarily reflects the seasonal cash absorption and is in line with prior year Capex increased to €2.1B, from €1.8B Q3 ’13 – in line with full year guidance YTD 2014 926 862 * 2013 NAFTA: €549M (4.2% margin) LATAM: €51M (2.4% margin) APAC: €169M (10.7% margin) 11,4 Jun 30 '14 2,157 2,542 Total available liquidity (€B) Sep 30 '14 18.6 3.1 21.7 Jun 30 '14 18,7 3.1 21.8 Undrawn committed credit lines Cash & Mktable Securities Increased by 7% (+10% CER) YTD Net profit in line with Q3 ‘13 and includes: Net financial expenses of €511M, €18M higher than Q3 ‘13 Income taxes of €227M, €47M higher than Q3 ‘13 Net profit of €174M attributable to owners of the parent (vs €15M loss for Q3 ‘13) World-wide revenues up 14%, (+14% at constant exchange rates - CER) Net profit (€M) NAFTA: 613k (+21%) LATAM: 202k (-14%) APAC: 55k (+22%) Q3 YTD EMEA: -€63M (-1.5% margin) Luxury brands: €179M (14.3% margin) Components: €48M (2.3% margin) Total available liquidity was in line with June 30, 2014 • Operational absorption and bond repayments at maturity (€2.1B) were offset by new bond issuances (€1.6B), and bank financing, as well as a favorable €0.9B currency translation effect ( *) Adjusted for the retrospective application of IFRS 11: Revenues -€40M, EBIT +€6M, Profit Before Taxes +€2M, Net Profit unchanged. Note: Graphs not to scale. Numbers may not add due to rounding Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 5 Q3 ‘14 EBIT walk €M 1100 1000 900 Unusuals (36) Unusuals (1) 862 53 13 48 11 926 (13) 70 800 700 (118) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Q3 '13 B/(W) than Q2 ‘14 Q3 2014 Results NAFTA LATAM APAC EMEA Luxury Components (49) (11) 63 (57) 13 (12) Other & Eliminations Q3 '14 18 October 29, 2014 (35) 6 Q3 ‘14 net industrial debt walk €M Change in Net Industrial Debt (1,668) Cash Flow from operating activities, net of Capex (1,635) 2,116 (654) (102) (879) 0 (9,704) June 30, 2014 (2,116) Industrial EBITDA Financial Change in Working charges funds & other capital & taxes* Capex (84) 51 (11,372) Investments, Capital FX translation September 30, scope & other increase effect 2014 /repos/ dividends * Net of IAS 19 Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 7 NAFTA Commercial highlights Q3 ‘14 Q3 ‘13 Sales (k units) 633 536 Market Share 12.2% 11.3% U.S. 12.3% 11.2% Canada 14.9% 14.3% Commercial Performance o Total NAFTA vehicle sales up 18%, outpacing the industry in both the U.S. and Canada U.S industry in Q3 ‘14 up 8% vs prior year Canada industry up 11% vs prior year o U.S. Vehicle sales up 19% to 536k Jeep brand posted best Q3 sales ever; Chrysler brand posted best Q3 sales since 2007 Q3 ‘14 Jeep and Ram sales up 46% and 30% respectively, versus prior year 2014 Texas Auto Writers Association Awards Texas is the largest truck and SUV market in the U.S. Jeep Grand Cherokee Jeep Cherokee Ram 2500 Heavy Duty SUV of Texas for the 5th consecutive year Compact SUV of Texas for the 2nd consecutive year Heavy Duty truck of Texas for the 2nd consecutive year Q3 2014 Results Jeep Cherokee sales were 48k in the quarter Market share up 110 bps vs prior year, driven by 20% increase in retail sales Fleet mix in line with prior year at 18% Dealer inventory at 71 days supply vs 72 days at end of Q2 o Canada Vehicle sales up 16% to 78k Q3 ‘14 Jeep brand sales more than doubled vs prior year Best September YTD sales ever Market share up 60 bps vs prior year October 29, 2014 8 NAFTA Financial highlights Shipments (k units) Revenues (€M) Q3 ‘14 Q3 ‘13 613 505 13,134 10,965 o Shipments up 21% y-o-y U.S.: 524k (+23%) Canada: 70k (+21%) Mexico & other: 19k (-11%) o Revenues +20% y-o-y (+20% CER) on higher shipments and positive net pricing EBIT Walk €M o Volume improved due to 108k higher shipments partially offset by negative mix 126 405 Unusuals 1 Unusuals (5) 536 549 (466) (27) (25) Q3 '13 Volume & Mix Net price Industrial Costs SG&A Investments/ FX/Other Q3 '14 B/(W) Q2 ‘14 (9) 210 (262) 5 7 (49) Q3 2014 Results o Higher net price due to positive pricing actions partially offset by higher incentives on certain vehicles o Industrial costs reflect higher vehicle content enhancements, increased warranty and recall costs partially offset by purchasing savings October 29, 2014 9 LATAM Commercial highlights Q3 ‘14 Q3 ‘13 Sales (k units) 209k 242k Market Share 15.9% 15.8% Brazil 21.4% 21.3% Brazil industry down 12% y-o-y Argentina 14.1% 12.4% Argentina industry down 30%, due to import restrictions introduced in 2014 and taxes on higher-end models Upgraded Novo Uno Commercial Performance o Industry down 14% over last year reflecting weaker trading conditions and record Q3 ’13 in Brazil resulting from higher government incentives o Sales down 33k units due to general market weakness o Market share at 15.9%, 10 bps higher than Q3 ‘13 Brazilian share up 10 bps and Group maintained market leadership with a 360 bps lead over the nearest competitor o Strada continued strong performance with 57.2% segment share Refreshed model launched in September 1st model produced in Brazil with the stop & start technology New Mopar touchscreen multimedia central In Argentina, share up 170bp o combined A/B segment share at 16.7% with strong performance for new Palio (up 50% y-o-y) o Stock levels managed in line with previous year at ~1 month of supply All new interior design and refreshed exterior Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 10 LATAM Financial highlights Shipments (k units) Q3 ‘14 Q3 ‘13 202k 235k o Revenues (€M) 2,162M 2,446M o Shipments at 202k down 14% Brazil: declined by 9% vs Q3 ‘13 due to market weakness Revenues: down 12% (-12% CER) Argentina: down 27% reflecting overall market deterioration partially offset by market share increase EBIT Walk €M o Overall shipments down 33k units, (Brazil and Argentina down 17k and 8k respectively) reflecting worse trading conditions partially offset by better mix Unusuals 4 169 98 Unusuals (11) (83) (94) 51 (29) (10) Q3 '13 Volume & Mix Net price Industrial costs SG&A Investments/ FX/Other Q3 '14 B/(W) Q2 ‘14 19 (5) (5) (4) (16) (11) Q3 2014 Results o Disciplined pricing actions in Brazil and Argentina nearly offset the increased industrial costs and SG&A which were impacted by higher input cost inflation, Pernambuco startup costs and higher advertising related to new product launches October 29, 2014 11 APAC Commercial highlights Q3 ‘14 Q3 ‘13 66 53 China 1.1% 0.8% Australia 4.3% 3.6% India 0.5% 0.5% Japan 0.4% 0.3% Sales – incl. JVs (k units) Market Share 2014 Jeep Cherokee at Indonesia auto show Commercial Performance o Strong industry demand in the region (+4%) with continued growth in China (+7%), India (+10%) and South Korea (+5%), partially offset by slight decline in Japan (-5%) and Australia (-1%) o Group sales were 66k vehicles (incl. JVs) up 25% outperforming industry: China +33%, South Korea +28%, Australia +16%, Japan +9% with decline in India -18% Jeep (52% of total Group sales in the region) up 37% year over year due to Grand Cherokee and newly-launched Cherokee Fiat brand volumes +16% driven by Viaggio & Ottimo o Share gains in all major markets (except India) with Australia increasing the most (+70 bps) Note: APAC industry reflects aggregate for key markets where Group competes (China, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and India.) India-reports wholesale volume on industry and market share. Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 12 APAC Financial highlights Q3 ‘14 Shipments (k units) Revenues (€M) Q3 ’13* 55 45 1,578 1,215 o Shipments up 22% Jeep +26% Fiat +23% Dodge +21% o Revenues up 30% (+30% CER) driven by higher shipments * Adjusted for retrospective application of IFRS 11. Revenues increased by €10M. EBIT Walk €M Unusuals 0 89 34 (19) Unusuals 1 169 (3) o Net price deterioration primarily reflects competitive environment in China and negative FX impact for vehicles exported to Australia (31) 99 o Positive contribution from both volume & mix o SG&A increased to support volume growth (1) Q3 '13 Volume & Mix Net Price Industrial costs B/(W) Q2 ‘14 3 (11) 26 (1)Adjusted SG&A 8 Investments/ FX / Other 37 Q3 '14 63 for retrospective application of IFRS11 (EBIT increased by €3M) Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 13 EMEA Commercial highlights Q3 ’14 Q3 ‘13 Commercial Performance Passenger Cars Sales (k units) Cars LCV 199 197 60 55 Market Share (EU28+EFTA) Cars 5.5% 5.6% LCV 10.9% 10.6% New Jeep Renegade o EU28+EFTA industry up 5% to 3.1M units (5th consecutive positive quarter) Recovery in Italy and Germany (+4%), France flat; UK up 6% softening its positive trend while Spain up double digit (+16%) o Q3 ‘14 sales up 1% to 199k units 167k units sales in EU28+EFTA and 32k units in other EU markets Group share down slightly (10 bps) in EU, driven by share loss in Italy (100 bps) on the back of run-out models, share stable in EU ex-Italy at 3.2% Continued market leadership for 500 family, in A & L0 segments LCVs o EU28+EFTA industry up 12% to 407K units driven by recovery in all major markets Italy +24%, UK +20%, Spain +24%, Germany +10%, France +1% Prelaunch tour in main European markets from July European media drive in September with very positive reviews Market launch in Italy began end of September and will be followed by other European markets in Q4 2014 Q3 2014 Results o Q3 ‘14 sales up 11% to 60k units Group share increase in EU28+EFTA, +30 bps to 10.9%, with share gain in the main markets (+150 bps Italy, +80 bps UK, +160 bps Spain) October 29, 2014 14 EMEA Financial highlights Q3 ‘14 Shipments (k units) Revenues (€M) Q3 ’13* 218 211 4,080 3,843 o o Overall shipments up 3% Passenger Cars up 1% to 169k, in line with the sales increase LCVs at 49k units, increasing 6k or 13% , driven by Italy performance Revenues up 6% on the back of volume increase and favorable mix driven by Jeep and LCV * Adjusted for retrospective application of IFRS 11. Revenues decreased by €17M EBIT Walk - €M Unusuals 0 Unusuals 6 66 19 (20) (11) (1) (63) (116) (1) Q3 '13 Volume & Mix Net price Industrial costs SG&A Investments/ FX / Other Q3 '14 B/(W) Q2 ‘14 (85) (6) 1 38 (5) (57) (1)Adjusted o Volume increase and favorable mix driven by Jeep, 500 family and LCVs growth o Negative pricing driven by continued competitive pressure in the mass market segments o Industrial costs reflecting improved manufacturing and purchasing efficiencies partially offset by start-up costs in Melfi o SG&A increase driven by Jeep advertising to support brand growth and the launch of all-new Renegade for retrospective application of IFRS11 (EBIT increased by €3M) Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 15 Luxury brands Ferrari Q3 ‘14 Q3 ‘13 Financial Performance 1,612 1,499 o Q3 revenues up 24% y-o-y o EBIT in line with last year Revenue (€M) 662 534 Improvement driven by sales mix on the back of LaFerrari model EBIT (€M) 89 88 EBIT includes €15M for compensation costs related to the resignation of the former chairman EBIT margin (ex-unusuals) of 15.7% vs 16.5% last year Shipments Commercial Performance Q3 ‘14 Shipments By Geography o Street cars shipments up 8% in the quarter with 12-cyl models down 10% and 8-cyl models up 15% U.S. down 14%, #1 market for the brand Europe Top-5 28% Volume up 4% in the 5 major European markets Asia Pacific volumes up 81% LaFerrari Japan 6% China, Hong Kong & Taiwan 13% USA 28% Others 25% Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 16 Luxury brands Maserati Q3 ‘14 Q3 ‘13 8,896 3,953 Revenue (€M) 652 444 EBIT (€M) 90 43 Shipments Financial Performance o Revenues up 47% to €652M o EBIT at €90M vs €43M a year ago Improvement driven by strong volume growth EBIT margin at 13.8% vs 9.7% last year Q3 ‘14 Shipments By Geography Commercial Performance o Higher shipments of 4,943 units due to continued strong performance of the Quattroporte and Ghibli North America: up +106% vs Q3 ‘13; #1 market for the brand Greater China: growing 106%; #2 largest market for the brand Europe: up 177% to 1.5k units North America 40% Europe Top-4 12% Japan 4% China, Honk Kong & Taiwan 27% Ghibli Others 17% Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 17 Components Revenues & EBIT (€M) Revenues & EBIT (€M) 1.604 Q3 '14 Q3 '13 1.399 37 28 Q3 '14 Q3 '13 2 169 -2 Note: graphs not to scale Note: graphs not to scale o Revenues up 15% Performance was positive in North America and Europe, down in Brazil while flat in China 152 o Revenues down 10%, substantially unchanged at constant scope of operations Volumes down 12% (at constant perimeter) for the Cast Iron business while up 17% for the Aluminum business o EBIT performance improved due to mix and pricing o EBIT up 32% or 53% excluding unusual items Growth mainly reflects higher volumes Unusual items related to Brazilian restructuring o Orders up 40% to €840M of which captive €340M (more than double vs Q3 2013: €152M), and non captive €500M (up 12% vs Q3 last year) mainly in Lighting and Powertrain business Revenues & EBIT (€M) Q3 '14 Q3 '13 335 9 323 11 Note: graphs not to scale o Revenues up 4% mainly attributable to the Body Welding business o EBIT slightly down y-o-y o Order intake totaled €484M, a 19% increase mainly attributable to the Body Welding business Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 18 Product & event information Products Events • RAM ProMaster City (to be launched in Q4 2014) o Developed from the successful Fiat Doblo o Best-in-class features include combined fuel economy, 178hp and 174lb-ft of torque, 1,883lb payload, cargo volume of ~132 cubic ft o First 9-speed automatic transmission in a commercial van o Two-seat Tradesman cargo van and 5-seat passenger wagon Q3 2014 Results FIAT 500X (to be launched in Q1 2015) • o From 14th Oct. available for customers pre-orders in the limited “Opening Edition” in EMEA (available at dealership in early 2015) o Available in two 4x2 options with Merger became effective on 12 October, following satisfaction of all conditions precedent o New compact crossover in the 500 family, that combines style and function EGM on 1 August, approved the cross-border merger of Fiat with and into its whollyowned subsidiary incorporated in the Netherlands Fiat Investments N.V. (“Fiat Investments”) then renamed FCA • cash exit rights were exercised for 60M shares and no creditors’ oppositions were filed, therefore the €500M cumulative cap was not exceeded FCA made its debut on the NYSE on October 13 the 140 HP 1.4 Turbo MultiAir II or the 120 HP 1.6 MultiJet II engines, and one 4x4 with the 140 HP 2.0 MultiJet II engine October 29, 2014 19 Industry outlook (M units) NAFTA ~19.6 FY '14E o Outlook for Passenger cars LATAM FY '14E FY '13 4.2 4,7 LATAM adjusted downward to ~5.2M (from 5.6M previously) reflecting economic uncertainties LCVs ~5.2 1,0 1,1 estimate expected to be flat with prior year level of 1.8M vehicles increased slightly to ~16.7M vehicles (from 16.5M previously) in line with year-to-date SAAR of 16.7M 18,7 FY '13 o Canada: FY industry o US: FY estimate 5.9 o Brazil industry expected to be down 8% as poor market conditions continued o Argentina industry to decline doubledigit due to import restrictions and increased sales tax on highend segments o Industry projected up 7% 28,0 FY '14E APAC 26,2 FY '13 Improvement driven by China, India and South Korea partially offset by contraction in Australia Note: APAC reflects aggregate for key markets where Group competes (China, India, Australia, Japan, South Korea) Passenger cars EMEA EU28+EFTA FY '14E FY '13 13.0 12,3 o Outlook substantially unchanged for passenger cars and LCVs LCVs 1,7 ~14.7 1,6 13.9 vs prior expectations Passenger Cars EU28+EFTA: +5% Slight increase for UK & Spain Italy, Germany & France outlook unchanged LCVs EU28+EFTA confirmed at 1.7M Italy expected to post a 14% increase y-o-y Note: Graphs not to scale. Numbers may not add due to rounding Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 20 2014 guidance World-wide shipments ~4.7M Revenues ≥€93B EBIT Net profit Net industrial debt €3.6-4.0B* €0.6-0.8B (EPS €0.44-€0.60)* €9.8-10.3B * Excludes unusual items Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 21 APPENDIX Q2 2014 Results July 30, 2014 22 Supplemental financial measures FCA monitors its operations through the use of various supplemental financial measures that may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other FCA’s supplemental financial measures are defined as follows: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes (“EBIT”) is computed starting from Net profit/(loss) and then adding back Tax (income)/expenses and Net financial expenses Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (“EBITDA”) is computed starting with EBIT and then adding back depreciation and amortization expense Net Industrial Debt is computed as debt plus other financial liabilities related to Industrial Activities less (i) cash and cash equivalents, (ii) current securities, (iii) current financial receivables from Group or jointly controlled financial services entities and (iv) other financial assets. Therefore, debt, cash and other financial assets/liabilities pertaining to Financial Services entities are excluded from the computation of Net Industrial Debt companies. Accordingly, investors and analysts should exercise appropriate caution in comparing these supplemental financial measures to similarly titled financial measures reported by other companies. Group management believes these supplemental financial measures provide comparable measures of its financial performance which then facilitate management’s ability to identify operational trends, as well as make decisions regarding future spending, resource allocations and other operational decisions. Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 23 Q3 ’14 Key performance metrics €M (unless otherwise stated) Q3 ‘14 Q3 ‘13 (1) Worldwide total shipments (units ‘000) 1,099 1,002 Net revenues 23,553 20,693 926 862 36 29 (36) (1) Financial charges, net (511) (493) Pre-tax result 415 369 Taxes (227) (180) Net profit 188 189 Net profit excluding unusual items 224 190 2,166 2,030 EBIT Of which: Investment income, net Unusual items, net EBITDA (1) Adjusted for the retrospective application of IFRS 11: Revenues -€40M, EBIT +€6M, Profit before Taxes +€2M, Net profit unchanged. Shipments adjusted to include Luxury Brands. Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 24 Mass-market brands Market share by key market Quarterly Market Share (%) NAFTA LATAM 24.3 22.0 12.6 Q4 Q1 Q2 2011 Q3 Q4 Q1 2012 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2013 Q2 2014 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2011 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2012 EMEA 14.1 12.4 9.3 Q3 21.4 21.3 Q3 Q4 Q1 2013 Q2 Q3 2014 APAC LCV Passenger Cars LCV Passenger Cars Q3 Q4 2011 Q3 2014 Results Q1 Q2 Q3 2012 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2013 Q4 Q1 Q2 2014 Q3 Q3 Q4 2011 Q1 Q2 Q3 2012 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2013 Q4 Q1 Q2 2014 Q3 1.Reflects aggregate for key markets where Group is competing (China, Australia, India-reports wholesale volume on industry, Japan, South Korea) October 29, 2014 25 Group shipments (excl. JVs) outlook (units in thousands) (units in M) Luxury 0.02 5 1,002 45 10% Luxury +94% APAC +22% 1,099 55 LATAM -14% 202 505 NAFTA +21% 613 211 EMEA +3% 218 235 Q3 ‘13 Q3 ‘14 4.4 0.05 APAC ~4.7 >0.2 0.2 1.0 LATAM 2.2 NAFTA 1.0 EMEA ~0.9 11 FY ‘13 ~2.5 ~1.0 FY ‘14E Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding; Graphs not to scale Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 26 Debt maturity schedule (€bn) Outstanding Sept. 30 ‘14 FCA 3M 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Beyond 12.5 Bank Debt 1.6 2.8 1.7 3.6 1.9 0.9 17.2 Capital Market 0.1 2.1 2.4 2.2 1.9 8.5 2.2 Other Debt 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.7 2.5 5.1 4.3 6.0 3.9 10.2 31.9 Total Cash Maturities 18.6 Cash & Mktable Securities 3.1 21.7 Undrawn committed credit lines Total Available Liquidity 3.7 Sale of Receivables (IFRS de-recognition compliant) 2.2 of which receivables sold to financial services JVs (FGA Capital) Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding; total cash maturities excluding accruals Q3 2014 Results October 29, 2014 27 Contacts Group Investor Relations Team Joe Veltri +1-248-576-9257 Timothy Krause +1-248-512-2923 Paolo Mosole +39-011-006-1064 Vice President fax: +39-011-006-3796 Q3 2014 Results email: [email protected] websites: www.fcagroup.com www.chryslergroupllc.com October 29, 2014 28
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