Document 406930

The MV Legion of Honor
Only One Day at a Time
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
/Pit areiteV''
which I choose to BEHOLD
[{(YNOR CHRIST in that to
which I choose to LISTEN
• HONOR CHRIST in the choice
of places to which I GO
• HONOR CHRIST in my choice
• HONOR CRIST in that
which I choose to SPEAK
In the time of Christ this name
applied to a Roman military unit of five to
six thousand foot soldiers. Today the term
has come to mean a great multitude or army,
and as such is an appropriate designation for
the tens of thousands of MV youth. Our
color cover pictures, left to right, G. R. Fattic,
Missionary Volunteer secretary of the Central
Union Conference; Theodore Lucas, associate
secretary of the General Conference MV Department; E. W. Dunbar, secretary of the
General Conference MV Department; and
Walter T. Crandall. Photo by Charles Carey.
Charles Carey
Cash Register Tape
The ring of the cash register appeared to be music in
their ears. There seemed to be genuine joy as they watched the
lengthening tape and the mounting pile of little things: a can
opener, laundry starch, soap powders.
The young couple were in line just ahead of me at a selfservice supermarket. As I casually scanned their purchases, I
wondered: paring knives, pot scrapers, jar lids.
Why would they want three dish drainers? So many dish
cloths? So much scouring powder? And the kettle shiners? A
baby's bottle washer? The cost of the items seemed surprisingly
insignificant-14 cents-39 cents-8 cents—only one item rang
up to a dollar.
Because it was Takoma Park, and so near our General Conference headquarters, my mind of a sudden caught the reason for the
multiplication of little things, the can opener, the kettle shiners.
"Are you missionaries?" I ventured.
"Yes," the man replied; "we have been home on furlough, and
now we're readying for the return. Most of the things that we
are buying are unobtainable where we'll live."
Before he could complete the answer my mind had framed a
larger question. How many of us consider the hidden price of
mission service? Absence from homeland, separation from loved
ones, these things we see. But the intimate conveniences of just
one room in the house, like the kitchen—the kettle shiners, the
bottle washer-The missionary family, including the nine-year-old boy, the
seven-year-old girl, and the five-month-old baby daughter were
returning for a second term of mission sacrifice. Six years of
sacrifice, six years of service, the definition is the same. Of such
is the stature of heroes.
Next week Lois Bowen presents the first of a two-part account of a
vacation in the interior of Ethiopia, "Flying
Mules." Something there is about a missionary's concept of a vacation that quickens the
pulse and blurs the sight of the more prosaic
Yes, believe it or not, the editorial
picture shows the actual tape. It lists eightyeight items, averaging a little less than thirtyfive cents each. If the final sailing date
worked out, the shopper and her family are
on the high seas right now, as you read this,
returning for another six-year mission term.
Some readers may not know that
Pastor W. A. Scharffenberg is executive secretary of both the International Temperance
Association and the American Temperance
Society. His pointed paragraphs throughout
the year will deal with both liquor and
Hundreds of our Seventhday Adventist youth are serving in the armed
forces, not alone of the United States, but of
other nations of the world. While students in
our schools are kept keenly conscious of this,
as one by one a fellow student is called into
military service, others of our readers may not
be so aware of them. Shall we not remember
all of them in our daily prayers, and where
we know some, with our friendly letters?
FREDERICK LEE, Associate Editor
Consulting Editors, E. W. DUNBAR, K. J. REYNOLDS, L. L. MOFFITT
February 3, 1953
DON Yost', Assistant to the Editor
R. J. CHRISTIAN, Circulation Manager
Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Tuesday by the Review and Herald Publishing Assn., at Takoma Park. Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. Entered as second-class
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Vol. 101, No. 5
OTHING could stop it. The
Legion of Honor, Christ's call for
a loyal, youthful army, had to
come. It rose out of a want for
things that are good and clean in a world
of mud and mockery. It came from prayer
and study with the Bible open wide and
its white, pure pages gleaming with
Christ's call.
Missionary Volunteer leaders meeting in
council at the General Conference offices
last fall listened and watched with solemn
faces. Pastor E. W. Dunbar was speaking:
"For such a time as this Christ came. In
such a time as this Christ calls. His spirit,
His philosophy, Christ Himself, is the
only hope for youth today. Organized
society has registered a new low in human
affairs, in social relationships. Out of the
chaos must come a response to the challenge of a sublime task. We must help
frame youth's answer to Christ's call in
such a time as this. Christ calls!"
Yes, in a day when the level of current
standards of morals is at its lowest ebb,
in a day of absurdity in art and dissonance
in music, in a day when alcohol seems
to be the way of escape, in a day lacking
in spiritual values—Christ calls.
He calls to personal Christian experience
and growth, to an open commitment of
heart and hand. Christ "calls for youthful
vigor, zeal, and courage. He has chosen the
youth to aid in the advancement of His
cause. To plan with clew• mind and execute with courageous hand demands fresh,
uncrippled energies. Young men and
women are invited to give God the
strength of their youth, that through exercise of their powers, through keen
thought and vigorous action, they may
bring glory to Him and salvation to their
fellow men."' (Italics supplied.)
Young men and women, you have heard
the call of the Lord. This is your moment
of supreme opportunity. Listen with all
Christ calls today for youth to enlist in
The MV
Legion of Honor
care. Enlist in the MV Legion of Honor.
Tell Him that you want to do His will,
that you desire His help, and as He asks
you to be His champion in this mighty
hour, sign the covenant. Accept His commission, stand upon your feet, and He will
speak to you, and then say to Him as
Isaiah said in his youth, "Here am I; send
me." Such an act of surrender will bring
you immediately into the company of His
chosen ones.
The MV Legion of Honor is something
great and good. It is both an idea and an
entity, a principle and a plan, a philosophy
and a program, and it has come to the
kingdom for such a time as this. Its constitution has a foundation as sound as
eternity. God's servant, speaking inspired
words, declared it fearlessly in a fearful
age. Here it is as fresh as the headlines of
your newspaper:
"Say firmly: 'I will not spend precious
moments in reading that which will be of
no profit to me, and which only unfits me
to be of service to others. I will devote
my time and my thoughts to acquiring a
fitness for God's service. I will close my
eyes to frivolous and sinful things. My
ears are the Lord's, and I will not listen to
the subtle reasoning of the enemy. My
voice shall not in any way be subject to a
will that is not under the influence of the
Spirit of God. My body is the temple of
the Holy Spirit, and every power of my
being shall be consecrated to worthy pursuits.' "
Christ calls. God helping us, we shall
turn from all others to answer His call. At
whatever cost, we must choose Christ, and,
choosing Him, offer our talents, our lives,
to help make life itself Christlike. Our
covenant shall be that of the Legion of
I volunteer now to join the
and by the grace and power of God to
HONOR CHRIST in that which I
choose to BEHOLD.
HONOR CHRIST in that to which I
choose to LISTEN.
HONOR CHRIST in the choice of
places to which I GO.
HONOR CHRIST in the choice of
HONOR CHRIST in that which I
choose to SPEAK.
HONOR CHRIST in the care I give
Here Is a Plan That Will Help You to Build Attitudes, so That Yoiir Life Will Be a Chal.
lenge to All Youth Who Seriously Seek the Richest, the Fullest, the Most Abundant Life
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
You want to play the game of life
fairly, cleanly, and successfully, so much
, that when the end of your life shall
come, you will have no feelings of shame
or regret.
You will therefore follow the honor code
pf the MV Legionnaires that you may
manifest at all times and in all places the
more attractive attributes of the Christian
life, such as genuine happiness and joy,
kindness and sympathy, understanding
and tolerance. You will prove to be an
effective "salesman" for the most-needed
thing in this modern day: religion, pure
and undefiled.
You will never give the impression that
you are ashamed of your religion; but, on
the contrary, you will be so filled with confidence and pride in its ideals and purposes
that you will lift, in the minds of all your
associates, the Christ you serve.
You will combat by your life the foolish
notion that Christianity creates weaklings
or subtracts from the personality those
elements that make red-blooded youth.
You will build attitudes so that your
life shall be a challenge to all youth who
seriously seek the richest, fullest, and most
abundant life.
You will not make the mistake of
measuring your spirituality by the experience of others, but will realize that religion
manifests itself in a person according to
his own individual relationship to his
Christ. You can be confident that if you
give Him free rein in your heart, He will
mold your Christian personality according
to His will.
You must never allow your spiritual life
to stagnate, but you must seek to promote
within your heart and life a continuous
spiritual growth and expansion. This you
may do by such means as regular and
ILAKI, one of our pioneer
teachers, has been working
for the past few years along
the fringes of the Kukukuku
borderlands. He is stationed
at our most inland mission station, situated at Ke Ka village, nearly one hundred
miles up the Vailala River.
The mission outpost in the village of
Ke Ka is the apple of Hilaki's eye. And
well he might be proud, for it is the
cleanest and best-kept outmission in
Western Papua.
Needless to say, because of this fact the
enemy of souls directed his energies to
upset the onward progress of the third
angel's message in this isolated outpost.
His attacks were directed against Hilaki,
for since my visit some months ago.
Hilaki has launched out into greater
evangelism, not only for the Ke Ka
people, who originally come from the
headwaters of the Parai, but also for the
Hilaki was visited one morning by one
of the village people, a man who had
until a short while before been one of his
loyal supporters. In an endeavor to conceal his real intentions he warned Hilaki
that the village people planned to take
his life in the very near future; therefore
he urged our teacher to flee for his life.
This threat, however, in no way dampened Hilaki's enthusiasm for evangelism.
But he did feel concern over the fact
that the man who brought the warning
message had grown careless in attending
morning and evening worship.
The threats were repeated several
times during the next few weeks. Our
stalwart of the cross well knew that the
tension was growing stronger, and that
should the attack come, it would be from
the one who was falsely trying to act as
a friend to conceal his wicked plans.
On several occasions Hilaki endeavored
to talk kindly to his opponent, but the
apparent success of his talks was only on
the outside. Finally the man admitted
that he was the one who was trying to
stop our work, but he said he would give
up his intentions if Hilaki would change
wives with him. Our teacher refused, of
course, and this added fuel to the fire.
Several times within the next few days
Hilaki saw his aggressor carrying a bow
and arrows. Though he was somewhat
alarmed by this time, he still felt that
maybe it was only meant to frighten him.
Sabbath school had just closed one
systematic Bible study, sincere meditation
and prayer that is both frank talking with,
and careful listening to, God.
The code of the MV Legion of Honor
calls you to realize that only by active
participation in religious effort can you
promote a deepening interest and expanding ability in working for God. You will,
therefore, seek to determine your particular talent, and then devote it wholeheartedly to the activity or activities where it
can accomplish the most.
Covenant with God today. Guide your
life by His pattern. He is your design for
living. Have complete confidence in God,
and you shall win, for you are Legionnaires—stalwart members of the MV
Legion of Honor.
1 Messages to Young People, p. 20.
°lhia., p. 270.
Sabbath morning. Hilaki was counting
the offering when a flash was seen at the
rear of the building behind the meeting
place, and at the same instant an arrow
cut its way through the muscle of Hilaki's
upper arm and thence through his upper
chest muscle. Hilaki fell to the floor, and
almost at the same moment a second
arrow buried itself deeply in the wall
where a moment before his head had
Some of the Sabbath school members
quickly overpowered the assailant, who
was fleeing to his own house to get more
arrows. After a brief struggle the village
policeman had the handcuffs securely
locked on the wrists of the aggressor, but
not before he had threatened to take not
only Hilaki's life but the lives of all who
tried to shield their teacher.
It was decided to get Hilaki to the
Vailala mission station as quickly as possible. However, it was not until late
Tuesday that news reached me of his
condition, and I hurriedly sent some of
my students to the Vailala River to carry
Hilaki to the dispensary, while preparadons were made for his arrival.
It was dusk when the carriers returned
with our teacher, and my heart sank
within me when I felt that faint pulse,
weakened from the loss of blood. Why
Hilaki had not bled to death was a
miracle, and it was evident that the
divine Hand had intervened and watched
over that little canoe as it made its long
journey to the mission station.
The moment we lifted Hilaki from the
stretcher to a bench in the dispensary the
bleeding began again with renewed vigor,
and it was with some difficulty that it was
finally stayed. Notwithstanding the fact
that we had no means of giving a blood
transfusion, Hilaki began almost immediately to show signs of making a good
recovery, and within the matter of a few
days he was on his feet again. The divine
Hand still rests over His faithful witnesses.
Their First Camp Meeting
Secretary, Sabbath School, Home Missionary, and Publishing
Departments, Coral Sea Union Mission
ROM the islands in the Manus
group, from the Sepik River territory, and from the Western
Islands and the Schouten Islands
came some thirteen hundred delegates to
the first Northwest New Guinea camp
meeting, on Lou Island.
Dr. C. W. Harrison and I had left Lae
at 10 A.M. on Monday. When we reached
Lorengau, Manus, at 3 P.M., in blistering
heat, the mission ship Leleman and the
native crew were waiting to convey us
across to Lou Island. On arrival there
three hours later, after a pleasant run, we
were welcomed by waving and shouting
from the usual crowd on the beach. Pastor
F. T. Maberly and L. R. Tonkin were also
there. After shaking hands with the people
we were glad to go up to the mission house
and prepare for a meal and the evening
The Northwest New Guinea Mission
was organized only three years ago, and
yet there came hundreds of delegates and
believers, mainly from Manus, although
there were also representative teachers and
luluais (chiefs) from the rest of the territory. They are all of a very fine type. Some
lived in tents, others on their double outrigger canoes covered with canvas awnings, and still others in village houses.
The Lou church had been extended by
removing the walls and adding skill ion
roofs, a change providing double the accommodation for the large congregation.
This was the first time people from the
Western Islands and the Schouten Islands
and the Sepik area had been able to see
anything of mission enterprise outside
their own localities. The association of
these people and all they saw and heard
will be a major factor in the upbuilding
of our missions. As these delegates return
to their homes they will tell the story far
and wide, and there is no doubt that the
next such gathering will be much larger.
Each day was filled with general meetings as well as separate gatherings for
ministers and juniors. The book house was
open at intervals between meetings, and
approximately sixty pounds' worth of
books in pidgin and simple English were
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
A Workers' Meeting Under the
Trees During the Camp Meeting
Held Recently on Lou Island
J. K. Fletcher, Book and Bible
House Manager for the Northwest New Guinea Mission, Selling
at the Colporteur Bookstand
Leleman (Foreground) and the
Light, the Two Mission Ships That
Serve Northwest New Guinea
Photos, Courtesy of the Author
sold. Some bought both versions of Baibel
Toks in order to learn English. Hymnals
were eagerly bought, but unfortunately the
Bibles ordered did not arrive in time.
Each night moving and still pictures
were shown from overseas and various
islands; and Pastor S. H. Gander's tape
recorder sent forth music from Australia,
as well as singing from the camp choir,
reports from the teachers present, and
talks given earlier by the luluais. The
people were amazed to hear their own
voices from the recorder.
On Sabbath morning the campers lined
up on the beach at six-thirty for a baptism.
Before the service there was general singing of hymns while Pastors Robert Salau
and K. Manovaki lined up the candidates
for baptism along the water's edge. It was
my privilege to preach the baptismal address, and then these good ministers immersed the forty-three candidates. One
was a cripple who had to be carried into
the water.
Sabbath school followed, and as SabTo page 20
Africa's Missionary to America
F YOU ever have the opportunity of
visiting the State of Indiana, and
your path leads you to the vicinity
of Upland, where Taylor University
is situated, you will want to visit a certain
monument sponsored• by the school's 1928
graduating class. It bears this brief inscription:
"Samuel Morris, 1872-1893
Prince Kaboo
Native of West Africa
Famous Christian Mystic
Apostle of Simple Faith
Exponent of the Spirit-filled Life."
Christian people today know very little
indeed about the wonderful life of this son
of Africa whose mortal remains have
found their last resting place in the
Hoosier State. Yet surely he did as much
in his sphere as any other person who lived
during the nineteenth century.
Kaboo, for that was the original name of
Samuel Morris, was the oldest son of an
African chieftain of the Kru tribe, which
had suffered many defeats from a hostile
nation. According to native custom, Kaboo
had to go as a hostage with the harddrinking chieftain of the conquerors, who
wanted to make sure they would receive
the indemnities of war in due time. However, each time Kaboo's father appeared
to pay and arrange for the ransom of his
first-born, the cruel enemy increased his
demands and also dissipated some of his
murderous fury upon the pitiful Kru lad
by beating him with a thorny poisonous
vine. His strength was failing at an alarming rate. His father could have arranged
Kaboo's ransom by leaving 'his daughter
behind instead;' but, heathen that he was,
there welled up something within Kaboo's
young breast that would not permit his
sister to become exposed to these brutalities.
Young Kaboo soon resigned himself to
his inevitable fate, for he knew nothing
about the God of heaven, who sometimes
works wonders not only for those who
know Him but also for many who earnestly seek Him, although they know Him
not. And this God also delivered Kaboo. A
blinding light suddenly flashed through
the jungle, and an audible voice bade him
rise and leave. It also instructed him how
to behave amid the innumerable dangers
of the wilds, which were full of deadly
beasts—and men.
Finally, weeks after his first escape, he
arrived at a Christian settlement near
Monrovia, capital of Liberia. He immediately secured work on a plantation, and
when Sunday came, he was invited to go
to church. Here a woman missionary was
telling the story of Saul's conversion. As
she described the bright light that arrested the Cilician's fierce efforts to per-
secute the Christians, Kaboo could not
contain himself but cried out joyfully,
"That's just what I saw! I have seen that
light!" Deep down in his soul he recognized for the first time the purpose of his
deliverance, and then and there a soul
was born into the kingdom of God.
As might be expected, this "brand
plucked out of the fire" of heathenism
knew nothing about the story of salvation.
Even as Ananias had instructed Paul after
the scales had fallen from his eyes, so the
consecrated missionary, a Miss Knolls,
whose sermon had been used by the Spirit
of God to enlighten Kaboo's heart, took
him under her care and "expounded unto
him the way of God more perfectly."
Now it happened that Miss Knolls had
been assisted in her education by a wealthy
banker of Fort Wayne, Indiana, Samuel
Morris by name. Since Kaboo was the first
fruit of her endeavors, she decided to
Samuel Morris May Have Come From One of the Most Backward Tribes of the World, but He
Brought a Veritable Foretaste of Heaven Itself to a Land That Seemed to Have Need of Nothing
name him after her benefactor, and thus
the son of a defeated African king joined
the militant church of the victorious King
of kings, taking Samuel Morris as his
Christian name.
Shortly afterward another Kru lad, with
a remarkably similar experience of delivery from bondage and torture, also arrived at this mission station and accepted
Jesus. Later he was baptized under the
name of Henry O'Neil. His independent
account more than amply confirmed
Kaboo's story, and these two testimonies
to the grace of God made a lasting impression upon the white and the African
population of Monrovia, Christian as well
as non-Christian.
For two years Samuel Morris remained
in Liberia, working on the plantation and
growing "in grace, and in the knowledge
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
Then one day a missionary with the love
of God burning brightly in her heart, read
John 14 to Sammy, showing where the
promise of the Holy Spirit is contained.
The Kru lad was intensely interested.
Many times he journeyed back and forth
to that missionary's abode. She told him
all she knew about the Comforter. Samuel
Morris was eager to drink still deeper
draughts of this life-giving water, and the
missionary casually mentioned that one
person who could tell him more about this
divine Person was Stephen Merritt, secretary of Bishop William Taylor.
"And where does Stephen Merritt live?"
inquired the eager Bible student.
"In New York," replied the missionary.
"I will go to see him," young Samuel
declared promptly.
With not a cent to his name, and only
rags on his body, Samuel Morris bade
farewell to his native continent, and
through the power of prayer and persuasion, managed to get a burly old skipper
to take him aboard. This godless skipper
did his utmost during the next six months
to make Sammy Morris regret his decision
to cross the Atlantic. But this Columbus
of the Spirit, as one biographer has called
him, not only endured abuse that was in
every way comparable to that received before his erstwhile jungle deliverance but
actually converted some of the constantly
intoxicated crew.
The tramp ship finally docked in New
York, and a slender ragamuffin walked
down the gangplank at the foot of Pike
Street on the East River, determined to
ask the very first person that should pass
how to find Stephen Merritt. Surely
Providence was guiding in all this, for the
first man Samuel Morris hailed answered
promptly that he knew Stephen Merritt,
that he knew where he lived, and he
named the street.
Over to Eighth Avenue, Samuel was
taken, and to Mr. Merritt he was presented.
"I am Samuel Morris; I've just come
from Africa to talk with you about the
Holy Ghost." It was a direct if strange
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
Russ Harlan, Artist
Surely There Was Divine Power in Samuel's Life, Power That Is Available to All God's Children Who Would Spend as Much Time Talking to Their Father in Heaven as Did This Youth
introduction to Mr. Merritt. Unfortunately
this busy man had to meet a previous appointment, and he asked the young African to wait at the mission for his return.
Samuel, who had learned to be "patient in
tribulation," waited, but not in idleness.
The same divine compulsion that had
driven him from the jungle of the Dark
Continent made him aware of the spiritual
darkness that was surrounding him in this
world metropolis.
When Stephen Merritt finally returned
to the Bethel Mission, he saw the most
beautiful sight of all his life: Seventeen
down-and-outers were on their knees in a
circle around Samuel, confessing the saving power of Jesus and rejoicing in His
pardon! He' may not have had all the
theoretical facts about the Holy Spirit in
his head, but he possessed His sanctifying
fullness in the heart, for on his very first
day in the United States he led more
people to the Saviour than do a great many
Christians during their entire lives.
It is little wonder that as busy a man as
Stephen Merritt took time to stay up till
midnight talking to the boy! No wonder
too when he finally rode home with his
young African friend in the early hours of
the morning, that on meeting the faithful
wife who had waited anxiously for his
return, one of the first things he told her
was, "0 Dolly, this is an angel in ebony!"
Merritt had a hard time persuading his
wife to permit this son of the jungle to
stay with them and occupy the room of the
bishop, but after she had heard this unlettered African say his prayers, she
changed her mind. As a matter of fact, she
grew to love the boy to such an extent
that she almost hated to see him leave a
few days later when he went to college.' '
Those few days were eventful days too.
There was the funeral that was turned
into a revival; a Sunday school session
that was transformed into 'a little Pentecost; and•' many other Occurrences to'testify
that the Taylor Liniversity-bound African
carried, together with the three trunks of
clothing and books that kind friends had
provided him, Heaven's own ordination
There probably had never before arrived
at Taylor anyone more unfit academically
than Samuel Morris, yet at the same time
no other person has taught both students
and faculty more than he. He never attained his Bachelor's degree, but he had
Heaven's B.A. (born again). He did not
have the pleasure of receiving his Master's
degree, but he had the greater joy of knowing the Master of men.
His very first contact at the institution
melted President Thaddeus Reade's heart.
for funds to educate Samuel made by the
president of Taylor University brought in
the negligible sum of fifty cents. But God
knows no failure. A friend of Dr. Reade,
and not a church member at that, handed
him five dollars, saying, "This is for your
`faith fund.' " This gave Dr. Reade an
idea, and many people of means began to
contribute toward this pool. When Dr.
Reade told Samuel about its steady growth,
he received from the lad another lesson in
Jesus' kind of Christianity, for riot a penny
of it did he want ftir himself.
"I want you to use it for others more
worthy than I," he concluded his explanation.
Veoeit qieuet
Streaming through the glowing windows
In cascades of golden light,
The evening sun, with accents hushed,
Gives low benediction, and shares
A quiet reverence with those
Who kneel to worship in the stillness
Of a church at vesper hour.
After the august head of this venerable
institution had asked the newcomer to
take his choice of empty rooms, Samuel
Morris earnestly replied, "If there is a
room nobody wants, give that to me." As
Dr. Reade heard the words he could not
contain himself, but wept profusely in the
presence of this African brother who had
brought the very atmosphere of the
heavenly Canaan with him.
This sweet influence began to permeate
the whole campus during his stay and for
a long time afterward. It strengthened the
bands of Christian 'fellowship, gave new
impetus to the spiritual life of the school,
and lifted the standards in every way.
Sad to say, however, men were "slow of
heart to believe" and to accept their African brother, even as they had been with
his Lord. The first and Spirit-filled appeal
And this was only half the story! He
wanted to go out and earn some money
with which to bring young Henry O'Neil
over from Liberia. Dr. Reade advised
him to remain in school, although his
progress was slow in spite of most earnest
efforts and the help of tutors. He told him
that, if it were God's will, a way would
be found for bringing Henry O'Neil to the
States, and that he should pray about it.
Now Samuel Morris was the last person
in the world who needed to be told to
pray about a matter, and the very next
morning he informed the startled head of
Taylor that "Henry O'Neil is coming over
soon. My Father has just told me." Dr.
Reade included this episode in his next
letter to his good friend Stephen Merritt,
and his amazement knew no bounds when
the latter informed him that at that very
time he was busily at work trying to arrange for O'Neil's trip to the States!
Said the Saviour nineteen hundred years
ago, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall
know them." Samuel Morris' exemplary
life was an inspiration to all. People from
far and near flocked to talk to him, but he
disdained ordinary gossip and had his
visitors read the Bible to him instead. He
was asked to lead out in many revival
services, and neither high hats nor silk
gowns, atheists nor backsliders, could resist the tender pleadings of the Spirit of
God through him. Surely there was divine
power in his life, power available to all
God's children who would spend as much
time talking to their Father in heaven as
he did.
It was also largely due to this wonderful
power pulsating through Samuel Morris'
life that Taylor University was saved from
becoming a modernist institution. At that
time the inroads made by Darwinism,
materialism, and general spiritual tepidity
were of great magnitude. They could be
repulsed by nothing less than such a
dynamic demonstration of the power of
the Holy Spirit as was witnessed in the
life of this aboriginal product of the jungle.
With his simple faith and fervent spirit
he was by no means a doleful ascetic. Quite
to the contrary, he loved the unspoiled
handiwork of his Creator with deep affection. The verdant beauty of Indiana's
green woodlands was as much a cause of
marvel to him as was the first refreshing
snow, a thing he had never seen in Africa.
While the redeeming power of God had
done a wonderful work in polishing this
former diamond in the rough, a loving
heavenly Father did not see fit to work the
same miracle on his much-tortured body.
The results of the excruciating hardships
he had suffered while a hostage in the
jungle, and later while crossing the Atlantic, refused to remain dormant for very
long. The winter of 1892-93, unusually
severe, sent the thermometer plunging to
a chilly —20° F. This finally forced him
to admit what he had been courageously
trying to conceal for weeks—that the
earthly tabernacle in which the King had
been making His dwelling place for the
past several years stood in dire need of
Some of the old-timers in Fort Wayne
still recall the stormy January evening
when, from the singing of the grand old
hymn "Tell Me the Old, Old Story," he
was taken from the Berry Street Methodist
church to St. Joseph's Hospital. His hosts
of friends visited him and sought to cheer
him up, but he whose radiant life had
constantly been an oasis in the desert, so
to speak, did not really stand in need of
the cup of cold water lovingly administered by grateful friends. Having found
and loved and served Him who is the
author of life, he was not particularly
eager to prolong his earthly existence. The
thoughts of this ebony angel were not so
To paee 22
Crosslands Camp
By Ray Trim
The Crosslands camp was the largest
that the Australasian Missionary College
Master Guide club has ever put on. Its
purpose was to give students an opportunity to meet requirements for MV classwork. Desmond Hills, a ministerial student who is in charge of college Master
Guide activities, organized the camp; and
R. B. Watts, of the college faculty, was
camp director. For weeks afterward it
was one of the main topics of conversation
here at college. Such expressions as "very
good," "a great help," "the best yet," "a
wonderful uplift" were prominent in conversation, showing just how the camp was
Sixty-four students traveled from Avondale by bus and then by train and bus
again and finally after a three-mile walk
arrived at Crosslands, the young people's
camp belonging to the Greater Sydney
Conference, where we were to spend the
next three days. Crosslands is surrounded
by bush, being four miles from the nearest
town. The young women's huts, the main
meeting hall, and the young men's huts
are arranged in a semicircle on a steep hillside sloping down to Berowra Waters,
where there were facilities for boating and
The first morning at camp Pastor S. T.
Leeder, the Greater Sydney Conference
MV secretary, spoke on the necessity of
having our lives touched by God. He said
that while here at camp we had a wonderful opportunity of allowing God to take
control of our lives, so that we could become leaders for Him. With this thought
in mind we went to our prayer bands, and
God did touch our lives at this camp.
Time was short, so each day was packed
Ray Trim
Flag-raising Ceremony at the Crosslands Camp of Avondale Master Guides
with dasses and activities in Master Guide
work. Besides first aid, we studied for
many MV Honors and finished them before camp was over. These included
honors in amphibians, cats of the world,
dogs of the world, animals, camperaft,
physical culture, and swimming. The star
requirements were completed by most of
us. Mr. Watts, who is a Master in Science,
helped us at night in identifying the stars,
constellations, and planets.
Sabbath afternoon we all hiked to a
rocky spot in the bush where Ivan Manners led out in a forum. Mr. Watts was
there to help in answering difficult questions. Many problems as, "How do I know
what God's plan for my life is?" "Do
volcanoes prove or disprove evolution?"
"What is to be my attitude toward makeup?" were discussed in the light of the
Bible and the Spirit of prophecy.
Sunday was taken up with MV Honor
examinations and with boating and swimming in spare time. We left camp by 4:30
P.M., for we had to walk the three miles
back to the bus. On the way many were
able to complete their map-making requirements. Everybody felt the camp was
a real success, particularly in the amount
of requirements completed. There was a
wonderful spirit, and Pastor Leeder said
it was one of the best camps held at Crosslands. As we pulled into the college that'
night we sang with real meaning the
"I'm so happy and here's the reason why,
Jesus took my burdens all away."
Pathfinder Fair
By Stanley M. Jefferson
Photo Dept., La Sierra College
Pastor Charles Martin Conducted the "Drill Down" at La Sierra College's Pathfinder Fair
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
Enthusiasm marked the day when
fourteen hundred Juniors and parents at- •
tended the fall Pathfinder Fair conducted
on the campus of La Sierra College, Arlington, California.
In the gymnasium were thirty-two
booths that graphically portrayed the pros
ress of the Pathfinder Clubs being conducted throughout the conference. Among
the items displayed by the young crafters
were flying model airplanes, model automobiles, shell, coin, and stamp collections,
baked goods, and needlecraft.
A high spot in the day's activities was
the morning period for contests on the drill
field, when awards were presented by
Pastor T. E. Lucas, associate world MV
leader, for speed in knot tying, camperaft
activities, and precision in marching.
First honors went to San Bernardino for
marching and to Arlington for beauty and
quality in its booth display.
Pastor Lucas, of the General Conference,
and Pastor J. R. Nelson, youth leader of
the Pacific Union Conference, spoke to the
afternoon assembly, urging Pathfinders to
blaze the trail that will lead others to our
heavenly home.
That evening as the Junior youth left
for their homes, it was with the purr of
flying models and the yip of trained dogs
in their ears, and the warm, comfortable
feeling down in their hearts that it is a
thrill to:/ae a Pathfinder—finding the path
that leads to happiness in this life and a
gloriods eternity tomorrow.
El Paso Youth Rally
By I. V. Stonebrook
It was mid-November, and beautiful
weather prevailed for the anticipated youth
gathering. The young people came to El
Paso for the first youth rally that has been
held in that area for a long time. Some of
our Advent youth who live, across the Rio
Grande in old Mexico also came over to
enjoy the inspiration of this unusual meeting.
Everyone appreciated Pastor L. A. Skinner's practical talks on Christian living and
his colorful pictures of Seventh-day Adyentist work in South America. The Sabbath afternoon symposium presented the
Morning Watch, the Character Classics,
and the MV Book Club for 1953.
Pastor W. A. Howe. introduced the MV
Legion of Honor at that time also. Music
at the rally was directed by Pastor H. E.
Haas and Ivan Henry.
The youth of the El Paso church conduct a radio program each Sunday morning on Station KEPO under the direction
of Pastor G. M. Schram. We enjoyed the
interview that Pastor Skinner had with
this radio group. As we were on our way
home Sunday morning it was a joy to hear
the strains of "I'll Share My Faith" coming
over the radio. We knew that the voice of
El Paso Seventh-day Adventist youth was
on the air.
Mohcton Investiture
By E. J. Heisler
The investitures pbgrOm last fall in
the Moncton, New Brunswick, church
brought the total of Master Guides in the
Maritime Conference to twenty. The subject of the meeting was the promotion of
nature study. Some fine rock, shell, flower,
and autumn-leaf collections were on display.
Pastor L. E. Smart, the Canadian Union
MV secretary, was in charge of the investiture. Those invested were Mrs. Ethel
Heisler, the society leader, and Miss Sheila
Robertson. Four Friends were Wanda
Brace, Janet Schofield, Russell Spangler,
and Betty Matthews.
It takes a great deal of work to be a
Master Guide, but there is a real feeling
of accomplishment when the investiture
is held. This event is merely the beginning.
A young person is then better prepared to
render soul-winning service for the Master.
He is better able to share his faith with
young people of the church and young
people of the world.
MV Release
IF ONLY you could have seen the excitement around the big press at the Review
and Herald the other day! The MV Department office was momentarily deserted
—everybody was beside the press. Some of
us even climbed up on top to get a better
view of what was going through. Suppose
you could guess? Yes, it was that beautiful
MV Legion of Honor poster. It was thrilling to see the completed pictures drop off
the press, one by one, at the rate of five
thousand an hour. Then we thought of
you who by now, in every MV Society
from coast to coast, are looking at it and
rededicating your lives to measure up to
the standards that this 1953 MV poster
masterpiece represents.
today if they are speaking a little Spanish,
perhaps Bienvenida! or Buenos dias, mis
amigos or Como esta hoy? These are expressions of greeting that will be heard on
the streets of San Francisco, California,
U.S.A., as Missionary Volunteers of South
America, Central America, and North
America get together next June for the
Pan-American Youth Congress. Sombreros
and gaily colored serapes will mingle with
less picturesque attire. But no matter the
race or the costume, the purpose of these
thousands of youth will be the same—
greater mobilization for the service of God.
PASTOR E. W. DUNBAR jubilantly reports
successful youth congresses and camps and
smaller counseling and planning sessions
in which he participated in the Middle
East and Northern Europe. The MV
Legion of Honor is being received enthusiastically everywhere, and is being
translated into greater Share Your Faith
action. Pastor Dunbar mentions a "gra
experience" when the very latest
modern transportation, a British jet
sped him at 50,000 feet and 460 m'
hour from Karachi to London in thit
hours of flying time.
THE next big worldwide event on the
Missionary Volunteer calendar is MV
Week, March 14-21. This is the most
special week of the year for Adventist
youth. Its tradition has endeared it to two
generations of young people and thiir
leaders, and its great spiritual victo'ries
have opened new doors to.service for God.
During this time the youth of the church
get together in prayer, in study of God's
marching orders, and with ,their youth
counselors endeavor' to revitalize their
relationship to the challenge of the hour
and the unfinished task.
P. H. Rinderknecht
Pastor L. A. Skinner (Right) Giving a Talk on Christian Living
at the El Paso Youth Rally
THE 1953 Morning Watch Calendar is
a, prize, as well as 'the commentary, My
Life Today. There is rich experience in
the Morning Watch habit.
E DISCOVERED, on arriving
in the peaceful, clean city of
Geneva about four-thirty in the
afternoon, that for some reason
the hotels were quite full. At the third try,
just off the main street toward the lake
front, we were able to get a room on the
fourth floor (which meant sixth—the first
floor and the mezzanine are not counted)
in the HOtel de la Nouvelle Gare ("Hotel
of the New Railroad Station").
In spite of the climb we felt lucky to be
settled and able to bathe, after the openwindowed train ride across France. At
dinner in the dining room Del Delker, my
traveling companion, was almost too tired
to eat the well-prepared food. Her ankles
were badly swollen, and mine were beginning to swell.
We went to bed early to try to catch up
on our rest—but what was that? Firecrackers! Fireworks lasted for an hour or
morewe had arrived in Geneva on
August 1, the Swiss Fourth of July! No
wonder it was hard to find a hotel room!
No wonder the Swiss flags (a white cross
on a red field) were everywhere!
The next day began—unusual for
in a leisurely fashion. When we were comfortably ready we took the streetcar out
to the French-Swiss border, walked across,
checking at the customs house on each side
of the line; and in the little village of
Collonges found a taxi to take us up the
mountain to our Seminaire Adventiste du
Saleve. What a beautiful place to go to
school! But I am afraid if I were a student
there, I would spend most of my time
looking up at the imposing face of the
Saleve Mountain towering behind the
school, or gazing down in the other direction at the blue lake with the city of
Geneva spread out along its edge, the tall
fountain out in the lake, the white palace
of the United Nations plainly visible just
beyond the city, and the Jura Mountains
outlined against the horizon.
The assistant preceptress showed us the
girls' dormitory, Le Parc, and the dining
room and kitchen, where students were
busily working. Then a friendly student
in simple work dress guided us through
the administration building, Le Central,
higher up the hillside, and pointed out Les
Sources, the boys' dormitory. In the printshop we saw the French Sabbath School
Quarterlies and other printed matter produced by student labor. We returned to
Le Parc by way of a woodsy path and
looked down on the school's well-kept
gardens. Then our taxi returned to take
us back to the Swiss border, and we said
farewell to one of the most beautifully
situated schools in the world.
A missionary on his way to Jerusalem,
who was visiting at Collonges, rode into
Geneva on the same tram and told us
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
B. Fransioli, Swiss Official Infermation Bureau
Before Us Was the Castle of Chillon in Lake Geneva, With the Dents du Midi Peaks Behind
A digest, prepared for THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR, of
chapter 8 of 36 Days and a Dream, one of the
1953 Senior MV Book Club selections
where to get off in order to see the Wall
of the Reformation. Just as Del was beginning to photograph the 330-foot-long
light-tan sandstone wall, she ran out of
film. The afternoon was drawing to a
close, and we would have no opportunity
to return, but luckily we found two Kodak
stores within a block! We hurried back
and finished photographing the ten
statues of famous Reformers, including
Oliver Cromwell, Roger Williams, John
Knox, Theodore de Beze, William Farel,
and the leading figure, John Calvin—for
Geneva is Calvin's city. On the left of the
central group of four is the Lord's prayer
engraved in French. On the right it appears in English, along with the Mayflower Compact. The last names of Martin
Luther and Ulrich Zwingli are on granite
blocks at each end of the wall.
Having bought personal (signed) streetcar tickets that entitled us to ride as much
as we wanted to until midnight, we rode
out to the huge United Nations Palace.
Since it was just being closed for the day,
we could not go inside, but we walked
around the interior court and looked up at
its elegant white marble wings.
One of the most outstanding features of
Geneva is the window boxes in every
window, row upon row, down every
street, and even encircling the lampposts.
They are full of red geraniums or gay
petunias. There also we began to take
note of the many beautiful chestnut trees
found in Europe, as well as graceful weeping willows, rhododendrons, hollies, and
other shrubs and trees familiar to us at
The next day was one to which we had
long looked forward: the day of our boat
trip on Lake Geneva, or Lac Leman. Our
tickets took us across to • Lausanne, but
before we had gone far we discovered that
We Were at Interlaken,
and the Next Day We
Were Going to See the Eternally Snow-capped Jungfrau—Literally the High
Point of Our Whole Trip!
glided past the gray
walls and turrets of
the Castle of Chillon,
envying the tourists
we could see walking
around its tiny island
yard and looking out
from its windows at
various levels.
When we doelted at
Lausanne, an officer of
the ship very kindly
checked our tickets
early and allowed Del
and me to go down
the gangplank „first,
with our baggage, for
he realized that we
needed to hurry to a
taxi if we were to
catch our train for
Bern. We were sorry
to have to rush away
with hardly a good
look at the charming
city of Lausanne, but
in almost no time we
were on the train, riding in the crowded
smoky end of a car
until seats became
available in a better
section. Our route
paralleled the lake for
for only seventy-five cents more each we some miles, giving us a different view of
could spend several more hours on the the way we had just come by boat. Then
lake and go all the way to Montreux at the we turned inland through forests, mounend, not far from where the Rhone River tains, and rolling farmland to the capital
enters and where is located the Castle of city.
The charms of the picturesque medieval
Chillon, made famous by Lord Byron's
city of Bern were largely hidden from our
poem The Prisoner of Chillon.
Stopping between boats at Evian-les- view as we arrived after dark. Lydie
Bains for lunch on a hotel dining terrace Erdmann, W. R. Beach's gracious secreoverlooking the lake, we had to put away tary, whom we had met at the congress,
our Swiss money and take out our French had reserved a room for us in the Kreuz
money again, for this lovely resort town is Hotel for two nights. When we looked at
in the lake-front area belonging to France. the luxurious room containing comfortable
Here, as we waited for our next boat, we twin beds with the ever-present bolsters
noticed again the low-slung, streamlined and featherbeds, two washbowls, polished
baby carriages in pastel colors that are so furniture, and lovely draperies and rug,
attractive in France and Switzerland. The we looked at each other in consternation.
handle reaches high enough for mamma's "How much is this going to cost?" we
comfort, and the cute little buggies on wondered, thinking of our diminishing
their small rubber tires seem much less resources. But when we later paid the bill
dangerous for the babies in case they fall for the room, we found that we had lived
in luxury for only about $1.50 each per
over the edge.
Soon we were on our next boat. The night!
Lydie, who is French (though with the
panorama of wooded or rocky mountains
with vineyards on their lower slopes, of German surname Erdmann, originally
valleys and lake-shore towns, which un- from the region of Alsace, near the Gerrolled before us through the restful hours man border), met us in our room quite
of that day was at times quite breath tak- early on Sabbath morning. The three of
ing. At the eastern end, where the Rhone us donned our plastic boots and raincoats
River enters, there is a distinct line be- and hastened out into the gentle drizzle
tween the gray RhOne and the blue-green to catch our streetcar. Even through the
water of Lake Geneva. Regretfully we misty rain we could see that we were in
a shining-clean, flower-bedecked city of
the Middle Ages. There are colorful flower
boxes in front of every shuttered window,
even in the shopping section, where some
of the sidewalks tunnel through the
arcaded fronts of the buildings. Quaint
steeples and gables, steep red roofs, and
especially the old Brunnen (wells) or
fountains—impish, gaily painted figures
of animals or people—standing in the middle of the streets, give the city a unique
charm. The single Gothic spire of the
cathedral dominates the skyline.
Arriving early at the "Advent Mission,"
Del rehearsed her solo for church, with
Lydie accompanying her on the organ.
The Sabbath school and church services
were held in German. Del regretted not
having rehearsed one of her German
hymns to sing in this lovely church, but it
was obvious that the people were thrilled
with her deep contralto voice and its ring
of genuine sincerity, although most of
them could not understand her words.
Marius Fridlin, secretary of the Southern
European Division, preached an excellent
W. R. Beach, president of the division,
and Mrs. Beach took us to their comfortable apartment for an appetizing Sabbath dinner, a mixture of familiar home
dishes and interesting new Swiss foods.
(We already were in love with Swiss
pastries, chocolate, Gruyere cheese, and
the delicious sweet butter.) After listening
to some records of good music, we took a
ride through the city, now bathed in sunshine, and up on top of a nearby mountain
where we could look down on the quaint
roofs and the winding pale-green Aare
At Lydie's cozy apartment, where we
made ourselves quite at home for the evening, we had a second dinner and learned
more about Swiss foods. While helping
her in the kitchen I watched her method
of making French dressing. She simply
beat together the juice of half a lemon and
about twice that amount of olive oil, then
added a pinch of salt. Minced garlic or
onion can be added also. I recalled the
equally delicious salad dressing the young
bride of one of the German quartet members prepared for the luncheon we all enjoyed together in Paris. She mixed together a little lemon juice, milk, and oil,
and added chopped onion and salt. These
tasty yet simple dressings made me think
that in America we fail to appreciate olive
Lydie put us on our proper tram, and
we caught a view of the exquisite illuminated Gothic tower of the cathedral against
the dark sky. For the second time that day
we found ourselves standing in front of
the Zeitglocke, the famous clock tower,
just two or three minutes too late to see
the little show in which the animals parade
around as the man strikes two little bells,
the cock crows, Father Time turns his
hourglass, and the gilded man away up at
To page 20
How Much Do YOU Care?
HOUSANDS of our young people
in Africa today are eager to do
more for their fellow youth who
are growing physically and mentally but not spiritually. Our African
youth want to learn how they may best
fit in as leaders to guide others in the Share
Your Faith program. They believe that
"the church is languishing for the help
of young men who will bear a courageous
testimony, who will with their ardent zeal
stir up the sluggish energies of God's people, and so increase the power of the
church in the world. Young men are
wanted who will resist the tide of worldliness, and lift a voice of warning against
taking the first steps in immorality and
Just to show you what some were willing to do to prove their willingness to
learn: One youth, a teacher in a village
school, came eighteen miles several times a
week to our Inyazura Mission station in
Southern Rhodesia, where we have a number of European families connected with
a training school. This teacher was so
eager to help others in his school and village that he came this distance to train
himself, that he might be able to lead
them in their MV classwork and in Share
Your Faith activities. This meant that
after doing his teaching he would go to
the mission to get help that he might finish
his work as a Master Guide. Having completed the requirement, he was then able
to help others in their training.
Recently it was my privilege to invest
a large group in his village school whom
he had prepared. This teacher and others
like him have had to get their training
in a hard way, because we do not have
enough overseas leaders to help us cope
with the work in this great land of opportunity. He cared. Do you?
Over a year ago I was able to visit,
with Pastor T. E. Lucas, of the General
Conference, some of our larger mission
training schools in the Union of South
Africa, the Zambesi Union (Southern
Rhodesia) and the Southeast African Union (Nyasaland). We had one youth congress, and a number of Missionary Volunteer rallies were held. At most of these
places large investiture services were conducted. Our hearts were made glad to see
FEBRUARY 3, 1951
so many Master Guides invested. They
in turn will soon be out in the field of
labor organizing our younger members
into Missionary Volunteer classes, thus saving our children from Satan's traps.
We need leaders everywhere. A leader?
Who is he? He is one who sees the need
and knows what to do. Not only does he
know, but he goes with others and gets it
done. Surely with crimes increasing and
conditions growing worse and worse, what
a privilege is ours as youth to help save
others by merely sharing because we care.
Since Pastor Lucas
left me I have'conducted
three investitures in
three of our large training centers in Southern
Rhodesia, which is in
the Zambesi Union Mission. The largest group
was at old Solusi Mission. There were more
than 195, of whom over
30 were Master Guides.
At Solusi some sixty
years ago the torch of
truth for our youth was
lighted. Some have
given their lives in sacrifice and are buried
either there or elsewhere. An impressive
program was arranged by the MV leader,
Johannes Dry, as these thirty Master
Guides took up the burning torch and
passed it from one to the other, pledging
themselves to keep the torch of truth
lighted for African youth.
Miss Grace Robinson, who carries heavy
burdens in her teaching, burned much
midnight oil in helping this earnest group
of Master Guides to get through. The
requirements are the same as those made
To page 18
/. M. Hnatyshyn
Top: These Junior Missionary Volunteers at Hillcrest Secondary School (South Africa) Were Invested Recently and Were All Baptized. Below: African Master Guides Invested at Solusi Mission
Not eight, or ten, or even twelve, but sixteen
hours of toil fill the doctor's day. It is well
that he faces
Only One Day at a Time
HE sun is shining behind our
Angola hills, tinting the clouds
with rose. There is a low fog in
the valley that lifts to cover the
sun as it rises over the mountains, but
slowly the fog drifts away, and we have
the promise of a sunny day.
Now, at six o'clock, both of us are in
the hospital, I to get things ready for the
operations and the doctor to attend the
patient who previously has given birth to
two children; but both have died, and she
is very eager that this baby about to arrive
should live, and so is the doctor. Everything is progressing normally but slowly.
Mateus was late to work this morning.
He came puffing up to get the key when
I was almost to the hospital. He had been
at work in his garden and lost count of
the time. The girl who helps out is sick,
so we are off to a slow start. In the operating room instruments are chosen and
bundles opened to put knives, scissors, and
needles to soak in lysol. A fire is built to
boil the instruments, syringes for the local
tonsillectomy are boiled, and blades are
put in alcohol. Leaving the boy to open the
gown bundle, fix the solutions, and wash
down the tile wall with lysol solution, I
come home to have worship and eat breakfast.
When the six-fifty-five bell rings on the
mission for the roll call for the day's work,
we are ready for our return to the hospital.
By seven we have changed into our operating room clothes, and I have started to
scrub. The anesthetist is already here as
well as the doctor, so we send the stretcher
for the patient. Mateus has learned to
steer the stretcher through two doors
without help, but he has to ask someone on
the ward to help him bring the patient
When the patient arrives the sun is
streaming into the operating room
windows. We have to move the table so we go on about our business of finishing
the sun will not shine in the woman's eyes. --theioperation that we are working on. By
When she has been transferred from the the time we get our patient on the stretcher
stretcher to the table and everything is the boy can take her back to her room.
quiet, we have prayer, asking God to bless
This time Mateus just takes her as far
in the operation. Before prayer we tell the as the outside door and turns her over to
patient not to repeat the prayer. Then the the nurses in the ward, because he is
anesthetist begins his part. The patient has needed in the operating room again.
already had her wrists secured and a strap Quickly we set up the tray for the tonsilput over her knees. In the old days we have lectomy, move the tray out into the minor
had a patient rise up and flee from -the room, and are ready to begin the work.
operating table, so we explain that experi- The doctor has put on his head light,
ence has taught us we must take every which Mateus turns on or shuts off as
precaution. This particular white woman needed. The operation goes beautifully,
is rather on the plump side, so does not and soon we have finished. The child is
take her anesthetic very gracefully. The cleaned up a bit, turned face downward,
anesthetist is constantly struggling.
strapped down, and the nurse watches him
When the appendectomy is completed, for the time being.
we ask the operating room boy to bring
Quickly we scrub up for the next tonsilthe sulfathiazole powder. No response. I lectomy, which is local. We have two sets
look over his way. He is
sound asleep, leaning up
against the wall! An insistent shout awakens
him, and the needed
article is brought quickly.
Even before we conclude the operation the
second patient is brought
in. He is a little boy of
about eight ready for a
tonsillectomy. Mr. Sa, our
Portuguese nurse, has
prayer with the boy, and
he is put to sleep in the
minor room. We sometimes enjoy listening to
the conversation between
the nurse and the patient
until the patient can no
longer respond. But today
Photos, Courtesy
the Author
Dr. and Mrs. Roy B. Parsons
The Patient Has Had Her Wrists Secured and a Strap Put Over Her Knees. In the Old
Days We Have Had a Patient Rise Up and Flee From the Operating Table, so This Precaution
of instruments, so we can move on to this
local tonsillectomy without losing any
time. Mateus brings in the patient, walking. She backs off toward the stretcher,
trembling and clutching her throat. She
is surely frightened. By gentle persuasion
she is brought to the chair, draped in a
sheet, and is asked to hold the basin—she
needs something to do to keep her mind
off herself.
She eyes the tray with suspicion. She
watches me fill the syringe with anesthesia.
She darts her eyes over everything and
everybody. The head light that makes the
doctor look like a unicorn does not miss
her scrutiny. We have prayer, and then
she settles down to noncooperation! She
cannot breathe through her mouth, she
cannot open her mouth, and she cannot
lift up her head. Then we have to tell her
gently but firmly that unless she cooperates
we cannot possibly do the operation.
Finally she decides to do as we ask, but
it is only after one tonsil is out that she
clutches the basin instead of the doctor's
knees. The other tonsil comes out very
While we are finishing up this woman,
her daughter is brought in for a general
tonsillectomy. She does not come in
calmly, but like a screaming whirlwind.
The nurse talks to the little girl until he
gets her to listen calmly to his prayer.
Thinking that this would be a good time
for the mother to make her exit through
the minor room where her daughter is,
before the anesthetic is started, we lead her
out. But we cause another scene. The child
yells for her mother. The mother only
gives a look at her child out of the corner
of her eye and flees. She runs out of the
hospital and toward the hotel about a half
mile away. She does not want to see her
child killed!
The girl yells and screams until she
goes to sleep. This operation does not run
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
so smoothly as the other. We have to go
back for part of the second tonsil. ,The
adenoids are huge, almost the size of the
tonsils. The child wakes up in a beautiful
mood, instead of crying as she did when
going to sleep. Just as soon as she is a bit
conscious she is taken out into the ward
to recover.
Operations are over for the day! The
operating room helpers clean things up,
the doctor writes up the charts of the
operative cases, the soiled linen is given
to the washwoman, and everything is
prepared to begin all over again tomorrow.
Next in order after dressing again are
the rounds. In the European women's
ward there are six patients. Every bed is
full. One is an asthma patient. She had
a very bad night. Four are recovering
from operations, and all are doing nicely.
One is awaiting surgery on the morrow.
In the European men's ward there are only
three patients, two who have been operated
on and one with a lingering illness whose
courage is always good. One of the surgical
patients is called Little Knives.
Next in order comes the visit to the
patients in the two-bed wards. In room
No. 1 is a small boy with acidosis. He is
sitting up playing when the doctor comes
to see him. He can go home soon. In No.
2 is a woman in labor. She is beginning to
think that the valley that she is crossing
is very wide. In No. 3 is a little child with
hemorrhagic spots all over his body. In
No. 4 is an old friend of the mission, with
an inflammation of the iris of his eye.
Years ago he was struck in the eye by a
blade of grass as he was riding on his
bicycle. He has had several flare-ups from
that accident. Now he is slowly losing his
vision, and we are sorry. He is receiving
penicillin and fomentations to his eye.
In the native men's ward there is
Francisco, with tuberculosis. He is happily
hopeful that his illness will soon be over.
We hope so too, but we are not so optimistic as he is. The pneumonia patient is
all ready to go home. Little Bernardo has
tuberculosis of the hip and has to stay in
bed instead of being able to romp with
his playmates. Jalolo has a broken tibia.
He will soon be able to walk again. Pedro
is almost blind as a result of a pock in his
eye. When the smallpox spread over his
face one developed right in his eye. This
morning he smiles broadly because he can
see something out of one eye at least.
In the women's ward there are four
babies in bed with their mothers. Two
of the babies are ill with malaria and are
receiving injections of quinine. Two have
bronchopneumonia and are receiving fomentations to the chest. The fomentation
cloths cover the whole body for good
measure. Mariana is the old stand-by. She
has been with us a year. She has tuberculosis of the spine.
In the isolation room, which is a tiny
room in the corner of our old dispensary,
is Padre Lagel, from Alsace-Lorraine. He
is a believer in radiostethesia. He brought
his pendulum and his chart, his two
magnets, his many letters containing bits
of hair or bits of clothing belonging to the
patients who wish to know what ails them,
and has set up business in our hospital.
But we keep him in the isolation room.
He has had an ulcer on his leg for four
or five years, which has not healed by the
application of the native herbs searched
out by his pendulum. One day he broke
a varicose vein. He was brought to our
mission by a neighboring Portuguese who
chanced to see his horrible-looking sore.
We ligated his varicose veins, and now
his sore is healing up slowly but surely.
He should be able to go home in a week
or so.
By the way, not many weeks ago the
mail brought Padre Lagel a letter containing a small roll of dark brown hair, a
twenty-angolar bill, and a request that he
please send the diagnosis by return mail!
Without doubt he has made his diagnosis.
You may laugh at this, but we have seen
patients and have heard personally from
others who said that the padre had made
the right diagnosis. We can guess whose
power enables him to do this.
Next to Padre's room is the ironing
room, where three almost-grown orphans
are living. They are Tito, Elisa, and Lucia.
They are all washed and fed and are now
ready to go outside in the sunshine to sit
on a blanket until it is time for a nap or a
next meal. Just a peek in at the tiniest
orphans. There are three of those too. One
has just been added, but he is no orphan,
just a sick child belonging to one of the
water boys. His mother has no milk, so
the baby is receiving milk from the hospital and also injections of penicillin because
of his very virulent infection. The parents
want to take the baby home, but the
doctor will not let them. It would only die
at home. The hospital may not be able to
save this baby, but at least there is a better
margin of possibility in the hospital. The
parents go away finally, but not objecting
very strongly.
Now it is time for the native clinic,
which is in another building. The hospital
proper is built in the form of a U, with the
open end enclosed with a wall. The entrance is almost always guarded by an
attendant who brings in breakfast for the
natives and trays for the white people from
the hotel.
Out of this door walks the doctor, with
his helmet on his head as a protection from
the sun that hai grown very hot by this
time. He walks past the new kitchen under
construction, past the carpenter shop,
where there are four native carpenters
constantly working on some piece of furniture, or doors, or windows for the hospital
and other buildings. Just to the left of the
thatched pole hut that is the present carpenter shop and lumber storage is a new
building, lacking only the woodwork. It
will be a storeroom for medicines, a
laboratory, a carpenter shop, and a storage
room for lumber and a garage for the
doctor's pickup when it is finished.
A long line of Africans is waiting beside
the porch near the room where they have
been written up earlier in the morning by
the native helpers. Their histories are all
in order, and they are called by name.
Yesterday there were a hundred patients,
eighty of them new ones. Today there are
sixty. One by one they come in, sit in a
chair near the doctor,Sand begin their complaints in Umbundu. The doctor understands most of what they say, but sometimes he asks the native helper to interpret
for him.
There are cases of malaria, sore eyes,
backache, Bilharzia. Also there are several
pneumonia cases that have to be sent to
the hospital. Their temperature charts are
filled out, and accompanied by orders for
medication, they are carried to the door
at the hospital court. There the chart and
patient are turned over to the nurse. The
patient is undressed, cleaned up, and put
into a clean bed with a clean gown on. The
relatives depart with the clothing, promising to come back at noon with food for the
A native nurse comes running. One of
this morning's tonsillectomies is having
a hemorrhage. Rushing over to the hospital, we discover that a stitch has to be
taken in the tonsil. After a blood-splattered
white suit is changed, we resume the consultations at the clinic.
Hardly has the doctor seated himself to
speak to a patient, when the young man
in charge of the European section of the
dispensary announces that there is a man
from Cuma, which is the second station
down the railroad line below Lepi. He is
in much pain, so he reports. His trouble
proves to be a broken collarbone. It is set
without anesthesia and bound up. Then
the clinic is resumed.
It seems that the helpers take a very long
time to let one patient out through the
door, call another, and place the chart on
the desk. The doctor works with as much
speed as possible to finish his native clinic
before noon, so that he can have a half
hour of rest before it is time to start with
the European section of the outpatient
department. But there are thirty-one
patients who want to be seen in addition
to the sixty. They have some complaint to
edme Itota 7/4
0 ye along life's pathway,
Hear now the words I speak,
For I would be your strength
When hands are failing, weak.
I long to bear your burdens,
To heal your grief and pain.
Oh, come to Me, My children,
And ye shall sing again.
offer or do not think their medicine is
doing them good or have developed some
new symptom that they want to talk about.
Before the thirty-one are finished, the
native nurse has been sent over to call the
doctor to see the maternity case. Everything is progressing nicely. That patient
has to learn the paciencia that it has been
taking us twenty years to learn.
Dinner does not take long. We eat as
we work—at top speed, to finish more
quickly. Fortunately relaxation is not too
hard, so a short nap follows the noon meal.
At one-thirty duties are resumed.
At last the native clinic is finished and a
start made on the European clinic. In the
midst of it the receptionist announces that
Dr. Gilchrist, from Dondi Mission, has
brought his baby daughter, who is very
ill. His wife and the mission nurse are
with him. The child is taken to the hospital and put in a semiprivate room. The
baby is gasping. She is given all the medical care that is possible, but there is no
chance of saving her life. She probably has
encephalitis. Our laboratory is not func-
tioning as yet, so there is no one to do the
laboratory work, nor is there time, if we
did have the equipment. The parents sadly
take the baby home, so that she will not die
in the hospital, for this would necessitate
a great deal of red tape in securing permission to bury the child in the mission
burying grounds. Legally it would have to
be buried in the cemetery in Lepi.
After we bid the Gilchrists farewell,
hoping for the best, although we know and
they know that there is no hope, the clinic
is resumed. Two or three of the patients
are seen; then the nurse on duty in the
hospital sends a hurry-up call for the doctor. A baby boy is brought into the world
—yelling. The mother is happy and the
doctor relieved.
Then to finish the consultations. This
afternoon the group come from Benguela,
Lobito, Bucoio, from beyond Bailundo,
and some come from local towns. There
are no outstanding cases, just chronic
malaria, anemias due to malaria, some
nervous disorders and emotional disturbances that come because the patient is
unable to adapt himself to inevitable circumstances. If these could only understand
the peace that passes understanding, the
doctor's list of patients would decrease.
There are children with fastidious appetites, whose mothers declare that they
eat absolutely nothing, but we know that
they have been munching on bread or
cookies all afternoon.
The next patient on the list is a priest
from a neighboring mission. He does not
come in his ecclesiastical robes, but the
doctor knows him nevertheless. The
patients waiting outside may not know
him. He is the superior of the mission that
Padre Lagel belongs to. His symptoms are
those of a man who is in trouble mentally
and spiritually, and not so much physically
ill. The priest is taking a long time talking
about irrelevant things and not getting
down to the point. His symptoms are very
The remaining three patients on the
list are getting restless. So the padre is
asked whether he will mind waiting until
these three are seen, and then he and the
doctor can talk calmly, without thinking
that they have to hurry because someone is
waiting for them. That takes a little
while, but by 9:15 P.M. the padre is back
again. He cannot sleep, he says. He has
conflicting mental emotions. The doctor
asks him whether he has something
troubling his mind or weighing on his
soul. Then the truth comes out. He is
worried about the padre who works under
him at the mission. He has his doubts
about the source of this pendulum that
his colleague works. He suspects it is of
fetish origin. This is the doctor's opportunity.
With the Portuguese Bible that is lying
on his desk they study together many
subjects: the justice and unchangeableness
of God's law, the Levitical and Roman
To page 18
Nels found out that friendliness wins
where cheating fails when he
lost the
I I,SON knew he could not win.
As soon as he saw Joe Dickson
streak out upon the ice pond, his
silver skates flashing easily around
the practice course, he felt sick. He had
wanted those new skates that were being
given for the skating prize. He wanted
them more than any boy on the pond did,
he was sure! But he could not win against
Joe, not and do it fairly.
His eyes narrowed and his heart began
to hammer as he watched the other lad.
Joe had not planned to enter the skating
contest. He was just doing it because Nels
had refused him an old Danish stamp,
Nels felt sure. He was going to skate now
just to get even!
Nels felt a wave of anger that made
him clench his fists tightly. He would get
even! Somehow he would think of something! Maybe something could happen
that would keep Joe from doing so well.
He did not know why he suddenly felt
cold and why his hands began to tremble.
He supposed it must be the frosty air that
rose above the flooded meadow. The winter nights had frozen the meadow into a
perfect ice pond. Nels turned and skated
within the ring of warmth of the bonfire
someone had built at the edge of the
meadow. He squatted, then pulled himself up onto the graveled bank near the
fire, stretching his legs carelessly so his
skates remained upon the ice. He leaned
back upon his hands.
It was the feel of the gravel, rough and
FEBRUARY 3, 1953-
damp beneath his palms, that got Nels
to figuring. He let his fingers rest upon
the gravel a moment before he dug into
it, scooping some of it up into his hip
pockets. He felt the sharpness of the stones
as he settled back, wondering whether he
had been noticed. He felt all quavery.
Somehow he did not have the strength
to get out upon the pond for practice. He
kept by the fire until the skaters began
to line up for the
race. When he
stood up his legs
even felt wobbly,
but he scarcely noticed, so much
was his mind
upon the gravel in
his back pockets
—the gravel and
what it could do
to Joe!
He saw Mr.
Barton come out
to give the starting signal. In his
mind he pictured
the new skates
Mr. Barton was
giving to create
interest among
Cy La Tour and Son
Nels Had His Heart
Set on That New Pair
of Skates Being Offered to the Winner
the boys, and then, he saw the man's hand
drop to start them: off.
Nels stroked out with all the speed he
could muster. He did not intend to save
energy for that last stretch around the
old dead tree that stood as a marker in
the frozen meadow. He had to get ahead
now! Everything depended on it! For if
he once got ahead of Joe, he could use
the gravel.
It would be only a handful, dropped
in Joe's path. Nobody would notice. Just
enough gravel to hamper the other boy's
skating skill! Just enough to get him off
stride a tiny bit, then he could flash on
ahead and gain the precious distance he
knew he must have if he won.
The skaters spread out over the course,
stroking smoothly, swiftly. Nels stayed
directly behind Joe, skating with all his
might. He gained a little, and then a little
more. Stroking foot over foot, he took
the first turn easily and came around even
with Joe.
He hoped Joe was saving speed for the
final stretch. He was even counting on it.
As the thought flashed across his mind he
forced his strokes to even greater speed.
Inch by inch the sight of Joe crept away,
and Nels knew he was passing him. He
was passing Joe! A little farther, and he
could use the gravel.
Now he was ahead. Nels sent a quick
glance over the pond. He was leading! He
had only to slow Joe up, and the prize
skates were his!
Nels put one hand back to his hip
pocket, carefully so he would not lose his
stride. His fingers closed around the sharp
stones. And then he saw the old dead
tree right before him. With a sick heart
he realized the turn was upon him. No
time for the gravel now.
Nels threw foot over foot, forcing his
strokes to bring him around. But his arm
was not helping. Putting it behind him to
A Lame Man Is Healed on
the Sabbath
John 5
2 Inner Guard (abbr.)
4 "took up his bed, . .. walked" :9
7 "been now a long .. . in that case" :6
10 "
, take up thy bed, and walk" :8
12 Great-grandson of Eli I Sam. 14:3
14 Lava (Hawaiian)
15 "at a certain season .. . the pool" :4
16 Jeers
17 "whosoever then first after the troubling . . .
the water" :4
18 Transient celestial body
21 Without delay
26 "In these lay a . . . multitude of impotent
folk" :3
27 Shilling (abbr.)
28 "not lawful for thee to carry thy.,," :10
30 Part of the verb "be"
31 Doctrinal formula
33 Capital of Moab Num. 21:15
34 Ill
36 Yellow Hawaiian bird
37 Hours (abbr.)
38 "no man, when ... water is troubled" :7
39 "What ... is that which said unto thee" :12
41 "told the Jews that it ... Jesus" :15
42 Belonging to me
43 "sin no more, lest a worse . .. come" :14
47 "and ... the same day was the sabbath" :9
48 "and troubled the .. . " :4
51 "waiting for the ... of the water" :3
54 Head of a family of Gad I Chron. 5:15
55 "an angel went down ... a certain season" :4
56 "He that ... me whole" :11
57 "Wilt thou be made ... " :6
Our text is 4, 21, 38, 39, 41, 56 and 57
1 Song by three persons
2 Believer in some ism
3 George (abbr.)
feel for his pocket had left him unprepared for the swift turn. He tried desperately to keep his balance. He started in
a sideways slide and tried to bring his
skates into line. The next instant he was
whirling and slipping wildly.
Nels came down hard, landing in a sitting position. He slid through the turn,
barely missing a skater, and the stones
in his hip pocket made the slide painful.
He hardly saw the skaters whipping by
him. He sat as he had fallen, the ache
in his throat hurting almost as badly as
the fall had hurt him. As he saw Joe's
flashing skates take him over the finish
line, he choked back his disappointment.
If only he had not reached for the
gravel! He had been in the lead. Maybe
he could have stayed in front if he had
tried his utmost! Maybe he could have
won if he had been fair and square!
Nels bit his lip. Well, the gravel bruise
would remind him for some time how
foolish he had been! And he guessed it
served him right. Now that it was over,
he was somehow glad that he had not
been able to use the gravel. He had always
hated a cheater—and he had almost let
himself be just that.
4 Same as 14 across
5 New England State (abbr.)
6 "made whole of whatsoever . .. he had" :4
7 "And a certain man was . . . " :5
8 Spoil
9 Opposite to West
11 "which had an . . . " :5
. steppeth down before me" :7
13 "
18 Came together
19 Man's Name
20 Seventh tone of the scale
22 "to put . . . into the pool" :7
23 "at Jerusalem by the sheep . . . a pool" :2
24 Pound (abbr.)
25 "thirty and eight . . . " :5
26 Fuel
29 Doctors (abbr.)
" :7
31 "but while I am .
32 Color of a horse
35 Chapter (abbr )
37 "of blind
withered" :3
40 National Guard (abbr.)
42 Silence
44 Stone of a fine grit used for sharpening instruments
45 "Behold, thou . . . made whole" :14
46 The yellow bugle
48 "he that was healed wist not . . . it was" :13
49 Be affected with pain
50 Each (abbr.)
52 Old Measurement (abbr.)
53 Intelligence Department (abbr.)
54 Exclamation
Key on page 22
Nels hobbled off the ice. He sat on the
bank and took off his skates. Somehow
he could not bring himself to mingle with
the laughing, happy group about the fire.
Nor could he get up the courage to congratulate Joe as a real sport should. He
felt too terrible inside, too disgusted with
But the boys found him.
"You took some fall!" one said, laughing a bit. "I came near clipping you with
my skates as you slid along."
"I thought for a minute you were going
to climb that old dead tree," another
And then Joe was there. He had the
prize skates slung carelessly over his arm.
He looked at Nels and grinned a little,
saying in an apologetic tone, "I had to
win, Nels. I knew how badly you wanted
these skates."
Nels looked puzzled. The other boys
gave Joe funny looks too. Then Joe said,
"I want a Danish stamp pretty much too."
"What!" one of the boys piped. "You
mean you'd trade those skates for an old
"If Nels thinks it is a fair deal. Do you,
Maybe it was a joyful lump in his
throat that kept him from speaking, or
perhaps it was because he knew he had
refused Joe the stamp out of pure unfriendliness, and not because the stamp
meant something to him. Or perhaps it
was because everything was wonderful,
and Nels was too busy telling himself that
he was going to keep it that way. Whatever it might have been, Nels had a happy
glow in his eyes as he nodded eagerly.
Only One Day at a Time
From page 16
Catholic priesthoods, the justice of God's
government, the second coming of Jesus
and the end of the reign of sin, the state
of the dead, the resurrection and the judgment, and how the state of mind can influence the health of the body. The doctor
recommends Bible study to the priest.
Then they get down to the physical examination, which takes little more than
ten minutes. After spending two full hours
with the priest, the doctor recommends
an X-ray study to find out whether there
is really some trouble. Good night is said
to the padre, the twentieth European
patient for that afternoon.
The Aladdin lamp is turned out, the
office locked, and the doctor walks home
in the dark, looking up to the sky to see
whether a few stars might be visible
through the clouds.
The soup is the consistency of stew; the
fire has gone out. It really is too late to
eat—nine-forty-five. So we study our Sabbath school lesson and go to bed, knowing
that tomorrow will be much like today,
not much worse, not much better.
The days come and go, much as the one
recorded here. Each tomorrow dawns with
a day full to the brim of something to do
for the Lord, and how happy we are to be
able to do it.
How Much Do You Care?
From page 13
of our European and American youth;
hence it is not easy work, but the class
finished enthusiastically. There has come
a new day in MV classwork in the Zambesi Union Mission.
At Inyazura Mission we had two Master Guides and more than eighty in other
classes invested. Pastor Timothy Gorle
and his wife, recent graduates from our
Helderberg College, are giving excellent
leadership in the MV work as well as in
the many other duties at this place. The
Sabbath afternoon Share Your Faith program has brought a large number into
the hearers' class, preparing them for baptism.
At Lower Gwelo Mission, where our
work has been handicapped because of not
having sufficient European leadership,
Miss Helen Furber, the nurse in charge
of the hospital, who is more than busy,
undertook to give these youth help in
training them. We had a fine group to
invest, among them a few Master Guides.
And all because Miss Furber cared.
We are very pleased to see that under
the leadership of Pastor A. W. Austen.
the Zambesi Union Missionary Volunteer
secretary, there have been 596 invested
in 1952. Of these there were 35 Master
Guides. There were 720 MV Honors
earned in 32 different subjects. All this
represents the earnestness of African youth
who are willing to give leadership, to help
their own boys and girls, to save them
from the evil of the last days—because
they care.
In Nyasaland our MV classwork is
strong, and many have been invested this
year. I was especially interested in the way
some of these children and older youth
have shared their faith. Pastor Lucas interviewed a number of them in public. He
asked these who were invested and who
were bearing the torch of truth how they
shared their faith. Here were some of the
1. A little girl of about eight years of
age shared her faith by singing.
2. A larger girl helped an old woman
to wash at the river.
3. A boy shared his soap and took the
boys to Sabbath school.
4. A girl helped pound grain, especially
helping older women.
5. A boy helped to hold children on
his lap as he went to and from school on
a bus, because the mothers always had
big loads to carry..
6. A boy helped to carry loads in travel.
7. A boy preached in the v,illage.
8. A girl helped the sick and the aged.
9. A boy (twelve years old) helped
carry water and firewood.
10. A girl helped to teach English to
other girls who were working for Europeans.
You May Not Believe It
but at a recent banquet held
during the National Convention of Kiwanis at the Statler
Hotel in Washington, D.C.,
orange juice was served instead of liquor. This indicates
that businessmen are becoming concerned over the scenes
so frequently accompanying
the use of liquor at dinner
parties. Would that every
organization would follow
the example of the Kiwanis
Club, and put a ban on the
serving of alcoholic beverages
at local, State, national, and
international gatherings.
11. A boy shared by giving and selling
12. A girl in a small town near Blantyre
always took the opportunity to talk to
maids who cared for European children.
Thus I learned from these youth that
to Share Your Faith every day was easy,
simple. And God had given them souls
for their labor. One young man was interviewed, and he impressed us all by what
he said. When Pastor Lucas asked him
how he shared his faith his reply was that
he began to share it in 1949, when we
had a congress at Malamulo and Pastor
Dunbar was there. At that time he and
others were given a yellow button on
which was written: "Youth's Congress—
Share Your Faith." So he has been wearing it, and as people ask him what it
means he tells them. He has one boy who
has been baptized and others who are
preparing for baptism. The boy is still
sharing his faith. These youth care, and
they are doing their best, but if we only
had more youth to respond to the calls
here and open more centers, we would be
able to do so much more.
New work has opened among the Yao
people in northeast Nyasaland in recent
years. This tribe is all Mohammedan. It
has been hard, because no Mohammedan
wanted Christian schools. They were satisfied with their mosques, where boys were
taught the 'Koran and how to pray. Our
missionaries have prayed, and with the
African workers and youth they have approached many a chief to get permission
to open a school. Finally one chief responded and let us open a school, for he
knew of Malamulo and had met many
of our Seventh-day Adventist youth. He •
wanted his youth to be like the Seventhday Adventist youth. He was not satisfied with the present state of affairs.
In his villages the boys and girls knew
something about the Koran, but their characters were like those of the heathen, and
there was only vice and crime. When Pastor S. G. Maxwell, union president of the
Southeast African Union, told him that
he must remember that we would teach
Bible and it would result in converts, he
informed Pastor Maxwell that he would
be satisfied as long as the youth were like
the Seventh-day Adventist youth he had
seen. This was a clear answer to prayer.
Recently I visited this place, and I had
this chief sit in my meeting at Sabbath
school. One of his sons has been baptized
and has married a fine Christian girl.
He is a great help to our work there.
This chief made a speech on Sabbath
without being asked. He appealed to the
people to send their, children to our school
and support our mission, for we were going to save their youth.
What a challenge! What a recommendation! Other Mohammedan chiefs have in
the past resisted and scorned him, but
things are changing, and soon we shall
Lone Leo, the Cougar, No. 4 — By Harry Baerg
I. Leo's mother was caught in a trap
set by a government cougar trapper.
He was paid to catch these mountain
lions, since they were killing too
many deer and valuable range cattle.
Z. Most other wild animals would have
fought the trap and tried to pull
free, but the cougar hardly struggled.
She just lay down to await her fate.
Leo also stayed and waited for her.
3. In the morning he saw the trapper
coining, and the young cougar sneaked
out of sight. His mother had taught
him greatly to fear man and his deadly
gun. He did not want to be killed.
4. Later he came back to the place
where his mother had been caught and
sniffed the man smell and the blood—
he would never forget it. His strong
mother was no longer there with him.
What Is Older Than the Bible?
But the tithing system did not originate with the Hebrews. From the earliest
times the Lord claimed a tithe as His; and this claim was recognized and honored.
Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, the priest of the most high God. Jacob, when
at Bethel, an exile and a wanderer, promised the Lord, "Of all that Thou shalt give
me I will surely give the tenth unto Thee." As the Israelites were about to be
established as a nation, the law of tithing was re-affirmed, as one of the divinely
ordained statutes upon obedience to which their prosperity depended.—"Patriarchs
and Prophets," p. 525.
have many appeals to come and help them.
Already another smaller school has been
opened about six miles away. Our youth
from the first school are sharing their
faith, and they are bringing youth and
adults into the baptismal class. They need
your prayers, your support, and your willingness to come and help them because
you care.
Our camps are proving of real value to
our youth. They not only help to save our
children and young people from sin in
our towns and cities but give them an
opportunity to bring their friends along.
These are helped to find the true path
of joy in life. In a recent camp two young
women and one young man found their
Saviour, and have been baptized. The two
girls left their employment, and both went
to school. One of them worked part of
her way through in our Helderberg College office.
The camps have made a good impression upon those public men who are interested in saving youth from delinquency.
Recently one of our conference MV secretaries, J. M. Coetzee, went to an area
where a new church had been raised up, to
promote MV camps. Our people were interested, but they were unable to meet
the obligations financially. If they- could
get a larger 'group, the railway would
grant them concessions that would help
considerably. Our MV secretary was referred to one of the social welfare officers
of that town who had an interest in youth.
When he learned of our youth camps he
immediately informed Pastor Coetzee that
he had funds on hand and was willing
to help at least twenty youth to go to
camp. This means our young people will
be able to come along with these others
who will be chosen. It gives our campers
a real mission field to help them find their
During our recent youth congress held
at Helderberg College we learned a new
chorus that Pastor H. R. Turner, our union singing evangelist, taught us. It is:
"Everybody ought to know who Jesus is.
Who is He? He is the Lily of the valley,
the Bright and Morning Star, the Fairest
of ten thousand. Everybody ought to
know." This simple little chorus has
gripped our Europeans' hearts, and they
have gone home making sure that Jesus
is made known as they share their faith
because they care.
As Pastor Lucas and I have conducted
the youth rallies in other centers in the
union among the Bantus, in Southern
Rhodesia and Nyasaland, we have taught
our African youth to sing this chorus, and
they also have responded one hundred per
cent to make Jesus known among other
African youth because they too care.
Let us all determine that 1953 will be
a banner year in letting everybody know
who Jesus is as we share our faith, because
we all care what Jesus has done for us.
Their First Camp Meeting
From page 5
bath school secretary for the union, I had
the pleasure of officiating. The service was
brightened by several choir numbers and
one song by the children, "God Made the
Beautiful Rainbow," accompanied by the
waving of flags in rainbow colors. The
offering amounted to £16 17s. 8d. The
children's division was held separately and
was in charge of L. R. Tonkin and R. M.
Ellison, with local assistants.
Pastor H. White, president of the union,
preached a convicting sermon for the
church service, based on Genesis 19—coming out of Sodom. This was illustrated by
having two teachers go down into the
congregation and lead their families to
the front of the church. Then a call was
made for others who wanted to come out
of the Sodom of sin and darkness—first
came missionaries and national ministers
and teachers, followed by schoolboys and
laymen, until the whole congregation was
standing in consecration.
After lunch three national workers were
ordained to the gospel ministry.
Later, national ministers and teachers
presented a symposium, and an appeal for
funds to spread the gospel still further
brought an offering of £83 15s. 8d. A
special feature was one generally seen at
the home base camp meetings—children
marching down the aisles with their offerings. They placed their coins in a
canoe. Total offerings for the day were
£100 13s. 4d.
Pastor Salau reported on the growing
work in the Sepik area, which he has
been asked to supervise. He told how a
message sent to him by Pastor Gander
to ask certain teachers and luluais to attend the camp was late in reaching him.
He had only four days in which to notify
these people. Most of that time he spent in
an open canoe, in the blazing heat, going
from place to place. To convey the message
to one teacher, he found it impossible to
go by canoe, so he requested permission
to travel by a government launch going
that way. His request being granted,
Pastor Salau further requested that he be
allowed to make a brief call at the place
where this particular teacher was stationed.
However, the officer in charge of the
launch replied that there was no time to
stop there. This was very disappointing to
our minister, but where he was helpless
God took a hand. Just as the boat reached
the place where Pastor Salau wished to
land, it stopped and refused to go. Pastor
Salau took the risk of going ashore and
running into the jungle to deliver his
message. In about twenty minutes he was
back, and just as he swung himself over
the ship's railing the engine coughed and
There was a light in his eyes as he related this providential intervention and
realized God's care for the details of His
work. So Pastor Salau was able to execute
his commission and assemble the delegates
for the camp.
The Manus district commissioner, being
unable to attend the camp himself, sent
a deputy, who addressed the gathering and
expressed appreciation for our mission
On the island of Lou, Mr. Tonkin has a
fine school of 111 students in five grades.
This school serves the Northwest New
Guinea territory.
Dr. Harrison made a valuable contribution to this gathering, and his practical
assistance to missionaries and others was
greatly appreciated.
The camp meeting was a great success
and an inspiration to all. The time was
filled with meetings, music, pictures, and
happy associations, and the gathering
closed triumphantly. I believe its influence will be a wonderful strength not
only to those who were present but also
to all who will hear the story.
Next: Switzerland
From page 12
the top strikes the bell with a huge gold
hammer to indicate the hour. It was
twelve hours later, at ten o'clock Sunday
morning, that we actually saw it at last.
From the clock tower on Sunday morning we walked leisurely down the arcaded
street, looking at the shopwindows. Crossing the river, we found ourselves again by
the bear pits for which Bern is so well
known, the name Bern meaning bear.
Connected with the early history of the
city is a legend about the bears' saving
and rearing a child, similar to the story
linked with Rome and the wolves. The
city is supposed to have been built where
its founder, Berchtold V, the duke of
Zaringen, killed a bear.
There is always a crowd of people standing around the bear pits, throwing peanuts
down to the begging, impish brown creatures. While Del was trying to take their
picture, they were very stupid and inactive, but the moment she put her camera
down they started their crazy antics. One
was up a central tree with many limbs,
trying to get down, and two others were
inclined to fight. They were constantly
Conducted by
A Stamp Collector Writes In
111 AM a shut-in, having had arthritis for
I about thirty years, and I have not been
able to walk for about ten years. I have
found that keeping busy all the time helps
one to forget his aches and pains. I do a
lot of knitting, crocheting, and weaving,
but I especially enjoy working with my
stamps. I find it such a fascinating and
instructive hobby.
Stamp collecting is a hobby for young
and old; the children can learn much about
different countries where we have our
mission stations and thus gain a knowledge of geography. And adults should
never say they are too old to collect. I
was nearly sixty when I began collecting
stamps. I knew very little about them, but
I now have over nine thousand varieties
in my books.
I have given away thousands of duplicates, and I exchange many through the
do not answer my letters, but there are
always some who do, and they make up
for the others.
Stamp collecting is one of the finest
hobbies for shut-ins. Men should find it
even better because they do not usually
care to knit and crochet like the women.
From the wide variety of stamps, one
should choose a specialty of some kind,
stamps picturing airplanes, monuments,
trees, flowers, or boats. I like animals,
birds, and fish, so I have begun a "postal
zoo," and have nearly a hundred in it
just from my duplicates. I find that the
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
falling clumsily over the edge into the
pool of water. Then one would climb out
and make a run for the center tree, but
before he could climb out of reach, the
other would be on his heels, and he would
have to turn and cuff him and climb down
Walking back along the arcaded streets,
we counted the familiar American labels
we saw: Libby's Hawaiian Pineapple,
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Del Monte canned
fruits, et cetera! We succumbed to the
lure of the delicacies in a pastry-shop
window and collected a sample of nearly
everything displayed.
In Bern I was fortunate to secure an
emergency loan, since the money I had
sent for had not reached me either in
London or in Paris. In Bern also we bought
Italian lire and French francs, and later
wished we had secured much more at
those favorable rates. Switzerland is the
best place to buy money for several of the
countries of Western Europe.
Our advice to travelers would be to
carry plenty of dollar bills. A dollar is
often much better than a cheque or any
other form of money, for if you are about
to leave a country and yet need .a little
more to pay a restaurant bill or a taxi fare,
you do not want to cash a ten-dollar traveler's cheque and have all the change in
currency that is going to be useless to you
as soon as you are across the border, or
children who visit me always like to see
my zoo:
I did not want to spend much money for
my hobby, so bought loose-leaf notebooks
and blank filler paper. Now I have six
albums in all and can put in new sheets
as often as I need, to accommodate the
new stamps that keep coming from all
over the world. I have them arranged in
alphabetical order and write at the top
of each page the name of the country from
which the stamps come. In this way the
albums have a pleasing appearance and
still do not cost very much. It is my hope
that other shut-ins will take up stamp collecting as a hobby and enjoy it as much
as I do.
NOTE: Mrs. J. C. Dean is one of the
most interesting people we have met. She
has given many stamps to the Stamp
Corner for distribution to beginners. There
is never a time when she does not seem
extremely happy and also very eager to
show us her latest acquisitions. With the
limited ability to indulge in a hobby of
this nature she has made an overwhelming
success of it.
She has personally started many junior
youth on the way to a profitable method of
utilizing spare moments. She seems always
to have the latest stamps of beauty already
mounted prominently in her neatly arranged books. She has done in a period of
time what any other collector can do but
what few ever do. For someone who
could worry, we believe she does less than
many who should not worry but do anyway.
Mrs. Dean deserves to be called "blue
ribbon collector" of 1952. We hope that
she will continue to enjoy stamp collecting
as she has in the past.
Turk Fliozolu F ARAB1870-950
Stamp Corner Readers
Until further notice, all free offers formerly made to stamp collectors are being
withdrawn. It will be announced in the
Stamp Corner when beginners' free packets are again available.
Names to be listed in the Stamp Exchange are still being accepted. The exchange is published in the interest of serious collectors who wish to trade stamps.
Address your request to THE YOUTH'S
INSTRUCTOR, Stamp Corner, Review and
Herald Publishing Association, Takoma
Park, Washington 12, D.C. Print your
name and address plainly, and state
whether you are a junior or senior collector. The only requirements for a listing
are: You must have (1) at least five hundred different stamps and (2) a sufficient
quantity of duplicates for trade. When you
wish your name to be listed again, send
another post card giving any changes you
wish made.
Stamp Exchange
This is Mrs. Dean's favorite stamp. The stamp
originated in Turkey and is produced in many
pastel colors, so we call it a multicolor stamp.
Although we have enlarged it here a little,
it is one of the largest stamps ever printed.
Richard Hawley, 218 Port Watson St., Cortland, New York (senior, 1,200 stamps),
wishes to trade worldwide for worldwide.
Nelson Evens, 121 North Main St., Cortland, New York (senior, 500 stamps), wants
to trade worldwide for worldwide.
on which there will be a loss as you try to ful conversation, he encouraged one of the
helpers who was mowing the lawn. Bechange it in the next country.
Soon it was time to catch our train to fore the end of the day, however, he had
Zurich. In the crowded third-class car breathed his last, and with a peaceful smile
Del and I were unable to find seats to- on his face, he was found sitting in his
gether. I sat with a German-Swiss family chair.
Immediately a cloud of gloom settled
whose two little children wore lovely white
knitted sweaters. The stitch intrigued me. over the whole neighborhood as the news
After much explanation in German on spread that Africa's Spirit-sent missionary
the part of the two women, I was made to to the heathen of the civilized world had
understand just how to knit the stitch, and been cut off from the land of the living
wrote down the pattern. Then I gave them at the age of twenty-one. To make this
apparent victory of the Grim Reaper even
a favorite knit stitch of mine.
Before we knew it, the train was pulling grimmer, Taylor University was at the
into Zurich. There we were soon settled very time preparing for some grand cerein the Hotel Trumpy and free to walk monies to take place at the laying of the
around the city, nestled at the end of a cornerstone at its new site in Upland. And
beautiful lake, facing the distant snowy Samuel Morris had been scheduled to take
peaks of the Alps. First we had supper in a major part in those festivities. But now
an Alkoholfreies restaurant, where no he who had once turned a funeral into a
wine or liquor is sold. Then we walked revival was turning a long-anticipated day
to the lake front and back along the river, of delight into a month of mourning.
past the statue of the Reformer Zwingli.
It is said that there is a note of sadness
Our train ride the next afternoon down in everything of true beauty. This was true
to Interlaken via Lucerne (or Luzern, the in the life of Samuel Morris, whose deep
German name—every sign is in at least and pathos-filled undercurrent found a
two languages in Switzerland) was a soul-stirring echo in his favorite hymn:
constantly breath-taking panorama of
"Fade, fade each earthly joy,
mountains towering straight up from the
Jesus is mine!
edge of sapphire- or turquoise-blue lakes,
Break every tender tie,
with many waterfalls and glaciers. In beJesus is mine!
Dark is the wilderness,
tween were rolling farmlands, well kept
Earth has no resting •place,
and prosperous looking.
Jesus alone can bless,
We arrived in the early evening, gorged
Jesus is mine!"
with beauty, at Interlaken and found a
lovely room in the first-class resort hotel
At one time he was asked to pose for a
Au Beau Rivage. We had not intended picture. With characteristic humility he
to travel in such high style, and it did protested, "My picture is too ugly. 0 that
seem a bit incongruous to step off a third- I could send them a picture of Jesus."
class railway car and go into a first-class Could he have known that the character of
hotel, but everything else was full! Re- Jesus Himself was daily radiating from
membering how groundless our fears had his life, he might have said, "I am black,
been as to the price of the luxurious room but comely, 0 ye daughters of Jerusalem,
in Bern, we thought this would not be too as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of
bad. It would not have been either but for Solomon." Shortly before his death he
the many hidden taxes as well as service could say with calm assurance, "I was
charge (to cover generous tips) which saved for a purpose. Now I have fulfilled
appeared on the final bill.
that purpose. My work here on earth has
But who were we to worry about such been finished." Some may wonder whether
things at that moment? There we were at he was justified in saying that, and still
Interlaken, and the next day we were others may speculate why God permitted
going to see the eternally snow-capped this chosen vessel to pass away at such an
Jungfrau—literally the high point of our early age, but a consideration of all the
whole trip!
' facts indicates that, had this African attained a normal life span, much less might
have been accomplished for the glory of
Samuel Morris, Africa's MisNow, it had been Samuel's life dream to
sionary to America
return with the gospel to his native continent. Had he been permitted to do so, only
From page 8
a few students of Taylor would have acmuch in Africa or in America during his companied him, but his sudden death imillness, but rather with the angels of all mediately led many others to volunteer to
ages. This humble boy was having visions take his place. Had eiglinne to Africa and
of the glorious realms of light, so why died there, his imeiorwould have been
should he fight to lengthen his pilgrimage all liut forgotten3ut his grave in Indiana
in the dark valley? For his pain-racked is a constant reminder to America, the
body death would be sweet and welcome great home base of foreign missions, as to
what God can do with a man wholly conrelease.
On the forenoon of May 12, 1893, secrated to His service.
Another blessing in disguise resulting
Samuel stood looking out of his hospital
window. With his characteristically cheer- from his premature death was the fact that
many scoffers were silenced. Not a few
of them had begun to think that he was
exercising some kind of African "animal
magnetism" because of the compelling influence of his life. When, however, his
death had failed to arrest the waves of
revival he had been instrumental in bringing about, the critics had to admit the
presence of a higher Power, a divine
Power, as being responsible for the remarkable phenomena they had witnessed.
Samuel Morris may have come from the
wild bush country, a member of one of
the most backward tribes of the world, but
the fragrance of the Rose of Sharon and
the beauty of the Lily of the valley could
be seen in his life, and who would dare
deny what thousands of his contemporaries
most fervently believed, that he had
brought a veritable foretaste of heaven itself to the Hoosier State!
Wit .544/7.ftewera
OMUDE4WH (.3_,:i
VII—The Testimony of Jesus—
The Spirit of Prophecy
(February 14)
MEMORY VERSE: Revelation 59 :10.
LESSON HELP : W. E. READ, The Bible, the
Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, chap. 7.
Daily Study Assignment
r. Ques. 1-3, and note; memorize Rev. 19 :tor
2. Ques. 4, 5, and notes.
3. Ques. 6, 7, and notes ; read 'first half of
chap. 7 in lesson help.
4. Ques. 8, 9, and notes.
s. Ques. to, and note.
6. Read second half of chap. 7 in lesson help.
7. Review entire lesson.
The Testimony of Jesus
1. What one characteristic of the remnant
church is given by John the revelator? What
other characteristics are mentioned? Rev. 12:17;
NOTE.-The gift called "the testimony of
Jesus" is also defined by John to be "the spirit
of prophecy." (Rev. 19 :r o.)
"The remnant church, the people of the advent movement, were to keep the commandments, as did the New Testament church, and
they were to have the gift of the Spirit of
prophecy, one of those gifts bestowed upon the
New Testament church. For the angel specifically defines this term, 'the testimony of
Jesus."-W. A. SPICER, The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement, pp. 19, 20.
2. What counsel is given by Job and Paul
which is pertinent to Christian youth of today?
Job 23:5; Eph. 5:17.
3. What other expressions similar to "the testimony of Jesus" may be found in the Scriptures?
1 Cor. 1:6; 2 Tim. 1:8; Rev. 20:4; 1:2.
4. How is the word "testimony" sometimes used
in the Bible? Read the scriptures referred to.
Answer: God "testified" against His people.
2' Kings 17 :13 • Neh. :26.
God "testified" through
His prophets. 2 Chron. 24 :19.
God testified by His "testimonies"
to the church. Neh. 9 :34.
5. By what manner was the testimony of Jesus
given to the church? Rev. 1:1, 2.
NOTE.-"The Lord, and also angels, came to
prophets in person, and held oral conversation
with them when they were in their normal state.
But the general method, the one used more than
any other during the many centuries of human
history, has been through visions and dreams."
-The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 35.
"The voice of God was heard by the prophets
whom He had appointed to a special work and
to bear a special message. He sent them to
repeat the same words over and over again."
-Testimonies to Ministers, p. 405.
The Spirit of Prophecy
6. By what words is the prophetic gift
pressed? Eph. 4:8, 11.
Answer: By "the gift of prophecy" (i Cor.
13 :2) ; "sure word of prophecy" (2 Peter
r :19) ; and "the spirit of prophecy" (Rev.
"God's purpose in providing and bestowing the
prophetic gift is clearly to re-establish and
maintain communication with man, who has been
estranged and separated from Him through sin.
This gift operates through prophets, by means of
visions, dreams, inspiration, and revelation. The
product, prophecy, is a divine message from
God to the human family."-The Abiding Gift
of Prophecy, p. 22.
7. What definite statement of the prophet John
shows conclusively what is meant by the expression "testimony of Jesus"? Rev. 19:10.
8. To what are we to give heed to guard us
against deception? Isa. 8:20.
NcizE.-"Teachers of falsehood will arise to
draw you away from the narrow path and the
strait gate. . . . We are not bidden to prove
them by their fair speeches and exalted professions. They are to be judged by the Word
of God. . . . If men do not feel the weight of
the moral law; if they make light of God's
precepts; if they break one of the least of His
commandments. and teach men so, they shall be
of no esteem in the sight of heaven."-Mount
of Blessing. p. 208.
9. How did God lead and preserve Israel in the
Exodus movement? Hosea 12:13.
NOTE.-Moses was God's mouthpiece to Israel
during the time of the Exodus and during the
wilderness wandering.
"When God led His church forth anciently
in that special movement from Egypt to Canaan,
He placed the gift of the Spirit of prophecy
in the movement. It was one agency through
which the movement was organized, and instructed, and guided in the way."-The Spirit
of Prophecy in the Advent Movement, p. 2o.
10. What was foreseen regarding the attitude
of the remnant church toward the Spirit of
prophecy? Rev. 12:17.
NOTE.-"God has spoken to us through His
word. He has spoken to us through the testiFEBRUARY 3, 1953
monies to the church and through the books
that have helped to make plain our present duty
and the position that we should now occupy. The
warnings that have been given, line upon line,
precept upon precept, should be heeded. If we
disregard them, what excuse can we offer ?"
-Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 298.
The loyalty of the remnant to the revelation
of God in the Bible and their acceptance of
His present-day messages through the Spirit of
prophecy are primary reasons for the purity of
their doctrine, for the success of their divine
commission to preach the message to all the
world, for their perfection of character so that
they may stand without a mediator after the
close of probation, and for their ultimate glorious triumph at the coming of Christ.
P ageoft-
WI-Prophets Through the Centuries
Lord. These were: Jonah, Amos, and Hosea.
There were also contemporary prophets in
Judah, such as Isaiah and Micah, who sent
messages to the northern kingdom. Thus to the
day of their utter ruin the Lord left not His
people without inspired messengers."-A. G.
DANIELLS, The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p.
Prophets Whose Witness Saved Other Peoples
7. Which prophet, after at first trying to flee
from the command God gave him, went to a
great Eastern city and preached so convincingly
of the judgment that was to come that the inhabitants repented and their city was spared?
Jonah 3:1, 2, 10.
8. Name the prophet whose witness in word
and in godlx living caused three kings of the
nation in which he was a captive to give glory
to God. Dan. 2:46, 47; 6:25.27.
NOTE.-" 'Daniel prospered in the reign of
Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian.'
And through association with him, these heathen
monarchs were constrained to acknowledge his
God as 'the living God, and steadfast forever,
and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.'"-Prophets and Kings, P. 545.
(February 14)
LESSON TEXTS : Ephesians 4 :8, II-13 ; 5 :17 ;
Peter 1 :1 9-2I.
MEMORY VERSE: "We have also a more sure
word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that
ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a
dark place." 2 Peter 1:19.
Prophets in the Early Church
9. John the Baptist was a prophet, preparing
the way for Christ and His teaching. Christ was
the greatest prophet of all times. After His resurrection His Spirit used His disciples to spread the
gospel by the written and the spoken word.
Name some New Testament writers whose books
tell of events that were yet to come.
Guiding Thought
(Rev. 1:7; 18:1).
Even before there was a written word there
were prophets-men and women who spoke for
God. Enoch and Abraham among the patriarchs ;
Moses, Aaron, and Miriam in the Exodus ;
Deborah among the judges; Samuel, Elijah,
Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and countless others
who gave heavenly guidances and grave warning
to the kings; John who foretold the work and
life of Jesus ; Jesus Christ Himself ; the epistle
writers ; and John the revelator-in every time
of crisis there has been one to point to God, to
convey His messages, to preach and write the
10. Who wrote a book describing pictures he
had seen, depicting the whole history of the
Christian church? Rev. 1:1, 2.
NOTE.-"As we near the close of this world's
history, the prophecies recorded by Daniel demand our special attention, as they relate to the
very time in which we are living. With them
should be linked the teachings of the last book
of the New Testament Scriptures. Satan has led
many to believe that the prophetic portions of
the writings of Daniel and of John the revelator
cannot be understood. But the promise is plain
that special blessing will accompany the study
of these prophecies."-Ibid., p. 547.
Read the lesson texts and the guiding thought.
Prophets Among the Patriarchs
1. Although Abraham is the first man in the
Bible to be actually called a prophet, we read in
a New Testament epistle of a patriarch who lived
before Abraham who prophesied of the Second
Advent of Christ. Who was he? Jude 14. 15.
2. Who was the prophet who warned everyone
of the first destruction of the earth? Heb. 11:7.
3. About four thousand years ago one of the
most remarkable events in history took place
when a whole nation migrated from one country
to another. How was this mass movement made
possible? Hosea 12:13.
NoTE.-For every circumstance and at every
crisis God had a prophet-one through whom
He could warn, one by whom He could instruct
and encourage. "Surely," Amos says, "the Lord
God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret
unto his servants the prophets." Amos 3 :7.
Prophecy Today
11. We are told that when Jesus left this earth
and went back to heaven He gave gifts unto
men. Eph. 4:8. What are some of the gifts that
He gave to His church? Verses 11, 12.
12. How long were these gifts to remain in the
church? Verse 13.
NoTE.-All these gifts were given for the
perfecting of the children of God, and they
were to remain in the church until we all come
in the unity of the faith. The many different
religious beliefs in the world today are proof
that that unity has not yet been reached. Therefore, we can be sure that the gift of prophecy,
as well as all the other gifts, is still in the
13. We are told in 2 Chronicles 20:20, "Believe
in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established;
believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper." What
attitude should we have toward the great prophecies of the Bible? Eph. 5:17.
Prophets in the Days of the Kings
4. When the people asked for a king it was
through a prophet that God granted Israel permission to set up a throne in Israel. It was a
prophet who under God's guidance sought out
first Saul and then David to lead Israel. Who was
this prophet? 1 Sam. 10:24, 25.
5. Name the prophet whose bold challenge on
Mount Carmel saved Israel from going completely
over to Baal worship. 1 Kings 18:21, 30.
6. Name some of the prophets who were sent
with messages of warning before the Israelites
were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar.
Answer.-"It was only one hundred twentyfive years from the death of Elisha to the overthrow of the kingdom of Israel. During .that
time, eight kings occupied, the throne, Put
while the kingdom was clisintegratirpg in the'
hands of these kings, there were three prophets
in Israel giving messages of guidance from the
Thess. 4:16-18) and John
Proceeding from one letter to an adjacent
one, above, below, to the right, or to the left,
spell out the names of at least twelve of the
prophets mentioned in our lesson this week.
C I * R E T*
M I E L E H I 0
I.. THE people of Great Britain asked for
three times as many loans this year as last
VITAMIN B-12 has been found to help
children whose growth rate has fallen below
▪ THE Southwest Africa Persian lamb industry recently delivered 750,000 skins to be
auctioned in Johannesburg.
As a safety measure Australian airplanes
designed to carry more than six persons must
be equipped with backward-facing seats.
A CHRISTMAS in Australia often includes
a visit to the bathing beach. In-that part of
the world summer begins on December 21.
/1.. THE 32,000-ton World Enterprise, now
being built in England for World Tankers
Corporation, will be the heaviest tanker afloat.
▪ THE Bahama Islands of the West Indies
were once considered the principal center of
pineapple culture, but the Hawaiian Islands
now hold that position.
= STRETCHING from the Alaska mainland
out along the Alaska Peninsula and the
Aleutian Islands is one of the world's largest
volcano chains. It is 1,600 miles long.
• To this day white men exploring the interior of New Guinea find villages whose inhabitants have never seen a European,
according to the National Geographic Society.
WHITE corn has some interesting nonedible uses. It is used as snow in the production of moving pictures and also to create
winter scenes for furriers' store windows.
▪ THE Bactrians, an ancient Asiatic people,
used the same composition in making their
coins as is found in the American five-cent
piece. These contain 75 per cent copper and
25 per cent nickel,
▪ THE city of Jerusalem has suffered from
more than 20 sieges. From the days of the
ancient Assyrians to the first world war, conquering armies have battled for the city, and
its people have been driven into exile.
▪ BECATJSE there are practically no islands in
the North Pacific Ocean on which weather
stations can be established, seven ships
operated by the United States, Canada, and
Japan cruise endlessly in tiny circles to report
weather conditions every three hours.
▪ IN nine months nearly 85,000 persons
visited the Little White House at Warm
Springs, Georgia. The little pine cottage
where President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
died in 1945 has been opened to the public
since 1948. Visitors have registered from 68
overseas countries.
Sheet Harbor, Nova Scotia, the province's
oldest licensed automobile driver, is jealously
protecting a record of 35 years of safe driving.
The only accident he can recall occurred 36
years ago when he knocked the hubcap off
another car while passing it on a narrow road.
ANOTHER industrial use has been found
for radar. It is a portable "fault locator" used
to find damage to high-voltage power-transmission lines whether underground or overhead. The device, according to the Washington Star, sends out a radar impulse along a
damaged line. It travels to the point of
damage and returns. The time of the impulse's round trip indicates the approximate
location of the damage.
▪ THE Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution of the United States, America's
two most precious documents, have a new
home. Since 1921 they have been displayed at
the Library of Congress. Not long ago they
were moved a few blocks out Pennsylvania
Avenue to the National Archives. There they
are displayed on an altarlike shrine. Beneath
them is a vault with roof, floor, and walls of
reinforced concrete and steel 15 inches thick.
An electrically operated mechanism can lower
the displayed documents into the vault in
only one minute in case of bombing or other
▪ MORE than half the population of the
Netherlands lives below sea level, protected
by some 1,800 miles of dikes and 2,000 pumping units, says the National Geographic
Society. Through the centuries this European
country has reclaimed from sea, lake, and
marsh about 30 per cent of its total land area.
• A SHRINE honoring an unknown sailor is
being erected at Pearl Harbor, Honolulu,
Hawaii. The memorial building will cost
11.. THIRTY-SEVEN million Bibles have been
distributed during the last 140 years by the
Bible Society of Wiirttenberg, Germany.
▪ THE United States Government has spent
more than $12 billion for atomic research.
One in Trusting
Seventh-day Adventist young people have
a very real appreciation of the value to be
found in trusting in the Lord. Proverbs 3:5-7
says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he
shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine
own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from
We well recognize that wisdom is not to
be found in man, that it is not in us to direct
our own ways, that our understanding is but
foolishness with God. If we will rely heavily
upon Him, we will ask for His counsel and
guidance in all our goings and comings. We
will not be wise in our own eyes. We will
fear the Lord. We will depart from evil.
Seventh-day Adventist young people are
known far and wide as the young people of
the Book. We are known as those who trust
in the Lord. So let it ever be. As part of the
great forward-moving program of the Advent
message, we are one in heart and mind and
spirit, trusting in the Lord, having confidence
in one another, and cheering one another
on as we travel our heavenly way.
And so, from New Market to Brisbane,
from Caldwell to Caracas, and from Rutland
to Jutland, Adventist youth move forward,
tru"ting in the Lord, depending on Him for
guidance, praying that He will direct their
paths toward the heavenly land, sharing their
faith as they move onward for God.
is enough coal in Great Britain, as
far as is known, to last for 200 years at the
present rate of production. However, certain
types of this fuel will be exhausted long before then.
IT took five farm families in 1853 to raise
enough food for one city family. Now, 100
years later, the picture is just reversed. One
farm family is able to produce enough food
for five city families.
= WINDS blow so hard through Pali Pass in
the Koolau Range north of Honolulu,
Hawaii, that a person who attempted suicide
by leaping from a height of hundreds of feet
descended as though he had a parachute and
sustained only a broken ankle.
• LIKENESSES of the Egyptian god Anubis
found guarding ancient tombs is believed to
have been sculptured from real dogs. This
race of black dogs with delicate limbs, sharp
muzzle, and pointed ears has long been extinct, says the National Geographic Society.
▪ FLIES seem to' like red better than any
other color. Experiments conducted by Australian scientists show that with several colors
to choose from, flies prefer the red. They
also found that dusty blue, medium gray,
yellow, and green are held in high preference
by these insects.
• A ISO-YEAR-OLD map of London made to
be pasted inside the case of a watch is now
a part of the map and chart collection of
Yale University. It is called a "watch paper
map." This circular map, printed on silk,
shows the London of 1802 and was used as
a guide in finding one's way about the city.
1.1. THERE is very little unemployment in
West Germany. Figures for October, 1952,
show that only 6.2 per cent of the total labor
force was then unemployed. It is possible
that if the present economic expansion continues, the West German economy may be
faced with a serious labor shortage in the
near future.
▪ ONE of the world's largest man-made lakes
is likely to appear in Africa's Gold Coast a
few years from now. The British Government
has approved a hydroelectric project that
will cost over $400 million and will require
20 years to complete. The muddy, meandering Volta River will be dammed, and the
water will back up into a 2,000-square-mile
While Helping Yourself
Veheateet 70etav
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Travelers want something to read to ease away the hours
when confined to the train or bus, and they have money
to spend. Wherever you discover people with leisure time
and extra money, you will find plenty of magazine customers. An S.D.A. magazine is good company on any trip.
In the large crowds around shopping centers or theaters
there are many people with money to spend who are
looking for something interesting to take home and enjoy
at their leisure. This always is a fruitful field for magazine
Now you can have a waterproof carrying case plus
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The sale of the magazines will bring you more than
enough to pay for the kit, and the carrying case is yours
for long and helpful service.
the people where they are, find
the people at home if you can, but for
reaching with the third angel's message the
hundreds of thousands who are on the go
all day, our magazines offer the best possible approach.
Students have won souls and earned
scholarships during spare time while attending school.
Your publishing department secretary will show you how LIFE
AND HEALTH representatives make a good living, how students
earn scholarships, and how part-time workers earn extra money
in their spare time. Make arrangements with him for territory.
Yes, you can Share Your Faith.
Only a brief canvass is needed to sell LIFE AND
HEALTH and other of our attractive magazines. We
furnish canvasses and other selling helps.
The major portion of the circulation of LIFE AND
HEALTH is made up of subscriptions sold by colporteurs. An attractive picture prospectus is available for
this work for only $2.00. Colporteurs receive the usual
50 per cent commission on these regular subscription
prices: 1 year, $2.75; 2 years, $5.25; 3 years, $7.50;
5 years, $11.75.
1 Carrying Case
Order Pads
Complete Selling Instructions
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To secure your Magazine Soul-winning Kit, prospectus, and other supplies—
FEBRUARY 3, 1953
"As an Adventist youth
my library consisted of
good books recommended
by the Missionary Volunteer Department. Valiant
missionaries, men and
women of faith and vision
became my heroes. Today
the MV Book Clubs continue to offer the best in
.1ssociate Secretary
"To own a good book
is to have a spiritual experience. Missionary Volunteers should avail themselves of everything that
makes for a richer, fuller
life. The finest source I
know of for good reading
is the MV Book Clubs."
Associate Secretary
I Missionary Volunteer Department offers the
finest in youth literature. Good books are good friends. We constantly
should be acquiring new ones while we hold on to
the old. Make your selections frwn the NIV Rook
Clubs for 1953."
—E. %V. I)UNBAR. Secret
issionory Volunteer Depot-
HERE is no feeling nicer than the feeling
that people like you. At first sight much of the world judges importance by appearance. But when nature is making geniuses she has a
trick of paying more attention to the contents than to the container.
Ideal merchants and ideal folks are those who display their wares
attractively and have a substantial, dependable reserve of stock. They
have pleasing manners and engaging ways; but deeper than the surface
they have developed ability, integrity, and character, because they know
that something more than handsome looks and physical prowess is
essential to fill their lives with rich accomplishment.
"We begin life with many different endowments, but a sound mind
is the most important of them all. The best preparation for living is
the training of that mind to know and love and think. The greatest
danger to successful living is an empty mind, which, like an unoccupied
room, is open for base spirits to enter. Fill the mind with useful information and love for the right, and, as surely as day follows night, wellcontrolled habits of thinking can easily be developed."
—J. D. SNIDER in "I Love Books"
Hook Clubs
Regular Price for Set, $13.75
Special Club Price,
By Oliver and Fredonia Jacques
Price, $3.00
A different kind of book on missions
telling of a mission family's experience
from two angles—that of a missionary
preacher and that of a missionary wife
and mother.
By Eric B. Hare
Price, $3.00
This volume inspires every reader with
the feeling that happiness is the chief
reward of faithfulness to God and His
Price, $1.50
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The enthusiasm of the author for the,
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Explains the wonders of the heavens
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and His wonderful handiwork.
By Leona Glidden Running
Price, $2.50
This lively account of two American
girls and their happy adventures in
the storied lands of Europe will engage
the attention of all.
Regular Price for Set, $13.00
Special Club Price,
•»3 )>) Ea-CCC
By Clara Judson
Price, $3.50
Here is a human and appealing story
of the sandy-haired young surveyor,
the commander in chief, the president
—one who loved his home and his
acres as dearly as he loved his country.
Regular Price for Set, $11.00
Special Club Price,
Price, $2.50
By A. W. Spalding
A handful of stories, a cluster for each
finger, taken from the Bible, mission
lands, and everyday life that will delight the little folk at home or at Sabbath school
By Mrs. H. B. Noland
Price, $2.75
By Elsie Lewis Rawson
Price, $2.50
These are Bible stories that give us a
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and they all happened at night.
A unique travelogue of India in which
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through the eyes of an anna coin.
By Gwendolen L. Hayden Price, $1.75
Thrilling encounters with bears and
wolves, floods and storms—incidents
full of suspense flash across the pages
of this volume.
By G. W. Barrington
Price, $2.50
A realistic story of an African antelope
—the interesting and exciting things
that happened to him and how he finally became the king of the herd.
By Jessie Wilmore Murton
Price, $2.00
By Mrs. 0. A. Skau
An instructive story of an appealing;
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Price, $2.00
Wonderfully illustrated, this book of
children's poems tells about God, everyday life, and nature's four seasons.
Price, $2.50
By John Oldrin
A story of a tiny fawn left without a
mother, his life with the domestic animals on a farm, and how he finally
went back to the independent world of
the forest deer.
Price, $2.00
By Mary Alice Jones
In entertaining story form this book
explains why the Bible is called God's
Book and tells how it came to be written.
111. WM
Church Missionary Secretary or
Book & Bible House.
Please send me the 0 SENIOR ❑ JUNIOR ❑ PRIMARY
books at special Club Price. (If single copies are desired, list
on separate sheet of paper.) Total Enclosed $
Add Postage, and Sales Tax (where necessary)
MED 4=1 =IP •=11, =EN
Postage-10c First Book, Sc each additional book.
Prices 10%
Higher in
I Canada
HRISTIAN COLLEGES amply justify their
place in the great educational program of the land,
with the Bible in the very heart of the institutions,
taught by men with equal standing and rank in scholar-.
ship as in other fields of intellectual inquiry, and in a
climate conducive to spiritual culture.
President Emeritus, Jamestown College
Gregor, From Mon kmeyer
Attend 1111 Adventist College
Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, Massachusetts
Canadian Union College, College Heights, Alberta, Canada
College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda, California
Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs, Michigan
La Sierra College, Arlington, California
Oakwood College, Huntsville, Alabama
Oshawa Missionary College, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Pacific Union College, Angwin, California
S.D.A. Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C.
Southern Missionary College, Collegedale, Tennessee
Southwestern Junior College, Keene, Texas
Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska
Walla Walla College, College Place, Washington
Washington Missionary College, Washington, D.C.