ri u o s s i fM o y t i s r Unive nd a y t l u Fac s t fi e n e Staff B Your 2015 Annual En rollment Decision G uide Annual Enrollment: October 20 - 31, 2014 This year is different You must select and submit a medical plan choice or waive coverage during this year’s Annual Enrollment. If you take no action by October 31, you and your currently enrolled family members will be defaulted to the Healthy Savings Plan on an after-tax basis effective January 1, 2015. What’s inside What’s new for 2015 1 What you need to do 1 Earn up to $450 in wellness incentives 2 Your 2015 medical plan options 4 Healthy Savings Plan 4 Custom Network Plan 5 PPO Plan 6 Prescription drug coverage 7 Compare your medical plan options 8 HSAs and FSAs: what’s the difference? 10 Resource list 12 What’s new for 2015 This year, the University of Missouri is taking a new approach to our medical plan offerings – designed to slow the growth of health care costs for faculty and staff as well as the university, and reward you for a healthy lifestyle. You will see an innovative new plan in Columbia, changes to our existing medical plans and employee contributions, and expanded wellness incentives. Medical plan changes New, more descriptive plan names for our medical options: • Healthy Savings Plan: formerly myOptions Health Plan • PPO Plan: formerly myChoice Health Plan Healthy Savings Plan changes: • University contribution to Health Savings Account: º Self only: $400 º Self & spouse: $800 º Self & child(ren): $800 º Family: $1,200 Custom Network Plan: This is a new option for those who live and/or work in the Columbia area. The plan offers a focused network of providers – most affiliated with the University of Missouri Heath System. PPO Plan changes: • Deductible º In-network: $350/person; $1,050/family º Non-network: $700/person; $2,100/family • Out-of-Pocket Maximum: º In-network: $3,600/person; $7,200/family º Non-network: $7,500/person; $15,000/family º Prescription drugs: $3,000/person; $6,000/family • Elimination of discounted physician copay for using university providers New medical and vision plan employee contributions: see enclosed premium insert for details. Up to $450 in wellness incentives The university is increasing its commitment to your health with new wellness resources and rewards. See page 2 for details. Active enrollment required—take action to make sure your coverage for 2015 is the right fit for you Unlike previous years, you must select and submit a medical plan choice or waive coverage. Both you and the university contribute a significant amount toward your medical coverage. With this kind of investment, you should make sure you enroll in the medical option that best suits your needs. If you take no action by October 31, 2014, you and your currently enrolled family members will be defaulted to the Healthy Savings Plan for 2015 and pay taxes on the premiums. If you previously waived coverage and do not waive coverage or select a medical plan, you will default to employee only coverage and pay taxes on the premiums. What you need to do Understand your options • Read this Decision Guide and use the myBenefit Decision Center in myHR at http://myhr.umsystem.edu to compare the medical plans. • Attend a Town Hall, department or one-on-one education session, or watch an annual enrollment video. Visit http:// umurl.us/2015AE for information. • Go to http://umurl.us/2015WELL to learn more about our new wellness incentives. Take action • Enroll online through the University of Missouri’s myHR at http://myhr.umsystem.edu. Annual Enrollment runs from October 20 to 31, 2014. You need to take action by October 31, 2014; otherwise you will be defaulted to the Healthy Savings Plan and pay taxes on the premiums. (See page 4 for details.) • Learn more about and start earning your 2015 Wellness Incentive by visiting http://umurl.us/2015WELL. You’ll be asked to make the wellness pledge during the enrollment process. (See page 2 for details.) • Provide Proof of Relationship for any dependents you are adding to your benefit plans. View proof of relationship requirements at https://uminfopoint.umsystem.edu/sites/ hr/Benefits/ProofofRelationship.pdf. After enrollment • Watch your home mail in early December for a Confirmation of Elections Statement and verify that your elections match the changes you submitted during Annual Enrollment. You’ll receive ID cards for your medical plan by the end of the year. Be sure to use your new card when visiting your provider after January 1, 2015. 1 Educate yourself. Invest in yourself. Earn up to $450 in wellness incentives. The university is introducing exciting changes to the wellness program for 2015 that reward your efforts toward living healthfully – with up to $450 in your paycheck! It starts with making a Wellness Pledge… When you enroll for 2015 benefits, you’ll be asked to sign a “Wellness Pledge” or decline to participate in the program. Making the pledge is a new (and required) step toward earning up to $450 in wellness incentives. Note that taxes will be withheld from this amount. My Wellness Pledge 1. I pledge to wear a seatbelt 100% of the time while in a motor vehicle. 2. I pledge to increase my knowledge of healthy eating. 3. I pledge to become aware of applicable preventive medical and dental exams for myself and my family. 4. I pledge to exercise regularly. …Then take additional action to earn your reward 1. Complete the rest of the activities on the “Educate Yourself” list to earn 150 points by April 30, 2015, and receive $150 in your May 2015 paycheck. 2. Complete additional activities that you choose from the “Invest in Yourself” list to earn 300 points by September 30, 2015, and receive another $300 in your October 2015 paycheck. For details and to get started, visit http://umurl.us/2015WELL. Who has access to your information? The Personal Health Assessment and biometric information that you provide in Tier 1 are stored in a third-party data system maintained by Cerner Corporation and protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This information is not shared with Coventry, UM’s medical administrator. The data is de-identified and accumulated to provide collective information that assists the university in developing programs to address general health behaviors and prevalent health issues. Here’s how it all works together: Educate Yourself (Tier 1) Complete all 150 points from these activities by April 30, 2015, to earn $150 Healthy Activity Activity Points Maximum Points Make my Wellness Pledge 50 50 Complete my Online Personal Health Assessment 50 50 Complete my Biometric Health Screening 50 50 Invest in Yourself (Tier 2) Complete all 300 points from these activities by September 30, 2015, to earn an additional $300 You must complete Tier 1 to be eligible for the Tier 2 incentive. Healthy Activity Activity Points Maximum Points Get my Flu Shot 50 50 Remain Tobacco-free or Complete a Tobacco Cessation Program 100 100 Complete a Personal Health Action Plan 10 50 Take an Online Wellness Workshop 25 150 Listen to Mindfulness Meditation or Yoga Recordings 10 100 Complete a UM Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course* 100 100 Participate in a Weight Watchers Program for at least 3 months 100 100 Complete a UM Eat for Life Course* 100 100 Engage in Physical Activity, On or Off Campus 10 100 Walk 1 Million Steps 100 200 Bike 500 Miles 100 200 © * Only first-time participants in these courses may earn activity points. Federal law requires the university to provide an alternative for any employee who has a health condition or disability that makes it unreasonably difficult (or medically inadvisable) to attempt to meet a standard in a wellness program. If you think you might be unable to meet a program standard due to your health status or disability, contact [email protected] to discuss how this applies and the alternatives available to you. cco users: a b to or f e ot n t n ta Impor led family ol r n e r ou y d n a ou In 2016, y edical plan m a e iv e c e r l il w s r e memb g tobacco-free. in e b or f t n ou c is d premium We understand that quitting tobacco can be a difficult process. That’s why we’re letting you know about this a year in advance – so you have the time to take action. To help you get started, our 2015 wellness program described above offers you 100 points towards your Tier 2 incentive for remaining tobacco-free or participating in a tobacco cessation program. Visit http://umurl.us/tobacco to learn about available tobacco cessation programs. 3 Your 2015 medical plan options The university offers you a choice of three medical plan options: • Healthy Savings Plan • NEW: Custom Network Plan • PPO Plan How the plan works The Healthy Savings Plan covers the same medical services as the other medical plan options, and you’ll have access to the same broad provider network as the PPO Plan. The main difference is in how the plan works. This section provides a summary of the plans; refer to pages 8-9 for a side-by-side comparison. Visit http://umurl. us/2015AE to view a plan comparison video. • The university contributes to an HSA for you. Your HSA can be used for eligible medical, prescription, dental and vision expenses. If you don’t spend all the money in your HSA in 2015, it will roll over and can be used in future years. • The university contribution to your HSA is based on your coverage level: º Self only: $400 º Self & spouse: $800 º Self & child(ren): $800 º Family: $1,200 • You have the choice of seeing in-network or out-of-network providers. If you stay in-network, your costs may be much lower. Healthy Savings Plan The Healthy Savings Plan offers lower premiums than your other medical options, along with the opportunity to benefit from a Health Savings Account (HSA), which can help reduce your taxable income and provide a health care financial nest egg for the future. Although your deductible will be higher, part of that cost is covered by university contributions to your HSA. Are you eligible for this plan? Any benefit-eligible employee can choose this plan. • In-network preventive care is covered at 100% (meaning there is no charge to you and no deductible applies). Preventive care includes annual physical exams (including associated lab and X-ray services), immunizations and well-child care. You can find preventive care guidelines at www.ummedcvty.com. • As you incur other covered expenses, you can use your HSA funds or pay directly until you meet your annual deductible. The in-network deductible is: º $1,500 for single coverage º $3,000 for family coverage • After you meet the deductible, you’ll pay 10% of the cost of covered in-network services until you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, which includes deductibles, coinsurance and prescription drug charges. • Once you meet your annual out-of-pocket maximum, the plan will pay 100% of covered expenses for the rest of the calendar year. See page 10 for more details on HSAs and page 8 for more Healthy Savings Plan coverage details. Custom Network Plan – For those who live or work in the Columbia area If you live or work in the Columbia area, the Custom Network Plan offers you an attractive combination of low premiums, comprehensive coverage and a high-quality provider network affiliated with the University of Missouri Health System. Are you eligible for this plan? To enroll in the Custom Network Plan, you must live or work in one of the following counties: • Audrain • Boone • Callaway • Cole • Cooper • Howard • Moniteau • Osage • Randolph About network providers This innovative network gives you access to University of Missouri Health Care and Capital Region Medical Center providers, clinics and hospitals, as well as others. Visit www.ummedcvty.com to see the list of network providers. How the plan works With this plan, you have the choice of seeing in-network or out-of-network providers. If you stay in-network, your costs may be much lower. 5 • You’ll pay no deductible for in-network services or prescription drugs. • In-network preventive care is covered at 100% (meaning there is no charge to you and no deductible applies). Preventive care includes annual physical exams (including associated lab and X-ray services), immunizations and well-child care. You can find preventive care guidelines at www.ummedcvty.com. • Your in-network office visit copayment will be only $5 for non-specialists and $25 for specialists. You’ll also have access to Mizzou Quick Care Clinics at each of the Columbia Hy-Vee stores for only a $5 copayment. • Once you meet your annual out-of-pocket maximum, the plan will pay 100% of eligible expenses (including coinsurance and copayments) for the rest of the calendar year. • If you do not currently have a university provider, you can call 573-884-0432 on an ongoing basis to help identify primary care and specialty physicians. See page 8-9 for more coverage details. PPO Plan The PPO Plan has the same Coventry provider network as before. You’ll pay higher premiums than for the other two plans. Unlike the Custom Network Plan, you’ll need to pay a deductible even if you use in-network providers. Are you eligible for this plan? Any benefit-eligible employee can choose this plan. How the plan works With this plan, you have the choice of seeing in-network or out-of-network providers. If you stay in-network, your costs may be much lower. • In-network preventive care is covered at no charge (meaning there is no charge to you and no deductible applies). Preventive care includes annual physical exams (including associated lab and X-ray services), immunizations and well-child care. You can find preventive care guidelines at www.ummedcvty.com. • For most covered expenses, you’ll pay out of your pocket until you reach the annual deductible. The in-network deductible is: º $350/person º $1,050/family • Your in-network office visit copayment will be $15 for non-specialists and $25 for specialists. There will no longer be a discount under this plan for using university providers. • For in-network retail prescription drugs, you’ll pay a $75 deductible plus a copayment or coinsurance. • Once you meet your annual out-of-pocket maximum, the plan will pay 100% of expenses (including deductibles, coinsurance and copayments) for the rest of the calendar year. See page 9 for more coverage details. Prescription drug coverage How the Custom Network and PPO plans cover prescription drugs Custom Network Plan PPO Plan Retail Prescriptions (up to 31-day supply) No deductible Formulary Generic: greater of $7 copay or 20% coinsurance Formulary Brand: greater of $15 copay or 20% coinsurance Non-Formulary Brand: greater of $30 copay or 50% coinsurance $75 deductible Formulary Generic: greater of $7 copay or 20% after deductible Formulary Brand: greater of $15 copay or 20% after deductible Non-Formulary Brand: greater of $30 copay or 50% after deductible Mail Order Prescriptions (up to 90-day supply) Includes University of Missouri Health System Pharmacies No deductible Formulary Generic: greater of $15 copay or 20% coinsurance Formulary Brand: greater of $30 copay or 20% coinsurance Non-Formulary Brand: greater of $60 copay or 50% coinsurance No deductible Formulary Generic: greater of $15 copay or 20% coinsurance Formulary Brand: greater of $30 copay or 20% coinsurance Non-Formulary Brand: greater of $60 copay or 50% coinsurance Prescription Drug Out-of-Pocket Maximum $3,000/person $6,000/family $3,000/person $6,000/family n a l P s g n i v a S y h t l a e H e h t w Ho s g u r d n o i t p i covers prescr Under the Healthy Savings Plan, you benefit from the prescription drug discount but pay the full cost of covered prescription drugs until you meet the deductible. After you meet the deductible, you pay 10% of covered prescription costs until you reach the combined medical and prescription drug out-of-pocket maximum. At that point, the plan pays 100% of covered prescription costs for the rest of the calendar year. 7 Compare your medical plan options 2015 coverage cost and contributions overview Self Self & Spouse Healthy Savings Plan Custom Network Plan PPO Plan Healthy Savings Plan Custom Network Plan PPO Plan Annual Premium $1,020 $1,380 $1,824 $2,040 $2,760 $3,648 Annual Wellness Incentive Opportunity -$450 -$450 -$450 -$450 -$450 -$450 Annual University Contribution to Health Savings Account -$400 $0 $0 -$800 $0 $0 Your Net Annual Cost* $170 $930 $1,374 $790 $2,310 $3,198 *Does not include out-of-pocket costs for medical and prescription drugs. Use the myBenefit Decision Center in myHR to compare plan out-of-pocket costs. What you pay for in-network covered expenses in 2015* Healthy Savings Plan Custom Network In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network $1,500/single coverage $3,000/family coverage $3,000/single coverage $6,000/family coverage $0 $0 30% after deductible $0 Primary Care Office Visit 10% after deductible 30% after deductible $5 copay (includes Mizzou Quick Care) Specialist Office Visit 10% after deductible 30% after deductible $25 copay Urgent Care 10% after deductible 30% after deductible $50 copay Lab & X-ray 10% after deductible 30% after deductible No charge Outpatient Visit 10% after deductible 30% after deductible $100 copay/visit Inpatient Visit 10% after deductible 30% after deductible $300 copay/confinement ($0 copay for maternity delivery) Emergency Room 10% after deductible 30% after deductible $100 copay/visit Medical Plan Out-of-Pocket Limit (Deductible, copays & coinsurance) N/A N/A $3,600/person $7,200/family Prescription Drug Out-of-Pocket Limit* N/A N/A $3,000/person $6,000/family Combined Medical & Prescription Drug Out-of-Pocket Limit* $3,000/single coverage $6,000/family coverage $6,000/single coverage $12,000/family coverage N/A Deductible Preventive Services Self & Child(ren) Self, Spouse & Children Healthy Savings Plan Custom Network Plan PPO Plan Healthy Savings Plan Custom Network Plan PPO Plan $1,740 $2,352 $3,096 $2,856 $3,864 $5,112 -$450 -$450 -$450 -$450 -$450 -$450 -$800 $0 $0 -$1,200 $0 $0 $490 $1,902 $2,646 $1,206 $3,414 $4,662 Plan PPO Plan Out-of-Network In-Network Out-of-Network $500/person $1,500/family $350/person $1,050/family $700/person $2,100/family 30% after deductible $0 20% after deductible 30% after deductible $15 copay 20% after deductible 30% after deductible $25 copay 20% after deductible 30% after deductible $50 copay 20% after deductible 30% after deductible No charge after annual deductible 20% after deductible 30% after deductible $100 copay/visit after deductible 20% after deductible 30% after deductible $300 copay/confinement after deductible 20% after deductible $100 copay/visit after deductible $100 copay/visit after deductible $100 copay/visit after deductible $7,500/person $15,000/family $3,600/person $7,200/family $7,500/person $15,000/family $3,000/person $6,000/family $3,000/person $6,000/family N/A N/A * The Custom Network Plan and PPO Plan have separate out-of-pocket limits for medical and prescription drug expenses. However, the Healthy Savings Plan combines medical and prescription drug out-of-pocket limits. See page 7 for details on prescription drug benefits. 9 HSAs and FSAs: what’s the difference? Health Savings Account If you enroll in the Healthy Savings Plan, you have the option of adding your own money to your Health Savings Account (HSA), along with the university’s contribution. Are you eligible for this account? You can have an HSA only if you are enrolled in the Healthy Savings Plan. You cannot have an HSA if: • You are covered by another health plan (including Medicare). • You are claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return. • You or your spouse are enrolled in a Health Care FSA. How the HSA works • You contribute to the HSA on a pre-tax basis, so you save money on taxes. • Your maximum contribution*, after the university’s contribution, is based on your coverage level: º Self only: $2,950/year º Self & spouse: $5,850/year º Self & child(ren): $5,850/year º Family: $5,450/year *Age 55 and older may contribute an additional $1,000/year. • You receive a debit card that you can use to pay for eligible expenses once funds are available in your account. • You have online access to your HSA, similar to a checking account. You can instantly see your account balance and track and pay your expenses. • You can invest your HSA funds in select mutual funds, once your account balance is over $2,000. • Your HSA funds and any earnings are tax-free as long as you use them for eligible medical, prescription drug, dental and vision expenses. • If you don’t use your entire HSA balance during the calendar year, it will roll over for use in future years. • If you leave the university, you take your HSA money with you. • If you are selecting this plan during Annual Enrollment, your HSA will be established on January 1, and the university contribution will be available within three to four weeks after your HSA is established. • If you are currently enrolled in an FSA and switching to an HSA for the next plan year, you must use all your FSA funds by December 31 of the current plan year. If you have funds left over, you can still enroll in the HSA, but you cannot carry over any funds from the FSA, and the university cannot contribute to your HSA until after April 1. Flexible Spending Accounts You have the option of enrolling in the Health Care and/or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) to help pay for health and dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. Use the myBenefit Decision Center in myHR at http://myhr.umsystem.edu to help estimate your contributions. You must enroll in the FSAs each year – your elections do not carry over. Are you eligible for these accounts? You can only enroll in the Health Care FSA if you select the Custom Network Plan or PPO Plan. If you enroll in the Healthy Savings Plan, you’ll have a Health Savings Account (HSA) instead. You can enroll in the Dependent Care FSA no matter which medical option you choose. How the FSAs work There are two separate FSAs (Health Care and Dependent Care) but they work the same way: • You contribute to the accounts on a pre-tax basis, so you save money in taxes. • Your maximum contribution is: º Health Care FSA: $2,500/year º Dependent Care FSA: $5,000/year • You can submit your claims online or via fax and have your reimbursements deposited directly into your preferred account. • You can use the Health Care FSA for eligible medical, prescription drug, dental and vision expenses. • You can use the Dependent Care FSA for eligible dependent care expenses. • You have online access to your FSA, so you can instantly track your expenses and account balance. • You can use your Health Care FSA funds from January 1 of the current plan year through March 15 of the next plan year. However, if you are changing from an FSA to an HSA, all FSA funds must be used by December 31. Due to increased claims submissions at year-end, be sure to submit claims early since reimbursements can take longer than the normal two business days. • Funds not used by March 15, 2015, cannot be rolled over. • If you leave the university, the money stays in your account through the end of the plan year. However, you may only use it for eligible expenses incurred before your termination date. For details, visit the University of Missouri myTotal Rewards website at www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards. tribute to an n o c o t t n a If you w make your o t e r u s e b , FSA for 2015 rollment n E l a u n n A he election by t . ober 31, 2014 t c O , e n li d a de 11 Resource list For more information about your medical choices and how to enroll… Description How to Find Resource myBenefit Decision Compare medical plan benefits and costs, Visit myHR at http://myhr.umsystem.edu estimate HSA and FSA contributions Center Annual Enrollment webpage Annual Enrollment information, videos and other resources Visit http://umurl.us/2015AE One-on-one support Learn about medical plan options Visit http://umurl.us/2015AE to make an individual appointment To contact plan providers… Benefit Administrator Phone Website 800-613-7721 www.ummedcvty.com Medical Plans Coventry Prescription Drugs Custom Network and PPO Plans: 800-955-1201 www.express-scripts.com Express Scripts Accredo (specialty drugs) Healthy Savings Plan: Coventry 800-378-7040 www.ummedcvty.com (through Medco) 573-884-1312 www.wellness.umsystem.edu Healthy for Life Healthy for Life Wellness Program Flexible Spending Accounts Health Savings Account 800-659-3035 www.asiflex.com ASI Health Equity 877-372-5383 www.healthequity.com To contact your campus benefits representative… Campus Phone Email MU, UM System, MUHC 573-882-2146 [email protected] UMKC 816-235-1621 [email protected] Missouri S&T 573-341-4241 [email protected] UMSL 314-516-5639 [email protected] This Annual Enrollment Decision Guide provides a summary of various plans included in the University of Missouri System benefit program effective January 1, 2015. Complete details of the plans are included in the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations (CRR) and policies. If there is a difference between this Annual Enrollment Decision Guide and the CRR, then the CRR will govern in every instance. In addition, the University of Missouri System reserves the right to change or terminate the benefits program, individual plans or any provisions of any plans at any time. 12 Columbia
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