St. Boniface Church 9th November 2014 Remembrance Sunday

St. Boniface Church
9th November 2014
Remembrance Sunday
Today at St. Boniface
10.45am Remembrance
Our Remembrance service this
morning is led by Revd Tim
Hayward and Revd Mike Rogers
will preach.
A special welcome this morning
to members of the Royal British
Legion and Beavers, Cubs,
Brownies, Scouts and Guides
and other organisations
In our prayers
We pray for all who are ill
especially Harry Woodward,
Daniel Jones, Kath Collinge and
Hilda Elsworth and all who are
mourning a loved one.
A night of forties
Thank you to all
who have asked
for tickets. We
have now sold out.
If you have not paid for your
tickets please do so as soon as
possible so we can check if we
have any tickets to reallocate.
Tree of Lights
Please see the Link magazine for
details of how you can sponsor a
light on our tree this Christmas to
commemorate a family event or a
person. The tree will be dedicated
at Evensong 6pm 14th
Sponsoring the Floodlights
If you would like to sponsor the
floodlights to mark a special
occasion or in someone’s memory
please sign the list at the back of
church. Donations to Jill Robey or
David Cox please, minimum £15.
Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox Collection
Please see leaflets in the church
and school. Please bring your
boxes by 12th November
YCs Panto
Jack and the Beanstalk
20th-22nd November
At the Village Hall
Tickets now available at Burrows,
Tillys and the Church.
Adults £6,
children/concessions £4
Special Services coming up
Sun 7th Dec
Sun 14th Dec
Sun 14th Dec
Sun 21st Dec
4pm St. Jude’s
5pm St. Boniface
Nativity Service
4pm St. Jude’s &
Calveley joint
Carol Service
6.30pm St.
Boniface Carols
Details of all services can be found
in the Link
Monday prayers every Monday at
St. Boniface 9.30am. All welcome.
The Women at the Well House
group meets every Monday in
term time 1.30 to 3.00pm at
Gables Cottage, School Lane. All
women welcome. Contact Debbie
260707 or Joy 260032
Young Christians (YCs) ages1016 meet on Monday evenings in
term time. Contact Wendy Slack
for details 260657
Toasties meeting
every week for young
people aged 11-18 in
term time Contact
our youth worker
07852 162239
Friday Coffee
Coffee and Cake Every Friday,
from 10.30am until 12.00pm at
Tilly's, for those of “ripening
years”. Coffee £1. If you need or
can help with transport please
contact Amber Middlemiss
Christmas Choir Practices
with Martin Cook,
Saturday 29th November, 6th and
13th December, 10.30am-12
St. Boniface.
The Carol Service is Sunday 21st
December at 6.30pm
Everyone is welcome in the choir,
no previous experience is needed.
Bunbury Neighbourhood
Plan there will be a public
meeting on 24th November.
Next PCC Wed 19th November
Choir Practice Tues 4th Nov
7.30pm with Martin (not 5th Nov)
Notices to [email protected]
Our Vicar Tim’s contact details
Email:[email protected]
Phone:01829 261511
Services this week
Wed 12th November
10.00am Holy Communion
Sun 15th November
Holy Communion
10.30am Family Worship
Visit the St. Boniface website